1. I have been following Jim Lee (climateviewer.com) for years and in this interview with Del Bigtree he outlines the truths and debunks the misinformation surrounding geoengineering and much more including “global warming” scam to correlate with the 2030 GSM cooling.
    Commercial aircraft jet fuel/atmospheric conditions creating persisting contrails.
    Eye on the Sky – Del Bigtree & Jim Lee- 1 year ago

  2. All of this has been achieved by usury, korporate monopoly, msm propaganda, economic BS, mass murder, assassination, wars by proxy, nepotism with self promotion, secret societies, mass migration and so on…. adding the horrors of modern warfare, such as the application of chemicals and the high tech AI pinpoint accuracy with microwave radiation.

    How can we fight an enemy not knowing who they are? The matrix has made us mind controlled slaves, polluting all with poisons filling our minds with BS.
    They’ve fried us with microwaves, stealing souls, crushing heritage all over earth.
    Temptation all around – tendency to indulge in sin for profit and pleasure.

  3. Not America but Israel first.
    The Middle East conflict far out ways the Ukraine situation as a portend for WW3.
    Aaron Maté : Netanyahu Trumps Trump.

    • Trump worse than Biden!💁🙀🤪🙀🤪
      Dear Sandra, have you not realised that Biden is not Biden💁🙀🤪
      Why do you not listen to Derek Johnson and put him on your ‘naked’ whiteboard💁
      Don’t answer, you never have, sorry to interrupt.
      Carry on.
      648 PM

  4. Going to the US before May? Hire a Tesla and have a ball of fiery fun.
    With more through to May getting more professional with the TERRORISM ACTS and GATHERING TRAPS.
    Stay away and inform family and friends up there how best to stay safe and away from terrorist attacks.
    I have a few skins in the game.
    Last half, news on the injector killers…..
    403 PM

    • 🤪🤪🤪🤪
      This is for heaps of entertainment for normies and post turtles.
      To be on subject…. The STEALTH space aliens (lizards amongst us) are dumping more sky stuff on our planet as comes up in Real Mary’s banned WTPN situation report for 20/3.at BIN
      Lizards can shape shift to human form ( remember Dianna interviews?) and I wonder if they are here at GS?
      The bit about the alien LAST CARD HAS AMUSED ME FOR ABOUT 40 YEARS . Pastor Williams/son explained all this in reports I noted at the time.
      Oh, try BIN- we know SFA, excepting those who do🤪 here and do not want you to use your brain.
      Heaps more from Mary but I have a mer-fish to cook. [its Fryeday]
      630 PM
      633 PM 💁

      • Censorship attempt again💁🤪
        Over the fish and chips tonight it was reported to me that a mature military trained THINKING SON told HIS MOTHER:
        “Dad is the canary in the coal mine”.
        It was the best honour a son could present to his old Dad and brought a tear.
        Get stuffed Joe!
        Stick to your turtle post. 🖕
        7.42 PM

        • Here’s your latest swipe:
          “those who do🤪 here and do not want you to use your brain.”
          Just cut it out will you it’s not amusing to be constantly insulted and misrepresented, you can talk yourself up without provoking quarrels.
          You want a fight take yourself out the back and find a Jesuit to box.

          • All fun for a magnet .
            Good line; proving quarrel for debate.!
            And a fight with a Jesuit
            How can there be be ‘sushi’ without ‘quarrels’?
            Quarrel away, it is entertaining and on record.
            I will try to assist.
            Good còp, bad cop.

    Where is the outrage?
    “Trump is not the right person at the right time.”

    • I got horrible “Planet America” from the crooked ABC-TV on in the background, they are saying it’s ok for Biden to be non compus mentis and somebody to sign with an automated device and all his pardons are definitely legit. Ultimate objective of Planet America is to return the Elbow govt with more weird progressivism we can’t do without, penises sticking out of tutus etc.

      • 🤪🤪🤪🤪
        I ‘banned ’ Planet America’ years ago when they spruiked an interview with some demo To defraud Kerry Lake a few years ago.
        So who watches the ABC?
        Sorry Joe, carry on.

    • There is no shortage of kidney specialists anywhere, there is an over-servicing problem. If RFK can get people switched onto natural therapies the need for kidney harvesting will go down 90% and hit the body parts trade hard.
      Initial cleanout:
      Don’t eat any fats at all starting Friday night then follow these instructions

  6. What Happens When This Event Hits
    As we look today so many society changing events are happening at the same time, but what happens when the event reaches everyone, no matter where you are on the planet. Gold and Silver come disconnected from the paper market and the real price is reached, that will bankrupt nations and then effect everywhere money is used on Earth.
    ? The “reset” will be occurring by the first half of 2026.

  7. Indeed, what if?
    What if Mary at WTPN after all these years is on track at BIN.
    But who Looks at ‘what if.’
    No one here seems to
    Give a ‘what if’. If it happens.
    ‘IF’ I care🙀💁

  8. For what its worth:

    In a way there are only contrived shortages of elements. Since they are recycled they mostly just concentrate in perceived areas of rarity.
    In that way money is also contrived, in that, the current tailored “swift” system, seems to get rarer the more its marked to market. Somehow there is a shortage of what we call money, that is already a CBDC(do you really think they settle the scam in physical).

    Cept Jesuits known to settle in phyiscal if you closely look at their noses and I would not “cross” one, even Tony Abbot(whats in a name) even though he has a reputation of being a roman nose or easily snotted.

    Even our own JB, who is as rare, as hens eggs nowadays, seems to have multiplied(wink bro).

    • Here’s the actual link to the story. Ned, it is a lot easier for people to access if you give the link.


      OK boys and girls, the crazies are in charge and things appear to be getting ugly. The Northern Hemisphere is not where I would want to be, however, if the Deagel Report is correct, then 34% of the Ozzie population is gonna go bye-bye.

      If you see a trend and it keeps getting stronger, that is an indication that you should prepare for where the trend is going. Those who recognized the trend in precious metals are doing very well right now. – The trend right now is heading towards WWIII. Everybody has their own situation to deal with, but some preparing (whatever may be possible) in advance for chaos in the near future would be advisable. Even if it is just a couple extra cans of Spam on the next trip to the grocery is a step in the right direction.

  9. Thanks Terry for the link that I sent to you.
    These days I avoid links to particular reports. As I prefer to enable those who may be interested to do their own research with many other selections at the site, at their leasure.
    Thus I avoid a suggestion that I would dictate the particular report, the headline usually has the essence of what it is about.
    If people are meant to know, then they will be. On 21/3 at WRH, there is about four pages for consideration.
    At BIN, there is usually about 20 reports per day with some overlapping.
    At RMN, even Mary Maxwell has the occasional thesis that does not turn up at GS.
    1101 PM

  10. The catalyst for the market economy implosion and the currency reset will be the disconnect of the fake contract paper market from the real physical supply market.
    When you see silver going up 5-10 dollars a day it will be the end of the system.
    How the reset will work.

    • 1:04:50-Trump elected to oversee the bankruptcy of the United States.
      DOGE et al is just following a bankruptcy proceeding.

  11. How can products that are toxic be smart?
    Why do we buy this stuff?
    What if the biggest evol is sold as good so a handful of greedy lizards reap billions $ in profit?
    If so, we have a huge problem, it truly is a miracle the Almighty keeps it all going.

    With 5G the elite psycho’s have perfected the craft of killing, without us knowing we’re under attack. The industry hell bent on progress for profit. There are more iPhones in Oz than there are people, who would have thought that 10 years ago?
    Reality is, iPhones put the brain into a trance, with instant gratification cementing the relationship between man and machine.
    How, as we get older, will we suffer as our minds and bodies breakdown from microwave poisoning?
    People are mad like never before because of this electromagnetic radiation and the chemicals laced into our environment sky land and sea.

    Sad to mumble, these days most are incapable of understanding truth.

  12. Seems that my comment about two hours ago on the decision of the international court of justice 21/3 reported at
    Rumormillnews.com disappeared.
    Perhaps someone did not like the decision that Israel is illegal and should be immediately vacated by settlers. 🙀💁🤪 fat chance!

    Anyway, all is going rickety poo in the US with Mary at WTPN – situation update
    For 21/3 at:
    The opening is seriously funny with lefties terrorising their own Teslas. 🤪🤪🤪
    How about banks and good stuff re the Kennedy killing and all those files listed to be exposed💁🔥 ???
    Yep, the J K junior mystery still alive!
    Who would not want to be a live these days for the best since Ben Hur.
    507 PM

    • I was not going to give a stuff if anyone listened to real Mary referenced above. I am sick of stupids.
      But as a human being I have a duty to bring ten minutes to your notice and all the Mums and dads.
      Just listen from about 50 mins for TEN LOUSY MINUTES OF YOUR TIME.
      I can understand how Clif High has forecast complete bedlam.
      ‘They will not be able to walk down the street’ ‘Q’.
      I suspect ‘they’ will include those who covered up genocide and those who would not look, as by many here.
      🙀🙏🔥 who is going to ignore the murder of their children….silly question, most could not care about the murder of another’s child, even be it from a a medical bureaucrat, a politician’s or a sniper’s ‘good shot’.
      The day must come🔥🙏
      617 PM

  13. Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
    Cryptocurrency and the grifters.
    Trump is building the control grid.
    The vaccine issue is critical to building the internet of bodies.
    The mechanism is controlled by the bankers. The bitcoin strategic reserve.
    Living outside the system re health care.
    Stable coins to extend the dollar.
    Tokenising forests and Gates loading up on farm land.
    Two tier system-insiders enjoy open data bases and the general population is on the blockchain.
    Balance between digital and analogue.
    The problem with the dollar is not that it is fiat but it is debt based and it all comes back to governance.
    Bitcoin ponzi scheme.

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