by G5
Get your popcorn. The Reality Show, How The West Was Lost, is about to commence. FemDems are hitting the streets for the inaugural Brain Prolapse Day.
The lead actors of the FemDem gynecocracy have already begun performing. And the stage has not even been set.
Act One, Scene One: Bitchification. Claire McCaskill just called Ocasio-Cortez “A Shiny New Object”. If you thought Cortez was just a doorbell ringing with nobody home, you’re right. (She was going to subpoena everyone she didn’t like while sitting in The House. She even has a legislative package (The Green New Deal) ready to go, which can never pass, as it would economically shut the door on The US in one move.) But McCaskill managed to splutter incoherent epithets amid Latino Ghetto Obscenities, hand gestures, and trying to walk at the same time. The US version of Ilona Staller and Yulia Tymoshenko. We have a winner in the House.
Cortez could be seen ‘screaming’ around corridors looking for her new accomodation in the House Office Block. The flood of new FemDem gynecocracy is going to change the entire world to their individual lala view of reality. The saving is: no two of them can ever agree on anything. Therein lies the final Donkey Party nail.
If this doesn’t top it, Elizabeth Warren has announced she is running against Trump in 2020. Warren is travelling with as much brain fuel as HRC. Now instead of Warren being exposed as a dope and liar in Congressional Hearings, she will be attempting to reverse the game by questioning others. Amongst her many CV challenges, she bummed a uni job in Minorities (it’s where you slide after you don’t make it in Liberal Arts, Gender Studies, Climatology, or sprout Empowerment, Equality, Diversification, or Anti-Discrimination. And there’s always Racism, Sexism, and he raped me with his eyes). ‘Pocahontas’ lied about being a Cherokee. But what’s a lie in the Progressive Liberal Ideological world of enhanced lunacy.
Talking about deceivers: Bloomberg is going to run in 2020 to unseat Trump. The platform is — WAIT FOR IT — Climate Change.
The Big D5 Day was GHWB sent to explain his miserable existence to a higher authority, and zero else. Youtube Alt-Media really have to get a life. They’re becoming puny versions of MSM Fake Media.
Off and Running: The hearings into The Clinton Foundation commenced on 13 December, 2018.
The Vatican is in over its neck. Along with the rest of The Usual Suspects. The first two Jesuit clowns are their own worst enemy. The long history of which they posture pride, is in reality, horrendous.
A history of hidden genocides and protected perversions continuing, and added to by banking and market frauds, arms trafficking, drug dealing, assassinations, instigating civil wars, institutionalized paedophilia, and human trafficking for perversions and body parts. Certainly there must be proof-text verses in the Bible authorizing all the Vatican has accomplished over the centuries. Just ask them.
And then there were the Rat Lines.
The Vatican saving NAZIs as they hid Fascists — particularly after the Lateran Treaty. NAZI popes and the murder of popes. A great and proud history. Keep the Bullshit rolling. Someone is bound to believe it. The US is sufficiently dumbed down.
Ask one of their post-grads coming out of a uni, what day it is. They’ve already been tested on pointing to warring nations on a map and how many US states they can name. And guess what…?
Did someone mention the Inquisitions, Excommunications and Rehabilitations, bought sainthoods and indulgences?
So, at the end of the day, THE JESUITS OF THE VATICAN ARE A CHARACTER REFERENCE FOR THE CLINTONS. Or will they go the risky path that they were duped by the Clintons.
Either way: the pigs are in flocks clouding the sky. There’s a high chance of being drenched in pigshit from a great height, as knee-high rubbers squelch through unimaginable depths of bullshit. Umbrellas would be beyond the manufacturer’s recommended safe working load limits. Folding down as involuntary full-frontal burqas, drenched in non-kosher pigshit.
In passing: although there is cutie pie on digidisneyland concerning The US Military not executing after about 1985 — let me advise you — the Military swings anyone it wants; and releases anyone it wants. My Lai Calley walked after his public ‘Conviction’. And Intel don’t even bother to have trials.
McCain and GHWB departed by chemical inducement, not lead poisoning. A swinging ceremony was not conducive for their age and frailty (despite McCain’s mouth). The cleaners were not in on the day.
For various reasons, both great heroes thought they would walk. But the panels viewed the true histories and political mythologies differently. And Donny had just filled his pen and was ready to practice his signature skills.
Remember the US Military Heroes urinating on dead alleged ‘enemies’ in Afghanistan, the party times in Abu Ghraib, the slaughter of western journalists by US tank bombardment in their ‘Safe Zone’ hotel in Baghdad, The US Military removing the hospital staff from Kuwait City, with the obvious outcomes, (Nayirah had it a little reversed. Well, after all, the poor little thing had NEVER BEEN TO KUWAIT and was a L I A R).
Trump has already signed off on a number of Executions and Targetted Killings. As WJC signed off on at least eighty. Unfortunately, those of WJC were to cover criminal activity, that was not covered by GHWB.
You won’t find any of this in the National Archives or the Presidential Libraries. These are orders to serving military and Intel officers under the Constitution. If you think there will be evidence for citation for future school projects — then Oswald shot JFK, Terrorists did 9/11, the US walked The Moon, all school shootings are real (including, Santa Fe, Parkland and Sandy Hook), MH-17 was The Russians, MH-370 disappeared off Australia, Russia annexed Crimea, suicides occur with people shooting themselves from behind or hanging themselves with their hands tied, and Hillary was robbed in 2016. Rigorous references are available.
One of the problems with the Clinton Affair, is that not only was Deep State involved, but the whole Usual Suspects Circus is in, as are the rogue elements of the Intel World.
But the problem is, the Clintons did not invent anything with their Clinton Foundation, Global Initiative or other stupidities. They slotted in as a retailer to a long running and unchallengeable standard Usual Suspect banking operation. The Clintons were actually Usual Suspect dupes. But nonetheless bought what they were sold.
Expect a similar outcome for the Great 9/11 Breakthrough. As Donny said, he tries not to lie. He lied about, GHWB and the JFK Coup, the Moon Walkies, the Syrian Pipelines, North Korea, Afghanistan, the 7th. Fleet, and Ukraine, The Black Drug Economy, Banking and Market manipulations, NATO, US Military at the Great Wall of Mexico, and much more, including the grand leakers — Ivanka and Haley.
The Trump rash of appointments and sackings confirm his authority.
To date some five percent of the FBI alone, have been shown the door. The Herds are not ready to accept a sacked Name being shot in public for refusing to obey an order. The moral, ideological, and mental convulsions would be unbearable.
Then again, lying in Congressional Hearings, claiming the Fifth concerning their paid government employment, reading scripts, refusing to attend, and refusing to deliver subpoenaed and protected material, should have some rebound, to capture the attention of those believing to be above the system they themselves are supposedly representing and serving.
Deep State is a condition beyond the Tail Wagging The Dog.
There was a coup on 8 November, 2016 with Russian and Israeli Collusion.
The Clinton Cartel — money, drugs, weapons, and the unknown pharmaceutical crimes — are part of the GHWB Cartel, which began well before Iran-Contra.
The following clips give some condensed background.
Again, it has to be remembered that these events are linked to The Intel Wars; about which I have been writing for a few years.
Add to the Intel body count, not mentioned in the lists: Gareth Williams (CIA hit), Todd Maddison (CIA hit; the fellow Youtube Alt-Media could not identify), Amschal Rothschild (killed by his family) and Jacob Rothschild (SVR hit).
Not all the killings are directly related to the Clintons, as much of Youtube Alt-Media conveniently confuses.
And indeed, there are hundreds more that have not been made known. Tracking them would be a full-time job. There was a bank fraud cleaning operation a couple of years ago, where bankers and brokers had their wings tested.
Unfortunately, regulators are a significant part of the problem of domestic economic damage. Their unwitting or otherwise agenda, is hardly that of the peoples’ watchdog. Gaoling the innocent and protecting the guilty became a culture. It delivered what it would.
Deregulation, is now too little too late.
Methyl Iodide and GHB are two of the more common execution drugs, currently being used by Deep State Intel. Melania survived in Scotland, her food taster didn’t. The 1975-6 HSCA (Frank Church, Otis Pike) Hearings were a predictable circus to nowhere. SIS has been damaged by CIA influence. I am advised by a counterpart that there are efforts afoot to sanitize GCHQ-SIS. Salisbury was a False Flag Hoax with DOJ BZ Toxin deployed. Hardly the absurd Novichok. Amesbury was an unrelated crime.
Porton Down had within the day disowned the Salisbury Affair, and identified the BZ. But the screeching of Idiotic MSM drowned them out. And of course the severely challenged May and cohort Rudd kept driving the lie for value. Notice how that fixated obsession dropped off the news cycle. And NO: Russian perpetrators were Not captured. And the Skriplas went off laughing into the sunset.
As did the alleged father of the alleged murdered child at the Sandy Hook Hoax. Great footage. Actors need to be told when cameras are rolling. And of course there is the problem of the same eye witness actors appearing at multiple events; e.g. Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing.
The fact that convictions are recorded, does not prove an event actually occurred. Apart from the delusional, court decisions can hardly be regarded as matters of fact. They are postured theatrical events whereby people are criminalized — rightly or wrongly — nothing more.
Well, G5, I believe most of your info but not the food taster. The opposition would not kill Melania, that would be counterproductive for them.
Last week you said she was given a stroke. I feel pretty sure they gave Pat Nixon a stroke, and gave Hazel Hawke Alzheimer’s. What about Raisa Gorbachev? We can’t have talkative wives.
They were able to defeat Martha Mitchell (wife of US Atty General) merely by calling her crazy. I fell for it. Did not know in those days (1970s) that media were the enemy.
The only wife who has yakked effectively is Kay Griggs, and that’s thanks to Youtube. I have heard that Ms Griggs reads GumshoeNews. Hi, Kay!
Here is different slant:
Thanks G5 for another brain-twisting expose. Mind you, it makes me feel warm and runny knowing that I’m not as crazy as everyone has told me.
Who is Black Spider? and why hit Todd Madison? I thought he was Hildabeast’s handler?
Black spider… Charles
Think royal
ThanQ G5.
Charles?? As in Diana’s Charles??
It appears to me after reading about World history of and since World War II that the definition of Nazi as used by historians is incorrect. Germans did not create the term Nazi. It was created by their enemy. I think the true definition of Nazi, should be “that group of despicable people who will do anything to take control of all governments, doing ANYTHING to be successful.” That is murder, torture, blackmail, compromise, creating disease, dumbing-down education, financial fraud (as in the World banking scam) and falsifying the news.
I came across a comment on this very topic just the other day which I tracked to the possible source below.
Essentially, the term “Nazi” is a political epithet invented in 1923 by Jewish journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Konrad Heiden, to denigrate the NSDAP and National Socialism in general.
A member of the SDP was commonly referred to as a Sozi (abbreviated from Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands – remember, we are in Germany here).
Hence the term “Nazi” (NSDAP – Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) is a play upon “Sozi” (SDP) and was intended as a pejorative based on Austro-Bavarian slang for “simpleton” or “bumpkin”, possibly derived from a cartoon character “Ignatz” and akin to calling someone “nutsy”.
Obviously, the term was never used by the National Socialists to describe themselves as it was deemed derogatory – no more than a cheap schoolyard insult – so why would they? The term was, however, seized upon and popularised by Jewish Communist/Marxist-Bolshevik agitators and other political opponents of the NSDAP.
A bit like coining the terms Libzi, Labzi, Grazi or Onezi (the mind boggles!!) …
… or Gumzi
You go to far, Fish! You go too far. I will call you Fishzi!
And picked up with gusto by (((Hollywood))). Total cohencidence of course.
Thank you Julius. Of personal interest:
Persecution of the Roma continues in the 21st century:
The hatred, discrimination, oppression, and physical attacks directed at the Roma within the formerly Communist governments of eastern Europe have intensified in recent years. Roma are heavily discriminated against in matters of education, employment, health care, and social services. They are a prime target of neo-Nazis and skinheads. Often the governments have done little to guarantee them even the most basic of human rights. If the governments tried to treat them as equal citizens, there would probably be a backlash from the rest of the public.
Persecution of the Roma continues in the 21st century:
Holocaust of Romany Gypsies http://remember.org/witness/wit-vic-gyp
Dee, when publishing G5’s posts, how about adding an anthology of sorts, just to explain to sheep like me, many of his references? Some of his quotes or comments go through to the wicket-keeper, or maybe I’m just too dense to perceive the reference or true meaning.
On an unrelated matter, did you and miss Mary have a riotous time at Gumshoe Towers last New Year’s Eve?