Intro by Dee McLachlan
For several years now I have been listening to many experts that don’t get much airtime anywhere. (Reminds me of the good doctors getting no airtime during the PLANdemic) The more I read and learn, the more I realize that I am a homo sapiens ignoramus. A blip in a vast universe that we really do not understand.
(As a side note, I have many Jewish friends and associates and subconsciously hope they don’t come across Gumshoe. I appreciate the discussion but it feels like we’ve been on the same treadmill for many years.)
However, in Mary’s latest article she wrote “I calculate that the group at the top must be ethnically mixed. …Say, let’s find out.”
I agree, so let us start interrogating other possibilities of where this anti-human, anti-homo sapiens agenda might come from.
The more I investigated the origins of man, the less I believe the general narratives of our worldly origins. The more I investigated the physical elements of this world, the more I question the ‘matrix’ we exist in. For a very long time, I have looked into the possibility of other entities, forces, and galactic races(?) operating in this 3D dimension or other dimensions. Many researchers, biblical scholars and great minds that have dedicated their lives in search of answers providing many viable options too.
So what is really going on?
Personally, I do not want to be constrained in considering so many other possibilities towards understand our place on earth and the meaning of our short life-journey. The journey into investigating child trafficking (i.e., resource exploitation) has created more questions than answers for me.
And the expanded agenda (driven by Covid) to maim the minds of humans; to dismember our CPU — central processing unit (DNA); to conceal miraculous energy systems, to propagate anything that damages the miracle of human life, and to vandalize the planet in so many ways has me questioning whether this is a human-elite agenda. And while we debate the intricacies of history we are being herded into the paddocks as the new resource: dumbed-down humans 2.0.
So, let’s interrogate anyone or anything who looks guilty… and who has really sold us out to who?
I hope Gumshoe readers are willing to expand their ‘operating systems’. As a starter … a rare hidden history hidden and an interview with the late Al-Bielek disclosing some details about the Philadelphia Experiment (suggested by Ned).
Marvellous opening comment.
I have been aware of this matter since 1960s.
There was even a film based on the concept etc.
Now it seems that more substantial reports are coming out, thus I recommend the subject for those who are prepared to widen their vision of life.
I may add that ions ago I read report’s of Eisenhower in 1954 with a alleged toothache, ducked off and met with ‘aliens”. The report included his thoughts that the world was not ready for truth,
It is thought that Kennedy wanted to tell us all about the situation.
I have recently noted another report that Ike met with aliens in 1957 and met a Mr Thore.
Same result as in 1954. Perhaps the report mistook two meetings for one?
Now Thore has turned up again in reports.
Bit complicated but it is suggested that he is guiding real leaders of humanity to a new paradigm…. PEACE!
Of course the bankers and cabal globalist control freaks want their agenda with continued profits.
Has anyone heard of Admiral Byrd and his attempted invasion of Antartica? No, oh well time to do your home work.
THINK OUT OF THE BOX and readers might find a new world challenging all the historic theories that are just bs and a waste of inane arguments with no bloody end or beneficial result.
I’ve not watched the whole thing but the question arises: “whence come these “aliens”?” Although I do not discount the possibility of “denaturing” material as per the “Philadelphia Experiment” I completely reject the “panspermia” fad that seeks to transfer impossibility farther back and farther away so that impossibility can be sold as not only “possible” but ideologically certain.
It’s just part of an orchestrated fear campaign. Th’ blardy “virus” was only partially successful but “aliens” are predicted to be a much more compelling fear; possibly to “encourage” everyone to “get protected” with a “digital compliance code”.
There’s nothing new under the Sun, really. There is not, and never has been, any shortage of physical threats for anyone who might be reluctant to pledge allegiance to Caesar no matter what he is represented by. Presently, the most sacred Caesar is called “democracy” standing in the place of God.
I think David, much of our fear is when we don’t understand.
(By the way, I heard about the false false flag alien attack plan a decade ago — a plan to create a NWO against an imaginary fear)
Well written thank you.
Every word here, as you know, is snooped and noted by goons employed in service.
Sadly, we’ve been on their radar for some time.
And they are now on OUR RADAR with increasing large ‘blips’ of BS.
Mysticism or knowledge that has simply been lost?
“Ancient man, far from being the commonly perceived illiterate brute, was a genius. Some of his ancient technologies still confound historians today.”
Actually obtaining or imparting genuine knowledge of any sort is a spiritual process; nothing can be inculcated or learnt in a religious vacuum.
So called “secular education” is just a euphemism, a sneaky way of maintaining a particular brand of spiritual oppression
Hitler was vilified merely because he managed to outdo every other government of the day and he didn’t proffer any pretense. His legacy is still alive and kicking:
GS News invariably touches on matters of great importance in our lives and personally I am very thankful for being able to learn and compare thoughts and facts generously given to us by you, the GS people.. Mary, Dee and many others.
Coming from me, the following is off topic again , sorry!
One of my main interests in life is Grapes and Grape varieties.
I am only bringing this up now, because Aldi Australia has imported a wine from Chile made of “Carmenere” grapes.
It is available now at a ridiculous price of AUD 6.99.” NUCOS, Vuelo Reserva”. Carmenere. Grown in the Colchagua Valley. Vintage 2019. Alc/Vol is 14%. I give it 18 out of 20. (Red wines contain Resveratrol. Look up Resveratrol/Dementia and Parkinson.)
“Far from being extinct, in recent years the Carménère grape has been discovered to be thriving in several areas outside France. In Chile, growers inadvertently preserved the grape variety during the last 150 years because it was mistaken for Merlot.
Cuttings of Carménère were imported by Chilean growers from Bordeaux during the 19th century, where they were frequently confused with Merlot vines. They modeled their wineries after those in France and in the 1850s cuttings from Bordeaux, which included Carménère grape, were planted in the valleys around Santiago.[13] Thanks to central Chile’s minimal rainfall during the growing season and the protection of the country’s natural boundaries, growers produced healthier crops of Carménère, and there was no spread of phylloxera. During most of the 20th century Carménère was inadvertently collected and processed together with Merlot grapes (probably reaching up to 50% of the total volume) giving Chilean Merlot markedly different properties from those of Merlot produced elsewhere.[14] Chilean growers believed that this grape was a clone of Merlot and was known as Merlot selection or Merlot Peumal (after the Peumo Valley in Chile).[1] In 1994, Carménère was re-discovered as a distinct varietal in Chile by French ampelographist Jean Boursiquot,[1] a researcher at Montpellier’s school of Oenology who found that “an earlier-ripening vine was Bordeaux Carménère, not Merlot”.[13] The Chilean Department of Agriculture officially recognized Carménère as a distinct variety in 1998.[15][16] Today, Carménère grows chiefly in the Colchagua Valley [es], Rapel Valley, and Maipo Province.[17]”
To your health!
Back to today’s classy subject.
I was introduced to Chilean wines, I thought it was a secret, now that you’ve gone and blabbed about them the price will likely increase.
How very End-times, plonking on with Schubert coming through the i-pod.
Reminds me, I had a funny dream a few hours ago, the nice street outside my house was entirely filled up with mobile phone towers of all shapes and sizes with solar panels sticking out of them.
He is saying around 40:00 the Germans sent something to the moon in 1950 powered by some type of antigravity, but all the insight given is rotating masses, something like this would probably be really noisy and inefficient.
Going on to Einstein Unified Field Theory 1928 which he says was buried.
Gravity, Electric Fields, Electro-statics, and Time he says are all inter-related so if you can control 3 you can control the 4th. I would extrapolate that if you alter two you can affect one or two of the others. Not much detail supplied …
It seems strange there are (1960’s) moon landing skeptics who are interested in these other reports. Basically anyone with their head screwed on properly knows we are being lied to all the time. So it depends on what you already know.
When I was about 14 I was with my friend sitting on the roof at about 4am, which is just something teenagers do I guess, we saw a light coming along which suddenly turned 90 degrees with no change in velocity and no noise, I was in fits, then probably less than a minute later it did it again and resumed its original eastward trajectory. I was hyper-excited but my friend didn’t seem to register anything, he seemed to go blank. I don’t know what he was missing but it seemed to him like nothing happened. In case anyone is curious, there were no drugs involved and no inner urban light effects. It just was as it was. In the video they are saying Tesla’s stuff was stolen by the U.S.A. government because the Russians took over Croatia and wanted it. I thought I heard somewhere the relative of Bush got it. I don;t know how to cut through all this stuff unless there is technical evidence. I am quite interested in anti-gravity since according to my experience it appears to be real and do-able.
I never, ever imagined that I might tacitly agree with the Jogan chap on anything, ever.
However, from my highschool days experimenting with gyroscopes in the physics lab at about 14 year old I became very suspicious that there was things that we weren’t supposed to think about, or investigate.
The properties of gyroscopes and magnetism do not conform to the kind of “science” we’re supposed to blindly accept in the uniformitarian, naturalistic version of “evolutionary biology” and all that other associated borlsyt.
I like gyroscopes but I’m quite satisfied they are just displaying rotational inertia, unless you know something else …
Joe, I have heard so many stories from close friends of similar.
Yes I hear it’s very common, and military people will tell you about ufos pulling up next to their jet and switching it off for a moment just for fun and enlightenment
Well, did anyone note that 18th August 2023 might be interesting.
Anyone now have a theory re Q and why he is just too good?
No wonder the globalist control freak owned mass media (and the ABC) are so ‘stupid’ and want us dead.
Poor buggers, their world will fall apart when we are awakened.
Sell the ABC, it is treasonous.
I note that 17 NSW POLITICIANS WILL NOT BE STANDING NEXT ELECTION…..including that Jazzardpus injector creep.
Swap the J to H.
The number 17 rings a bell!?
The Silent Pulse of the Universe
“Jocelyn Bell was a graduate student at Cambridge in 1967 when she pushed through the skepticism from her superiors to make one of the greatest astrophysical discoveries of the twentieth century. While Jocelyn was belittled and sexually harassed by the media, the Nobel Prize was awarded to her professor and his boss. However, that’s only the beginning of the story.”
Also from the Ted Loman UFOAZ site
• Edgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio 23 July 2008
featured here – many more choice headlines and topics
• Ted Loman’s UFOAZ and Off the Record videos
I loved this one …
From CNN by way of Drudge Report: Clinton aide slams Pentagon’s UFO secrecy
“It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon,” ex-Clinton aide John Podesta said Tuesday. (no longer found)
Note: Podesta is the transition chief for President-elect Obama.”
(Calling out the perpetrators of the greatest and most vile antihuman hoax in the entire history of human civilisation while persecuting and demonising its victims is not ‘persecution’ – it is exposure.)
Count me out of this absurd post (I watched all 53:22 and then some for background).
23 August 2023 !!??? What about Red October 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 … ???
…..”Count me out….’
JS… I agreed with your yesterdays comment “let’s not assign all blame for all things to just one group” Yes. Agree. But are we looking in all the cupboards? That was the purpose of this ‘absurd’ post. I honestly feel we missing a massive piece of the puzzle. Massive. (Well that just me)
Thank you Dee … With total respect and appreciation.
NENA | 99 Luftballons [1983] [Offizielles HD Musikvideo]
“Ninety nine balloons
On their way to the horizon
Thought to be UFOs from space
That’s why a general sent
‘A squadron behind
to sound the alarm if that were the case”
There is a massive continual psyop to distract humans from understanding their existence, or their understanding of reality like resources and money
It is fascinating and ironic that in his book ‘Sapiens’, the transhumanist Yuval Noah Harari emphasised that very theme, that resources and money are just myths [?”you will own nothing and be happy?”].
But ‘we humans’ are not standing shoulder to shoulder and collectively trying to understand our existence in wonderment of natural ‘thunder and lightning, wind and fire’ or extraterrestrial phenomena – one group of supremacists is trying to define the future (and rewrite the past) on the basis of “assigning all blame for all things to just one [other, ever broadening] group [Amalek]” and building shrines of worship to this demented toxic hate, while elevating paedophile child murderers to sainthood and still being held unaccountable for 911 and COVID.
We need to expose and eradicate this toxic ideology …
JS you wrote… “while elevating paedophile child murderers to sainthood and still being held unaccountable for 911 and COVID.”
These last four years I have learned from my efforts in child protection that the pedo cult is not only run by the elite… It is embedded into the fabric of our existence somehow. Supposedly ordinary people — hundreds of thousands of them across the world are drawn into a mindset. One grandparent described it accurately. She said there is a “black magic” operating in the childrens courts. Their minds become altered. Something else is going on…
And so when I see 911 and Covid unfolding… there is something else at foot. If you told me a certain frequency alters the mind and (similar to hypnosis) can create blocks in the minds of humans… so intelligent people lose all logic (but only to certain things) and the anti-human program can be rolled out. (I’d say that makes sense) We see it daily… People actually agree to poison themselves. Billions. People agree that its right to rip a screaming child off a breast feeding mum. Something is interfering in species logic. It is not only a war on the mind. All the usual explanations don’t join all the dots for me.
Just another mad priesthood of history up to the usual shenanigans
Dee, the work of kathara talks about ‘running’ fruencies of an other dimensional meta-tron, trying to hide the living lite in herent in us all. the satanists feed off the blue living lite and are trying to NOT go back to the water…
About 20 years since Scotsman Gary McKinnon perpetrated the “biggest military computer hack of all time” of the NASA/Johnson Space Centre looking for evidence of UFOs, extraterrestrials and free energy. Came across references to US space fleet (supposedly) and was downloading images of UFOs when detected. Then there is the quote ascribed to Ben Rich, head of Lockheed Skunk Works, “we already have the means to travel among the stars but the technology is locked up in black projects that it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity”.
As to the moon landing, is it possible that perhaps hidden technology was available in 1969, so far beyond anyone’s imagination, that it did enable a moon landing but that technology was to be kept from the public, hence the Kubrick studio production?
As Bloody Mary said “if you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true”? There are obviously people (with assistance ?) among us who are capable of turning the wildest dreams into reality. Like the smart phone or note book you’re reading this on.
Waz agree. I believe man couldn’t get to the moon on their own steam.
Waz — You mentioned the “smart” phone. The smart minds (and there are hundreds of thousands of them inventing, designing stuff. Working with the most complex concepts and advancing in all areas…
Now these same people line up unquestioningly to accept a poison. Yet they will argue in absolute detail on the merits of something alongside. Does NOT ADD up for me. Other elements are at play. Ideas?
Maybe it depends on where you come from….
In passing
Part 09 – the Boer Wars and the Roots to the New World Order (Rhodes, Milner et al)
Regarding those opening scenes
“Mr. Churchill is already dying to start it. He cherishes the hope, as expressed by intermediaries as well as by his own person, that bombardment should finally, and as soon as possible, feature in this war. And already they are crying that this war should not pay heed to women and children. For when has England ever paid heed to women and children?! After all, this entire blockade warfare is nothing other than a war against women and children, just as once was the case in the Boer War. It was then that concentration camps were invented. “
• Adolf Hitler – speech in the Sportpalast – Berlin, January 30, 1940
but you know all this – just sharing for general readership
All Children Under The Age Of 5 Must Die!’ The British Empire’s Holocaust Hypocrisy: The Shocking Reality Of The Second Anglo-Boer War Scorched Earth Policy
Winston Churchill – Traitor and Murderer
Churchill arranged massive blood sacrifices in WWI and WWII. Gallipoli and Singapore.
Pour encourager les autres.
To increase volunteers and hopefully conscription, for the sake of Empire.
reminds me of king herod
We’re still caught up in the 3rd D. Countdown to lift off
Vibrations (2 min)
Good one. One can experiment this themselves.
Thanks Joe says it all for my lived experience.
Best 2 minute validation that I exist.
double helix and the third strand
did you see the dna light show activated by “the Queen” on the 70th jubilee
Tavistock Agenda 2021 2030…. 3D story
I missed that but these people (?) put so much out there
Fake science has been around since Newton. Apparently, he considered mass to be integral to gravity. Galileo and many others have shown that similar size objects of different weight fall at the same rate.
Yet NASA …. ! and others use gravity to determine the weight of planets!!!!
The reasons for this are simple. We do not give the keys to a Porsche to a 12 years old boy.
The literacy and levels of general understanding should have enabled us to understand what gravity actually is. Humans cannot be trusted, as the articles and comments here have amply shown. Lies are the bodyguard chosen to protect the truth. Chosen.
Thought for the day:
Narrative — oil is fossil fuel… it’s gonna run out (put the price up)
“The following report details the work of several researchers who have put forth the notion that naturally occurring crude oil deposits are not a result of biological decay over long periods of time. Instead, oil could be produced within the Earth’s mantle in an abiotic process.
This information supports the work of some who claim that the Earth is a living sentient organism, with comparable biological systems to native species on the surface, such as a Lymphatic system. Crude oil could literally be the blood of the Earth.”
Agreed Dee! The oil scarcity scam is another lie we have been indoctrinated to believe is fact, as is evolution , the fiat money scam, the heliocentric scam and not to mention the covid scam .
The extra extraterrestrial life could be just that extra-terrestrial , (other lands ) unknown to us as of yet .
This time in our existence is testing every aspect of what it means to be human (homo-sapiens), Our critical thinking, intelligence and the basis of which would be to entertain the idea of a different narrative and challenge our preconceived ideas of how our world is . Egos and hubris are another testing ground especially when the ego seems bigger than the IQ. This would lead onto intellectual empathy because we all have a starting point and what is old news or knowledge to oneself was not always the case .
Probably the biggest test of our humanity more so than our humility and intelligence, would be our compassion for others especially the most vulnerable among us.
Thank you for your work to that end Dee.
The term “homo sapiens” is patent monkeys-to-man lingo, the obvious connotation being that we’re descended from knuckle-dragging apes
that our brains are more developed than those of our knuckle-dragging ape ancestors.
“species” is another clanger: a “species” is a plant or animal genome comprised of many variables that cannot interbreed.
People obviously don’t fill any such bill
We are creatively designed and not some random accident of so called evolution.
Abiotic oil is a simple and well known fact. Liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons are fairly easily synthesised in a laboratory from any carbon source with the application of water, heat, pressure and a mineral catalyst.
The process has been developed to an industrial level in what is known as the Fischer-Tropsch process that was developed in Germany during WW II, for synthesising liquid hydrocarbon fuels from coal and steam. The process was also used in South Africa on an industrial scale during the “apartheid” sanctions.
There is plenty of graphite (mineral carbon) in places of the Earth’s crust along with plenty of water, heat and mineral catalysts. The reaction conditions and type of catalyst largely determines the type of hydrocarbons produced.
I can supply more detailed info if anyone is interested.
It just goes to show almost anything can become “official wisdom” with the right amount of consistent misinformation and disinformation applied.
Yes objects accelerate at approx. the same rate depending where on the planet you are, but isn’t the current story gravity waves going through space-time ? And for the religious minded I have a little story about space-time and “spirit” but I’ll save it for another time so don’t touch that dial.
Late father used to say, oil is the lube between crust and larva,
and similar to an engine dry, is susceptible to blowing up without.
Gravity is a myth. The whole universe or what is presented to us by so called mainstream science, all depends on Gravity being real. Ironically the very pivot point that they need to keep the whole narrative together, truly does not hold water. Pun intended .
NY Supreme Court strikes down “unconstitutional” Va666 mandate
OMG – !!! ( can we still trust national file ? ) ( on this I hope so )
I reiterate the inspiration for this post:
I honestly believe we do not understand the reality we live in. And there will be two reasons why the ‘powers’ (whoever/whatever they are) can maim the minds and bodies of humans (all humans) and then herd us into the constrained paddocks. These are…
(1) because we don’t know who we (what we) are, and
(2) we have little understanding of our reality and the world.
The three major control mechanism I think are:
(1) trauma caused by fear,
(2) distraction distraction (in the 3D) — it doesn’t matter how many people understand 911 was an inside/outside job — the process of exposure is the distraction, I recall a survey saying that about 70% didn’t believe the narrative yet is made ZIP difference — same dogs at the helm (Do you feel you’ve gone around in circles year after year, or decade after decade? Gumshoe is just shy of a 100,00 comments) and then…
(3) possibly the control of frequency in which the mind operates.
A side note: A comment said “we’re all in this together” — Yes in a way we are. But maybe we should think about our leaders as the COLLIE DOGS (SHEEP dogs). The sheepdogs … at the sound of the whistle … herd the sheep into the pen. (Both are mammals on the farm , but one gets the benefit of staying in the farmhouse)
The sheep can debate the merits of the dogs forever deciding on who are the rotten controlling bastards behind this heinous plot: Is it the English collies, german shepherds, Shetland shepherd, Bohemian Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Australian Kelpie, Chow Chow or the Shiloh Shepherd? It makes no real difference does it?
I think that is what is happening. .. but we need to find out who/what is blowing that f***ing whistle (and why) … and understand what is the farm?
Do we need an EXPLORATION series…?
I vote: Belgian Malinois!
Yes we do !
I have a lot to off I know about how they are using the pulse of the universe
All this “why evil prevails” in some, or many, has been consistently explained as the morally debilitating effects of sin, particularly the sin of pride; the “I will not serve” kind. Everyone has their own favourite proclivities which dominate them if not restrained by Grace, Actual Grace (the good influences of “natural” things like culture) and Sanctifying Grace (which is a direct gift of some good to the soul). We cannot create our own “goodness”, we can only accept or reject what is offered.
Dee, I defo don’t mean to put down your effort to open all the cupboards. Also, I admit my prejudiced nature. I am satisfied with the evolution story and have no incentive to look for other cupboards. Granted, I’ve got zero idea what goes on in other galaxies.
I’m pretty sure your search is motivated by the fact that you can’t countenance the meanness of the judges, ICL’s, psychologists, and po, when it comes to child-stealing. It is amazing. But I’ll try to “splain” it: Instead of asking an astronomer, just ask Diane DeVere. She has said a dozen times that Australia is the big lab for mind control.
I think those child-stealers have at least been put into a mental state from which they cannot distinguish right from wrong. The occasional female cop, and at least a few male cops, have said they hate forcing a youngster into the car. So they didn’t get The Training.
But remember the AFP honcho (honcha?) Debbie Somebody or Other. She spoke like an “alien.” I bet she is under mind control. Just like a Manchurian Candidate who murders. She is not in touch with reality.
Now to a more homely example. Some psychologists agree that after a person does something awful, he is more likely to do it again, in order to prove to himself that it’s natural and OK.
And think about this: our bad solicitors in the Youth Court don’t look nervous or guilty. They are “on another planet.” Same for Kathy what’s her name, the state guardian. This itself is a terrible thing. Maybe someone has the code by which to deprogram such persons?
One more suggestion. Julius just gave us a link to a Churchill thing. That PM was into satanic sacrifice. He sacrificed the public. But you may know of his cruel mom. So when he was growing up, the NORMAL connections that underpin altruism did not happen. His brain reached out for other animal-like behaviors. (I’m guessing.)
I honor your search. I honor your bafflement. Thanks for this website.
I’m not confusing the children’s courts with the other questions I pose. I had been on the search for our reality long before.
You “are satisfied with the evolution story” and that sort of explains my point. How do we understand ourselves if we do not understand our origins or in fact who we are. Many sources point to us being “designed”. If you can’t entertain that as a possibility, then you will be caught in the matrix reality created for us. But if you are willing to explore the evidence trails then a completely different view opens up which could explain so much of what is happening.
Thanks for the thanks… By the way, I am not “baffled” — In much of this I am very clear. But I am explaining that we know so little and that to have the hubris to claim we have the knowledge of our reality means we are unable to expand further.
There’s a pressing need to stop thinking in terms of “normal” vs “paranormal”. The truth is that our very existence is downright weird:
The control system of the Age is heavily reliant on maintaining misconceived ideas about physicality:
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”
(from 14 minutes on “Sons of God and Giants”)
“Instead of asking an astronomer, just ask Diane DeVere. She has said a dozen times that Australia is the big lab for mind control.” I have said many things many times about many things—I have also said That Mass mind control Psychological warfare is fait accompli, it has enslaved, mesmerized, blackmailed, lured us into THEIR Matrix –and THEIR systems is of another energy frequency it comes from a cyber warfare world. Beam me up—
Mary you are a mastermind of diversionary tactics.
Diane, how does the matrix work in such a way that some Mums are very distressed (naturally with thier kid stolen from them) and yet others in the system — say, a CPS employee — is not distressed? How can the new force that pulls us in be so precise as to whom it captures?
i have often thought of aliens and ghosts as Jungs back-door archetypes. ever considered lizzards as lebian and greys as gays? reminds me of the song paper and fire.
We are living in an era of intense deception, coming from all angles all the time. This is the worst form of slavery enforced by the devil’s children, steering us towards tribulation in a world totally insane, when the mass give their souls to satan. Every major movement is working toward that end.
But the opposite is also coming at us, such as from youself, Ant56.
Maybe one of our smart readers could work it out mathematically, or like hydraulics. Show where the pressures enter and how truth relieves it.
I may as well mention, since I am so fond of mentioning it, that punishing even one of the baddies — even in frickin effigy — even one who’s been in the grave for 50 years — would bring about some relief. “He done wrong — quarter him!”
(I’ve never witnessed a good quartering, have you?)
Oh, and I haven’t had any replies to my call for awards for whistleblowers on The Eve of All Hallows, so I am going to publish a blank article (almost blank, we’ve got Seth Rich posing on the catwalk) that day. Provided HB permits it. There’s no precedent for a blank article.
Want a whistle blower?
Then listen to the subject interview in this article and scroll down to Terry’s comment below.
Good start for You, just invest a bit over three hours all up to listen to both videos.
If you cannot afford the time, miss prep and writing one proposed theory article and get Mr Fish to assist.
ill nominate that kelly bloke from the UK who declared iraq had no WMD before the war, then had to kill himself.
Good memory, I have barely got the recollection in one brain cell max
Steven Greer is well known for ‘The Disclosure Project’ where many different people gave evidence of the existence of extra terrestrial life, UFOs, interference with atomic sites and equipment, etc.
Here is a long interview (2hour42minutes) on what he is up to now. I watched the entire interview and it contains HEAPS of information. If you are interested in ‘aliens’ and free energy, ‘Philadelphia experiment and more, this is the interview for you.
Well done Terry, you put in the time and reap the reward.
There is no other way to be informed. Unless one meets one or sees their products in action defying gravity.
Alternatively, as we have professionally witnessed, get the reports from the witness box from SINCERE WITNESSES.
After all, juries can handle anything with the evidence considered.
Some people are not sufficiently competent or intellectually capable of objective analysis and should not carry out criminal jury duties.
I recall pundits denying the concept of aircraft and another opined that to travel at speed in a motor vehicle would cause the blood to boil.
Idiots are a dime a dozen and many speak here .
Maybe I should put up biblical scholar Paul Wallis. After listening to him and others I could see more dots… which I am now trying to join.
Throw it out there, maybe somebody else has some other dots they can add to the puzzle.
OK. So far I have watched the first 60 minutes of Greer. He subsribes to the moon-landing.
Would somone please write to him and ask the simple question: Can US astronauts pass thru the van Allen belt? He knows a lot, so he must be able to set that mystery to rest.
Do you recall the credence I placed on the fact that the Smithsonian Magazine did a lousy job of debunking the moon skeptics? I am willing to say that their doing that may itself have been a “tactic.”
For the record, I consider magnetic fields to be normal, orthodox, and not woo-woo. But as for their having a mission to perform in connection with human behavior, I am totally ignorant.
I heard the VA belts are not uniform and have thin areas that can be mapped so the thick areas can be avoided, but maybe they put lead foil in the capsule walls anyway. Not sure what the ETs are doing, they might have copied that
With respect, Paul Wallis’s hypotheses are proof positive that he’s either never read, or categorically rejects the passages of Genesis disseminated in the above Michael Pearl talk, so he could hardly be called a “biblical scholar”
But this guy is a straight-as-a-die, bible college graduate, stone cold sober believer in the existence of aliens:
What’s staggering to me is the blissful insouciance re the inevitable consequences of looking into the phenomena within any other context
Thanks Terry for Dr Steven Greer interview I have watched 1 hour 16 minutes so far. The Big Picture -A trans dimensional Universe -a great resource–great advice about disclosures and have taken lots of notes.
“An existential crisis on the planet”
“The rules of the Universe are Universal whatever is on another star system can be discovered on this planet”
Ah yes and Australia gets a mention–5 Eyes–The Great Barrier Reef
And what he calls Disclosure PTSD and how he uses his trauma knowledge skills and spiritual protection abilities to navigate the dangerous territories.
The Ultimate Singularity is the Consciousness Field.
The experiments (MK) with frequencies on the human body–enabling the brain to tap into other dimensions -alter space time. The need to integrate the vertical and horizontal to align to source. Made me think of my programming that resulted in poly-fragmentation of systems.
Water is the key.
Thanks Dee for Expanding our Operating System. We need to learn more about Open Source Release–around 44 minutes. Speaks of how too many platforms -are monitored controlled -he cites Rogan -they are rewarded, allowed to continue, paid to take out anything “inflammatory”
Ah back to work
Weaponising the weather
… 24:00 Very high frequency EMF at very high voltages would cause objects to levitate (in the 1920’s) …
For stuff about EMF (electro / magnetic fields), “free energy” etc
Greer says 90%+ of all the material on the internet about these types of woo-woo things is a cesspool of [ I forget the exact words ], goes on a rant
Link from video to Greer movie
The AI knows us better than we know ourselves. This nightmare technology is now reality, because oligarchs with trillions to play with want to chip all. They do this motivated by their father. Simply, they are bad seed.
Why do they do what they do?
Why can’t they just enjoy their hoards of ‘sucked wealth?
Why, because they are spiritually his tools.
But Ant56, each of them is only one man. How can each be so well educated? I admit Bill Gates is a computer genius, and there are probably many like him at MIT and Berkeley (high percentage Chinese).
If I were an oligarch with trillions, I’d just like to go on a cruise, not be beset with huge responsibilities. Especially now that all the bastards on the Internet (e.g., Gumshoers) want to whoop my trillionaire arse.
But maybe Diane will inform us that those guys too have no free will left? (But then I ask again, how do some of us feel that we are free to think and do as we like?)
Note to Dee: Of course you are baffled. Every scientist is driven by his/her baffledom. Raise hands anyone reading this who is not baffled.
How do the Boston Marathon liars get away with lying? That’s about the pith of my baffle. I NEED TO KNOW.
I suggested in a comment above… “…maybe we should think about our leaders as the … sheepdogs … at the sound of the whistle … they herd the sheep into the pen.” That was referencing that looking at which sheepdog to blame for the herding will never uncover the source of the whistle. I am suggesting we consider that this anti-human agenda is being controlled by a whistle somewhere… something not human.
“(But then I ask again, how do some of us feel that we are free to think and do as we like?)” I don’t think this is the case. We might think we are free to think what we like… but programs from birth shape those thoughts to the point one cannot think freely. That’s why I am harping on about …
(1) we don’t know who we (what we) REALLY are, and
(2) we really have little understanding of our reality.
This is lovely to watch. Young woman at Cambridge, Jocelyn Bell, finding quasars and pulsars. Don’t miss it.
Ahh Mary I posted it earlier just for you I knew you would like it.
Jocelyn was born the same year as myself. Along with Wendy Hoffman. Diane Perry (Tenzin Palmo) Tony Gambino and a very special Soul Mate and muse.
There is a very special bit for me–towards the end when she speaks of the pulse energy and only some see it–you see since living in the desert with the old ones, near very powerful energetic sites I have experienced parallel universes.
When its all said and done, I believe we really are just a bunch of Earth-bound misfits (with some notable exceptions such as indigenous peoples) who are unfit to be admitted to the Galactic Community (should it exist – the “others” probably wouldn’t want to come near us with a (inter-galactic) barge pole).
Our creator-beings set us up with the foundations for civilisation, leaving behind wonderous structures to hold us in awe and remind to us of their omnipotence. So, what do we do – largely ignore them, allow them to fall into disrepair or tramp all over them taking selfies without any regard to their meaning. “They” left us to our own devices – big mistake. We were warned not to seek knowledge that our small brains couldn’t handle. All we had to was sit back and enjoy what was provided and to try not to f**k the place up!
My nomination for whistle blower is Yoichi Shimatsu. It might be an unpopular call, and I might be naive, but I think his series of articles on existential threats (covid, Fukushima) or highly sensitive issues, such as pederasty, are extraordinary. His articles are highly detailed and he joins dots like no other journalist I know of. I don’t understand why he doesn’t get more recognition, except that he writes exclusively for a somewhat dubious website. Suffice to say, his Part 15(?) covid article in April 2020 was the clincher for me when friends and colleagues were racing off in a panic to get jabbed. He was the ONLY journalist I could find to predict the end of the virus, giving his reasons and emphatically stating: remember this point. A few months after that statement the MSM dropped all references to covid deaths and switched to the generic “cases”. Cases of what? Nobody has a clue other than being positive readings of the fraudulently used PCR test. I knew then the covid pandemic had been revealed as a scam (except for a handful of countries where the virus was first released). He was also the only journalist to point the finger for responsibility, name the Frankenstein scientists he believed were involved, the labs (not WIV) and source of the virus (badgers not bats).
Thanks, that’s two. Seth Rich and Yoici. Oh wait, did they kill Yoici? “All hallows” means they are now in heaven.
I need year of death and cause of it (e.g., car crash).
Other contibutors can email me, or tell us in a comment, or wait till Oct 31 when we have an almost blank article.
The authors of the article are every co-author, e.g., for Seth Rich it is Joe Bogan. Actually, if you want to be listed as a co-author, your entry must arrive by Oct 29 so dingbat can organize them.
Sorry, missed that bit about being deceased. Yoichi still alive as far as I know.
“All we had to was sit back and enjoy what was provided and to try not to f**k the place up!”
Well that’s a complete distortion of what my Bible tells me:
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Hence the fact that, corrupt desires aside, our very nature is, and always has been,geared toward creating and improving
Wonderful article Dee. Addressing the elephant in the room.
I note that Nobel prize winning professor of Astronomy and Astro-Physics Brian Scmidt of Australia National University has estimated that 1 in 5 stars within the Milky Way galaxy has an orbiting planet within a habitable zone like Earth. That amounts to an astronomical number of habitable planets within just one of countless galaxies.
Given such statistics, Schmidt himself postulated that it would seem rather irrational to assume we Earthlings are alone in the multiverse.
Given also that there is such fear and disbelief regarding the possibility we share the multiverse with other physical intelligences, it is understandable why the existence of aliens has been, until March this year, completely quashed by disinformation agencies such as the CIA.
Project Blue Beam aside, simple Astro-Physics suggests we have company here.
I think the most important question is, are they all friendly? Pretty unlikely. In which case, Dee’s article has validity.
So far all this “aliens” stuff is entirely reliant on the unjustifiable assumption that a mix of various chemicals can and will turn itself into live organisms… super sentient live organisms, in fact.
Anyhow, for the “sciolaters” out there this little talk should make you frantically furious; or, more likely, completely turned off. What is crook science and where does it come from?
This W’m Briggs bod has published a couple of my gripes or observations. Here’s one that is somewhat pertinent to this topic:
He apparently thought that he and his mates would have some fun at my expense but if anyone has the inclination to read the argument that developed in the comments I think I won in the end. He seems to have kept well clear of the topic since… perhaps he doesn’t want to spoil his credibility.
For those of us who are inclined to seek “enlightenment” from the “vibrations” or “pulses” of the “spirit guides from the Astral Plane” might be slightly interested in this short excerpt from a 2 hour interview on the same ‘site.
Taylor Marshall interview of exorcist Fr Chad Ripperger:
And so what do the “evolutionary biologists” have to say about this renowned “evolutionary biologist”? One might suspect that Maggie Sanger was well in touch with the “Spirit Guides of the Universe”…:
One might easily suspect that Maggie did not agree that every person is destined for some metaphysical end way beyond the pleasure and convenience offered by this fleeting temporal life. As such, of course, babies (born or unborn) have no value except as some sort of “convenience” to the self-aggrandising “superior” classes.
almost 5000 years ago a species of aliens consisting of trillions of beings living in a galaxy far far away urgently needed to find a new home as theirs was rapidly disintegrating & all life would be lost if they stayed.
so off they ventured into the far reaches of the galaxy & eventually found themselves a new home.
although they weren’t aware of it, their home was located on earth, within the vast grass plains of Africa on a single blade of grass.
over the less than one nano second of their happy, comfortable & harmonious existence, they prospered, multiplied rapidly and eventually colonised 7 blades of grass.
but unbeknownst to the aliens, a bison was, at the precisce moment that the aliens landed, in the final process of taking a step. still within that nano second, the bison’s foot landed and the entire species was wiped out.
who created God. who created religion. who created science. who created money. who created wars. who created the pandemic. and who created aliens.
“The ‘humane studies’ of which you speak will only satisfy human thought when, as they advance, they meet the exact sciences and progress side by side with them. Whether they will meet under a new microscope, or in the monologues of a new Hamlet, or in a new religion, I do not know, but I expect the earth will be covered with a crust of ice before it comes to pass. Of all humane learning the most durable and living is, of course, the teaching of Christ; but look how differently even that is interpreted! Some teach that we must love all our neighbours but make an exception of soldiers, criminals, and lunatics. They allow the first to be killed in war, the second to be isolated or executed, and the third they forbid to marry. Other interpreters teach that we must love all our neighbours without exception, with no distinction of plus or minus. According to their teaching, if a consumptive or a murderer or an epileptic asks your daughter in marriage, you must let him have her. If crêtins go to war against the physically and mentally healthy, don’t defend yourselves. This advocacy of love for love’s sake, like art for art’s sake, if it could have power, would bring mankind in the long run to complete extinction, and so would become the vastest crime that has ever been committed upon earth. There are very many interpretations, and since there are many of them, serious thought is not satisfied by any one of them, and hastens to add its own individual interpretation to the mass. For that reason you should never put a question on a philosophical or so-called Christian basis; by so doing you only remove the question further from solution.”
The deacon listened to the zoologist attentively, thought a little, and asked:
“Have the philosophers invented the moral law which is innate in every man, or did God create it together with the body?””
Excerpt from Section XVI – “The Duel” by Anton Chekhov:
[The main character speaking is von Koren, a zoologist and evolutionist. He is speaking with the (retired) deacon.]
Read on – this really is quite a good bit to philosophising put to writing …
(search on opening phase “humane studies” and read for a few pages – around 1300 words
… published 1891
It is one thing to wonder in awe about the heavens, about thunder, rain and lightning, wind and fire, and our minuscule, irrelevant and short-lived place in the universe … But another thing entirely to wonder who set the explosives that brought down all three WTC buildings – and all who harbour them.
I remember a race horse trainer remarking that one should keep themselves in the best of company and their horses in the worst.
“Do not be unequally yoked. I presume that the following in one instance rules out being on the electoral role and voting for unGodly polticians who think they can replace God and can make up their own rules to lord it over you.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
New King James Version
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
17 Therefore
“Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
“I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty.”