[Editor’s note: This was sent to us by G5 on the 09/7/2019 before the reports of Jeffrey Epstein’s attempted suicide. Or was it an attempt to suicide him?]
by G5
Labor Alex Acosta was sacked by Trump for his involvement in the Epstein Deal of 2007.
Acosta was the facilitating Prosecutor, who unlawfully brought about a deal put forward by Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr — for Epstein to escape a life sentence concerning forty children. Some two thousand pages of evidence being sealed, as Epstein spent thirteen months, with sixteen hours per day on release, only sleeping at his converted ‘cell’ which had full office facilities.
There is little doubt that ‘financial benefits’ were negotiated at that time, as well as the airing of blackmail material. Epstein offering to post one hundred million dollars as bail, recently in New York, was rejected. The current New York case will be different to the Palm Beach deal.
As Joe Valachi, Slobodan Milošević, Lee Oswald, Princess Diana, Roberto Calvi, John Paul 1, David Kelly, Robin Cook, the Duke of Clarence, Boris Berezovsky, and many others — ‘died’ in their cause, it is doubted that Epstein would survive a suicide over the next year.
But at least he won’t become a Lord Lucan, a Marc Rich or even a Ronnie Biggs. And certainly the ‘Sealed’ Epstein file, as those of many others, as Imran Awan, Jackson Cosko et. al., particularly needs to be ‘Unsealed’. The Dems are horrified.
Immunity for Cooperation is not on the table. Is Epstein going to name his customers, girls, and blackmail victims? Or is he going to deliver his financial clients and their dealings?
If either of the Clintons or Obama were currently in the White House, Epstein would be pardoned.
If Reno, Holder, or Lynch in particular, or many of the Deep State Actors we have suffered in recent times were in office an Immunity would be in order. But even ‘bought’ judges are now running.
Can He Worm Out of It?
The concern that he is so well known that he can’t receive a fair trial, I’m sure can be worked about. After all, even the monstrous fraud of Muellerisation went about performing its theatrics.
Jeffrey was also supplying boys and entertainments for those on all sides of the fence. And of course Jeffrey supported all the worthy causes — including the insanity of The Clinton Foundation.
Current ‘Defences’ include ‘Defamation’ — absurd laws relating to it need to be adjusted to protect the Innocent, not the Guilty — to protect Truth, not Deceptions.
Names are falling everywhere — his Black Book, sealed files, affidavits, and witnesses. He is as Savile, Louis Mountbatten, Hoover, and Robert Maxwell. We have many honourable mentions.
His little black book confuses those who enjoyed the services, with those for whom he dodged tax. Either way, problems will roll.
William Barr’s Dad [Recusal Is in Order]
Epstein “owes” Attorney General William Barr’s father, Donald Barr. Donald hired Epstein to teach maths and physics at Dalton Manhattan Private School, even though Epstein had no qualifications. [Good reason to recuse the AG.] He was also working in the law firm of Kirkland and Ellis, representing Epstein in 2007.
More in the months to come, provided dear Jeffrey maintains good health. Jimmy Savile was almost forgotten to history, never to be connected. A particular SIS lady decided to immortalize little Jimmy, before his house could be vacuumed after his somewhat early demise. Albeit, a litany of names was read in Westminster. Charging Whistleblowers is always a good ploy — the Obama Defense. [As good as the old reliable Nuremberg Defense.]
Epstein will upstage Harvey Weinstein and The Hollywood ‘Elite’. The files are interconnected with many of the same names. The much defended Pizzagate is involved. Weinstein hired Black Cube to quell media reports about him and remove the motivation of witnesses.
Ghislaine Maxwell is the social tie extraordinaire. She was a guest at the ridiculous ‘Interfaith’ Marriage of Webb Hubbel’s daughter Chelsea Clinton (sporting ridiculous Uni tickets) to Marc Mezvinsky (Clinton Foundation and Frauds in Greece).
There are currently some 80 lead witnesses. Credit to the determination of the lawyers now working on this matter. This would run longer than the Mueller Fraud and the reality check of Spygate.
The Podestas (Tony was involved in an Intel tug of war, and was reported as dead).
HRC is also listed in the Epstein Follies, but sports a Barry Pardon and a Loretta Immunity. As do Sick Willy, and all the connected. There really is a two tier system.
A long history of entanglements. We are pleased that Tony Podesta is alive and well — recently arrested again. I previously reported that dear Tony was being detained by a US Intel unit interested in his valued evidence to come. Effectively he was rescued, and came very close to being past tense. As I advised at the time.
Blackwater Academi is a mercenary unit. A different style of enterprise — as is Cambridge Analytica and certain psy-op units. Black Cube has been isolated on a number of occasions, and was not one of Weinstein’s better decisions. They are currently interfering in the Iran Nuclear Sanction Affair, acting as US bounty hunters in a sector of the Foreign Banking Industry. The banks at issue are pleased with Iranian business — particularly when the EU stands opposed to US Sanctions and the US is not fully committed to its suicidal anti-Iran rhetoric.
I am advised that Black Cube is rapidly approaching its used by date. Events too confusing to fit the constraints of the evening news.
The Intel Wars continue. Don’t be surprised if Black Cube annoys Bear interests in Iran, and a swift decisive action is taken by SVR-GRU units. There will be no comeback.m
London was always downtown spook town — even before the days of strange suicides as Kelly, Berezovsky, Calvi, and people flying from the high-rise office windows of international banks — and exotic weapons as Polonium, Ricin, and TCDD were deployed.
The deep state is in shambles. Fabulous! Pizzagate is no conspiracy. It’s fact. Trump knows it.
Thanks G5 for a glimpse at those who are our society’s criminal disgusting social hypocritical movers and shakers.
The msm might have to change and run reports on those decent members of society who actually accomplish many benefits and contribute in a real world of humanity/womanity😆
Decent people should have no truck with uncivilised primitive pretentous people…. well, that is what my Mum taught me……. do not get fleas from wild dogs!!!
It is reasonably easy to pick the running dogs…… mongrel msm politicians stand out.
Could you make it a little more cryptic G5, please?
Better check the facts, because it looks like it may be incorrect that Barr’s father hired Epstein. See below.
AG Bill Barr’s father couldn’t have worked with Epstein at Dalton School because he wasn’t even there when Epstein worked there. He resigned months earlier.
Thanks for the link
As these perverts have become billionaires, the working class has been replaced by mass immigration on steroids. I used to think that $10 per hour was the rate. Turns my stomach to realise that there are jobs in Sydney that pay $5 per hour. What has happened is not by chance.
Nobody says a word in fear of not being politically correct. The privledged ones, mantra of greed is god, has broken this nation beyond salvation in just two decades. We were warned but look at where we are. The crimes of the century rewarded and the majority shafted without mercy.
I had only gone into the first paragraph of ‘G5s’ latest whodunnit before a glaringly obvious mistake was noted by yours truly.
Acosta, and it will be noted, was not fired by Trump, but resigned of his own volition. Now I know that is not mentioned by ‘G5’, but the rest of the paragraph attributed to ‘G5s’ analysis concerning what Acosta did as prosecutor against Epstein back in 2007, and on Epstein’s plea deal, omits why Acosta was forced into doing such a deal.
And the simple answer is that Acosta was faced with either having Epstein plead guilty to lesser charges that would see him run free in less than three years, or push against the plea deal that has been arranged by Epstein’s lawyers (who in my opinion, should all be locked up) would see his (Epstein) charges end up in the Federal Court system that was then heavily influenced by the previous Clinton Administration and the then current Bush Administration – who have links to Epstein – so Acosta being fully aware of those links opted for what he could get against Epstein at the local level.
What else could he legally do?
Now I will read the rest of ‘G5s’ whodunnit. So stay tuned.
G5 is all over the place with his/her whodunnit’s. Maybe some more specifics (cryptics) as requested by Phil above would be in order for us simple readers of ‘G5s’ ‘drops’ to be able to evaluate such info for our own satisfaction?
What ‘G5’ seems to skip over is the ‘meat’ of the story that leaves him/her wide open to rightful criticism, as in my comment above concerning Labor Secretary, Acosta, and his departure from the Trump Administration.
There is always two sides to every story!
As for the rest of ‘G5s’ latest drop, I, as one who has had his finger firmly on the pulse of current world events for some time, can declare – the Trump administration has it all, and has it all on everyone who has ever done anything outside of the law in the United States and humanity in general,(hence Trump’s executive order of Dec,21, 2017 on human trafficking) so ‘G5’ should rest assured that everything he/she has ‘dropped’ to us observers has already been checked in and actioned against, by the God sent Donald, and his administration.
Epstein’s black book of contacts A to Z.
“A guided tour of a perverse power list.
Friends acquaintances accomplices presidents.”
An eye opener, read the names.
For fleeting seconds of ecstasy, all these leaders are controlled.
Are there any that think from the top rather than their sexual organs?
Doesn’t matter, they’re all actors on screens. The hands that rule are never seen. They hide in the black and conduct their satanic mass with impunity.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s time to put some light on the darkness and reveal the shadow masters. Any lack of ideas of what to do after that can be resolved by doing a YouTube search for MC MA’AT puppet master massacre 😁
Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead In Apparent Suicide Hours After Documents Released — FBI Investigation Launched (Updated)
Epstein Documents Released Revealing Massive Scope of Elite Sex Trafficking Operation
[…] G5 wrote this 11 days ago: […]