Home Australia The Poisoners’ Progress

The Poisoners’ Progress


Typical supermarket aisle being loaded with boxes of cheap painkillers

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

It has become obvious by now that certain members and affiliates of pseudo government bodies such as AHPRA are pretenders, effectively conmen, running their own corrupt agendas. These agendas have been in progress for a long time. Somehow, people fell under the sway of the Medical Industrial Complex even as it made them sicker and sicker, to the point where people of the lowest caste (bloodline) in India, relegated to working on rubbish tips, are healthier than many Australians. They literally have stronger immune systems and fewer disabilities and diagnosable conditions. One of the many weapons the Medical Industrial Complex uses against the public is the supermarket.

A glaring indicator was the commercial grapes evolution over the past twenty years or so. Originally, and by popular demand, the grapes trend was towards seedless, and the trend towards super-sizing led to a variety called “Globe” which became unsaleable due to its watery flavourlessness. Next, various slightly elongated red, pink and green grapes were tried, all completely seedless, with a trend towards thinner skins. None of these really resembled natural grapes but most were relatively edible. As their popularity diminished someone somewhere came up with almost natural black grapes, with a thick and tasty, nutritious skin and plenty of flavour, though the vitamin rich seeds were gone. These were priced at a premium and very popular when suddenly a few years ago they completely disappeared. It seems Coles and Woolworths may have been instructed to stop buying them. Perhaps they were all exported to some haven for the elites. What we got instead were hideous, distended, genetically modified so-called grapes, devised by perverts allied to Big Agriculture, sugary blobs with a membrane almost painted on, it was so thin. But the diabolical promoters think they are wonderful, almost like lollies.

“Sweet Sapphire® black grapes are a unique and visually striking variety, known for their deep black color and elongated shape. Often referred to as “witch’s fingers”.

A.k.a. Moon Drop grapes, developed by International Fruit Genetics in California, not recommended for human consumption.

White bread and sugar are both well known to be health-destroying and could be regulated but they are generally not, this is obviously deliberate. Some countries have sugar taxes, the legacy of some responsible if temporary administration.

(Poland, Sri Lanka, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Bermuda,Thailand, Botswana, Cook Islands, Mauritius, and South Africa).

Canada insists on white flour being “enriched”, since during the milling process, many vitamins and minerals are lost, the Canadian regulator mandates the addition of iron, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and folic acid (B9) to theoretically restore its nutritional value. Milling is great for shelf life as insects lose interest in this manufactured product. If the nutrition is lost, it begs the question, why eat it. Even worse, why eat it from cradle to grave, three times a day. This is senseless.

Carbohydrates and in particular sugars flood the body and break down the insulin regulation system flooding cells with glucose and causing diabetes and cancer. The supermarket has a large sugar section with kilogram sized bags of all types of sugar. No ordinary shopping expedition should include large bags of sugar.

Addictive sugar is added to nearly every other processed food, even in combination with salt, the claim being that they enhance each other. People should be wise to “lo-fat” by now but it’s still on the shelves. The food industry and medical system are controlled by the same group of super-rich owners, whom we call Globalists. Smaller investors who bother to show up at the company AGM’s are entertained with managerial charisma and profit statistics. As in nature, eventually the parasite kills the host; in our society, a similar elaborate and expensive process.

A digression into heists

These days it’s hard not to notice, with Trump doxxing the likes of Nancy Pelosi about her sharemarket insider trading, coming out in the open as part of Trump’s J6 revenge. Did he really want the 2021-2025 term or are the conspiracy theorists correct, that everything was mapped out ahead of time. Possibly the nature of Trump is that he would have liked both outcomes, simultaneously. This is the type of expanded reality world we are becoming more familiar with these days. In any case we are becoming aware that all the politicians, Australian as well as American, are raising many millions of dollars for their family trusts, by insider trading knowledge concerning companies that are about to receive large government contracts. 

In Australia, insider trading is considered a serious crime. Individuals found guilty can face a maximum fine of $450,000 and/or up to ten years in prison.

Courts and prosecutors could probably get nearly all living past and present government ministers jailed for insider trading but the evidence is clear that they don’t want to. Insider trading charges seem to be reserved for particular upstarts. Chris Ellison, the managing director and founder of Mineral Resources, is embroiled in a significant legal battle over allegations of insider trading and tax evasion. There’s a story in this, but it doesn’t belong here. Former PM Kevin Rudd’s wife walked away with $200 million thanks to getting the inside running on government outsourcing but nobody complains about that. Rudd understands he is fully owned.

Where the 60’s ended: The Owl and the Pussycat, Columbia Pictures, 1970

The owl-like former PM John Howard gave us a 50% tax concession on Capital Gains Tax which was delivered by his treasurer Peter Costello with his equivocal, almost salivating grin, his greatest failing, which he wore like a hyena or more kindly, the Cheshire cat. This meant any assets including company shares held more than one year could be sold without paying the full rate of income tax. The top rate of tax was also lowered. Coupled with the 2006 million dollar tax-free contribution to their superannuation account pre-election special, a mighty gift was bestowed by the grateful careerist on his primary demographic, the conservative baby-boomer. When Howard was being ridiculed by the likes of Keating, his simple answer was “My time will come”. It’s natural to think things were better during one’s youth and the baby-boomers are no exception to this rule, hence the retro-style “white picket fence” era during Howard’s 1996-2007 term.

The ALP’s “Build To Rent” is a nonsensical proposition because building a house to current standards is so expensive that nobody could recover the cost in rent, even with all the tax concessions. Nobody, that is except “Australian Super”, a BlackRock company operating here, which it may be assumed will start importing houses fully manufactured in China. The ALP led by the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader, Clare O’Neil, now demoted to housing minister, is planning to give foreign institutional investors a further 50% tax cut. Build To Rent, if it actually gets off the ground, will presumably end at some point and the houses will be sold off as they are starting to fall to pieces, probably with the land already converted to leasehold. After all, that’s all any future generations will be able to afford. The business model was already tried in Melbourne, on swampland near Mordialloc, where cabins were for sale with no guarantee of the continuance of the land, except that it was swampy.

This is how real (royal) estate has always worked. Acquire the land and carve it up, selling the same thing over and over. Anyone not in favour of the status quo, do they really think the local rag and bone man could run a country any better? Peasants have good years and bad years but they remain peasants.

So the plan is revealed, insane building standards and deliberately incompetent training arrangements were actually delivered with deadly intent by minions of the New World Order, for the New World Order. The politicians could tax empty dwellings but conveniently, none of them seems to have thought of this measure.

Ultimately, you HECS mortgaged former tertiary students will not own your Chinese built apartment but you will be happy, because the alternative of course is the street. Temporary living quarters makes sense first because you are no longer required as a breeder, as in the post-war period, but only as an itinerant worker, and second, your aspirations will be accommodated and controlled by the standard of temporary accommodation you can afford to reward yourself with. If you make it to 67 you will have some superannuation which will have devalued like Weimar Marks by then.

Thanks to the Unaparty’s actions there really is no future for many of the wrinklies of the echo-boomer generation.

Housing suggestion for echo-boomers without an inheritance

Everything is being sucked onto the Globalist black hole. We learn that Donald Trump’s uncle handled the stolen Tesla files, it’s assumed Tesla was murdered by unknown agents. Trump’s confidence in US military supremacy hints at familiarity with this trove. We learn that Elon Musk’s maternal grandfather was an originator of Technocracy, now all but scrubbed from the internet. Short audio: https://www.technocracy.news/historian-elon-musk-was-shaped-by-technocrat-grandfather-science-fiction/ 

Bill Gates seems to have originated from out of the Rockefellers but evidence is scrubbed from the internet. Rockefellers had a habit of buying encyclopedias before the internet arrived. Even Amazon’s Bezos, the newly minted member of the billionaire’s club, is from a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research) bloodline. You just don’t get anywhere from nowhere. There should be a book called “Who’s Really Who”. DARPA also funded the internet, Google and its offshoot, PRISM which is a controversial surveillance program operated by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). This program collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies. No wonder defense was acquiring toilet seats for $1000 each back in the day. The money just disappears.

In the public sharemarket we see market divergence taking over – for example NVidia raises the entire US stock market while the small caps are stagnant. Warren Buffet has been exposed as buying early into various incentivated monopolies. It seems we are now in the throes of “Aladdin”, the BlackRock super-bean-counting computer that nobody can beat, at least on speed. Larry Fink once worked for Donald Trump. The revolving doors are spinning off their axles. The inside information closes all the deals.

USD to 2011: Looks like we might be back in 1980 again, after which gold was torn down by the famous sharemarket manipulations of the 1980’s. After that, excepting around the 1987 crash, it went out of style for twenty years.

Warped Greed

“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike

President Trump has been quietly conforming to the broader New World Order agenda with his America first program. It looks like patriotism but someone with the skills of Donald Trump can walk at least two sides of any street, including all the confidential arrangements, he probably walks 8 sides of a major intersection like a huge octopus hovering over the traffic. But USD hegemony is coming to its scheduled end via the BRICS arrangements and the money isn’t coming in anymore. If the government tries to print its way out it will end up with hyperinflation like Zimbabwe. When government and banks get too greedy, the result is inflation. One strategy is to siphon off as much as possible into crypto-currency Ponzi schemes.

The swamp is being drained of minor players and hacks with the intent of replacing them with Artificial Intelligence, by amazing non-coincidence, at the exact time AI is being developed. 

It has already been trialled in Australia, as Bill Gates came to Australia to sell ms_CoPilot365 to PM Albanese and his government in early 2024. Few will mourn the unemployed American bureaucrats when they cannot pay to have their arteries unblocked. These people don’t answer the phone anyway, they are busy bending paper-clips and dodging trouble. Providing answers is too hard. 

When Bill Gates gets his software installed in Washington he will be another unimpeachable, untouchable billionaire King of the US government, with full immunity, pun not intended.

BRICS too are subject to NWO programs, for example in South Africa it appears the railways are being stripped and abandoned by the government, eventually relegating their troublesome citizens to the 15 minute cities. The original multipolar BRIC plan was drafted by the same Globalists who have been bleeding out the USA. South Africa is rich in resources, apart from the annexation of Lesotho by the British, most likely a Zionist faction, since the diamonds mostly go to Israel for processing. Zionism itself is a favoured tool of the Globalist agendas, fitting with the ages old “Jews” narrative. Historically, you could get rid of troublesome Jews by various means. Up to some point of excess they could be useful employees. But you could clear out a whole town with a “drinking babies blood” false flag, if your Jews were becoming too autonomous. Be Jewish at your own risk, understanding you are part of a human shield equation. All this type of manipulation is part of the fabric of statecraft. Just as technology has surpassed all expectations, so too, statecraft has been evolving. All the plans for everything we see were devised and sketched out long ago. It’s curious that microtechnology focussed on just this point in time with such success, or perhaps there was just a certain inevitability, supplied by the ancient prophecies.

In March 2020, as the Covid-19 theatrics escalated, New York Governor Cuomo announced the acquisition of 8,555 ventilators at a cost of $166 million.

In April 2020, partly as one of many post-hegemony cost cutting measures, President Trump announced the suspension of U.S. funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), a move that aimed to save approximately $900 million. The Trump administration redirected $62 million owed to the WHO for that year to other health-related initiatives under United Nations auspices. Additionally, the proposed budget for 2021 suggested a significant reduction in voluntary contributions to the WHO, cutting them by more than half to around $58 million. This funding halt was expected to have a substantial impact on the WHO’s operations, particularly as it was engaged in critical so-called vaccine trials.

Operation Warp Speed commenced in May 2020 and represented a significant financial commitment to combat the so-called pandemic. The administration allocated nearly $10 billion from a fund originally designated for hospitals to support this initiative. This funding went towards claimed rigorous clinical trials and manufacturing of so-called vaccines, particularly with companies like ModeRNA. 

Interestingly, much of the funding for the failed Astra Zeneca experimental vaccine was Swedish in origin, and Sweden is famous for subsequently not participating in the so-called pandemic, with the interview-shy Swedish Prime Minister of the time resigning shortly after having proved, at least in Scandinavia, that the pandemic was a hoax. The legacy media showed little interest.

The total investment in Operation Warp Speed reached approximately $18 billion, aimed at accelerating the development and distribution of experimental vaccines for the U.S. population. This unprecedented financial backing was essential in facilitating the rapid creation of the mRNA injectables.

Look Over There

Note that the celebrated payment originally denied to the WHO was only about 5% of the spend on Operation Warp Speed. Much of the Warp Speed investment went to injectables newbie Bill Gates’ ModeRNA startup. But Bill Gates is a major donor to the WHO. These theatrics put President Trump at arms length from the circular game, in an “I know nothing” position.

World Economic Forum asset Senator Sarah Hanson-Young had her profile deleted from the WEF, along with others in the Australian Parliament. By their pattern of voting, the Australian Greens Party fully supports the Covid mRNA injections program and cover-up, as well as the Global Warming hoax and related fraud.

Lock Them Up

In the 1980’s Globalist asset and Australian PM Bob Hawke liked to use his various catchphrases such as “The Clever Country”.

WIth this, the ruling ALP stripped out Victorian industry leaving only the best bits.

There was no choice since the rise of Asia and the decline of the Australian worker who had lost his work ethic, in many cases replaced by imported labour, all heavily unionised. The ALP and Unions were tied together in a sort of doomed-to-fail three-legged race. The ALP capitalised on the young baby-boomers who got free university educations, then after a decade in office the ALP shut the deal down and commercialised universities, to take the place in the economy of industries which had been undercut by the rise of Asia. Universities popped up everywhere because the new deal was, if you bolted on a law faculty you could call yourself a university. Now we have a surfeit of lawyers looking for wrongs to right and an ever shrinking industrial base, characteristic of a doomed economy. Even the foreign students are being squeezed out now, since the Covid border closures and lockdowns, and now the so-called housing crisis, which will be eventually solved simply by baby-boomers dying off.

But during this horrible phase one industry was notable for its steady and seemingly unstoppable growth, and that was CSL (Commonwealth Serum Laboratories).

From The Motley Fool:

“Of all the ASX 200 blue chip shares, none arguably has a more interesting share price history than that of CSL Limited, the giant healthcare company that dominates the S&P/ASX 200 Index. CSL is presently the second-largest company on the ASX boards, just behind Commonwealth Bank of Australia.” (Note that CBA has reportedly been bought up by BlackRock).

Steady growth over twenty years from $5 to $300 is surely no accident

Notice how interest in the company started peaking before the commencement of the Covid-19 agenda: more insider trading (the long bars indicate turnover).

The tentacles are spreading into the universities, while genetic medicine is being propagandised at every opportunity.

Privatisation by Stealth

Monash University is at the forefront of mRNA research and manufacturing in Australia, hosting the country’s first dedicated mRNA workforce training centre.This initiative, in collaboration with mRNA Victoria, aims to foster innovation in the field. Additionally, Monash University is home to Moderna’s first mRNA manufacturing facility in Australia, located within the Monash Technology Precinct in Clayton. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to produce up to 100 million “vaccine” doses annually. Note that the definition of the word vaccine was modified for the Covid program.

Now LaTrobe is on board too, with failed politician John Brumby as Chancellor.

Australian University policy is to act as the gatekeeper, to give cheats the benefit of the doubt as long as they can manage a reasonably convincing professional performance (foreign students exempted from this requirement, importantly they pay their way), and to hand out honorary degrees to the top echelon of liars, namely the end-of-political-career politician set, who may have got the University Chancellors their actual jobs and funding. Thus our professional class becomes ridden with a devil-may-care attitude. Amongst the non-“professional” oriented students (lost, academic types) the Globalist agenda for universities is to promote socialism.

Even cattle are not safe as the plan is to inject all of them with mRNA, it is unlikely each animal will be gene-sequenced without a suitable financier. Perhaps the idea is to sterilise them, so as to control the means of production.

The mRNA business model compared to medicines is to fix you up before you have gotten a chance to be sick, this is the vaccine business model, usually funded by Medicare. There seems to be no tetanus around these days, reportedly it was part of the urban landscape when horses were using the streets for a toilet, about 150 years ago, but the tetanus injections are still strongly recommended. In Australia, the take-up is only around 30% of adults, however the claim is made that the vaccine has been essential to public health. Infections amount to only 3 or 4 per year, nationwide. One Australian is claimed to have died from tetanus in three decades, a woman in her 80s from Sydney who passed away on April 1, 2023. Was she cleaning up after her horse, or had she just received her booster. Essentially, we are shown that a 30% vaccination rate has proved 100% effective.

Approximately 84% of infants globally received the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine in 2023. These are big numbers when it comes to funding. Of course hygiene is not possible in all places. Tetanus is caused by a bacteria, for which there is medicine theoretically available, in the very remote chance you might need it. The cost differential of medicine vs. immunisation program is left to the reader’s imagination.

Victorian of the Year, Dr. Brett Sutton AO, professional actor and agent of Slug Gate

In early February 2019, an elderly woman died at the Knox Private Hospital and was certified as having listeria (a bacterium Listeria monocytogenes) infection. Sandwiches supplied by I Cook Foods were alleged as the source. On 22 February, Brett Sutton announced a public health alert and closure of I Cook Foods. The company owner, Ian Cook blamed Sutton of reckless decision and accused health inspector Elizabeth Garlick of planting the slug, which was taken as evidence of unhygienic condition of the factory.

A whistleblower from the Greater Dandenong Council Kim Rogerson came up with evidences of doctored images on the presence of slug. An Australian parliamentary inquiry in 2021 found that evidences were overlooked that led to “considerable confusion”. A legal battle in the High Court of Australia ended in November 2023, with the court blaming Sutton for unfairly closing the food company.

Create problem, sell solution

Pfizer’s Zithromax antibiotic marketing campaign got sued for “excesses” but the product remains one of their most popular, now developing a vaccine for Clostridioides difficile, a bacterium that can lead to severe gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea and colitis, which is the inflammation of the colon including perforation, which can be caused by antibiotics. This vaccine in development is a centrepiece of their investor presentation:

“While the vaccine did not prevent C. diff infections, it significantly reduced the duration of symptoms in adults aged 50 and older who are at increased risk.” 

Whatever duration of symptoms is supposed to mean, in relation to healing.

Some older people will tell you they are on so many pills and side-effects pills that they can hardly remember what normal is. Since Covid, the older people have been getting older, younger.

The medical business likes to appropriate terms such as “traditional” and “wholistic” when they reach a certain stage of popularity, even though their medicines are preferably under patent unless they can be promoted to a household word, such as Panadol. God only knows what they are up to in other places, with kidney transplants and stem cells.

The mysterious case of alleged psychopathic baby-killer Lucy Letby bubbles on, refer to a previous essay “If She Floats” for background.

Nurse Letby was not present when ten babies died; this interview with a Chief Statistician was suddenly terminated:

In Denial

At the height of the Covid controversy, ALP apologist Katy Gallagher came on the legacy media’s Q&A format lunchtime show “Press Club”

She opened with a brief eulogy to a couple of her female colleagues who had dropped dead, the two around xmas shown below, note that some people were already getting turbo cancer via lymphatic system, including a healthy individual personally known to this writer, aged around 50.

The politician Katy Gallagher maintained a stoic and oblique composure as she described how her two colleagues randomly died, in the thick of Senator Malcolm Roberts’ ongoing interrogations about experimental mRNA safety. The obvious question for the press club would be “were they all injected and boostered”, if she then said “not injected”, the opportunity arises to ask “why not”. 

The public needs to know if the suddenly deceased politicians listed below were injected and if not why not. At time of writing these links are still active.

March 2022


July 2022


Dec 2023


Feb 2024


Feb 2024 from NZ


The entire modern medical system is a massive, streamlined data collector, with a compact format and details such as product reactions and regular blood tests stored on file. You can try to have your file deleted but you will be told there is no way of doing that.

The endgame for mRNA experiments is as described by Yuval Harari: “The elite will become a new type of human”.

In the meantime, the experiments will be done on you.

For those who don’t know how to wean themselves off total medical system dependence, here is one reasonable resource to start them on their journey:




  1. I have just returned from a shopping trip to Aldi. I haven’t bought grapes for a very long time, but got enticed by the relatively inexpensive “long black finger” grapes. On settling down to a small bunch, I opened my emails to note the Article from Olsen. On the gen-mod grape. Damn.

    Great article.

    • Ah yes, ALDI, a noiseless and quiet experience, unlike Coles and Woolies piped stuff into the minds of people who just want to shop.
      Bet the Woolies and Coles bean counters are not distracted in their board rooms and meetings with their piped noise crap.
      They have never heard or 432htz relaxation sounds. Yes they have, that’s why they serve other crap to their customers.
      5.43 PM.

  2. Great article!
    Pity the journalists; of the ABC, SBS, the press and their shock JOKES ARE PROBABLY BANNED FROM READING OR CONSIDERING IT.
    Not to forget our parliamentary bench sitters……. After alll, they are only there because they were approved by the controllers and the WEFrs to follow a foreign policy.
    Is there a Teal on board?
    5.18 PM

  3. Take a selection of reports at:
    http://www.before.itsnews.com -people ‘BANNED’ ( by Joe) news.
    Do your own research.
    Good evening and follow real Mary and also SGanon’ YELLOW BRICK ROAD’. (Or have you have not worked it out after all these years?
    I have better things to do.
    7.07 PM

  4. Contributors to Tiktok have taken up the baton on a lot of causes that were hard to find a few years ago, except on Gumshoes, Cairnsnews and some offshore sites. We now can regularly see on Tiktok the real story of Port Arthur, politicians embezzling, crooked justice system, but I think the Tiktok algorithm is deleting ClimateChange and va666ine facts. Apparently there is less censorship on TwitteX, for the time being anyway. If you’re somewhere like an airport you can see everyone connected to terminals by their charger wires, almost like some kind of insects, as they study their phones intently. Media is all about consumption now and just a few old timers like on whatever’s left of talkback radio shows contributing. The young ones must be too busy trying to work out how to exist under the current arrangements. In the 60’s one man working could support a large family and buy a house without much difficulty. Now a couple both working struggle to get a townhouse. Pauline Hanson says the Greens are losing votes fast. Clive Palmer has started up some kind of Trumpet Patriot Party after legal tricks by the Unaparty. Donald Trump is going to be a wrecking ball of the leftists. But we are stitched up so bad that probably nothing much can happen. I think once you’re sworn into the ministry you just have to do whatever the G-G tells you and they all know this and they all choose to go along with it and just take the money. Gough pushed the boundaries too much and we ended up with Hawke and Keating, what a horrible swindle, fully engineered to deliver us where we are today, the place is falling apart.

    • Who knows where the youth vote will go but the crooked ABC-TV and other misguided outlets are still doing their best to mislead everyone about the sky falling issue, trying to drive ALP protest votes towards Green and Teals for a projected hung parliament Green Labor coalition. It’s so unfair on the do-gooders who just want to save the environment and for their concerns they are swindled and co-opted into all sorts of communo-fascist madness. They need a real Greens Party instead of the fraudulent Greens and Teals, the Globalists have done all this before with epic programs like the Catholic Church, the public will probably never be able to think their way out of this but we live in hope. Probably the best thing that could happen is all the normal citizens of Switzerland could have a major uprising and capture or deal with all these Globalists who are operating from or hanging out there half the time.

      • I think I am expecting a baby-boomer style revolution against this crowd.
        The baby-boomers worked out pretty quick it was their turn go go and be slaughtered in Vietnam and started dressing up like Nazerenes. Boy did this create some friction with the “squares” who in these parts were totally paranoid about the Yellow Peril, they had their reasons, but they flew off the handle too quick. Vietnam was the MIC’s war, the MIC has still been milking ww2 right up to Ukraina. The baby-boomers copped psychedelic drugs from Laurel Canyon marketing dept.
        Will the current crop reject 1984 and go anarchist ? They should work out you can keep the system if you just take the super-thieves at the top out, and replace with people who get full scrutiny. You just have to take the reward system out of the system and replace with full scrutiny. This means politicians who picked up $50 million on the way through, need to be locked up and asset stripped, and all their appointments scrutinised. The option the Gen Z people is probably going to be “well we will all just die then”, which is what the elites want.

  5. The movie ‘Idiotocracy’ is becoming real. –

    I must be a dinosaur from a different time. I’m finding it harder and harder to give a shit what other people think. Whether they are just plain stupid or deceitful or both, I don’t want to deal with them. There isn’t an institution that isn’t controlled by freaking lying morons; politicians, judges, doctors, media, education – you name it.

    Just leave me alone, it’s not my job to educate you. AND when I do, you freak out with insults. Hell, I;m trying to help you, you fucking moron. – Please, just take another jab…

    • Replying to myself. I just watched this remote viewing of the ‘Phoenix Lights’. If you watch Dick Allguire’s viewing he comments on humans being ‘primitive’ to the being he was RVing. Couldn’t agree more.

      • Those people don’t want to know, they might get angry but it’s probably your personality and reputation constraining their free expression. They don’t want to know because they are comfortable with their superficial “how things are” and if anything jarring happened it would cause distress and even in some cases lead to self-medication such as alcoholism. I saw a super-extreme alcoholic just yesterday while I was circulating amongst the public, a woman about 40-something, totally messed up. People just can’t handle day-to-day existentialism and will substitute all sorts of realities in order to avoid observable facts of existence. So in response we have Klaus Swab’s Disney World coming soon.

    • In relation to idiocracy would this be Trump’s excuse for pushing the Warp Speed program. Did he rely on A I to tell him of the excess deaths from Covid-19 (that never were) to demolish the safety precautions of years gone by in relation to new health interventions? Or was he just following Globalists demands? I tend to think the latter situation. Either way it was a moronic murderous decision.

  6. Musk, the richest man in the world, is an avowed socialist. He said so on X. X is the 24th letter of the alphabet and 24 is the astrological sign of Jupiter the chief god of Rome. J P Morgan, whose operation employed former Australian Prime Minister, Lying Rodent, is on record as saying: millionaires don’t do astrology, billionaires do. This confirms Elon, most likely named after one of Nazi Paperclip and sci-fi writer Wernher Von Braun’s characters, aligns with the wolf in sheep’s clothing, Fabians. The aristocrat Fabians take their name from the Roman military commander, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus. It is written the Fabians gave the world eugenics and control labour unions. Musk dreams of implanting the masses with a brain computer interface.
    Trump is an actor with pedigree and, to be fair, a lot of charisma. He’s a billionaire, so, like JP Morgan, is into the crypto. He has reflexes faster than a speeding bullet, and loves flashing gang signs and pardoning crisis actors/agents. He’s found a belated love for tariffs forty years after their removal, championed by his peers at the time, ruined the industrial base of his country and every nation outside of Asia. He was a registered Democrat, thus a Fabian hang around, who donated to the cause. He has been photographed with a who’s who of the planet earth’s hereditary rulers and owners.
    When allopathic doctors moved on from promoting Camels and Chesterfields et al ‘the smooth taste expectant mothers crave’, and ramped up the use of petro chemicals to interfere with the human body’s natural cleansing cycles, they turned their attention to our diet. We are what we eat, they proclaimed as natural and whole foods were replaced with preserved and processed foods. It turns out they were right but not with the unwrapping and chewing but the swallowing.
    Swallowing such rubbish as: your vote counts, safe and effective, carbon pollution, and that billionaire socialists are going to save their countrymen, and by currency manipulation, the whole world, from their friends.

    • 40,000 Palestinians removed from their houses by Trump after the millions killed and maybe billions injured worldwide by Trump’s “vaccines”. Are you people now happy with your decision at the polls? You or we could be his next victims.
      Seems to me he has GLOBALIST written all over him.

  7. So much fun happening, note Terry re Dick Algire above.
    For the usual fun for normies, HAARP at 54 mins with REAL MARY At situation UPDATE 19/2 at http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – Joe’s real banned news.
    Not heaps of DOGE AT 20 mins.
    Underneath Mary another video, first 5 mins, reference to German media report that US pulling out of NATO EXPANSION SINCE 1990.
    WHO needs THE ABC💁🤪
    9.33 PM

  8. Men if you are taking notice of Barbara O’Neill’s formula for keeping prostate problems at bay, re tomatoes cooked in olive oil, another problem could be arising, no pun intended. As J.G. informs us food products are being grown without seeds or very few. In my opinion this points to GMO production. I have noticed that tomatoes now have very few seeds. As Barbara points out it is the lycopene in the tomato seed that is needed for her recipe.

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