Home Australia The Real Issues Of Australian Defence Policy Missing From The Election Debate

The Real Issues Of Australian Defence Policy Missing From The Election Debate


By James O’Neill*

For those members of the voting public who take an interest in foreign affairs, the message being received from the major parties, the Liberals and Labor, is that it is almost impossible to distinguish their views. It is true that the Liberal leader Scott Morrison tried to categorise his Labor opposition as “soft” on China, but this was typical of most of Morrison’s rhetoric, short of substance and an expression of hope rather than a reflection of reality.

The Labor Party was of course anxious to portray itself as far from being soft on China. This was never more apparent by their support for the expressed horror of the premier of the Solomon Islands signing an agreement with the Chinese government that will permit, apparently, the visit to the Solomon’s waters of Chinese warships. The two parties have rushed to express their horror at the prospect of Chinese military ships being less than 2000 kilometres from Australia’s ports. We are told that this presence threatens Australian shipping links with the United States.

The expressed horror and the proximity of the Chinese to Australia’s trading links is a classic illustration of hypocrisy running rampant yet again in Australian foreign affairs. The Australian political establishment seems to have remarkably short and selective memories. One of the current issues being debated in Australian political and military circles is the timing of the arrival of Australia’s new submarines. Their delivery date is approximately 20 years away, although no one has yet offered a remotely plausible explanation as to why it would take 20 years to build and supply a submarine. According to my Internet searches, the Americans are talking about six years from concept to completed product. There is a big difference between six and twenty years.

Assuming these submarines are actually built in Australia, as proposed, there is also the question of having the actual skilled manpower to build them. Australia has absolutely no experience of building a nuclear-powered submarine, and the necessary skilled manpower cannot be conjured out of thin air. They must be either trained or imported, and that question has not even been broached little alone resolved.

What will these submarines be doing when they finally arrive? The answer to that question exposes the utter and complete hypocrisy of the Australian alarm over a Chinese presence 2000 km from our shores. We are told that one of their main tasks will be to join the United States fleet patrolling waters close to the territory of China. Specifically, they will be expected to patrol the waters of the South China Sea.

Regardless of whether or not one accepts Chinese claims to territory in the South China Sea, the inescapable fact is that stretch of water is close to their territory, much closer than the Solomon Islands are to Australia, and on any view of the matter are legitimately part of China’s interest in its regional safety. The hypocrisy of the Australian viewpoint is stunning. Added to this is the professed United States claim said to justify their presence in the South China Sea. It is, they said, to ensure “freedom of navigation” although they are unable to point to a single instance of China impeding the flow of ship traffic in the South China Sea, military or civilian.

The United States motive is crystal clear. In the event of hostility between the two nations, military as opposed to the constant stream of propaganda, United States ship and submarine presence is clearly planned to restrict China’s access to open ocean apart from the relatively narrow limits of the South China Sea.

Australia by contrast has a vast ocean space at its disposal.  It does not have to use the waters contiguous to the Solomon Islands. The Pacific and Indian oceans are vastly greater than that particular route and offer a variety of travel options.

There is also the uncomfortable reality for Australia that any war with China is unlikely to be fought in the oceans. The Chinese already have missiles capable of reaching every part of Australia and could demolish any part they wished to within a matter of minutes of being fired. That is the uncomfortable reality of modern warfare, and an aspect that Australia’s military planners resolutely refuse to contemplate. The occupiers of Pine Gap can rest assured that the Chinese and Russian rockets are already programmed to eliminate Pine Gap as a functioning entity in one of their first acts of war. The elimination of Pine Gap will remove one of the major means of American targeting of Chinese objectives.

That fact has been long known to the Australian military. It was the threat to close Pine Gap that was the immediate cause of the dismissal of the Whitlam government, the day before then prime minister Gough Whitlam’s was to make the announcement of its closure to the Australian parliament.

Ever since then no Australian government has dared to raise the question as to what Pine Gap really does and why its continued existence is a vital part of the United States war plan. Australians are surely kept in the dark as to its role and why it makes Australia a prime target in the event of war.

Much more comfortable for our politicians to pretend that the United States alliance is vital to our national security. It is a major reason why the existence of Pine Gap is never debated in our parliament. Much safer to pretend that we are protected by the Americans and promote the joint Liberal-Labor conspiracy that real issues of our national defence must never be debated.

Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. While I have no argument with James over the absurdity of Australia’s positions on the Solomons and China Sea, the yawing gulf in his logic is China’s intentions.

    It is implied that China has no expansionist ambitions, and is absolutely stunned that anybody should cast aspersions on its innocent development infrastructure in the China Seas, or its commercial incursions in the Pacific, which are only a few thousand Ks from China.

    What clues do we have?

    Is China in the grip of formulaic policies? or is it reasonably pragmatic?

    My rough guess is that the total iron-clad lockdown of 25 million citizens to contain the covid thingie is just a clue as to Xi’s dangerous and unilateral absolutism.

    His threats to the Philipines and Taiwan are another.

    Xi is a megalomanic who intends to become the Emperor of China and then Emperor of the World.

    And what clues do we have that the Chinese covet Australia?

    1.2 million Chinese are now, inexplicably, citizens of Australia and the CCP is sending them billions of dollars to buy up our residential and arable land. This is denying young Australians the chance to own a home; it is destroying the hobby farms that are actually sustainable living, by forcing rates beyond affordibility; and has already damaged food security.

    This is invasion and occupation 21st century style and is much cheaper than the military version. Actually, it is the alternative to the military model because China has known since 1975 that military invasion and occupation is a logistical impossibility.

    In the face of the blindingly obvious, we still have this “China is lovely and philosophical and mysterious and is only bravely recovering from the Opium Wars”, poor things.

    At the risk of sounding simplistic, Australia faces four defence problems: America; the WEF/NWO; China; and academic apologists for all three.

    • Only four?
      What about,
      The apathy of Australians.
      The dumbing downed education system
      The ABC that may as well be sold to the CCP.
      The surrender to the UN with the Lima declaration in 1975 of our industrial base and therefore, our defence of our independent sovereignty. (done by the Whitlam government and every traitorous federal government ever since)
      That is just for openers.
      Oh well, we will have some nice submersible boats one day and the Chinese tourists now have over 900 islands for holidays with about 7- 800,000 Solomon Islanders to make their beds.
      Now at least that will make the Queensland tourist attractions cheaper for the D Dan brigade.
      Now Mr Morrison, may we please have disclosed our government’s China ports in Australia detailed conditions in the various agreements and a complete disclosure of all OUR farmland now owned by the CCP or their local agents.
      Otherwise, go play drama queen on stage at the Alice Springs RSL with Albo, to entertain our defenceless armed forces from Pine Gap.
      Do a 12 month gig to keep both of you out of our face for awhile.

      • And by the way Australia,
        What interests leased from the Qld government in 2019, a portion of a Island 30 Ks from Mackay and locked out Aussies?
        Anyone ever heard of Keswick Island? You, James by any chance?

    • Tony, I have agreed on many issues that you have brought up on this site, however on your latest posting, we differ greatly. Unfortunately, I am still able to recall the call from a previous Australian Government, advising the World, that “Australia was open for business”. Many Asian and Middle East people, took this as an INVITATION to invest their funds in Australia and become holders of Australian property. I don’t recall any posts of protest from yourself, or any other Australians, in particular, the real estate industry, Super Annuation Funds, or the Banking fraternity. All of which were tripping over themselves, to ensure they obtained what they considered, “their fare share” of the incoming loot. Today, we are all very much aware, of the repercussions these actions caused the Australian populace with the disasterous housing situation. How much of that boondoggle was placed at the feet of the people who introduced it ? NONE, in fact it’s been simply IGNORED. To now turn around and place the blame on China, quiet frankly, IMHO, stinks old chap, and is not cricket. Australians in their GREED, opened the doors to allow this all to happen. Not the Chinese, not the Asian or M.E. peoples, who all took up the invitation being offered to them as legit.
      Defence wise ? L.O.L. A misnomer really, as Defence in this country, is anything but Wise. I fail to understand why China is in the dog house, for ensuring waters encompassing their borders and areas of interest are a threat to Australia, especially given the distance from Australia. It is entirely THEIR affair, how they ensure their security, NOT Australia’s. Whilst on that subject, here is Australia, thousands of miles away from China, threatening to purchase nuclear submarines, (CONTRARY to their Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty that they have signed) and then place these alleged submarines within China’s areas of interest, again THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM AUSTRALIA’S SHORES. How the hell can that be justified as protecting Australia ????? Moreover, what would Australia’s view be, if China were to do the same ??????????? We all know certain people in Canberra would be apoplectic and scream blue murder. But seriously, I’d like to know, why it’s O.K. for Australia to behave in such a manner, but when others, (China) were to do it, it would be interpreted as an act of war. WHY, the two differing opinions ?????
      Recently, our own Premier released the budget for my state, this budget, proved once and for all, beyond question, the importance of good relations with China, as W.A. has never, in all of it’s history, had such a massive surplus all because of the trade with China, consider too, this was during an Alleged Pandemic which was supposed to curtail considerable trade via shortages of workers. Australia, IMHO, is not in a position, today, or any other day, to “throw the baby out with the bath water”, or to “cut our noses off, to spite our face” simply to bend the knee to the biggest mass murderous nation that ever existed. How many Australians believe the Americans will take up the slack in our iron ore/gas industries ?????? They have already displayed how good our friendship is by taking over our biggest wheat trade with Iraq, by introducing laws there, the only wheat they can purchase, is to come from America. According to them, Australia can take a running jump. Then recently they again ,did the same with our China trade, in fact before China advised Australia, they’d no longer need our Barley, the Americans had already cooked up a deal, to take over that trade, and once again, stabbed our farmers, and nation, in the back. The Chinese, compared to the Americans, are up front, whereas the Americans lie to you, then stab you in the back the second you turn around. They are NOT friends of Australia, never have been, never will be. B.T.W. there is NO agreement between America and Australia to come to each other’s aid should any be threatened. Do your research, that’s the red flag that destroyed the Whitlam Government, because of his INSISTANCE that agreement be in writing, Nixon refused, to which Whitlam then threatened to close Pine Gap. the rest is history. AND we STILL do not possess any such agreement in writing, thus letting the Yanks off the hook again. However, today, knowing what we’ve learned of written agreements with the U.S. we now know any such agreements are worth less than toilet paper anyway. Oh, did I mention, Australian troops were NOT advised when the Yanks took off in the middle of the night in Afghanistan ? L.O.L. With friends like that, we don’t need enemies.

    • China mainland does not have a Rothschild owned and run Central Bank

      The so called Jews are experts –

      You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught – from the musical “South Pacific”

      Rogers and Hammerstein

      You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught lyrics
      You’ve got to be taught
      To hate and fear
      You’ve got to be taught
      From year to Year
      It’s got to be drummed
      in your dear little ear
      You’ve got to be carefully taught

      You’ve got to be taught
      To be Afraid
      Of people whose eyes
      are oddly made
      And people whose skin
      Is a different shade
      You’ve got to be carefully taught

      You’ve got to be taught
      Before it’s too late
      Before you are 6 or 7 or 8
      To hate all the people
      your relatives hate
      You’ve got to be carefully taught

      Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”

      The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

      “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

  2. If Whitlam had his way he’d not only have closed Pine Gap but we’d be China’s ricebasket by now, speaking Chinese and working on our Wechat social score by avoiding websites like Gumshoe News.

    • Unfortunately for you Richard, that propaganda did not cut it, even when it was claimed the Communist Vietnamese were supposedly going to do the same thing. Do you recall those claims made back then ? I was actually scooped up in the bullshit, set foot on the Vietnamese dirt, only to discover they had no idea Australia even existed, had no Blue Navy to speak of, and had no idea of where Australia even was. Yet the majority of Australians, just like you, swallowed the crap being fed to them, hook line and sinker. If you knew anything about Australia, the first thing you’d know is that Australia will NEVER be China’s rice basket. (I detect typical Western racisim in that remark too ) Australia is the driest continent on the planet, and if the boffins are to be believed, we’re going to become a lot drier yet. You do know rice requires water. lots and lots of it to grow. So the chances of Australia ever becoming anyone’s rice basket, is shrinking by the day. L.O.L. Now if you said something like China’s open cut iron ore mine, I’d say it’s be a little closer to the mark. BUT, to that, they need to take over the Corporations that currently own these mines, and considering one of the Corporations has the Queen as the major shareholder, the chances of that ever being allowed, is extremely slim.

      • There are times when it is wiser to shut up and just listen. This is one, and I have listened carefully to those who responded.

        Firstly, after 50 years of historical research and as a practical producer on-country in the Top End, am quite expert on what the Top End of Australia constitutes in terms of food productivity. I can tell you now, incontravertably, we will never be the food bowl of anyone but ourselves. We dream of self-sufficiency.

        Secondly, we are a free quarry. Thse mining corporations do not pay tax,

        Dispute this if you wish, but I know the legislation and I know the rules; if you pay tax outside of Australia you do not pay tax here.

      • Sure I’m racist because I don’t want my country to be taken over surreptitiously, Sun Tzu style. Actually, leaving aside that China is not a race but a country, as a Christian I am not racist as I believe there is only one race, the human race. Genetics and Haplogroup DNA mapping is unequivocally proving this as we speak.

  3. Oh well, things may change over the next few months to a year.
    Under the concept of devolution of government readers may realise that the US is not under the command of the Biden pretender whom has no power or significance, other than to decide his ice cream flavour.
    Look up the law of war manual sections 11.1 to 11.12. Particularly 11.3-4.
    James might draft a essay on it for our edification and put it in mind as a ‘geopolitical analyst’, using some legal expertise to fill a apparent vacuum.

    • Where the hell do you get this nonsense from? “Devolution of governent”?

      There is no such thing, although iI would be its most fervent follower it this were true.

      • Try a internet search and look up the principles and you will be happy to fill your mind with all that nonsense to your intellectual limit.

      • Did I note above a comment that wrote:
        “ …..it is wiser (sic) to just shut up and listen”..
        Indeed, I may add that it may be more wise to research before expressing a claim or opinion of ‘nonsense’.
        Mr. Ryan how are you going with a research of ‘devolution of government’ and whether it may be current.
        We await your thesis. You Too James.

      • Mr. Ryan , how are you coping with the devolution ‘nonsense’?
        Oh well try Webster’s dictionary and let us know how you are advancing.

        • Recall when the stolen election happened Nov 3 2020 the first thing that Trump did the next day was to ( out of the blue ) appoint a new army chief.
          But government being the huge multilayered vampire squid that it is, certain parts keep going in one direction while other parts go in the other direction.
          Anyone disputing the election was stolen only has to consider Arizona, would that demographic really have voted for Biden, if you think so, you are blind &/or deaf &/or dumb.

    • The 1972 Declaration For World Slavery



      “The 1972 Lima Declaration was one tool used to create the New World Order. This video refers to Australia, but the Declaration also applied to the USA, Europe, Asia and worldwide………

      Political parties are two wings of the same bird. Puppet on the right, Puppet on the left, but look its the one Puppeteer! There is no Communism and Capitalism. Its all one. Ask the Jewish Zionist Bolsheviks who ran the 1917 Russian revolution. They were funded by Wall Street Bankers who in turn are European bloodline families………………..”


      The sinister agenda of Communism, was/is internationalism the overthrow and vanquishment of all existing nation states in order to establish a despotic global Jewish Communist Super-State. The pathological criminal madness known as Communism was, from its inception, a Jewish conspiracy for the destruction and subjugation of the Gentile world whereupon a tyrannical global Jewish imperium would be established. Communism was nothing more than an expression and manifestation of the hateful, supremacist doctrines of the Jewish Talmud, which states: Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed. (Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10) A good example of this insanity was the 66 million White Caucasian Christians and others murdered, starting in 1917 in Russia with the violent take-over of the Russian Government by JEWS as evidenced in The Secret Force by Maurice Pinay !!

  4. Bit bored at the moment so I did a search of all the island countries in the South Pacific.
    No doubt all Pacific governments are members of the UN Security Council.
    In world affairs they have a vote or influence and paid accordingly……. That seems to be the current record.
    A person should know that Pacific Countries with the usual corrupt leaders do not mind a quid for a vote, as do most of our leaders.
    Now it is turned into a auction.
    Interests can buy a Pacific Island (and UN vote) country for a few loaned yuan, outbidding pathetic Australia who is in debt and cannot afford a few coconuts.
    What a bargain bazar?
    Australia is too expensive, so why not buy up, with loaned debt and promises, the whole Pacific. ( Adhern was a cheap purchase for the commies who are a part of a controlled banker globalist totalitarian freak show)
    Bloody cheaper to buy from traitors then invade the beaches.
    Bugger, I have debited my social score credit account!!!
    It will be resolved.
    The Islands will be flooded with rising sea levels at the hands of China with all its increasing fossil fuel power stations whilst Greta, the labor fools and the Greens laugh as our governments close down our power stations and deny our industries and workers passed historic affordable power supply. Well therefore we have to buy cheap China used by date stuff and finance Bunnings.
    GOOD ONE SUCKERS. Next election: we have no(?) choice, the lesser of two evils is still evil.
    Identify the elements of satire James.

  5. This is misplaced attention of the real problem to the sovereignty and independence of Australia. We have a far more deadly insidious enemy that has long ago invaded and usurped the entire power structure of this country — international finance organized jewry which subverts Australia’s monetary system. A tribe that masquerades as a religious body but actually operates as a covert state within a state.

    “GIVE me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws” boasted Mayer Amschel Rothschild. It really makes no difference to have parliamentary democracy or communism. Covid tyranny happened under ‘election freedoms’ of parliamentary democracy system. You vote for puppets controlled by international jewry.

    ” … the stiffest fight we would have wage would not be against enemy nations but against international capital.” — Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

    This was true then for Germany as it is now for all countries of the world.

    • Hanna.. you have a friend and an ally in me.

      To Julius : Hitler said… “every person has the right to climb the first rung of the (socioeconomic) ladder”… a declaration of support for equal opportunity. So… he is supposed to be be my enemy? I don’t think so. I do not know what the truth is but I know one thing for sure:.. Somebody is pissing in my posket.

  6. ON TOPIC:

    A friend has asked me to post this. I have only watched the first 3 minutes so far. It looks legit. Dated 1991, funny how that type of Aussie accent later went defunct.

    • Longish passage copied and pasted from “My Life” by Sir Oswald Mosley:

      “The following is the European Declaration agreed and signed at the Conference of Venice on March 1, 1962: ‘We being Europeans conscious of the tradition which derives from classic Greece and Rome, and of a civilization which during three thousand years has given thought, beauty, science and leadership to mankind; and feeling for each other the close relationship of a great family, whose quarrels in the past have proved the heroism of our peoples but whose division in the future would threaten the life of our continent with the same destruction which extinguished the genius of Hellas and led to the triumph of alien values, now declare with pride our European communion of blood and of spirit in the following urgent and practical proposals of our new generation which challenge present policies of division, delay and subservience to the destructive materialism of external powers before which the splendour of our history, the power of our economy, the nobility of our traditions and the inspiration of our ideals must never be surrendered:

      That Europe a Nation shall forthwith be made a fact. This means that Europe shall have a common government for purposes of foreign policy, defence, economic policy, finance and scientific development. It does not mean Americanisation by a complete mixture of the European peoples, which is neither desirable nor possible.
      That European government shah1 be elected by free vote of the whole people of Europe every four years at elections which all parties may enter. This vote shall be expressed in the election of a parliament which will have power to select the government and at any time to dismiss it by vote of censure carried by a two-thirds majority. Subject to this power of dismissal, government shall have full authority to act during its period of office in order to meet the fast-moving events of the new age of science and to carry out the will of the people as expressed by their majority vote.
      That national parliaments in each member country of Europe a Nation shall have full power over all social and cultural problems, subject only to the overriding power of European Government in finance and its other defined spheres, in particular the duty of economic leadership.
      That the economic leadership of government shall be exercised by means of the wage-price mechanism, first to secure similar conditions of fair competition in similar industries by payment of the same wages, salaries, pensions and fair profits as science increases the means of production for an assured market, thus securing continual equilibrium between production and consumption, eliminating slump and unemployment and progressively raising the standard of life. Capital and credit shall be made available to the underdeveloped regions of Europe from the surplus at present expatriated from

      our continent.

      That intervention by government at the three key points of wages, prices, where monopoly conditions prevail, and the long-term purchase of agricultural and other primary products alone is necessary to create the third system of a producers’ state in conditions of a free society which will be superior both to rule by finance under American capitalism and to rule by bureaucracy under communist tyranny. It is at all times our duty in the solidarity of the European community to assist each other to combat the destruction of European life and values from without and from within by the overt and covert attack of communism.
      That industries already nationalised will be better conducted by workers’ ownership or syndicalism than by state bureaucracy, but the system of the wage-price mechanism will, in full development, make irrelevant the question of the ownership of industry by reason of the decisive economic leadership of elected government, and will bring such prosperity that workers will have no interest in controversies which belong to the nineteenth century.
      With the creation of Europe a Nation as a third power strong enough to maintain peace, a primary object of the European government will be to secure the immediate and simultaneous withdrawal of both Russian and American forces from the occupied territories and military bases of Europe. Europe must be as strongly armed as America or Russia until mutual disarmament can be secured by the initiative of an European leadership which will have no reason to fear economic problems caused by disarmament, as has capitalist America, nor to desire the force of arms for purposes of imperialist aggression as does communist Russia.
      The emergence of Europe as a third great power will bring to an end the political and military power of UNO, because these three great powers will then be able to deal directly and effectively with each other. The peace of the world can best be maintained by direct and continuous contact between these three great powers which represent reality instead of illusion and hypocrisy. The production of nuclear weapons will be confined to these three great powers until mutual disarmament can be secured.
      Colonialism shall be brought to an end. A way will be found to maintain or to create in Africa states under government of non-European but African origin amounting to about two-thirds of the continent, and other states under government by peoples of European and Afrikaaner origin amounting to about one-third. In non-European territory, any European who chose to remain should stay without a vote or political rights. He would be in the same position as any resident in another country, subject to the maintenance of basic human rights within their own communities, by reciprocal arrangement between European and non-European territories. Conversely, any non-European remaining in European territory would have neither vote nor political rights, subject to the maintenance of the same basic human rights. Multi-racial government breaks down everywhere in face of the non-European demand for one man one vote which they learnt from the West, and becomes a squalid

      swindle of loaded franchises to postpone the day of surrender rather than to solve the problem. Better by far is the clean settlement of clear division.
      Europe must everywhere decide what it will hold and what it will relinquish. The Europeans in union will have the power of decision. Today they lack only the will. We will hold what is vital to the life of Europe, and we will in all circumstances be true to our fellow-Europeans, particularly where they are now threatened in African territory.

      The space of a fully united Europe including the lands to be liberated by American and Russian withdrawal, the British Dominions and other European overseas territories, and approximately one-third of Africa is a just requirement for the full life of the Europeans in a producer and consumer system which shall be free of usury and capitalism, of anarchy and communism. Within the wide region of our nation the genius of modern science shall join with the culture of three millenia to attain ever higher forms of European life which shall continue to be the inspiration of mankind.'”

      [End of quoted passage – Mosley had a different European Union in mind, not one based on the Kalergi Plan.

      • Oh shoot, I’d like to send this to Elias Davidsson for his comments:

        “In non-European territory, any European who chose to remain should stay without a vote or political rights. He would be in the same position as any resident in another country, subject to the maintenance of basic human rights within their own communities, by reciprocal arrangement between European and non-European territories.”

    • From 42:10 the Socialist International held its conference in Vancouver, Canada …

      “North-South: A Programme for Survival” – the Brandt Commission Report

      Amongst the 23 people on Brandt’s committee was Katharine [Meyer] Graham


      “Katharine Meyer was born in 1917 into a wealthy family in New York City, to Agnes Elizabeth (née Ernst) and Eugene Meyer.[1] Her father was a financier and, later, Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Her grandfather was Marc Eugene Meyer, and her great-grandfather was rabbi Joseph Newmark. Her father bought The Washington Post in 1933 at a bankruptcy auction. Her mother was a bohemian intellectual, art lover, and political activist in the Republican Party, who shared friendships with people as diverse as Auguste Rodin, Marie Curie, Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Dewey[2] and Saul Alinsky.[3][4]”

  7. The moneyed men shut down Oz three decades ago,
    moved all manufacturing to CCP, exploiting Chinese or anyone who’ll do it cheaper.
    Nation states flag waving ceremonies are still used for sporting events and wars. This country’s sovereignty, disappeared when free(slave)trade became the protocols of the oligarchs here, over thirty years ago. It’s a done deal, krown kabal komunizm, what we have now is digital ID credit score slavery and CCP is the global template.
    With the bloodshed and devastation in Ukraina, they still managed to set up the 5G digital metaverse.
    Ditto for Oz, with silent yet deadly war going on here.
    Go to the medical centre, doctors mainly from Indian sub-continent, go to emergency doctors in the majority young Londoners, get sent to specialists mainly the chosen tribe, end up on the operating table CCP.
    Been this way since turn of the century, when population of Sydney was 3 million now it’s 7 and growing. Like wars, mass immigration great for business, as we watch our children becoming homeless in the nation our parents built.
    And we’re about to line up for the charade that is the selections, with all puppies on bases loaded.

    • Like Bunnings sausage sizzles, for sale outside entry doors on weekends pre-covid, same as the sizzles in regional areas after voting events. Eliminating all opposition, similar to the hardware chain, now only one party/store left. And they wouldn’t have it any other way.

  8. Wake Up Kiwi Up Kiwi

    All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars

    April 14 2015 | From: MichaelRivero / Various Sources

    A very eloquent and relatively concise video discourse on how and why the title of this piece is so tragically true, followed by a very detailed article for those who wish to read more.

    This really is a must see / must read piece to be aware of the real history of banking and warmongering over the last 100 years – along with the how and why such nefarious plans were implemented; and to what ends.

    Read on –



    The RBA is a foreign privately owned Central Bank and under section 44 of the Australian Constitution no politician is allowed to sit in parliament while being subject to it.

    • Sectio 44, in full:

      Any person who –

      (i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: or

      (ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer: or

      (iii.) Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent: or

      (iv.) Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth: or

      (v.) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons:

      shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.

      • Bank Royal Commission: The wisdom of Ben Chifley in 1937

        “…………..The bankers and the Treasurer Scott “banker’s buddy” Morrison insist that the reason we should not have another Royal Commission is that there is nothing we need to know. All we need, they claim, are a few more ‘financial sector cops’ on the beat looking for a “few bad apples” and all will be fine.

        However, one need only take a quick look at the 1937 Royal Commission report into the Australian banking and monetary system to realise what the bankers and their “support crew” of pet politicians in and out parliament are really worried about.

        They know that a new Royal Commission may revisit the fundamental question considered by the commissioners back in 1937:

        “What is the proper role of private banks in the Australian monetary system?”

        AND come to very different conclusions……………………”

        Royal Commission on Banking

        In 1935 Lyons and Casey appointed Chifley to the Royal Commission on the Monetary and Banking Systems. ……………

        “………………….Chifley argued the report did not go far enough and that desirable economic outcomes were incompatible with privately-owned, profit-oriented banks.53 It may be that Chifley felt obliged to put forward nationalisation as Labor policy, even if his personal preference was for central bank control over private banks.54 The Commission also thought the Government should explore establishing a market for treasury bills and should introduce decimal currency………….”


  9. Why do the nations rage so furiously together? Why do the people imagine a vain thing?

    From 30:15

    Let us break their bonds asunder………..

    • So much so that it is criminal as committing or aiding and abetting a misprision of a felony and more.
      It is a conspiracy to cover up murder/s or felonious crime.
      As for misprision, it is a common law offence, to conspire to hide a criminal offence…… and that applies to the relevant government officials, the politicians and the main stream media.
      Actually, the principle of misprision has been included in the NSW Crimes act enacted by the NSW Parliament in the early 1980s.
      So let the prosecutions commence⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️💁
      Interesting as applied to the situation when government bans proper available proven treatment for covid 19 and persons die as as a result.
      We have to look forward to a Royal Commission to bring the murderers to account.

  10. World Bank is now telling everyone to expect huge price inflation in commodities such as food and fuel, the range is mostly about 20% to 50% for the year ahead I guess, they are saying it is because of Ukraina, in other words blame Russia for the flagrant money printing of the last 15 years. This is what they did in 1971, blamed the A-rabs for the “oil shock” when the real issue was the US counterfeiting its own money and indeed it WAS counterfeiting because there was a gold standard up to then.
    The profiteering cycles go from bank to government, to wit:
    Bill Clinton engineered the house price boom of 2000-2007 which the banks fed with created credit.
    Obama started printing money and it never stopped or even plateaued even up to now.
    So now they blame Russia for the inflation so they say they need to raise interest rates to control inflation, you see the banks cash in on interest at this point.
    ( stop and think about this fake logic )
    So we see the economic cycles are the same as the political cycles (red-blue parties), they both move in a zigzag way but relentlessly towards more intensive communo-fascism.
    You can’t do anything now without government involvement. You can’t even raise your own kids from 0-5 years old without the government getting involved every step of the way, from finance to medical to childcare, you may as well sign “your” kid over to the government, but hang on, you already did when you “registered” them. I guess the kid is just an economic unit then, and not really your kid at all, like in a factory farm.

    • The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

      “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

      Genesis 40-41 “And by thy sword shalt thou live (Esau), and shalt serve thy brother *Jacob); and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. 41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father …”

      Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

      “As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY.”—- 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College



      Jews hate Christ, a descendant of Shem in the flesh, therefore the Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan and anti-Semitic.


      • Christianity is based on Judaism so the premise is corrupt
        If all these sources are as bad as the “Protocols” you are being seriously misled, but I won’t be looking into them

        • ‘Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn’t lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.‘ Harold Rosenthal

          Quotes from the “Holy” Talmud…Why the Hell would Anyone want to Expel these People?
          On CHILD RAPE and RAPE of Non Jewish WOMEN and SLAVERY……
          Israel is white sex slave capital of the world and also the makers of child snuff films (gentile children of course) are jewish.
          CHILD RAPE Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”
          MORE CHILD RAPE Yebhamoth 11b “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.”
          NORMALACY Kethuboth 11b “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”
          VIOLATION Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”
          SEX WITH OLDER CHILDREN Sanhedrin 54b “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.”
          ADULTERY Talmud IV / 4 / 52b “Towards a Non-Jew the Jew doesn’t cause an adultery… Punishable for the Jew is just the adultery towards his next, that means the wife of a Jew. The wife of the Non-Jew is excluded”
          NO WIFE Talmud IV / 4 / 81 + 82ab “There is no wife for the goyim, they really aren’t their wives”
          HUMAN BEAST SERVANTS Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”
          SLAVES Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”
          MESSIAH Erubin 43b “When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews”

          • They used to say they drink babies blood, but this is not exclusive to jews. Keep up your relentless chant, you are doing Swissy’s work for him.

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