by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Today is October 16, 2021. It looks like there has been a step-up in the intensity of the alleged globalist takeover. The way the human brain is wired, we quickly respond to a new trend by thinking it is inevitable. Thus, if a school announces that it is going to, say, increase music training by teaching every child to play piano up to a concert level, some parents might object. Various critics may ridicule the plan. But once the gig had been running for a while, everyone would sit back and say “Well, there it is now; this school trains every kid to be a concert pianist.”
You get my drift. The new word out in late 2021 is that the globalists are going to train us all to be something that we have never been before. Not concert pianists, but a type of robot or a member of the Internet of Things, or a creature so different from the human we have always known that it is hard to picture.
Shall we all jump on this as the new reality and say “Ho Hum, what an amazing change”? I think we will do that because, as I said, the brain is wired to do that. Our brains are not always wired to be sensible or reasonable. Many of the things we do are knee-jerk. Generally that’s good, as we should not be burdened with having to examine thoroughly our every activity. The knee jerk things get us through most of the day.
Yet there are things for which we have a response that, though normally useful, can be, in new circumstances, really stupid. So what do people do? Historically, folks blunder around, maybe even make a fatal blunder for their society (though not for the whole species, at least not to date!). They follow the Siren call, so to speak, and end up in an unfortunate state.
Yet that does not always happen. Sometimes, after much re-considering and debating, people find a way that is not the knee-jerk way, to deal with an issue.
We are, after all, an intelligent species. Famously, we are THE intelligent species. It’s at these times when the knee-jerk response is inappropriate, that we do our most glorious stuff. We “make history;” we “cut a new path.” We uplift all future generation by damping down that innate response. We overcome the stupidity of the new proposal.
All I am arguing here is: Don’t believe that “the coming change” of humans into robots is a fait accomplis. When you look around and see police using batons to club citizens who disobey the plan (or just club citizens for the fun of it), you’re very likely to agree that “the coming change” is indeed inevitable and is already happening. You resign yourself to it.
Don’t be so stupid.
The Tent
Owing to the very real threat of a takeover by those who would make us into robots, I am designing my own protest. I have built a little tent. In the tent l’ll keep the many “weapons” that I believe can be used to turn this thing around. Everyone is welcome to come visit the tent and copy anything in it that you like.
The contents of the tent — are they innovative? Is this like the great moment in history when somebody invented the wheel? Umm, I’m afraid not. The contents of the tent are “old hat.” My plan is to salvage old things, old ways, old behaviors, old ideas about what it means to be human. To be human is to not be a robot. To be human is to be human — which is quite a nice thing!
If you are old and educated, you might as well save yourself a trip to the tent, as you already have the contents somewhere in your home, or at least in your mind. But those who are not yet old may be pleasantly surprised to find that there are historic achievements that we needn’t look down on, and shouldn’t try to toss out. Good stuff, to be saved forever.
This article is Part 1 of a series. Subsequent parts will each lay out a human “good.” To begin, Part 2 is about “higher learning.” Another way to describe this one would be to say that members of our species have a trait for problem solving. Some individuals feel so driven to solve a vexing problem that they will analyze it to death and, with any luck, will hit upon the solution. There are also plenty of people who love higher leaning “for its own sake,” not for solving problems.
Part 3 — of the collection of things in the Tent — will be about biological culture, the cultural institution we create, thanks to our evolved traits. Gift-giving, courtship, warmaking, traveling, what have you. Fact is, century after century humans do the same thing.
Part 4 — the human search for Truth. This is not the same as the search for information: why does the tide come in and go out? who put the chlorophyl into every blade of grass? why do we do knee-jerk things? No, Truth has mainly to do with social relationships.
Part 5 — hope. Eutopian hope. (Note: the numerical order may deviate from the plan shown here.) Some later part will deal with religion and music. Hey, can you imagine human life without music?
Is This Over-conservative?
I’m aware that it’s not for me to proclaim that humans mustn’t move into something new. Who nominated me the decider of what should remain in the human repertoire? Nobody. I’m just offering the tent as a counterpoint to the blind assumption that when some genius comes along with a plan that will take away our humanity, it can be accepted without challenge.
I surmise that we are happy with what we’ve got as humans because we evolved to have that sort of satisfaction. It’s unlikely you lie awake at night wishing you were part of the Internet of Things — you don’t have the neuronal nodes that would jack up such an emotion.
Granted, it’s conceivable that we could do better with our basic apparatus. Heck, maybe we’d find it marvelous to live on Venus. But before we insert some instruments into our cranium to make us desire to live on Venus, or before we take pills that will have that effect, I think we should study it. We should give “a move to Venus” the old one-two of a cost/benefit analysis.
They Can’t Win!
Derek Knauss –
October 14, 2021
“Evil contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction”
Hopefully doing the “spiritual homework” will have some effect because there are a lot of people just praying, well, I made my latest sign, very popular with the village censors, I have to put it around again and again, feel free to cut and paste onto an A4 and just centre-justify and make the font sizes appropriately:
There you go, it stands out quite well just on A4.
I like the “legally immune” twist at the end.
You are correct XX
Even if the globalists did win they would find themselves living in a world they no longer wish to live in.
Either way they lose.
Yes,usurer parasites need a host to bleed dry.
Can you imagine human life without comedy?
Movie Dan Andrews the stairman
It’s hard to believe Dee didn’t make that film.
And by the way, in the event of life without comedy I’d take the euthanasia option anytime.
the internet of things…
On 1 October 2021, the Hon. Stuart Robert MP, Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business released the exposure draft of the Trusted Digital Identity Bill and related legislative instruments for public consultation.
Honourable, Trusted???
short video – not saying no is saying yes?
The Digital Identity minister asks us to send our opinion. I am going to send a half-cup of vomit.
Oh wait. No, I’m not.
I was at United States Post Office today, to send some books to Adelaide. I asked the clerk to hand me the sticker for international mail.
He said “Which country?”
I said “Australia.”
He said “We can’t send anything to Australia.”
Not joking.
I spoke to the Polish cafe owners. They say Poland has stopped all air post from Poland to the land down under. It took six months for a parcel to arrive;.
What is the reason for no mail going to Australia? I’ve read about it in earlier threads too. Please help me understand.
Or maybe, what’s the point of it?
W3 posted this a while back:
So I took a further look and found this:
possibly not an ideal situation
but a good deal better than what’s unfolded in Victoria
and here it is, all out there…
Microsoft Corporation of course… thank you.
MM wrote “Our brains are not always wired to be sensible or reasonable.”
At the most I am wondering whether Melbournian brains are wired at all.
I put in a submission — voicing my opinion to the trusted digital identity bill. Thanks for the link Fair D
could you email me a copy of what you wrote in your word document please Dee? Im at a loss, cant think straight.
Mary, re no post to Aus.. normally i would say something like “UNBELIEVABLE!” – sadly these days, seems nothing is…
Now I hear it affects New Zealand also, Fair.
“Our countersign is – Force and Make-believe”
Alice in Anti-Semitic Land – The Forward
Yet Goldschmidt’s wit pales next to “Lewis Carroll’s ‘Through the Looking Glass’ Decoded” and “‘Alice in Wonderland’: The Secret Language of Lewis Carroll Revealed.” These …
Read more: https://fo rward.com/culture/217470/alice-in-anti-semitic-land/
Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
Our countersign is – Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.
That is very helpful, Criss Cross. Thank you. All the predictions in the 1903 protocols have come true. Except the one that says “We will take over the world all on one day, using the guns of US, China, and Japan.
Hard to think of Japan coordinating anything with China, but then if some one Group is the absolute top boss, all others must obey. You seem sure that the boss is “Jews”. I take it Julius thinks so, too. His research into Russia tells him that a band of Jews did the Bolshevik “revolution.” Well, a “band of Jews” isn’t the same as “Jews.”
Or do you think it is? Please comment on that precise question, if you care to.
Other contenders for the Top Boss Spot are the British royalty and the Vatican.
All equally conspicuous and all well known to the theoreticians, not exactly in keeping with the idea of the hidden hand. The eye on the pyramid famously on US Federal Reserve Note is them laughing at us, a bit of hubris there, from 1913. And the huge pyramid on top of the Australian Parliament House, put there by “man of the people” Bob Hawke. All the royal medals and brooches, with their flattened out pyramid logos, Maltese crosses and so forth. Even SBS TV lately is saturated with docos about the pyramids. How appropriate for the inheritors of the mighty Egyptian Empire which just imploded and -poof- disappeared. Now reconstituted as globalists, infiltrators of Euro royal houses, shadowy banksters using jews everywhere as a front, controllers of the Vatican ( licensers of the jews to run banking ), rivals and also partners with the British / Scandinavian Empire. Proclaimed by the great Sean Hross who got a doctorate from the University of Crime, right there in Swissyland.
How many sheeple will follow up on this, maximum 2% probably. That means it just sloshes around with all the other theories, all undermining each other, while the official narrative is broadcast continuously from every rooftop, easily taking 51% with it.
“Well, a “band of Jews” isn’t the same as “Jews.”” Precisely – just look at the impeccable integrity and journalism of people like Gerard Menuhin or Ron Unz. [But apparently there were no good Germans.]
But the topic is just too big for a single comment. Each to our journey of discovery and disclosure at our own pace.
The short answer
• Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly [] 80-85 %
A longer one …
(reposted from the Occidental Observer as linked at the end of the article)
Speaking of Ron Unz – longer still
• The American Pravda Series – The Unz Review
One thing I like about jews is they blabber a lot given the chance, they are also very focussed with sensitive bullshit detectors. They seem to typically have a few virtues of some interest to me. I don’t know how they were all swindled into being injected in Israel. The Indians were smarter.
So, what is a jew, is it someone from a tribe of Esau ( a place of goats and stunted trees, in the desert ) ? Is it a person from the land of Gog or somewhere nearby, southern Russia, between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, where the Armenians survivors are ? Or is it as an old Italian guy told me the other day, someone originally from up the Nile in Ethiopia. Or is it just some European claiming ancestry, even 1%, or a convert to the religion. Or, was “Jew” a name given to any stateless &/or homeless person, a travelling tradesman or any type of exotic low-budget traveller. Exactly what is meant by “jew”. I think I know what a Zionist is, it is some type of rich European with connections to Switzerland, and also a bunch of fanatical nationalists in Israel.
The biblical jews may have well come, as my old Italian source told me, from up the Nile somewhere around Ethiopia. More recently perhaps they had connections to their historic homeland and modern Judea area, via the Queen of Sheba ( mother of Nebuchadnezzar ? ), whose territory included Ethiopia and Yemen (?). Cuneiform writing was in use all over the place 5000 years ago. This history is very old. “Jews are from Esau” is not a convincing idea to me, but I would agree there would be a lot of stateless people originally from the area. Looking at all the oil in Arabia now, one can imagine it was heavily forested, jungle in fact, for a very long time, probably everything got burned fairly recently during some ice-age.
Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. GENTILE masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding-place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery.
The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces – are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.
The people have raised a howl about the necessity of settling the question of Socialism by way of an international agreement. DIVISION INTO FRACTIONAL PARTIES HAS GIVEN THEM INTO OUR HANDS, FOR, IN ORDER TO CARRY ON A CONTESTED STRUGGLE ONE MUST HAVE MONEY, AND THE MONEY IS ALL IN OUR HANDS.
You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a manoeuvre of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail – the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.
We count upon attracting all nations to the task of erecting the new fundamental structure, the project for which has been drawn up by us. This is why, before everything, it is indispensable for us to arm ourselves and to store up in ourselves that absolutely reckless audacity and irresistible might of the spirit which in the person of our active workers will break down all hindrances on our way.
And Rotschild is supposed to have said “Give me control of the money and I care not who is PM etc” or words to that effect. Are they really so boastful that they would out themselves like this or is this just another obfuscation, I suspect the latter. Substitute Elders of Zion for Swissy and you end up with much the same thing. Mr Global likes fulfilling the ancient prophesies (some of which he probably wrote), so if there is a defining battle planned at Armageddon he wouldn’t care about the collateral damage.
We are supposed to believe this entire boastful protocols was leaked as a package ?
So, who then is saying it was actually Swissy, with his bloodline back to the pharaohs ?
Only Sean Hross as far as I know, a single relative newcomer. But all the signs point toward Swissy. Is Swissy embodied in the Rotschilds ? I think not. I think they are used as all the other fronts. Swissy doesn’t even have a name.
From MKpedia:
Currently, there are 7,383 state legislators in the United States.
That’s coming up to 2%, only another 49% to go for a theoretical majority.
Meanwhile they will be grabbing all the funding they can get for their next election campaign.
Paul Craig Roberts
Institute for Political Economy
England Is a a wholly owned subsidiary of Zionism (and so is the US)
and Australia!
OK. Now we are talking Zionism which is a bit more understandable (to me) than “jews.” In the unz link you gave us, I found a comment about Oz that led to this statement by Bob Carr (NSW premier, 1995-2005)
Zion (currently Israel) seems to be the gateway to Africa, from where the resources of Africa are plundered (diamonds, organs, whatever). A lot of fresh printed US Federal Reserve Notes must go out that way. A branch office, or if you prefer, a “node”. Competition is not required, or you get the Beirut treatment. CCP competition via one-belt-road incursions into the Horn of Africa also not required on a state level (hegemony) basis. On the company level, anyone will do anything for the right price.
International Zionism and Satanism Are Indistinguishable
Posted on November 7, 2018 by Zara Ali
An “active allegiance to Satan” is the political ideology of the United States, Saudi Arabia, and indeed Israel, specifically when it comes to dealing with important issues in the Middle East. The Jamal Khashoggi debacle again makes this very clear. The recent war in Yemen is another example.
By Jonas E. Alexis
There are essentially three Zionist powerhouses in the world: Israel, the United States, and Saudi Arabia. Those powerhouses want to rule much of the world with an iron fist. They have been meddling in covert activities and diabolical espionage for more than sixty years, and the Jamal Khashoggi murder is a recent manifestation of clandestine enterprises through the decades.
https://upro otedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2018/11/07/international-zionism-and-satanism-are-indistinguishable/
Take It From the Rabbi’s Mouth
October 08, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon
“The overwhelming majority of American Rabbis regard Zionism not only as fully consistent with Judaism but as a logical expression and implementation of it.””
Document released on November 20, 1942 signed by 818 American Rabbis
The following article was published on this site in May 2013. In recent weeks we have witnessed some anti Zionist rabbinical Jews outraged by the attempt to equate Judaism and Zionism. I plan to write on the topic extensively, however, a brief look at this 1942 rabbinical affirmation of Zionism is rather revealing:
http://www.gil ad.co.uk/writings/2017/10/8/take-it-from-the-rabbis-mouth
I would rather look at old maps and the technology of the era, than pore over long boring treatises so I see the assorted empires of the north and empires of the south clashing in this way: the south (Mediterranean) born-to-rule crowd, the north usurpers. Not only did the northerners come up with boats they could invade the Black Sea via the rivers of western Russia (by hauling overland), they came up with the cheap, effective poleaxe, which uses much less steel than a sword and and comes in right over a sword. They also had yew bows which defeated the horns+tendon bows of the south, which didn’t work in cold weather. This must have infuriated Swissy and led to the infiltrations and unifications of Germany, 1st attempt Charlemagne, 2nd attempt Bismark, 3rd attempt (at expansion) the Nazi party, 4th attempt post-ww2 reunification, presumably brokered by Swissy in Geneva. Swissy seems to have an abiding race-hate, Jews first for undermining his sun-god thing, Germanic hordes for trashing the empires of the south. France ( no favourite for killing the Teutonic knights ) is infiltrated now by Macron, servant of Rotschilds. Swissy specialises in infiltration which may be why there are various “types” of jews.
Back to north Europe, the Germanics were not all to blame for trashing southern empires, the Scandinavians were hiding behind. These are a different crowd, different appearance and united by the same language, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are virtually all dialects of each other. The Danish ruled part of England since long before 1066 via Svein Forkbeard etc. Norse is the main parent language of English. Latin based languages infiltrated through the church and France. Before all that they had Anglo-Celtic dialects, which are still residual. So LONDON was always the centre of a rival empire as Swissy was consolidating and infiltrating via credit systems and bloodlines. But now they are all so entangled, I would say London is the junior partner and Swissy (hiding in the Eurozone) is well in the ascendancy.
People who say the Queen is not allowed to ride her bike from Westminster to the Tower of London ( without asking permission from the City of London ) have me scratching my head. Does this idea have references I can look at ?
Caitlin Johnstone
People like to say “the Vatican controls Switzerland” but people like to say anything which is repeated to them often enough. People like to say Rotschild controls the entire Swiss / Global banking system presumably including Swiss Army, but all this is way older than Rotschilds, who appeared 200 or 300 years ago as part of the jews-only banking rules courtesy the Vatican. In fact go back further and you will find Charlemagne was appointed by the Vatican, that’s presumably why his short-lived empire was called the “Holy Roman” Empire, actually centred on Germany. King of the Franks, King of the Lombards 774AD. Who funded this expansion ? It must have been Swissy, but the whole thing failed. Swissy cooled his heels for 1000 years before trying again.
From a simple view, Swiss are not one single culture, it is a land divided into three distinct regions. French speaking west, Italian south, German north east. Swissy’s allegiance to that nation is relative as Frydenberg’s loyalty to Oz, which today is zero. Cards dealt to players long ago, catapult into 21st.Century being 911, they are krown kabal komunists enforcing satanism globally, simultaneously with bsl4 franchises in every nation possessed by central banksters. “It’s not diversity, it’s replacement”, is what’s visible on the streetscape of ‘former western cities’, as all races are blended into a melting pot of multi cultural international non identity! At 63, the master race witnessed in my time, are those saying they are only victims.
How can this be and how has it come to pass over all people? Now that they control mass media, government, education, churches, corporations, legal system and military industrial.
“Faith isn’t the danger, but power, of any kind, in anyone’s hands.” Satanic Freemasons cause severe problems and murder millions with no mercy, as they’ve done with impunity, past two decades.
Ant56, I appreciate your comment. You keep mentioning the biosecurity labs. Let’s say the one in Oz — who is in charge? I mean what part of the Oz government controls it or lets a foreigner control it? I hope you write for magazines other than Gumshoe, as we already understand bioweapons and most likely the average Australian is completely unaware.
There must be some workers in CSIRO who do not approve.
As for “replacement” by Chinese, that is a function of demography if nothing else. One and a half billion people in China — that’s 1500 million! FIFTY times our pop of 30 million. Correct me if my math is wrong.
Swiss people are infiltrated by “Swissy” to the point where they barely have a claim on their country at all, but they are still useful. Switzerland is perfect with its interface to major European countries. Rumours of a submarine tunnel from Lake Geneva to the Atlantic are very interesting. It’s all happening in Switzerland. Even the King of Siam chooses to reside just an hour’s drive away.
Adelaide Freedom Rally speeches Part 1
Driving here and there in the last few days, I said to my wife – “Have you noticed all the renewed activity at those 5G towers”? They seem to be adding more and more layers of gadgets all of a sudden
• Approved Patent No. US 11,107,588 B2, USA – Pfizer’s Patent For Tracking Vaccinated Humans Worldwide Via Microwave And Graphene Oxide Held In Fatty Tissues Of The Vaccinated People With COVID-19 Vaccines…! #1.513 (PDF)
Quelle horreur, tedious geeks put the CCP in a needle
“I surmise that we are happy with what we’ve got as humans because we evolved to have that sort of satisfaction.”
Evolved from what exactly?
The attraction to evolutionist doctrine goes to the idea that, as time goes on physical existence is getting better not worse
Such an obvious lie and the ultimate tool of personal enslavement
In order to get a grip on the situation this needs to be the dominant focus 24/7
Anti-Australian MSM goes into takedown mode, here’s Clive Palmer
More from Dr Peter McCullough
• Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs Untested Novel Therapies
Venezuelan minister “dies of Covid” ( second assassination is by media ).
This is the price of fighting for independence from Reserve Banking Hegemony (in this case USD)