by Dee McLachlan
The protest in Melbourne yesterday was the biggest by far. There is so much footage of the day — from the live feed from Real Rukshan to even a more balanced broadcast from Channel 9’s Mark Santomartino — the reporter I followed last week.
The protest’s focus is on “Kill the Bill” — referencing the controversial pandemic laws currently before the Upper House in Victoria. The Public Health and Wellbeing (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 aims to give the state’s premier the power to declare a pandemic — or the next pandemic. (The agenda keeps rolling out.) But thankfully some speakers did bring in the darker agendas at play, like Claire Woodley who mentioned the victims of satanic abuse — thanking Rachel Vaughan and Fiona Barnett. Channel 9’s broadcast even left part of Claire’s speech in (see below).
For those not in Melbourne, two videos below provide some perspective:
From Aussie Cossack:
Last weekend I witnessed Mark Santomartino being chased away by angry protestors. I follow the crew and landed up having a conversation about Ivermectin.
Yesterday, this is what Santomartino and Channel 9 broadcasted:
Let’s not forget that The [non-]Virus ™ was just the vehicle to implement full zio-fascist bolshevik control …
This article popped up
• Biden’s Communist Treasury Nominee Says The Federal Reserve Should Control All U.S. Bank Accounts
just as I was reading these …
• A History of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind – New Expanded Edition And Now On Kindle
That article reviews and promotes the book by Stephen Goodson.
I also came across the following this morning
• The Tyranny of The Federal Reserve – Brian O’Brien [PDF]
and this
• Europe In The Year 2000 By Joseph Goebbels
“zio-fascist bolshevik control …” Properly it should be zio-communist bolshevik control. It was Jewish communist Karl Marx who wrote the Communist Manifesto.
not a typo – actually I consider they are one and the same – they just the word ‘fascist’ as a pejorative for anyone who opposes them but they fit their own warped definition of ‘fascism’. But yes, we should always look to Oswald Mosley for the true definition.
I cannot believe that most people are only partially awakened. They still will not accept that there was no Covid-19 virus nor a pandemic. The Australian public is pathetic.
Yeah, I keep tripping over all the dead people everywhere I go. – Crikey, the media has got these morons so hysterical they are unable to see the obvious. It is a mass psychosis where people are delusional and are unable to reason. – I see stupid people…(apologies to the movie ‘Sixth sense’)
So far as I’m concerned when it comes to any event/non-event that’s used to disempower the population, real/fake arguments are just a distractionary waste of time. Bombs do get detonated and viruses do spread; the point is that a genuine occurrence doesn’t make the exploitation thereof any less egregious.
Notwithstanding the fact that “news” is not, and never has been, any more than a glorified form of gossip
Which means that I tend to apply the same tacit “why-are-you-telling-me-this” rule that I always fall back on whenever someone gives me an in-person earful
The north is beginning to awaken.
At Saturday’s Darwin protest by around 4000 people, surrounded by hundreds of police, some on horseback; Larrakeyah woman Sara Quall declared sovereignty for her people and for all Australians, dismissing the criminals in power. She prefaced her speech with an invitation for Greeks to join her at the microphone, which, astonishingly, they did, revealing an Aboriginal/Greek mutual support that few suspected existed.
Her speech is as follows:
My name is Sara Quall. I am of the Larakeyah People, traditional owners of the wider Darwin region.
We were and are a peaceful people.
Of course, we occasionally had personal disputes but if these became violent, we had conflict resolution and avoidance protocols; which many of you have already heard about as Makarata.
Our culture features another unique distinction.
Our indigenous people of Australia enjoyed life without repression, or slavery, or torture, or imprisonment, or invasion, or war.
Why was this?
It is because we regard every human being as the sovereign owner of this land; because the land owns all of us. This is why we had no chiefs, no kings, no emperors.
As we are seeing clearly now for the first time, humanity is in crisis because of the lust for power of a small elite. The insane demand for a New World Order.
The cause of all repression, slavery, torture, imprisonment and war is ELITES. Or to use another word, HIERARCHY.
It does not matter what word you use… leader, dictator, emperor, CEO, these people collect your power for their own, and as that very wise man Lord Acton, pointed out: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This absolute power drives men and women insane, as we can so plainly see with Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, Michael Gunner, Dan and Anastazia Palezshuk.
This is why we, the traditional owners of Australia declare National Sovereignty over this entire land in the name of All Australians equally.
This means that, henceforth, the premiers and chief medical officers are devoid of any power over their fellow Australians.
We demand the immediate dissolution of the ABC and its current staff, and demand that management be placed in the hands of volunteer guiding councils made up of whomever Australians wish to volunteer in this role.
We also demand the immediate breakup of News Corp, and the permanent banning of Rupert Murdoch from this land. We note that the largest ever petition in Australia’s history made an identical demand.
There will be no more executive decision-making in Australia. No more unilateral declarations of war by nasty little sociopaths who never pay the price. All major decisions will be made by national referendum. The process is simple and inexpensive. We Indigenous call these consensus protocols.
In other words, Australia is to be run by national community consensus. Our nation; our determination.
Thank you for listening to a Larakeyah woman.
You better get some big guns.
Thanks again Tony – shared here
Don’t let this happen in Russia| Предупреджение из Австралии – Inessa S
But I’m afraid it is … Edward Slavsquat
We are all Australian Aboriginals/Palestinians now and it is only going to get worse
A More Aggressive Israel Lobby Is Coming in 2022
Philip Giraldi – Unz Report
My 2 cents(copper)
.- People regard them as curios and like to keep a few as souvenirs. They also appear on eBay, priced more optimistically. The going rate for a circulated 1¢ or 2¢ coin is $3 while those in mint (uncirculated) condition can be worth up to $15. Rarities, such as a 1966 ”mis-struck” coin, are listed for $95.
Yeah(not bit coin but solid)
Ahh, my Melburnians, solid and priceless.
Thank you for sharing Claire’s speech Dee.
I love that you don’t shy away from the most difficult topics. Something the so-called ‘journalists’ in the main stream media are utterly incapable of.
It’s funny that SRA is considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ despite Scott Morrison’s apology to victims of ‘ritual sexual abuse’ in his sorry speech to parliament in 2018. He’s had strip’s torn off him by the MSM over that speech. There is a reason for that.
The mass awakening, fuelled by the insanity of Despot Dan’s new bill, continues.
This is Claire’s interview with Dale Holmes discussing why she spoke about SRA at the rally yesterday
Thanks my malpa for all of your work –
after a torrid week Childrens court—nightmares –channelling – I reached out to my little bed side radio at 8 am Sunday morning—and was brought back to earth listening to this-
The hidden terror that’s splitting people’s identities
You see I am amongst other things a survivor of torture, child trafficking and scientific mind control experiments- programming” both Tracey Sheldon and Dr Warwick Middleton — they hold an important part of our story–and our research -very timely–
so we keep going–still need to get to expose raise awareness about SRA MKULTRA projects in Australia—Cults—experiments – programming——- maybe all will be revealed in due course — maybe not
Good to see the Aboriginal people speaking up. Up until now the only notice taken of them has been when White man poison (alcohol) had drag them down to where the “elite” and msm wanted them to be. Most of us Westerns had no idea of their tribal laws, ethics and customs and did not want to know because of our brainwashed version of their lives before white settlers arrived.
I find the knowledge opening up to us is interesting. The Aboriginal people are usually seen as a timid people. However this current outrage has awakened their voice which is now being listened to by the larger community because we are all being affected by this holocaust put in action by the same group, Zionists, that created the previous holocausts in Germany, USSR and Ukraine.
We now have a common enemy. We always did have but Westerns were not aware of that situation.
The White population forget that we all originated from the Stone Age. Religion has tried to make us forget that. The main difference between “us” and “them” is the time factor and that other cultures were not isolated from each other. That isolation meant that there was less of a hurry to evolve to improved ways of coping with nature.
All good other than the fact that the “Originating from the Stone Age” mantra is a Wadjela religious invention that centres on a “half-evolved-stuck-in-a-time-warp” doctrine
Are you saying we didn’t originate from a Stone Age, Berry?
And if you think said position is confined to a fringe group of red-neck Bible-bashers you are very wrong:
NB: None of them are saying Darwin was politically motivated,
but you don’t have to look too far to see why a mere theory was adopted as proven fact or how it became the cornerstone of Australia’s assimilation/genocide policies of the early to mid 20th Century
It’s also not hard to figure out that the roll-out of unscientifically sound medications is commensurate to a reliance on, and adherence to, unscientifically sound doctrine
May I add that I support Berry’s contention 100%.
The entire “stone age” and “Cave man” scenarios are intensely politicially motivated brainwashing.
First, every contemporary hunter gatherer will tell you that nobody could possible live in caves. You would starve in weeks. There were no cave men, although many caves were visited for spiritual reasons, but also more often water places and rocks.
Secondly, the term “stone age” implies a vertical evolutionary progression that a moment’s thought would immediately eliminate.
For example, Aboriginal Rom, Malk and Gurrutu constitute the most efficient social systems ever devised, eliminating greed, hegemony, torture, poverty, repression, slavery, and war. This also enabled them to trade successfully and peacefully with Macassans for metals for spear tips and knives, which they did for many centuries.
Yet the “evolutionaryily advanced” West has been scourged by lethal diseases, pestilence, wars, persecutions, torture, imprisonment, slavery, and poverty for most of its existence. Not much of a success story.
The single advance of technology has been used mainy to repress and kill. Civilisation? Bullshit. The real savages are now painfullyapparent.
“… previous holocausts in Germany, USSR and Ukraine.” All of these were masterminded by international jewry. The real holocaust in Germany was the jewish-led allied forces criminal hellstorm fire bombing of all German towns and cities of the heroic German Third Reich National Socialists nation.
Please watch:
Here is a copy I just happened to be sharing privately
(Producer Kyle Hunt, Narrator Sinead McCarthy, and features Thomas Goodrich whose book it is based on.)
Also see Other Losses (James Bacque) and documentary series by Dennis Wise: The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2, The Greatest Story Never Told, and also Communism By The Backdoor and Europa: The Last Battle on separate dedicated tabs.
Sara Quall has confronted the Aboriginal protection corporation Northern Land Council (NLC), demanding it revoke its rule that unvaccinated people are banned from Aboriginal lands. This impoverishes familes, causes starvation of children and old people, loss of homes and vehicles, and collapse of homelands… all in a region in which these are critical infrastructure to maintain health and welfare and family integrity
She has condemned the executives for imposing medical apartheid and, if they do not comply, other documents will be released that expose the NLC to be a traitorous organisation designed to help mining corporations at Aboriginal expense.
There will be revelations that will anger every Australian. Having read this, I can confirm the document’s veracity.
After that, documents proving financial mismanagement will be distribured and it is rumoured that these involve criminality.
Her rationale, if I understand this correctly, is to force the NLC to side with the people and human rights, a circumstance which will then portray the NT Government as the enemy of the people.
Tony, Kevin Annett’s book, Unrepentant, shows that the atrocities against Canadian aboriginal people was organized by the timber companies to get their land. (And helped by the churches — catholic and uniited — plus, arrrgh, the university.)
If i recall correctly, he said he church bribed his wife to divorce him. Counterintuitive, eh?
Yep. I was reading Annetts posts fifteen years ago.
When will people wake up, booster up every 6 months.
The plan is toward 2025 with billions, with murdered. By stealth. That is a B.
Have to give it to them, more cunning than a sewer rat with a gold tooth, Stalin, Adolf, Mao,…. They have manipulated the people to do it for themselves with their families in tow. The brilliance is that the victims pay for it.
More brilliant concept, is that the have manipulated ( paid/bribed) our elected officials to be their Prostitutes.
Brilliant, but one has not have to be brilliant to herd sheep.
Even more brilliant is that the globalists will end up with all the wool.
BigPharma is now pushing a new patent medicine pill which is becoming available in a few weeks, this is claimed to have something like 90% efficacy.
I just find it astonishing in the light of this people are being coerced to inject the junk by threat of unemployment, excommunication etc when there is a sanctified pill, this situation can only arise because either i) the public is either totally brainless and far stupider than I would ever have imagined or ii) somehow brainwashed by the relentless Safety™ culture etc and LockStep™ programming or iii) the extent of the qua666inations is vastly exaggerated by the nauseating, lying filth employed in our MainStreamMedia.
Some years ago I picked up a small bag of early Florins, I just checked and they are worth A$11.61 per coin in silver value. There are still some bags of old silver coins out there.
I have a screenplay in mind for a film about aboriginies that might wake a few people up, since all the films are of the fairy tale variety, I would call it “Major Mitchell Opens Up The Country” and have them setting off from Melbourne with cartloads of ammo and just going all over Victoria ambushing aboriginies and blowing them all away. The whole film would be Hollywood style, just total carnage. When the last bullet is shot Major Mitchell goes back to Melbourne and picks up a big wad of fresh printed pound notes, enough to buy a big piece of Royal Estate anywhere ( nowadays called “real estate” ). Since we’re all getting injected by insane maniacs for no good reason it seems like an appropriate time for some reality checks.
On Murdoch, I think the horse has bolted, of course Greg Sheridan should be put in a cage and faeces thrown at him from dawn to dusk but now the cage needs to be enlarged to hold the ABC & SBS as well as the commercial MSM.
Note that even though BigPharma has come up with a pill which effectively makes their injectable junk redundant, I won’t be eating any of these pills either, in fact what I would like is to get off the MediCare™ system altogether. They can have my card back if they stop taking my tax now 2% of total. Every year I get older and statistically more likely to become their client so I am offering a good deal. Everyone should be able to get off MediCare™ and the Rockerfella’s HospitalSystem™ including pharmacists who might want to. I am at the point now where I have lost faith and faith is totally unrecoverable, what little I had will never come back.
Personally I need MY medicare levy money to pay for various health related treatments which I could have more of if I wasn’t funding Rockerfellas stupid HospitalSystem™.
Actually if enough hospital out-patients were prepared to confront administration or in-house staff re the disorganisation and waste that’s the standard fare the system would be a good deal better. In November last year I initiated a 9 month written exchange with WA’s Minister of Health re the gross mismanagement of two critical procedures, an exchange that concluded in an admission that, quote, “things could have been done better”.
So far as I’m concerned the vaccine issue has simply proven how bad things have to get for Mr. & Ms. Av to spit the dummy; a blessing in disguise if ever there was.
As individuals, most people tend to hold back because they don’t want to be classified as “difficult”or “demanding”. So far as I’m concerned being put on the record as the bitch-from-hell is all good
“things could have been done better”.
i can imagine the frustration/anger/ etc – for the amount of personal investment it took just to obtain such a meaningless result.
i feel though the worth of the effort may be realised in ways beyond general discussion
if only everyone did it.. problem solvered. thanks.
ohhh and thanks everyone else too.
Surgeries, if or when they are carried out, are generally speaking pretty good. It’s the wrong use of some medications and the failure to administer others that’s been the bugbear of the system for a very long time.
How does a 17 year-old boy die of tonsillitis ? How does a 40 year-old woman die of an impacted bowel? – cases that were both reported like so in the Albany Advertiser some years ago. It’s not exactly hard to figure out that both deaths were actually caused by pharmaceutical recklessness/negligence.
When my mother was hospitalised with a fractured pelvis a decade ago a nurse called me at 2am to say she’d been inadvertently given the sedation for a man who was twice her weight – “but don’t worry she’s OK”. That’s how they cover themselves; that’s the extent of their accountability.
My own recent experience included, amongst a range of issues, the gross mismanagement of a staph infection – with a G. P. and a hospital medic both pointing the finger at each other. So I can well believe that buck-passing is as good as anyone’s going to get re the effect of the various covid vaccines
Can’t help but wonder what the likes of Danny-boy are thinking/feeling when they survey that wondrous Bourke St. mob
He has lost his marbles by now
No, he is trying to hold on to his marbles, in the grip of his controllers.
Trust he will bear the squeeze for not to long now.
RE trivialising/downplaying severe & alarming vaccine “side effects” (first 27 minutes)
I took a taxi home from the hospital the other day after an “urgently requested” ultrasound for a suspected post-surgery blood-clot that proved negative. The same false alarm was raised by another G. P. 9 months ago. In retrospect both requests were due to the standard inadequacy of G. P. appointments, i. e. lack of consultation & training – but that’s an aside. The big kahuna of the day was the stark contrast between the mad panic I encountered and the reception that had evidently been metered out to the cab driver re ACTUAL clots in the LUNGS.
The first thing he did was apologise for a fairly obvious chest cough to which I responded by making a covid joke. So he proceeded to spill the beans re his reaction to the first jab but in such a casual way he might as well have been talking about the weather or the roadworks. Pretty amazing what most people will accept
100 years ago: “My 4 sons died in the Great War but they did it for the King”
Most va666inated country in the world (Israel) the arguments are starting
Thanks, I had missed this amazing news from Israel.
Nor had I heard about (Capt. Graham Hood)
Everyone in Australia especially cops should watch this and share tiktok videos
( 3x 3 mins ) – new police union starting up in Melbourne, new unions starting here.
Unionised workers get on board, dump your traitorous globalist minion union leaders, they will all need to be LOCKED UP
Israel: a tiny country that was carefully selected as a demonstration model for Mankind’s folly and God’s grace way back when, hence the value of the bible
this planned dictatorship is all based on the dangers of a pandemic, or more accurately, the perception of the dangers of a pandemic, imaginary or otherwise.. its a total failure.
i really admire people that put themselves out there mary dee cetra
if we are their paymasters – why cant we just dismiss them? thanks tony… & darwin lady
im reluctant to share this link because it makes me angry
but a problem shared is a problem halved.. ? ha! gotcha! 🙂
now having done this.. thanks everyone – now i dont give a f00k!
Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid
Ive done a bad thing.
i have mentioned some names of people here to thank.
i shouldnt have, not because they are unworthy of appreciation, but because if i dont mention everyone worthy of thanks, then ,,,, no matter how hard i try to recognise everyone, if i then miss one.. it would be a terrible thing.. not for the omitted… but for me.. id have to kill myself.
overwhelming guilt.
anyway, enough rambling. just want to be clear in my appreciation it extends equally to *all contributors,
best website ever
*not @Julius Skoolafish
*not @Julius Skoolafish <– that was me tryna be funny. of course thanks Fish too 🙂
Yet to come –
Jer. 50:23 “How the hammer of the whole earth is cut in two and broken”. [This is Vulcans hammer, the god of confusion.]
Jer.50:24 “I have laid a trap for you, and you are also captured, O Babylon, and you did not know…….”
Jer.50:27 “Put to the sword all her bulls” [leaders – mighty ones].
Jer. 50:33-34 The Jubilee has passed, the Redeemer now pleads for the sons of Israel and Judah [Jerusalem – let plead for peace and prosperity] and gives turmoil to the inhabitants of Babylon. See Leviticus 25:47
Jer. 50:35 “A sword is on the Chaldeans, states God and on the residents of Babylon and on her head persons of any rank”.
Jer. 50:41 “Behold a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be stirred up from the farthest parts of the earth”.
Jer. 50:43 “The king of Babylon has heard their announcement and his hands [not loins as in Daniel] became feeble, anguish took hold of him”. See Daniel 5:6 & 4:19-27 for the future of Babylon.
Jer. 50:46 “At the sound of the capture of Babylon the earth shall tremble, and a cry is heard among the nations”.
Agenda is to depopulate and make trillions doing it. We are at war with Crown Zionists and CCP.
In Australia, most don’t see with 📺 in houses, demonic entities are in every living room. Tragically, we are misinformed and deliberately misled, the mRNA jabs create spike proteins in the brain heart lungs and reproductive systems. Our leaders are insane demons from hell, all kabal billionaire globalists. This neo-feudal Satanism of corporatcracy, kakistocracy, kleptocracy and plutocracy are technocratic decrees of collectivism, communism and communitarianism now jabbing to trancehumanism, where we will be happy with nothingness, all thoughts and actions terminated.
We are governed by beings not human, WHO are injecting ‘the thing’.
Video: “The PCR-RT is a Process. It Does Not Tell You that You Are Sick”: The Late Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the PCR-RT
Nobel Prize Laureate Kary B. Mullis was the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technique.
Dr. Kary B. Mullis, who passed away on August 7, 2019 at age 74, stated emphatically that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the PCR-RT.
“PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick”.
“The measurement is not accurate”.
Mullis described the PCR-RT as a “technique” rather than “a test”.
It is a useful technique which allows for “rapid amplification of a small stretch of DNA”.
Had Dr. Kary B. Mullis been alive today he would have been an outspoken critic of the Misuse of the PCR-RT by the WHO and national health authorities. The PCR-RT has been used as a so-called “test” to “detect” the spread of the virus as well as “measure” the incidence of SARS-CoV-2.
The PCR-RT designed by Dr. Mullis is a technique. It is not a test
This misuse of the PCR-RT technique has now been formally acknowledged in a January 2021 statement of the WHO.
See: The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis
The chancellor is getting out the yellow stars now, he is doing a lockdown for the unva666inated only, they are going to put on extra cops and cyber-cops for all the fake va666ine e-passes. He wants to get the va666ination rate right up, says it’s too low. Personally I think the problem is with the assassination rate. Maybe instead of putting yellow stars on people we need a global ratings system for lying politicians, Dicktator Dan would probably be at the top, F.J.Biden next, then Gulag Gladys and Angela nee Hitler, to get on the list all they have to do is commit crimes against the public such as va666ine promotion, these would be shown in the bio along with “estimated death count”, after that it can be an internet vote for ranking. Potentially this might eventually increase the assassination rate. Any webpage builders inclined to start “”, be part of the change !!!
What about the coming team of Duttion and Frydenberg one is a nazi and the other is a Jew What a double .I cant wait.
Self-interest Trumps everything, amazing how people have their religions and various oaths they took and it all goes straight out the window if self-interest is in any way threatened or even slightly compromised. If politicians are stuck here with their networks and assets their interests are more aligned than someone like Dicktator Dan who has probably been promised a Lear Jet and a Playboy Mansion in Shenzhen, with spending money. He has that excited greedy look about him that Andrew ROBb used to have.
I went to the rubbish tip where they have a recycling centre out front and you can buy junk furniture, their showroom is to the side of the driveway and everywhere you can stop and drop off your junk for free. I was picking out a suitable rabbit house, unaware I had crossed over an imaginary boundary, the junk superintendant hustled over and told me I couldn’t stand in the furniture area without a safety vest, I told him that was nonsense ( the enterprise is part of the local council so funded by yours truly ie I have a sense of ownership ). He scuttled away to get his Kommandant, a youngish guy carrying a hi-viz vest, he should be trying harder to get a better job, I can’t help much because I’m not a shrink but anyway I told him he was insane, hopefully he could understand the wider context. It took some time for the wider context to dawn on me, that is these Safety™ inductions which form a big part of sub-contract work with globalists and government these days, the workers have to sit through an hour or two of the most boring drivel every time they go to a new site to do their normal job. I really think Safety™ has been an initiative of DuPont Industries (chemicals etc), formerly known for their big contribution to making the ozone hole, and some people say they are one of the illuminati families. DuPont has a big operation in Melbourne, out in the east somewhere I forget exactly. So all these people are being hammered with safety inductions, even paying tenants of the globalist air-con malls are required to go to safety power-yawn sessions several times a year where some boring dolt with a whiteboard tries to keep them awake for an hour. This is what people have been enduring now for at least a decade, to continue their business / employment with globalists and controlled governments.
A related anecdote, I was invited to a super-guru event about 30 years ago, the super-guru was seated on a dais, there were about 30 people in attendance, a geezer who looked like a genie from a bottle came out and started addressing us, suddenly I realised he was doing mass hypnosis on all present, after a few minutes he woke them up and they were all laughing and happy, like they had experienced some religious trance I would guess.
A lot of people talk about MindKontrol and this is a bit exotic probably for many but it’s pretty hard to stick the ConspiracyTheory© label on something as well known as hypnosis. Advertising agencies would know all about this. Unthinking human lemmings can be piloted straight off a cliff. Now with faces glued to screens most of the day it’s apparently easier than ever. Many of these lemmings are fused onto the bullshit. Getting them off requires a serious fracture which will cause trauma.
James O’Keefe prosecuted for not revealing Biden’s pedophelia.
Epstein, Weinstein and friends raped children. James had a stolen diary.
Just ice in sex eye colonies.
Brings into light the question of citizenship, hard to falsely imprison a US citizen on home soil because of the 1st amendment lawyers would be all over it but so easy to lock up an Australian citizen in the UK as we have seen done. For globalist fascists the US is the glittering prize, if they can tear down the constitution, they are another step closer to total world domination by Swiss based (BIS) hegemony and globalised tracking and social score systems. Globalist fascists are using various Chinese outfits, all effectively licensed by the CCP otherwise they would not exist. Globalists can make any commercial deal as we have seen with the Chinese hacking of the internet component of the 2020 election, paid for by UBS ( Swiss Bank ).
[ For full details of the data package intercepts between China and Dominion Voting Machines refer the exhaustive research funded by patriotic citizen Mike Lindell ( “My Pillow Guy” ) probably still on spewtube if not then look on brighteon &/or bitchute ]
It’s great seeing the new media startups with all the real news, I look forward to the lights going out at “The Age” as the coffers run dry, when everyone finally works out they have been SCAMMED. Remember they used to have a rival newspaper in Melbourne, “The Argus”, with the old building up in Elizabeth St near the underground museum station ( station name since bought by commercial interests ). The Argus went under after becoming locally known as “the Red Argus”, went too far left-wing. Looking at the time frames of these globalists, the Argus must have been corrupted, or else why did they not try harder to survive. Everyone stopped buying it. Remember before Channel 9 bought Fairfax ( now under CBS 9 & 10 umbrella ) Gina Reinhart was trying to get a piece of it, they would not let her in, she gave up in the end. Gina was the one who told us we are all worth $2 an hour. Quite true, if all the government taxes, charges, imposts, regulations etc are removed like in Asia we could probably get down to $2 and hour and $2 for a nice al fresco dinner every night as they do in Asia. Relative to globalists we are already there so we won’t notice anything, the new generation already has no chance of buying a house and glued to their phone, just like Asia. The new generations just accept everything as normal. In the 60’s the father ordinarily could pay for a house, car, wife, boat, kids etc on a trade wage with some overtime. Now in China they have the “lie flat” movement of the young generation. Just give up and lay there, being programmed by the phone. Hopefully all the young people will snap out of the urban imprisonment and reclaim their lives once they have all woken up to the fact everything is a giant scam by globalists.
COP26 the climate farce basically gets us used to the idea our corrupt global leadership can get Lear jets around the place while we are all enjoying prison lockdowns. Our lying ABC TV countered political corruption with one of their propaganda – social engineering drama series which I caught a minute or two of the other day. An agitator accused an aboriginie lady politician ( of course ) saying they were all corrupt. She responded by saying “it’s your fault for not getting involved”. The guy was suitably chastised and mad no further comment as he was whipped down. The fact is the corruptions starts at pre-selection level. It continues at election time in many places with advertising and public appearances organised by the politician’s “sponsors”. You can get as involved as you like but you won’t get far unless you can toe the line, look what Gulag Gladys did, she just flipped from moderately liberal to full fascist, all for the sake of her personal and career convenience. Can people not see the power of corruption, threats, bribery, it’s so in-your-face it’s enough to make your eyes water.
COP26 the climate farce for all its business breakfasts, luncheons, feasts and daily tours etc never once mentioned the sun’s cycles, we have been in a cooling cycle since 2016 and some say it will keep cooling. COP26 is not about reality, it is about emi$$ions trading. It is the corporatisation of government figures and consolidating the upper-middle-class over we the serfs. The poor kids understand it’s getting cooler but the brainwashing holds fast. Islands are rising and falling for geological reasons and this too is never mentioned. Are glaciers being given some type of aerial spraying treatment to make them melt, something like dropping carbon powder on them in summer might probably work. None of this stuff ever comes up. The end game is emi$$ions trading, getting farmers off the land in favour of corporations who totally control the supply chain top to bottom. The young generation may ask “what can we do”, the answer is to start by sharing information. Be very careful that whatever initiatives you are taking part of didn’t actually originate with Rockerfellas Foundation, Soros and places like that.
Using your e-pay is surrender. Believing the narrative is surrender. Make deals including living arrangements that don’t involve money. Identify the globalists – they are the chainstores everywhere that you are herded into. For solar cycles look up “ten years of sun” on spewtube. The official news is the biggest lie around, all ownership traced back to the same globalists.
Anyone interested in how globalist banksters collaborate to control the world should be listening to Keiser Report 3x weekly (also on start anywhere for example here:
Here’s one that should appeal to MM (Mary Maxwell)
Br Alexis Bugnolo: Arrest the criminals.
Excellent video links oldavid – shared and can’t add much to that … (except in due course)
And here’s one that will enrage all the “New Age” Spirit Cookers:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò attacks Pope – Vatican and Globalist hidden agendas
There’s no shortage of commenters who are only too willing to show off their bitter and twisted God hating “enlightenments” coming from their “Spirit Guides” in the “New Age Astral Plane”.
150 years ago, before the money lenders and their ‘Masonic tools really got their hooks into the Church establishment, what Vigano is saying was the universal social teaching even officially proclaimed by a succession of popes. The repudiation of Catholic social teaching really began in earnest mid C20 when a sufficient number of “enlightened ones” had been levered into positions of influence and authority.
Those of you who like to rejoice that the Church’s institutions have been effectively “enlightened” should celebrate while you can because it won’t last.
And there’s one for the celebrity worshippers:
Jim Caviezel “The Storm is Upon Us” – The Sound of Freedom (Juan O Savin “Historic Speech by Jim”)
Pope Francis: ‘It’s Time for a Global Reset’
Pope Francis has declared that the elite need to usher in a “global reset” and has warned the the world will not go back to normal following the pandemic.
Vatican is Immune from Child Rape Crimes
November 12, 2021 by Jon Watkins
Human Rights Court Rules Vatican Is ‘Immune’ from Evil Child Rape Crimes
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that the Vatican is immune from evil child sex crimes, meaning victims cannot sue the Church in local courts.
The ruling came after a class-action lawsuit was filed by 24 survivors in the Ghent Court of First Instance against the Holy See and high-ranking officials in the clergy in 2011. The court dismissed the case on Tuesday.
Victims had demanded $11,600 in compensation for each child rape victim because of the Vaticans “policy of silence on the issue of sexual abuse.”
But the Ghent Court warned that it did not have jurisdiction over the Holy See, which later prompted victims to escalate their case to the top European court……………
Good one, Crossy.
For all the galahs that like to surreptitiously pretend that Christianity was usurped and contaminated by Constantine before the Bible was even put together only to be revived 1500 years later and continuously “reinterpreted” ever since, I propose a couple of quotes from G K Chesterton from the 1930’s.
When he officially became a Catholic (he was Anglican) he announced to his friends: “And now I belong to the same Church as Judas the Iscariot”.
Another time he said: “The average bishop would rather be caught in adultery than be reported as having said something considered reactionary by The Guardian”.
There have always been ambitious turds that aspired to prestige and privilege but, until fairly recently, they’ve been pretty much a minority. These days, though, practically anyone can attain prestige and privilege (including “Poope Francis”) by just repudiating Apostolic Christianity in favour of a more “humanised” version.
Yeah well, the two points about Judas Iscariot that no worldly thinker or ersatz christian can afford to go near are that he was put there by God as a means of:
1) ensuring that the church didn’t just become a mere social club:
27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
MATHEW 13: 27 – 30
2) reminding the members that there’s only ONE WAY to overcome the enemy’s plans and it’s definitively counterintuitive:
“God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.”
ACTS 2:24
Jewish Supremacist Gene Simmons Says Unvaccinated Americans Are Evil Enemies
November 13, 2021 renegade 17 Comments
KISS frontman Gene Simmons wants you to know that you’re the enemy if you don’t get injected with the jew jab.
Possibly not an ambassador Fauci & Co. are exactly proud of
Big money is involved, in creating 500 billionaires with big reputations, so everyone must take the shot. Those refusing jabs, the new terrorist second class, unworthy to buy and sell.
When younger, fifty years ago, we questioned authority. Now heads down, most roll up meekly, to get a vaxxx we don’t need, that is a bioweapon patented lucifer race ‘thing’ ID, programmed to kill.
What changes since then? Screens and computers have delivered abominations.
Smartphones and Social Media – A Mass Surveillance Dystopia
one of the sources:
The Crowdsourced Panopticon : Conformity and Control on Social Media
– Jeremy Weissman
I don’t normally watch the sports on TV but I heard them say Brazil Grand Prix so I had to have a quick look, since we have heard people are dying like flies in Brazil with mass graves etc., their President refuses to co-operate with Operation Covid-19™ ( now 2 years out of style ). To my shock and horror the grandstands were packed with screaming fans and not a face-mask in sight. Next they had golf in Florida, another hot-spot of mass death, and everyone there happy and mask-free. What the hell is going on. Is anyone apart from the mentally challenged actually being injected ? ? ?
A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, to get vaccinated.
Interesting to note, Churches have been locked down (only now permitting double shots), as brothels operated 24/7 past eighteen months together with their megastores, trolleys bumper to bumper no limit, with QueeR codes masked up.
No one will enter nwo unless marked, with ‘the thing’.
What day is it – what thread I am on – what blog am I on … ? Here you go oldave …
• Full interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò-full about Planet Lockdown
Thanks, Joulieus.
That interview was published as a series of one question episodes a few weeks ago.
Dicktator Dan’s gallows and MSM presstitutes response:
MSM coverage of Dicktator Dan’s gallows + pious bull$#!% commentary from communo-fascist “Elbow” (ALP leader) and others with very short memories, they have forgotten their man in Melbourne was shooting rubber bullets at innocent unarmed civilians a few weeks ago – disgusting hypocrisy from our Pretend Friend Elbow. The communo-fascist ALP and controlled unions need to be totally destroyed as a package, they have showed clearly now they are agents of globalists who will ultimately sell everything out and turn every ordinary person into a beggar. They will act moderate, caring, charming as the possibly can while they sell the globalist vision to the gullible. “You will own nothing and be happy” as you sit confined in a tiny cubicle like a chicken, swallowing happy pills.
The underclasses will have to rise up against them and find some honest politicians somehow, ones who have not been bought by globalists through Chinese agents.