Home News The Truth-telling Medico Rockstars

The Truth-telling Medico Rockstars

Dr John Campbell

Introduction by Dee McLachlan

“It was like the Beatles and Rolling Stones rolled into one as Dr John Campbell stole the show. He didn’t mean to. The internet’s favourite retired nurse teacher is down-to-earth, humble, and genuinely interested in everyone who talks to him. He was politely mobbed by a 350-strong crowd of well-wishers at the sold-out Covid Revisited event at the NSW State Library auditorium on Tuesday…”

This is an extract from a report by Alison Bevege (HERE): “Dr John Campbell in all-star Sydney event by Alison Bevege.”

I remember finding Dr John Campbell early on in 2020. He was politely following the science — science yet to be exposed. He got himself vaccinated and I stopped watching. But then one day another one of his videos popped into my feed. The light bulb had gone off… and the data trail that he consistently followed led AWAY from the narrative. If I remember correctly, he apologized in the video for not identifying the problems earlier — and so he began to expose the narrative in his humble and dry way (whilst walking the fine line of YouTube). He became an inspiration to many as we witnessed him being awakened by the madness and criminality of the pharma industrial complex.

So it is no surprise, that he got a rockstar reception the other day. More than three million people now subscribe to his channel, @Campbellteaching. I went to McCullough and Kory’s talk, and they too were treated like heroes.

To continue with the article:


“His genius lies in breaking scientific jargon into concepts that ordinary people can understand – and following the evidence wherever it leads. Dr Campbell revealed he spends about three to four hours researching in the morning then about 45 minutes to film the daily segments, which have survived the YouTube censors with evidence, facts, dry humour and panache.

“But the show-stopper from Carlisle was just one in a constellation of stars onstage Tuesday. Emeritus immunology professor Robert Clancy was right beside him. Associate Professor Peter Parry wowed the crowd with internal pharmaceutical industry documents showing how they suppress adverse events data about their products, cherry-pick and exaggerate the benefits and expand markets with disease-monitoring strategies….


“The pharmaceutical industry summary page shows Pfizer has 98 criminal convictions so far and has paid more than US$10.9 billion in penalties. Pfizer was the worst, but to put that in context, Johnson & Johnson had 88 convictions for $24.5 billion in penalties, Merck had 89 convictions for $10.7 billion in penalties, while GlaxoSmithKline (now GSK) had 50 convictions for $9.6 billion in penalties….”

For the full article (HERE)



  1. Did anyone hear of any reports on; this conference, the participants or the content?
    Any press reports?
    Anything from all our gaggle of the radio ‘opinionated’.
    Oh well, gumshoe is here who needs any of the above?

    • McCann was initially positive about the vaccines — until ALL THE INJURIES APPEARED.

      I have to say, almost the entire population, most of the medicos had a belief that government were there to look after you. But if you followed the conspiracies — like JFK, 911, etc Gates etc… you would have KNOWN that these vaccines were a catastrophe — and that government is paid to facilitate ANOTHER AGENDA.

      But glad doctors like McCann are speaking out.


      • Politicians needing re-education🙀🤪
        I can think of all the medical and professional organisations needing an urgent crash re-education COURSE RIGHT NOW.

        As for our government planning to conspire with the WORLD HEALTH 🤪 Organisation to dictate our medical treatment via a ‘TREATY’, GET LOST.
        Why finance that mob in GENEVA.
        We did not elect foreigners to run OUR COUNTRY. THAT IS OUR JOB!

    • Be interesting as to what our federal government of ‘communications, propaganda, censorship, deemed untruth and misinformation’ is going to ‘mandate’ upon some genuine ‘truth’, with a increasingly informed aware public.
      Oh well the fake mass media will no doubt be harnessed again by the Pharma puppets.
      Money talks.

    • Oh great, they are taking the ‘medical profession’ and the ‘political profession’ to court in the ‘legal profession’ – good luck with that.

      Perhaps the populace needs to see the incredible fraud that Australian culture has devolved into. Although, the majority of the population will rely upon the ‘media profession’ to keep them well informed.

      Protect yourself, nobody else will.

  2. John Campbell is living proof that a dedicated nurse is worth a zillion politically-accredited doctors.
    Quite apart from which his adroitness in getting his message across is a well-needed reminder of the value of restraint

  3. I suppose I am dreaming however I would like to think that this court case would be overseen by a jury, not one bought off judge. After all does a judge know more about health and medical procedures than a group in the form of a jury. We know that the pharmaceutical industry and their lawyers will not be unwilling to perjure themselves.

  4. Dr Simone Gold was an actual medical doctor and one of the first to break out; most of the other objectors are retired or people with peripheral degrees of some sort like chiropractors etc. How many actual practicing medical doctors have been prepared to go against their master: Rockerfellas. Probably not even 1%.

  5. How is everyone’s recollection?
    Remember Dr Karen Phelps who as an independent who tossed out Sharma in the federal seat of Wentworth back in the covid days and was a member of our federal parliament for a term.
    Remember how she pushed for economic seekers to get a good life in Australia by laws to bring them from limbo for necessary medical attention. Did they ever have their complaints resolved and were sent back…. Anyone know?
    Then she reported that her partner was severely affected, allegedly due to a mysterious substance injected into her partner.
    A bit of a reported ker-fuffle at the time.
    Not heard anything further since the kerfuffle, for over a year or so from the good doctor.
    I take it that she has resolved her concerns about her partner’s alleged adverse affect from the vaccine and is continuing happily in her practice without any bureaucratic hiccups and has been faithfully administering required boosters to her trusting patients.
    Some is us have memories and a big white board to gaze upon.

  6. Are menthol cigarettes especially hazardous to Covid ? Is that why Joe Biden is trying to ban them ?
    Or is there another nefarious reason?

    • So I guess you must have missed this 5th March post:

      This extract from a largely unfavorable article is also interesting:

      “As early as 15 October 1492 Columbus noted that dried leaves were carried by a man in a canoe near the island of Ferdinandina because they were esteemed for their healthfulness.9 In the same year, two members of his crew observed people in what is now Cuba carrying a burning torch that contained tobacco, the purpose of which (it later emerged) was to disinfect and help ward off disease and fatigue.6 Snuffing of cogioba through the tabaco caused loss of consciousness, Columbus observed, and it is tempting to speculate that this property was used as an anaesthetic for the trepanning operations which were frequent at that time.
      Tobacco, probably mixed with lime or chalk, appears to have been used in these Native American populations as a toothpaste to whiten the teeth, as observed by Nino and Guerra in 1500 and by Vespucci at about the same time in Venezuela.11 This practice continues today in India, where powdered tobacco, or masheri, is rubbed on the teeth for this purpose and tobacco toothpaste is marketed commercially.12
      It was perhaps in 1500 that the notion of tobacco as a panacea became prevalent. In that year, a Portuguese explorer, Pedro Alvarez Cabral, in Brazil, reported the use of the herb betum for treating ulcerated abscesses, fistulas, sores, inveterate polyps and many other ailments, and said it was called the holy herb because of its powerful virtue in desperate cases.6 Also, reports on medicinal use of tobacco by Native American populations continued to emerge in quantity. For example, in 1529, a Spanish missionary priest, Bernadino de Sahagun, collected information from four Mexican physicians about use of tobacco for medicinal purposes. He recorded that breathing the odour of fresh green leaves of the plant relieved persistent headaches. For colds and catarrh, green or powdered leaves should be rubbed around inside the mouth. Diseases of glands in the neck could be cured by cutting out the root of the lesion and placing on it crushed tobacco plant hot and mixed with salt, on the same spot.9
      Later reports of tobacco use by the Native Americans might be less reliable than those from contemporary sources, but in 1934 Fernando Ocaranza summed up the medicinal uses of tobacco in Mexico before 1519 as antidiarrhoeal, narcotic and emollient; he said that tobacco leaves were applied for the relief of pain, used in powdered form for the relief of catarrh and applied locally to heal wounds and burns.6 There are many other reports of medicinal uses of tobacco by precolumbian Native Americans, but the foregoing list is sufficient to indicate the wide usage6,9,13 and to explain why travellers wished to take the plants and seeds back to Europe.

  7. Its all been declining for decades, “profundo” since the advent of the web,
    a bs world of clicks and baits on screens. Now with AI in the digital are we sure we’re talking to real people?

    The goal of the scamdemic was to kill as many people as possible, in order to reduce expenditures for !entitlements’. The shots were poison that is killing millions. This isn’t health care it’s democide (death by government).

    Like it or not, the social credit system is here with the gaystapo snoops and goons entrenched. Every word of our clicks and chats monitored at Gore Hill data control.
    Oz has been destroyed in order to become a cog in their neo-feudalist krown kabal komunist world disorder. We are replaced,
    this invasion has been planned in advance for less than minimum wage korporate slavery.

    Sadly for all, many people are so numb and dumb to the change, too busy trying to keep their heads above water with compounding bills, interest and tax collectors – the vipers den of thieves on all bases loaded.

    All the best to all here, look after your families if you can ‘cause nobody else will.
    🙏 for peace and common sense, and speak truth to youth always.

    • Very weirdly, people still give credit to our so-called leaders who are allowed to go on TV and talk the opposite of the walk. Biden and Blinkin talk about peace while selling weapons for Bibi to do his genocide. Bibi comes out and says sorry for blowing up World Kitchen when he did it deliberately to teach them not to interfere with his final solution. Nobody goes to jail, nobody is even charged, they are free to lie and lie and lie and the M$M gives them the platform. If the public cannot walk away from the liars it means they have an addiction problem. The public will go back again and again to vote red-blue-green-teal because they are addicted to stoopidity. Even after the whole injections scandals of the last few years which everyone knows about, they will keep going back, slackjawed, to the village quack because they are addicted to stoopidity.

      • Joe,
        We are seeing the demolition of the working middle class for the benefit of the investors, similar to all former depressions and recessions, planned by the same ruthless investment class who’s names we dare not mention, as we’re replaced regardless.

  8. Ron Unz discusses the 3rd COVID origin option never considered by MSM media and rarely by Alt Media.
    I think his assessment has definite merit.
    Note interview conducted on February 2 2022 and a lot has unfolded over the last 2 years.

    • Nutritional therapies vs pharmaceuticals.
      HIV-IV Vitamin C
      Attack by Victorian Medical Board
      COVID mismanagement
      Government and Medical corruption
      Covid enquiry will be a whitewash.His letters to Albanese,GG and Health Minister ignored and compromised with association with Gates.Epidemiologist on panel that Dee and myself had interaction with during the plandemic slammed as using corrupted modelling while she ran the show.

        • I watched a minute or so of an American chat show this morning, not sure if I ever saw that chat show before, they had a ten year old kid who had a heart attack on the baseball field and was saved by defibrillators and so forth, the remedy they were supplied was to wear a type of ( brand named ) body armour because a random bump at some specific location and some particular time could cause a heart attack in a ten year old, or so we were told. The kid had a few blotches on his skin, surface blood clots I have seen cleared up with nattokinase. Just another useless eater being culled.

          • Nattokinase,Vit D3,Vit K2,Magnesium,Liposomal Vit C,
            Quercetin,Zinc all part of my daily regime.
            “Commotio cordis most commonly results from an impact to the left chest with a hardball (e.g., a baseball) during sports activity. The sudden focal distortion of the myocardium results in ventricular fibrillation, causing sudden cardiac arrest in an otherwise structurally normal heart. ”
            NFL player Damar Hamlin’s on field cardiac arrest was purported to be due to this phenomenon however vaccine induced myocarditis is more likely as has been the case in many young athletes.

  9. “The Truth-telling Medico Rockstar” “The Show-Stopper from Carlisle” …. Whatever happened to real investigative journalism? Nurse Dr John Campbell was a heavy promoter of the jabs and lockdowns and blamed the unjabbed for filling hospital beds. He’s clearly a Govt/Pharma propaganda agent but it seems most have chosen to forget his history. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SoG4ZNjBgJoc/

    • I’m not a fan of his but he sways the masses by being just a small step in front of them, there’s no point being too far ahead, the dumb ones will think you are a lunatic, only the smart ones can see where you’re going

    • Paul,
      What counts is what he is doing and saying now.
      Some people are listening and learning.
      Others will discourage them by not looking at NOW.
      How many people are now regretting being duped by lies for profits?
      Go to http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – news and scroll the headlines on the continuing affects on those suckers injected, as the genocide continues.
      The point is what is Campbell now doing to inform and save lives?

      • I respectfully disagree. He had a big YT audience and was continuously regurgitating Govt propaganda, jabs are the answer, safe & effective, the unjabbed are anti-social & anti-community. Watch his YT vids from 2021/2022 and see exactly what he was doing while getting rich in the process. What he’s doing now is scare-mongering, setting the stage for the next plandemic. He is NOT on the side of truth, he’s a well paid asset of the establishment.

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