Home Corona The Weapon Of Mass Destruction?

The Weapon Of Mass Destruction?


Editor’s note: Stew Peters interviews former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston to expose how the FDA CONFIRMED the vaccine is an ELECTRIC device! It’s chalk-full of semiconductors that communicates with 5-G, manipulating our brains. It seems the vaccine is a weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION!

And below, Dr Naomi Wolf on GBN NEWS on mRNA COVID SHOTS sterilizing the population. (The posting of these videos was requested by Ned)



  1. They are filling us up with graphene to assemble later, n the meantime they want case studies, this is a long running experiment

    • re: mind control, in Thailand they have had a mass shooting by a former cop, killed I think 24 kids, 12 adults, wife and kid. In Thailand gun ownership is similar to the USA. I don’t think they will do a roundup yet, I think they are working towards it. My evidence is scant, just, why always school shootings, unless they make the best TV M$M impact. Thailand crime is very low and peole behave themselves properly, community standards are enforced by the community. It is basically an expertly run place ad that’s why it’s pre-eminent in SE Asia

      • “why always school shootings?”

        Because, irrespective of superficial appearances, government commandeered indoctrination of any sort is intrinsically violent

        • Such control is, very obviously, THE prescient conspiracy; interesting that it gets virtually no attention within the entertainment circuit

          • Elspeth Berry, Thank you for identifying the foundation of School Violence in our systems of hierarchal compulsory indoctrination. This is the ingrained painful de-‘grading’ experience of failure, which scars so much of colonized humanity, expressed as violent shooting crisis combined with military formation, repeatedly, in school after school. All humanity’s worldwide ‘Indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) ‘Education’ (Latin ‘educare’ = ‘to-lead-forth-from-within’) originally was the vision-quest search by each youth for their gifts to society. Mentored apprenticeship support in collective domestic, industrial & commercial Production-Society-Guild ‘economies’ or experiential-based learning in empowered relationships supported each youth’s development of their gift. Socrates founded Academia outside in the ‘Garden of Academus’ based in equal-time ‘dialogue’ to counter Athen’s war-based Sophist ‘monologue’ schools, but in the end Socrates was killed by Sophistry. Education & academia have never been restored since in our violent oligarch colonial controls. Time-based human resource capital (share) accounting within Production Societies gave recognition to the knowledge cycle each person’s contributions, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/8-vision-quest-education
            Typically youth once having identified the life’s vision would engage in Production-Society-Guilds in apprenticeship to Masters & a whole Guild who’d mentor the individual achieve their vision & life-goals, within their livelihood economic activity & community service. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/4-apprenticeship-education

          • Anything that’s dished out on a god-fatherly compulsion basis should be given a wide berth
            At least the vax agenda might have woken a few more souls up

  2. Thanks Karen Kingston & Dr. Naomi Klein, I believe you agree that we all need to partake in BUILDING HUMAN ECONOMY FOR PERSONAL, FAMILY & COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT.
    COVID-19’s virus & inoculation is rolled out worldwide in total Finance, Media, Medicine, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial COMPLEX oligarch, owned, commanded & orchestrated captured ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) corporations, agencies & governments. Capture is 7000 years old since Babylon in destroyed empire after empire & every inappropriately scaled ineffective institution.
    Our human task is most effective in our own personal, local, loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale collaboration within the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes where 70% of humanity live. This accessible universal scale is where we can through local Circular Economies animate our talents, goods, services, resources & dreams into full livelihood RELATIONAL ‘ECONOMY’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’). https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy
    DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? Before the destruction, genocide & violence of colonization all humanity’s worldwide ‘indigenous’ (L. ‘self-generating’) ancestors cultivated the ~100 person Multihome as a ‘fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole’) of individual & collective human empowerment. ‘Do-we-know-?’ web-software has Cataloguing talents & resources, Mapping for association, Accounting for buying, selling & investment & Communications for creating positive agreements as well as conflict resolution. The software is designed & employed for people in local multihomes & neighbourhoods to animate their strengths together in livelihood, ecology, economy & ownership. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

    • I liked some of your stories about the tribal people, using an international sign language and a few things like that, also “destroyed empire after empire” is resoundingly true.
      Here’s George Christensen (former QLD MP) digging into the history of things

      Will they lock you up?
      Nation First looks into The globalist ‘elite’ plan to establish mass concentration camps across the world.
      George Christensen
      Oct 11
      Dear friend,
      Throughout history, it has always been the strength of arms by which common people were able to seize their rights and limit the tyranny of the ‘elite’.
      Many modern Western institutions such as a limited government, free market capitalism, and the constitutional monarchy and democratic republic systems of government trace their genesis to the shift in the balance of power away from privileged nobles to the common citizenry, due to the invention of firearms.

      me: don’t forget the printing press (1st amendment)

  3. The Key to Good Health is Nutrition –

    Guerrilla Transcripts Newsletter
    Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)

    Lee Merritt [00:58:46] I know that sounds paranoid, but they’re just giving us toxins in the form of these vaccines and in other ways through medications. And we’re not paying attention at all. You know? Honestly, as a physician —and a well-trained physician, I believe, at a fine medical school— I can’t remember having a lecture on nutrition. I probably did, but I can’t remember it. It wasn’t memorable. It wasn’t something they emphasized. 

    Poornima Waugh [00:59:15] I’ll give you an example that happened to me. And this is my personal experience. I have a uterine fibroid, okay? And it was pretty massive. My fibroid was probably about 12 centimeters in size. And it was an intramural fibroid. It was growing in the wall of the uterus. And it actually started in the fundus, the top part of the uterus. And then it spread and got so big that it became transmural. That means the entire uterus became misshapen because the fibroid grew all over the place. I tried everything, and what did help was nattokinase and serrapeptase, the proteolytic enzymes. 
    Lee Merritt [00:59:57] Yeah, yep.

    Poornima Waugh [00:59:59] And what really really really helped: I started taking 5000 IU of D3, Vitamin D3 and K2. And then I increased to about 25000 IU of vitamin D3. And then after about a month I increased it to 50,000 and I stayed on it for eight months. And I did an ultrasound. After about a year of being on this, my fibroid was then probably about one centimeter in size. 
    Lee Merritt [01:00:28] Yeah. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:00:29] I mean, it was that small. And my GP here in Santa Barbara said, so what did you do? How did it go [away]? 
    Lee Merritt [01:00:37] How did you get rid of it? 

    Poornima Waugh [01:00:39] How did it change from 12 centimeters to one centimeter? —He said. What did you do? I said: You know, I started taking two things. One is the proteolytic enzymes and a very high dose of vitamin D3 with K2. But then I also took magnesium because D3 needs magnesium, zinc, and you also have to take boron with it. 

    Lee Merritt [01:00:57] Yeah. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:00:58] So I was taking five milligrams of boron and it was amazing. I was charting to see if this experiment would work. And it wasn’t necrosis. It had gotten so small, it was literally just wasting away. The blood vessels had withered and everything. They had previously wanted to do a hysterectomy on me. 
    Lee Merritt [01:01:16] Right. That’s what they wanted. Yeah, exactly. And that’s what we talked to them about for a long time in orthopedics. I’m a spine surgeon and I can tell you, I’ve been in medicine for 45 years. And since 1983, I’ve been looking at X-rays of spines and doing spine surgery, primarily after ’89. I can tell you, you can look at X-rays and you can see that these women who are coming in with all these spinal fractures do not have osteoporosis. A lot of times it’s osteomalacia or vitamin D deficiency —adult rickets. It’s not brain [science], you know. Yes, you could biopsy them and prove that, but you don’t have to. You can see the difference on the X-ray. We’ve known this in orthopedics for a long time. And so, here we are. And what I told my patients, literally my whole professional career since 1987 is, take 10,000 international units a day of vitamin D. There’s no overdose at that level. The Okinawan tribesmen that routinely work into their hundreds are getting 30,000 IU from the sun every day. But we don’t live in those altitudes. We shower, we wear clothes. We don’t have that availability. So we knew this absolutely. This is not questionable science. And yet, the Institute of Medicine in America was still recommending 400 international units a day, which would barely cover childhood rickets. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:02:38] I when I said I was taking 50,000 IU, of course you know you also have to take the commensurate increase in MK7. 

    Lee Merritt [01:02:43] Right. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:02:44] You know, the [K2] MK7. 

    Lee Merritt [01:02:45] Right, right, right, right. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:02:46] But then you have to take the other cofactors as well, like zinc and magnesium and stuff. When I said that, Doctor Scott Saunders, my GP, became white as a sheet. He said, that can’t be! This just can’t be. Maybe they made a mistake! 

    Lee Merritt [01:03:01] I know. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:03:03] And he called Sansom. Here I went to Sansom Clinic. That’s where I got my ultrasound. And he called them and he said ‘Are you sure this is the right patient, the right ultrasound?’ And they said, ‘Yeah, yeah, it is the right ultrasound.’ He said, This can’t be. How can a 12 centimeter fibroid that was so massive have now reduced to 1.1 centimeters? —Literally, I think it was. It was so tiny. And I said to him, ‘Dr. Saunders, you’re a medical doctor. I am a scientist. I’m telling you, it’s vitamin D3. It does amazing things.’ He said ‘You took 50,000 IU? You know, that’s toxic?’ I said, ‘no, it’s not toxic!’ 

    Lee Merritt [01:03:41] That’s what they all say. They always say it’s toxic. I say, show me the toxicity [studies] on real people. —People on dialysis, possibly so. 

    • wow crisscross … thank you. I will be passing this onto a friend who has presently a similar problem. Friend going into surgery mid Oct

          • I use a couple of teaspoons of borax and 4-5 drops of dishwater soap in a spray bottle to kill aphids/insects on my trees. Not only does it kill the insects, but the plant absorbs the boron to improve its’ health.

      • For a megadose of vitamin K just eat plenty of watercress, the most nutrient rich salad vegetable you can get. Always try to balance yourself using the natural stuff. Coles supermarket sells the boutique variety ( who knows what’s going on with it ) and the Vietnamese have the real thing

  4. “Stew Peters interviews former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston to expose how the FDA CONFIRMED the vaccine is an ELECTRIC device!”



    The principle of an electrical current produced by potential differences between dissimilar metals is used in typical dry cell batteries. The anode usually consists of a zinc outer case while the cathode may come in the form of a graphite rod.



    Guerrilla Transcripts Newsletter

    Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)

    Poornima Waugh [01:12:34] We’ve actually tested three Novavax vials at this point and they’re identical to J&J. And there’s no difference, okay? 

    Lee Merritt [01:12:42] They’re all the same. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:12:43] It’s the same platform. It’s a hydrogel, CpG adjuvant. Okay? It’s a sandwich. The lipid nanoparticle, in the case of Pfizer, is PEG. They use the pegylated lipid nanoparticle. Moderna is using SM-102, which is highly toxic. I don’t know what [the hell]… These people just put anything and everything —garbage— in there. And then there is reduced graphene oxide. So, synthetic lipid nanoparticle, hydrogel and reduced graphene oxide. There is no mRNA. There’s no spike protein coded into the mRNA, nothing. Zero. And massive amounts of heavy metal contamination: tungsten, osmium, silica, a lot of silver and gold particles. What else? They have nickel, some amount of lead. I mean, talk about heavy metal contamination! There’s massive amounts of aluminum in there. And all this stuff is very stable. You know, when you put that into the human body, it sits in adipose tissue and other places, and it causes problems. It causes irritation and inflammation. That’s what’s causing all these vascular problems that we’re seeing. The blood vessel problems. And the graphene oxide has an extremely weak positive piezoelectric charge. And everything in our body, and especially the heart and the brain, are negatively charged. 

    Lee Merritt [01:14:16] Right. It steals [electrons]. 

    Poornima Waugh [01:14:18] It literally short-circuits everything. And through the inflammatory process, you’re short circuiting everything, and so you die. That’s why people are getting heart attacks, myocarditis, inflammation, swelling of the heart, all sorts of problems. And it’s because of the reduced graphene oxide. See, no biologics, people. It’s not the spike protein. 

    • It’s good to see some more incriminating stories about Grek Hunt emerging but don’t let Gates off the hook just because of that, two different things can be true at the same time

  5. So the ingenuity of the covid vax creators was such that it controls mood, perception, thought,memory, desire, and imagination????????

    My view is that those who succumbed to the associated demand/threat/lure did so because they were ALREADY corrupted in all 5 faculties

    Not that there’s a single living soul who’s never fallen prey like so one way or another; the demarcation went to whether said propensity had, at some point or other, been owned as such and the degree of said ownership

  6. Riccardo Bosi (sp?) has reported that all complicit in this abomination has to confess etc by 31st October or be dealt with.
    Ref: situation update at bin. Sorry I did not note the timeline.
    Note Ben Fulford report in the bin report….. re our new ‘King’s’ activities,

  7. Believe it or not, the Swiss people are suing their government. (“Use of mandate in relation to risk knowledge”. I have translated the first bit.)

    Should GS News wish to get the full two pages (PDF) translated, pl. let me know.

    Swiss health authorities in Bern are being sued by the “We the People” group.

    “Media release; Criminal complaint filed against members of the Federal Office of Public Health in Switzerland..

    On September 28, 2022, 13,900 members of the WirMenschen (We the People) plaintiff community filed a criminal complaint against the director of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) Anne Lévy and other members of management with the public prosecutor’s office in Bern. The document states that the FOPH demonstrably or at least presumably had information on relevant risks of the “vaccines” at the time of the respective “vaccination recommendations”, but ignored this and thus endangered the health of the population.

    The doctor and health network “Aletheia” supports the call for a criminal investigation to determine the extent to which the FOPH was aware of worrying facts about health risks at the time and why the “vaccination” was still recommended”.

    Original text in German:
    Medienmitteilung Strafanzeige gegen Direktionsmitglieder des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit eingereicht 13’900 Mitglieder der Klägergemeinschaft WirMenschen haben am 28.9.2022 bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Bern eine Strafanzeige gegen die Direktorin des Schweizer Bundesamtes für Gesundheit (BAG) Anne Lévy und weitere Kadermitglieder eingereicht. Die Anzeige hält fest, dass das BAG zum Zeitpunkt der jeweiligen «Impfempfehlungen» nachweislich oder zumindest mutmasslich über Informationen zu relevanten Risiken der «Impfstoffe» verfügte, diese jedoch ignoriert und damit die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung gefährdet hat. Das Ärzte- und Gesundheitsnetzwerk Aletheia unterstützt die Forderung nach einer strafrechtlichen Untersuchung, um festzustellen, in welchem Umfang das BAG zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt Kenntnis von besorgniserregenden Fakten zu Gesundheitsrisiken hatte und weshalb die «Impfung» trotzdem weiterhin empfohlen wurde.


    • Swiss all do military training and have guns as far as I’m aware
      One comment to the above:
      “September 29, 1:05 p.m., by Bachmann Hans
      I think this class action lawsuit is good and necessary. There are enough questions in connection with this “vaccination terror” and the questionable pandemic. I have never seen so many people I know in my environment who had to be treated for sudden illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks or undefined inflammations or who even died from it. Not only in Switzerland, but also in Italy.”
      Google translate seems to work without AI bot interference (yet)

  8. Terror on Crimean Bridge forces Russia to unleash Shock’n Awe

    The Western narrative of a “losing Russia” has just been decimated by Moscow’s blitzkrieg against Ukraine and its foreign-backed terror actions.
    October 11, 2022 22

    The terror attack on Krymskiy Most – the Crimean Bridge – was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Russian President Vladimir Putin summed it up nicely : “This is a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the critical civilian infrastructure of the Russian Federation,” Pepe Escobar writes .

    The head of the Russian Commission of Inquiry, Alexander Bastrykin, confirmed to Putin that the terrorist attack on the bridge was carried out by the SBU – Ukrainian special services.

    Bastrykin told Putin: “We have already established the route of the truck where the explosion happened. Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar… The carriers have been identified. With the help of FSB agents, we were able to identify the suspects.”

    Russian intelligence has leaked crucial information to military correspondent Alexander Kots. The cargo was ordered by a Ukrainian citizen: explosives packed on 22 pallets, in rolls of foil covered by plastic sheeting, were shipped from Bulgaria to the Georgian port of Poti. The cargo was then loaded into a truck with foreign number plates and transported overland to Armenia.

    Customs clearance at the Armenia-Russia border went smoothly – according to the rules of the Eurasian Customs Union (both Russia and Armenia are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, or EAEU). The charge was apparently not detected by X-rays. This route is standard for truckers traveling to Russia.

    The truck then re-entered Georgia and crossed the border into Russia again, this time through the Upper Lars checkpoint. That’s the same one used by thousands of Russians fleeing partial mobilization. The truck ended up in Armavir, where the cargo was transferred to another truck, under the responsibility of Mahir Yusubov, the truck driver who entered Crimea from the Russian mainland.

    Very important: the transport of Armavir to a delivery address in Simferopol should have taken place on October 6-7, that is, on President Putin’s birthday on Friday, October 7. For inexplicable reasons, that was postponed for a day.

    The driver of the first truck is already testifying. Yusubov, the driver of the second truck – which exploded on the bridge – was “blind”: he had no idea what he was carrying, and is dead.

    At this stage, two conclusions are paramount.

    First, this was not your standard ISIS-style suicide bombing — the preferred interpretation in the wake of the terror attack.

    Second, the packaging most certainly took place in Bulgaria. That points, as Russian intelligence has cryptically suggested, to the involvement of “foreign special services.”

    A mirage of cause and effect

    What Russian intelligence has made public only tells part of the story. A glowing review The Cradle received from another Russian intelligence source is far more intriguing.

    At least 450 kg of explosives were used in the explosion. Not on the truck, but in the span of the Krimbrug itself. The white truck was just a diversionary tactic by the terrorists “to create an illusion of cause and effect” . When the truck reached the point on the bridge where the explosives were placed, the explosion took place.
    Ukraine bombs civilians and children in central Donetsk

    According to the source, railway workers told investigators that some form of electronic hijacking had taken place; the terrorists took control of the track so the fuel train was ordered to stop due to a false signal that the road ahead was occupied.

    Bombs on the bridge piers were a working hypothesis that was discussed at length in Russian military channels over the weekend, as was the use of underwater drones.

    In the end, the rather sophisticated plan could not follow the necessarily tight timing. There was not a millimeter of alignment between the mounted explosive charges, the passing truck and the fuel train coming to a stop. The damage was limited and easy to mitigate. The cargo/truck combination exploded in the outer right lane of the road. There was only damage to two parts of the outer lane, and not much to the railway bridge.

    In the end, the terrorist attack on the bridge produced a brief, Pyrrhic PR victory – celebrated across the West – with negligible practical success: Russian military freight by rail was resumed after about 14 hours.

    And that brings us to the most important piece of information in the assessment of the Russian source of information: the whodunnit.

    It was a British MI6 plan, this source says, without giving further details. To which he explains that the Russian secret service, for various reasons, plays in the shadows as “foreign special services”.

    It is telling that the Americans have rushed to establish a plausible denial. The proverbial “Ukrainian government official” told CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post that the SBU has done it. That was a direct confirmation of a report by Ukrainska Pravda, based on an “unidentified law enforcement officer”.

    The perfect red line trifecta

    By the weekend it was already clear that the ultimate red line had been crossed. Russian public opinion and media were outraged. The Krymsky Most is not only a technical feat, but also the visual symbol of the return of Crimea to Russia.

    Moreover, this was a personal terror attack on Putin and the entire Russian security apparatus.

    So, in succession, we had: Ukrainian terrorists who blew up Darya Dugina’s car in a Moscow suburb (they admitted it); US/UK special forces who (partially) blew up Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 (they admitted and then retracted it); and the terror attack on Krymsky Most (again: admitted and then retracted).

    Not to mention the shelling of Russian villages in Belgorod, the supply of long-range weapons by NATO to Kiev and the routine execution of Russian soldiers.
    Begging for the Apocalypse: Biden Provokes Putin to Attack US and NATO Cities with New Long-Range Weapons, May Including Nuclear Weapons or EMP Weapons

    Darya Dugina, Nord Streams and the Crimean Bridge make it an act of war trifecta. So this time the reaction was inevitable – not even waiting for the first meeting since February of the Russian Security Council, which was scheduled for the afternoon of October 10.

    Moscow launched the first wave of a Russian Shock’n Awe without even changing the status of a special military operation (SMO) into a counter-terrorist operation (CTO), with serious military-legal implications.

    Even before the UN Security Council meeting, Russian public opinion massively supported taking off the gloves. Putin had not even planned bilateral meetings with the members. Diplomatic sources hint that the decision to drop the hammer was already made over the weekend.

    Shock’n Awe didn’t wait for the announcement of an ultimatum to Ukraine (which may come in a few days); an official declaration of war (not necessary); or even announcing which “decision centers” in Ukraine would be affected.

    The lightning strike in which the SMO effectively seeded to CTO means that the Kiev regime and those who support it are now considered legitimate targets, as were ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra during the Anti-Terror Operation (ATO) in Syria.

    And the change of status – this is now a real war on terror – means that ending all forms of terrorism, physical, cultural and ideological, is the absolute priority, not the safety of Ukrainian citizens. During the SMO, the safety of the citizens was paramount. Even the UN has had to admit that the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine in the more than seven months of the SMO was relatively low.

    Performance “General Armageddon”

    The face of the Russian Shock’n Awe is the Russian commander of the air force, army general Sergei Surovikin: the new commander in chief of the now totally centralized SMO/CTO.

    Questions were asked non-stop: why didn’t Moscow make this decision in February? Well, better late than never. Kiev now learns that they messed with the wrong man. Surovikin is widely respected – and feared: his nickname is “General Armageddon”. Others call him “Cannibal”. Legendary Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov – also a colonel general in the Russian army – lavishly praises Surovikin as “a true general and warrior, an experienced, strong-willed and far-sighted commander.”

    Surovikin has been commander of the Russian Air Force since 2017; was given the title Hero of Russia for his no-nonsense leadership of the military operation in Syria; and had on-site experience in Chechnya in the 1990s.

    Surovikin is Dr. Shock’n Awe with full carte blanche. That has even led to empty suggestions that Defense Secretary Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov have been fired or forced to resign, as speculated by the Wagner Group’s Gray Zone Telegram Channel.
    Russian natural gas: Only Hungary is supplied in the EU

    It is still possible that Shoigu — widely criticized for the recent Russian military setbacks — will eventually be replaced by the governor of Tula, Alexei Dyumin, and Gerasimov by the deputy commander-in-chief of the ground forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Matovnikov.

    That is almost unimportant: all eyes are on Surovikin.

    Relatively speaking, MI6 does have some well-placed moles in Moscow. The British had warned Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the General Staff that the Russians would carry out a “warning attack” this Monday.

    What happened was not a “warning attack” , but a massive offensive of more than 100 cruise missiles launched “from the air, sea and land” , as Putin noted, against Ukrainian “energy, military command and communications facilities.”

    MI6 also noted that “the next step” will be the complete destruction of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. That is not a “next step” : it is already happening. In five regions, including Lviv and Kharkov, the power supply is completely gone and in five other regions, including Kiev, there are serious interruptions.

    More than 60 percent of Ukraine’s electricity grids have already gone down. More than 75 percent of internet traffic is gone. Elon Musk’s Starlink net-centric warfare has been “disabled” by the Department of Defense.

    Shock’n Awe will likely proceed in three phases.

    First: overload of the Ukrainian air defense system (already underway).

    Second: plunging Ukraine into the dark ages (already underway).

    Third: destruction of all major military installations (the next wave).

    Ukraine is about to embrace near total darkness in the coming days. Politically, this opens up a completely new playing field. Given Moscow’s trademark of “strategic ambiguity”, this could be a kind of Desert Storm remixed (massive air strikes preparing a ground offensive); or, more likely, an “incentive” to force NATO to negotiate; or simply a relentless, systematic missile offensive mixed with electronic warfare (EW) to shatter Kiev’s ability to wage war for good.

    Or it could be all of the above.

    How a humiliated Western empire can now raise the stakes without going nuclear remains the key question. Moscow has shown an admirable restraint for too long. No one should ever forget that in the real Great Game – how to coordinate the rise of the multipolar world – Ukraine is just an afterthought. But now the extras better take cover, because General Armageddon is at large.


    • Watching France24 this morning they are absolutely flogging themselves with the propaganda, they get on a bunch of talking heads who try to outdo each other with misinformation and don’t come up with a scrap of actual news, it’s just astonishing how low the M$M is in freefall since the scamdemic

  9. We have come to a point where technology is no longer developed for good, and it seems we can’t make war with the beast, because we’re all slaves in a satanic system.
    With 5G installed, smart to be turned on in new year, we have been sold down the river.
    The beast system is hell where a relative few possess money, resources, technology and all levers of control. Celebrating the destruction of host nations, this collective engineered the plandemic to steal and kill, now making survivors slaves.

  10. WARNING!!! Yesterday I was looked up by Alexander Kyriasis,of Aust.govt. counter terrorism and political violence. I did not attend the rally. My circle is extremely narrow. I have done nothing wrong. I am not suicidal. I note that recently, way out here in the bush, a tower has recently been installed up the road a few km and a new type of streetlight has been put up right across the road in front of my house. Only one in my tiny ghost town. I lights up about 400m of street! Just saying.

    • We also got the enhanced streetlight not too far away. The old phone boxes have big wifi routers concealed in the tops of them now. The science-fiction is coming like a tsunami. Did anyone ever ask for any of it ?

      • We also have Geoengineering, full swing. On cue, every morning for months now, following windless clear night skies, come dawn a film of dusty mist comes in and forms a layer of rainless cloud like a feather quilt with square array…just enough to negate all our solar panels, all day and then disappears. Not a leaf twitches in the trees. Unbloodybelievable…but true. I’ve taken photos..

  11. Up date re Julian Assange. Born in Townsville where a Tavistock Node was set up post ww2 same time as Geelong Ballarat Bendigo Node was set up in 1947. These Nodes became the foundation of the Cults that fed /feed the NETWORKS the Matrix.

    Assange has direct links to the Cult of the Family—The Great White Brother Hood Cult the Anne Hamilton Byrne (Evelyn Edwards) Cult.

    Assange “educated” “trained” in Hawaii– Snowdon Russia

    When Australia had the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Abuse they left out one very big Institute. The Tavistock Institute.


    7,000 form human chain in London to protest treatment of Assange


    Julian Assange tests positive for COVID-19

    • PCR was saying this months ago and he is saying it again now and has been proven right:
      October 10, 2022
      Paul Craig Roberts
      … It was obvious from the beginning that this was a strategic blunder whose slow-moving progress would give Washington time to widen the war and back Ukraine with money, weapons, training, intelligence and targeting information. With the Kremlin determined to confine and limit the conflict to the Russian regions of Ukraine, the Russian military was prevented from interfering with Ukraine’s ability to conduct war. No strikes were made on government and military communication and infrastructure in Kiev, allowing Ukraine to engage in the conflict while remaining untouched, a huge self-inflicted disadvantage on the Russian forces. Apparently, this mindless military policy was to show that Russia was rescuing Donbass, not conquering Ukraine. In other words, the Kremlin let Western opinion constrain its military operation.”

      Therefore, the operation was run correctly from the vantage point of the adversary, now why would that be.
      Televised sport, some parts real and some parts fake.

      • (I am too slow – when I finally am ready to say something – there is a new post.)

        Re. PCR. I agree, he always says the Russians are too slow to act.

        In the following, the boss of RT speaks. 5 mins. German subtext. She talks about a red line was crossed when the Kerch bridge was blown up. She mentions about the Russian character: “The Russian is slow to put his seat belt on, but then drives very fast”. “To cut something once, he first measures 7 times.”

        We have read in the West what Putin has said after the massive bombings last Monday: “This is only the beginning”! Margarita Simonjan says that she firmly believes this to be the case, but DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW what comes next.

        At min. 4.30 an Azov supporter speaks: “I, Sergei Federenko from Nowaja-Kachovka, have supported the army (Ukrainian army) with co-ordinates to help the army to be able to effectively attack people and institutions (e.g. the local hospital).


        • When MIC oligarchs on both sides are winning, they must be happy with the outcome. Local people and soldiers are the losers. Yet again a class war of elites against commoners, the commoners too dumb to see it, their minds dulled by football and other forms of colour-coding.

  12. 51 year old Todd Woodbridge suffered a heart attack, according to MSM. Of course, he failed to take his family history of high cholesterol seriously.
    Could he have succumbed to the shot… Anyone know? He makes a plea “urging everyone to be vigilant with their health”….
    I feel like there are no more ‘heroes’ left when I hear this sort of waffle!

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