by Dee Mclachlan [This article was written a day ago.]
I was alerted to yet another account of “deflection-suppression” of child abuse in South Australia. And with each new case, more of the modus operandi is uncovered.
In today’s article, I’m going to compare three cases in South Australia — that have some chilling similarities — across four decades — and I hope it will reveal some of what young kids suffer when authorities discredit their accounts.
Run for Your Life
In this instance — with regard to this new account (case 1) — the authorities and Family Court did not believe the kids and sent them to live with the person they said abused them. A very familiar tale. For many years they were forced — against their will — to be separated from the very person that was protecting them, their mum.
Their mum had pleaded with authorities to investigate, but the South Australian Police (SAPOL) provided the excuse: the matter is before the Family Court. But none other than the valiant departed Professor Freda Briggs had assessed this case, and exposed the abuse.
The two older brothers eventually managed to escape from the perpetrator in June/July this year and found their way back to their mum. But they were unable to take their younger sister with them. And now the family is desperately trying to get her back.
Beautiful Trickery
Using “it’s a Family Court matter” is a masterful excuse — a racket — being used to avoid or stop investigating child abuse. It was also used in the second case I’ll be discussing today (case 2).
Two things can happen in court. Either the judge is not informed of the abuses by the agencies, or the judge does not allow any of the abuse notifications into court. Either way, in case 2, the Family Court Judge then went on to claim, in his orders, that abuse never happened.
But, the trickery goes further.
In case 2, the young lass had for over a year told mandatory reporters that she was abused — and that she was cut in the bum. These abuses were never investigated. Why? By this time the abuser had been removed from the home, and the child was deemed safe in her mum’s care — so no investigation. As part of the Family Court trial, this young girl was to be interviewed — but the police officer delayed the interview with the child, and only conducted it AFTER the trial had started.
This officer, having been told of terrible abuses by this young girl (in the interview), then later claimed — ex post facto — that there was no abuse, using Family Court orders to make her case. But she was the very person that suppressed the contents of the interview and obstructed justice before the court.
The Knives are Out
Today I describe how a young lad, now a teen, (case 1), a young girl (case 2), and Rachel Vaughan, now 46 (case 3) all describe being cut in the rectum.
None were believed.
‘Sphincterotomy’ is a surgical procedure to cut and stretch the sphincter — for medical or health purposes. But what can one call it when it is done to a young child for the purpose of abuse and rape? (Apologies for yet another raw article, but take a moment to consider what the young victims must feel.)
I remind the reader of Rachel Vaughan and how she had for over a decade asked authorities (SAPOL) to investigate her father, Max McIntyre (now deceased). She has detailed brutal abuse perpetrated by her father, and that he had cut her in the rectum with a special curved-bladed knife when she was a young girl. In Part 1, in July, I quoted Rachel,
“…A very oddly shaped knife, a short little handle with a curved blade… he then held me around my waist… [she described in detail how she was pinned down and then…] He put it into my rectum…” [She described the pain, and then how Max raped her.]
I learned last year of a young lass, who was around seven and eight at the time when she disclosed and described that she was cut in bum with a knife — and that she too had bled in her underwear, or when she had gone to the toilet.
Now consider for a moment: How could a young innocent girl invent such an insane story? The child’s mother was completely unaware that a mandatory reporter (presumably the kid’s psychologist) had phoned these details into the crisis care line. She only got a hint of this much later after the 2017 police interview, when the officer mentioned it to her.
Rachel had reported this unique and unknown technique to facilitate her rape privately many years ago. And then case 3: how would a young boy be able to describe the identical abuse — with no reference — that he too was assaulted and cut in the rectum with knives. He too spoke of bleeding into the toilet.
The Common Factor — Denial
Both of the kids and Rachel were not believed by police.
To prove her point, Rachel sought medical confirmation. Some years back, the nature of Rachel’s injury was confirmed by colorectal specialist Professor Nicholas Rieger, MD. Yet SAPOL still did nothing. Her father seemed to be a protected species. Is it a case of “It’s not what you know, but whom you know”?
On Wednesday, I learned that this young lad — the escapee — had spoken to a police officer earlier this month. With his mum supporting him, he asked this officer to arrange a medical to inspect his abuse injuries. The young lad, now in his early teens, wants to have a rectal examination to prove the cutting and subsequent rape. He had described these accounts many years ago but was still removed unwillingly from his mum.
Incredibly, this detective tried to discredit the lad’s experience — saying that he needed to have “reasonable suspicion” to investigate. He even tried to question and discredit the boy’s memory.
But this young lad refused to be stood over and said that he has injuries on his body. As a young teen, he’s old enough and courageous enough to demand to be heard — and demand a medical. The conversation became heated. However, I believe the officer has subsequently made contact with the mum, saying that he is looking into it arranging a medical.
To me, it seems this young lad is not prepared to remain a victim. He is facing his abuse head-on.
And then, of course, there’s the young lass. She too was removed from her mum — with the DCP and SAPOL claiming that she had never been abused. And if she had — well, “we’ve moved on.” Try telling that to the 8,000 victims who waited decades to be heard by the Royal Commission.
The Detectives
But there is another strange twist in the investigations of the two contemporary cases.
As I have described, both kids had reported they had been cut in the rectum — with knives. Both kids described bleeding when going to the toilet or bleeding in their underwear (as did Rachel).
The young lad (as did Rachel) says that he was raped after the knives. However, it seems that the young lass was not able to describe what happened to her after — but managed to describe other terrible abuses.
Both were discredited — and not believed. So much so, the young lass was ordered to a psychologist who would make her understand that she has not been abused. Brainwashing?
However, now to decide whether this is a family affair of sorts? There are two cases (1 and 2) and two investigating officers in question. I was shocked to learn that both detectives have the SAME surname. They even sound alike, with similar modes of speech and have the same dismissive attitude. Are they brothers, possibly cousins? I’ll call them Detectives 14-17, and 10-17.
Both these officers have both been told by these kids that they were cut in the bum with knives.
A Flimflam Investigation
As the mum of the young girl had made a detailed complaint in December 2018, Detective 14-17 was charged with investigating whether there was any malfeasance with regard to the officer who conducted the police interview in 2017.
Detective 14-17 reported back to the mother in January 2019. He’d made the determination “that there was no clear indication that a criminal offense had occurred” — implying the child had not been abused. The mum could not counter his claim, as she did not know what her daughter said. But 14-17 admitted that, as part of his investigation, he had not — nor had anyone — viewed the interview!
But in July 2019, after a subpoena was approved, the mum finally saw the interview. It was far more horrific than she could have ever imagined. Not only did she hear her daughter describe the knife in her bottom, but descriptions of a variety of abuses and rape — including penis in the mouth, which had not been reported anywhere.
But Detective 14-17 had implied no abuse occurred and the Internal Investigations Section (IIS) CLOSED the file earlier this year — and the IIS Chief Inspector Officer in Charge wrote back advising the matter is closed and he has refused to reopen it. He has advised the mother not to contact him again. This was also the case with the boys. IIS had closed their investigations but had ignored CCTV footage.
How easy is it to shut down the voice of a child victim? Easy!
Refusing To Be Silent
So when Detective 10-17 in a December 2019 meeting tried to discredit the young lad’s version, the young lad was not having a bar of it. He wants to physically prove that the accounts he told when five years old were real experiences — and were factual.
Detective 10-17 called back and said he would arrange a medical, and the mum is hoping that 10-17 does the right thing now, and not only arranges a professional and transparent medical — but acts on the outcome. One reason this young lad is talking is so he can help his younger sister.
I am reminded of another case I wrote about some time ago, where two kids (a boy and a girl) also tried — unsuccessfully — to evade capture from the police. They were being forced to return to the person they said had abused her.
But in this case 1, the two brothers, who are now bigger than their abuser, have warned SAPOL that should they be sent them back, SAPOL will need to protect the perpetrator — as they will kill him.
And with regard to the mother of the young girl, I think had the DCP reunified her with her daughter, she would have walked away and left the status quo. But the DCP claims her daughter was never abused, that she coached and has no plans to reunify them. The coaching claim, of course, is the most outrageous, deceitful and impossible claim — an accusation that is directly subverting the girl’s experiences. The authorities have provided the mother no option but to expose the abuse, the abuser and those covering.
She has the evidence — but what’s evidence these days? You know the saying: it’s not what you know, it’s whom you know.
Updated: I had a paragraph upfront (but place it at the end) that I was nurturing a sore foot, having been the bicycling victim of a hit-and-just-drive-away accident. I, fortunately, managed to lift my right leg just in time as the car turned and crunched into my bike. But my left landing foot took the brunt. After I stood up and put my bike on the pavement, the guy drove off. So, my foot may be sore, but heart is broken — for Australia.
May a quick recovery make you feel better.
I remember, travelling through Ljublana Slovenia in 1980, they had lanes for bikes only (similar to our bus lanes). At the time I thought great planning. So why not here?
Europa – The Last Battle (part 1). Bit chute
A note — I am calling the bike accident an accident at this stage.
Re bike – was it insured?
In gumshoe comments previously while ago someone (diane..very well informed i think) had written comment re the brutal rectum violence procedure, explaining it.
Satanic ritual abuse is stupid, ignorant, delusional -literally ‘kundalini’ ones ass/arse.
Satanists are sad freaks. ‘Divide’ is the mantra and they try to control others through fear- and confusion.
Honestly! What a bunch of sad insane sods. Assigning some special secret ‘kundalini’ value to violent act of sheer stupidity and violence is just pedestrian beastly nonsense. What a bunch of idiots.
No more secrets thanks -no secret cults, religions, rites.
Support fearless radical honesty, transparency and microscopic TRUTH.
Sanity resides in Truth.
Thanks Gumshoe for telling the truth and providing a forum for discussion of these secret rites. Ancient mystery cults are entrenched in our modern cultures -ie. Euripides describes hell raising in ‘The Bacchae’. Maenads (Dionysis’ /Bacchus’ usually female devotees) in ecstatic drug induced states of apparently bloodthirsty ‘ecstacy’ would ‘target, torture, tear limbs off and sacrifice victims. These were the ‘sacred secret rites’ of Bacchus. There are also the well known sacrifices aka ‘hunger games” of 14 virgins for the beast /minotaur trapped in his labyrinth.. .the labyrinthine beast symbolically representing EGO (jungle of the mind) or the ‘satanic coagulation’ of lower consciousness as ruled by the beast within.
Mahatma Gandhi said it was up to each one of us to aspire to higher altruistic virtues of the heart intelligence which requires no thought..only awareness – and each of us is required to tame our individual (feeding the collective) beast within.
We are ultimately all destined for altruism, transparent connection and ‘non-sacrificial’ consciousness.
Deb I posted this in July
Diane de Vere July 22, 2019 at 9:30 pm
E: What is it about sodomy that does that?
M: It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.
E: For all multiple personality disorders?
M: As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “the key of David”1 by the Rothschild Illuminati.
E: When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?
M: No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye.
gritzle75 February 18, 2018 at 10:26 am
Dee check this out According to Marion Knox, sodomy is the key to mind control; he claims there is a “spiritual” aspect to sodomy
Sorry about you losing to a larger vehicle.
If you must ride a bike outside a gym, do it in Amsterdam, there you can score a pedestrian at will. Just pick a tourist, they are plentiful, cheap road kill and tasty meat.
Now we have a similar foot problem and I can emphathise. Rest up.
What is the “we can not investigate, its before the Family Court” scam. If this is lawful it must run back to the AG.
So I can start a family law dispute by claiming a defacto relationship with my local banks manager. I can then go into the bank, extort money, and when the police arrive I just walk away with the cash cause the police, can’t investigate. Good work SAPOL.
Hi Ned, sorry I accidentally tagged onto your comment, not directed at you.
Thats creepy. Yes – it doesnt sound much like an “accident’. It was likely a warning -a death threat… think you could go to police. i would.
“Dee goes to police” — that’s rich. She reports the hit and the Detective says “Bicycles are interstate transport, so it’s federal.” Then she calls AFP. They say “if you are the Dee that is poking into the Adelaide child-stealing racket, be assured that it’s very international, hence not our bailiwick.”
Dee goes to NATO. They say “Let’s see the scarred foot.” Dee says “That was 3 weeks ago; the wound has healed.” NATO says “You perjured. Gotcha!” and she’s sent to ADX, next cell over to Jahar.
Dee (never, ever, one to miss an interview — Gumshoers don’t know the half of her exploits) says “Hi Jahar, how did you get into the boat?”
Jahar says….. (to be continued….)
“Rick took me there.”
I told you it was international!
“Do you always carry a pencil around with you to write on slippery surfaces?”
You couldn’t be more spot on there Mary! I had a bike accident once. One of my perpetrators screamed at me some time later what an inconvenience it was that I survived. Then my father tried to force me to apologise to the man who hit me. He took me to the man’s house. It wasn’t far from our family home. In fact I would say it lay along the tunnel line I keep informing police about.
The same tunnel line I was trafficked through as a child for abuse by my father’s cronies. This man was staring into my eyes when he hit me off my bike. But he told police he couldn’t see me – he said the sun was in his eyes. Not true. We had eye contact.
Back to the article – thank you again Dee, I truly do not know how I would have got through the past 18 months without you. And many thanks to beautiful Mary who introduced us, and who has been a wonderful support ever since. In fact Mary was one of the people who suggested I go to the ITNJ – which I had already done when she suggested it, but I wasn’t able to let Mary know until some time later.
This article today has given me some hope. There is a wonderful judge in New Orleans who is changing the face of child welfare. And she’s still alive!!!
Rachel, you mean the judge is alive as of the last time you checked….
Let me now apologize to the two Mums discussed in Dee’s article, for my resorting to humor.
Fact is, the two Mums are screaming for help to anyone of us who can do anything. Please at least tell your neighbors that the police outright refuse to help, even tho a knife-wielding man is threatening to harm children — and will do so per his track record.
There is nothing the least bit obscure or complicated here, Folks. The government is in on the child rape (Dr Russell Pridgeon calls it COURT-ORDERED CHILD ABUSE.)
Dee has made a relevant movie but can’t get to the distributing of it, as the day-to-day crises of the Mums, and also two Dads, is never ending. I am not in Oz. It is up to all good persons to help these kids. Get on your high horse and chaaaaarge.
Yes Rachel Vaughan , I too am grateful for all the past ( & ongoing ) good work that Dee & Mary have done.
But Rachel, & I’m sure I speak on behalf of all Gumshoe subscribers , you have truly been a great inspiration & I have nothing but admiration for your courage & perseverance in seeing this matter through.
Rest assured, you are not alone & that critical mass of supporters is inexorably building as your message spreads throughout the nation .
Ditto, Truth Vigilante.
The critical mass is almost here. See the RICO video at top of this column. At 28 minutes, Michael Volpe says “If i steal your car that’s a crime, but if my stealing it is part of a bigger operation, that is a RICO crime.”
To date we have mostly depended on the DoJ (oh my achin’ corns!) to undertake. prosecution against racketeers, but a layperson can file a civil RICO as a tort, showing that the racket harms his livelihood.
DoJ be damned. (Sorry.)
Yes, Rachel, you are a shining light.
For the Mums: Isaiah 41:10
“Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
A Cape Town piece for Dee:
A bit more on Surgical experiments[edit]
“Throughout the 1840s, J. Marion Sims, who is often referred to as “the father of gynecology”, performed surgical experiments on enslaved African women, without anaesthesia.[5] However, the period during which Sims operated on female slaves, between 1845 and 1849, was one during which the new practice of anesthesia was not universally accepted as safe and effective.[6] In order to test one of his theories about the causes of trismusin infants, Sims performed experiments where he used a shoemaker’s awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women.[7][8] It has been claimed that he addicted the women in his surgical experiments to morphine, only providing the drugs after surgery was already complete, in order to make them more compliant.[9] A contrary view is presented by the gynecologic surgeon and anthropologist L.L. Wall: ” Sims’ use of postoperative opium appears to have been well supported by the therapeutic practices of his day, and the regimen that he used was enthusiastically supported by many contemporary surgeons.”[10]”
“In 1896, Dr. Arthur Wentworth performed spinal taps on 29 young children, without the knowledge or consent of their parents, at the Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts to discover whether doing so would be harmful.[12]”
Experiments to capture the psycho (soul) -sexual energy-
20 Most Unethical Experiments in Psychology
“Research has shown that women having had complete spinal cord injury can experience orgasms through the vagus nerve, which can go from the uterus, cervix, and, it is presumed, the vagina to the brain.”
The spine is the axis of our being. The embryo in the womb first creates the central spinal axis and then the body grows around this axis, the axis of our individual world. The top and bottom of the body, the two sides and the back and front of the body develop soon after. We then spend the rest of our life with our spine “behind” us. We face the world and all of life moves from back to front, from the spine into the world.
The chakras lie in the spine and transmute the vast cosmic forces of the universe, bringing them down from a cosmic order of magnitude to a level that we can safely use. Physical and psychological energies in the chakras then motivate our body and mind, creating thoughts,
A method to create multiple personalities is anal sex with young girls and boys. Anal penetration is so painful for the baby, that sends a flow of energy along the spine up to the brain, where it explodes causing a new division of personality. Process is called vasovagal shock
Chi is far beyond the anatomy of the brain and nervous systems. It is the interaction among the brain /nervous systems, blood circulation and internal-external electrocmagnetic fields. For this reason, the acupuncture points are neither in the major neurons or blood vessels except the Governing Vessel is assumed to be along the spine which houses the spinal nerves, the extension of the central nervous system. The brain and nervous functions are the main sources of the body electric and play the dominant role in the Chi theory.
Chi can be alternated by body chemical and physical processes, psychologically and physiologically. The involved factors include mind, psychic power (or religion) , nutrients, body chemistry, air (oxygen), sunlight, meditation, breathing, thermal effects, electromagnetic fields, nervous stimulation, exercises (mechanical stretching and compression of bones and muscles), massage, internal and skin/tissue endocrine functions, blood circulation, drugs, industrial and environmental chemicals, and viral infection”.
Dr Joseph Mengele specialty–4-6 years of age–vagal shock shatters the mind body and soul-creates what svali calls polyfragmentation
“Research has shown that women having had complete spinal cord injury can experience orgasms through the vagus nerve,”
Diane, I ain’t gonna look it up to see of the “complete spinal cord injury” was done in order to qualify the victim for the experiment.
Don’t wanna know.
actually research with paraplegics (and possibly quadraplegics) has provided this data
Creating incorrigible insatiable beings
The Nazi doctors and the scientific experiments conducted by Tavistock and the CIA focused their sophisticated programming techniques on controlling and manipulating first the individual and then the global human psyche. International Research in psychiatry, eugenics and neuroscience informs the practice and directs the political agenda at the elite level of world governances.
The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) that includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising cranial nerves and spinal nerves.
To heal we need to understand how we have been hard wired and create new pathways that out smart and compensate.
Polyvagal theory-vaso- vagal shock
“. .when the heart is affected it reacts on the brain; and the state of the brain again reacts through the pneumo-gastric [vagus] nerve on the heart; so that under any excitement there will be much mutual action and reaction between these, the two most important organs of the body.1”
I met these people in 2014 at Auschwitz Berkanau-
When – if you have an hour with no interruptions I recommend you listen to this interview.
Much truth wisdom peace and love
Thanks Diane, will have to find a spare hour very soon. I just dipped in to get a taste of what was being said.
Very good – over half way through. I think you will like this …
Please respect my religion (DM Murdock – aka Acharya S)
(Although I am not holding my breath – 7.5 billion are too stupid or too proud – the rest are psychopaths.)
I don’t know about anyone else. I find after quite awhile of “knowing” the things of the lead article and the sharp comments, I have to take time and let it “in” again and again . I will not let these things become water off a ducks back. I clearly have been lucky not to have had to live through these satanic practices, and I will not use my luck to look away or even be quiet.
Agree Simon. I feel very lucky that I had a ‘clear run’ through childhood. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have run away, been cut with knives etc. I have listened to Rachel’s accounts over a long period now. Hell on earth.
Thank you, Simon. And if it had been you with the bad luck to endure the knives, I think you would be wondering why the fortunate knife-free people — including police and judges — were not, at the very least, surrounding you with protection.
Is everyone too scared to act? Look, “they” may do rough things to activists, but they haven’t quite got the manpower to prevent every member of society from outing them.
I know the names of two of the members of the Adelaide pedo ring. And of course Fiona Barnett knows practically the whole roll call.
Get ’em.
+1 Simon too often I find myself thinking the same thing as you in your message above. To Diane, Rachel, Mary and others, I hope God grants you all closure, peace, and serenity on the coming year.
My son also has this cut.
I feel very sick reading this.
Wow, Diane – Interesting selection of links and authors cited- there are more triggers here than I can poke the proverbial stick at so just some notes in bullet point form.
The main reference from your linked article “Visceral Factors” cites:
Loewenstein, G. (1996). Out of control: Visceral influences on behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
… George Freud Loewenstein – “the alleged great-grandson of Sigmund Freud.” (wikipedia) …
which brings to mind Edward Bernays …
“Bernays was a “double nephew” of […] Sigmund Freud—by virtue of his mother, Freud’s sister, and of his father’s sister, Martha Bernays Freud, who married Sigmund.”
[Interlude for Mary
“Bernays‘ grandfather was Isaac Bernays, chief rabbi of Hamburg.” (wiki)
Notably, Bernays was prominent amongst the founding faculty of Tavistosk.
From John D Coleman’s “The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations”:
“Tavistock began [1913] as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization … put together with intent of shaping a propaganda outlet that would break down the stiff public resistance being encountered to the looming war between Britain and Germany.
The project was given to Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe and their mandate was to produce an organization capable of manipulating public opinion and directing that manufactured opinion down the desired pathway to support for a declaration of war by Great Britain against Germany.
Funding was provided by the British royal family, and later by the Rothschilds to whom Lord Northcliffe was related through marriage. Arnold Toynbee was selected as Director of Future Studies. Two Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays were appointed to handle the manipulation of American public opinion in preparation for the entry of the United States into WWI, and to brief and direct President Woodrow Wilson.”
Diane, you also cite Stephen W. Porges – a “Distinguished University Scientist” at the Kinsey Institute
OMG – the Kinsey Institute – established for the ‘scientific’ study into sexual deviance and perversion (see the connection?)
This pdf might be of interest – Kinsey Sex and Fraud
But one cannot talk about Tavistock without mentioning Dr Kurt Lewin, author of “A Dynamic Theory of Personality” and other articles.
Some background on Lewin from John Coleman:
“Tavistock’s chief theoretician, Dr Kurt Lewin, came to the United States [in August 1933] to organize the Harvard Psychological Clinic, the MIT Research Center for Groups Dynamics, the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan; while his colleagues, Cartwright and Cantrill joined him to play a pivotal policy role at the psychological department of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the Office of Naval Research ONI), the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey and the Committee of National Morale.
One of the major players in the Tavistock team was Dr. Kurt Lewin. Born in Germany, but forced to flee when his population control experiments were discovered by the German government.
Lewin was already well known to [Major General John Rawlings] Reese—the two having cooperated extensively in experiments in polling and similar opinion-shaping experiments.
And speaking of psychological experiments:
Coleman again:
“Reese perfected his mass brainwashing experiments through stress tests, or psychological shocks, also known as stressful events. The Reese theory, now amply proved, was that if entire populations could be subjected to stress tests, then it would be possible first, to work out in advance, what mass population responses would be to given stress events
Reese began his long series of experiments in the 1930s using [80,000] British Army recruits as test cases
From there Reese progressed to perfecting mass brainwashing techniques, which he was later to apply to countries slated for change. One such country was the United States, which remains the focus of attention of Tavistock. Reese began applying his behavior modifications techniques against the American people in 1946.”
You can find “Kurt Lewin – Resolving Social Conflicts” on
And we haven’t even begun to explore Ronald O Lippitt
The Dynamics of Planned Change
… Or Gottleib on ESB experiments … (I have reached my link capacity)
Fish and Diane, Judith Reisman is surely an insider. She interviewed me in the 1980s (at Basic Books) for a book I wrote, which I think ended up in the wastebasket. In the preface to her book on Kinsey we find this:
“… a paper Reisman had presented at the Fifth World Congress of Sexology, Jerusalem, 1981. Her presentation was on the role of child abuse in Dr. Kinsey’s research into the sexuality of children and the relationship of that research to the field of sexology, sex education and pornography.”
great to get some feed back -as you know my research and efforts have been to wake people up to the fact that Australia has been used as the laboratory and we are the guinea pigs-it is now the headquarters of the One World Government–run off shore. I have copious files on “people of interest” Kurt Lewin is one–Julius you may be interested in this little tit bit-
30 July 2014
A focus on the psychology behind group dynamics, social identity and discrimination has led to the prestigious Kurt Lewin Medal for a University of Queensland researcher.
There is a Free Julian Assange rally in Melbourne today—He is a product of the experiments carried out by the Tavistock cadre–the Great White Brotherhood later known as the Family–Australia is one big cult.
“Those involved in the CIA’s MK- ULTRA program (both handlers and handlerees), the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation and, of course, the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, where the Founding Fathers of mind control still reside.
Among their alumni are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Kurt Lewin, R.D. Laing, and other headshrinkers.
There is a large statue of Freud near the entrance to the Tavistock Center, 120 Belsize Lane, a short distance from the Freud museum (in HAMPSTEAD).”
“Nazis frequently come up with regard to mind control, MK Ultra and child sexual abuse. This is not surprising, as the Nazis experiments, and their subsequent continuation via those scientists being transferred to other countries, eg Operation Paperclip in the US and Operation Matchbox in Australia led to further development and experimentations often on innocent child victims in and of the public, catholic church, mormon church, freemasonry, illuminati familes, CIA and the cabal, in their variations of mind control and targeted individuals.”
Extraordinary information Diane THANK YOU.
We’re starting to understand why society is collapsing and functioning as it does.
And Julius one wonders — 9/11 and other false flags are ‘stress’ control tests.
Dee, 9-11 is not a test, it is the real thing. For which tests were made.
How about the Impeachment kerfuffle — could that be also a planned stress? How about Assange’s imprisonment? How about all that you are presently going through re child-stealing?
Hey, Diane, what say? If HB finds that the police won’t give an inch re the knife-wielders, is that a good indication that SAPOL works for “Kurt Lewin”?
A voice from Australia
“John Brown is an Australian First Fleet descendent born into a constitutionally protected God based, death obsessed, rape, blackmail and exploitation oriented religious culture. He is the author, developer and publisher of Trauma in Religion a theory that describes the origins of the human rights abuses the Catholic Church inflicts on Catholic children globally. Google #TraumaTheory
The intention to defraud the child of their human rights and human dignity begins with entrapment of the child
Introducing the Catholic concept of a God and Devil is an act of child entrapment and a Human Rights crime demanded by the doctrines of the Vatican and Holy See
The interlude that Fish gave me above is very delightful. Could almost get one out of one’s depression:
So much for—–dna—:-))
The Massachusetts Family Institute (at mafamily. org) urges the non-passage of the state’s bill HB410. It “grants authority for schools to teach kids a young as 12 how to engage in safe anal sex and oral sex.”
Planned Parenthood will soon be established WITHIN 50 high schools in US.
School committees would not longer have a say in the “health curriculum”.
Family is the key – I didn’t come up with that, think it comes from the UN(United Nazi) often bandied about by J Gillard (how is she making the daily bread these days?).
Am I mistaken, but was not VP Pence(the gaul) talking about the sitting POTUS being the greatest pro life prez ever for blocking federal funds.
Planned Parenthood(death, sacrifice cult), have the same sleazy accounting practices of all the other arms of the complex(death cult, swamp). Warren Buffet may supply up to half of the budget, but, you know, these monies were for general tax revenue, but redirected to the sickos.
The other half, from Federal revenue, is still supplied regardless of the talk.
Hey VP Pence, you going to denounce this backtrack…. tumbleweeds…. Didn’t think so.
The United Nations – Episode 7, Communism By The Backdoor
Your posts are allowing my mind to integrate–
Episode 7–guessit is all part of the script :-))
-makes a mockery of–dna
came across this today-describes aspects of my reality– I need to forget to remember and remember to forget on a daily basis
People who remember every second of their life | 60 Minutes Australia
60 minutes of course part of “the propaganda machine”
Thanks to all for holding threads
Hope some of you get to watch the interview posted above–it validates my existence along with Gumshoers–good to be seen and heard and valued
Bunjils Law Look after the children look after the land.Seek the truth
Speak your truth.Trust the butterfly effect.
You deserve a song …😊
being blocked from posting
Diane, I think Her Bossness has put an automatic block on comments that have too many links. So just split your up into two and try again.
Ah they have appeared several hours later
Another topical article that continues to join the dots … concluding paragraph
“By the example of statistics we see how the interpretation of Freudism has wiped out traditional values in the consciousness of millions of people and led to disastrous consequences in various societies. Not only have those who “care for their mental health” ruined themselves as personalities, they have also made their contribution to the creation of socio-cultural chaos in the world.”
(Sourced from ‘Russian Faith’ site)
The following paints a picture of Berlin in the early 1930s and the environment that Kurt Lewin and the likes of Marlene Dietrich et al were compelled to ‘flee’ at that time.
Babylon Before Hitler (Part 27 of TGSNT)
… and see some of the comments and links
Thank you Julius—the article from “Russian Faith” site excellent for my big picture understanding of things.
It seems that South Korea is being taken down the same path
History of Hallyu from Winter Sonata to BTS : How South Korea is the Show Biz King of Asia
Whereas from DPRK … (for example)
Ri Sol Ju: Soldiers’ Footprints
(I chose this one just to share the anecdote that Ri Sol Ju is “Mrs Kim Jong-un”
More from DPRK – this by Kim Sol-mi with the Moranbong band
High haul in the sea
Notice how they celebrate in song simple things like the seasonal fishing haul – or in others, the apple harvest …
(But then again … as raunchy as it gets … but even then it is about studying and learning)
Let’s study
and Babylon before Adolf Hitler part of my biological family cultural dna–can’t wait to watch the above–
If there is anything confronting, please know that you are amongst friends and we can continue to explore further together to find out who wants us divided.
I myself have certainly found some of this confronting – I had not given a critical thought to 911 or any of the other topics that Dee and Mary et al have brought to our attention here.
This quote has helped me.
“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012)
Yes Dee, in relation to the exchange you had with Mary earlier today , 9/11 is most definitely not a test.
It was a deliberately engineered False Flag to traumatise the dumb goyim ( yes, us ) & then galvanise us into action in pursuing pointless wars to destroy those Middle Eastern countries that threaten Israel’s hegemony in the region – squandering our blood & treasure in the process .
You Tube is littered with misinformation about 9/11 ( no doubt propagated by the same entities that were behind the JFK assassination – and for the same reasons ) .
But, by far the most outstanding ( & fact checked for accuracy) piece you’ll watch on the internet is the following :
Yes, it’s nearly 5 hours long so maybe easier to digest if watched in 1 hour increments.
If you only watch one documentary in your entire life on 9/11 ( the greatest crime of the 21st century – & no, Osama Bi Laden and Muslims did not perpetrate it ) , make sure it’s this one .
It’s compulsory viewing if you want to know what really happened.
As legendary 9/11 researcher Christopher Bollyn says : ‘ Solving 9/11 , ends the wars ‘ .
Interesting video about 1920’s Berlin. I’ve read up on it before, but that was a revealing video.
Here is an article about the Western phenomena about MGTOW – men going their own way
Gumshoes has mentioned this phenomena before, but it it very enlightening to read the comments and watch the videos from that site. Western society is going down the drain…
A good male role-model/father can only do so much to instil respect for women as well as the courage to protect one’s sovereignty in this imbalanced society we’ve landed ourselves in. It comes as no surprise that sincere, stable, intelligent, hard-working and respectful young men have lost trust in society & their female peers. We must re-set the balance – good men are NOT disposable, and entitlement is bipartisan.
Excepting the 911 information I plead complete ignorance and astonishment of the trials reported of such evil and tribulation. Sorry, well I suppose fortunate, that I cannot assist to a usefull manner.
But, surely there are a couple of msm journalists who come across all this material.
Why are decent and alleged moral journalists not: either commenting or following up on this horrendous evil being valiantly reported on by commentators?
Today I read an article on allegations of Landeryou raping a Hawke daughter and inferences following that Landeryou was manourvered out of influence by Hawke.
That was a full page report of a alleged historical circumstance.
What we are seeing here is real life reported in current circumstances.
Well msm, what have you miserable R soles ( sorry Mary, my punctuation is limited) have to say for yourselves, your editors and the miserable aholes who own your lives?
Oh, just make sure your children do not suffer a sythe to their little anuses for the sake of the perverted you lot protect.
decent and alleged moral journalists Don’t report because they lose their jobs. There are some non mainstream news that do comment, few hear, and even fewer are motivated into action.
It’s a spider web all connected. Mainstream media is owned by the ruling elite, 6 families.
Journalists with integrity are few & far between. American Christopher Bollyn was one such journo disseminating the facts about 9/11 .
As a reward for that , the U.S govt sent some thugs over to his house who tased him & broke his arm in front of his family. That was in about 2005 / 06.
He immediately packed his bags & left with his family to Sweden – where he now lives & resides.
If he’d remained in his country of birth, he would not be long for this world.
Anyway, if you’re after the ‘ WHO ‘ as to who was behind 9/11 , you could do a lot worse than reading this seminal piece :
The main take away from the msm reaction to 9/11 , is NOT that the wise overlords who rule over us are also in control over the narrative being peddled by privately owned media entities ( as bad as that is ).
The WORST part is that the supposedly taxpayer funded ( allegedly objective & independent ) ABS & SBS refuses to reveal the truth about 9/11 ….. or the JFK / RFK asassinations ….. or the USS Liberty incident …… or the countless False Flags perpetrated around the world like The Port Arthur Massacre , 7/7 London Tube Bombings , 2004 Madrid bombing , the Bali bombing .
That’s the most painful thing of all. Our own ABC , SBS are controlled by the same sinister entity.
How right you are Truth Vigilante.
You might enjoy an old article from 2014
An elephant invades Q&A
911 elephants at the ABC
But they do reveal the truth, it’s part of the game, or protocol?
BBC reports on building 7 collapsing on sept 11/01 –!! BEFORE IT HAPPENS !!– as it visibly stands in the background clearly indicating they knew ahead of time this would happen; a totally orchestrated demolition.
The thing is, the public still passively do mostly nothing.
World’s Most Influential Thinktank Ever
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” — Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
“The Mother of All Think Tanks,” Tavistock tentacles form holographic feedback loops, backdoors and wormhole shortcuts among cultural institutions. Each can be unpacked for their associations and effects on society – Intelligence, Military, Government, NGOs, Economics, InfoTech, Mass Media, Philosophy, Occult, Religion, Science, Academia, Psychology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Zeitgeist. Tavistock took the healing genius of Freud and Jung and aimed it at mass psychology in a controlling way.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call … The Twilight Zone.”
Last Post :-)) re Tavistock Agenda Fait accompli
“The late former foreign minister of Guyana, Dr. Fred Wills, once said that most of the diplomatic corps of the for¬mer colonies of Great Britain spent too much time trying to perfect their “Oxbridge” accents; the rest of the time, he stated, they spent searching “for a British rump to kiss.”
Try¬ing to explain this behaviour to his American friends, Dr Fred Wills said that colonialism still exists in its most powerful form, “as a state of mind of the subject peoples,” even if the former 24 Special Report colonies have been given their nominal freedom.”
“Dr Fred Wills was commenting on the success of a long-term pro¬ject of the British Imperial Elite, effectively keynoted in re¬marks
by Winston Churchill to an audience of Anglophiles at Harvard University on Sept. 6, 1943. Churchill was then locked in battle with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had, on several occasions, made clear his intent to dismantle the British and all other empires at the conclusion of the war.
While refusing to concede American authority to impose a “post-colonial solution” on the Empire, a consensus emerged in the imperial elite, among the families closest to the royal family, that the old imperial structures could not be continued. To maintain control, it was proposed to shift the battlefield, away from control of territory, to control of the minds, not merely of the colonial peoples, but of United States and the rest of the Western world.
In his remarks, which were broadcast internationally, Churchill proposed that his Anglophile allies within the United States join with their Mother England in a new enter-prise. “It is our two countries,” he said with his typical pompousness, “that control the destiny of the world; who control science and technology; who control culture. These are weapons far more potent than military power,” Churchill declared. “To control what men think “offers far better prizes than taking away
other people’s lands or provinces or grinding them down in
exploitation. The empires of the future will be the empires of
the mind.”
“Churchill’s “secret weapon” in this battle for the mind
was an elite group of brainwashers and psychiatrists, then
operating in the Army’s Directorate of Psychological Warfare
under the command of Brig. Gen. John Rawlings Rees.These
were the cadre of the Tavistock Clinic, based in London’s
suburbs; they had already built a network of co-thinkers in
the United States in various university locations, including
Harvard, and wartime operational bases within the Office of
War Information and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).
In addition, Britain’s psychological warriors had established
a beachhead in Hollywood, in the emerging radio, television,
and motion picture industries. At the end of the war, the Tavistock network, which numbered several hundred individuals; reentered civilian life, but remained under the central command of British policy circles.
They proceeded to spawn numbers of think-tanks, institutes,
and other “nodes” (Tavistock’s term for its various allied
centers of activity) in every part of the globe, dominating
every key aspect of social policy; today, the Tavistock core
group numbers in the several score thousand.
That core group, in tum, has trained close to 1 million cadre, by their own estimates, who serve as teachers and advisers to nearly all
business, military, political, and educational elites. In ways
subtle, and some not so subtle, operating as a conspiracy intervening on individual human consciousness, they have attempted to not only shape what people think, but to establish the parameters and limits of thought itself. “
“Knowledge makes a person unfit to be a slave.” – Frederick Douglas.
Thanks for the article ( ‘9/11 Elephants in the room ‘ ) suggestion Dee – it was a great read.
In fact , that article from 2014 is probably the most insightful & fact filled piece presented in a concise format that I’ve read to date.
It is recommended reading for anyone not familiar with the anomalies of the official US government ( implausibly impossible ) narrative of 9/11 .
Also good to see Ned giving as good as he got ( & then some ) from the trolls peddling disinformation in the comments section .
Satan rules the world.
2 Corinthians 4:4