Home World Politics The Ukraine Crisis Points to a New Opportunity for European Nations

The Ukraine Crisis Points to a New Opportunity for European Nations


By James O’Neill*

The Russian move into the Donbass region to protect the overwhelmingly Russian speaking population of these regions has as expected been grossly misrepresented by the English-speaking media, including here in Australia. European politicians have also been very quick to denounce the move and threaten further sanctions on Russia. All of this was anticipated by the Russians and they have been careful to put their retaliatory mechanisms in place in anticipation of just such a western reaction.

Among the more hypocritical responses have come from those countries who denounce the Russian move as defeating the Minsk accords. Such a reaction completely ignores the fact that the Minsk agreements, signed by Ukraine in 2008, have been consistently ignored by them ever since. The Ukrainian president Zelensky has even stated quite bluntly that he does not accept those accords and has no intention of complying with them.

Part of the problem lies with the French and German governments, who were also signatories to the Minsk agreements.  For the past eight years the governments of those two countries have consistently ignored Ukraine’s blatant ignoring of the agreements. It is the height of hypocrisy for them to now denounce Russia for having destroyed that agreement.

It is true that Russian moves have destroyed the Minsk agreement. But it is the height of hypocrisy to denounce that move when the agreement has been so consistently and continuously ignored by the Ukrainian government.

It always needs to be remembered that the Ukrainian government itself lacks legitimacy. It came to power as a result of an American engineered coup against its legitimately elected president. He was forced to flee for his life. The country has been ruled ever since by a blatantly fascist government with the explicit support of European governments who profess to distrust and oppose any fascist government. Memories of European fascism and the damage to Europe up to an including World War 2 should be uppermost in most people’s minds.

Instead, this blatantly anti-democratic government has been tolerated and supported by the West ever since the coup. It should never be forgotten that the coup was engineered by Victoria Nuland, a rabidly anti-Russian American who first appeared under the Obama government, when the coup happened, and to this day maintains a senior position in the United States government.

The two Donbass governments (and that of Crimea) did not accept the fascist government that took control in Kiev, and declared their independence. That was not accepted by the Ukraine government which has ever since waged war against its own citizens. They have survived, not least because of the support offered by the Russian government, but at the cost of at least 12,000 lives of their citizens.

The Donbass has been the subject of repeated shelling by the Ukrainian forces, of whom at least 150,000 are massed on the Dombass border. In recent days the shelling has been increased, causing the Donbass governments to evacuate at least 40,000 of their citizens, mainly women, children and older persons to Russia. Again, the relentless shelling of the Dombass has been largely ignored by the western media, and they have certainly never detailed the level of Dombass casualties.

All of that is not expected to change. The Russians have moved their Armed Forces up to the border between the Dombass and the rest of Ukraine, and have made it clear that they are there to support and protect the Dombass citizens. As the Russians have vastly superior firepower at their disposal it is expected that there will be a marked diminution of Ukrainian firepower into the Dombass. Frankly, for them to continue their actions would be suicidal.

As noted, the leaders of the European Union have made threatening noises about what they will do to Russia’s economy in response to the effective Russian takeover of the two republics.  These threats are unlikely to cause the Russians any loss of sleep. The Russians currently account for 40% of Europe’s energy supply, notwithstanding the blatant subservience to United States pressure against bringing Nord Stream 2 online.

If the Europeans cut off that supply, as some of the more idiotic Brussels hierarchy are threatening, it is Europe that will suffer. There will be an obvious loss of income for Russia, but they have ample financial reserves of at least $600 billion, as well as several alternative markets to the East. It will be interesting to see how long the political posturing in Brussels is maintained while its citizens slowly freeze and the economies shut down from the loss of Russian energy.

The Americans envisage selling their considerably more expensive gas as an alternative to the Europeans, but (a) there is not enough of it to replace the Russians; and (b) Europeans do not want to pay the vastly greater prices the United States is demanding.

One good thing that would emerge from this crisis is an increased awareness among the Europeans of the true cost of being America’s poodles and acting against their own interests. As unlikely as it may seem in the current anti-Russian hysteria gripping the continent, in the longer term it may have the advantage of promoting an independent Europe free of the long post-war shackles imposed by the Americans.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. That is the first of O’Neil’s articles that parallels my own observations. Perhaps global tyranny is forcing us all to see the same ball in the same game. A silver lining, I guess. A welcome one to my way of thinking. We all need to be on the same page during this, humanity’s greatest ever crisis of survival.

    I hope nobody takes offense if I add a couple of sideline observations.

    The Green Movement, which no nation in the world sucked up to so sweetly as the gullible breast-beating Germans, has forced green energy on the nation, and also the decommissioning of the Nuclear Power Plants. ‘Pro-nuclear’ never mentions the cost of decommissioning, which is massive.

    So, one way or the other, electricity in Germany is extremely expensive, a big deal when you can freeze to death without it.

    Nordstream one and two can bring affordable electricity to Germans. However, this will inevitably create a marriage between German technological expertise and Russian resources, which has all the bench marks of a marriage made in heaven.

    Guess who gets left out in the cold?… Uncle Sam shivering from the icy grip of a collapsed petrodollar, and regarded as repugnant by citizens of Europe who want an end to injected fascism, propagated oligarchy, and overpriced American energy sales spiels. Did I forget to mention internecine war?

    Meanwhile, the UK, for reasons only the City of London could understand, has played propaganda poodle for a decade, blaming Russia for a series of amateurishly fabricated outrages.

    What all of this comes down to is that if Germany and Russia marry, the US is finished. That is why psychos like Blinkin and Nuland will risk anything to force Russia to go to war, to alienate Germans, and permit the American Empire to control the Russian-Euro land mass, including energy sales.

    I am just guessing here, but I suspect the Churchillian City of London is plotting to pick up the batten when America falls and, once again, becomes the British Empire, at least until the next glorious nuclear sunset.

    I would have thought that it would be in England’s interest to let the US fail, however, it too fears a German and Russian alliance, which would kill Churchillian dreams forever.

    • Tony – a reasonable assessment of the current situation. You will find out in due course that the British Empire, like the Roman Empire, did not collapse but simply morphed into the shadows as the real controllers of this world, and for the ‘history’ that ‘they’ have indoctrinated us all with.

      The Queen is about to curl her toes up, while Andrew, with his ‘undisclosed’ amount of bribe money that some of my sources suggest, was twelve million quid, to keep his chief accuser from exposing even more damaging info, not just about him, but the whole rotten to the core so called, ‘royal’ family, is simply playing the boy and the leaking dyke.

      Much will be exposed over the coming weeks and months, as to how the ‘royals’ are simply the public face for the real controllers of this planet, and that the major players in this year of the Great Awakening, like Trump, Putin and Xi, are only too aware of.

      • The Euro royals are all one big happy family and have been involved in various Globalist ventures for many generations. ( Maybe not always a happy family, but “it’s a big family and you ain’t in it” ).

      • No doubt about who’ll ACTUALLY be compelled to cough up the 12 mill – chump change in the scheme of things but flagrantly contemptuous no less

        The question that’s left begging: Is his black adder-style idiot-persona really him or a facade ?
        As debauchery is synonymous with brain rot it’s hard to say – I can’t help but think of Victoria’s PR grooming, a manoeuvre that obviously had an inbuilt expiry date

  2. The other pipeline was to go from Qatar or some such place through Jordan, Syria and whatever to deliver to the Mediterranean, whatever happened to that !!! Well, a few years ago (before Trump) Putin sent his battleship down and parked it off the coast of Damascus. Hillary and Obama were scared, ran away and demolished Libya instead.
    Now cheeky Putin has put his new Nordstrom pipeline through to Germany in record time. Friends of Dick Cheney are going to be very grumpy indeed. This is not really about the US, it is about parasites like Bushs, Cheney and the gang. They would love to get a base in Ukraina and control the Black Sea, since Putin’s navy is strangled in there, all they have to do is accidentally jam up the strait through Turkey and Putin can’t get out. Woops !!! This would happen just when they needed to do Iran. When was Iran ever off the table ???

  3. With huge military amounts of US equipment/soldiers in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz stops the certification of Nord stream 2. (Paywall article)
    5 hours ago,DWN: “Energiepreis-Schock und Inflation: Ab jetzt wird es für Deutschland sehr, sehr schwierig”. “ From now on it will be very, very difficult for Germany”.
    A chock to energy prices and inflation rates. Russian Medwedew said: “Europeans, welcome to the new world, you will now have to pay 2000 Euros for 1000 cub met of gas.”

    • Looks like all those Turks might be bailing out and there will be plenty of empty rental flats.
      Industrialists won’t care, they have all gone to robotics by now, they are part of “Swissy”.

      • New US/EU sanctions on Ru?

        If Ru were to send only, say 50% of gas to Winter-Germany via Nord Stream 1, I bet Scholz will tell Sleepy Jo and others to slow sanctions!
        4 days ago a huge explosion of a major gas pipeline was reported, just to the east of the city of Lugansk.
        Who done it?
        (Is it reasonable to think that Putin’s Russia blew it up, knowing what was going to happen 2 days later? If this pipe line carried Gas from Ru to Ukraine and on to parts of Europe, it would make US/EU sanctions on Ru more difficult to plan for?)

        (Nord Stream 1 goes from Vyborg Ru (close to Finland) to Greifswald Germany
        N.S. 2 goes from Ust-Luga Ru (close to Estonia) to Greifswald)

    • New US/EU sanctions on Ru?

      If Ru were to send only, say 50% of gas to Winter-Germany via Nord Stream 1, I bet Scholz will tell Sleepy Jo and others to stop sanctions!
      4 days ago a huge explosion of a major gas pipeline was reported, just to the east of the city of Lugansk.
      Who done it?
      (Is it reasonable to think that Putin’s Russia blew it up, knowing what was going to happen 2 days later? If this pipe line carried Gas from Ru to Ukraine and on to parts of Europe, it would make US/EU sanctions on Ru more difficult to plan for?

      (Nord Stream 1 goes from Vyborg Ru (close to Finland) to Greifswald Germany
      N.S. 2 goes from Ust-Luga Ru (close to Estonia) to Greifswald)

    • New US/EU sanctions on Ru?
      What if Ru were to send only say 50% of gas to Winter-Germany via Nord Stream 1, I bet Scholz will ask Sleepy Jo and others to slow sanctions!
      4 days ago a huge explosion of a major gas pipeline was reported, just to the east of the city of Lugansk.
      (Is it reasonable to think that Putin’s Russia blew it up, knowing what was going to happen 2 days later? If this pipe line carried Gas from Ru to Ukraine and on to parts of Europe, it would make US/EU sanctions on Ru more difficult to plan for??

      (Nord Stream 1 runs from Vyborg Ru (close to Finland) to Greifswald, Germany
      N.S. 2 goes from Ust-Luga Ru (close to Estonia) to Greifswald)

    • foffa gremlin… Scholz is a typical Eurotrash bureaucrat, too spinless to adopt a leadership role and call the US bluff. The Krauts will pay dearly for bending over for Biden.

  4. In keeping with the fact that almost everybody seems to have his own definition of Communism, we are going to give you ours, and then we will attempt to prove to you that it is the only valid one. Communism: AN INTERNATIONAL, CONSPIRATORIAL DRIVE FOR POWER ON
    THE PART OF MEN IN HIGH PLACES WILLING TO USE ANY MEANS TO BRING ABOUT THEIR DESIRED AIM – GLOBAL CONQUEST.  You will notice that we did not mention Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, bourgeois, proletariat or dialectical materialism. We said nothing of the pseudo-economics or political philosophy of the Communists. These are the TECHNIQUES of Communism and should not be confused with the Communist conspiracy itself. We did call it an international conspiratorial drive for power. Unless we understand the conspiratorial nature of Communism, we don’t understand it at all. —– Gary Allen, None dare call it conspiracy


    “Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism.” —(The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).

  5. “But the revolution, of which communism is one expression, intends to overthrow sovereigns not because they may be corrupt or tyrannical, but because they are hierarchically inserted in a cosmos that is essentially Catholic, and thus antiethical to Marxism. The deception, the colossal deception…. consists in forcing the good guys….. to remain imprisoned in rules and laws which vice-versa the bad guys use in fraudem legis. It is as if they understood our weakness: that is, that we, despite all our defects, are religiously and socially directed towards respect for the law, to obedience to authority, to honouring our word, and to acting with honour and loyalty. By means of this virtuous weakness of ours, they guarantee from us obedience and submission, and, at the most, respectful resistance and prudent disobedience…….we must refuse to engage in a duel with an adversary who dictates the rules to which only we must comply, while leaving himself free to break them. Ignore him.”

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

    • “As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY.”—- 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College

      • Islam and Christianity don’t reject what has gone before, they incorporate it to suit themselves, so your guy is wrong. They have the same in the East, there were I think 25 super-gurus before Buddha and the one immediately preceding was Mahavira who is still popular.

        • Love conquers all –


          “……The widely-published Rabbi Dr. Dan Cohn-Sher-bok, professor of Jewish history at the University of Wales (Lampeter) and author of The Paradox of Anti-Semitism (2006), says in an interview with the Independent(U.K.), March 19, 2006 (available online) that: “Jews need enemies in order to survive. . . . [I]n the absence of Jew-hatred, Judaism is undergoing a slow death. . . . We want to be loved, and we want Judaism to survive intact. . . . [T]hese are incompatible desires. . . . Why do we endure? Because we’re hated.” (Emphases added.)…..

          “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?….” Matt 5:44-46

          • Jews hate Christ, a descendant of Shem in the flesh, therefore the Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan and anti-Semitic.

          • Speaking of incompatible desires, it’s pretty clear that your hatred of “jews” is not going to go away no matter how much you read the bible

          • w3, hatred is not good for your health. Out of love for my fellow man I merely expose the Talmudists hatred of Christ and Christians.

          • Revelation 2:9-10
            New King James Version

            9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

  6. So sorry to distract and get back to the Ukraine💁
    The latest X22Report.com episode 2709B has plenty of enlightenment on the Ukraine manoeuvres.
    Bloody brilliant chess game.
    By the way, I hear that despite a UN request years back under Moon (?) the Ukraine have not defined their borders.
    Which reminds me, has Israel🙊
    The Canadian dictatorship is also examined….. yep the deep state cannot help continually digging it’s hole. Uncle Dan, Morrison et. Al. should take note; that war crime weapon used in Canberra is a serious exposure of what we are to face following Canada with the WEF acolytes conditioned by Klaus, if we do not wake up

    • x22 commented that no Western leader has spoken up in favour of the Canadian protesters or to condemn the Globalist-Turdeau dictatorship, and says only Iran has done so.
      I won’t hold my breath waiting for Australia to chime in, since they would probably happily kill the Canberra protesters if it wasn’t so darned illegal.

  7. http://black.greyfalcon.us

    “The Thule Society has, so I’m told, a huge base in Antarctica as well, which also is the place where the secret man-made UFOs are taken into space. They even have plans to make Antarctica a sovereign state in the near future, a state outside of the One World Government. The Vril Society, in control of Vril Power, and the Thule Gesellschaft are tightly interwoven. The Vril Society is actually the Inner Circle of Thule and they work with the U.S. Government and have done so since the end of WW II when German Thule and Vril members were secretly moved over to the United States in a project called “Operation Paperclip”.

    The Vril Society
    “First a little background on the Vril Society. This is what is told to the general public in Wikipedia”:

    “The Vril Society was founded as “The All German Society for Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the “hidden masters” of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force itself. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system.”

    “There are two secret societies that have been working in unison – the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society. Those who know anything at all about how Hitler rose to power have heard about them both, because they influenced the political climate in Germany behind the scenes and were the forces that helped bringing The Führer to power.
    At that time, they wanted to ring in the 3rd Reich, where Hitler would be the leader. Although many of Hitler’s (and the Priesthood’s) goals were reached during WW II (the creation of the UN and the migration of Jews to Israel to mention two of the goals they accomplished), the mission only took the Internationalists so far. Now is their time to ring in the 4th Reich, which will be the final One World Government.”

    • https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+13:13-15&version=NKJV

      Therefore I will shake the heavens, And the earth will move out of her place, In the wrath of the Lord of hosts And in the day of His fierce anger. It shall be as the hunted gazelle, And as a sheep that no man takes up; Every man will turn to his own people, And everyone will flee to his own land. Everyone who is found will be thrust through, And everyone who is captured will fall by the sword.

    • We thought it was funny when they said the Mayan calendar ended on 12.12.2012:
      “December 12 – The DPRK successfully launched the satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 Unit 2.
      December 14 – Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Twenty-eight people, including the gunman, are killed in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.”
      Lots of explostions of all types incl DPRK atom bomb and Boston Marathon; change of pope and:
      “February 21 – American scientists use a 3D printer to create a living lab-grown ear from collagen and animal ear cell cultures. In the future, it is hoped that similar ears could be grown to order as transplants for human patients suffering from ear trauma or amputation.”
      From NASA:
      “The Mayan connection “was a misconception from the very beginning,” says Dr. John Carlson, director of the Center for Archaeoastronomy. “The Maya calendar did not end on Dec. 21, 2012, and there were no Maya prophecies foretelling the end of the world on that date.”
      Well maybe it was actually 2021 and someone switched it



    Russia and china especially, through their rejection of allowing Rothschild Central Banks to control their nation have made themselves the enemy of world Jewry by stymying their quest for a Jewish controlled world government.

    As all manner of subterfuge to remove these main two stumbling blocks has so far failed the Jews must resort to a war in which of course other people than themselves will do the fighting – “Wars are the Jews harvest”.

    Jews Control America


    The Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, and Warburgs of Hamburg are primary holders of the Federal Reserve Bank.


    • China made its deal with the Rothschild and Rockefeller bankers 15 years ago, and Putin established detente with Israel at least two years a go and is pumping mRNA as badly as anyone else.

      I see dumb and vicious villians and clever villians, but no heros..

      Wake up guys. Nobody is going to save us. Australians will either save themselves or be exterminated within 15 years. Fuellmich is pure theatre.

      My money is on extermination because not enough have yet realised this is WWIII, fight or be poisoned; kill or be killed.

      In Darwin, 650 small business owners still believe that by spending tens of thousands of dollars on a legal challenge they will force the politicians to capitulate. What they need is to hire a hacker to discover how much judges have been paid.

      As with the politicians and bureaucrats, we are talking around $25 million to go along with the dictatorship, and a very nasty death if they fail. 12 foreign leaders have been killed already. Hundreds of doctors have died or disappeared.

      Dutton has $300 million in his bank account. Gladys, $25 million. All cooperating pollies have been well paid, and all have been told death awaits anyone who does a guts-drop.

      Now, what have the good citizens got to offer that tops these offers and payouts. Zilch.

      So far, a mere handful of Australians understand the situation we are in and I do not think it is possible that 40% will wake up and fight in time.

      • All Wars are Bankers Wars, a 3rd world war is inevitable

        Putin Declares “Total Independence” From Rothschild NWO Banking Cabal Which Began In 2006


        Central Bank of China

        In 1923, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, National Father of the Republic of China, promoted the establishment of the Central Bank of China (the Bank) with the primary goal of financing national developments. The Bank was inaugurated in Canton in the following year. Since then the Bank developed with a vision to be in line with the modern concept of central banking. In December 1949, the Bank relocated with the government from Mainland China to Taipei, and in 1961, resumed its operations there. On November 8, 1979, the newly revised Central Bank of China Act was promulgated. While the Bank has since been under the Executive Yuan (Cabinet), its independent role in making monetary policy has not been changed. Renminbi – people together coin.


        • “All wars are Bankers wars”


          Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.”

          Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”

          This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal.

          “They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

          It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke.

          Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation………………”


          • Don’t know why sometimes it works without the XXXX
            Anyway it’s David Icke starts off about lizards then settles down to more worldly stuff

  9. I wonder in this ‘chess’ game if Russia and China have allowed the psychopaths of the West to do their ‘Great Reset’. To destroy the middle class, to destroy the economic system, to create famine with supply chain collapse and the reduction of growing seasons from the Grand Solar Minimum.

    As clowns like Claus Schwab waffle on about their great plans, all the while destroying the productive base that parasites like him rely upon, there may be others that are several moves ahead of fools like him.

    • Further to my above comments, both Russia and China have been accumulating large stores of both silver and gold. As recent events in Canada have shown, if your ‘money’ is in the technological/plastic money system, it can be shut off on the whim of a tyrant.

      If you were a producer and a Chinese individual offered you precious metals for your crop, which ‘money’ would you take?

      Further, the Chinese have been stockpiling heaps of grains and legumes. Not so in the West, they have been selling the food to the Chinese. – Protect yourself, nobody else will…

  10. The crisis is about Germany, relative to a pipeline that connects it to Russia called Nord Stream 2. In a world where these two nations are friends, there is no need for US military bases, NATO or wars.

    Ukraine is ancestral Khazaria, where there is a mountain considered by the illuminati to be where ‘the devil lives’.

    • Spot on 56–

      “Ukraine is ancestral Khazaria, where there is a mountain considered by the illuminati to be where ‘the devil lives’”

      Ukraine is said to be -historically-the headquarters of the worlds biggest people trafficking industry—-now child trafficking direct links with Australian industry—-SBS showing a movie Whistleblower this week.

      I note “Putin” being mocked on abc morning news today talking about his mushed brain–also I note we are facilitating bringing large numbers of selected Ukranians back to Australia–as we did with Afghanistan soldiers last year—I understand they went mostly to WA.

      • Many enter the terminals, at arrivals, with Serco drivers holding identification signs, rewarding them with membership to the nomenclatura. All good, as long as one doesn’t think or say a word, relative to the stench of corruption in all corridors here.

  11. Point of order re meaning of ‘fascism’ …

    Start at 1:05:08 (or even 1:04:00 ish)

    • Book Review – BUF Oswald Mosley And British Fascism – by Stephen Dorril


    More later. In the meantime…

    • My Life – by Sir Oswald Mosley


    • Fascism 100 questions asked and answered – Sir Oswald Mosley


          • dianedevere,See if you can find William Joyce listed here –

            Personnel Files of the Office of Strategic Services, 1942 – ca. 1962


            Twilight Over England

            Joyce, William, 1906-1946.

            This book is the Autobiography of WILLIAM JOYCE alias LORD HAW-HAW

            Some excerpts here taken from Alex Softly’s internet article: WILLIAM JOYCE alias LORD HAW-HAW

            On 26 August 1939, approximately a week before the outbreak of WWII, Joyce and his family fled to Berlin after a tip-off that, under the soon to be introduced emergency powers, he would be interned for the duration of the war. It was an act that would lead eventually to his death. Rightly or wrongly accused as a traitor Joyce was adamant that Britain was being led into another POINTLESS WAR and Neville Chamberlain’s, and subsequently Winston Churchill’s, governments were betraying their people.

            Although Joyce was born in the USA, brought up in Ireland and took German nationality on 26 September 1939, and was charged with treason from 3 September 1939 to 2 July 1940, the date his British passport ran out, and sentenced to death.

            Joyce was captured while going through a woods near Flensburg after the war; he received a bullet wound to the leg in the process. Joyce’s fate at the gallows was then merely a formality and the British press whipped up all the hysteria they could reminding people that he was a snarling traitor. The British Government passed the Treason Act 1945 the day before Joyce was flown back to Britain.

            Joyce was confined in a death cell at London’s Wandsworth Prison. In the cell next door was John Amery, the son of a British lord and the man who had tried to form British expatriates and sympathetic British POW’s into a Freicorp to fight on the German side.

            Joyce was executed five days after Amery on 3 January 1946. He was adamant and defiant to the end. He showed no emotion when confronted by news and scenes from the concentration camps, blaming the deaths on starvation and disease caused by Allied bombing of communication lines.

            His last public message reported by the BBC was “In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war, and I defy the powers of darkness they represent.”

            He was not yet 40 years old when executed. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the grounds of the prison.

            William Joyce remained the number one broadcaster in Berlin and his criticism never faded in its virulence continuing to blame war on “Jewish International Finance.”

            Readers should note Ezra Pound was also singing the same tune about the dangers of International finance from his radio broadcasts in Italy. Read Ezra Pound Speaking: Radio Speeches of WWII. ALSO See WHAT DID EZRA POUND REALLY SAY? at Club Conspiracy.com

            Usury, Pound said, was a cause of war throughout history. In Pound’s view understanding the issue of usury was central to understanding history:

            “Until you know who has lent what to whom, you know NOTHING whatever of politics, you know NOTHING whatever of history, you know NOTHING of international wrangles.


          • Rotschild “established businesses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples.” A wide arc around Switzerland, but no connection to Switzerland. In fact if you had a central Rotschild bank organising these branches, you would expect to see it geographically somewhere near Zurich. But then it wouldn’t be a secret would it.
            So, keep pumping out the official line, that Rotschilds control half the world, and secrets will remain secrets, because most people never thought to look behind the official story, which dates back to about 33AD. Most people have the answer they want, and to them, the answer they want is better than the truth.
            They stopped looking for the truth because they can’t handle anything other than their original conclusion, which they arrived at before they started gathering “evidence”. Hail Caesar.

          • Israel Uber Alles


            Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the US Congress needs to read Glenn Greenwald’s article: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47480.htm

            Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the Western media needs to read “The Brutal Realities of Israel’s Iron-fisted Occupation,” by Dennis J. Bernstein and John Pilger: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47481.htm


            ——“6). ‘Liberalism’ is one of the chief instruments of Jewish power. Through preaching this doctrine and getting into the machinery of Liberal parties, Jews have exploited for their own ends the generous instincts of all the peoples who have received them into their communities. Jews have preached ‘democracy,’ and through getting their dupes to believe it, have succeeded in rivetting on their necks the chain of Shylocracy, the rule of the Crowned Usurer, Shylock Rothschild, who was admitted to England’s Parliament by ‘Liberal’ statesmen, and now rules the world. Jew banks appear to be many, but in reality there is only one. Reduced to impotence the nations bow before the Law not of Moses, even, but of the Jews’ Bank ‘always united and always devoted to our (Jewish) cause’.”——-


          • There’s no shortage of baddies, some of them are jews, some are hereditary royals, some of them are nazis, some of them are good-ol-boys, some of them are Africans living in the Congo, and now we can add human trafficking Ukranians

  12. All the Ukrainian people need is to look at what the oligarchs have done to Oz past two decades, to see a nation fleeced, used up and destroyed, not with guns but with debt slavery and now ‘free’ jabbing by eugenicists. The war is global, if undecided, realise satan also sits on the fence.

  13. What some, perhaps even many, are not aware of is the sheer stupidity of the current Ukrainian government. It has declared it unlawful for its own citizens to speak Russian. Russian speaking Ukrainian students have been penalized in the various schools there if they do not speak Ukrainian in class resulting in poor grades being given to these non-fluent in the Ukrainian language. The Ukrainian language has only relatively recently been taught to most Ukrainian students and it is NOT an easy language to learn. I learned only 2 words of Ukrainian while living there. It is true that many Russian words are the same or nearly the same as in Russian. You might ask, “How do you know this to be true?” I’ll tell you here: My wife is Ukrainian and she has a daughter and 2 children living with her in a city located in the Eastern portion of Ukraine. I choose not to say in which specific city because doing so might make things even worse for these stepchildren of mine. I have also lived in Ukraine between 2004 and 2008 and learned some Russian language while living there, at least enough to be able to travel and shop for needful things alone within the country with very little difficulty. Quite honestly, I do not have much, if any appreciation for either the Russian or the Ukrainian languages. To me they both sound almost as if someone is trying to speak with a mouthful of marbles. Although Ukrainian does sound a bit softer. Also, You might find this interesting to note, frequently it was seen on T.V. (between 2004 and 2008) how the Ukrainian parliament members who disagreed with each other frequently came to physical blows with each other. (they call their parliament a ‘Duma’) [duma loosely translates to ‘think’ as ‘ya duma’= I think in English.] Well, as far as I could tell from the translations provided by my Ukrainian wife, the participants in the fore-mentioned rough-house activities were not the brightest of the ‘stars’ under the Ukrainian skies. To call Ukraine a backward country would be a HUGE understatement. I found living there to be almost comparable to living in an open trench toilet. The only Easter European country in actually worse shape politically/governmentally speaking is Moldova, which is another story altogether and one I do not have a great deal of information thereon other than one first hand visitors opinions, none of which were at all favorable. Just why Ukraine was allowed even limited entry/access into the E.U. has never made any sense at all to me. There seemed to be an overwhelming mentality that I saw widely in evidence there which displayed something I’d describe as an almost ‘pride’ in being stupid or ignorant.

    • It’s great to hear from expats and I’m not surprised the entire area is mostly backwards farmers. Moldova has had a rough treatment from its neighbours, who have given it “sea-glimpses” but apparently no access. It seems the EU is going to move on Ukraine soon (= eventually) and Putin is consolidating his buffer. But what would I know.
      DdV’s account above is that it’s a trafficking node, something like Arkansaw I guess, along with Biden Jr and Mitt Romney jr stories, so the mafia operations under the surface are presumably a major driving force. And with all the gas pipelines to Germany cut off, they must be glad winter is over and their solar panels will start working.
      What next for Germans, rationing perhaps, enough power to sustainably boil one egg per day.

  14. Minister Jaafari Explains Recognition of Donetsk & Luhansk Independence

    “………….Though led by the US war machine regime, the Brits — who lied about Iraq and WMDs, who stole Venezuelan gold reserves — have also engaged in supremacist threats of illicit sanctions (according to the UN Charter, sanctions may only be applied via a Security Council Resolution). Foreign Secretary Liz Truss feigned wanton ignorance of Russia’s geography; in a closed meeting, she told Minister Lavrov that the empire would never recognize Rostov and Voronezh as part of Russia, despite these two cities being in Russia. NATO media referred to her fabricated ignorance as the euphemistic gaffe, caused by “classic Russian propaganda.”

    In pure imperial fashion, Truss also demanded that Russia move its military from within its border, though she stopped short of suggesting they all go to Moscow…………..


  15. i wish russia would invade australia…

    couldnt be any worse.

    or china.. even – not like we could do anything about it.. no one will come help us..

  16. Post-intervention:
    The Aussie expat on the ground talking to fake news said this morning (Friday) everything in Kiev is very quiet.
    The Russian minister said he doesn’t care about the ultimate sanctions of being cut off from the SWIFT system (global e-banking) because he says the SWIFT system can now block anyone and anything worldwide anyway, in other words it’s totally unreliable.
    Countries which have now adopted bitcoin as a legal currency include Russia, Ukraina, El Salvador, about 4 US states including Colorado ( I forget which else ) and de-facto many small states I guess which have no way of preventing it.
    It would appear that bitcoin is not much use for crime transactions because everything can be traced on the blockchain.

  17. Now we see the EU President aristocrat Ursula Von Der Leyen says for the first time ever the EU will finance a war, they are going to supply Ukraina puppet president with $100m (?) worth of military equipment, ( probably lots of face-masks and safety tucked in there too ). So they went from “the Common Market” to a belligerent major power. Lucky UK got out, they should be happy about that even if they are still stuck in NATO, AUKUS and whatever else.
    Commoners must die !!! Moloch will be appeased !!! Will this end in a mid-April bloodbath ???

    • Or did I just hear it is going to end in 2 days, when the drug-addict fascist crypto-jew is removed and the legitimate president is installed to replace him …

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