by G5
The non-American Obama (which I will detail at a later time), was trained at the CIA East West Centre, Honolulu. It was also where his mother — third generation CIA Op Ann Dunham had met his alleged father, Obama. He applied as a foreign born (Indonesian) student, and had a free ride through Columbia University.
The ‘Truman Show’ Fiction
The White House plot (WH) was hatched in Chicago, where he was gifted an Illinois State Senate Seat, after a payback and a blackmail made it available. The game was to fit the token and script reading actor (Obama Jnr., President 44) into the WH. It had to be sudden, and the herds would wear it. The ubiquitous GHWB, who ran Obama 44, was also behind this affair. The main objective — apart from socio-economically polarizing America, with sexual, racial and ideological fictions — was to double its sovereign debt. All was accomplished. The herds remain oblivious.
44 was to soften and ready America for surrender under HRC [Hilary Clinton] to the EU-NWO.
44 in the WH, was a ‘Truman Show’ fiction. He was not eligible to be President, and Michelle is Michael La Vaughan Robinson, play acting the role. The girls were those of Martin Nesbitt and Anita Blanchard (who altered the birth certificates of her two daughters to show they were Michael’s).
Why would people do all these things? BIG MONEY and some power.
And Then Came Trump
Reagan had the same catch phrase as Trump. The variation of ‘Make America Great Again’. Whitlam in Australia had a similar slogan to ‘Manzies’ — ‘It’s Time’.
There are also similarities between Trump and Whitlam in their management styles, and desires to improve the state of their nations. After the socio-economic devastations that had befallen them, through years of intense Deep State Control and activity. In both Australia and America the periods were the same — some twenty-two years.
Australia declined from 1950 to 1972. America declined 1994 through 2016. Not allowing for the fact that the great deceiver GHWB [George H. W. Bush] was manipulating Reagan from 1981. Much as [“Colonel’] House manipulated Wilson, the Fed, and the IRS, the 16th. Amendment, and economically devastating America — sealing its fate.
Trump is somewhat clumsily attempting to save America from itself. At least at the time he was the recognized better choice. Even though the American Intel hacked election numbers on the night, were thwarted. When the numbers were being reversed on the night, a certain cabal intervened and returned them to their correct state.
Does that help explain why the American Intel Community suddenly became the enemy of Trump after the election. ‘The insurance’ didn’t work, as some old hands entered the equation.
For that matter, America was lost after the murder of JFK by Deep State. Certainly by LBJ (blackmailed rapist), Nixon (Rockefeller puppet), Ford (Warren Commission liar, and pardoner of JFK murderers including James Angleton), Carter (Trilateral Commission Founder with deceiver David Rockefeller). I particularly remember a press conference with the latter, in early 1973. The troupe was too polite to ask the real questions.
American Supremacy
As indeed we saw the Apollo 11 Capsule dropped by freighter near the USS Hornet, then lifted by helicopter and deposited on the deck for the world to believe that these jokers had just returned from the moon. And then admitted in the Orion Project that The Van Allen Belts DO NOT ALLOW HUMAN LIFE TO PASS.
But the American propaganda concerning that massive lie continues. It never ends. Someone forgot to mention that the age of Adolescent Militarism has passed.
What are the current military issues: that the Middle East has been devastated to steal oil with the outcome of millions of dead civilians, and millions more attempting to escape to Europe. And unfortunately taking their cultural addictions with them.
It was fairly well understood that the insanity of ‘The Seven Countries in Five Years’ lunacy, would never hold. The assumption of American Military ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ was leaking water before it even put to sea.
Shouldn’t America be seeking ‘Closure’ for these psychotic episodes?
Skripal Affair
Consider the absurd theatre of May, Rudd, Johnson, and Williamson, pretending that Putin sprayed the unwanted, low-end, traded pawn, Skripal and his daughter, with some ‘Military Grade’ nonsense. Then May announced to the world that England would not be going to The Russian World Cup.
For those behind the curve, Zizzi’s is a chain owned by an American Military Industrial Complex player. I advised immediately after the event that the False Flag was conducted by American Intel. Subsequently I advised that the chemical sprayed on the two in Zizzi’s, was BZ. I also advised that the two alleged targets were unharmed and would disappear after the victim narrative was drained a little further.
Then we hear that the self-cornered May, decides to economically ‘sanction’ Russia. Someone forgot to advise her of the suicidal impact on the FTSE 100. Who do these people think are, and what world economic power do they think they possess? May was quietly brought into line, by BP advising her of certain un-civil service realities, concerning the UK’s needs of a relationship with certain Russian entities including Rosneft.
Economic Realities
Similarly, when Obama decided to pout and Sanction Russia when it failed to obey orders concerning Crimea, there were again hidden economic issues concerning: Rosneft, Gazprom, Rosatom, and the Russian Space Agency.
Obama of course having lost a trillion dollars a year during the abject insanity of his tenure. His movement from 12 trillion to 20 trillion debt, being the greatest devastation America has ever faced. But of course the real and hidden numbers are closer to 165 trillion — which I will explain at a later time.
The reason why Social Security and Welfare have become unfunded Privileges, rather that Guaranteed Rights, and Bank Debts have become Assets of the Banks, with the cute logic of Bail-Ins, opposing Bail-Outs.
The current round of Trump and his silly China Trade Wars, has nothing to do with China dumping products on the American Domestic Market. It has to do with China selling down American Sovereign Debt. China is America’s essential banker. China, Japan, Russia and other nations are the desperate source of funds to maintain the function of America, by buying its Treasury Bonds.
Trump is attempting to blackmail China to buy more of America’s debt, or America will be forced to deal with the Fed and print more debt. It’s the lie that actually does have a LIMIT. China will not be blackmailed into buying more American Debt to save America. China can sell its manufactured goods elsewhere.
Trump should resist reading his ‘Art of The Deal’. He might start to believe it.
North Korea
As I had previously detailed, the Korean Unification had been some five years in the planning before Trump was advised by Moon, in February 2017. Russia had rebuilt all North Korea’s infrastructure and logistics networks, and run pipelines down to the 38th. Parallel North, for South Korean movement onto the Russian Energy Grids — immediately saving some 30%.
There are already some 400,000 North Korean guest workers in Russia. North Korea exports one and a half million tonnes of coal per year through the Russian built port, and exports manufactured goods ‘Made in China’, as was previously done by Hong Kong.
Incidentally, as a dead person cannot be killed or captured (Osama bin Laden), so too de-nuclearization cannot occur from a state that has NO nuclear weapons — and it never fired any missiles at Japan.
Good Old American MSM provides all the narratives they are fed.
If the herds do not suck in MSM, they are ‘Uninformed’. If they do — they are ‘Disinformed’.
The Fiction of the USD
HSBC and other Usual Suspect entities, have just issued internal memos aiming at isolating America by not allowing major transfers to enter that financial system.
Partly it’s a continuation of existing operations. As the USD is worthless, it is no longer the World Reserve Currency, having been diluted into a basket of currencies that have value. The American blackmail fiction of the Petro-Dollar has been all but destroyed. The devastations of Iraq and Libya have not saved it. The current announcement that Iran will no longer accept USDs is not a sudden revelation, as MSM is currently pretending.
The ongoing Saudi blackmail, concerning crude sales denominated in Petro-Dollars, being backed by a requirement to buy American Treasury (Bonds) Debt. Apart from The Saudi Airforce already having some 1,000 plus American fighter planes it has never used.
And of course the requirement to divide domestic floating USDs against the mountains of it is floating internationally — outside of The American Domestic Economy. This is where the worthless paper has no inflationary effect on the domestic American Economy.
It’s one of the good things about having some 600 foreign stations about the world. They pass the rubbish into foreign economies and hardly draw on the domestic economy, to drive inflation into goods and services.
Such a depth of USD has been planted in foreign economies, and the propaganda concerning its value is so developed, that it is able to maintain its fiction. And certainly, many of the world’s financial systems are trapped with it. Institutions would be devastated if the reality became known.
So the American Sovereign Debt and its past and future defaults are safe from the knowledge of the believing well-informed and meaningless duped. It’s a piece of paper with no underlying value. People accept it because they believe that they can exchange it for goods and services, internationally. And banks will give them some form of value in exchange for it.
The International Payments Systems, linked to the cabal of Central Banks, again owned by the Usual Suspects, are at issue. So the Dutch Tulip Game and the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (Olympic) play out.
An international financial centre has been established at Wright-Patterson AFB, to manage the planned revaluation of the world’s currencies — this by the Usual Suspects. The NWO are yet to catch on that the game is over. Their critical connection of the final move of HRC in the White House failed.
The EU is the NWO — self-bankrupted in March 2019, and currently kept alive by puppets: May, Macron and Merkel. America was to have joined the EU, to further sacrifice the Domestic American Economy for the successful future of World Totalitarianism. This was attempted many times since the beginning of the 18th Century.
The current blocks to the insanity are: Putin, Xi, and Trump.
Thanks, G5. It’s good to hear that the poor little bastards have lost their nerve.
You know that the year 1984 was meant to be the takeover. F. Mitterand blew the story in 1985. Then 2001 was supposed to do it, but Larry Silverbird chickened out.
Well, all in good time. Here’s a little music to mark their crossing the River Styx.
Bon voyage, dickheads.
You paint a precise picture, G5. You will need to say this again and again to enable the dumb classes (journalists, executives, politicians, career managers, academics, scientists) to grasp the message. Most are too brainwashed to make it, poor things.
Meanwhile, I presume you won’t mind if I nit-pick (as usual).
If you accept current economics as valid, your comment on the Australian economy is correct, but that was the economics model that validated free trade ideology. The flip from relatively real world economics was marked by the transition from Gross National Product to Gross Domestic Product.
My own school of economics (boasting a subscription list of one) measures the economy by the prosperity and quality of life of the lowest echelon of workers; whereas the GDP model measures it by the prosperity of the treasonous parasite class… shareholders.
And using my measuring stick, from 1947 to 1973 Australia enjoyed the most egalitarian prosperity of any nation on this planet, before or since. You can measure this by employment levels, recipiency of annual paid holidays, and consumer spending.
This was achieved by union power, which ensured workers got a fair slice of the cake. But most of all, by protectionism… tariffs which protected manufacturing and domestic food security and, thence, jobs. Full time permanent jobs.
Hear, hear.
reagan, trump and Whitlam are the same as in they are showmen. All 3 spent or intend to spend like a obama also a showman. Reagan properly a patsy, others into it. Whitlam wreaked the uni system and implemented medicare(whitlam care) with the help of his friend and … john kerr also treasonist Whitlam gets credit for leaving the nam but it was billy i think. His planned dismissal covers his record, including meeting in china with its leaders and americans there. Stabbing our friends and allies in the back(East Timor). Letting Australian press die, to cover it up. He was a UN man and dispised the states(NSW etc). He wreaked industry, farm output, agenda 21 style, this allowed scumbag corporations to pick on the carcasses. Constantly attacked the aussie constitution. He introduced no fault divorce(agenda 21 again) and legal aid, lawyers never looked back. Devil in the detail type, showman says “freedom of speech”, detail except this except that, till it meant nothing. There is also the conspiracy theories about sick stuff , Fiona style. Champion of the Aborigines, hows that going. But I stay wiki mainstream.
trumps alleged foe is mccain, but conveniently gets him out of the promise to roll it back, costs go through the roof, as monopolies form and cut alternate options as money is funnelled to it( out of the hands who wish to spend their money their way.)
Got cancer, we can fix that with radiation and carcinogenic chemicals, unfortunalty its quiet expensive and you may die of it after years of suffering side affects, . Taiwan, experiment to build nation and culture from the ground up. ANU gets it hands dirty there.
Good people simply can not climb the greasy pol .
Debt was meant to be payed in gold and silver for a good reason.
obama had a slogan too, he lifted his from bob the builder.
HSBC etc have convertered to physical assets, with the borrowed coin. Those assets control all human output. I don’t think they care about electronic money for themselves, just another control mechanism.
Think trump was given a leg up by australia’s lj Hooker group, one of those sus moves you see with our publicly listed companies (usually our big banks making ridiculous purchases, then selling them
for a song a few years later, HSBC et all protected by being the buyers on the other side of the transaction). Just joe blow, his super(401k) and lost tax revenue taking the hit.
G5, i enjoy reading your blogs, I post this for further discourse, not to be a d head, that could be interpreted.
All the above is fair enough if “economics” is defined by the “capitalistic” fraudsters, usurers and con-men who exploit the “system” for their larcenous gain.
If, however, economy is defined as the fair production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services then the whole “modern economic system” is exposed as a fraudulent trick.
Money is supposed (by the elite crooks) to be a “commodity” that can be appropriated by anyone who has the means to defraud by speculative “investments” with impunity. That is, it’s not just a medium for fair exchange for goods and services supplied or consumed.
No, I don’t think the “usual suspects” are failing. They’re winning big-time by having lackeys accepting the crookedness as “that’s the way it is”.
“The NWO are yet to catch on that the(ir) game is over”
“The current blocks to the insanity are: Putin, Xi, and Trump”
Love your work, G5!!!
Definitely something “new” is afoot.
Hopefully, Australia can come along for the ride.
LOCK HER (and all of our “HERS”) UP
That “eye-opening video” belies the fact that “information technology” only becomes a problem when it’s used as a euphemism for gossip addiction.
Which is of course the most intoxicating and destructive form of human interaction under the sun: Certainly nothing new about it, I mean didn’t Adam and Eve prefer to take to take a Lie on board than trust their own conscience? And then come up with a whole lot of rot about snakes being evil and bad?