Who is this Secret Service guy walking out of Building 6 at Butler?
The video below:
Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet return to SGT Report to discuss the shadow government’s assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump on July 13, 2024 in Butler, PA. The Secret Service stood down allowing for Dealey Plaza 2.0 to occur, and NEW body cam video released today proves it.
This discussions in part, as to the relevant murder attempt, is one of the best insightful discussions of the psychological manipulations apparent as per the usual playbook of the killer control freaks. Plus more.
It is essential that the public understand how the globalists and their mass media lying killer running dogs operate to use and cause PTDS to control public emotions as an emotional distraction to implement control.
WAKE UP, they have suckered us.
Our politicians are in on it… e.g., to use 911 to have us go invade and kill innocents for the greed of the psychos.
They must be brought to justice in the world court.
The old lone shooter thing, is a favourite, but they surely will come up with more stuff, they are working all the angles, and they seem to have a never-ending contingent ready to sell out America for personal gain – generally in the form of that coloured paper we keep in our wallets, or even worse, the electronically generated digits in our credit accounts.
People around here are weird, they can be wise to the fake global warming but totally sucked in to the injections, one told me he had all the flu injections and they didn’t work, I told him I had some good medicine and he wasn’t interested.
This is some serious brainwashing.
What the hell, that mad Ned must have had a nightmare at that hour🙀🙀💁
Yep he did after the last forty mins from the hour with Kerry Cassidy.🤷♂️
Seeing that the maths (my addition!) does not spark up a normie, here you go:
At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
“ k.. C….the time is now now ……Intel that everyone needs to know (video)”.
If you can manage that, go back to the start and understand her.
As a aside, she explains the basis of Clif High’s methodology that makes sense of both of them.
Dianne, in one opine, she explains the evil in the world as being the product of the creator…….🙀 (sort of makes some sense?)
T.O. I will let you tell them about the maths? I do not think your mate can add up.👻
They may understand this even better : 107 = 17 = Q
Then again, many have an aversion to the letter – Q
They would not get it not knowing that in Gematria the 0 is ignored💁👻
Wonder if they bothered to find the ‘qlue’. 🤪
More coming in the next comment.👻
But what if my take; the ‘0’ has a dual and alternative real purpose 👻🤪 as well and should be interpreted also.?
T.O. Probably a waste it time telling them if they could not be bothered to work it out themselves.
I’ve got to be honest with you Ned, I have never been into Gematria – maths/numbers – were never one of my best subjects at the indoctrination center.
To me, Gematria is a whole different kettle of fish as to the meanings available to be interpreted.
‘Tom Numbers’, who was doing the rounds over at Charley Ward’s, channel – cwbit.uk – and I haven]t seen him lately, but he could use if off the top of his head and arrive at several relevant meanings.
Almost as good as a proficient ‘remote viewer’.
likely camera used
NY Times Photographer Dan Mills captured this shot with a Sony camera, possibly an a9.
I haven’t seen any confirmation on the exact camera he used but it’s been reported that Mills has used the a9 in the past. Pretty crazy
Camera details-Doug Mills
NY Times Photographer Doug Mills and His History Making Time Stopping Donald Trump Bullet Photo
Australian journalist dies of turbo brain cancer. – Karma is a bitch, bitch.
The ‘miss’ explained, HOW ELSE?👻 timelines! 🙀
Ref: to beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
‘New C Ward: (without the Charlie) the events leading up to the new world order with Ismail Perez PB AND D D’
All in the first SEVEN MINUTES, then more if managed. Be good and nice now or else?
Terry S.
If you are interested in Gibraltar, Mr Perez above might have a useful idea to think about. 👻💁🤪 if Islands can drift about over time, then maybe anything can happen,, even how to skip a bullet.
Of course, you have no idea what I have experienced. – Jump to an alternative time line when an aircraft crash is certain, think about getting shot and 30 seconds later it happens just the way you thought, lots of things like intuition that causes your subconscious to take over and ‘break’ away from a tree line and you don’t know why. The earthly experience is a myriad of sensations that we need to be tuned into.
Then you would appreciate Kerry Cassidy referred to up a bit.
What you opine fits in with C High’s system.
Then there is Jaco who describes his experiences that fit with yours referred to above.
Then there was my mum who had a heightened sixth sense.
Then there is mum who use to nurse, etc indigenous before WW 11 who recounted many observations that they communicated as telepaths with distance rels “why are you cooking so much? He come missus , Jackie be here for meal’ sure enough Jackie and family came out of the bush for dinner, (not seen for long time!)
No smoke signals Woomera in the wind etc.
Some people are so arrogant and stupid, they think they know everything, they cannot be helped.
They have that thing in Norway too, when they know someone is coming, well I get it all the time and the phone rings
I hope someone does identify the ‘Secret Service’ bloke. He reminds me of the ‘cop’ in Police fatigues that rode in the ambulance with Martin Bryant. The picture above may be a picture of the actual shooter at Trump’s attempted assassination.
“Who is this Secret Service guy walking out of Building 6 at Butler?”
There is footage showing many secret service and cops in building 6.
The one cited is seen coming from the back area but how does this implicate him as the shooter?
He is not seen walking out of the building.
It’s a ‘lead’, it needs to be followed up. You never know where they take you…
I have seen video suggesting a muzzle flash from a window in building 6 below Crooks’ roof.
But without clear trajectory being shown it would appear too low to correspond to the Trump shot.
I still think the shot/shots came from a window in the 2 storey building which would also tie in with Crooks being shot from behind.
It is interesting that most commentators are saying he was taken out by a SS sniper but this as we know does not correlate with the head wound.
I expect the autopsy would blow the whole narrative to bits. The normies wouldn’t know which way is up. Who? what? Where? – I wonder if there will be another ‘Warren Commission’.
A next level of craziness
Inhalable self spreading vaccines
and the industry’s farcical claim of precision medicine. They go from one delusion to another.
According to the video above the Secret Service was all corrupt and Trump was saved from the bullet by God, therefore the “white hats” are not in control and it is not all in the plan ( “trust the plan” ) when the plan seems to mostly be Trump and he could be blown away anytime. Don’t bother shooting the messenger, this is intended to be simple logic. Any dispute should reference the logic and not refer to some 3 hour long radio shows.
Logic is the product of knowledge.
Knowledge is the product of evidence.
Evidence is the product of research.
Research is the product of time.
Time is the product of effort.
Effort is the product if patience.
Patience is the product of discipline.
No discipline ……. No logic; no f’n hope! No f’n idea, no f’n use.
Copyright reserved.
I have tested your logic and found that time is just a constant so I would delete the reference to time
Then you are missing a link
and the conclusion rests.
Whilst many are trying to be sleuths and work out why T is not dead there is a trumpeting elephant being overlooked.
It is a matter of your financial existence that is really going to get your interest?
Ignore if you wish, but better keep an eye on your wallet.
Editor’s news.com – people powered news
‘SGAnon and Captain Kyle…. End game update……”
Try from 20 mins, it is the bankers dummies. Note from about 22.
It will not be long before you could not care less who shot at T…. In any case they will be dealt with, if not already (G5) and you will be searching for who has stolen your wallet.
By the way, dear Sandy Hook MM, did Babette die, indeed did anyone die during the Jan 6 BS. per D T. Not that it is going to matter as you search for those thripences.
Anyway I will proceed on from about 30 mins and catch up on last Night. Hopefully SG will manage my insomnia. It is just a B grade movie….. with the usual D grade sick psycho grubs….being defunded and castrated.
“It will not be long before you could not care less who shot at T” – Yep, when the next meal is the only thing on your mind, ‘conspiracies’ fade into insignificance.
Then again, when a bunch of home invaders show up, perhaps a firearm may be a welcomed addition to the household. I know that a few times in my life a firearm was the ‘best friend’ I had.
I’m old enough to remember the JFK assassination and there was NONE of this questioning going on after he was taken out. Crikey, the dam has busted on people awakening to the lies going on.
Another puzzle piece falls into place
Is it normal for these police body cam videos to go public or are they being leaked. If leaked then these local police smell the rotting fish in the FBI and Secret Service and I guess making it their duty to expose this plot. The body cam footage of the muzzle flash from the window will now create some attention for the sound and time chronologists.