Home World Politics The Putin-Biden Meeting Holds a Promise of Better Relations

The Putin-Biden Meeting Holds a Promise of Better Relations


By James O’Neill

We have just witnessed a rather sad sight. In England there has been a gathering of seven western nations, together with four invitees, including the rather pathetic figure of the Australian prime minister Scott Morrison, busily pretending that Australia really isn’t out of step with the rest of the industrial west, but still refusing to join his fellow political leaders in committing to a real target for the reduction of emissions levels.

At the urging of the United States president Joe Biden there was a ritual denunciation of China, specifically for its alleged treatment of the Uighur population and for following trade policies that threaten the long-standing position of the United States as the world’s number one economy. Of course, it wasn’t couched in those terms. Instead, China was accused of unfair trading practices.

The grand statement to counter this alleged Chinese trading aggression was the alleged formation of a rich country club to counter this alleged Chinese malpractice. One looks in vain for details about how the rich country grouping is going to challenge China’s trade with the world.

The words were brave, the reality was somewhat less. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is now eight years old. It has more than 140 of the world’s nations signed up, including several of Australia’s neighbours, but not Australia itself. It will be recalled how the Morrison government reacted with horror to the state of Victoria signing a memorandum of understanding with China as a first step to actually joining the BRI. That was too much for the Morrison government who portrayed it as a threat to the Australian way of life. They conveniently forgot that China has been Australia’s largest trading partner for the past two decades, and currently takes around 40% of Australia’s total exports.

The countries that the G7 sees as potential targets for this, as yet unexplained, trading blitz were less than impressed by the announcement. They remember all too well what their life was like as colonies of the western powers when their wealth was relentlessly plundered.

Nor was there any announcement as to how the new Western trading blitz was to be financed. Certainly, none of the countries concerned were volunteering their wealth to finance this new trading regime. To give some idea of the scale of money required, China’s BRI has currently spent at least $3 trillion. Contrary to the relentless western propaganda, it has not created debt traps for the recipient nations. Again, the irony of this criticism is completely lost on its perpetrators who is own history, both his former colonial powers and currently controllers of the IMF and World Bank, synonyms for ruthless exploitation of the week and impoverished.

Certainly, the large western corporations are not eagerly offering their services on behalf of this new system floated at the G7. What did emerge from the G7 meeting was a marked softening of American hostility to Russia. This was not representative of a change of American attitude to Russia, but is clearly perceived as a gambit to try and we can the China – Russia ties, leaving the Americans free to concentrate their animosity in China.

That also is a gambit that is doomed to fail. The G7 mission could not resist taking a swipe at Russia for its “annexation” of Crimea. One seriously wonders what these people did when attending school and university. They clearly slipped through the history classes when Crimea’s long history as part of Russia would have been discussed. They have clearly forgotten their own history, when the United Kingdom (with Australian support) for the Russians in the Crimean war in the 1950s. Did the name Florence Nightingale not ring faintly in their skulls?

And now Biden is going to front up to Putin in Geneva this week. Biden will be accompanied by his secretary of state Antony Blinken who has joined his boss, undoubtedly to ensure that free from a teleprompter he does not unduly embarrass his nation. It appears that Putin will not be similarly accompanied by his secretary of state Sergey Lavrov.  He is well able to handle the American president without any help.

The countries that the G7 sees as potential targets for this, as yet unexplained, trading blitz were less than impressed by the announcement. They remember all too well what life was like in the colonies of the western powers when their wealth was relentlessly plundered.

Nor was there any announcement as to how the new Western trading blitz was to be financed. He is well able to handle the American president without any help. Certainly, none of the companies are concerned with volunteering their wealth to finance this new trading blitz. To give some idea of the scale of money required, China’s BRI has currently spent at least $3 trillion. Contrary to the relentless western propaganda, it has not created debt traps for the recipient nations.

Again, the irony of this criticism is completely lost on his perpetrators whose own history, both as former colonial powers and currently controllers of the IMF and World Bank, synonyms for ruthless exploitation of the weak and impoverished.

It would be unwise to expect too much from this summit. The relationship between the United States and Russia is at its lowest point for decades. While Biden has made some gestures an awful lot remains before the two sides can even trust each other, let alone take some positive steps to lessen tensions.

If one reads the transcript of Putin’s interview a couple of days ago with NBC presenter Keir Simmons it is obvious that the United States media have a view of Russia but bears little or no resemblance to reality. Those differences will not be overcome in a single meeting, irrespective of the goodwill that may be brought to the negotiating table.

Repairing the relationship will be long and arduous. We all have an interest in ensuring that every effort is made to improve relations. Just don’t hold your breath waiting.

Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



    • wow, i wonder why you can’t see i in Oz. I will try again, different version of Putin singing a Fats Waller song:

      • wow, is Goldyhorn on the Edrenochrome.
        Did she ever cameo Happy Days.

        Ahh mork from ork.

        TV was Blueberry Hill for me back in the day, hey!

        Don’t get me wrong, was a blast too. The show must go on, tiss said

  1. Zakharova: Enemy of My Enemy! China and Russia Now Close Allies Because of US Aggression!


    June 11, 2019

    The Earth shifted today in Moscow. Two great civilizations embodied in two superpower nations grew closer than ever. Their leaders signed a new document enshrining their deepening relationship. The Double Helix evolves in demonstrable ways. President Xi and President Putin signed the multipage document (which clearly indicates more than just a terminology change from the former relationship title to the new one.) “The comprehensive strategic……………


  2. “And now Biden is going to front up to Putin in Geneva this week. Biden will be accompanied by his secretary of state Antony Blinken who has joined his boss, undoubtedly to ensure that free from a teleprompter he does not unduly embarrass his nation”.

    America’s Soup-Brained President Says The US Never Interferes In Other Countries’ Elections VIDEOS

    During an astonishingly sycophantic press conference after the Geneva summit with Vladimir Putin, President Biden posited an entirely hypothetical scenario about what the world would think of the United States if it were interfering in foreign elections and everybody knew it.

    When AP’s Jonathan Lemire asked the president of the most powerful government in the world what “consequences” he’d threatened the Russian leader with should the Kremlin interfere in US elections going forward, Biden meandered his way through one of his signature not-quite-lucid word salads, and then said the following:

    “Let’s get this straight: How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries, and everybody knew it? What would it be like if we engaged in activities that he is engaged in? It diminishes the standing of a country that is desperately trying to make sure it maintains its standing as a major world power.”


  3. I see James executes his research almost as well as his editing.

    Disregarding human error, there is this fixation about China as the goody in this scenario, and the western colonial powers as the baddies. This is simply Disneyesque and childish.

    I will put this as clearly as i can. Arguably, the three most racist ethnics on this planet are Chinese, Japanese, and Talmudic Jews. All three believe they are superior to all other races. We trogs simply do not matter.

    Interestingly, the Chinese have paid close attention to Israel’s manipulation of finance to expand its political power base. Apparently, they have copied much of this. In any event, China has knowingly destroyed the US and Australian manufacturing sectors. As the CEO of Bluescope Steel observed, Chinese sheet metal was cheaper in Australia than the cost of production. This could only have been achieved with subsidies, and it became clear that the Rothschild entry into the Chinese Five Big Banks was the genesis of this. This is manipulative colonialism, made visible by buying up the victim’s land.

    Thus, all the bastards are baddies. The EU, the US, China, and UK. They are all screwing us.

    My second point.

    All trade is inflationary. However, for all countries except Australia, trade is a necessary evil in order to procure goods not otherwise available.

    Let me make the inflationary aspect clear, because few people have ever considered this. If our farmer gets $1 for every lamb chop he sells in Australia, but he can get $2 for selling this to China, he has doubled his gross earnings.

    However, export is always and eventually at the expense of the domestic market. As we run short of chops in Australia, we must meet the farmer’s export price to eat these. So, our domestic price for best chops is now $2 and, the price of inferior chops also rises to accommodate interim shortages.

    This is the real source of inflation; not rising wages, as the Toorak mob love to claim.

    Pretty much all trade follows this pattern.

    Ah! I hear you say. Surely we would have realised this.

    Of course, but the second factor is the rich. The prime beneficiary is the rich, and they do not care about Mrs Jones having to pay more for chops. The farmer’s lobby, the National Party, thumps the export drum and the rich media makes sure this resonates. And universities make export, foreign investment, and free trade central items of their economic bible.

    So, are we brainwashed about the farmers? Hell yes. The farmers have screwed us since day one. They killed shearers rather than pay a liveable pay rate. They poison our food with antibiotics (70% of all antibiotics use), growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified plants. They pay starvation rates for labour (and ask us to subsidies this) and tolerate foreign cheap labour. Rather than pay for dagging and crutching by shearers, they cut the skin and flesh off sheep, without pain killers. They are sociopathic arseholes.

    The rich know, but don’t care.

    And then both benefit from live export, which destroyed 150 abattoirs and 45,000 jobs.

    All in the name of trade.

    i could go on all day, but this should suffice for most readers to review their indoctrination levels.

    The most profitable means of national production means no trade whatsoever, and Australia is the only nation that can do it. We should end being a quarry and produce everything for ourselves.

    • There are lots of things we could do and lots of things we should have done better but what are our politicians doing ? They are doing plandemic and introduction of NWO. We have to stop these lunatics and the only way seems to be by direct threat. Dicktator Dan has provided an excellent example to the rest of them. I don’t know who did what to him but I do observe that the quaxxine rollout is going much slower than it would if the plandemic was actually real.
      We can follow the law and have our representatives govern properly if they understand what might happen to them but if they get off scot-free like Andrew ROBb they will offend again and again.

    • Good comment Tony.

      Aus was, of course colonised by the Brits to the express purpose of exploitation; land was allocated to ex-convicts and servicemen accordingly: the aristocratic mold has never been broken. The best bet of those who’ve nothing to gain from such an arrangement is to seek out opportunities wherein the current players can be pitted against each other

  4. It only took you one paragraph before you starting shilling for China this time.

    May your chains sit lightly upon you.

    • Quite the sledge Richard,
      Don’t nessesarily agree(my view shill one shill all).
      But/And,James will not engage by history and i have to/ and do respect his view for his work.

      If sledging were rated, quite the sledge.

      Made me think more of James words and Tony’s.

      I’m choosin to take a win win win from the interaction

  5. I felt much of this article was c.r.a.p. more of the GREEN MACHINE bs

    There is (for a start) no need for a “reduction of emissions levels” in Australia.
    If you want to see pollution go to China, particularly the City where the Covid virus started AND according to those more well researched (such as Jon Rappoport) the virus bs was many cases of pneumonia from the pollution. The Virus is another SCAM as is the lockdowns and the now truly scary vaccines.

    AND as for your HISTORY classes James there are 2 entirely different histories – the one the books tell you and the one that actually occurred – there is any amount of evidence if you look – start HERE – Winston Churchill – Traitor and Murderer (falsificationofhistory.co.uk)

    Then you may wish to discover HOW another world wide SCAM – Fiat Banking has robbed people blind and massively enriched Globalists which is WHY we are in the hole we are today and NO bunch of bleeding politicians having lunch in Cornwall is going to change it. WHY? Because they work for the s**m who are the problem !.

    James NOTHING is as it seems.
    Respectfully (and I mean that) – Wake up fella.

  6. Peter says,
    “If you want to see pollution go to China, particularly the City where the Covid virus started AND according to those more well researched (such as Jon Rappoport) the virus bs was many cases of pneumonia from the pollution

    Air pollution did not come to my attention when I watched this documentary on Wuhan but could have been so.

    “Post-Pandemic Wuhan Through the Lens of a Japanese Director?Long Time No See, Wuhan”?

  7. On topic – Putin Biden is a piece of performance art, the NWO is backtracking as they see their ship is sinking. They will soon be scurrying to their hidey-holes in the little micro-countries around Europe, NZ and various islands. The ship of state will sail on pretending nothing has happened, as Biden disappears along with various others who will soon be experiencing the pleasures of a real lethal injection soon. Enjoy your last days, hideous puppets.
    There seems to be a typo in the main story, what does this mean ?
    ” They have clearly forgotten their own history, when the United Kingdom (with Australian support) for the Russians in the Crimean war in the 1950s. “

    • AH w3 if only this were true – I personally would prefer to see them scurrying to the fire and teeth-nashing promised them by Christ they well and truly deserve.

  8. Breaking news – Georgia recount
    Seems to be a fiasco with at least 10k ballots “lost” or switched …
    Remember Trump was pilloried by the MSM in a one hour interview he calculated he needed 11k ballots to be found to win Georgia, well it seems, here they are …


  9. x22 is saying in 1983 a terrorist named Susan Rosenburg tried to bomb the US senate chamber and Bill Clinton pardoned her (one of his approx 450 pardons) and now she is in the leadership of Black Lives Matter


  10. Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson on China and related matters

    “Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson look at the geopolitical background to Biden’s visit to Europe.
    Much has been made of Biden talking tough to Putin, but Russia’s relations with China are what is really bothering Biden’s handlers.
    NATO has not had anything to justify its existence since the iron curtain fell yet still it takes $2.5Billion out of the tax payers pockets.
    This is in exchange for a military alliance that is supposed to be protecting Europe, but spends all its time wasting resources fighting pointless wars in the Middle East.”


  11. Topical …

    • ex-Al Qaeda Member Discusses Terrorism & China – Daniel Dumbrill

    Also topical …

    • Israeli proxy war couldn’t destroy Syria, now sanctions are starving its people – Eva K Bartlett


    “A little over a decade ago, Syrians lived in safety and financial security. After ten years of war on Syria, while safety has largely returned, Syrians are struggling to exist under increasingly crippling Western sanctions.

    As Syrian analyst Kevork Almassian noted, “Were it not for the CIA regime change war, arming & training tens of thousands of multinational terrorists, draconian sanctions, foreign occupation of North & East, looting the oil & burning the wheat, Syria would’ve now a brilliant economy & high standard of living.””

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