J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
Morality was enforced in tribes and instilled in villages, by the time empires evolved, morality was fully repurposed into control systems.
Religion and any sort of belief is exploited, from lowly swindlers such as UN charities up to the most respected edifices of the state such as judicial rulings.
Eisenhower’s respected “warning” was far too late, it was an admission that they had created a monster; since World War II the globally oriented US Military Industrial Complex could not be stopped.
The warning would have been more appropriate during the US civil war when DuPonts were supplying both sides with black powder.
The MIC is the essential element in the post-1947 US dollar hegemony. Since Rome, we can understand that the fiat currency of an empire must be enforced by a military. (Other local currency such as the silver Florins of Firenze endured because they were basically simple refined metals). Catholic tithing was enforced by Charlemagne throughout Germany and France, at point of sword. Everyday taxes are enforced by the power of the state which pays their agents in the same fiat currencies. The perfect fiat currency is worthless, and is powered by trust or faith (belief) and enforced by an indomitable army.
In this way a state can distribute as much currency as possible, trading worthless scrip for real assets, and calling this form of taxation “inflation”. And this hegemony is what our embryonic World War III is all about.
United States’ reckless actions and sanctions against countries all over the world led to BRICS, a rejection of Pax Americana and everything that went along with it. China has long had the backing of Globalists and they nurtured it as the ideal super-state, ruled by an iron fist. They created communist Russia but the Russian people are intractable and don’t suit the Globalist purposes; it was an error. But the immense torrents of credit bestowed on one empire or another do not explain the imperative of World War III. Members of the Globalist elite exploit the US government like a super-colony, bigger than British India, so the massive flows of created credit into the US treasury have a real impact on corporations such as J.P. Morgan, DuPont, MicroSoft, Raytheon, Pfizer and all the rest. A war can and must unite the corporate interests and thus the MIC swings into yet another cycle of research and development, this time space wars, Direct Energy Weapons, bio-terror and anything that showed promise in the 20th century has now achieved a reality of mass death in incredible proportions and is done more cheaply than ever before. Bio-war has been found to be more advantageous when used on the host population, as we have seen during the Covid-19 event. There, the biological agent can be contained while the wealth is extracted, as we see in Australia at present, with the recession in process.
But none of the cutting edge war technology is employed and the major powers don’t engage each other directly, it’s all done via proxies.
Mikhail Gorbachev has become persona non grata in Russia for his casual disintegration of their empire on Boxing Day 1991. Crimea was packed into Ukraine by the Ukranian Kruschev decades before, in another blow to the Moscow empire.
Russians have been using the Crimea for centuries, the Greek Alexander the Great took it originally, for his journeys into Asia.
The wars of central Europe have gone on forever, and Putin himself cites the invasions of Ukraine by Poland in the 1300’s as a critical period. This was of course the time of the Little Ice Age when there were rolling famines and the wars would not have been so much by choice but driven by desperation.
Russian preparations for the invasion of Crimea ran for more than a decade including development of hypersonic Mach 17+ ICBMs and their rejection of the US Swift System for funds transfer, recall the rubles only Nordstream gas deal. Now, any country can openly defy the US and trade in their own preferred currencies, which ultimately plays into the Globalist CBDC agenda.
They nearly all use the Swiss based Bank of International Settlements.
The Norwegian future fund is often spoken of but how small, passive and fragmented it must be compared to the Russian investments in gold and WMDs, bought through their more recent oil discoveries. They were mocked twenty years ago for their oil explorations but now Russia is rich.
“The Bahamas, Jamaica, and Nigeria have already introduced CBDCs. And more than 100 countries are in the exploration stage. Central bankers in Brazil, China, the euro area, India, and the United Kingdom are at the forefront”.
There is no conflict between the various Globalist agendas, the individual Globalists are understood to be running their own races with their own vested interests split into transitory and semi-permanent factions all over the world. For example they generally agree to save the environment while various of them spew out as much waste as possible in case they are forcibly closed down. They forcibly inject their own military because they are Global citizens and the soldiers are redundant liabilities, not even rating as potential assets.
Keep in mind, full Chinese style surveillance communism will ultimately be the winner, via Universal Basic Income and CBDCs. The will to change that, apparently does not exist. “Ultimately” is coming sooner than most think.
Fracture lines for proxy wars exist all around the supercontinent we Eurocentrically call Eurasia. The Yemen Houthi proxy war Iran vs the West and the Ukraine proxy war are actually two fronts of the same West vs. East hegemony war. The Gaza war is another proxy war for the MIC, which is extending into southern Lebanon, the essential water catchment for Israel. This future Zionist acquisition is not negotiable.
Every war requires a unification of interests on either side. Anyone can clearly see who is backing, and behind the funding of all these theatres of war.
The diplomat/dignitary industry exists to serve itself and as part of the political theatre which is presented to convince the people that something is being done where in fact nothing is being done. They buy time for the theft and murder operations to continue. Penny Wong and Anthony Blinken are actors, achieving nothing of their public agenda, but whose private agendas can only be guessed at in terms of arms sales and such like. Look at the US response to Gaza, Blinken pitifully urging the Zionist expansionists to pause their genocide, while at the same time the US Military Industrial Complex is supplying the bombs used by the Zionists. The Gaza enclave is not traditionally Arab but it is used as a repository for refugees. As with the newly created Israelis, who knows where they are all from. The Gaza sea-peoples could never establish an empire since they had no permanent river. The major watercourse running through the middle of Gaza, nowadays has its entire catchment in Israel. It’s just a drain, compared with the river in Tel Aviv, which is basically like the Yarra in Melbourne. Gaza’s main value in empire terms is measured by its proximity to the Suez canal. In respect of this, the entirety of Israel is required as the hinterland to the British Suez Canal, a colonial era relic, boldly targeted in China’s One Belt Road ambitions.
Gaza exists on pumped groundwater, their main river is an ugly drain.
The polarisation of the Gaza genocide has spread to Australia as ABC journalists depart:
Karina Carvalho Dec 2023
Nour Haydar Jan 2024
Antoinette Lattouf sacked 2024 for not being pro-Israel
Managing director David Anderson faced a vote of no confidence from staff after the sacking, and former NewsCorp CEO Kim WIlliams will take over from current chairman Ita Buttrose (allegedly an ASIO asset) at the end of her term in March.
Most curiously the Governor General will be called on for the swearing in. This entity is no longer the Australian Broadcasting Commission having been switched to a Corporation long ago.
From internet:
“The ABC is a publicly-owned body with its charter enshrined in legislation, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 (Hawke era). ABC Commercial, a profit-making division of the corporation, also helps to generate funding”.
The legacy media likes to focus on the Gazan human tragedy, hundreds of inhabited residential buildings bombed to destruction versus some alleged hostages, and in Ukraine they focus on the evil Russians, denying the Russian case in its entirety though the Ukraine arrangements seem to be responsible for most of the carnage.
They don’t make any connection between these proxy wars, but proxy wars they are, between the Anglosphere and the BRICS federation, or more accurately, Russia and China. Putin funds the Wagner mercenaries, the US funds NATO, as President Trump was fond of lamenting. He claims he will stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours. He will do this by withdrawing funding. US debt is like an out of control roller coaster with nobody on the brakes. Ukraine begs for weapons and gets all the outdated and unimportant military leftovers from the US allies. All theatre, they can’t win.
The EverGiven parking incident could be seen as a threat, simply board the ship and crash it, the Suez territory is so fragile.
Darius the Great, a Persian, opened up the canal about 500 years BC. His predecessor Cyrus the Great is a notable figure in the Biblical record.
Suez could have been transliterated any number of ways but the reverse spelling of Zeus was chosen. Hamas was allowed to attack Israel in a counter move to the failing Donbass war. Ukraine is nearly done, but who knows how bad things could get in that genocide. The Suez war has been brewing for a long time and not for the first time since World War II. Nothing on this scale is a coincidence. Everything has been thoroughly strategised. Outcomes are known.
Why did China break the Hong Kong deal years or decades ahead of the scheduled agreements? Because they could.
Another fracture line of Eurasia is Taiwan, a proxy for Japan. Taiwan is hardly Chinese, having belonged to the Japanese Empire, along with Korea. In that sense the USA has a strong claim on it. The USA also has an older claim on Taiwan and the Philippines after beating the Spanish in global wars long ago. The Chinese burned their navy 500 years ago and voided all their claims at that time. Now, they want their sea-empire back. The unspoken imperative is again, troublesome US dollar hegemony.
The US debt clock running in the trillions is no problem where it is re-loaned out to Japan et al at a satisfactory margin. Asian countries prefer to borrow from Japan rather than the US. China obviously wants a bigger slice of this banking.
Money lending from Japan to Asian countries is now in competition with Yuan.
The Asian countries are the highest energy economies outside of the fading west.
China doesn’t have a viable defence against Taiwanese retaliation so its weapon of choice is fear.
The citizens of Taiwan are in a state of constant low level anxiety, but they have nothing to fear from the Chinese military, their weakness will be from infiltration.
As we have seen many times all over the world, elections are interfered with in many ways, substantially by types of infiltration. Their fears will eventually undermine them.
The new Chinese empire has been moving in on the Red Sea via their One Belt Road agendas, since these prelude wars to World War III were first envisaged.
Highly strategic Chinese rail link costing US$4 billion (around 2020)
But Britain, which represents European interests through its City of London, Germanic Royalty, Globalist Peers etc., notionally owns everything they liberated from the Ottomans. To own something, you need to be prepared to fight for it.
Jordan is ready to flip anytime, traditionally there were no kings in that area, titles such as Shah (from Caesar, as with Czar and Tsar) were used. The King of Jordan was installed by England after they drew the boundaries of the country, by splitting British Palestine down the middle. They knew exactly what they were doing while the indigenous people had no idea at all and no adequate military response. The anointed Royal House of Jordan only goes back to the times of British Palestine.
Zionism, born out of London, descended from the Crusades, piloted through the “City of London”, an enduring enclave of the Roman Empire. Little wonder they would use their manufactured race, the so-called Jews, as their protagonists.
The expansion south is slow and torturous, because the Turks and Arabs are worthy adversaries. Nonetheless it rolls on, because the real wars of invasion and demographic change are from North to South, driven by the absolute imperative of climate, while the petty territorial boundary wars are normally East vs. West because the inconvenience of operating in another climatic zone is avoided. Fracture lines between east and west are numerous. These are the easy wars, wars of choice.
Zionism is powered by all the force of the ancient powers of Europe, the Crusaders who never gave up and went away, as may be popularly imagined. Of course the Muslims suffer no such delusion.
Modern, post-colonial South Africa is earning its place in BRICS by taking Israel to the World Court, the International Court of Justice, another useless costume drama. Israel could not care less, they understand the ICJ is powerless and forgettable. But South Africa shows solidarity with the other BRICS, despite harbouring the diamond rich enclave Lesotho within its borders. How long can this prize go untouched? Perhaps one day Mr. Putin will come to their aid. Israel is a major exporter of cut diamonds, presumably sourced from all over Africa. Of course Britain will be a beneficiary, through the usual channels.
Some say the Globalist World War III is part of the secret societies’ attempts to fulfil the Biblical Revelations; we see something of this homage in their frequent 666 references and corporate logos.
So many dynamics, it all begs the question, whatever next?
The moon war:
More moon war:
From msn:
“Several members of the US Congress expressed concerns on Wednesday about Nasa’s Artemis Moon-landing mission being delayed with China at America’s heels to put humans on the lunar surface.
“I remind my colleagues that we are not the only country interested in sending humans to the Moon,” Frank Lucas, chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, Space and Technology, said, warning that China’s Communist Party is “actively” seeking international partners to put boots on the Moon by 2030.
“It’s no secret that China has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can’t allow this to happen,” Rich McCormick, a Republican member of the US congress, said, adding that America’s “leading edge“ in space will protect not just its economy, but also “technologies that can benefit humankind.”
One small step for man and one giant set back:
NASA Artemis moon landing delayed
“The concerns raised by members of the US Congress come as Nasa postponed the launch date of its Artemis Moon landing mission by about 12 months to 2026 to give its commercial partners, including Elon Musk’s SpaceX, more time to develop the technology.
Nasa’s Artemis II mission aims to take a four-person crew around the Moon without landing on it, while the subsequent Artemis III is expected to put humans back on the Moon for the first time since the 1970s”.
Apologies WordPress fiddle the back end. Comments are now open
This essay is brilliant. I am only down to the chess board so far.
Agree Mary – Brilliant for my “expansive mind”. I read J G’s essay at 4 am and am still deciphering – connecting dots and managing to stay in the now.
Thank you JG for bringing some Gumshoe -super sleuth logic and sanity into this insane world.
American Medical Association perverts sniff out a dollar or two
In 2001 the chief economist of Goldman Sachs, and a future chairman of Chatham House, wrote a paper he called, Building Better Global Economic BRICS, thus introduced the acronym BRICS to the global economic narrative/agenda. The guy has stated he wrote the paper after the experience of the 1997-1998 Asian economic crisis and the 1998 Russian currency crisis.
Interesting choice of word, ‘crisis’, as in, opportunity, especially in the chicken and egg sense.
Be that as it may, it seems the term, now part of the global english vernacular, came out of London, the City of, and not Beijing, or Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Delhi, Cape Town … Tehran or anywhere else.
As for when Artemis gets to the moon hopefully NASA won’t lose all the data, telemetry, and recordings etc that they did with her twin’s adventures there.
The Protocols of the Officials of the BIS of Berne
They declared themselves an enclave in 1987 !!!
They have a keep out sign on the gate and they are exempt from Swiss laws including pensions and military service
Oops that link is broken let’s try this
Michael – BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa – and over 70 other countries that have so far taken up membership, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
BRICS will be leading us all into the QFS – the new world wide financial system that is controlled off planet and cannot be interfered with by any human agency or individual.
All the info is available for those who wish to see.
Tucker in Dubai gives a very decent 28 minute talk.
CBDCs are being “manufactured” all over the place, it’s like a goldrush
Too bad the splash screen is disabled, but this one hopefully isn’t
Another plug for the best Robert Sepehr video and most concise
This opens with a swastika, which Sepehr shows elsewhere is one of the most prolific and ancient symbols used by humans, there are dozens or hundreds of variations from all over the place. The thesis is that a space-man of some type is genetically infused with a Cro-Magnon woman, or something like that, to produce the contemporary humans. This goes on to show the bloodlines appear to have maybe come from Atlantis, I’m not kidding, he doesn’t claim that he just provides evidence. I wonder, assuming space-men were involved, maybe Atlantis was a temporary floating island made out of some type of eg. crystallised sea water with a bit of topsoil dumped on top for the plants to grow.
Here David Bowie is a space alien dressed up as David Bowie and coming to earth to get it on with a waitress (2 min)
( via Nicholas Roeg director of “Walkabout” etc. )
But who do you think was really running this film, Nick Roeg or David Bowie
The floating island hypothesis would fit in well enough with the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, like everything else, hasn’t someone already thought of this before ? Probably buried in some 1960’s scifi novel.
Thanks Joe.
I could add so much to your posts above– in this instance I refer to “RH Negative Blood lines Robert Sepehr” so I post Amanda Buy’s Montauk, Druids, Oak Tree and Twins.
at 28 mins she presents her power point -I feel it seguays?? to JG Olsen’s “Fracture lines for proxy wars exist all around the supercontinent we Eurocentrically call Eurasia. The Yemen Houthi proxy war Iran vs the West and the Ukraine proxy war are actually two fronts of the same West vs. East hegemony war. The Gaza war is another proxy war for the MIC, which is extending into southern Lebanon, the essential water catchment for Israel. This future Zionist acquisition is not negotiable”.
Mary you might like to watch earlier as Amanda refers to Wendy Hoffman’s the Enslaved Queen and pays respect to Golden Oldies of which I am one. Warning a lot to process.
Yeah it takes a while to get to the power point presentation or as we used to say “slideshow” before Bill Gates era. Then towards the end it speeds up. She talks about Fulford as a newest branch of the Kabbalah tree or illuminati or however you call it. Now here’s commenter Ned’s link to fulford
So what’s going on with Fulford
A gold rush in a failing system? You can’t see that the old central Bank debt system is all but done?
C’mon Joe, have a good look.
Fifty minutes to the end.
Then from 40 mins.
beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
“ S … U: 107 DROPS bombshell (56 mins) Antartica!
….the mad nutty ISRAELI HO etc…..”
Are any of our ignorant political stupids aware of what happened to Admiral Byrd’s flotilla from the US in 1947?
Why are our representatives and mass media either, stupid, ignorant, lazy, compromised OR frauds?
Why are so many, here at gumshoe off with pixies?
Right….. do not bother alleging that I am with the pixies…..I ….. 🙀 am just plain stupid and know SFA, BUT I CAN SMELL IT.
WHY do I bother?
Here’s your S….U as you call it somewhat opaquely.
I have skipped over Q Trust the Plan, going straight to 40 mins.
Well anyone who knows anything knows the Biden coup succeeded when Mike Pence certified the election, that’s what Brunson v. et al is all about, and the “insurrection” was a coverup of that moment, the Trump supporters including Q-shaman were led into the Capitol as extras while the Deep State started the circus. Now the SCOTUS won’t even run the case. It’s their main job !!!
As your S….U points out the same thing happened in 1812 when the British burned Washington DC to eliminate the 13th amendment ( banning of any type of Royals in any part of the USA government ).
It seems the 2nd amendment has not been enough to protect the USA Constitution.
Now we come to the interventions of Commander Thor from Venus and the “Venutions” [sic] who are light beings and will prevent nuclear war which will help wake the normies up … ( eyes roll ). There never was going to be any nucular war, it was all a huge beat-up, which suited the establishment. Why would they destroy their assets in M.A.D.
It’s such a jumble, now they are saying the USA and Russia should be natural allies, that should be true, not sure what the deal is with Russia but the USA has been absolutely hijacked and so far nobody has done anything. So much for anyone waking up after 3 years of this.
I think you are better off with rumormillnews, at least G666gle does its best to block rumormillnews as best as it is able without infringing some 1st amendment law, so rumormillnews has some real credibility, but beforeitsnews is just a lot of vitamin and survival food vendors, and gold dealers of one sort or another, trying to glean a steady income.
I still have that crow sandwich waiting for you, Joe. You will get to enjoy it soon.:)
You do not have to believe it all …… it is a bit like the smh, the tele etc, the only reliable section is the astrology forecasts….. which star do you follow?
Actually, I was interested in poor old George’s forecast to have a recalcitrant lot of ex pommies causing him grief and not wanting to finance him. But the Rothschilds saved his bacon. Do you think there is the same problem explaining, the US demise and centuries of killing more recalcitrants.
Perhaps you might like to explain it better than your sad effort by running off with the Thor world.
Have you noted Thor’s star sign ?
I refer to S U as S U is to save a finger ….. shhh don’t tell everyone …. It is our secret.
Must go, those crows are in a brawl with the lorikeets on the back balconies. Crows are bloody greedy and getting very fat ,…. NOISY 🙉🙉
As for the crows!
Any allergies?
What’s the difference between white hats and white light beings, answer nothing because they are nowhere to be seen in the senate hearings or SCOTUS but apparently they will reveal themselves around Christmas.
We had a white rabbit that had a short-term visitor and produced babies a month or so later, the rabbit thought they were a kind of poop but eventually after about a fortnight of animal husbandry work by yours truly the rabbit realised they were baby rabbits, after a while the survivors were adopted out. The rabbit thought it must have eaten something to make this special poop and started eating all kinds of rubbish including brooms and soles of shoes, and it would not be moved from the place where the babies had originally materialised. The rabbit was effectively praying for more babies with the most intense devotion that any Catholic priest could hope for. It was praying for babies for months. I told everyone lock the rabbit up at night or something bad would happen and they said I was mean and cruel, then one night a fox jumped over the high brick wall and bit the rabbit’s head off.
So that’s something to think about while you’re baking your crow pies.
In response to J.G. Olsen:
Morality is based in natural law – God’s law. That it is mentioned as being a ‘control system’ is ignoring that every individual has a choice in how to exercise natural law.
On Eisenhower – at least he gave the warning. Maybe he was, as President, made even more aware of how the system was being controlled than he was aware of as a General? Hindsight can be a wonderful thing for those who choose to throw darts at their target from the sidelines?
Same for the reference to the Civil War – even Lincoln realized that trust in high office could be detrimental to one’s survival in that office. Which is the reason why Q was formed soon after his assassination.
BRICS is a gold backed trading system – THE CBDC IS NOT – each country has its own currency which is backed by commodities such as gold, oil etc. that can be exchanged on a one to one basis without the enforced globalist tax of exchange rates. Gives proper meaning to the term – Free Trade Agreements.
BRICS has nothing whatsoever to do with the globalist CBDC aspirations and rejects the globalist CBDC of economic control via unlawful corporations.
China will not be the world’s only superpower or economic powerhouse. China being a BRICS member is currently dismantling the CCP under Xi, who has been busily taking down the CCP hierarchy and the CBDC economic system of control. The liquidation of Evergrande should be giving you, the reader, the biggest hint so far, that China is being altered from within.
Taiwan will be invaded by China – it is a cesspool of human trafficking, especially children and adrenochrome harvesting and bioweapons labs. It has to be dealt with.
Santa is coming
Thank God for Clif is all I can say
Was going to post on new article received today—am trying to stay in the now
From- Ana Maria Mihalcea Humanity United Now
An astonishing performance in the senate
Senator Babet cites the Australian Bureau of Statistics and data produced therefrom by AMPS saying excess mortality was in the teens ie an average of about 15% higher in dementia, diabetes and heart conditions also a rise in cancer.
ALP and Greens voted against the proposed enquiry 3 times, just about all of them.
But Babet has drawn a response from the crooked ALP !!!
And what a load of dribble it is presented by NSW ALP senator Tim Ayers, talking about far right extreme anti-semitic nasty conspiracy theorists with no reference to the facts ie the ABS and AMPS materials, then he has the nerve to say it is his duty to be utterly rational, truthful and support the science. He delivers it in a stupid singsong voice even throwing in “Climate Denialism”.
Well 30 senators voted in favour of a covid enquiry, that included most of them on the right side of this diagram, those on the left would have you boostered to death.
Nobody by now should be surprised the ALP is beholden to Globalist surveillance communism, and by now nobody should be surprised that the Greens support depopulation, but are you a Greens supporter who was forcibly jabbed, or will you be in the next scamdemic, which is planned to be an army exercise.
Greens and ALP are about 2/3 female so these are traditionally the prey of the modern medical religion. You can check all the stats using the filters to the right of the senate seating plan.
Note you can also ID the senators by clicking on their name. So you can click your state and all your state senators will come up, Then click on the ALP and Greens ones in your state and ring them up and tell them you don’t want to be jabbed anymore and you don’t want to pay for it and you don’t want any visits from Dr Jabbers and Nurse Jabbers and their military friends.
Should be Dr Jibber and Nurse Jabber, that’s quite funny
“Greens and ALP are about 2/3 female” – What the Hell has gone on with the women in this country? Women are/were the allegedly compassionate, family driven members of society that kept the ‘home fires’ going while the men toiled away at scratching for a living. – And yet, it is women who are primarily responsible for the avoidance of assigning responsibility for this destruction of the Australian families.
The result of these votes should be rubbed in every Australian woman’s face. Forget any division by gender, race, religion, etc. – just look at reality!
What? you would vote for a person because they had a vagina?
Yes they would. They took women’s studies at the university instead of anything useful, now they are homeless 50-somethings, all as designed perfectly by the establishment, ready for the depop. The establishment can use anything at all, from demographics to weather to new tech and spin or subvert it to their advantage.
The totally brainwashed are easily led by the totally corrupt.
The baby-boomer depop is going extremely well in some quarters.
The grey feminists have sown their barren and dysfunctional seeds and now have no commercial value to the establishment, they are a liability.
I couldn’t finish listening to the video. The government bullshitter pushed me past my ‘FU’ line.
Instead of white light beings protecting us so we can cook pies here’s what I really would like to know from Gumshoes Eminent Legal Counsel:
There is a story going round from Grandmother Mulara ( not sure the name exactly ) that QV1 was “sick” on the day the Australian Constitution should have been ratified and this story has the ring of plausibility about it. Was the Constitution actually signed off on ??? Where is the evidence ???
The states federated Jan 1 1901, meanwhile over in England QV1 died on the 22nd of that month. Having set such an auspicious date for federation, the first day of the new century, it is unlikely that events would have been halted for a “minor detail” such as the document missing the boat. Maybe they took a verbal !!!
A bit like the Biden coup, ushered through by VP Mike Pence under the cover of “the insurrection”. How do we know they weren’t just faking it.
well you appear to be getting around, however whilst interesting and important to consider, I could not be bothered with a old brief, others might like to think it may make a difference.
I am observing what is going to happen next and dammed if I know our outcome. But it is a matter of life, servitude and death.
Great movie though….. I am a fan of the series ‘old tricks’ with Denis Waterman, great weekly hour of distraction ….. who knows what will be dug up and found out.
Latest G5 missive received today may produce something interesting.😎
In due course!
Sorry Joseph,
I am being cruel, as only an aside, included in the above, I have noted a lot over the years about the OLYMPIC…..with a iceberg confrontation and that J P Morgan no ending (?) enterprise.
Great movie.
Titanic-Olympic story I think was already on spewtube but if we have been under a fake constitution all along it must tie into the corporatisation stuff and also suggests the SCOTUS are pure oxygen thieves
Maritime law is not beholden to Truth, but is Pirate law, which is anything but the Truth.
No natural or common law involved.
Does it really matter how the original constitution came about with all that we have learned over the past few years?
Both the original and the Whitlam hijacked constitution, have never served We the People, but the Freemasons, who have controlled this land for nearly 250 years.
If you are interested in a real Australian Constitution and not one that is made up by criminals pretending to be politicians, then this is the year for you.
When I went to Kyoto train station I recognised these bells