Gumshoe adaption and addition to the serious release (DM)
ACA launches Action Week – May 6-12.
“What you should know NOW about the World Health Organization’s new plans for you! And Why!”
The newly formed Aligned Council of Australia (ACA) launches Action Week 6-12 May to inform Australians of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty reforms and how these can significantly impact their daily lives and health.
Ramesh Thakur, Emeritus Professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, and former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, is gravely concerned that if these reforms are not rejected in their current form before May 27 this year:
“The two sets of changes to the architecture of global health governance will effectively change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation offering recommendations, into a supranational public health authority telling governments what to do”.
These pandemic treaty reforms include extensive amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and a new pandemic treaty.
Article 49.5 of the IHR proposes that the Director General of the WHO, will not only be able to personally select members of the Emergency Committee tasked with making recommendations, but that:
‘The views of the Emergency Committee shall be forwarded to the Director-General for consideration. The Director-General shall make the final determination on these matters.
In Article 42 of the proposed IHR amendments WHO Member States (which includes Australia) are also bound to comply:
‘Health measures taken pursuant to these Regulations shall be initiated and completed without delay and applied in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner. States Parties shall take all practicable measures, in accordance with national laws, to engage with non-State actors operating in their respective jurisdictions with a view to achieving compliance with, and implementation of, health measures taken pursuant to these Regulations.’
This will be ensured by a newly appointed “National IHR Authority” which is an entity designated or established by member countries at the national level to coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the territory of the member countries’ (Articles 1 and 4 IHR.).
These health measures, (Article 18 IHR) may include:
– proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis; – medical examinations; – proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis; – vaccination or other prophylaxis; – place suspect persons under public health observation; – implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons; – implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons; – implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons; – refuse entry of suspect and affected persons; – refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas; – implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas. This level of power in the hands of one individual and organisation is unacceptable, and the ACA calls on Australians and their elected officials to reject the amendments and treaty which would allow it.
“This would have disastrous consequences for fundamental human rights… Australia still has the power to reject these amendments that would allow WHO’s Director-General to arbitrarily impose pandemic lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and other highly oppressive measures. Above all, if the use of these policies becomes a reality, the world as we know it will cease to exist. We either stand for our basic rights and freedoms or risk losing everything come May 2024”
Augusto Zimmermann, Professor of Law, Head of Law, Chair of the Research Committee, and co-Chair of the Academic Council at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, Perth.
The pandemic treaty reforms are due to be voted upon by Australian unidentified delegates, and the other 193 WHO Member States, in the week of 27 May 2024 at the 77th World Health Assembly. However, the reforms are still being negotiated.
Under its own WHO rules, the amendments to the International Health Regulation Amendments (IHR’s) were supposed to be delivered in January 2024, so that the 194 member countries could review them and the new pandemic treaty, with sufficient time, before voting.
They have not provided them yet.
An open letter co-authored by Australian Dr David Bell who is a former medical officer and scientist at the WHO and Programme Head for malaria and febrile diseases at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in Geneva, states:
‘The adoption of any amendments of the IHR at the 77th WHA can no longer be achieved in a lawful manner. Currently, the WGIHR keeps negotiating the draft amendments, with the aim to finalise the package of proposed amendments during its 8th meeting scheduled for the 22nd – 26th April that is then to be presented to the 77th WHA. This modus operandi is unlawful. It violates Article 55(2) IHR which sets out the procedure to be followed for amending the IHR:
‘The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.’
The Open Letter to the WHO adds:
‘Whilst some have argued that urgency in developing new pandemic management instruments is justified by a rising risk and burden of such infectious disease outbreaks, this has recently been demonstrated to be a markedly exaggerated claim. The evidence bases on which the WHO have relied, and partner agencies including the World Bank and G20, demonstrate that the risk of naturally-derived outbreaks is not currently increasing, and overall burden is probably declining. This suggests that current mechanisms are indeed working relatively effectively, and changes must be viewed carefully, without undue urgency, in the light of the heterogeneity of threat and competing public health priorities across WHO Member States.’
Why should Australians reject the amendments and new pandemic treaty? Isn’t the WHO a trustworthy organisation?
Dr Bell states:
“The WHO once based its priorities on assessment of disease burden and country need. It has now become a public-private partnership with most of its work directly specified by its funders, who include pharmaceutical companies and their private investors. These are the same entities who gained financially from the COVID-19 response and will do so through the proposed Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments.”
Other countries have chosen to reject some or all, of the proposed amendments at this time.
These include the Dutch House of Representatives in the Netherlands who are calling for a postponement and the new New Zealand Parliament who have already rejected some of the amendments.
The New Zealand Government will also conduct a national interest analysis before agreeing to any pandemic treaty reforms and has sought the views of the New Zealand people via a national survey.
However, most Australians remain unaware of the proposed changes and how they will significantly change their way of life and potentially affect their health.
More worrying is that most Australian politicians appear not to understand them.
Therefore, AUSTRALIA wide, from 6 May 2024, The Aligned Council of Australia, will launch ‘Australia’s Action Week’to inform Australians about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty reforms.
During action week, The ACA will:
– Continue with Australia’s Greatest Letterbox Drop when thousands of registered volunteers will continue
– delivery of millions of flyers to Australian households.
– Run billboards across the ACT, as per those already run in WA, VIC, NSW and SA
– Run inclusive community education and activation programs
– Equip Aussies to contact their Federal Members of Parliament and Senators with their concerns via the MySayMatters platform and National Electoral Representative initiative
The Aligned Council of Australia
The Aligned Council of Australia Ltd of Australia is an expert advocacy collective which represents over 37 organisations and 1.32 million Australians.
The ACA is an initiative of aligned every day Australians including lawyers, doctors, accountants, professors, emergency services personnel, community leaders, business owners, and individuals to bring awareness to deeply concerning proposals being put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the name of the next ‘pandemic’.
Experts include Prof Gigi Foster, Professor Ian Brighthope, Professor Paul Frijters, Professor Ramesh Thakur, Prof James Allan, Ms Katie Ashby-Koppens and numerous medical and other professionals.
The Council was formed in February 2024 in response to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) two pandemic reforms.
ACA aims to bring awareness of the deeply concerning proposals being put forward by the World Health Organization. The proposals contradict fundamental democratic rights and basic human freedoms and call into question Australia’s ability to function as an independent sovereign nation.
“Tens of thousands of protestors are gathering around the world to oppose the two pandemic treaty reforms. We urge Australians to inform themselves immediately via the ACA website at www.alignedcouncilofaustralia.com.au, to take action as they see fit and to communicate their opposition to our federal politicians before May 27”.
Professor Ian Brighthope for the ACA.
Media representatives are invited to join our media list for updates at:
Media representatives are invited to join our media list for updates at:
Quotes attributable to – Professor Ian Brighthope ACA:
Interviews available:
Emeritus Professor Ramesh Thakur
Professor Augusto Zimmerman
Dr David Bell
Professor Ian Brighthope
UPDATE: Mainstream News 3 May 2024, The Australian
“The two sets of changes to the architecture of global health governance will effectively change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation offering recommendations, into a supranational public health authority telling governments what to do”.
But as each and every Aus government body has for years been acting as though that’s was a fait accompli nothing much will change ?
Perhaps ‘nothing will change’ because Australians are to dumb to realise and too lazy to do anything about our traitor politicians and their governments, still they are too gullible to realise that our mass media are fakes and liars controlled by globalist NWO psycho control freaks.
My observation since the early nineties has been that a long period of social engineering always precedes any actual legislative curtailments of freedom, the prime example being the ‘96 gun laws. Throughout the preceding 30-odd years hoplophobia wormed it’s way into mainstream consciousness, chiefly via prolonged exposure to crappy TV dramas:
Whereas in the ‘50s it would have been virtually impossible to push such restrictions through
Similarly the covid caper was preceded by introducing one childhood vaccine after another over a 20-year period re maladies that had never been a problem save for the odd kid with extant health issues. When I happened to attend a doctors appointment in early 2020 I was somewhat shocked to see giant flu-vaccine promo posters directed at pregnant women. Having had quite nasty flues during two pregnancies followed by two perfectly normal births and healthy babies the motive, from my point of view, was obvious, but for a young inexperienced woman…………..
Bitchute Jim Crenshaw : In Modern Medicine There has Never Been a Recorded Case of Cancer In a Non Vaccinated Person. ( The Amish Don’t Vaccinate And They Have None.)
Senator Babet’s Hard Won Excess Mortality Inquiry
On 26 March 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into Excess Mortality to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 31 August 2024.
Submissions are sought by 17 May 2024
Terms of Reference
Excess Mortality with particular reference to:
(a) Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data showing excess deaths in recent years, with particular reference to:
(i) all-cause provisional mortality data reported by the states and territories to the ABS, and
(ii) the difference between all-cause provisional mortality data for 2021, 2022 and 2023 and the preceding years of 2015 to 2020 (inclusive);
(b) factors contributing to excess mortality in 2021, 2022 and 2023;
(c) recommendations on how to address any identified preventable drivers of excess mortality; and
(d) any other related matter.
Well, it will give Australians some indication of those of our representatives on our payroll who actually work for and represent Australians to keep us safe and who are not ‘WEFer’ traitors working for the WHO , the UN and THE NEW WORLD ORDER ANTI-DEMOCRATIC GENOCIDAL WARMONGER SICKS.
So what’s with the denial that health is synonymous with power ?
And why would anyone classify an overt arrogation thereof as “secret”
Can anybody inform when the last true pandemic happened. I cannot remember one such event, so why is there a rush to be “prepared” for the next one?
In my opinion Australia has never benefitted by being a member of either the United Nations Organisation or the World Health Organisation and we should disengage from both.
1666 the black plague
And there is a monumental difference in the way people were living then and now. Sanitation, healthy foods etc.
Well the contagion that hit Australia sure was keyed into a WW pandemic – an outbreak of highly transmissible governmental panic – a sweeping terror of losing control.
No one could have wished for a more fulsome exhibition of how fragile the World System actually is
How dare you question the World Hoax Organization !
unable post –?? trying again with this
Reminding all of my post re WHO takeover:
I feel the takeover was shortly after Homebush Olympics in 2000, cemented after 911 with controlled demolition of Oz middle majority via destruction of independent family business and moving industry to CCP.
24 years on, the deal is done. 5G credit score slavery enforced as we sit, watch the holocaust global and do nothing, in fear of offending the controllers.
Sydney is new Shanghai on steroids, double loaders some 50 metres long taking up four lanes doing 90 degree turns, now ubiquitous in the streetscape building back better.
Krown kabal replacing all here, His story deleted “Not Found” as metaverse data kontrol takes over, the honeymoon with free net no more.
The kids are waking up, shackled to the dream of owning a home and never being able to pay for it, competing for scraps and misery downunder as fat controllers clean up with artificial insanity.
What the data says about vaccines
My updated presentation is just filled with “misinformation” about the COVID vaccines and vaccines in general. All slides are linked to the data sources.
Megalithic Star Forts of America w/Dutchsinse and Bernie