The biblical drone version (Ezekiel) v the insert (2024) drone which has rotating lights within the circle of lights.
Commentary by Dee McLachlan
“…We have not seen any unusual activity. We Know of no threat. We know of no nefarious activity. I want to repeat that. … It’s very common for individuals who think they see small drones to actually see small aircraft…” Alejandro Mayorkas thinks the people of America are just plain stupid.
People all across New Jersey and other states are reporting the drone sightings. Jason A produced a video with many of these reports. The drones were first reported around November 18, 2024 in Morris and Hunterdon counties and the sightings have only increased.
A report from Epoch Times: “Mystery Drones Swarms Spread to Maryland” ‘The American people deserve answers and action now,’ former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said.
“The mysterious drone swarms that have been seen over New Jersey over the past month have now spread to Maryland, an unnamed FBI official confirmed in a December 14 press call. ‘Like many who have observed these drones, I do not know if this increasing activity over our skies is a threat to public safety or national security,’ Hogan wrote in an accompanying post. The government has the ability to track these from their point of origin but has mounted a negligent response. People are rightfully clamoring for answers, but aren’t getting any.’ … ‘I don’t want to cause alarm and panic, but we can’t ignore the sightings that have been there ‘…”
Possible Theories
Theories are popping up about these so-called drones. It’s the Chinese? Like the spy balloon. A Chinese citizen living in Los Angeles has been arrested for droning above a Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. With Biden’s Chinese connection, it could be that the Chinese have been given a green light to surveil portions of the States as a beta-test of some sort. If it was Iran, the Pentagon would have tracked down the Iranian “mothership” within hours.
It seems absolutely absurd that Mayorkis and the Pentagon have no clue as to their presence. They have the ability to read a car’s number plate in Afghanistan, and then claim they have no idea of the hundreds of things (some reported as large as cars and buses) scooting over American suburbs. Give me break!
This leads to a number of options:
(a) It’s a Deep State exercise (i.e., a black-op project which cannot be declared to Congress) — hence the denials and dismissive attitude of Mayorkis et al. It could be a black-op (Biden-approved) social NWO project with China that had to be fast-tracked because of the incoming presidency.
(b) It’s a False Flag — a slow-burn operation to disrupt the incoming President. A variation of the FF Alien Invasion that has been talked about for years. If this is so, expect drones to be reported all across America through January. (They would have to put these UAP in other countries too, to not attract suspicion.) The “disclosure” of a so-called alien race monitoring earth would be a complete disrupter to the incoming DJT presidency. E.g., cancellation of the inauguration?
(c) You remember the train carrying hazardous materials derailing ‘event’ in East Palestine, Ohio? To consider: A drone the size of a car could disperse a toxin payload that could eliminate the population of an entire county. Could this threat be used to blackmail the incoming President? The Deep State has tried to link DJT to sexual abuse (in Epstein fashion) and that failed. They have hypnotized a nation to hate him; they have tried law-fare to jail him; they have tried to kill him — all failed. What’s left? Blackmail. “You better do as we say, or we will release the toxin-drones.”
(d) It could be a “They’re Russian drones” FF — this to fire up a nuclear war in early January.
(e) It could be a Deep State exercise in conjunction with an off-planet (or inter-dimensional) race — i.e., the global “controllers”.
(f) Could the drones and strange objects (and orbs) be appearing as a result of a glitch in the dimensions — i.e., two or more dimensions melding?
(g) Could this be as a result of a time warp in the universe — i.e., time folding back from the future? (I watched Terminator: Dark Fate last night.)
(h) A special FX black-ops experiment using unknown holographic projection technology — like a holographic HAARP-style exercise — to test humanity’s reaction.
(i) It could simply be the advanced monitoring of humanity by the off-planet alien race — checking up or doing an ‘audit’ on their ‘global farm’ called earth. Why are the Mayorkis et al not concerned? Do they have knowledge of this ‘audit’ and instructed not to interfere? Or,
(j) A massive distraction or ‘normalization’ physiological exercise.
It appears the human race is extremely vulnerable to new technologies. Who gains from this theatrics? Any further ideas?
As per Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”
Anyway, my guess is the show is only starting.
UPDATE: (17/12/2024)
Gates Insider Admits ‘War Drones’ Are Spraying Chemtrails Over America
Hi Dee.
I’m hoping you can help. i’m looking for the transcript by allan? about Port Arthur.
Thanks you, nick
Apologies, Keith Allan Noble
Quite a good explanation by Chase Hughes
Attention all school teachers, mums and dads.
Time to wake up your students and children.
If you do not we, can presume your intellect and/0r where you stand.
C 4.50 pm
This man has excellent advise that can help those who do not want to be deceived by any news. These flying things create a distraction and a sensation, so a good question to ask is: What new bills are they trying to put through now?
RELATED: from 6 minutes on this expose(“somebody wants this myth to live”
what better way to distract the hoi poloi from what the Roswell crash ACTUALLY revealed than to throw a few hints about “aliens” around – an idea that was naturally a good deal less disturbing to swallow
X22 thinks they have it figured out . So does Juan O’Savin .
The January 6 committee has released it’s bombshell report :
And just for fun , more proof the Boston Bombing was faked ,
why I don’t know :
Can you manage a minute or two on the Boston bombing?
Now how about telling us about the ‘uniformed’ guys delivering and leaving the back pack for the saucepan and back pack to be Blownup’💁🤪🤪🤪
Are you ‘representing’ any other innocent persons these days? ⚖️
C 4.48 pm
Looks like the boss told everyone to go on holidays 2 weeks early.
Don’t call us before Australia day and after that we’ll call you.
Every camping ground from Mallacoota to Mt Gambier pre-booked.
The Victorian treasurer has quit the job the whole place set to go off a cliff.
They can still sell the Australian dream to young Indian and Asian students.
The medical hoodoo is still funded not sure how much longer.
Remember last time Jeff Kennett charged everyone $100 if they had a letterbox.
A bedsitter charged the same as a mansion in Kew, to save the economy.
The scourge of Lib-Lab destroying Australian manufacturing.
Listen to Mary Below, just the right time for some disappearances and no one will miss any of them.
Relax Joe, Al is floating around supervising🙀🔥🔥🕙⚖️💁🤪🤷♂️
Federal government agrees we are doomed
Better just buy one mini-nucular power station for Canberra
The only fast-growing place in Australia
Time to do some homework lib-lab-green-teal voters
All those Teals Party and randoms like Senator Paymen and Thorpe are not up for re-election this time round they have 6 year terms
Real Mary has so many news snippets and reports it is a matter for readers to take YOUR TIME TO CONSIDER and consider the real world reports.
Note that Dr Bay and the QLD SC decision is reported.
Just go to.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
There are about the usual 20 reports, some old and some bs.
The bastards do not record dates at times and rumble’s ads are nauseous to be skipped,
But Real Mary, as usual puts many on notice to THINK. Those who do not bother to listen have a blankie to pull over too large for their useful
C 6.22
Yes, awaiting moderation because my little finger fell on go before I fixed the typo for my name.
Bugger if to repeat, I have chops to bbq.
A variety of footage and not much talking heads, goes faster on 1.25 speed
I did check out bitchute and rumble, nothing much happening there.
In the splash picture here you can see a highlight, some crashed thing.
These must be Biden / Camel drones, all boring weirdness from Dem quarter
Biden / Camel have the inside information, real UFOs are coming to pick them up and throw them into geysers on Venus but the Democrat Party wants us to snore through it all while they transplant their Camel double who has been trained up to take over in California. Well they have me snoring so it’s working so far.
You will not be snoring after following my comment below. I.e. IF YOU TAKE ANY HEED!
5.36 AM
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. People powered news.
Have you forgotten Kilary already?
12.42 PM
‘Cash Patel – the end game’
http://beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Twenty mins from say, 30 to 50.
Best ALTERNATIVE-S that could make sense and tick the boxes. The biggie is the ‘SNIFF’ agenda…… first up after 30 mins.🔥
SICK OF DRONES? Then go to the start and for a great Clinton ‘GOTCHA’ from 11 mins for awhile.
Joe, no Thor🤷♂️🙀 but a few parcels of ‘Q’ for Simon to decipher🤪
5.20 AM
BUGGER- IMPORTANT-repeat reference to duck the radar and sniffing c—-or💁🤪
Waiting for 5.20 comment to appear.
Link sent to Dee for Cash Patel – end game at …….. usual.
Seriously worthwhile from 30-50 mins and heaps of Clinton ‘gotcha’ for a few from 11mins.
5.30 AM
Above video:
Gates Insider Admits ‘War Drones’ Are Spraying Chemtrails Over America
11.54 AM
“As a professional astrophysicist about 99% of what people would report to me as UFOs I could explain as natural phenomena, a hoax, or secret government military activity. But there’s a 1% residual that falls in a different category and these would be UFO phenomena that observers report that violate the laws of physics whilst leaving physical evidence, indicating that they are real phenomena”
“there are a couple of thousand cases documented where the UFO goes through the atmosphere, crashes into the Earth and at the crash site you see a crater. If
there’s snow it has melted and the vegetation is consistently damaged but there’s never any aircraft debris; there’s no artifacts. If it was a physical craft
crashing into the Earth you’d be able to recover some debris and artifacts, but
the fact that you see a crater and melted snow and damaged vegetation means
that something real caused it. So we’re dealing with non-physical reality or what the french astrophysicist Jack Valle refers to as ‘inter-dimensional phenomena’.
He’s not a(bible) believer but that was his conclusion. We’re dealing with a
phenomena that’s operating in dimensions other than those of the (physical) universe”
Just like the alleged plane crash hole on 911 in Pennsylvaniia
11.47 AM
“a phenomena that’s operating in dimensions other than those of the (physical) universe”
But the wind sure is and everyone can see/feel the effect. Everyone can see how powerful and destructive it can be, but everyone knows it has no physical form. Everyone knows that it can be tracked and traced to some extent but that it’s not something that can be captured
Alien UFO Invasion ? – ‘Prof’ Simon Holland
How to make our Abrams tank crews feel safe.
The new crew volunteers should be made up of our politicians and defence bureaucrats…… to keep our country safe.
Idiots we do not need anyway.
11.19 AM
Dee, at 29 secionds it looks like Don has donned Biden’s mask by mistake.
And what’s with the dark blue eyes?
Never mind. As for the SCOTUS ruling on immunity for official acts, it is so ludicrous and illegal that people accept it. Credo quia absurdum. — Tertullian
P.S. They say Trudeau is going to resign tomorrow. Practically before he has graduated high school.
There are rumors Trump’s visit to Canada was about merging the U.S. and Canada into one country with Trump as Mr Prez and the new capitol to be located in Winnipeg .
Time will tell.
The German government has collapsed.
Larry Johnson : Trump and Ukraine
So the Canadian Castro fellow is likely to follow Germany?
Stuffed if we peasants know anything.
Anyway for 500,O00 missing children per mayor Adam’s. in a early report we can get to drones and dirty bombs with a bit of dated blue beam mystery from 55 mins with the real Mary at situation update at:
http://www.beforeit’snews.com- people powered news
Whatever, it is all up in the Northern hemisphere and I am off to Melbourne as per the film: “On the beach’’ ? with …..? and Ava to await the end of the world
which is the only suitable place to be when it ends….. as the film exposes and Dan has prepared.
Fun disasters on the news tonight SBS.
C6.43 pm
Well, we have tried to warn you pagans, atheists, naysayers and idolatry misfits.
He’s BACK.
Better go see at before it’s news.com and see how they are reacting in Jerusalem
Hradinnincludes 19 million muslims etc..
I am up to 7 mins MM, so you should get the idea.
I told you about blue beam💁🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Time 10.22 PM
My typos suggest that I am just a lert but not a larma. (apols JWH)
Scary scam🤪🤷♂️
Well, the reports I put up –
At about 10 22 of Christ ? appearing has disappeared from here.
Scam? The presenter sounded too prepared💁
Well the ABC can tell us in the morning.
1054 PM
Unidentified Animal Phenomenon
OK – 8.5💁
Trump’s mother worked in the household of Andrew Carnegie
Turdeau’s deputy PM and Finance Minister resigns
Trump’s mother worked in the household of Andrew Carnegie
Can’t seem to get my cut and paste working sometimes lately
They have a whole section on ClimateCrisis in this extreme far-left newspaper, the Carbon Dioxide (0.04%) is wreaking havoc !!!
To all plants and plankton depending on CO2 for life: HOW DARE YOU
Bugger, can’t seem to find “Jump Justin Jump” anywhere
Time to give up
Joe, use this instead:
“Everyone has problems, and personally, I don’t care”
from Alice Cooper “Elected” about 50 years ago
A report at BIN, some official claims ‘the Biden’ is dead.
What’s new?
G5 told us that ages ago.
Conspiracy theorists could be in fo some distraction.
All fun, I think II will join Joe’s Alice Cooper🤷♂️
Even the latest x22report.com was fun, before it blacked out.
4.03 pm
Ukraine Assassinates Russian General w/fmr CIA Analyst LARRY JOHNSON
I have noted that there are allegedly 18 theories on the drones.
One includes government drones investigating alien drones/orbs.
Another is government searching for. Radiation hot spots and the Israel embassy/consul gets a kookaburra stamp.
Nothing I can guess or do about it all. Let me know if anyone at GS can come up with number 19.
As for the Middle East, – FIIDLESTICKS!🙀🤷♂️ who cares?
No show for number 19 below at 4.22 ++
4.50 pm
Sacrificing Liberty -The Movie-4 hrs 15 mins.
Scott Ritter : Putin’s Syrian Strategy
The opening of real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE AT:
http://beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
WHO ALLEGEDLY bought 9,000 drones and company for entertainment.
💁make something of that🤪
Do not expect me to refer to the rest of Mary and Joe’s uncle Val…. Not there yet.
4.22 PM
Where is my 4.22 comment?
Re opening section of Real Mary WTPN at bin?
I Win – number 19.💁
4.30 PM 🤷♂️
Trump is playing dumb on the drones even though he is being briefed on them .
Heard an interesting theory that the drones are also part psyop and our government is testing us to see our reaction to it .
So much from real Mary at her WTPN UPDATE AT:
One historic example:
1.03 to the end… less than seven minutes for you MM and……..🙀
Has ANYONE in Australia realised who is running our country and mass media … serious gullible dumbos!. Stay out of it.
As an aside, message received late this afternoon for interstate rail passengers on one? Service tomorrow. BRING CASH…🤷♂️ card system may be down.
7.48 PM
Memo: for AM riding instructions for 19th December 2024.
It is now approaching the tipping point in our campaign to regretfully, again have ton lie to, distract and misinform our readers, viewers and radio outlets for our sponsor’s agendas.
You have all done well thus far, but take note that everyone has to stay awake and on your game.
We are all now on the line, for all our careers, income and futures.
Everyone is required to listen to another internet attempt to dethrone our efforts.
You are required to listen to another attempt challenging our efforts and memorise the rebuttals in the talking points that have been provided to you.
The latest video to be rebutted is linked into your services.
For those travelling to their posts for the day listen to:
( http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news)
You have your notes as to how to vilify and mock all callers that may think they are smart arses. It is imperative that your staff filter out any caller attempting to raise matters covered by the ‘And We know’ program.
Remember our motto:
Your Christmas bonuses will arrive next week.
10.07 💁🤪
COL. Douglas Macgregor : America’s Next War of Choice
General Kirillov’s death,46 Ukrainian BSL3 labs and organ trafficking.
Christians being decapitated in Syria.
Are we on the brink of another catastrophic conflict? In this must-watch conversation, Col. Douglas Macgregor delivers an unflinching analysis of America’s relentless pursuit of war. From reckless foreign policies to the hidden agendas driving Washington’s decisions, Macgregor exposes the alarming truth behind what could become America’s next war of choice.
What’s happening in the Middle East will effect us all.
The Israel/Ukraine connection
The silence from Congress re the drone situation and the creeping police state.
What’s really driving President Biden’s foreign policy decisions? In this eye-opening conversation, former CIA officer Phil Giraldi dissects the hidden motives and external pressures shaping America’s global agenda. From the military-industrial complex to powerful lobbying groups, Giraldi pulls back the curtain on the forces steering Biden’s marching orders
This guy thinks he knows what’s going on with the drones .
Something radioactive got lost and the drones are looking for it .
This still leaves many questions begging:
Jump forward to 1:45
Truthfully, I’d like to see him hang. No mask, no drop, just pull him up slowly, and let him stare bug-eyed into the camera. Then leave him to rot while the crows pick at his corpse. – Then drag out Ardern. Although it’s so ugly (bug-eyed, buck-toothed) that probably nobody would notice a change until it stopped kicking.
We can then start on the Aussies.
Globalists will take it all on the chin unless there is a “corruption of the blood” clause to wipe out their bloodline
Ian Proud – (fmr British Diplomat to Russia) : NATO Building An Arsenal.
RIP Leunig, some anti-va666 stuff after 2:30
If anyone is not all droned out and radiated yet, just listen to Real Mary at situation update PTPN at Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news from about 26 mins followed by the redacted crew.
I have previously mentioned the project ‘BLUE BEAM’ scenario.
interesting that years ago the radiation event was discussed forecasting the present.
No idea. leave it the Thor💁🙀🤪🤪🤪
Seems Melbourne has been forgotten as an end time scenario…..they could not even handle an Olympic event and Dan may have Ben beamed up with his WEF mates.?
9.58 PM