by G5
The Manchurian Candidate Coup, with the allied Fifth Column (including Deep State actors) and Fourth Estate, have until 7 January 2021 to cease and retreat.
At which time: a ten-day lockdown will be enforced with a communications blackout; apart from official emergency broadcasts.
Martial Law to be instituted and The Insurrection Act to be invoked. Congress will be adjourned until further Executive Order. State Executives, Legislatures, and Courts will not function. Under Emergency Orders, all Local and State Powers will reside in The Federal Executive.
The US will be swept through. Para-militaries will be engaged, illegals will be removed, rogue government actors will be charged.
Fort Lauderdale, to be the staging area for movements to holding camps in Honduras and Cuba.
Military Tribunals to act swiftly as required. Rules of Evidence and other niceties will not be entertained. One sentence to be administered.
Russian Naval and Military presence is standing in Cuba, and off the Middle East. Russian Military stand in Eastern Europe, off Scandinavia, and the borders with China. The UK Military to move into the EU Zone, should there be a reaction. NATO will stand down or be struck by Russia. India in the first instance will strike at China, should there be a reaction. China and NATO will freeze. Israeli and Russian Intel is standing in America.
China made a major tactical error and sent buffoons in to conduct its bidding.
All was planned before the fraud concerning 3 November 2020, was predictably played out. All Intels are well aware. Only dispensable fools and the fully informed were not advised.
Let’s hope that this is not required
And you thought Orange was playing golf each day, MSM had him on the run with their incisive questions and rigorous opinion pieces, the Manchurian Candidate was president-elect, and The Jamaican was going to occupy the position to which HRC was entitled.
Thank you from one of my Extremely reliable and honest truth and facts sources Gary A. Flynn
Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit – COURT INTIMIDATED
THIS ARTICLE WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCKED AND FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. IT HAS BEEN UNLOCKED AT THE PERSONAL REQUEST OF STEVE QUAYLE — From a source deep inside the US Supreme Court as they discussed the pending Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania et. al. . . .
‘Hal, as you know I am a clerk for one of the Justices on SCOTUS. Today was like nothing we have ever seen. The justices are arguing loudly behind closed doors.
The Justices met in a closed and sealed room, as is standard.
Usually it is very calm, however today we could hear screaming all the way down the hall.
They met in person, because they didn’t trust telephonic meeting as secure.
Chief Justice Roberts was screaming….’ “Are you going to be responsible for the rioting if we hear this case?”
“Don’t tell me about Bush v. Gore, we weren’t dealing with riots then”
“You are forgetting what your role here is Neil, and I don’t want to hear from the two junior justices anymore. I will tell you how you will vote.”
From a friend: Curtis.
My response: When A Chief Justice caves to the mafia protection racket tactics of communist our constitutional freedom is gone ,we need to let them know that they haven’t seen patriots fighting for their children’s freedom yet.
Roberts is compromised, and weak. Our foundation fathers risked being disemboweled, and drawn, and quartered wile alive to bring us freedom. This man is not fit to serve ! That is A cowards response. He is unfit for office.
This will require military tribunals. Our courts have become dysfunctional !
Wonder if the discussion was disturbed by a blackbird flying through and dropping some mail
Wonder if the discussion was disturbed by a lost blackbird flying through from a Island and dropped its mail.
One things for sure, we won’t hear much about the take-down from MSM
There’s your litmus test right there …
So we are going to have a ‘coup’ by the White Hats (the good guys) on a global scale and they are going to overlook Coup 101 Bullet Point #1 – “Seize all means communications to announce and explain yourselves.”
No, the ‘MSM’ is simply going to continue to exist untouched and silent so that YOU don’t find out … How sneaky of them.
W3 It appears to be so. tTme is passing by quickly!
G5 says : ‘The Manchurian Candidate Coup / Fourth Estate / Deep State actors [aka the Zio-cabal] have until Jan 7 to desist’.
My predicted outcome : The Zio-cabal will not be desisting from it’s chicanery. Trump will do nothing in response, and another Zio sock puppet will be sworn in as POTUS 2 weeks later – ensuring continuity of back-to-back tenures of sock puppets in the White House.
G5 says : ‘NATO will stand down or be struck by Russia. India in the first instance will strike at China’.
My predicted outcome : NATO may or may not stand down (or up, or sideways), but Russia will do no striking in response to any provocation.
Because Russia knows that any antics from NATO will be merely bluff and bluster. NATO is well aware that Russia would decimate it in an estimated 60 hours (that’s no typo – the Russians would wipe the floor with NATO in less than 3 days in a land offensive) :
As for India striking China, we’ve already had negligible border skirmishes in recent times between these two countries and a few more insignificant ones may transpire in the coming months.
Nothing of consequence will eventuate.
Yes people, I and many others were under the impression Trump had been playing golf these last 6 weeks – because he indeed was.
And he’ll be playing quite a few more rounds between now and the inauguration.
I want the Trump / Q-cultists to make careful note of what I’ve said here (I certainly haven’t been sitting on the fence with my projections), and let’s see if I’m closer to the money or the illustrious G5 is.
You don’t seem to understand golf is the place for secret incognito meetings
Trump’s Last Chance to Snub the Deep State
Video: Biden’s Pyrrhic Election Victory
I don’t have a crystal ball, but I would really like to think Putin is backing Trump in the name of world peace. If what G5 has messaged today is not likely to happen he has stuck his head out a long way.
The top comment story is very interesting as well.
Mal, both G5 and I have stuck our heads up a long way and one of us may well get it chopped off.
Alternatively, the guillotine might only achieve varying degrees of partial severance and we may both live to fight another day.
A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson…
“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,”…
“By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only communism can resolve the problems of the masses.”
You must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark. With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons that can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil rights or any hope of freedom. And upon these people can be practiced shock and surgery so that never again will they draw a sane breath.
You must dominate as respected men in the fields of psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities.”
Source: Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria (chief architect of the Katyn massacre) in Introductory Address (circa 1936) in
• Jewish Communist Brainwashing Techniques – Alex Drobychev
Speculation: Maybe they have lost their grip on China (?)
W3 That is a treasure trove but will they act on it and on what grounds?
“They met in person, because they didn’t trust telephonic meeting as secure.” – LOL, I wonder if just one of them had a smart phone on them?
After all the surveillance I was subjected to, I went full paranoid and decided to never get a smart phone. Some people have mocked me for that decision, well, here is a video everyone should view.
A little synopsis.
Money printing led to the tech-wreck in 2000, much as now, we have a tech boom with logistics like Amazon and cutting edge new tech like Tesla & Google leading the boom.
Since mobile internet became available to the public, the government and cops realised the world had to change or they would lose control of everything. Anyone who has followed the bat-flu hoax in Gumshoe and elsewhere will understand the bat-flu is 100% easily curable and therefore being used as a cover for 1) total surveillance state and 2) socialist financial reset.
It appears that only in the US and Sweden the constitution protects individual freedoms to an extent where people have to be treated like adults. The bat-flu hoax had to be originated in China the get the momentum going in a system which could be tightly controlled with everything orchestrated to the plan. The system appears to me to be run by a broad consensus, not by any particular central command. As always, technology is the driver of change, politicians and media are the dancing puppets put there to distract the masses.
Bankers and ruling classes try to gouge money and power as always.
The consensus of the ruling powers is that we go under a total surveillance state official start date around April 1 2020 and the first 5 year plan to be competed 2025 (W.E.F. supplied date). The sheeple have already demonstrated they don’t want freedom, freedom is not compatible with “safety” (a DuPont product backed by legislation), sheeple want universal basic income, and lots of types of insurance.
So, China does not own Dominion. The rigged US election was organised by US companies.
“………..A so-called computer “glitch” in the voting machines flipping votes during the 2020 US Elections has caused a major controversy. The source and ownership of the voting machines used in the elections has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers, whether foreign or domestic, might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system.
However, GreatGameIndia has found that the vendors and not hackers maybe behind the rigging. One of the vendors, a Denver-based Canadian Crown Agent company Dominion Voting Systems has a long history of allegation of election rigging and interference in elections of various nations, including census data theft in India and interference in US Elections of 2020.
Witnesses have come forward to say that Dominion products were connected to the Internet during the Nov. 3 election, raising concerns about security”.
China has its issues, but it has proven a rich source of deflection material for others (who must not be named).
So when were we going to see a stop to this vile behaviour and compensation given to the people of Syria?
US keeps plundering Syrian oil, to deprive and punish the Syrian people
All men are equal but some are more equal than others.
Why is America Exceptional?
“………..America is an exceptional nation, but not because of what it has achieved or accomplished. America is exceptional because, unlike any other nation, it is dedicated to the principles of human liberty, grounded on the truths that all men are created equal and endowed with equal rights. These permanent truths are “applicable to all men and all times,” as Abraham Lincoln once said……..”
For some facts on the plundering of Syrian Oil, or any other news item, Press TV out of Iran is infinitely more reliable than the western MSM.
Meanwhile, as long as the Zio-cabal dictates U.S foreign policy, the only ‘compensation’ Syria is likely to see is another Israeli airstrike or Beirut Nuke equivalent.
This sounds all a bit “trust the Plan” 2018 to get my hopes up much.
Don’t forget who is still president and who is lame duck “projected president elect”, mumbling from the fake office of president elect while Kamala has not stepped down from her senate seat, maybe waiting for Jan 20th !!!
CIA director arrest – joe’s ankle bracelet – etc
A global experiment/survey has been conducted worldwide. Placing wallets (full and empty) on sidewalks in all nations. Guess who came last on the honesty list?
Lol 🤡
oh I see I have been moderated for “Lol’ and a clown face.
‘Idiots’……moderate that.
I cheated, I did a search and found the article. So, China was at the bottom, I didn’t expect that. Interesting that Mexico was against the trend, more people reported wallets WITH money than without.
China’s Economy of Peace
December 14, 2020
by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog
……….China, about a decade ago, has deliberately embarked on an Economy of Peace. A strategy that China pursues, unimpressed by constant aggression from the west, which are mostly led by the United States. Is it perhaps this Chinese steadfast, non-aggressive way of constant forward-creation and embracing more and more allies on her way – that has made China such a success story? Overcoming violence by non-violence is engrained in 5000 years of Chinese history…………….
This also from that same article above from Peter Koenig :
“Many country leaders from Africa and the Global South in general express openly their contentment and satisfaction to have China as a partner and for dealing with China on the basis of equals. With the west, especially the US, there is bullying and coercion, unequal contracts, and often total disrespect for legally signed contracts”.
That paragraph above says it all and is the reason countries are pleading to join the BRI.
Koenig was formerly a senior entity in the World Bank, which he departed because he was disgusted with their methods.
I’ve read more than a few articles from this bloke and what he has to say carries a lot of gravitas.
William Barr is standing down next week
here you are Vigilantes for truth.
Sit on the fence with this fellow and work it out.
Ned – you will never lose any points for sincerity.
One comment on one of the embedded GEOPOLITICS UPDATE videos
I always check out what else is on a channel …
Very disappointing, I expected a holograph Pope dancing with one of TV’s satanic mates.
Ned, I never heard of this Benjamin Full-of-Himself bloke.
The more reliable news sources never mention him which would suggest he’s less than reliable.
I strongly suggest you read Criss X’s article from his 11.01am post titled China’s Economy of Peace.
You won’t ready anything better this week than that.
The opening was enough….. 5,000 years of no violence.
Ever heard of the millions murdered in the cultural revoluion for a start.
You have any idea about the current Sky news report of 2 million infiltrators into West politcal world and Western corporations. Go have a beer with James.
Thieves are thieves ……..
Do not forget so many Chinese families in Australia being spied upon by CCP ‘aunties’. Just ask chinese families in Mosman.
Ned, I’m well aware of the CIA-scripted fantasy propaganda that Sky News is bludgeoning the ignorant masses with.
I watch it occasionally when in need of a good belly laugh.
I particularly like watching the China demonising while eating my Chinese takeaway meal.
Meanwhile Ned, Christmas approaches so let’s put those petty squabbles of ours aside and spare a moment of contemplation to absorb the real essence of the holiday season as relayed to us from the first Lady and the POTUS.
Rather than tune in to the insincere and monotonous platitudes espoused by Her Maj in her Christmas Message, let’s listen to the touching and thoughtful Yuletide speech from Melanoma and Donald Chump :
It left me all teary eyed, the thought that this selfless and caring couple will be departing from the W.H in five weeks time – never to be seen again (other than at Hanukkah celebrations and Bar Mitzvahs and such).
Go down to Terry at 12.37 and enjoy Nat.
Now who runs China?
If you followed that Fulford fellow for a few years, you may have a idea.
Now who designed our futureb political slavery in about 1848?
Do not get too used to the present contents of your Chinese dinner.
Strange, he has not given up and gone fishing.
Something that has been noted elsewhere……….Princess Kamala has not resigned from Congress yet. Now that Biden has been ‘chosen’, then we await her resignation. Yea right!!!
It seems odd that Mr Rothschild give Mr Fulford all of that information.
The US Treasury was reportedly breached by foreign backed hackers
“Reuters is reporting this evening:
“A sophisticated hacking group backed by a foreign government stole information from the U.S. Treasury Department and a U.S. agency responsible for deciding policy around the internet and telecommunications, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Did anyone get past “Reuters is reporting” … ?
Last night I shared a video by Jeff J Brown so this is also topical
Explosive exposé blows the cover off Huawei Meng Wanzhou’s 2018 sting operation in Vancouver, Canada
JS thanks for further enlightening me on that matter.
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) describes itself: “an independent non-partisan think tank that produces expert and timely advice for Australia’s strategic and defence leaders.” their analysts provide “expert advice on a broad range of Defence, Cyber and National Security issues”. Affiliated with ICPC (International Cyber Policy Centre) which “aims to inform & influence policy debates in the Indo-Pacific through original, rigorous & data-driven research”.
Article: 24 Nov 2020 by Elise Thomas, researcher at ASPI’s ICPC.
All this talk about US election interference is a “tide of disinformation”, a highly international “conspiracy information ecosystem”. Australians are lapping it up and this will likely affect our 2022 elections. “Conspiracy theories are corrosive” so we must stop this by speaking out swiftly, strongly and publicly against “purveyors of conspiracy theories and disinformation about elections”.
READ this article and enjoy the IRONY – I assume that’s what it is. Why do I say this?
If there’s no tampering and it’s all dangerous conspiracy theories, WHY these two other ASPI articles, that seem to convey quite the opposite message??
1. ASPI article, 4 Dec, “US election disinformation, China’s soft power and data preservation”. In the second part Michael Shoebridge speaks to Rowan Callick about his recent report for Centre for Independent Studies “The Elite Embrace”, discussing how the Chinese party-state influences key elites in Australia (& around the world) and the ten talking points to look out for in Beijing’s engagement with foreign elites.
2. ASPI article, 28 Oct, “Cyber-enabled foreign interference in elections and referendums” by Sarah O’Connor, Fergus Hanson, Emilia Currey & Tracy Beattie.
Do the writers read their colleagues’ articles? If you enjoy mixed messages, this website is definitely one for you!
The US has lost another “friend”.
Russia and Pakistan: the Fifth Year of “Friendship”
…………..But times change, and now a gradual rapprochement can be observed between Pakistan and the Russian Federation – and against the backdrop of that, it is slowly moving away from the US. One thing that is of no small importance is that both Russia and the IRP feel the pressure from the growing threat of international terrorism, and that particularly concerns Afghanistan. Both countries are at the forefront in combating this phenomenon, but Washington seems to have begun to withdraw from Afghan affairs in recent years, shifting more of its attention to China.
Since 2016, Russia and Pakistan have begun to conduct their annual joint military exercise, which is dubbed “Friendship”. The Russian side is represented by military service personnel from its Southern Military District. The exercise has taken on anti-terrorism overtones, and they take turns holding it in both countries: “Friendship” was first held in the IRP; in 2017 it took place in the Russian republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, and Friendship-2018 was held in Pakistan again. The Friendship-2019 exercise took place in October 2019 in the Russian area of Kuban, and will be remembered for how the new Russian Mi-8AMTSh transport and assault helicopter, known as the Terminator, was used during it………….
CDC Applied For Secret Coronavirus Patent In 2003
The American CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) applied for Coronavirus patent after the February 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, to control “100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.”
The information was revealed by Dr. David E. Martin, a national intelligence analyst, founder of IQ100 Index and developer of “Linguistic Genomics” with a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.
Dr. David E. Martin claims that after the February 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “saw the possibility of a goldstrike.”
“They saw that a virus they knew could be easily manipulated was something that was very valuable,” Martin said. “In 2003, they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection, and all of the measurement of it.”
Read more of this post
The US blamed China for the disease – now the US holds the patent???
Some Jews Involved in the Great Covid Reset
Mark Suzman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Chief Executive Officer
…………….Soon after accepting the appointment to CEO, Suzman released a letter, “Reflections to Guide our Next 20 Years.” His statement is full of globalist and radical left phrasing, such as “the world’s willingness to cross borders, [including] those that run between nations,” “dismantle the harmful gender norms,” “reaching out to enemies to build a new culture, one centered on equality for all,” “the massive challenges of climate change and gender inequality” and “the equality of human beings.” Throughout Suzman praises violent Communist revolutionary Nelson Mandela, and repeats the Communist propaganda about apartheid South Africa where Suzman was born and raised.
We will return to this letter and its references to Suzman’s activist great aunt.
A Washington Post article announced that “Gates … did have an early window into the spread of the virus,” although Suzman noted that “‘We got an early heads-up about [it]” ? ostensibly because of the Gates Foundation’s presence in China, which Suzman worked to establish. Most likely it was because Suzman was a central part of advance planning to position the Gates Foundation for the spread of the pandemic to the West.
The article also mentions Gates’ infamous “prediction” in a TED talk (38 M views in 43 languages): “His knowledge of infectious diseases led him to the conclusion in 2015 that a pathogen-based pandemic could sweep over the globe, killing indiscriminately and destroying economies. ‘If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war,’ Gates said in his TED Talk, which seems eerily prescient today.”
Eerie, yes……….
After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co. MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained.
This was a very significant finding. The Dominion machines were set up to dispute 68.05 percent of all ballots. These ballots were then sent off to “another location” where people in other locations could change the votes.
Sometimes this bloke is absolutely entertaining as he speaks the truth. I liked this one –
Quite funny commenters such as Jim Crowstein.
You have to say money is the universal language, even self reliant places like Thailand with their own numerical system use 1,2,3 etc on the currency, even the illiterate can understand this international language.
These inventions, money and usury, excite everyone, it’s avarice and gambling in disguise, it’s the global casino if you’re in on it, how could it not succeed?, put another way, how could it fail? Understanding human nature, money and usury COULD NOT FAIL
The former Bank of England director Lord Stamp:
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them with the power to create credit, and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it all back again. Take this power away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine would disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then continue to let bankers control money and control credit.”
How Opium Greed Is Keeping US Troops in Afghanistan | Brainwash Update
w3, you may wish to make an offer –
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That’s funny I’ve got one available for you too
You here, sorry about a Berry riddle.
Try uncle Karl.
And who canvassed communism?
Where is communism practiced?
Now the biggy, who supports communism.
Even bigger, where/WHAT do the ‘ inventors’ of communism want to control next?
To accomplish their control, what country stands in their way?
Australia? Yea right we are a remaining bastion.
Oh, of course, Mr Biden will be our saviour!
Give me a break TV, try and realise what is stake for our kids.
Do you think we can rely on you and James to put it all together…… or is that what you want?
Ned, I responded to your comment above a couple of hours ago (a lengthy response), but it disappeared into the ether.
Here goes a second attempt – which I’ll post in several parts.
Firstly, my castigation of Trump does not imply approval of Biden.
Why would I ? After all, they’re both from the SAME party.. ie: the Prostration-to-Zionism-Perpetual-War party.
Yes, there are different factions within that party.
One faction is the Extreme Socialist Big Government Recklessly Profligate faction.
And then on the other side is Biden’s faction (which is essentially the same except that it’ll throw more billions down a rat hole on non-viable Green energy initiatives like Wind Turbines to chop up more endangered species of birds).
Yes Ned, I agree that we must realise what is at stake for our kids and future generations.
That’s why I go out of my way to enlighten people to the reality.
The reality being that the Zio-cabal (aka Usury Banking Cartel) control the entirety of the western financial system and are using the dumbed down goyim of Anglo-Zionist empire to expend blood and treasure in pursuit of wars for Israel.
This is NOT in dispute by any objective observer.
Unfortunately there is NO other way to bring peace and prosperity to the world other than to bring down the United States.
The so-called patriots in the U.S military (who’ve supposedly sworn to defend the constitution), are too cowardly to stage a coup and bring the whole rotten house of cards down.
End of Part 1.
Part 2.
To answer your other questions, Communism was first canvassed / practised in Russia by Bolshevik Jewry.
Later on it was adopted by Chairman Mao – with disastrous consequences.
Because of that first hand experience and cataclysm, BOTH China and Russia have ABANDONED socialism (especially so in the case of the former) and in those countries we have the closest thing to Free Market Capitalism in the world.
The Chinese are communist in WORD only – a remnant of an earlier era.
Yes they have social crediting and other authoritarian aspects like internet censorship so still much room for improvement but don’t kid yourself Ned.
Look carefully at what’s going on around you, at stuff being removed from Facebook, You Tube videos being taken down, leading journalists (Assange) and whistleblowers (Manning and Snowden) either exiled or in gaol.
That is the PRESENT state of affairs in the supposedly ‘free’ west and it’s demonstrably getting worse.
All I can say is that China, relative to where it was 50 years ago under Mao, has made colossal strides in the direction of capitalism while the west has gone backwards.
This is NOT in dispute – as evidenced by far LOWER income tax rates in China and Russia and a far LOWER regulatory burden that enables small businesses to establish themselves and thus climb the first rung on the ladder with the potential to become very successful.
The EXACT OPPOSITE exists in the west where small businesses are being swamped by regulatory burden, high taxes, having businesses arbitrarily shut down because they are deemed unessential during the Covid hoax – all the while the big box retailers are running full steam ahead.
This is by design.
What is happening in the western world is SOCIALISM BY STEALTH and the U.S is leading the way.
So Ned, of you care about putting an end to Communism, join with me, join with James O’Neill and lets cut the head off this sinister hydra – otherwise known as the Anglo-Zionist Empire.
Yes Ned, we are part of this axis of evil – to the extent that we are compliant mask wearers and accept these government dictates.
But, throw in some non violent civil disobedience, throw in extreme pressure on our politicians (like James O’Neill suggests) ,to abandon our alliance with the murderous and depraved US / UK and the Five Eyes alliance will fall apart at the seams.
Kick out ALL US bases, throw them out of Pine Gap.
That’s not to imply that the Chinese will fill the vacuum.
NO, we will run our own race thereafter and conduct an independent trade and foreign policy, one that’s Puts Australia First.
Part 3.
To address your last question : ‘Which countries stand in ‘their’ way ?’.
‘They’ of course being the Zio-cabal – for which there is irrefutable evidence is behind all the major malfeasance in the world today.(JFK demise, USS LIberty incident, 9/11, London 7/7 bombing to name just a few).
Some small countries wouldn’t toe the line and prostrate themselves to the ZWO (Zionist World Order) – let’s call a spade a spade because it is THEIR world order so let’s dispense with the euphemisms.
Among these small countries that were independent were Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Nth Korea.
The former two have been destroyed, The latter ones have been either sanctioned into impoverishment or destroyed through a US/Zio engineered war whereby CIA / Mossad trained and equipped ISIS mercenaries were hired to conduct regime change.
Let’s get to those three countries that are the LAST Impediment to Zionist global domination.
They are of course China / Russia / Iran – what I like to call the Axis of Benevolence ( because they are the last hope for planet Earth).
Now, we know this is so because these are the three most demonised countries constantly being smeared by the Zio-cabal owned western media.
Have the courtesy to admit that Ned.
We should do everything in our power to establish good trade and diplomatic relations with said countries because, if we fail, we’re doomed, OUR KIDS ARE DOOMED and future generations thereafter.
C’mon Ned, if for no other reason, do it for the kids.
This is their only hope – a world freed from Zionist Usury.
Abandon your illusions that the U.S can save the world.
The U.S during JFK’s tenure was certainly a country to look up to. It was a genuine role model to follow, an administration one could trust.
That USA is no more. That USA was part of a dream, a dream that evaporated on the 22nd of Nov 1963.
All we have now is a corrupt and malevolent corporation, a subsidiary of N.M. Rothschild, none other than the Great Satan itself (the U.S) – allied with the devil’s disciple (the Apartheid Israeli State).
Join me Ned on the path of righteousness, and let’s throw our support behind the Axis of Benevolence.
Give it a break with your self righteous presumptions in regard to what I know and believe.
Could not be bothered reading all your uninformed ignorant judgement.
Go find a high mountain and present your judgements to the native goats up there with your sermon of arrogance, ignorance and judgement.
Ned, if you are going to build a golden calf can i have the leftovers?
Dear Oh Dear, the Berry twin edged ‘riddle disease’ is becoming a plague.
But ok for a giggle…….whatever?
DONE DEAL, If you provide the gold, you are welcome to all the gold that is left over.
Ned, your response above is a cop out.
Referencing my statements about low taxes in China, minimal regulatory burden, incentives and encouragement of small business to succeed (and the exact opposite in western countries), you’e claiming these are ‘ignorant judgements’ , and thus by implication to be false ?
Show me the proof that ANY one of them is not so.
These truths are proof that Capitalism thrives in China and that a Socialist Dystopia dawns on the west.
We’ve seen reams of evidence , courtesy of Fish, Criss X, Arlyn, Fair Dinkum and others here on Gumshoe that the U.S is the greatest perpetrator of death and despair the world has ever seen – that it’s foreign policy and financial system is OWNED lock, stock and barrel by the Zio-lobby.
If all these things are true, and they most assuredly are, then the inference to be drawn is OBVIOUS.
Yet, according to you, I am the ‘uninformed’ one.
I take that as a badge of honour Ned.
For, rather than being ‘informed’ by the likes of CIA mouthpieces like Zio-Dave, Ben Fulford etc, I would much rather know nothing at all.
“If you don’t read newspapers, you’re uninformed.
If you do read them, you’re MISINFORMED…….
….Mark Twain.”
Ned (and other readers), I recommend that you focus more attention on those media outlets that have infinitely greater integrity than the western MSM (and the dubious alt-right / alt-left sources which are spewing out disinformation).
And certainly RT is among the better ones (often interviewing the likes of Australia’s shining light of journalism, John Pilger, who is shunned by the media here in Oz).
Ned, this video featuring the daughter of murdered Iranian General Soleimani will enlighten you greatly.
In the video she says (referencing Trump’s lack of a conscience – slightly paraphrased) : ‘How can they watch the starving Yemeni children and not feel something – unlike her father who fought on their behalf.’
Yes, that’s the same Soleimani that arguably, contributed more than any other single individual to the destruction of ISIS – the same man who Trump treacherously ordered assassinated.
This was perhaps the single most shameful act of Trump’s during his squandered four year tenure, amongst the countless shameful acts that Trump presided over.
Enjoy ….
Iranian General Soleimani, judged by any metric of decency, was a great man. He fought against the oppression of the Imperialist tyrants, he sided with the the poor, the impoverished.
That anyone could side with that criminal who ordered his execution is beyond me.
I really question some people’s moral compass – or lack thereof.
T.V. Thanks for posting that video. The name Arab means ambush or to lurk and lie in wait.
Ben Klassen: A Short History of the Jews – Masters of Deceit
Fake News –
“Communist People’s Republic of China Financially Captured Collateral Of America’s Dominion Voting Systems, Machines And Security Software Application Holdings” –
The information source of origination came well-documented from the U.S. federal government as mentioned by the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ), and elsewhere, including:
The proprietary Original Equipment Manufacturer ( OEM ) DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ) financial collateral owner ( in CANADA ) was HSBC interalia interalia the HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION of CHINA that was ‘officially assigned eighteen ( 18 ) different Patents’ listed within one ( 1 ) Patent Assignment’ on September 25, 2019 that belonged to DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ).
The ‘Security Agreement’ pertaining to all Intellectual Property Rights pursuant to those 18 Patents listed in ‘Schedule A’ was signed by, Michael McGee, Authorized Signor on behalf of DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ).
HSBC Bank International in Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 8NR …
HSBC Bank International Address: PO Box 26 City: Jersey County: Channel Islands, UK Postal Code: JE4 8NR Telephone: 01534 616000 Fax: n/a Website URL: n/a Facebook: n/a Twitter: n/a Categories: Banks Services: n/a: Products: n/a: Brands: n/a: Coordinates: 49.766820, -7.557149 Accepted Payment: n/a. PO Box 26, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 8NR 01534 616000. Map. Other Businesses in Jersey: Rubber …
(Rothschilds) Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890
Exception of Channel Islands and Other Possessions
The provisions of this Act with respect to Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not apply to the Channel Islands.
It shall be lawful for the Queen in Council by Order to declare, with respect to any British possession which has not a representative legislature, that the jurisdiction conferred by this Act on Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not be vested in any court of such possession, or shall be vested only to the partial or limited extent specified in the Order.
Banks in the Channel Islands
They would be nothing without the armies and navies to back them
The Occult Symbolism of the Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene
The Vatican’s 2020 Nativity scene is a bizarre collection of ugly pieces that include an astronaut and an executioner wearing a horned mask. Furthermore, the entire thing is replete with occult symbolism. Here’s a look at this puzzling display.
Read more…
Hey Mass media and ABC. Merry Christmas. SSSH do not tell anyone, you might appear to be honest.
CNN Says: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ If People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine
Elderly and frail people are slated to be the first to receive the Pfizer vaccine that was given an emergency-use authorization in the US. In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.” Dr. Kelly Moore cautioned that vaccines don’t work as well on the frail, and elderly people may die shortly after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination, but because these people are at the end of their lives anyway. [Of course, if they die without the vaccine, they will be classified as a death by COVID.] -GEG
In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”
The advisory appeared in an article titled ‘Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma’ in which Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, cautions that vaccines don’t work as well on the frail and elderly compared to healthy people.
“When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report.
“We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.
She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination.
Read full article here…
When the elderly and frail die after receiving the COVID vaccine
What if it’s your mother or father?
by Jon Rappoport
Lou Dobbs Interviews Michael Flynn
…”A true patriot keeps the attention of his fellow citizens awake to their grievances, and will not allow them to rest till the causes of their just complaints are removed.”…
~ Samuel Adams
Two great patriots, Lou Dobbs and Lt. General Michael Flynn, discuss the corrupt deep state and Flynn’s pardon by President Trump. Additionally, Flynn gives his opinion on the current issues with the 2020 election fraud & his firm confidence in the American people.
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