by Dee McLachlan
My previous post, “My Speculation — A Second Shooter,” was published on the 15th of July, and since then there has been countless videos emerging about the possible position — the water tower, and a distant factory 500 yards from the stage, etc — of another shooter. The article also attracted some very valuable comments (over 90 of them).
Today, further questions and explanations.
I keep coming back to JFK. There were several shooters, but it is so obvious when you consider the drain 20 to 30 yards from Kennedy’s car. It was ingenious shooter position and in plain sight. A motorbike cop stopped near that exact point. Jack Lawrence, a young hired gun fired from the drain (when the car slowed) resulting in JFK’s head to flick back. I wrote about this in “JFK For Dummies” — Explaining the Kennedy Assassination for the ABC” in 2017 (after meeting with G5).

The modus operandi of 20 year-old Thomas Crooks is so bizarre that it is almost inconceivable that he’s not a patsy of sorts — as we all discussed and commented on in the previous post. (A cop climbed on the roof and confronted him some time before; he was photographed 26 minutes before; he only bought the bullets and joined the Republican Party that day; he was associated with BlackRock, plus all the associated alleged security failures.) If this was written into a movie script, the director and producers would have fired the writer and found someone with a more ingenious plan. Ahh, but maybe that’s the idea.
Had the assassination been successful, it would have been put down to “catastrophic security failures.” Sorry about that, but it’s so late to bring Trump back to life.
The flick of the head changed the fate of the nation — and changes the investigation into what happened at Butler.
Some further questions:
From the aerial camera view of Crook’s body, it seems a tree was blocking the view of the SS shooter on the roof. Was he looking through or just past the tree? (see below)
And the angle of trajectory of the bullet could have been calculated from where the fireman was shot and killed and Trumps position at the podium. This should have been immediately staked out to ascertain whether the bullet came from the direction of Crooks, or one of the windows in the taller warehouse behind — or anywhere else.

A diagram plan of the stage and an aerial shot of the roof.

I have been told, ‘don’t muddy the waters’ but again … IF this was an orchestrated plot, the actual sniper’s position would have been in plain sight, and not obvious like the water tower. Someone might have been placed at the water tower to be later proved innocent (as a deflection).
Again, more photos of the location:


News outlets are reporting that Crooks shot off 8 rounds, but we heard only 7 on the recording — and was the second round of shots not that of the SS shooter?
Consider the timing of the shots. Trump is talking. You hear a shot, then there’s a slight pause. His reaction and hand is going up around the time of the second shot. By the third shot he’s already dropping to the deck. Sound would be delayed over the 130 yard distance. But I think the first shot (with it’s sound delay) did not strike Trump’s ear. It is possible that Trump has reacted (mouth and hand) to the second bullet. But it seems the sound comes after he’s already reacted — more than the expected delay of around 130 yards is about 350 milliseconds.
So, I’m not sure the timing of Trump’s reactions match the audible bullet sounds. Was there another (silenced) bullet directly after the first audible shot? Could another shooter have lined up his shot and his firing cue was directly after Crook’s randomly fired off his first shot? Only one shot from the real shooter would be required at that distance — but there was a flick of the head, and possibly no time to make a correction.
The question: How was Crooks allowed such grace and impunity to crawl all over the roof for nearly half an hour with a rifle?
Follow up question: If there were the usual suspect planners of such and operation, would they have left it up to a complete novice nerd to pull it all off? The answer is NO.
G5 insists that there was a another shooter — and it’s all been dealt with. Move along…
I received an email this morning from G5
Tom Crooks was a BlackRock employee, registered as an operative with The FBI and had undergone training with The Secret Service.
He was also a registered Democrat member and donor. Not a Republican.
The rats are turning on themselves. SS Cheatle was SS personal security for Biden for 25 years, before the stint with Pepsi Cola and her return as a DEI hire SS Director.
We are now being told Trump’s attempted murder was not an SS operation, because that building had the local police in it. Further confusing; perhaps; because the second shooter from that angle was in that building. The main shooter; dressed in black theatrics; was opposite in that line, as I have advised.
I am reminded of Ardern of New Zealand and her nauseous theatric of refusing to mention the name of The Christchurch Shooter, to dignify him.
I witnessed The False Flag Sydney Hilton Bombing and The False Flag Murder of Yvonne Fletcher in St. James Square.
Brenton Tarrant was an MKULTRA puppet, as was Joel Cauchi in Westfield Bondi Junction, as was Sirhan Sirhan, gaoled for The RFK murder committed by Thane Cesar.
The Lone Crazed Gunman Scenario is a long worn False Flag Murder cover. It became popular when Oswald was paraded as the murderer of JFK and J.D.Tippit. When in fact: Roselli shot Tippit and Jack Lawrence took the final shot on JFK. Orchestrated by Jim Angleton, GHWB, and Ed Lansdale. All hidden by the jokers on the fake Warren Commission and subsequent Rockefeller Inquiry.
Kissinger’s; Hunt, Harrelson, Holt, and Sturgis on the roof of Dal-Tex police HQ in Dealey Plaza.
Like 9/11; orchestrated by GHWB and Dov Zakheim, with advance fake press releases; The Westfield Bondi Junction False Flag, had a Jewish name initially released as the perpetrator. Cute for Jews murdering Muslims in a Jewish shopping centre, in a Jewish locality.
The Jews returned that one to the orifice from whence it came. And at least some of the False Flag Cauchi was made known.
Christchurch, and The Sydney Hilton, Two Bali, and William St. Sydney bombings, The Port Arthur Shootings, and The Petrov False Flag, were all managed by the same Intel agency,
An interesting review of past experiments:
The most credible and comprehensive account I have found.
Trump assassination attempt: separating fact from fiction
Sandra, I’ve had a very quick read of the article. The visuals of the head turn are all spot on…
But this leads to a bigger question:
The one head shot was a perfect sniper shot that missed because of a flick of head.
NOW If Crooks was so good in lining up that shot — what about the “hits” for the OTHER SHOTS… they were RANDOM BULLETS.
The victims were way OFF LINE.
I ASK — Why was there not a barrage of shots — with similar accuracy at the president as he drops down. EASY TARGET
I am starting to think — as I have written — Crooks was firing randomly as the patsy, and the shooter was to plug off one EASY SHOT at a standing target.
Once he missed, Trump dropped, and a second bullet might have exposed the two shooter plan re: timing of audio shots
“So this is the timeline: the shooter crawled in position, invisible to both sniper teams. He had a clear line of sight, and took a shot, hit Trump’s ear, followed by 2 fast shots, less carefully aimed (surprised that he missed that first shot?), that then missed. Trump ducked (he likely heard the bullets whistle by, snapping him to move and take cover), and as the Secret Service agents dove onto the President, protecting him with their bodies, the assassin fired a quick volley of about 5 shots, almost as if in a panic, which could not have been properly aimed. Then after a few seconds, a last, single shot rings out, from a different rifle.
The second volley of shots is likely the volley that killed the bystanders: aimed lower, trying to adjust for the lower position of Trump who had ducked, as the Secret was covering him. Now, however, the raised part of the first bleacher to the left was in the way, and the people on top of it… Trying to adjust his position to get a better view, the assassin, unaware of this fact, left his protected area of ‘invisibility’, was spotted by sniper team 2, and instantly taken out.”
18.;46.56 timeline
That Nuland reportedly stating that T would not be president – few days before the attempt.
Rumormillnews.com today.
Bad luck Victoria⚖️💀 it is not your 2014 ‘manure’ Ukraine in 2024.
Watch twitching eyebrow
She has a ‘beautiful’ (🤪) knowing smile but in the past a lot of mouthful
obscenities recorded in 2014….. ‘Europe can get …..d’. .. re Ukraine designs using snipers. All that I watched at the time.
Perhaps some readers do not know what she is and who she really acts for!…… and it is not the US…. Have a guess E.B.
Poor Victoria; STIFF!
I expect more desperate attempts by a panicky Deep State and their bad actors, who now have nothing to lose, as they know for every failure against killing Trump, their days of escaping what is surely coming to them all, gets closer and closer.
Mayorkas refusing to allow Cheatle to be cross examined smacks of a desperate attempt to hide what is fast becoming too obvious,
Anything they can do against Trump, will ultimately fail.
Poor Cheatle, the ‘sloping roof’ excuse has to be in the first chapter of:
‘The best of 21st century STUPID EXCUSES’ .’by a bureaucrat’ .
IT IS UP THERE WITH THE DIMWIT who CLAIMED THAT 911 ; “ was a failure of imagination’ (by security.. as cited in the short video; ‘911 a conspiracy theory’.)🤪
It’s very amusing since the incident the fake news legacy M$M has been scrambling to come up with the fake official narrative as ugly details spill out everywhere and all they can do is carry on about everything else is “misinformation” and “disinformation”, these muppets are totally addicted to their paycheck, what wouldn’t they all say !!! There is no upper limit, not the sky, not the moon, they will parrot any lie in the universe.
Have I. been censored AGAIN.
Oh well, just listen to Mary at situation update.
The opening; want to be in a disclosed Russian target …. Russians rattling Europe!
Is Vance a T feint, irrelevant if no election.
As for Fusca, note my comment re his reaction from the third row, does it fit in with Thaw’s explanation?
Vance, familiar with – Skull and Bones, Peter Thiel – now in with Ramaswamy.
We’ll just have to wait for the outcome of why Trump has put him front and center.
Right now, I’m enjoying just watching it all unfold as one plot enters another.
What a time to be alive!
“There is no upper limit, not the sky, not the moon, they will parrot any lie in the universe.”
July 16, 2024
Some people say “We get the leaders we deserve” but you would not think the downside would be so huge
We expect what we get when so many are conditioned by the lying fake controlled ABC and msm to be so uninformed, gullible and dumb.
2.29.30 timeline at rumormlnres.com on 18/7/24
Judy Byington report. The promo photo with T with two children in his arms. It is probably at BIN as well…. Next up to sought out some gos.
Just scroll through and note the matters down from the top.
I had followed most over the years, particularly the Haspel arrest etc., but I did not understand the ‘kraken’.. now there is a crack history and storey explaining.
Have fun if you want.
T.O. You would know that it is worth a bed time ‘stroll’.💁🤪
Bed time ‘stroll’ taken. and well noted.
Unleash the Kraken!
Even one msm shock joke in his breakfast program took up the stupidly of Ms Ms Cheatle(s🤪) this morning.
Fancy that!
Pity the msm and ABC is still ‘ignorant’ of ‘Ukraine’s’ Victoria Nuland. They would not want to tell the public about the 2014 manipulations and killings that is the basis of the present Ukraine destruction together with OUR BUSHMASTERS.
Episode 3405B at the x22report.com is more fun for a normie or two.
Meanwhile, as we observers continue our observations of what many still have no clue about, Arthur Engoron (criminal judge) and Jack Smith (fake prosecutor) have been arrested, and are now on their way to Gitmo (RealRawNews).
Looking very much forward to 24th July, (American time) and the Final Battle going down.
FBI Releases Questionable Timeline of Shooting
The counter-sniper who ultimately shot Crooks HAD to have seen the shooter when he took aim from the roof’s ridge. The kill shot hit Crooks when his head was positioned 3-5 feet downslope of ridge.
More regarding 2nd building
TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM
As a commentator has suggested, the lesser than expected head injury could imply the shooter was taken out at close range by a lower powered weapon.
14.53 time line on 18/7 at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
Remember all the put options before 911 not investigated.
SAME GAME, note all the put options on T interest in the day/s before the assignation attempt.
Full story linked from WRH headline.
Another shock joke reporting on Biden’s useless expectations … bookies put him at 21.
What is the bet that there will no INVESTIGATION INTO THE EXPECTED Trump murder PUTS💁🤪 well, not until after the election🙀🤪
Here’s a link to Jimmy Dore talking about shorting ‘Truth Social’
Crikey, ya gotta wonder when the normies will wake up.
Well what do you know, the 12 million in shorts was just a ‘filing error’.
“Austin Private Wealth, LLC, a Texas-based financial planning company, is being scrutinized after a social media post went viral that claimed they had put options on as many as 12 million shares of DJT shares just one day before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
The investment firm denied the allegations and has now blamed a filing error for this controversial action.”
The detractors were naturally quick to claim that the whole thing was staged as a means of heroization:
Such a contrivance would, of course, have been a far less complicated exercise than executing an officially-commandeered assassination, let alone trying to explain away the failure thereof
At the bottom of this article is a video of the bullet clipping Trump’s right ear.https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/cock-ups-conspiracies-and-the-failed?utm_source=post-email-title&publicatio
I would have liked to have seen a photograph of the supposed wound when all the red gunk was cleaned away at the hospital and before the white patch was added.
This is only the very initial view of the bullet graze.
As a doctor I am happy with the appearance of the resulting bleeding pattern seen some short time later.
CITIZENS REPORT 18/7/2024 – NATO moves to ‘Trump-proof’ war plans / D-Day for Dan Duggan extradition
I could tell from the audio of the shooting that there were at least two different firearms. I suspected the second shooter may have been the prone police sniper shooting a volley, perhaps with a .223.
This analysis of different audios from different locations tells a different story. There were at least two different snipers shooting at Trump.
BSOD-BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH-Crowd strike companies are affected-airlines,banks,supermarkets,telcos…….
Massive outage hits companies around the world
A major IT outage is affecting millions of people across Australia and globally, with banks, airlines and media companies facing issues.
Got CASH? – Heck, I remember two couples coming into our little cafe’ (Dee’s had breakfast there) and the power was out in town. The couples were told that the cafe’ could only take cash. The four of them looked at each other and NONE of them even had a $20 bill folded up in their wallets. They asked if there was an ATM in town. Sure, over at the store, but THE POWER WAS OUT. – They left empty handed.
Perhaps some cash on hand would be a good idea. AND, just in case things really get bad, a bag of old silver coins will go a LONG way to making a deal. Especially if your family is hungry.
it all smells of a false false flag