Fata Morgana illusion
J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
George H.W. Bush’s pronouncement (Sept. 11, 1990) that “the New World Order will happen” has no expiry date and despite the euphoria around Trump there is no sign that the agenda will slow or stop, if people don’t make it happen. In Ukraine we have seen clearly, the country has been virtually destroyed already by the counter-productive endeavours of their leader Zelensky, and nobody seems to have lifted a finger to do anything against him.
How can this be, that all military suitable males have been driven out of the country or sent to die on the front line, and not one of them seems to have made the effort to address the root of the problem, which is the Zelensky administration.
In the USA people may have had slightly more initiative to remove Biden but were persuaded to wait for Trump’s rule of law, all the same they were fully armed according to the constitution, but nobody lifted a finger against Biden’s mass vaccination agenda or any of his other antics right up to the current World War III scenario we are supposedly moving toward.
Various pro-Trump groups such as “Q” followers say that Biden was executed some time around his fake inauguration, and actors have been used since that time, as if Biden, a minor player in world events, had any significance. Somehow Biden jr. apparently continues on his trajectory, getting kickbacks from the situation in Ukraine, where crooked congressmen squeeze the last few drops out of the Military Industrial Complex before the second Trump administration is expected to shut that particular aspect of the game down.
It is said Biden was sworn in ahead of time (12 noon) on an upside down bible and the cannon shots were suited to a military funeral, but none of this acknowledges the insignificance of Biden, and the fact that executing him changes little. Replaced by an actor, constantly tripping over, the dodgy deals of crooked groups of senators and congressmen continue without pause, and even during the lame duck period, new arrangements are being worked through, in a desperate attempt to keep their income streams and little predilections going.
We are all aware in Australia, how politicians who were ostensibly earning less than a million dollars a year, somehow walk away with $50 million after they leave office. The same happened with Tony Blair after he nearly went mad from the pressure of lying about the Iraq “Dodgy Dossier”. The British people knew it was mad but didn’t care. Lying was shown to be much easier by Kamala Harris as most of her intellectual constructions made no sense anyway, and as useless as she was, she will go down in history as the master chef of the “word salad”.
“We’re in a movie”
Throughout the first Trump presidential term we were regaled with symbolism, that Trump was to be the undisputed leader of the world, that he was fawned on by the Saudis, Netanyahu, Xi, Kim Jong, etc. Putin symbolically tossed the soccer ball to Trump, the message we were told was, “the ball is in your court”. Queen Elizabeth II walked behind Trump in an unprecedented breach of protocol, before exiting, leaving a mysterious globe, 3rd DNA strand and occult tree performance in her wake.
Diamond Jubilee Beacon ceremony
It seems safe to say by now, the “Windsors” have sold out to the New World Order, and are now shareholders, perhaps relatively minor shareholders, with Princess Diana having been somehow impregnated by the Rothschilds, perhaps by the Royal Medical Service during some type of examination, ending the rule of the House of Hanover / Saxe-Coburg / Windsor and commencing a new dynasty starting with William. The Elector of Hesse, WIlliam IX, changed his title slightly to become William I. He was, according to reports and rumours, the original mentor of Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
It’s tough at the top
Anyone doubting that the game is played rough and tough at the top should consider the fate of King George V (d. 1936) of whom a ditty was made concerning his doctor:
Dawson of Penn
Killed many men
That’s why we sing
God save the king
It is not for the writer to allege who was supposed to have paid Dawson.
The well known back-story being, German loyalist Edward VIII lost the monarchy to his younger brother George VI, publicly triggered by marrying Mrs. Simpson, then increasingly desperately backed Hitler hoping to regain it.
The murder of His Serene Highness Prince and Lord Louis Mountbatten (d. 1979) was attributed to the Irish Republican Army, however it appears Mountbatten was perfectly comfortable in Northern Ireland up to that point. It is suggested he was involved in some altercation at a Bilderberg meeting earlier. These situations may take many years to develop, but Charles and Diana were married less than two years after Mountbatten’s death, presumably for the purpose described above.
King Charles’ latest publicised comment was “Please, boys – don’t make my final years a misery”.
Prince Macron gives Sir Elton a medal for fighting AIDS
Casting the net wider, President (and Prince of Andorra) Macron too, is apparently an inseparable agent of the Rothschilds, having formerly worked for them throughout his career, and allegedly his husband, who has an alternative back-story and dresses as an old lady, is also a Rothschild of some description.
Note that the writer does not consider the Rothschilds to be legitimate Jews though they are evidently Zionists of the highest order. What is a Jew? They say a convert to Judaism becomes a Jew, a religion which was stateless until after World War II. Perhaps the correct term is Judaist? A Hebrew somehow becomes a Jew, a “child of Abraham” descended through the maternal line, if that possibly makes any sense. Modern Jews in fact are a manufactured race, just as in certain other colonies of Britain, such as Australia, “we are Australians”. Nationalism was imposed on various disparate groups even before they were “gifted” a nation. They have been given an extensive narrative and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, especially where it leads to personal advantage. Depending on who you like to believe, the so-called Jews of influence are Khazarian. These Khazarians presumably bled up from Egypt including and particularly from the fallen Egyptian empire. Israeli PM Netanyahu says Hitler wanted to expel the Jews, (not kill them), therefore Israel was a pan-European effort. The calculations run deeper into Babylon, the Kabbalah, the illuminati, the Zoroastrian 1000 year empire and all sorts of theories but these essays concern themselves primarily with the currents of money and the control it buys, so the accumulated wealth of the very ancient Egyptian empire takes precedence, along with their exclusive bloodlines and the inherited knowledge of statecraft.
Astana, Kazakhstan https://yandex.com/images/search?text=masonic%20architecture%20astana
Australia is by no means outside of these abovementioned, very curious blue-blooded equations, our head of state is in London, whether we be under the King or the Crown, based in the square mile, or some combination, is less important than the understanding that we are in no way an independent, sovereign nation. Various revolutionaries have not even reached this simple logical conclusion yet. The British Navy colonised Australia and it would not be simply relinquished, even if it appeared so, being overlaid with commercial arrangements. Real Estate literally means Royal Estate. They took it from whomever had it, carved it up according to their designs and re-sold it under certain conditions. As the British monarchy has apparently handed over to the Rothschilds, and the land titles are being converted to digital, Australians might be rudely shocked to find out one day, sooner rather than later, how the “national debt” is to be paid off. Their trick is that they will “do us slowly”, a term popularised by former Labor PM Paul Keating. Unless they switch tactics, and do us quickly.
In exactly the same way as Zelensky is tolerated in Ukraine, the use of instant pay swipe cards is not only accepted but welcomed in Australia. Switzerland and the former Venetian empire is never mentioned, even as it is geographically almost straddled by Ukraine and Israel, all is quiet in ancient Basel, modern Geneva and the Vatican fortress Zurich, like the duck paddling across the lake. Instead of examining existing UN treaties we are asked to believe 650 planes were needed to remove gold from under the Vatican, back to Fort Knox. A Hercules plane’s payload is about 20 tonnes. The US C-5M Super Galaxy carries 127 tonnes. An alternative story is that this gold is in a tunnel running between Rome and Jerusalem. Certainly there must be tunnels between the Vatican and the carpark. What’s the use of an opinion in the absence of evidence? The evidence from the Vatican will never be allowed out. But the evidence from the UN is all in front of us. Perhaps it’s just too boring to read.
The United Nations
The Globalists try to mix good and bad in viable proportions to create their illusions.
Just as there are good and bad doctors, good and bad medicines, good and bad in anything you care to name, this paradigm is exploited to the highest degree possible.
Irrespective of that, in sum, the United Nations, from Geneva and New York (on Rockefeller’s real estate), is the new face of the enemy of ordinary humanity.
The WZO is the Global headquarters of Zionism.
The WMO is the Global source of lies about climate.
UNHCR employees inevitably must be involved in human trafficking, etc.
UNICEF self describes as “one of the world’s largest buyers of vaccines …”
The WHO is determined to forcibly inject you with strange and unknown poisons.
You don’t get medicine for a disease anymore, you get injected in advance for a disease you are scheduled to get, the medicines have been cancelled since long ago, often when the patent expired. If traditional, they try to ban it.
The amount of recommended injections is numbered in dozens by now, and the side effects may not show up for decades, things like Alzheimers, blood clots, cancers, shingles, are all on the increase and nobody can explain why, except to chant, it’s not the vaccinations, and so we are enchanted.
Part of the theatre we are sometimes told was “mostly saline shots”. Trump has been compromised on mRNA injections and perhaps Israel, the extent is unknown.
We’re in a movie but it has no beginning and no ending, only a plot, and the plot is to increase Global ownership amongst the key players to a point where the underclass owns nothing, just as it always used to be in the old days of England, France, Venice, Rome, Egypt and other such places.
Central Bank Digital Currencies are not a tradable commodity, as they are sold to be, they are actually designed as rations packs. Bank accounts may be emptied or cancelled based on imaginary transgressions, such as calling a Drag Queen a man. If Trump makes it to the White House the rules may change slightly but the game will continue in other jurisdictions, such as ours.
The fake news and official propaganda outlets will continue to lie, deny, morph and reposition as they see fit to maintain their legitimacy.
The US military may be under the command of Trump through his “Space Force” but that will presumably include speeding up the process of getting individuals onto the worldwide grid, and judging by past and current performance, most people will willingly submit to the Beast System.
Why should they not? It was already predicted 2000 years ago.
Not recommended reading, the UN Pact for the Future:
WEF Accelerating digital inclusion for 1 billion people by 2025
UN International Monetary Fund “The People’s money”
Countries objecting to UN’s Pact for the Future were: Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Sudan and Syria, who have rightly or usually wrongly been picked on by the West for some time.
Through the UN, your government is in LockStep with the World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, et al, all conducted through Switzerland, not Jerusalem, not Moscow, not Beijing. It’s the corporate takeover you’ve been waiting for.
Your “choice”
Interested in telepathy? – https://thetelepathytapes.com/listen
History repeating ???
GPT-Summary from source: The Revelations of Dr. Richard Day
On March 20, 1969, a meeting occurred at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society on Ridge Avenue in Pittsburgh that would later prove to be a chilling window into a deliberately planned future. The meeting was attended by pediatricians and medical students who were there to hear from Dr. Richard Day — a respected professor, physician, and the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood.
Reading the articles presented here by JGO,
I think we are inching forward every groundhog cycle. guess, as we, empty the swamp it has to empty down stream creek. No such thing as a good pediatrician and as far as bad doctors go this is the slimiest . what will they think of next now we have children’s cancer hospitals
Funny how Les Protocoles des Sages de Sion got switched to “jews” but Dr Day did not, since it is much the same sort of thing.
Looking on Dikipedia the Dr. Day page redirects to a stoopid movie, looking at Deletionpedia the search function seems to have disappeared, looking at Wayback Machine all the entries are rubbish stuff same as G666gle.
It’s happening !!! Poor Elbow fell through the cracks.
Ana comes on at about 10 mins-random quotes
Targeted Individuals— disability Havana Syndrome— they are getting dream hacking
What is the plan of a smart city —it is an electronic prison
Voice to skull technology
Everything that we called “smart” is actual artificial intelligence
Technologies with a duel purpose
they have a militarised aspect that can be weaponises and also used for more humanistic purposes
I have only watched to 23 mins
They can hack your mind and your soul
Alex Kriel: Globalism, Geopolitics, & Trump’s Trojan Horse Technocracy
Alex Kriel of Thinking Coalition discusses the elite’s plans for world technocracy, why he thinks Russia and Putin have truly broken from the West, how the Trump administration is a Trojan Horse for technocracy, and more!
Putin the White
The story of Khodorkovsky, Kissinger and Rothschild
Thinking Coalition
Nov 25, 2024
Bretton woods 1944
Cold war started 1947
Orwell’s “eternal war” thesis published 1948
NATO founded 1949
Current war from Ukrainian Kruschev(1953-64)’s false inclusion of Donbass and Crimea into Ukraina.
Why didn’t Putin demonstrate his missiles earlier ?
Like straight after the Donbass elections which the M$M said were fake, and went on to ignore
At 19:00 the guy says he doesn’t know if Putin was a YGL
There is indeed a very common video on bitchute of Swab saying that
They go on to say Putin probably quit 20 years ago
I doubt it
Further on they say “They’re taking the masks off now and everyone is coming out with pitchforks and the politicians don’t care” and they’re saying “If you know the name they’re in the game” and they’re saying Nigel Farrage and Russell Brand were M.I.A. during early stages of Covid.
They said Kazakhstan was doing technocracy but it was just the normal thing, these guys are … commies !!!
Sir John Glubb
Pdf-26 pages
Excellent essay. “Any
regime which attains great wealth and power
seems with remarkable regularity to decay
and fall apart in some ten generations. The
ultimate fate of its component parts,
however, does not depend on its internal
nature, but on the other organisations which
appear at the time of its collapse and succeed
in devouring its heritage.”
Well worth reading the whole essay. Basically, we are repeating a very long history of civilizations. Perhaps as stated in the essay it is a ‘divine’ pattern.
Well Alex Kriel is obviously so wrong about Tommy Robinson even though, as he put it, he has so much time to research, he could very well be wrong about Trump being in the swamp.
Truth about ZOG Tommy Robinson
Interesting new Matt Gaetz story ( category: Americana )
includes MG-Tucker interview
Increasingly, Australians think their politicians are corrupt
Well, there are also anti-corruption commissions seemingly turning a blind eye to a lot of it. Are they corrupt too ???
A trove
IMF trying to get El Salvador off Bitcoin a couple of years ago, however they are trying to use Volcano Power ( geothermal ) to mine the bitcoins and pay off all their international debt
Oh yeah, I remember the NSW ICAC and the person that was assigned the position of running the ICAC, a former Bar Association president. What a freaking joke, one of the most ‘accommodating’ good ol’ boys of the inner circle. – Nothing is what it seems.
Senator Babet got in more trouble than a crooked ALP PM for saying the word “nigger” in the parliament the other day.
I wonder how they are going to gift Elbow a hundred million for trying so hard or is it no win no fee
Desperate Elbow rammed some stoopid shit through to try to save face
How it was done
More mechanics of scamming ( from 2 days ago )
Oddly, he has Clive Palmer Derangement Syndrome, otherwise all solid stuff
Follow the money……
This documentary on the HSBC legal money laundering case is compelling; it shows beyond doubt that the members of the FSB (Financial Stability Board) are covered by the immunity provided to the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and how they are the tail that wags the executive branch of the USA. The global criminal banking cartel exposed in all its infamy and what an amazing take down of it all!!!!! You will not see things the same after this…..
This about says it all re “our” ABC
‘LOL WUT’: Joe Rogan responds after ABC boss Kim Williams calls popular podcaster ‘deeply repulsive’ in ‘clueless’ tirade
Had to google WUT
New Word Suggestion
A spelling of “What?” Used as a one-word response to an outrageous, absurd, or nonsensical statement. Also spelled “wat.”
Also what do you do when you “lose” $23 trillion and counting……
Enter FASB56 (Aug 2019) giving you the (legal?) ability to keep 2 sets of books on “national security” grounds…..
Then introduce a “pandemic” to depopulate the plebs you stole it from….
Giving you an opportunity to steal another $3 trillion plus…..
Meanwhile in the Kimberley
His report of 27th November is presently at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news.
Took me about two hours.
Time: 10.06 pm
One “small” snag in their CBDC plan: (all) Reserve Banks’ liabilities (including central bank money, central bank reserve accounts and possible CBDCs) are NOT that at all (since they tanked the gold standard in 1971) but are actually EQUITY…implications are massive as Central Banks are NOT LEGALLY authorised to issue anything other than LIABILITIES ….OOPS!!!
Also this means that Central Banks should be merged with the relevant government as they are relying on the relevant government’s full faith & credit and hence all gvt debt can be offset by their Central bank’s equity…..LETS GO BANKSTERS!!!….
Bloody amazing at about 10.06 I referred to Mike king’s latest at BIn. A two hour effort and the bastards have not logged it here. I specifically referred to the CLMATE HOAX FROM 49 mins.
Well r soles ,get stuffed and put it up now. Stop stealing free opinions.
1035 pm.
Maybe change your login
Nancy Pelosi twice says she is reptilian ( by nature )
Also John Kerry spinning ClimateChange bullshit “moneymoneymoney”
TPV spells it out
“Which would you prefer, Climate lockdowns and 15 minute cities or John Kerry locked up in jail ?”
So I am awaiting moderation at 1038.
Be useful, Go find a book to burn.
so now you turn up at 10.07 above.
Jacqui Lambie should have brought her Alpacca along with her and sicced it onto them.
Alpacas are full passives but even a Llama could not protect lil pit-bull Lambie.
what do these three share as a common attribute, the ability to walk backwards up stairs
All the proof needed to know the primary means by which “The New World Order” is being implemented:
Along with Australia’s energy crisis, we also have the impact of Crypto usage, let alone a grid down (EMP anyone?)
Precious metals don’t require any electricity, think about it. – Boy Scout motto again, ‘Be Prepared’.
Gold in WA is particles in the dirt measured in grammes/tonne and then:
Mining is via conventional drill and blast mining via face shovels and dump trucks. Around 15 million tonnes of rock are moved in any given year, consisting primarily of waste rock.
Gold within the Golden Mile lode system is unusual in that it is present as telluride minerals within pyrite. In order to recover the gold, the ore must be crushed, passed through a gravity circuit to recover the free gold present in some of the higher-grade lodes, and then subjected to flotation to produce an auriferous pyrite-telluride concentrate. The concentrate is then treated at an IsaMill Ultra Fine Grinding (UFG) mill at Fimiston and then cyanidised, or trucked to the Gidji Processing Plant, 20 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie. At Gidji, the concentrate is treated in ultrafine grinding (UFG) mills, and then subjected to cyanide extraction of gold
But my take is if they control the internet, they control your bitcoins
The Problem of the Bitcoin Billionaires
As discussed
The Top 50 Data Centre Markets by Power Consumption and Sydney makes the top 10.
Albo better ramp up those windmills.
New Klaus Swab Young Global Leader: Honorees
Natashya Gutierrez, Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific, Vice News, Australia (SBS-TV)
Sophia Hamblin Wang, Chief Operating Officer, Mineral Carbonation International (MCi), Australia
Caroline Blanch Israel, Managing Director and Partner, Boston Consulting Group, Australia
Andrew Bragg (Lib Senator) Jessica Maubuoy (entertainer)
but not here:
https://www.weforum.org/stories/2021/03/meet-the-2021-class-of-young-global-leaders/ ( incl. Kate Fitzgibbon Business/Economics Monash Uni )
World Domination ( yawn )
Senator Babet:
We are not foolish enough to believe that the government’s love affair with censorship is over just because their sinister Misinformation Bill didn’t get up. This government’s true colours have been revealed.
They hate transparency and they hate accountability, so they are determined to stifle free speech. Mark my words, the Misinformation Bill will be back in some form or other. This government will keep trying to find ways to limit the free expression of Australians online, and then free expression altogether.
But you need to know that the problem goes much deeper than the Australian Labor Party. Never forget that the idea for the Misinformation Bill was first promoted by the Liberal Party. Former Liberal Communications Minister Paul Fletcher, under the leadership of Scott Morrison, was the first to propose such a policy.
Whether Liberal or Labor, whether in Australia or in other parts of the Western world, major political parties around the world are in lock-step, attempting to censor free speech. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the UK, or in France, or in Canada, or in New Zealand or – prior to November 6 – in the United States. They’re all singing from the same song book.
Government bureaucrats – who typically take their cues from globalist organisationssuch as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum – are determined to stifle dissent. It’s only by controlling information that globalists can be free to fully implement their plan to eliminate national sovereignty and impose their utopian vision upon unsuspecting populations.
Australians can elect whoever they want next year, but the bureaucracy will continue to advise, advocate and advance their globalist agenda. It could be a different name on the Communication Minister’s door, but it will be the same agenda being pushed.
The only way to save the Western world is to elect outsiders, such as myself, who can be relied upon to not only ignore the bureaucracy but ruthlessly uproot it.
As an Example maybe one of the easiest forms of free speech once they push us back to the dark ages will be bundles of flyers. Can you imagine someone dumping a backpack full of flyers from a city skyscraper. We won’t independently talk to one another as we are currently doing on channels like this one, but you have engaged people on the street, in turn forming discussion groups in real-time person to person. Cancelling free speech on social media would actually backfire as it would force us back to what they don’t want. Adapting into new conversational communities were the necessity of human interaction reforms and evolves into community discussion groups etc. making it detrimental to a bureaucracy. Just to think a like minded group as we are here having no other means other than coming together physically in conversation to confront legislation that needs to be debated.
We are actually more remote now on our smart phones than our forefathers were as communities. Who can I possibly impact with my isolated comment.
In China they were banging their pots and pans on the balconies
Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd – They’ve created a monster!!!
I’m alarmed by what I see – the numbers are explosive!!!
The lowdown on Peter Dutton – start at 13:00
Lord Muck
“Mr Free Speech Absolutist Total Conman, he’s leading the Alternative Media down the garden path, it’s pathetic, he’s putting up … and he’s bragging about it on … his Twitter-X … thousands and thousands of satellites …
These Globalists are very confident. As Mein Trumpf marshalls his army of sheeples ready to take on the wolves. I don’t know why this clip only got 1.4 million views, it should be over a billion by now