Introduction by DM
Even Australia’s SBS recognize the dystopian nature of the new “Act”
“What is the misinformation bill and why has it triggered worries about freedom of speech? This week, one politician compared the government’s proposed misinformation laws to those imposed by the totalitarian government in George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984.”
The bill is attempting to tackle misinformation online and from across the political spectrum claim it will infringe on freedom of speech. Of course it will. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has said the bill — which passed the House of Representatives on Thursday — is necessary for keeping Australians safe. Seriously? She said “This bill will increase the transparency and accountability of the actions of digital platforms … while balancing the freedom of expression that is at the very core of our democracy.”
Canberra suffers from cognitive dissonance, illusions, and that this confims they are puppets to some foreign corporate and global entities — trying to hid the crimes and agendas of those ABOVE them.
I would guess, Gumshoe News is 100% a misinformation platform — so be prepared to lose the opportunity to vent TRUTHFUL IDEAS and FACTS on this humble platform. I remember the days when I thought I’d try earn some income from advertising revenue (to pay for hosting, domains etc.)– and then Google sent me a warning “Remove the top 25 articles to remain eligible to earn revenue from advertising.” But the top 25 articles reflected the truths and facts presented in the next 2,000 articles.
I await the door knock.
The “House of Misinformation” does not represent the house of the people.
To continue with SBS: “In an article published by Rowland in September, the minister said the surge of “harmful misinformation and disinformation is a significant issue for governments and society worldwide”. Yes, of course, the living-saving Ivermectin is a horse medicine! And Yes… all vaccines and experimental vaccines are safe — even if the global statistics deem them very unsafe. Even JD Vance, on Rogan, describes how he jab injured — but that will surely deem the Vice President elect’s experience disinformation. I have lost count of the YouTubes I have posted that have been pulled down.
But to another point. In the news over the last few days is Albo’s attempt to keep children safe on the internet. But I have, as many others have, reported and pleaded with all arms of government to rescue children from rape and from being held ‘hostage’ in homes where they are sexually abuse. Almost every politician or government authority is completely disinterested. So much for keeping children safe!
Coalition Response (on RUMBLE)
SKY NEWS — Misinformation Bill is Bonkers
Don’t worry, nothing ever gets parliamentary approval unless it’s a cultural fait accompli; it’s all about democratic rule:
pretty fast moving but yeah, if I’m knocking on your door Dee, i’m looking too give you an extra big hug, cause its true and I went to Brown
Awesome simon
While various people were dealing with all the political insanity, I was working in the garden. My Baby Hubbard squash didn’t germinate in the raised garden, so I just planted some in the greenhouse. Hopefully, they will have become ripe before the entire planet goes hungry, insane or dies from the ‘jab’.
So Trump is the prez, great, it is now a new paradigm to deal with, which unfortunately, will include all the previous corrupt and incompetent dross of humanity (they’re still out there folks) that will do everything in their power to prevent any change in the status quo.
I’ll let you guys know how the Baby Hubbards compare to the Red Kuri squash. It just may become valuable information in your future, provided you care about a future.
Protect yourself, …….
Potential movement
Our politicians are roast pelicans and they do not have the brains to realise that we will be feasting over Christmas with stuffed pelicans. (Apols to our beautiful natural quaint pelicans)
Perhaps Ms Rowland MP should note the stuffing as the election of Trump cooks our meal.
Senators, just get with some real information that cannot be refuted and Trump will be serving you lot out (about 22/11 INTERNATIONAL CARPETING) and the public will carve you up for the feast.
Just listen to the real Mary at WTPN SITUATION ULDATE FOR 10th November at:
ABLE-LESS, YOU ARE BEING COOKED and the Mockingbird mass media will be our desert with GREEN TEAL DUCK pate’.
(Hadley; smart move!💁🤪)
Talking about household naysayers,
since mid-eighties wages have doubled or tripled for some lucky ones, yet houses in Sydney have gone up 2000% + interest. Even cars have gone up six times compared to then, proving “free trade” with shutdown of local industry, in not so lucky country these days.
When I was young Oz had biggest middle class on earth, these days it doesn’t exist.
wat kinda fuckery is this, a report on a couple of bails in the needed scheme. nothing and an omen ^, and intent to cause incoming “issues” ^ per Terry
“Understanding Future Shock And After Shock – The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances”
‘You live in a bubble’: Gabor Maté answers question from Israeli audience member
“Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.
The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid.
We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.
The sinister scheme in question, called “Managed Retreat”, has been exposed by independent researcher Kate Mason on her excellent Substack blog aimed at “deconstructing 4IR narratives”.
Matt Canavan came on the crooked ABC-TV and when asked about why the economy was going to hell in a hand basket said “How about government doesn’t spend $300 billion on Covid”, the host quickly shut him up, the next speaker then started talking about total corruption, too many Globalists and the DeepState being believed by 60% of US voters. Uh-oh, back to safe ground, Malcolm Trumble and Anasty Palaxcvjhk, babbling he usual bullshit, Trump bad me good etc.
Is Malcolm suffering dementia, he is woffling meaningless rubbish. Crooked ABC-TV host encourages him saying Trump is causing inflation. MT is in a quagmire now, how will he woffle himself out of this, the word is “mumblefukmumblefuk” and the whole conversation fizzles out.
I could have a better conversation with some random down the street than this lot, nobbled by their bogus agendas, what an embarrassment for Australia.
Some guy came on and mentioned that JD Vance said the USA would not have a military alliance with any country that did not respect free speech. This sends a chill through the ABC-TV fake news Q+A room. What, our crooked ALP cannot ban free speech !!! Come on you retards, it’s time to reposition. All your rubbish is well past use-by.
A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control
glitch in the matrix around 6 minutes
from 50 minutes gives clarity and joins the dots—important
New Clif High report. Things are about to get REAL!
Those looking for meaning in prophecy provided by astrology, 2000 year old ME scrolls, tea leaves or even Uncle Clif may want to give consideration to Hopi Indians. Then again, it may have all been laid out in the ’70s with Jackson Browne’ s satirical “Lawyers in Love”. One thing the Hopi, Clif and JB have in common is the arrival of Space Aliens to set us on a better path for the future . Can’t wait for their arrival/appearance.
Cool video. I hope that the ‘visitors’ appreciate the ‘Hopi Blue Corn’ I have growing on my property.
During my field study trip in 1996 I travelled to Oraibi with Sam Minner a Hopi educator, who was training a tour Guide, I was to be the “guinea pig” tourist.
From Dwellers at the Source
“The Hopi people occupy three long mesas and surrounding lands in the north eastern part of what the white man chooses to call the State of Arizona.
The Hopi trace their origins back to the time when the dwellers of the underworld emerged through an opening located somewhere near the head of Grand Canyon where the Little Colorado joins the Colorado river. At the time of the emergence the grass grew tall and thick across the wide plains. Rain came often and nourished abundant crops of squash, beans, maize and melons and wild game flourished everywhere.
The name Hopi meant “people of peace”.
They were given two commandments-
one : remember the Great Spirit and look to him as the Supreme executive of this land and the Governor of this life,
and two: do not destroy life , but rather encourage it.
Thus the Hopi, lived in uncommon harmony with universe of love, beauty and abundance… until the navaho and the white man began to encroach upon their lands