It is the story of Capuzzo’s mother’s road to recovery and it says it all. She was on death’s door and the hospitals refused to treat her with Ivermectin. Capuzzo’s family, desperate to save Judy (Capuzzo’s 80-y-o mum) took the fight to the courts and won. But the hospital refused to comply with the court order. However, in her final hours, the family finally managed to get Judy treated with Ivermectin — allowing her to make a miraculous recovery.
Much of Capuzzo’s article focuses on Dr Paul Marik, Meduri, Varon, Iglesias, and Kory —(four brilliant immigrants from South Africa, Italy, Mexico, Cuba, and one brash New Yorker). Marik, the legendary professor, with a South African accent is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners. I’m sure Youtube has deleted most of his videos for violating their community guidelines. They deleted Dr Kory’s US Senate committee appearance.
“Marik is world-famous as the creator of the ‘Marik Cocktail,’ a revolutionary cocktail of cheap, safe, generic, FDA-approved drugs that dramatically reduces death
rates from sepsis by 20 to 50 percent anywhere in the world—
“Kory, Marik, et. al published the first comprehensive COVID-19 prevention and early treatment protocol (which they would eventually call I-MASK). It is centered around the drug Ivermectin, which President Trump used at Walter Reed hospital, unreported by the press, though it may well have saved the president’s life while he was instead touting new big pharma drugs.”
I had suspected Trump might have been given Ivermectin — but for all sorts of reasons, the word Ivermectin is VERBOTTEN. Gumshoe contributors wrote to the health minister in Victoria to no avail — as the government is reluctance to accept anything but a vaccine solution. Health officials favour the experimental jab (that failed in animal trials) over a drug that had been prescribed over 4 billion times — safely.
There have now been 56 trials and statistics across the world that reveal the true effectiveness of the drug. But nothing appears in the mainstream (except on Sky News).
From here, I quote extracts from the article in Zerohedge (by Tyler Durden):
“The 15-page [Capuzzo’s] article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, as well as the tireless efforts by reporters, media outlets and social media companies to thwart them.
Because of Ivermectin, Capuzzo says, there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.” Yet media outlets have done all they can to “debunk” the notion that Ivermectin may serve as an effective, easily accessible and affordable treatment for Covid-19. They have parroted the arguments laid out by health regulators around the world that there just isn’t enough evidence to justify its use.
For his part, Capuzzo, as a reporter, “saw with [his] own eyes the other side [of the story]” that has gone unreported, of the many patients in the US whose lives have been saved by ivermectin and of five of the doctors that have led the battle to save lives around the world, Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, José Iglesias, Pierre Kory and Joe Varon. These are all highly decorated doctors. Through their leadership of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, they have already enhanced our treatment of Covid-19 by discovering and promoting the use of Corticoid steroids against the virus. But their calls for ivermectin to also be used have met with a wall of resistance from healthcare regulators and a wall of silence from media outlets.
But unfortunately, most reporters are not interested in telling the other side of the story. Even if they were, their publishers would probably refuse to publish it.

That may explain why Capuzzo, a six-time Pulitzer-nominated journalist best known for his New York Times-bestselling nonfiction books Close to Shore and Murder Room, ended up publishing his article on ivermectin in Mountain Home, a monthly local magazine for the of the Pennsylvania mountains and New York Finger Lakes region, of which Capuzzo’s wife is the editor.
Total News Blackout
On December 8 2020, FLCCC member Dr Pierre Kory gave nine minutes of impassioned testimony to the US Homeland Security Committee Meeting on the potent anti-viral, anti-inflammatory benefits of ivermectin.
A total of 9 million people (myself included) saw the video on YouTube before it was taken down by YouTube’s owner, Google. As Capuzzo exhaustively lays out, both traditional and social media have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep people in the dark about ivermectin. So effective has this been that even in some of the countries that have benefited most from its use (such as Mexico and Argentina) many people are completely unaware of its existence. And this is no surprise given how little information is actually seeping out into the public arena.
A news blackout by the world’s leading media came down on Ivermectin like an iron curtain. Reporters who trumpeted the COVID-19 terror in India and Brazil didn’t report that Ivermectin was crushing the P-1 variant in the Brazilian rain forest and killing COVID-19 and all variants in India. That Ivermectin was saving tens of thousands of lives in South America wasn’t news, but mocking the continent’s peasants for taking horse paste was. Journalists denied the world knowledge of the most effective life-saving therapies in the pandemic, Kory said, especially among the elderly, people of color, and the poor, while wringing their hands at the tragedy of their disparate rates of death.
Three days after Kory’s testimony, an Associated Press “fact-check reporter” interviewed Kory “for twenty minutes in which I recounted all of the existing trials evidence (over fifteen randomized and multiple observational trials) all showing dramatic benefits of Ivermectin,” he said. Then she wrote: “AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There’s no evidence Ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against COVID-19.” Like many critics, she didn’t explore the Ivermectin data or evidence in any detail, but merely dismissed its “insufficient evidence,” …
Not just in media but in social media, Ivermectin has inspired a strange new form of Western and pharmaceutical imperialism. On January 12, 2021, the Brazilian Ministry of Health tweeted to its 1.2 million followers not to wait with COVID-19 until it’s too late but “go to a Health Unit and request early treatment,” only to have Twitter take down the official public health pronouncement of the sovereign fifth largest nation in the world for “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information.” (Early treatment is code for Ivermectin.)
On January 31, the Slovak Ministry of Health announced its decision on Facebook to allow use of Ivermectin, causing Facebook to take down that post and removed the entire page it was on, the Ivermectin for MDs Team, with 10,200 members from more than 100 countries.
“The Most Powerful Entity on Earth”
…Together social and traditional media have the power to make a medicine that has saved possibly millions of lives during the current pandemic disappear from the conversation. When it is covered, it’s almost always in a negative light. Some media organizations, including the NY Times, have even prefaced mention of the word “ivermectin” — a medicine that has done so much good over its 40-year lifespan that its creators were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 — with the word “controversial.”
Undeterred, many front-line doctors have tried to persuade their respective health regulators of the unparalleled efficacy and safety of ivermectin as a covid treatment. They include Dr. Tess Lawrie, a prominent independent medical researcher who, as Capuzzo reports, evaluates the safety and efficacy of drugs for the WHO and the National Health Service to set international clinical practice guidelines…
“[She] read all twenty-seven of the Ivermectin studies Kory cited. The resulting evidence is consistent and unequivocal,” she announced, and sent a rapid meta-analysis, an epidemiolocal statistical multi-study review considered the highest form of medical evidence, to the director of the NHS, members of parliament, and a video to Prime Minister Boris Johnson with “the good news… that we now have solid evidence of an effective treatment for COVID-19…” and Ivermectin should immediately “be adopted globally and systematically for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.”
Ivermectin Should Blanket the World
Ignored by British leaders and media, Lawrie convened the day-long streaming BIRD conference—British Ivermectin Recommendation Development—with more than sixty researchers and doctors from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Belgium, Argentina, South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Australia, and Japan. They evaluated the drug using the full “evidence-to-decision framework” that is “the gold standard tool for developing clinical practice guidelines” used by the WHO, and reached the conclusion that Ivermectin should blanket the world.
Ivermectin’s benefits were also corroborated by Dr. Andrew Hill, a renowned University of Liverpool pharmacologist and independent medical researcher, and the senior World Health Organization/UNITAID investigator of potential treatments for COVID-19. Hill’s team of twenty-three researchers in twenty-three countries had reported that, after nine months of looking for a COVID-19 treatment and finding nothing but failures like Remdesivir— “we kissed a lot of frogs”— Ivermectin was the only thing that worked against COVID-19, and its safety and efficacy were astonishing—“blindingly positive,” Hill said, and “transformative.” Ivermectin, the WHO researcher concluded, reduced COVID-19 mortality by 81 percent.
Why All the Foot Dragging?
Yet most health regulators and governments continue to drag their feet. More evidence is needed, they say. All the while, doctors in most countries around the world have no early outpatient medicines to draw upon in their struggle against the worst pandemic in century…
There are three possible explanations for health regulators’ refusal to allow the use of a highly promising, well-tolerated off-label medicine such as ivermectin:
As a generic, ivermectin is cheap and widely available, which means there would be a lot less money to be made by Big Pharma…
Other pharmaceutical companies are developing their own novel treatments for Covid-19 which would have to compete directly with ivermectin. They include ivermectin’s original manufacturer, Merck, which has an antiviral compound, molnupiravir, in Phase 3 clinical trials for COVID-19…
If approved as a covid-19 treatment, ivermectin could even threaten the emergency use authorisation granted to covid-19 vaccines. One of the basic conditions for the emergency use authorisation granted to the vaccines currently being used against covid is that there are no alternative treatments available for the disease…
…Ivermectin has already been approved as a covid-19 treatment in more than 20 countries. They include Mexico where the mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Scheinbaum, recently said that the medicine had reduced hospitalisations by as much as 76%. As of last week, 135,000 of the city’s residents had been treated with the medicine. The government of India — the world’s second most populous country and one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of medicines — has also recommended the use of ivermectin as an early outpatient treatment against covid-19, in direct contravention of WHO’s own advice.
Dr Vikas P. Sukhatme, the dean of Emory School of Medicine, recently wrote in a column for the Times of India that deploying drugs such as ivermectin and fluvoxamine in India is likely to “rapidly reduce the number of COVID-19 patients, reduce the number requiring hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and intensive care and improve outcomes in hospitalized patients.”
Four weeks after the government included ivermectin and budesonide among its early treatment guidelines, the country has recorded its lowest case count in 40 days.

In many of India’s regions the case numbers are plunging in almost vertical fashion. In the capital Delhi, as in Mexico City, hospitalisations have plummeted. In the space of 10 days ICU occupancy fell from 99% to 70%. Deaths are also falling. The test positivity ratio slumped from 35% to 5% in just one month.
One of the outliers of this trend is the state of Tamil Nadu, where cases are still rising steeply. This may have something to do with the fact that the state’s newly elected governor, MK Stalin, decided to exclude ivermectin from the region’s treatment protocol in favor of Remdesivir. The result? Soaring cases. Late last week, Stalin reversed course once again and readopted ivermectin.
For the moment deaths in India remain extremely high. And there are concerns that the numbers are being under-reported. Yet they may also begin to fall in the coming days. In all of the countries that have used ivermectin widely, fatalities are the last thing to fall, after case numbers and hospitalizations. Of course, there’s no way of definitively proving that these rapid falloffs are due to the use of ivermectin. Correlation, even as consistent as this, is not causation. Other factors such as strict lockdowns and travel restrictions no doubt also play a part.
But a clear pattern across nations and territories has formed that strongly supports ivermectin’s purported efficacy. And that efficacy has been amply demonstrated in three meta-analyses.
India’s decision to adopt ivermectin, including as a prophylaxis in some states, is already a potential game-changer. As I wrote three weeks ago, if case numbers, hospitalizations and fatalities fall in India as precipitously as they have in other countries that have adopted ivermectin, it could even become a watershed moment. But for that to happen, the news must reach enough eyes and ears. And for that to happen, reporters must, as Capuzzo says, begin to do their job and report both sides of this vital story.
Surprisingly, I did find a YouTube video with Dr Marik.
Remember the classic line from the bodyline cricket tests, where the Australian captain remarked that there are 2 teams out there on the field, and one of them is playing cricket?
This whole matter can be reduced down to the premise that there are 2 sides to the argument, one of those sides seeks the truth and using the truth, to do what is fair, just and right in accordance with the laws of Creation.
The other side is doing the opposite, denying and refusing the truth, lying and seeking to cause carnage, despair, perpetrate fear and subservience.
Biblically speaking, that side is the synagogue of satan, whose fathers were liars, as they are liars.
Which leads to the question, if the truth sets you free, then what does embracing a lie do?
There are those whose psychology has them being comfortable propagating lies, both to their fellows and to themselves, knowing that ultimately there are painful consequences for them.
This is the time of the end of the kali yuga, the biblical end times, where people choose which side of the fence they are going to be on.
Being passive defaults to denying the truth.
John $kerritt boss of the TGA is the head of the snake
Consider the date 6th June 2022 = 666
“It is centered around the drug Ivermectin, which President Trump used at Walter Reed hospital, unreported by the press, though it may well have saved the president’s life while he was instead touting new big pharma drugs.” – This is the first time I’ve heard about Trump being given Ivermectin.
So why isn’t Trump on the Ivermectin band wagon? Why are various people trying to get Trump to tell his supporters to get the ‘vaccine’?
To turn all this BS around, all Trump has to do is have a news conference where he says that he took Ivermectin and that is why he was only in the hospital for a short time. Game over…
This is a replay of the Julian Assange expectations but bigger. Don’t forget we are still in the realm of politics. The way I see it Trump has to let Biden destroy himself. He may be waiting for an economic collapse which he doesn’t want to be stuck with. He doesn’t want to lead a charge on BigPharma when so many TV viewers in the Western hemisphere are so badly brainwashed, and depending on where you are in Australia, this brainwashing is very, very serious. As a politician you have to choose your battles. The battle at the moment for Trump is hearts and minds, and the recounts, which MSM has boycotted, and is spreading lies about. Bear in mind a few things Trump has repeated recently. “We will count all legal votes” – this is happening. “I had the virus and now I guess I’m immune” – so no injection by example. “I got the injections done not Biden and anyone who wants one should be able to have one and anyone who doesn’t want one should not have to” – this is walking both sides of the street, a political necessity from politics 1.01.
Hopefully we will see the elections overturned in places like Arizona where presumably everyone hates Biden, once all that happens you can start giving blame or credit to Trump. The clear primary objective is to take down the totally corrupt infiltrated Democrats and anyone else in “the swamp”, BigPharma is a totally different objective, which maybe wasn’t fully understood at the time of the 2016 election campaign which was all about “Drain the Swamp”. From what we hear the swamp is being slowly drained, Dick Cheney’s daughter is an excellent example, being taken down a week or two ago. Julian Assange will just have to be a bit more patient, he is locked up in England anyway, under false pretences. People who wanted to have more and more quaxxines and communions from the BigPharma priesthood will not be the first ever to be totally suckered by a false religion.
“”” …… Trump has to let Biden destroy himself…..”
That is the plan: plus big pharma. Remember T dropped the insulin greed and Biden resurrected the Pharma. Diabetics are just a small group that is also awakening.
May 13, 2021
COVID pandemic spawns vaccine billionaires amid global mass death
Bill Van Auken
20 hours ago
hoops—wrong link
maybe the “wrong link” is the missing link–divine intervention-
actually very very relevant at every level
The big senate building strategically towering over sacred sites—linked underground to pine gap—-the politician—Warren Snowden’s authority —-links toTwiggy Forest’s groomed prodigy
Yes they are making lots of money, hopefully all of it can be seized quite ordinarily under “proceeds of crime” legislation, once we get a real picture of deaths and injuries.
OK Everybody, do this. Watch this video from a Texas doctor Urso. Pro-ivemectin and pro- chloroquine. Faaaascinating.
Good article! It looks like more people have come around to the same conclusion I came to – let the dumb-asses die (protect yourself, nobody else will). The train is heading to a burned out bridge and it is your job to get off the train.
Perhaps a good approach would be to mentally project yourself into the future, say a couple of years, and ask yourself, ‘where would I like to be and what would I like to have personal control of?’
Western Australia 2016
Rising star health minister Kim Haines (doctor) suddenly quit and replaced by John Day (dentist).
The law went through state parliament under Colin Barnett that anyone could be held down by authorities and forcibly injected.
Anyone know of other states (including NZ) where this law has been proclaimed?
For sources look up IMOParty (involuntary medication objectors)
Just what the WA government needs in Parliament, someone who knows how to pull their fangs.
Who is to be our new leader of our Republic ???!!!
New chief in command Canada
W 3, I too am from W.A. but have a different understanding of why our Health Minister was replaced. My understanding differs greatly from yours. I was under the impression he was stood down because of his FAILURE to do his job overseeing the Children’s Hospital where the young lass died recently, allegedly due to lack of sufficient resources to deal with the number of patients. Your post is the first reference I’ve seen that protrays a different reason for his dismissal.
It’s just a curious matter of timing, I am not saying much because I don’t know which of these two actually pushed through the legislation, or if they blame-shared it. Likewise he could have got off the failure you mention by blaming someone, people die constantly at hospitals, maybe it was a combination effect, I am showing that it appears to have happened at around the same time. It would be interesting to know more. We have seen the Dicktator Dan government blame shifting over hotel mismanagement by saying “We can’t remember who made the decision”. Is committee amnesia the new thing ? ? ?
“a young lass died recently, allegedly due to lack of sufficient resources to deal with the number of patients.”
The claim that the dysfunctionality of the healthcare system is due to insufficient funding is total rot. The truth is that the amount of energy it takes to maintain certain lies would reduce any individual or entity to a state of total collapse and impoverishment. Throwing money at the problem be like pouring teacups into the grand canyon
Last Monday I spent 5 ½ hours in Albany’s casualty unit re a grass seed that happened to get stuck in my calf in the 1st week of January.
Yes, that’s right, a grass seed,you know, one of those pesky spiked pieces of vegetable matter that plague rural WA in late spring – early summer
Family talked me into going there because neither of the GPs I’d seen were prepared to do anything more than prescribe antibiotics
And I really don’t know if the area was ever actually infected or merely inflamed
Eventually I had to just flee the hospital – therein lies a tale
Just like dealing with school, church, or any other institution,
You need to get in, get what you need, and get out FAST
ABC24newsTV is now running a hit piece on India for BigPharma which ABC is in lockstep with. The voice over lady adopts her best funeral tone to tell us people are dying like flies while the pictures show everyone just standing around normally, old people all sitting together on a doorstep without so much as a cloth across their face.
Only one verbal scrap of truth is allowed to sneak through, the health worker says nobody amongst the villagers wants the quaxxine because they say it is part of a plan to kill them. I think it’s great villagers everywhere have got the message. They will have the sniffles for a week or so then they will all be OK, except for the 82 year-olds whose time will be up.
Listen to citizen journalists and ask at your local curry shop, nothing is happening in India, my local curry guy said his mum took the quaxxine and got the flu anyway. He said everyone had the flu but nobody dying, no bodies piled up anywhere.
There are Indians everywhere in Australia, just ask them, forget ABC24newsTV and all the others, the lies are just constant and blatant, shameless. Look what they do at the staff level, they eradicated Dr Maryanne Demasi for suggesting BigPharma products may not be as wonderful as they say they are.
Attention lying mass murdering media.
The GS article linked below was referred to Dee by me as a result of hearing CHRIS SMITH ON RADIO 2GB in Sydney just before the article appeared. I heard both interviews.
Smith interviewed a lady whose mother was in a bad way and the nursing home doctors would not give her the treatment canvassed by PROFESSOR BORODY. (BANNED BY DAN and also by Pallychook!!!)
The following week SMITH OF NINE NETWORK FAKE FOOLS interviewed the daughter again on a follow up.
In short. Professor Borody put her on to a doctor who prescribed invervectim and the mother was OK in 48 hours.
I have never heard anyone from 2GB (or anywhere else) mention the MIRACLE again, they just push the government line for injections.
Indeed, I have never heard any health bureaucrat refer to hydroxychloroquine or invervectim nor zinc as a treatment accepted by one of the most distinguished professors in the world, (Australian)
Clearly, we are ready to be culled by mass murder in the foreseeable future, as the injection does not completely take away the covid and one can bet that the scare program will continue with “FOUND’ new strains requiring further injections……….you can bet on it!!!
I foresee many facing trial at least for manslaughter…………..for:
*****Banning a successful treatment.
*****Covering up a successful treatment.
MASS MEDIA SHOCK JOKES: DO YOU LOT REALLY THINK YOU ARE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH YOUR LIES? Try asking the dog feeder at one of the concentration camps during WW11 prosecuted aged in his mid nineties a few years ago.
btw: I only listen to shock jokes to determine the serial lies of our enemies and remind them that they would be better informed if they just looked up for some reality.
I just skipped through the comments to the above linked article.
Mass media and politicians you lot are defunct. you were told but went with the globalist agenda and surely are never to be trusted by the simplest citizen in the country
Maybe friendly fire is like friendly injections. Ivermectin is cheap and available, so why 40 million injections prepared in bio weapons labs/factories? A no brainer, a child can see it.
This was going around… that Noble Prize winning virologist was saying vaxxed people will die in two years. (Which va$$, I don’t know)
Its about Antibody-dependent enhancement
I found this :
“Since Luc Montagnier’s interview was in French, I asked two separate French speakers, Ramkumar Sambasivan at Indian Institute for Science Education and Research, Tirupati, and Aurelie Jory at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, to listen to it. Both of them confirmed the following:
He asserted that variants are a consequence of natural selection due to vaccinations.
He says that ADE would lead to much stronger infection by variants in vaccinated people.
He calls massive vaccination a ‘medical mistake’.
THIS ARTICLE CLAIMS: Due to his controversial views, Luc Montagnier has little credibility in the community of scientists, even in France. One article says that though he was awarded prizes for his early work, since then “he is lost in the desert”, and has been known to bring up disturbing theories. His colleagues have opposed him and his crazy theories about electromagnetic radiation being able to cure Lyme disease, a bacterial infection spread by tick bites.”
Can anyone source his interview…
I think it was Royal Raymond Rife who cured diseases with radio frequencies.
In Sydney they are having a “free Victoria” protest march (live)¬if_id=1622254460021685¬if_t=live_video
Are the Mexicans brighter that our lot in Camberra? From December 2020 …….. maybe a Mexican read our GS article from August 2020?
Oh well, I am not taking any covid vaccines until I have all this explained to me by the injector.
Doctor, to save all the time and allow someone else to receive your injection, may I have a prescription for a months supply of inverectim tablets and I will get my own zinc and vitamin C or do I have to buy a wormy dog and get the tablets from a vet or horse doctor?
In one picture,
In any criminal case or personal injury suit, it may be very relevant as to what information was available to the accused or defendant at the time of a charge being laid or civil suit being commenced. (In Europe there are a reported 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors either suing or commencing proceedings)
A accused or civil defendant (eg. Medical practitioner and others) may claim in their defence that they did not know what scientific information and reports were available at the relevant time. STIFF!
It is clear that relevant information has been available for a long time and casualties have occurred for lack of a available treatment that was or should have been known as a matter of course at the time.
Here is another nail in their feeble defence.
In addition, all lawyers should be recording all reports on the alternative treatment reports and comments. (to demonstrate HISTORIC public awareness. eg. in articles at That applies to all lawyers, as the day may arise when you are acting for; the prosecution, the accused, a plaintiff or a defendant. It will require specialised knowledge and a history for one side or the other.
Either way, expect a scrumptious picnic, As for politicians, better think what your employment will be after a informed electorate get their claws into you lot. As for msm and their shockjokes …………. who cares?
The entire quaxxine agenda was initially, apparently, framed as two 5-year plans, they have lost the element of stealth now thanks to the bullhorn of Trump and various others but the original concoction that Bill Gates wants to put in your arm must be fairly close to the original spec. Consider how pleased Gates looks with himself as he foolishly brags about his product. If I were to imagine myself as Bill Gates I would have been thinking about an essential, monopoly product that would get people “on subscription” for the 10 year period. The relatively big size of the injection (compared to tiny biological agents) would allow for a multi-functional product that contained not only spike protein enhancers to destroy women’s reproductive systems, but also the shedding mechanism developed for pests such as mice, and as well as that a more conventional system to protect the young and healthy while creating the next, stronger mutation. And anything else I may have missed. In this way people could be herded with no exit anywhere, as with farm animals which always run for every escape route, to sum of which ends them up in the abattoir facing the electric prod. The strategy has surely all been mapped out in exactly this way. Banning HCQ, Ivermectin etc is of course essential in the early stage, which is why HCQ was banned at the get-go. So, perhaps they mix a bit of functional vaccine in with the rest of the cocktail, in order to have as many people as possible line up for the next shot and the next. So we will have to endure a sizeable contingent of suckers saying “I’ve had the vaccine and I feel fine” if Bill Gates has done his homework properly.
Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug placed the same radioactive category as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the treatment of COVID-19, has reemerged as a promising treatment in the battle to extinguish the pandemic.
New York Times best-selling author Michael Capuzzo has called it the “drug that cracked Covid,” writing that there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.”
Doctors in India are big fans.
So sorry people. I just want you all to be safe,
Dear Prudence,
If you want to see your husband, think out of the box and wear a full motorcycle helmet and he is then permitted to dispense with the mask for the occasion.
Keeps both safe,
Daniel, XX00
VIC Health Dept.
PS. Try not to fog up the visor.
This article refers to a zogby poll demonstrating that hesitancy in the US is about 37% with some groups.
A lot of ‘NOT Happy, Fauci.’
Yay to the Not-Happies. Yay! yay!
Oopsie. This is Stanza 6:
German doctor Bhakdi warns of dangers in the vaccines
He’s asked Chancellor Merkel to desist.
But the California schools are offering bribes to your teens
If they don’t show hesitancy or resist.
WELL !!! I don’t recall hearing that during the 2008 campaign !!!
Censored , join the gap
A nice little movie for the kids (4 minutes)
Set in Melbourne 2 months from now ?
The Story of the Decade — Is This Mass Murder by Media and Government? Yes but only Part of
the Story of the Decade– yes genocide mass murder—all micro managed–“controlled”
Two recent links— that put a spotlight on the same big picture issues –“of lies deceit fraud genocide”
Again I recommend as essential viewing
Trauma and Truth-Telling
Live from Sydney
Jennifer Robinson, Human Rights Lawyer
Mitch Tambo, Singer and songwriter
Dave Sharma, Liberal Member for Wentworth
Ed Husic, Labor Member for Chifley
Randa Abdel-Fattah, Author and academic
and —asking different questions. “It’s not what you know its what you could have known if you wanted to”
Israel / Palestine – This Needs To Be Heard
•May 28, 2021
6 months ago Thailand was successfully treating with HCQ and the death rate was negligible, suddenly after Xmas something changed and they now get a claimed death rate much much higher, I haven’t found out yet what changed
refer page 11 for HCQ use
On the main story, it is a great read, a downloadable pdf would be good so it could be printed out and distributed
Video in a nutshell (diagram at around 10:00)
Take Ivermectin with food 12mg daily (60kg patient) for 2 to 5 days or weekly as prophylactic
Take vit D3 ahead of time because it takes 2 weeks to metabolise, vit C is immediate
Ziverdo Kit also contains Zinc and Doxycycline (typically malaria antibiotic)
But the video is also worth listening to for the very polite and restrained but comprehensive rubbishing he gives the authorities. This type of verbal restraint goes down well in some quarters but probably has little effect on most. I would personally prefer a few cuss words.
“How the F#@% do these D!@%HEADS think they will get away with this $#!%”
To make a nice pdf, copy and paste URL here
well that’s very tidy, and quick too, can’t fault it
I used to watch “insiders” on ABCnews24TV but missed it for a few months or maybe a year, looked at it again by accident and it was morphed into a quaxxine promotional infomercial, these government funded sock puppets were taking turns to agree with each other that everyone had to get quaxxinated and we had to “do something” to do it faster, hello quaxxine news crew, there is something and it’s discussed in the story above, but I guess you won’t be funded if it only costs 10 cents a treatment. Still Gates says you can mark things up 2000%.
Meanwhile over on the German news they are doing the meaningless PCR tests as fast as they can by privatisation, the government pays basically anyone who wants to start a testing centre, it sounds like it would be fine out of the car boot. They give their customers a certificate so they can enjoy al-fresco dining and invoice the government. Some observers watched them checking out 70 customers then writing 1000 invoices for one day.
The idea of all of this is of course not to fix the problem, ways to fix the problem are discussed above, it would be way too easy if fixing a problem is what this was about. The idea is to get first 70%, then 90%, then 100%, accepting that they have to go on “vaccine subscription” and allow themselves to be injected twice annually (or more) with unknown substances designed to do unknown things with unknown extra side effects for the unlucky.
So we have the cure but the authorities will never accept a cure so long as they are faithfully serving their masters, Scotty, Josh & Greg from marketing and the communist premiers will keep pushing us to beyond 70% as long as they are being rewarded for doing so. All this never was about a cure, this was about mental conditioning and submission. You WILL get on quaxxine subscription. You WILL receive your quaxxine as directed and you will not ask questions. And who will be paying for this exercise. Why, YOU WILL of course.
yes I too watche’d insiders- today – appalling pathetic
w3 did you get to watch
As Leonard said there is a crack in everything
I thought only people from North Fitzroy watched q&a, and I was already suffering from watching one minute of insiders, but I gave it a go, and the first thing they did was mention the name of the hideous Norman Swan, next they disparaged Kazakhstan, a go-ahead oil-rich place in an historic and interesting part of the world. Currently they are quibbling about quaxxine deadlines. The fact is there is no point in people here getting quaxxinated until the airport opens. Will this ever happen ? They can have bubbles but they are all talk. Why should I get a quaxxine for 2019 flu in 2021 when I won’t be exposed before 2022 ? Anyone should be demanding the 2022 quaxxine since they are still flogging annual flu shots, they want their cake and eat it too. Now they are blabbering their fake statistics and complaining about “complacency”. I’m sick of all these drug pushers who don’t declare their financial interest. I couldn’t find anything redeeming in it I’m sorry to say and that goes for virtually all of ABCnewsTV nowadays. On another MSM show today I saw cops putting their dirty grubby paws on some random lady and complaining that she was breathing on them. Do they get a bonus for beating up on old ladies ? I mainly watch TV when I’m half asleep. The TV has all the radio shows now so I mostly have the screen off or else my eyes are shut.
Ep119 STATE OF FEAR! How the Government used Science of Psychology to Delude Us
Ivor Cummins
183K subscribers
“Myself and Laura Dodsworth discuss her new book: “STATE OF FEAR – How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic.” A superb read explaining how the Government used the Science of Psychology to delude us into a form of mass psychosis. Learn how to innoculate yourself against these totalitarian methods!”
Interesting point she makes in the video is that the politicians themselves appear to be in fear. It appears to me to be a Masonic like induced fear, not of Covid but of a higher power so great that it causes politicians to be psyop actors for the planned One World Government.
On fear and control, you reminded me, I noticed with the German TV “virus expert” who closes off every DeutscheWorld news show, last time I looked, that he seemed very stressed since the previous time I saw him which was some weeks ago. He glanced sideways off camera as if someone was pointing a gun at him. He must be closely monitored by his off-camera handler. I can’t imagine how they would keep him under control, in a state of fear.
Given that the scamdemic was pre-orchestrated through Agenda 21, Event 201, Lockstep and other such public manifestos and declarations, and we understand the funding of the Wuhan lab occurred through Fauci (govt) and Gates (foundations) through Gates buddy Tedros (WHO), then the quaxxine must be ransomware. I thought government policy was to not pay ransoms for the simple and obvious reason that it just encourages more. They have grandma tied up in the basement and to keep her safe we need the scheduled protections and to pay the protection money.
This seems to be part of an incredible “matrix” of threats and payoffs, I expect all orchestrated through Rockerfella Foundation (and allied foundations) to the various political, media and medical organisations. We hear how wonderful philanthropy is in the US. So and so got a free medical degree. Some underprivileged got free injections. Some place in Africa got a free “program”. Carnegie, Ford, Clinton, how many more are there I wonder, busily following the agendas, mapped out at World Economic Forum.
Cops don’t realise, they will be on the scrapheap once they finish chipping everyone
The cops are dressed up to kill.
was this at Dandenong-
The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous
by Jon Rappoport
As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. Therefore, face masks are nothing more (or less) than a mind-control ritual.
However, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.
And now we have an official declaration. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”
Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a medium[dot]com article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.”
Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.
Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent. I could write a book detailing how many times this “coincidence” pops up in the field of medicine………………………”
The “story of the decade” is over 150 years old; it’s been gaining popularity since Thomas Malthus inspired Charles Darwin to knock up a rationalisation.
Here is a bit of a summary of how it’s been going. The only difference I can see between “then and now” is that the “smarter-than-God brigade” have better tools at their disposal.
Eugenics: How the Unthinkable Became Thinkable
Thank you for the link.
“Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.”
Frederick Osborn in 1968
American Eugenics Society
The developers of Oxford-Astra Zeneca are tied to the British Eugenics Society and Wellcome Trust.
Ivermectin is $200 for 1 kg which equals 83,333 12 mg doses
If approved as a covid treatment it would save 75% of patients and damage pharmacy companies profits of billions, damage the vaccine world wide market, kill the booster shot profits, damage pharmacy companies stock value. now vaccines are used in international diplomacy, complex financial arrangements have been made and now endangered..
This is why science and an end to this pandemic is being suppressed and science be damned and dying patients be damned.
Fauci who was unwilling to come up with any early treatment needs to be arrested for needless deaths
Thanks Gary, I picked us some ‘horse de-wormer’ and the packet of de-wormer, measuring out the granules on my powder scales gives me 10 doses of 14mg of Ivermectin per dose.
Good old google (a Rockerfella company I presume) is flooded with warnings “do not use ivermectin” and people are overdosing on ivermectin etc, they claim to have found 1,070,000 results but I have only looked at the first page.
Well dressed visitor: “Mr. Rockerfella would like to make you an offer for your company”
Tech head: “Oh I’m sorry it’s not for sale at the moment”
Well dressed visitor: “I’m sorry, you don’t seem to understand, Mr. Rockerfella would like to make you an offer for your company, may I step inside”
W3 gives important info in his comments above at May 30 at 9:50am, and Crisscross does so at 10.45am on May30. Thank you both.
My news is that Massachusetts has now lifted all restrictions (as far as I can tell). That could mean that the Bozos got cold feet, or it could mean that this is yet another trick to take people off guard whilst they plan some new hit.
As the name rightly implies, the crown virus is from the Crown Zionist Communist de-facto world government. With code of vaccination ID, there are no nation states, all are captive. Traitors within all corridors of absolutely corrupted powers, same program on every channel in every nation globally.
The takeover complete with every word on their screens lies.
Releasing the virus, on the streets, is too risky for tptb. So simply, the marketing of the vaxxx is their final solution agenda, where computers replace people – the beast dragon system.
Nothing against ivermectin and hydroxchoroquine etc.
But in the light of the content of the link above, it is curious that the antidepressant fluvoxamine is apparently still largely under the radar of Covid Realists in this scamdemic.
Quote: ” On January 22, 2021, thirty key opinion leaders (KOL) from NIH, CDC, and leading academic institutions met to review the evidence for using fluvoxamine for treating COVID. Even though they spent only 45 minutes and just reviewed the 2 clinical studies and some plausible mechanisms of action (and ignored anecdotal evidence and multiple retrospective trials, all of which were supportive), after the meeting they voted overwhelmingly (11 to 5 with 4 being neutral) in favor of having doctors talk to their patients about using fluvoxamine if they have COVID using a “shared decision making” process. I believe they made the right decision and we should be rushing to follow their advice. Here’s why…….”
Clear visuals – it is hard to argue with the graphs
I can’t wait for the miscarriages graphs since killing old people and diabetics a few years early is not much of an accomplishment
Horowitz: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact checker on vaccines is funded by … you guessed it–you-guessed-it
Accurate information about the vaccines and other vital COVID-related topics hinges upon the ability to disseminate the facts on major social media platforms like Facebook. In turn, Facebook relies on, among other shady organizations, to rule on what information is admissible. is funded by a grant from an organization run by Obama’s former CDC director, whose assets contain Johnson & Johnson stock. In other words, the vaccine companies control the flow of information about vaccines. Welcome to the world of “independent fact checkers.” …………………”–you-guessed-it
World-Renowned Doctor Blows Lid Off COVID Vaccine –‘It’s a horrendous bioweapon that’s been thrust onto the public, and it’s going to cause great personal harm.’ | 27 May 2021 | Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP, FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA – Doctor of Internal Medicine and Board-Certified Cardiologist discusses the COVID vaccine. (Video.)
Health experts have been re-schooled as drug dealers
Sputnik 5 demonstrates the best safety profile (by far)
Unexpected deaths in Thailand
Quaxxine injury payouts in Thailand
A caution…
When we are led into debating better alternatives to vaccines we are also being led into accepting the reality of COVID19. We’re also thus kept in pharma-dependence, even if the alternative substances are safer. Since there is no pandemic then there is nothing to discuss as regards remedies.
I’ve been noticing it more and more: opposition to the statist agenda designed to confirm the statist agenda. Assange warns us that our MIC might blow up an Afghan wedding party but not the World Trade Centre. Judith Curry gathers climate skeptics into one place using flattery and indulgence then proceeds to expose them to the IPCC program they thought they were opposing.
So much protest energy can be dissipated in this way. The resetters know it. It’s time we got wise to their “loyal opposition”.
Robert if you go by what the front line doctors are saying. People are being affected /dying from this bioweapon. Do nothing and people die. The gov narrative is to do nothing and wait for the vax. Take Dr Jackie Stone in Zim for example. Full clinic people allegedly dying outside. start IVM — within 6 days — empty clinic. Dire cases survive.
Caution to what? the banning of IVM. The point of banning IVM is that it does NOT support big Pharma. Cheap as chips. Merck gave it away for decades to poor countries.
Much of Alt media is “controlled” or guided opposition. But we’ve known that for a long time;.
Dee, I seriously doubt that the crime families behind this latest alarm would put their hopes in a lab-grown bug which is more likely either to run wild or fizzle. The injections for the invented pandemic are another matter, of course.
I suppose it depends on how lucky you think these elites can be. Within weeks of running Event 201 and handing out the coronavirus soft toys the first “deaths” from COVID occurred. They started with those hammy street collapses in China, which looked awfully like kids playing cowboys and indians.
The lab leak script was run back in 2011, with the EU’s publication of a comic (I’ve read it!) where a virus escapes from a Chinese lab and is carried into a wet market by an infectee. (The EU gets to save the day.) Event 201 had a coronavirus starting in a yucky pig market in Brazil. The gross-out factor of the wet market and bat soup is what helped kick off the whole Chy-nah narrative when the drill went live.
Too scripted for my liking. As for the capacity to generate giant lies by “flooding the zone” (to quote Event 201), I’m in no doubt. How do we know the media are lying? Their pixels are moving.
As for collaboration, I know the details of what happened in one English hospital because it concerned the step-father of a close friend here in Oz. The elderly man was a long term dialysis out-patient. When the C-hoax kicked off he was simply refused treatment in one of those empty-but-overcrowded hospitals. He was only readmitted to the hospital to die, whereupon he was declared to have “had COVID”, though he had previously been cleared of it.
I know the above account sounds over-the-top, but I had the details as the story unfolded from my friend who is no COVID skeptic. She is a conscientious school administrator who does things by the book and is inclined to trust the establishment and media in all things. Yet when I asked her as gently as possible if she did not agree that her relative had been murdered, she said she did agree. The man was certain to die without dialysis, and he did die. Yet the death was made a COVID statistic.
Don’t get me wrong. The crime families want us dead. In this complex oligarchy, one thing the oligarchs agree on is our death. I just don’t think they could or would do it in such a haphazard way. A fiction is easier to promote or walk back, as needed. Since the guy who got the Nobel for developing the test has told us that its diagnostic use is bunk, what’s the point of a real disease? If there were a real disease, they would ignore it and keep going with their script. (Come to think of it, that’s what they do with Yemen.)
Anyway, that’s my rant. Thanks for this site and the platform you give us.
Nothing wrong with a considered rant.
Makes many think.
“Hundreds of police packed into busses, travelled to Melbourne’s CBD and violated every covid rule on the way because they wanted to arrest a few people protesting lockdown. Then tried to STOP me from filming them”.
I went to and got strong warning messages from google that this site was unsafe and I have to be an advanced internet user to risk looking at it
Did they scare you off?
They probably have my number now on their “infractions” list
I had bbc poisoning my mind inadvertantly for a few seconds, they are talking up bio-labs threat to civilisation now, we are into full scale CCP bashing now, all the sock-puppets are lining up in formation behind the Trump position of a year ago, even Kevin Rudd is China bashing, the poor old CCP is going to be in tatters by the end of this exercise, they will never trust the US or Hunter Biden again. CCP took over two years after Bretton Woods (1947), the great handover of sterling to greenbacks. The US let go of Taiwan even though they presumably might have claimed it as spoils of war (former Japanese Empire). It was built up as one of the “4 tigers” and now is indispensable as a chip manufacturer. So what is really going on here. The “Chinese threat” has been identified in James Bond type movies for half a century (James Bond was rumoured to be a PR device of the CIA etc.). Was Taiwan a honey trap all along ? Was the Fauci funding of the Wuhan lab part of a plan to communise the rest of us and take down the CCP at the same time ? Is this 3d chess with the moves worked out 100 years in advance ? Well why not. Over to sock puppet Rudd to gather up the faithful. Don’t turn around Kevin, everyone will see all the knives in your back.
I reckon so.
All these Chief Health Officers and Powers That Be must be completely mentally retarded to think they will get away with their story that HCQ and Ivermectin are unsafe, this is not like some false flag in some far off place like Afghanistan that nobody cares about, this is bringing it right home.
Dicktator Dan claims he will be back at work in June, that is today, how about an update ? I think they can stretch it to 6 months based on the mental illness rort used by Andrew ROBb. After 6 months he will be free to return and achieve some benchmark, perhaps 7 years in office at the end of this year, maybe they get extra super and more perks, they seem to work these things out with the accountant. It’s just not worth the personal risk for him to come back for long when more and more people are waking up to this horrific scamdemic. Someone highly visible has to be hung out to dry for it all. The other agents such as John $kerritt of TGA are no doubt becoming more camera shy as the bungles, mismanagement, police brutality etc all builds on itself and gets uploaded and replayed again and again and again to an incredulous public.
This is logged for the files. SO PLEASE FILE.
Mary has requested that her following article at GS be deleted,
So as to preserve this in the comments it is logged here just in case that the purpose for Mary to request the deletion of the thalidomide article to have it deleted and out go the comments and therefor this Obama link,
I smell some Rat. (not Mary)
So Please file the Obama snip below…….. You ‘small minded people’ who cannot look after your own affairs and should therefore bow to a sovereign power.
“Cancel culture” is everywhere, handy for globalists intent on rewriting history.
Here’s Fauci blaming bats then admitting the lab was doing it then Biden gang covering up, now only one day later BBC is talking about bio-war labs
off-topic “earth shattering information”
The FAKE NEWS WILL NOT cover any of this.
The fake news thinks if something happened a while ago it is not a crime anymore.
How did the Dominion machines flip the votes by connecting to the internet ?
Nobody plugged them into the internet, they swear.
It turns out there was a mobile phone 4G chip installed directly on the Dominion motherboard !!!
So as soon as you plugged it in, it “started screaming to the internet”.
Germany, Taiwan and Microsoft were connected one way or another.
Half a million votes were flipped over a handful of battleground states.
(On top of all the fake votes brought in at 4am and the others shredded).
Some countries apparently using dodgy voting machines
Belgium (Brussels) Estonia (raging geeks)
India (no details) Burma (claimed election stolen)
Malaysia (no details) Indonesia (no details)
Brazil (no details) Argentina (no details)
Philippines (“hackable”)
& last but not least
USA (refer
An indulgence posting twice—-therapy -coz I am preparing for another ring of steel over winter in a disastrous state :-))
I note new variants are to be named alpha beta gamma delta—interesting. alpha omega and monarch programming— newspeak—signalling triggering—
Get the latest information from the Department of Health about COVID-19.