
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Readers at GumshoeNews.com are accustomed to my taking a legal approach to current issues. Concerning the Covid-19 affair, I have published a dozen articles that deal with law. Most of these try to show how we can use existing law to battle the Powers That Be who are “having us on” in regard to the need for a lockdown or a vaccination.
Here I offer a different perspective — to make the point that much of what we see around us is sub-rational. Our behavior today is explained by the fact that Homo sapiens’ brain evolved in keeping with the circumstances of the day. Now we have very different circumstances — but are stuck with that old brain. Our instincts and emotions are still caveman-like.
Here are some of the current issues that Gumshoe harps on, with regard to the pandemic
*1. The Powers That Be intend to de-populate us.
*2. People want to do what authorities demand.
*3. The government is corrupt.
*4. The media cleverly deceive us.
*5. Groups are clashing violently.
*6. Cruelties, both big and small, abound.
*7. The elite practice Satan worship and love evil.
Surely this is not a fun predicament to be in. In the US alone, a huge military stands ready to enforce “Pandemic law.” Some individuals are protesting rationally, but they have a hard time persuading family and friends who prefer to believe whatever the authorities are saying.
I shall now give a sociobiological explanation for each of the aforementioned 7 items. Please be prepared for a crude handling. The references are available in the literature but this is not a research paper.
1. The Powers That Be intend to de-populate us. Explanation: We are a genocidal species; we hope to conquer.
Consider the instinctive, sub-rational behavior of the hyena. The hyena is a genocidal species. It kills off a group of its “conspecifics” (that is, fellow hyenas). This happens when one “society” of hyenas sees that a neighboring society is soon to become a rival due to group size. (By “rival” I mean rivalry for resources, economic rivalry.)
An evolved instinct causes the members of Group 1 to sense the growing population of Group 2. The fight will soon be on, but before that, if a few members of Group 2 are spotted in an isolated position they will be knocked off “for no reason.” Their death will make the big fight easier for Group 2.
Do we have the same instinct as hyenas for genocide? I say yes, clearly we do. Early humans meeting up with rivals would “know” that it would be good to gather forces and attack the whole group, provided it looked vulnerable. (If not, fleeing might be the better instinct to follow.)
Our history textbooks standardly taught us that various nations conquered another with gay abandon. (I’m using the word “nation” as a shorthand; the modern nation-state is fairly new.) To subdue a human group via conquest was considered not only acceptable but admirable.
Maybe Caesar Augustus, or King George III, worked it out on paper “rationally,” but any sociobiologist can see that conquest (aka genocide) is a trait that will not go away, as it is instinctive.
2. People want to do what authorities demand.
Explanation: Biologically, we eagerly desire to imitate and obey.
Following the norm is basic to a child’s development. He must be able to perceive what “the done thing” is and do it. The first lesson he gets is sheer imitation. In many animal species the young have to see the adults perform such and such behavior, such as how to stalk prey in the dark. Or, in other species they may inherit the stalk-in-the-dark routine genetically.
In humans, many behaviors are hard-wired, there’s no need to be cued in by an adult. At 10 months of age a child will stand up – period. But for those behaviors that require training, a look of approval or disapproval from the parent (or a certain tone of voice) is all it takes. Obeying the command releases pleasure in the brain.
So the parent becomes an authority, and later the child will notice that the parents are obeying someone above them, such as the tribal leader. Again, the brain may imbue that transaction with pleasure. (I do not know how this is meshed with the herd instinct to follow the leader mindlessly, as we so obviously do in the matter of fashion!)
When I say we obey authority I mean the kind of authority that we trust – trust being a unique emotion. At the same time however, we know we have to submit to the stronger person, whether a bully or an individual who can amass a few friends to steal from us. We don’t like it, but we submit.
3. The Government Is Corrupt
Explanation: A person in a position of authority can take advantage of people’s willingness to support him economically.
All mammals are selfish. They may additionally have instinctive altruism, toward kin and toward the weak, but they need to preserve themselves. For adults this means getting the necessities of life at any cost. Humans are mammals and are selfish in this way. They must survive and thus seek food and protection from the elements.
If there is no honest way to get the means of survival one must get it any way at all. There are ways to accrue some security – sore away some wealth or use your personal prestige to get goods. If possible, you can occupy an “official” position. This gives you extra scope to steal and it gives you a lot of protection against being blamed.
You will be tempted to become corrupt. Maybe even absolutely.
4. The media cleverly deceive us.
Explanation: Deception is a normal way to get what one needs or wants. Self-deception aids a deceiver’s effectiveness.
A prey species typically evolves a way to keep predators at bay by fooling them. Some animals play dead, or change their color to match the surroundings, or imitate the sound of a different animal. Even within a species there is deception. A male wanting to intimidate another may instinctively puff up his fur or his feathers to give him added height.
Humans have the added deceit mechanism of language. They can give you information that is not true, thus lead you down the wrong path — if it is to their advantage that you be so led. In addition to one individual lying to another, humans can create artistic symbols that deceive, for example the picture of a lovely cake on the box of a cake mix, where the mix will not really eventuate in such a cake.
That box of mix is a “medium” — it stands in the middle between the deceiver and the deceived. Today’s media is but a huge medium. It employs people to do the best possible job of conveying whatever the media owner wants us poor suckers to absorb as “truth.”
Animal behaviorists have noted that it helps a deceiver to do a good job if he believes the deception himself. So too with humans, a bad actor won’t be believed but someone who is persuaded of his untruth’s truth will be effective.
5. Groups are clashing violently today.
Explanation: Humans can fight as individuals but have evolved to fight with blind devotion for their group’s cause.
Not all species fight as groups against conspecifics, but some do — an ant colony may go to war against another ant colony. A troop of chimpanzees may go on a raid of another troop, killing and bashing with gusto.
Humans develop a fear of strangers at about 8 months of age. Before that, the baby will accept a hug from any stranger but at 8 months they will be xenophobic, sub-rationally. After several more months, they will resolve that fear and welcome others – also sub-rationally!
Still, if taught explicitly or implicitly by the parent that a particular group is the enemy, they will dehumanize that group. To get what you need in war you have to hate the enemy. All surviving tribes are ones that had the genetic predisposition to feel ruthless in battle.
In a psychology experiment, a newly-arrived group of 12-year-old campers were assigned to be “the Red Dogs” or “the Blue Devils.” Before you know it, they got violent with one another. As there was no preparation for them to hate the other group, it must have been an instinct arising.
Any do-gooder proposing a plan for the human race to live in peace, who does not acknowledge the force of this instinct, will not be doing us any favors.
6. Cruelties, both big and small, abound.
People hurt each other out of a variety of instincts.
The only non-human species whose instinct for cruelty has so far come to light is the dolphin which does vicious things to sharks, perhaps only for the fun of it.
Cruelty in humans is perennial and often extreme. Some of it is supposedly rational – such as torturing a person to extract information. Even a need to “break” a man, in order to accomplish some goal, could be said to be rational. But there we would expect the torturer to be sort of apologetic. He would not go about the task with zeal. But he does.
Surely there is an instinct for cruelty, and we should talk about it. When we decline to discuss instinctive, irrational cruelty, we tend toward the idea that it is of the kind just described – rational, purposeful. Or we fit into a category discussed above, that is, hatred for the enemy. Indeed, it
can’t be ruled out that hate-of-enemy is a motivating factor in cruelty.
Another triggering device for cruelty is the natural inclination to train a person into virtue, which can go wild. A lot of shocking cruelty occurs in prisons. If done by a guard, this may be based on his desire to punish persons whom he thinks deserve punishment, or who are so low-grade as to not be deemed worthy of respect. In the old days, parents often beat children just remind them of their station in life.
Some of the cruelty in prisons is gang-based. Once the leader of Group A has called for a hit on Group B, the members of each group have not only the usual instinct for bashing an enemy but a reputational issue – a man in Group A cannot afford to look weak in a prison where he is exposed every day to the threat of losing his place in the pecking order.
I suspect that the sexual urge, the hierarchical urge, and the urge to be cruel can get mixed up. In other words, we can possess a brain mechanism that evolved to meet a need but can take a detour to something else. The sexual sport known as B&D is evidence for the mixability of sexual pleasure and cruelty. Also, it is widely suspected that rape is a show of power more than an urge based on reproduction.
7. The elite worship Satan as a god and love evil.
Shame and guilt are painful. Relief can be had if it can be shown that one’s bad behavior has divine sanction.
The entire story of Satan seems to have developed millennia ago and is secretly holding many people in its thrall today. It allows a person’s most selfish and disgusting behavior to be recast as “good.” This clever sleight of hand permits one to escape the feeling of guilt and to parade one’s exploits in front of victims as being morally unassailable.
We can easily see its true meaning of mammalian selfishness in Aleister Crowley’s sacred doctrine “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.” As everyone knows, “doing as thou wilt” is the stance against which we have law.
Ha. Very funny, Satanists. Gotcha.
Recap of Sociobiological Explanations of our Current Problems
We are a genocidal species; we hope to conquer. Biologically, we eagerly desire to imitate and obey.
A person in a position of authority can take advantage of people’s willingness to support him economically. Deception is a normal way to get what one needs or wants; self-deception aids a deceiver’s effectiveness. Humans can fight as individuals but have evolved to fight with blind devotion for their group’s cause. People hurt each other out of a variety of instincts. Shame and guilt are painful; relief can be had if it can be shown that one’s bad behavior has divine sanction.
Yet, as Shakespeare said:
“What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals ….”
See? Like I said:
Speaking of sociopaths , there is no greater sociopath than the U.S government ( the Apartheid Israeli state is a close second ).
So, to address Point 3 made by Mary above (government is corrupt), I recall these words from Paul Craig Roberts made in 2014 during the Ukrainian crisis :
” When will the world sanction the criminal enterprise that pretends to be a government of the United States?
When will the War Crimes Tribunal and the International Criminal Court issue arrest warrants for Obama and his entire criminal regime as well as the criminal regimes of Bush and Clinton?
When will the assets of the US government and its criminal members be seized?
How long will the world tolerate Washington’s incessant destruction of countries and peoples from Somalia to Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya to Pakistan to Yemen to Syria to Ukraine, with Russia, Iran, and China waiting in the wings?
The United States government is the worst criminal enterprise in the history of the world. Not a single member of the government has told the truth about anything in the entire 21st century ” .
All of the above is equally applicable to the present U.S administration.
The United States is on its’ last leg. Take a look at this video of a BLM march of armed idiots. Perhaps there will finally be a ‘show-down’ of the liberal left and pissed off average Americans – that should put an end to the riots and looting. – Just a bunch of stupid people with delusions of purpose and competence…
As far as Mary’s ‘hyenas’, here’s an update on the collapse of the food chain. If you think the moronosphere is crazy now, wait until they get hungry – they will make the hyenas look civil.
this could be popcorn worthy! talk about animal instincts!
“– Just a bunch of stupid people with delusions of purpose and competence…”
New plan of action for today.
Try as I might, I couldn’t get my comment posted yesterday ( I suspect it had to do with the accompanying link to Brother Nathanael who has been banned from You Tube ).
So, my message appears below, but this time with the offending link to the video removed :
Terry , one needs to ask WHO is funding BLM and Antifa and any other groups out to destabilise society in the U.S in the wake of the George Floyd incident ?
I suspect many of you already have an idea.
What’s the agenda behind the media’s obsession with emphasising white supremacism and systemic racism as the root cause of America’s woes ?
Could there be some entity that stands to gain from the collapse of white christian society in America and the whole western world ?
Point 4 in Mary’s article states : ‘ The media cleverly deceive us ‘ .
Who owns nearly the entirety of the media in the U.S and controls the narrative in the rest of the western world ?
I’ve always said that it’s a tiny sliver of rabid lusting-for-power Zionists that give the rest of Jewry a bad name.
Brother Nathanael exposes what entity is behind the fomenting of this civil unrest :
Instead of putting the link to the video here, I will instead put the ‘search link’ and all you need do is click on the first video that appears on the list titled “My Fellow Jews” :
The tearing down of monuments and statues of prominent figures in American history began some time ago but has gone into overdrive in recent weeks.
Great patriots and noble soldiers like Robert E. Lee and the Founding Fathers (Washington and Jefferson etc) have had their statues torn down because, after all, they were slave owners and this overrides any positive contributions they made so they must be purged from history.
As the entire historical basis of white christian society is demonised & belittled, so too will white peoples be made to grovel and repent for the sins of their forebears . This is all by design.
I particularly found the words of Malcolm X in the video to be poignant – words I’d never heard him say (no doubt carefully erased by our controllers so that we don’t get any wrong ideas).
He was not long for the world after making those remarks – dead within weeks.
Terry, the video below says a lot about who’s funding BLM , Antifa and many (if not all) of the other groups causing civil unrest in the U.S :
Interesting commentary from Malcolm X towards the end as well.
And how many of our politicians favour us with truth?
Oh well, I just noticed that I have too many fingers.
There are more pedophiles than crown virus victims in Oz. Not a whisper is heard. If only we could lock them down.
We will see, I back US ex forces for sure, nobody would clash with them. cept me and I’ll align.
Since you mention “covid-19” (as the wuhan flu has been re-branded by marketing) I can advise you of the 3 word slogan of the year which has been popularised if not invented by the fascinating President Trump:
So that’s all you need to know about the actual flu virus, look it up on C-span if you want more context.
The bill of rights is surely one of the most amazing documents in human history, the fact that it continues to be respected not least. Never underestimate or forget the bill of rights, it is supposed to separate people from slaves. I think.
On dolphins being cruel to sharks, come on, “sharks are fish”, that’s what people say, and like bugs, being cruel to them doesn’t count. I saw a video of a baboon running down a tree and snatching a little bambi from it’s mother, it ran back up the tree and started eating Bambi legs first. Bambi and mother were looking at each other for 20 minutes while baboon snacked, until bambi passed away. Well we have abattoirs so no need to go vegan for most people.
But what I meant to advise about was the curious relationship with dolphins and whales that humans have, this may have been longer and deeper than is realised. Some have said humans have long head hair because the babies used to hang onto it when they were in the water, of course babies can swim too. But even that is just another pre-ramble, here’s the actual story for your zoological edification:
I saw monkeys scaling high tree’s grinning as they took the higher branch to one up their brother. Before jumping the big drop. They were all smiling, it was fun.
Then I saw Attenborough, take all the fun.
shhh, we not being watched.
For fans of hiphop and the abstract.
radelaide, kicking above weight, taking back the fun
sorry, its good, but not that one.
Released may 1 2020, the one I ref:
My interest is peeked now, I can not simply find it.
Forget this post till I can tag it as I intended
Anyho the track is currently embeded on this page.
Not everyones cup of tea, but the mice will play
and for fun, noticed the deaf co-news readers, lock stepping. No sport there, but the deaf can not read, why not just have the words imprinted on the screen, could save misinterpretation and cramping hands.k , c u all sooner or later
Refuse To Social Distance? New Study Says You May Be A Psychopath! – Spiro Skouras
Some excellent comments – this is pure projection
• Michelle Morgan: “It’s called “projecting” on the masses what they themselves are. We all know who the true psychopaths are.”
• Mike Rutter: “The psychopaths are now calling us psychopaths.”
• Lightning77305: “Immediate arrest of all politicians, media, complicit in this global scam.”
[Did anyone catch Andrews’ comments in the last 24 hours? – I only caught a glimpse on another video)
Interesting to watch the delivery of the MSM presenters as they inform us of the latest dead 92 year old, and the random under-50 who died somewhere in the world. I think these people could deliver anything at all with a straight face. Does that make them some kind of -path
[quote Mary] Here I offer a different perspective — to make the point that much of what we see around us is sub-rational. [/quote]
I will contend that the “Evolution” paradigm is not only “sub-rational” but that it is deliberately anti-rational. There is no valid rationality that can sustain the irrational assumption that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything; including the “God” thing.
[quote] I shall now give a sociobiological explanation for each of the aforementioned 7 items. Please be prepared for a crude handling. The references are available in the literature but this is not a research paper. [/quote]
Crude handling allright; completely divorced from observation and reason.
My guess is that anyone who got to be about 70 years old without attaining the use of reason did so because an assumed ideology rendered valid reason “inconsequential” by virtue of being inconvenient, or even hostile, to the cherished ideology. There is even a bunch of scatterbrains safely ensconsed in their academic ivory towers (an ivory tower is an edifice designed to prevent the ingress of common sense) who claim that a “paralogic” (starting from an invalid premise) can give a conclusion that should be accepted.
If one assumes the “Evolution” paradigm then the “survival of the fittest” is the only justification for everything. How do you know that you are the “fittest”? By prevailing and dominating, of course. If no one has any intrinsic worth by virtue of their humanity (in the image and likeness of the Creator with a destiny beyond the corporeal) then we’re all just accidents of nothing to be used and abused by “the fittest”. There is no moral ground in all this but conflict and prevalence.
Look, loony Mary, this could go on for pages. You are trying to pretend that it’s all a naturalistic tenedecy of matter with no metaphysical component. If that is the case then there is no, none whatsoever, argument against the “biological supremisist” who subjugates and eats men, women and children.
There are many different schools of thought / belief / delusion / psychopathy of course
President Trump silently affirms the Jewish Noahide Laws
and see embedded video by “Just Another Hindu”
There may well be “many different schools of thought / belief / delusion” but the fact is we’re dealing with a series of pernicious lies and as I keep saying, the argument set down in the 2nd paragraph of the write-up is THE Mother of all of them
These guys are a good deal more diplomatic than me but the message is fundamentally the same:
Fish, the stopnoahidelaw linked item contains a typo:
“Jewish Noahide Law calls for the death of anyone practicing idolatry, blasphemy or sexual morality.” I mean I assume it’s a typo.
In general, that blogspot item is deceitful. A proclamation by a president has no consequences at all. The blogger suggests it may be treason. No, it isn’t.
Trump could put out a proclamation today that “Mary Maxwell is the prettiest girl in town.”
That may be porkie city, but so what. The main thing you could take away from it is that Mary had written a very large cheque to one of the president’s “charities” (or else had some usable dirt on him).
Hey, everybody, get my 2011 book “Prosecution for Treason,” for less than a tenner. It’s better than Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Well, it’s thinner anyway.
Looks like Geelong is our Wuhan. How long before Serco invite CCP military in?
They’ll say it had to be done due to skills shortage here. Spare me the bs.
Victoria the launching pad for one belt smart cities through three eastern states.
I am trying to deal with today’s “pandemic” which is leading to the Big Takeover. Above I said:
Here are some of the current issues that Gumshoe harps on, with regard to the pandemic
*1. The Powers That Be intend to de-populate us.
*2. People want to do what authorities demand.
*3. The government is corrupt.
*4. The media cleverly deceive us.
*5. Groups are clashing violently.
*6. Cruelties, both big and small, abound.
*7. The elite practice Satan worship and love evil
Does any commenter wish to take any of those items and explain why they exist? That is, why do the media deceive? Why do people practice Satanism? Come on, give it a go.
“why do the media deceive? Why do people practice Satanism”
Its all part of the plan.
dont trust the plan!
as someone who is not really religious…
i see absolutely no difference in any, that practice any religion.
“Why do people practice Catholicism”
“Why do people practice Judaism”
“Why do people practice Scientology”
“Why do people practice Hillsong(ism?)”
“Why do people practice Buddism”
“Why do people practice origami”
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc ….
theres hundreds of different religions.. and simply – if there is one that is true… then all the others are a fantasy., because … they can not all be right… ( i dont believe any of them are, for – how the hell would anyone know? wait – ill come back and tell you after im dead perhaps? – we will all find out one day…
“why do the media deceive? ”
they must have their own belief system… or they are just stupid robots that either believe or are programmed that what they are doing is for the greater good… or greater god,,, be they luciferien or pastafarian or digital, to just keep us fighting amongst ourselves… to do battle over whos god is grandest… and for the non religious.. theres always politics…
same argument though… your belief is inferior to mine…
left v right… whatever… keep arguing amongst yourselves – that way you dont focus on me… while im doing a right proper buggery, i can keep calm and carry on.
Maybe the satanists are winning at the moment…
theres plenty more nipping at their heels it seems.. sure… its all bad…
but if i ask what alternative is going to be better?
thats just gonna end in more argument.. looks like EVIL cant lose….
bend over and assume the position.
anyone see where i left my rose-tinted glasses ‘praps? 🙂
now im wondering how a vax to cure political and religious propensity might work?
Interestingly, I have seen a video presentation by some galah who reckons they’ve identified the part of the brain that lights up when presented with abstractions commonly associated with many religious notions (probably also art and science but that wasn’t mentioned) and they’re on the cusp of being able to knock it out.
That would be a very valuable tool for any narcissistic megalomaniacs who’d like to reduce most of the population to automatons.
You wouldn’t need that treatment, Dinkum.
“You wouldn’t need that treatment, Dinkum.”
cos Im an “automaton” ?
cos Im not religious?
I do enjoy a variety of art, and find science fascinating…
The fact that all religions have similarities doesn’t make them “the same”
e.g. The Bible teaches a round earth:
“He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.”
JOB 26:10
Surrounded by an atmosphere:
“It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them like a tent to dwell in”
ISAIAH 40:22
But according to ancient Hindu texts, its flat: https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/neavez/round-earth-theory-is-western-propaganda-according-to-this-indian-flat-earther
Im all good with that berry, no argument from me.
OK already so soon, I goofed by not saying more.
Fair, I am with you on the theme of “all religions are the same.” In fact I provided only 7 of maybe 97 examples of Human Nature. Surely the religious impulse is human-nature-based.
But as regards Satan worship I wasn’t asking “Why do humans worship?” in which case the above answer applies. Rather I was asking “What’s the point of worshiping Old Mr Red Horns” Of course the answer is “human nature”, as driven by the human emotion of wanting to escape from the feeling of personal guilt (or so I claim.)
When I asked “Why does the media deceive?” I answered “human nature.” It is our nature to deceive. Fair, you say “They must have their own belief system.” I disagree. I am with Karen Brewer (not to mention Dee McLachlan) on this one — the individual anchor-persons have been brainwashed. — I have not yet watched your embedded video re stupid robots.
“The media” that I accuse of deceptive practices is a group over and above the anchor-persons (US terminology for “news readers”).
All religions may appear to be the same to anyone who doesn’t know anything about any of them.
Curiously though, the proponents of religious Naturalism, Relativism, Communism, Atheism, Talmudism, New Ageism, and many other similar superstitious beliefs quite dogmatically assert their uniqueness.
With respect, the question “What’s the point of worshiping Old Mr Red Horns?” indicates a somewhat deluded notion re the phenomena, one that’s no doubt been buoyed on by certain images promoted by entities such as U Tube and most search engines, images that are just as misleading as the idea that God-worship is something that happens in some church building on Sunday morning.
The truth is that everyone’s in flux 24/7, everyone needs to watch their step. If that’s not the primary focus trying to clean up the externals won’t do anything but compound them.
““The media” that I accuse of deceptive practices is a group over and above the anchor-persons (US terminology for “news readers”).”
my stupid robot.. is Max Headroom – “the first computer-generated TV personality”,
like you say.. all deliver the same said script.. it may be programming.., brainwashing – or it may be belief..
If i use scientology for an example… Im not sure theres any difference? 🙂
Going on Leave
I won’t be monitoring comments for the month of July — so y’all can go feral.
Safe vantage from atop your ivory tower, eh?
The media cleverly deceive us.
Out of the Shadows
Thanks, Diane, I was about to post the same link having just watched the excellent video by Brad Martin, Mike Smith and Kevin Shipp. The only thing that I disagree with is the religious connection with the cross, having been born and raised in Finland in the late 50’s we saw about everything that is wrong with Humankind there too, a “Christian nation” lock, stock and barrel, before tell-a-vision was even there, before any Hollywood movies made it there. The President of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, when visiting the White House and President Trump not all too long ago made the same pyramid gesture we see in Out Of Shadows that President Trump constantly loves to display with all of his visitors… Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Everyone, live Love Thy Neighbor, Be The Change You Want To See.
A couple of other things that came to mind even if no one s reading this topic anymore:
during his Finland visit and meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July of 2018, the two wives were seen together, both of them wore a butterfly themed outfit which to me says that they both are MKUltra mind controlled slaves.
There is a Larry King video on YouTube from 2005 with Melania and Donald sharing the story of how they met and how there was “chemistry” from the start. Donald states in the interview that he did indeed visit Melania’s country of birth and stayed there for exactly 13 minutes. Freemasonry or Knights Templar numerology code.
The reason why nothing is done about any of the corruption is because they ALL are in on it, in every country, same brotherhood and sisterhood in various languages and disguises.
The legal system everywhere is so corrupt and broken that we each and we all need to move on up to God’s Legal System that is not corruptable and the only Law that applies is “Love Thy Neighbor” and “Do Unto Others As You Want Them To Do Unto You.”
Abra cadabra = I create as I speak
With each word that we speak we either become more whole – not “holy” – or more broken.
The only way to free oneself from the chaos that has been intentionally created is to rise above it. This is what Kabbalah teaches and Judaism is not a “religion” but has been converted and turned into one to advance the dirty agenda (21) of the elites and those in power. But, Baruch Hashem, their time is about up.
Shalom, Peace, Salaam, Paix, Paz, Mir, Shantih, Frieden, Fred…
Sorry, with the two wives I mean, of course, the wives of the Presidents of Finland and the U.S..
Mein Trumpf directly contradicts all the others (eg. “99% totally harmless” flu) so you would be saying the contradictions are a ploy and Sleepy Joe is there to direct votes back to Trump
Just as Obama was placed for the backlash against W. Bush.
All this is possible but if you want someone squeaky clean to lead the sheeple out of the abattoir, they already tried JFK, it didn’t work
He wasn’t clean, just a bit naive
In any case the squeaky variety are far more treacherous
Didn’t he drive PT109?
Everyone was naiive in 1963 it would seem
Thank you Leena. Any chance of you giving us a photo of the two butterfly dresses?
“In 1920, the British created the Tavistock clinic, to study propaganda techniques for mass mind control and crafting of public messages to “create public opinion.”
The Weizmann Institute formed in 1948, when Chaim Azriel Weizmann became second president of Israel. They immediately began collaborating with British American pharmaceutical, computer and communications companies. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK, Burroughs Wellcome Trust Foundation, Victor Rothschild’s Biotechnology Investments and The Pirbright Institute.
Weizmann has offices in Israel (HQ), US, Britain Canada Switzerland Austria Belgium Denmark Germany Hungary Italy Liechtenstein Spain Sweden Netherlands – all Commonwealth and EU members – all Pilgrims Society controlled countries.
Serco, ruled by the Crown, is a computer engineering British monopoly sister to Lord Victor Rothschilds Biotechnology monopoly Investments Limited.
Serco and QinetiQ operate vast swaths of American and Australian military and civilian infrastructure. In 2006, SERCO was given the contract to process all patent applications for the United States Patent Office. America has transferred sovereignty of its most valuable asset into the hands of the British Crown.“
Dear 56, please tell us the source.
My guess is that there are few here who would dispute the fact that the “global warming” hysteria is a scam and a hoax even though there was a relentless barrage of propaganda from all the usual suspects who readily swap their integrity for notoriety and approval of the elites who stand to profit from the alarm and confusion. The “science” is settled they claim! But there is no science in at all. It’s all a “nonscience” that some elitist secretocracy want to promote to cause a bit of chaos that can be exploited by the “change agents” to further their controls.
Even more effective in inducing mindless compliance to arbitrary controls is the succession of plandemics. I will contend that one of the surest ways to identify a well planned scam is when the abject Scribes (the media and “educators”) relentlessly peddle the same nonsense reading off the same script.
There are many other nonsense fads that can be loosely termed “Cultural Marxism” such as the institutionalising of sexual deviancy, the “war on terror”, feminism, anti-white supremacy, etc. the whole purpose of which is to utterly destroy the last remnants of Christian civilisation that stands in the way of a World wide slave State.
As bad and damaging as all these things are they pale into relative insignificance as mere appendages of the grandest hoax ever! None of this crap could have got off the ground without the underlying assumption that EVERYTHING is in a state of “becoming”; everything including reality, truth, morality, the nature of Man. Nothing is stable, absolute, or objective… nothing has any transcendental purpose except the purpose made of it by “those who can” by way of appropriation; dominance, “survival of the fittest”. Any protest against the tyranny of “those-who-can” has no more moral imperative than the plaintive cry of prey being eaten by the predator.
The Satanically perverse notion of “Evolution” is the quintessential excuse for every action against the natural order of human society for about the last 150 years. It may come as something of a surprise to many that when Mao’s brigands took over China they forced everyone to be “educated”; not with Marx’ or Lenin’s “wisdom” but with Darwinism.
For those with a short attention span here is an almost daily refutation of current fads of the nonscience elitists by a couple of bods with very good credentials in real science. Go find an index and pick a few things that might be of particular interest to you.
I’ll be back later with more leads that might be appropriate for those that can appreciate longer and more in-depth analysis.
evolution is science.
about as basic as you can get.
You would need to fundamentally re-define “science” to peddle that b.s.
All the sub disciplines of science such as physics, chemistry etc. are departments of the Queen of science which is philosophy. Anyone who has gained some supposed credentials in a scientific discipline is credited with a Ph.D. which is an abbreviation of the Latin words that mean “doctor of philosophy”.
A reasonable definition of philosophy is “the search for knowledge and understanding of reality using the scientific instruments of observation and logic.”
Logic is no more or less than the scientific rules for consistent and coherent reasoning based on the “Law of Non-Contradiction”.
Dead right on all counts
It’s simply not possible to inculcate ANYTHING in a philosophical/spiritual vacuum
So much for “secular” education!
dead wrong on all counts…
inculcation is no way to learn anything, unless youre trying to create an “automaton”
science… on the other hand… is how it is proven that, for one example… the official account of 9/11… is an impossible conspiracy theory…
then again.. you had the non-secular GWBush say… that he attacked Iraq because god told him to…
many religions have been used to perpetrate so much evil, and religion is not a requirement for one to be a moral or spiritual person..
science is how we can have planes flying..
how we can have internet.. and gumshoe websites.. and keyboards to talk to each other…
has sweet eff all to do with any god or gospel of any persuasion.
I suggest you re-read my comment.
I didn’t say anything about inculcation being good or bad. The point is that, like it or not, that’s what State controlled/mandated “education” is all about, ditto government owned & operated media. Both entities are devoted to peddling a particular philosophy/religion/worldview and belittling and/or discrediting anything that gets in the way whilst claiming to be neutral: An oxymoron if ever there was.
But your right about the links.Figured that one out a while ago and I wouldn’t exactly call myself tech-savvy
On the contrary, Mr dinky. Any science is impossible without an, at least vestigial, notion that physical reality is orderly and consistent.
The “enlightened ones” with their superstitious religious beliefs that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything… that everything is in a flux of “becoming” have no more command of science than any other magical or Voodoo practitioners.
There can be no claim to a metaphysical notion of morality either; as “morality” is just another evolving tactic whereby the “fittest” manipulate their prey…. according to the “enlightened ones” who “emancipated” us in various violent revolutions and the present “cultural revolution”.
It seems plain to me, Mr dinky, that the bloodiest episodes in recent history are your co-religionists “emancipating” us from the “horrors” of a natural order that honours our creators… metaphysical and natural.
sci•en•tif•ic sī″ən-tĭf′ĭk►
adj. Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science.
Concerned with the acquisition of accurate and systematic knowledge of principles by observation and deduction: as, scientific investigation.
Of or pertaining to, treating of, or used in science: as, scientific works; scientific instruments; scientific nomenclature.
“The methodology of science” is at best ambiguous and undefined.
The most basic description of the scientific method is:
1. Observation. Something is seen to happen.
2. Question. Why is it so?
3. Hypothesis. Maybe it’s because… some proposed explanations to be tested by congruity to certainly known principles and by experiment.
4. Theory. An hypothesis that’s passed the tests and is a possible, or even likely, explanation for the observed phenomenon.
5. Scientific Law. Where it can be shown by experiment and reason based in logic that there are no, and can be no, exceptions to the proposed theory.
The “Evolution” hoax does not conform to ANY of the above principles of a scientific method.
“I’ll be back later with more leads that might be appropriate for those that can appreciate longer and more in-depth analysis.”
lol 🙂 – you and your scientology! – gorgeous!
I get the feeling that I might be “pissing into the wind” here as a ridiculous ideology seems to prevail over observation and enquiry.
Anyhow, as promised, here are a few leads:
For the anti-Catholics:
Over a thousand articles by well credentialed scientists.
Catholic scholars:
Translated from Portuguese… some funny idiom.
an Australian ‘site and the author of this article is a retired lawyer in New South Wales.
I suggest going to the articles section as some of the “promo” on the home page is a bit trite.
Ho hum! “Awaiting moderation” again! The “establishment” doesn’t need the likes of Zuckerburg to ensure that the “official narrative” is not challenged.
its not Zuckerburg that gets you into the moderation queue – its your prolific linking practices and how wordpress , a simple – free open content management system interprets your posts… mainly for protection against spam and bots….
you are under no censorship here, you can be as one-eyed, as insulting and intolerant of any other opinion other than your own as you like.
the more you do it.. the more you hurt your “cause”
if by “pissing into the wind” -you may feel your links may be ignored…
that might be the first thing ive seen you write that I agree with.
keep calm and carry on.
Dear Mary,
Senator Scott Jensen:
… was featured here by Jeff Berwick (and Lucy) – Dollar Vigilante
He mentions that Max Igan has been removed from yewtube –
Out of link limit so look up
“Tyranny Without a Tyrant: The Deep State’s Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Is Working by John W. Whitehead on The Rutherford Institute”
A Clarification re the role of Big Dee
Above, Veggie asked if his item got deleted because it included a video of Brother Nathaniel.
First of all, Mary does not delete as she does not have the password to this website. Dee knows better than to give the password to a person who is technologically all thumbs.
Second, Dee does not delete. Remember one day we had 207 comments form one person? She then blocked him from the website. That was the only time, and she didn’t even want to do that one.
In my opinion Dee is hopeless as a comments moderator. That’s why I stick my twenty-two cents in. This-all has to do with the fact that Dee is from South Africa which was a police state on her youth. I’ll bet she woke up one morning and said “If I ever get to own a magazine in the free world, I will never, ever, suppress anything that anyone wants to say.” “Up to and including 206 comments in a row.”