Home Conspiracy The Real, Really Real, JFK, Jr, with Detached Earlobes

The Real, Really Real, JFK, Jr, with Detached Earlobes


(L) First Lady Jacqueline and son with detached earlobes  (R) JFK, Jr, with attached earlobe, kissing his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

So what’s this about a guy coming forward to say that the fellow who died in a plane crash in 1999 was not really the son of JFK, because he is that son?

A man named David Keith Quigley, born in 1960, claims that he is the little boy whom we all saw playing underneath President Kennedy’s desk, and saluting at Dad’s funeral procession. I have just read his book, Stolen Identity (2023) and find it fascinating — not because of its main theme about Kennedy, but because of other things which I’ll get to, later.

Here is the generally accepted Kennedy background:

Rose Kennedy was a Fitzgerald, daughter of “Honey Fitz” the mayor of Boston. In 1914, she married Joseph Patrick Kennedy and bore him nine children, including Robert, a US attorney general; Ted, a senator; and US President JFK (1917-1963).

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy (1929-1994) married JFK when he was a senator. They had a stillborn child, Arabella, in 1956, and daughter Caroline (now Schlossberg) in 1956. During her husband’s campaign for the presidency, Jackie gave birth to John, Jr on November 25, 1960. Then, in the White House, she gave premature birth to Patrick Bouvier Kennedy in 1963 who lived only 39 hours. 

In 1968 Jacqueline married Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975) who already had two children, Alexander (died at age 24 in 1973) and Christina (died at age 38 in 1988). Jacqueline died of cancer in 1994. Her son John Jr was editor of George magazine, and died when the plane that he piloted crashed in 1999. President Kennedy’s brother Robert was nominated for president in 1968 but was assassinated before the election.  Robert’s son RFK, Jr is running for president today, in 2024.

The Onassis wedding (with Caroline and John-John shown) and a pic including John. (NY Daily News)

The Book, Stolen Identity

The book, which costs $18 at Amazon, is by John F Kennedy, Jr, but is marked “Copyright 2023 John F Kennedy, Jr and Jacqueline Goldman”. It is very skillfully written. John seems to be pretty messed up, after a hard life, so I have to wonder how much of the ideas in the book were added by the ghost-writer, Ms Goldman. Since I have no way of knowing, I will provisionally accept here that it all comes from the man himself.  

The gist of it is that he, John, was the true kid in the White House.  He was three when Dad was assassinated in Dallas. Then, in 1969, at age 9, he was removed from Mother Jackie, and given to a cruel family, the Quigley’s, to be raised by them with the name “David Quigley.”

Dear Reader, it will be inconvenient for the reviewer (me, MM) to talk about him as “John” in the third person, having to repeatedly distinguish him from the better-known JFK Jr, who died in the plane crash 25 years ago. So let me use the pronoun “I” to convey what he says in the book.

Here are some of the main points, licentiously paraphrased by me (MM):

My mom, Jacqueline, loved me and would meet up with me now and then when I was “David Quigley.” The boy who replaced me is known as John-John. The purpose of the whole game of “replacing” people is mafia-based and is done for money. Say you are a lonely old lady, with money. They need only knock you off, put another woman in your house to wear your clothes (and maybe she’ll get a bit of plastic surgery), collect your mail, and draw your funds from the bank. Easy.

The Quigleys kept me in poverty. Even later, when I got jobs in construction and in truck-driving, various people were sent in to rob me so that I never had much cash, and was sometimes homeless. i feel bitter about this, as John-John was raised in luxury.

There were numerous attempts on my life, but my handler Wayne often showed up to rescue me. Page 3: “I never knew who Wayne was, except that he was a powerful man with connections to the highest levels of government, the entertainment industry, and the underworld.” He took me on military missions, thus I got to see Guyana in 1978 where Jim Jones refused to drink the Kool-aid, and so was shot.

I was heavily MK-Ultra’d so there are many gaps in my memory. I spent some time in Hollywood, and can point out to you, on YouTube, various movies in which I had bit-parts. Luckily, too,  there are thousands of photos of me, such as in my school in New York.

The official story is that Mom died in 1994 but I know for sure she was shot dead in 1975 (when I was 15). I saw her body in a pool of blood. The replacement Jacqueline was a chain smoker and wore oversized sunglasses as a disguise. I can also tell you that the 1973 death of Alexander Onassis, my step-brother who was nice to me, was not as advertised. I saw a bullet go through his head.

Mary Maxwell Analyzes the Validity of the Author’s Claims

I (Mary) won’t continue to sketch the book.  You should buy it and read it yourself.  I will, instead, comment on how the book strikes me.  Do I think it is valid? Jawohl. Oui, Si si — Yes.

In favor of the claim that John-John of plane-crash fame is NOT the 2-year-old under the president’s desk, I say the earlobes have it. The earlobes of the grown-up John-John (editor of George magazine) are attached to his skin.  Ergo, he is a fake. You can’t start life with detached earlobes and later attach them, can you? Hmm. Maybe the bosses “got rid” of him in 1999 before any upstarts could start to press this point.

The First Family.

Granted, “David Quigley” (held tight by Mom, above) does say some outrageous things in the book. These may get in the way of trusting his observations.   Here are four things I don’t believe:

.1. That he met the sons of Prince Charles (but I do believe he met Queen Elizabeth). 2. That he was in the plane in which John-John was killed in 1999. If the Powers That Be planned to take out the young couple — John-John and his wife Carolyn Bessette — they couldn’t afford to have any passenger survive that flight.  3. That Donald Trump died in 1989 and was replaced by a body double. No way; Donald is a dead ringer for his niece Mary Trump who is alive today. 4. That Caroline, his real sister from White House days, got replaced when she was 12. Wrong.  If true, how could Caroline’s daughter, the 20-something Ms Schlossberg, be the spittin’ image of the real First Lady Jackie?

Which is not to say that I am an oracle. I could be wrong on all four counts.

My background of 18 years’ research into the MK-Ultra program (which was brought to the US both from Germany and the UK) allows me to say that the entire book, Stolen Identity (2023), is faultless in its presentation of what MK-Ultra does to its victims.

See my 2019 book, Deliverance: A Royal Commission and Pizzagate Reveal Society’s Hidden Controllers. There is no limit to the extent that the “experimenters” will go in torturing a child, humiliating him or her, or blocking her relations with other people.  Google for Sidney Gottlieb, Ewen Cameron, or Martin Orne if you don’t have any awareness of the way our government got into these things. It is an unbelievable disgrace to the USA.

All of that stuff is too hard for most folks to accept. I have interviewed many of the victims and find that their stories match up well, even if they have never published it. But there are plenty of autobiographies out there such as Brice Taylor’s Thanks for the Memories.  Cathy O’Brien, author of The Trance-formation of America, is still around to give lectures. I got my baptism through Carol Rutz’s A Nation Betrayed.

A major contribution that John F Kennedy, Jr (detached earlobes) has made is to tell us how he lives in a sort of twilight. From page 30:

“It’s difficult to explain what it feels like to be in this [trance-like] state, except to say it’s like being partially asleep yet still conscious and awake. During this period, anyone who might speak or interact with me would have no idea that I was ‘under’.”

Hooray! Problem of Australian judges solved.  Problem of US Congressmen solved. They are ‘under’ and don’t know it.  Most were probably trained as children to take orders, or later in life were simply threatened with death.

Oh, but how would such persons get elected? Two ways: 1. Both political parties are rigged.  2. Decent people are too scared to run for office, knowing how the media will slaughter them.

This book is a life-changer. Skimming through the 266 reviews at Amazon.com, one sees that most people believe this is the real deal, are invigorated by it.  Some think that it may help RFK, Jr get elected, but I don’t see the logic.  We do not have a royal “succession,” per a bloodline, and there is much to criticize about the famous Kennedy’s anyway.   

The author of Stolen Identity has enabled us to have a big breakthrough.  What the hell is the mafia and what is it doing on our society? How can such poor specimens of humanity (who kill at will) be the ones that make the big decisions about our future? Now’s the time to come away from this absurd set-up. Tgere’s hope! New hope!

Thanks a mil, John F Kennedy, Jr, you of the detached earlobe. Your book is “pullet surprise” material. And thanks to Ms Goldman who did the actual scripting of the book. It is very, very easy to read. Many of the Amazon reviewers said they knocked it off in 4 hours or less.

As for the rest of the Kennedy clan, this is the time for them to be interviewed and deal with all the terrible things that John (aka Quigley) has told us.  Robert Junior has occasionally given hints. His cousin’s book can be his way to truth. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg is presently the American ambassador to Australia. Let the Aussies have at her. (The goings on must have been horrendous for her, too. We need to show support.)

What about the other two candidates for the 2024 election? I have always assumed that Joe Biden was MK-Ultra’d, given that his first wife and his little daughter were killed in a car crash — that is how they traumatize a young man. As for Trump, Whiney Webb’s 2002 book, One Nation under Blackmail shows his connections to organized crime.  Do we need this?

I don’t think any of the three candidates deserve the White House. I think the Electoral College ought to start an urgent search now for someone in good mental and physical health who has already demonstrated leadership and courage. Note: he/she must have not been MK-Ultra’d. And must now be put through some grueling interviews to determine their ability to cope with truth.

No doubt there are such person in many fields outside of politics. Let it be a mathematician who will show us a clever way to overcome the age-old problem whereby a small mafia can control everyone by fear. Or let it be a farmer who will show the urgency of restoring the life of the soil. Let it be someone who can market L-O-V-E.  Marianne Williamson of Louisiana is a registered hopeful, and she talks lovey-dovey stuff all over the place. How about a veteran who realizes the US has no right to destroy other countries? I’d vote or him, twice.

Americans, can we please stop being idiots? Can we please stop letting everybody down?

Mr Kennedy-Quigley-Kennedy, the nation owes you a big one. Even if you did not intend it (but especially if you did), the walls of Jericho are about to start falling. This is what we have been waiting for, for years.

Relax, John. This time we’ve got your back.



  1. I have noted the Quigley claims with other theories on John John.
    I had put John John surviving at about 90%, JB – at somewhat less.
    I smell the usual rat💁 SO IT WAS ALL MAFIA.🍿🤪 AND🤪 the Mafia murdered the President🤪🤪
    And the Muslims did 911!
    We know SFA. some think they know.

    • That was just a sample.
      Seal team six killed Bin Laden.
      Seal team six sent on a slow Chinook just happen to be killed by terrorists
      The USS Liberty killings was just a mistake.
      October 7th was just a lapse in border security.
      Ok, wanna buy a bridge? How about a tunnel?

      • Good people mostly don’t have a clue there is a spiritual war going on, a war that involves flesh and blood opponents. Some say they are better than us, therefore we must support them in what they do, whether they’re butchering innocents, poisoning the water, food and air, ripping us off by all means financial, cause God will bless us if we bless them.

        If only our preachers would read and understand what Jesus was on about and understand that it applies equally today. Our nation is in fast decline, anyone with a brain knows that 911 was a set up perpetrated by the same cast of villains. It was the trigger for wars of profit crushing freedom here and everywhere, solely for the advancement of central banksters OWG. Real history hidden by those who control.

    • According to official sources, three bodies were recovered by Navy divers around 18 hours after Kennedy’s plane went down – they were of John, his wife and his sister in-law.

      If it wasn’t John Jr in that wreck along with his wife and her sister – then who did the three bodies belong to?

      Apparently, autopsies were performed on all three bodies – no way could it be possible, going on the medical records available, that all three bodies could be misidentified.

      So, who really is the person Quigley, and why is he identifying himself as, JFK Jr.?

      And why is Pascal Najadi masquerading as John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Snr?

      It’s all getting so confusing!

      • Really?
        Great movie🤪🍿🍿
        Just like the alkeged ‘Bin Laden’ (🤪) burial AT SEA!….. hint! for a good copper💁💁
        I have researched it all and that is the icing💁

        • Thanks, Ned, I maybe confused, but the mind is still open to information.

          Kerry Cassidy interviews, Simon Parkes, over on beforeitsnews.com

          Some good info out of that show, specifically, on Antarctica and the very ancient technology ‘they’ have uncovered.

          The Truth will not be for everyone – Q

          • That Parkes-Cassidy discussion is great for thought. It is at BIN.
            I found it myself this morning and ended up having to go to the end after a boring amount of puffery, while doing some circuits.
            The last half goes to Antartica (Atlantis?).
            I have noticed that Iran claims ancestry links so they want in. Bit before even Judea was even thought of for others🍿🤪(👽?)
            Lot of surprises coming for the ignorant and suckers🤪

          • Mr Plodgers, one example has been very very demonstrated to you that is Trump advocating the injectables and you are in full denial, I won’t waste time going through it again, you live in your own little reality

          • Hey, Sleepy Joe, if Trump told you to jump off a cliff would you?

            Likewise, if he told you not to take the jab because it was your decision to take it – would you still take it?

            Trump was asked a question and he answered it the only he could – it is everyone’s free choice to do whatever they choose to do when given the opportunity to make a decision.

            That is not advocating for the jab from Trump as your personal bias against Trump sees it. Trump wanted nothing at all to do with influencing an individual’s free choice via verbalizing, as in that question posed to him. Trump had earlier led by example for what he knew to take as a ‘vaccine’ and that he advocated for, to anyone who wanted to listen. A valuable lesson from a real Leader that you have failed to acknowledge!

            The uninformed made their choice out of unwarranted fear. Is Trump also responsible for the fear generated?

            I have shown you the evidence for what Trump meant by ‘vaccine’ but you just won’t have it because your opposition to Trump precludes you from seeing what you should have seen at the time!

            So, Sleepy, go and have a sook over your own inability to appreciate the obvious!

        • Article: The Puppeteer and Predictable American Propaganda.

          Joe wrote, in response to my comment: ‘Joe hates cops. LOL’

          ‘You’re right, you have hardened my attitude toward cops, but in particular yourself.’

          July 2, 2024, 11:47 AM

          Please point out the lie, Joe?

          • Your extrapolation is a lie and your expert creation of false realities has hardened my attitude

          • That is what you, Joe, wrote, and is easily viewed by going back to that article.

            Are you now denying you actually wrote it?

            How does an extrapolation become a lie when what is extrapolated is simply repeated verbatim?

            Go and have another sook at being exposed for your inability to accept the obvious, and the trickery you like to play.

          • You like to pervert and distort facts, I have indulged your nonsense far too much already, the issue is you demanded proof of your lies and I have told you many times you lie and deny about Trump promoting the injectables, you are a liar, you are a denier, you are a perverter of facts, you are an attention seeker, you love authority, it’s your faith and your religion, your fundamental chauvinism is unshakeable and that’s why you can’t let facts get in the way. Pointing out your errors IS a waste of time and I regret ever crossing your path, your brain is basically ossified and useless for debate.

          • Until you can open that closed trap of a mind Joe, you will never see what you need to see.

            You call me a liar without providing any evidence for the lie?

            Do we all have free choice, Joe, as Trump pointed out when asked that question, or would you rather have someone tell you to do things you don’t wish to do? I have given you the facts repeatedly concerning Trump’s ‘vaccine’.

            You choose to ignore those facts.

            You accuse Trump of advocating for the jab – your wording, Joe – when all Trump did was to show that everyone has free choice.

            Now go away, and have another sook!

    • I hear that the ‘woman’ Macron is ‘married’ to, is not his ‘school teacher’ but his uncle.

      There are some snapshots of Macron and Trudeau embracing at one of their meetings – not the kind of embrace that a friend gives another friend, either.

      Nothing left to the imagination from those snapshots of their ‘real’ relationship toward each other.

  2. ANT,
    Please watch Mary at 24 mins for a few relevant also to Archbishop Vigano.
    Time to act!
    I was taught, first clean up your own backyard.
    Listen to the rest as long as you can take it… if you have not already informed yourself.
    Situation update today at beforeitsnews.com – people power news

    • “Haaretz confirms”

      So where’s the link to said purported confirmation?

      And what bearing does it have on any claim made about JFK Jr. ?

    • Dee,
      This has been around awhile and the sitting at BIN.
      I was not game to refer it to ANYBODY.
      I thought that mm, Sandy, elspells and uncle Joe et.al would think I am a crazy cultist💁🍿🍿🥂🙀
      There is heaps more around on many including more on Baz and Mick.
      Some things I have even kept quiet from my children. Oh dear how to confess? OK I have to get it out:
      Santa is the original CLONE. There now I feel better, so sorry .
      To think that so many were so stupid as they had no clue and still, not a firking clue.
      They even think Donald and Daisy are just the one duck.
      And Kate is Kate.

      • Well I will get my feet on the ground and say hi to Clif and see how the fifteenth is progressing
        At least he is not a clone. .. I think, ….. only one could be made.

      • Specially for anyone hanging on to nostalgic feelings of respect and trust for aspects of “the establishment”
        The “establishment” is subject to the principle sometimes written by commenter ant56, “every great fortune is built on a great crime”, as we see even today, Elbow making excuses for the Gaza Holocaust-redevelopment, and lying about [ enforcing ] party cohesion

  3. Interesting article . Would have dismissed it outright if not for the ears .

    Still not sure what that think , but certainly anything is possible .

    Kind of wondering if this is what Q meant when claiming JFK Jr was still around .

    I had dismissed the John-John is alive bit as a ploy to get people talking , but the timing of this makes me wonder .

    And that’s exactly what I will do : Wonder about it for awhile .

    Maybe just sit in my room , and wonder .

    • He got a lot of attention with his magazine “George” which featured quite a lot of covers showing people in 300 years ago style princely regalia. Then when W Bush got the nomination, at the blood moon 1999, JFK Jr decided it was time to fake his own death. Probably.

  4. Now for the real stuff.


    RAPID CITY, S.D. – Following the U.S. Parole Commission’s denial of Leonard Peltier’s 2024 request, Peltier’s attorneys are preparing to file an appeal.
    The Anishinaabe elder’s lead attorney Jenipher Jones and attorney Moira “Mo” Meltzer-Cohen said they will appeal the commission’s “grotesquely unconstitutional” July 2 decision.
    Peltier, a citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, is currently serving two consecutive life sentences at Coleman Maximum Security in Florida for aiding and abetting in the murder of two FBI agents on June 26, 1975, in South Dakota.

    Death by Incarceration
    “A lot of these decisions, including this one, are frankly death by incarceration. What the U.S. Commission decided on was a form of a death sentence for Leonard,” Jones said.
    Peltier is considered an ‘old law’ prisoner, Jones said, meaning that he’s subject to rules that those convicted post-1987 are subject to the U.S. Parole Commission.
    In 2026, Peltier will be eligible for another parole hearing and in 2039 there will be a full reconsideration hearing, Jones said. Peltier will be nearly 95 years old when the hearing is held in 2039.

    “They gave me more time and that is a death sentence,” Peltier said in a July 3 statement. “The fight has not ended for me and so far Jenn Jones has sworen [sic] her full support to the end.”

    Following the July 2 decision, calls for President Joe Biden to grant Peltier clemency ramped up from organizations such as Amnesty International and the Rapid City-based NDN Collective.

  5. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jan/07/jackie-natalie-portman-behind-the-creation-of-jfk-camelot-movies
    Jackie: behind the creation of JFK, America’s once and future king
    This article is more than 7 years old
    “He was a playboy with links to the mob; so why is John F Kennedy remembered as the perfect president? New film Jackie may have the answer. We explore the movies’ latest return to Camelot
    This is not to suggest that Jackie was the first person to cast JFK as a legend. That dubious honour falls to his father, Joe Kennedy Sr, who had made his fortune as a Hollywood deal-maker in the 1920s and then set out to (in his words) “sell Jack like soap flakes” to the American people. It was Joe – no surprise – who served as behind-the-scenes fixer on the inaugural JFK biopic, PT 109. Released in June 1963, five months before its subject’s death, PT-109 provided a dogged, unquestioning account of JFK’s wartime heroics aboard a torpedo boat. The film was made with full White House approval. The president personally chose the actor Cliff Robertson (who would later appear as Uncle Ben in the Spider-Man franchise) to portray his younger self. Jackie, for her part, reportedly favoured Warren Beatty.”

  6. JFK wanted to shut down the fed. Because it wasn’t done, the reality today is most of us are peasants. How did this inequality happen in modern times? This is what the twin scams of interest and fractional reserve banking have done to all people everywhere. How long before our people wake up and realise we are herded like stock to the slaughter by usurious serpents.

    “Interest is an invention of the devil.”
    -Thomas Edison

    The new age of A.I. is a total scam, promising everything delivering nothing but misery. Pardon me for repetition, unless our leaders are grounded in Christian morals we’re stuffed.

  7. More about ear lobes.
    This footage of JFK Jr clearly shows “free”ear lobes.Not as obvious as some and certainly not as prominent as seen in his childhood photos but the ear changes as the child grows.
    In some photos the smaller lobe is obscured by the jawline and appears attached.

    • Thanks for finding this, Sandra. Last night, after posting my article, I looked at more pix of John-John and saw more flesh at the bottom of his ear than that in the wife-kiss picture. Still, I say he has attached earlobe.

      Just now I googled on the subject and ,at a Medical-Net article, I found this 2022 comment, by “Greavous Skoger”:

      “Ive noticed that when looking at pictures of Senator or Vice-President Biden that his right earlobe was detached. All the images of Mr. Biden and his son Hunter together in a picture are also examples of his right earlobe being detached. The Joe Biden we see today has an ATTACHED right earlobe. How is this possible? Is it medically possible for his genes to have suddenly changed and his earlobe shape also changed in the past couple years?”

  8. Seriously friends, we’re all passing through, everyday a blessing. Yet, the silence on children suffering and dying in Gaza Ukraine and all places in war is deafening. How do we as parents sit and watch innocents murdered for simply living?
    We all contribute to this genocide, by way of interest and taxation. Simple solution, stop paying tax and wars will stop overnight.

    • ant56 – I invite you to join, nationalaustraliastrike.org, to practise, as I do, in assisting to bring down whole governments by simply withholding your money.

      I no longer vote or pay rates on my land.

  9. Above, Diane quoted my article on Christian Porter. In the comments there was a remark taken fro a Shane Dowling article:

    “Make no mistake, we are one step closer to tyranny. Know this too; Google is being evil by being in cahoots with our evil government and all of its rapists/crooks/liars/inside-traders/cayman-island tax dodgers/shirkers/censors/paper-shredders/abusers/cheats/cronies/sportsrorters/porkbarrellers/misogynists/environmental vandals/supercilious twats/thieves…and that’s just the cabinet.”

    That laundry list is pretty much the same as the one made by the man of the hour, JFK, Jr, in his book Stolen Identity.

    Actually, he did not mention supercilious twats.

  10. Is someone going to make this guy take a lie detector test or something ?

    Also would like to see him with the hat off .

  11. There is a striking resemblance between John-John and a young Aristotle Onassis .And apparently Ari has lost a son .
    Perhaps this son became JFK Jr . Just thinking out loud .

    The link is too long to isolate the picture but look for father and son together in a boat .

    The kid does seem to resemble John-John a bit.


    More pictures of John-John . The ears thing is close , but they do look slightly different .


    • Man, that really is sumpin’. They say that Hitler had many body doubles, and if you go back and look at all the pix of him, it does seem that us folks will accept a famous person as the genuine article based on even so simple a clue as a short mustache. For Jackie it was the hairdo. Some say there are many “Hillary Clintons,” too.

      Hans, if you get more on this subject, please place it here under the July 8, 2024 article.

      • She was so paranoid she went to live on the Onassis island but JFK Jr was still riding his bike around NY city.
        I think I looked better 20 years ago, also looked pretty good in my baby photo

  12. Mr . Quigley is giving interviews :


    That Yandex search engine is Russian owned , hence they make less of an effort to hide the dirt on America .

    Mr Quigley claimed John-John was his step brother George Onassis , and that’s why he named his magazine George .

    He also claimed Caroline Kennedy was murdered and replaced , but she has distinctive teeth and I’m not seeing it but if there is a difference it would be in her younger photos .


    I did think the lad’s ears may have changed in the John-John pics , but those pics seem to have disappeared and the pics I see now look to be a match .


    Mr Quigley seems sincere in interviews , but I would feel more comfortable if we let G5 apply those above board and completely legal interview techniques those guys use .

  13. MM says
    “We do not have a royal “succession,” per a bloodline, and there is much to criticize about the famous Kennedy’s anyway”.
    Kennedy’s always included in some lists of “illuminati” and the 13th amendment concerning “princes in government” was deleted after the death of Lincoln

    • MM says
      “the walls of Jericho are about to start falling. This is what we have been waiting for, for years. Relax, John. This time we’ve got your back”.
      Was it the SCOTUS finally kicking in at election time that made MM a Maga hat wearing Trump-messianist or have I got the wrong idea

  14. Quigley’s schnozz does seem like a closer match :


    Also , on December 19, 2018 G5 seems to imply John-John is gone .

    You will know about John John by end of January, 2019. Beyond that, what I write is perfectly correct. JJ has NOT BEEN SEEN.

    The search engine is not cooperating but somewhere in an earlier post he writes – JFK Jr did not die – always thought he was correcting an error , but was it one of his cryptic clues ? JJ and JFK Jr being two different people ?

  15. A pair of pug noses . Quigley mentioned in one interview the real Donald Trump was killed in a helicopter crash in 1989 .
    On a hunch , I checked when Trump divorced Ivana , and it was 1990 .

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