Home World Politics The World is at the Cusp of Unprecedented Tragedy

The World is at the Cusp of Unprecedented Tragedy


by James O’Neill*

If the study of history teaches one valuable lesson it is that nothing lasts forever. It is a valuable lesson that should be ingrained into the mindset of every politician, but if the history of the past 70 years is any guide, it is a lesson that has not been learned by the government of the United States. This remains true regardless of which of the two nominally different political parties occupies the White House, or enjoys a majority of the seats in either the House of Representatives or the Senate.

The great danger for the world at the present time is that the undoubted military hegemon of the 50 or so post- World War II years, the United States, does not accept that historical reality and instead is engaging in increasingly dangerous geopolitical manoeuvres in an endeavour to defeat the tide of history by engaging in increasingly powerless and unsuccessful power plays around the globe.

At the present time, the United States is engaged in a confrontation with countries as far apart as South America (in Venezuela); the Middle East (Iraq, Iran, and Syria); Europe (Bela- Russia, Ukraine, and Russia), and Asia (China).

None of those confrontations is going well. In Venezuela, there was the absurdity of the United States declaring Juan Guaido President, when he had not even been a candidate in the Presidential election. In that futile exercise, they were joined by a small number of other States, including Australia, about whose blind loyalty to the United States is a source of major concern.

In Ukraine, the United States engineered a coup in 2014, the consequences of which have been an unmitigated disaster for that country. Despite a peace deal of sorts being brokered by Germany, Ukraine’s Civil War has waged non-stop. The people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to return to Russia, from where they had been “gifted” by Nikita Khrushchev in 1954, without a vote being taken by either Russians or the Crimeans.

Crimea’s return to Russia has been consistently misrepresented by the western media ever since, allegedly a Russian “annexation”, a claim that totally disregards both the facts and the relevant history. Western troublemaking in the region has most recently been exhibited by blatant interference in Belorussia, again a classic illustration of media reporting that ignores multiple relevant facts, including the overwhelming Russian affiliation of the population, including language, and a long-standing mutual security treaty. The unpleasant nature of its president who undoubtedly rigged but did not necessarily lose the recent presidential election is not a reason to justify western intervention.

The propaganda fervour has escalated in recent weeks with the events surrounding the Russian dissident politician Alexei Navalny. The allegation that Navalny was poisoned with “Novichok” has undergone several permutations, each less credible than the previous ones.

Navalny, who received less than 2% in the last election he contested, is a classic illustration of a minor Russian dissident whose role is inflated to absurd levels by the western media. He is now undoubtedly more use to western propaganda dead than alive, so one would be unwise to expect too much by way of his recovery. The alleged means to disable Novotny was “Novichok”, a Soviet-era developed poison of incredible powers.

Its presence in the arsenal of several western powers barely rates a mention, nor its ability to endanger selected targets like Navalny or the mysteriously (and illegally) disappeared Skripal’s, but miraculously brings no harm to any other person in close contact with the “victims”. One might have thought that “Novichok” had passed its use-by date in terms of western propaganda tools, but clearly not.

The greatest challenge to the United States hegemony, however, has come from China, a country with 1000 years plus history of dealing with imperialist upstarts and is demonstrating yet again its resilience, and to be brutally frank, ability to outlast and outsmart geopolitical bullying upstarts like the United States.

No nation in history has conceded power gracefully, and the United States is no exception. The huge difference today is that, declining relative power notwithstanding, it still possesses enormous destructive power. In the event of a full-scale nuclear war, it has the destructive capacity to eliminate human life on this planet.

For all his bluff and bluster, the current United States President Donald Trump has avoided starting any fresh wars, although he shows little capacity (or power) to eliminate the ones he inherited. His choice of top personnel in his administration does little to inspire confidence. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a dangerous ideologue who is infinitely more dangerous than his boss.

Part of the modern United States tragedy is that Trump’s rival in the forthcoming presidential election is even more dangerous, as his history as vice president under Obama eloquently testifies.

The most important geopolitical change this century, however, is that the United States’ ability to attack its major foes, Russia and China, is effectively zero. Both countries have enormous destructive advantages over the United States. As one can readily ascertain from reading objective assessments of relative military power, both Russia and China surpassed the United States at least a decade ago.

The greatest danger perhaps comes from the Americans believing their own propaganda and launching a war against their two rival superpowers that will bring a level of destruction down upon the United States that it is, to be brutally frank again, mentally ill-equipped to survive, let alone the enormous structural damage that will be incurred.

The last military attack upon the United States soil was in 1941 when they lost about 3000 casualties and a few mainly old warships at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. There is literally nothing in their history to mentally or physically prepare them for the devastation a real war with Russia and/or China would entail.

An optimist would hope that it will never come to this. A realist, however, would be less sanguine. It would be a very brave (or foolish) person who would bet on which is the more likely outcome.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. Thank you James

    The following is a longish but informative perspective on China-related geopolitics by Godfree Roberts – mirrored by Phi Quyền Chính. It has some interesting secondary links.

    Here Comes China vs The Jew-Ish-A

    And some further context from Jake Morphonios

    Israel & UAE Committing Cyber Warfare Against US Citizens

    “Dark Matters!”

  2. “…….For all his bluff and bluster, the current United States President Donald Trump has avoided starting any fresh wars, although he shows little capacity (or power) to eliminate the ones he inherited….. ”

    Hypocrisy or little capacity?

    While Trump Berates Portland Looters, the US Gov’t Continues to Plunder Syria with Impunity

    President Trump has lashed out at rioters and looters in Portland and Kenosha, yet halfway around the world, the US military is busy plundering what’s left of Syria’s wealth on a vastly greater scale and with little publicity.

    Read on »


  3. And there are boys who cain’t say No. That is, when they think they can use expensive weapons.

    Any lyricist out there who could take this matter up, please do:

  4. “……….The last military attack upon the United States soil was in 1941 when they lost about 3000 casualties and a few mainly old warships at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii………….’

    76 Years of Pearl Harbor Lies

    “New Pearl Harbors” are longed for by war makers, claimed, and exploited. Yet the original Pearl Harbor remains the most popular U.S. argument for all things military.

    World War II stands unchallenged as the worst thing humanity in general and the U.S. government in particular (as well as numerous other governments) have ever done in any short period of time. Recent wars don’t come close. There’s even a parallel to the Downing Street Minutes.

    On August 18, 1941, Prime Minister Winston Churchill met with his cabinet at 10 Downing Street. The meeting had some similarity to the July 23, 2002, meeting at the same address, the minutes of which became known as the Downing Street Minutes. Both meetings revealed secret U.S. intentions to go to war. In the 1941 meeting, Churchill told his cabinet, according to the minutes: “The President had said he would wage war but not declare it.” In addition, “Everything was to be done to force an incident.”

    Indeed, everything was done to force an incident, and the incident was Pearl Harbor.



  5. “We’re all in this together”

    Re the Statue of Liberty & the UN.

    Jeremiah 51:7

    Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are insane.

    Rev.17:17 “For God gave it into their hearts to do his mind – to act in one mind – and to give their kingdom to the beast. And the woman whom you saw is the great city [New York = 666 in english gematria] having a kingdom over the kings of the Earth [Canaanite/Edomite (Jewish) owned Banks & the UN]


  6. Former US Senator, Lawyer and Vietnam Vet, Richard Black has some very interesting things to say about the Trump Presidency. It seems that Trump has tried to get the US troops out of the Middle East but has been thwarted by the Military Brass.

    • Trump Says He Wanted to Kill Syria’s Assad, But Mattis Blocked Him

      US President Donald Trump said Tuesday he wanted to assassinate Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2017, but that his then-secretary of defense Jim Mattis opposed the operation.

      “I would have rather taken him out. I had him all set,” Trump told the morning show Fox & Friends. “Mattis didn’t want to do it. Mattis was a highly overrated general, and I let him go.”


      • Candidate Trump said he liked Saddam and I think Assad because “they were good at killing terrorists”. Today Trump says he will have a vaccine in a few weeks and the CDC guy (Centre for Disease Control) is confused. Personally I think Trump is playing games with people, everyone will vote on performance, not on MSM polls, not on CNN version, I think he might have some more surprises lined up, always seems very relaxed.

      • So, President Assad, along with the Syrian army under his control, is universally acknowledged as that entity that more than any other made the greatest contribution to the demise of ISIS – and Trump says he wanted to assassinate him ?

        Do we need any further proof that the U.S, and Trump in particular, were ALWAYS working in cahoots with the ISIS head-choppers which the Mossad and CIA trained and organised – with funding from U.S proxies.

        The death of Assad served no purpose for U.S interests and offered the U.S no strategic advantage one way or the other.

        It was always about ISRAELI interests.

          • ‘dsw’ (aka Disinformation Spread Worldwide), is upset that ISIS is nearly extinct (at least on most Syrian territory).

            He personally organised a few Kosher chook raffles to raise funds for ISIS and is upset that his money went to waste.

  7. Off topic, comes the news that the father of Microsoft founder Bill Gates (ie: Bill Gates Sr) died a few days ago, aged 94.

    He was a big bear of a man, standing at 6 ft 6 inches tall.

    Contrast that to his sickly looking, crumpled wretch of a son.

    How’s that for a double dose of karma – in light of all the misery that junior has inflicted on the planet.

    Meanwhile, it’s interesting to note the Gumshoe connection with the passing of Gates Sr.

    His first wife, and mother of the despicable junior was none other than Mary Maxwell.

    My, my …. our Mary does get around.

    • The Jewish look!

      Isaiah 3:8-9, “For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen; because their tongue and their deeds towards God are to rebel against the eyes of His glory.[9] The look of their faces witnesses against them; they have declared their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt evil to themselves.”

  8. WW3 is overrated, nobody can bank on M.A.D. but you need these weapons if you want a seat at the negotiating table, which is why Australia just falls in line with the Anglosphere for everything, the alternative is too expensive.
    Now the Zionists are popping mini-nukes all over the place the arab states are rushing to sign up on a peace deal. They had a mini nuke decades ago, the “Davy Crockett”, which had range problems. They have obviously been working on it for a long time. Back then Chrysler was working on a nuclear powered car and a mini jet turbine car and so forth, that division of Chrysler ended up doing Tomahawk missiles which is what the submarines carry.
    Now Boeing are doing Top Gun planes with drone control, of course they are.
    The question I think is how will the landscape have changed in 20 years or more when everyone is armed to the teeth with all manner of weaponry,,, for example Australia biosecurity is finding someone in Asia is mailing in unknown types of seeds, in the US they wildfires are started by ANTIFA or someone pretending to be antifa. Nobody knows the truth anymore because there are so many lies. I can see an argument for everyone doing like Western Australia, just shut the whole thing down for a while.

    • Christians can bank on this –

      Modern day Babylon, Revelation 18:8-10

      8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

      9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

      10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

      New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

      New York in English gematria = 666

      • There is no doubt in my mind St John on Patmos is the best piece of pure prophetic writing I know of, the description at the start of an atomic explosion is enough to convince me (also recorded in the book of Daniel) but there you go, to me it is an a-bomb, to others it is something else, which goes to show that people will interpret things to suit themselves, and even the writing is translated and edited to suit the editors of the time.
        So, Babylon, or New York, if they meant to describe New York might they not have said Rome? and if Romans translated it, might they not have decided to translate to Babylon? It could be anything. The Dutch have some bad karma coming for their colonial activities, who knows who is going to cop it, but I don’t think there is much dispute that the plain of Armageddon is in north Israel, I think probably the whole prophesy centres round the east Mediterranean area, not so say bed things won’t happen elsewhere

          • Mary, do we have to have this fundamentalist religious nonsense here? This site used to feature an intelligent discourse but recently I find I have to wade through sermons and biblical homilies to identify a valuable source of learning or opinion. The ad hominoms don’t help either. I for one don’t have time for this.

    • Quote, “which is why Australia just falls in line with the Anglosphere for everything, the alternative is too expensive.” Unquote. Sorry to point out to you, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Australia is a very rich country, the problem is our riches are not staying in Australia, but being syphoned off to International investors, whilst we are left with the crumbs.Was not too long ago, we were regaled with reports in our infamous media (?) of gas shortages for the locals in all three Eastern states, but there was no shortage for the compressed natural gas export industry. In fact Australians were being told to pay more for their own gas, than the buyers of this export product fulled out of the ground right under their feet. Majority of said gas was being sold off so quick, causing a shortage on the local market, impacting on our manufacturing industries, (what we still have left) Once upon a time Australia had an aircraft manufacturing industry, as we did military equipment, even imagine car manufacturing industries, but due to our traitorius politicians, they were all deliberately killed off and manufacturing sent offshore, ultimately Australia has become nothing but a resource supplier to be raped to the last stone and then left with massive holes in the ground you can see from outer space.Australia has the RICHES and the expertise to fund and manufacture our own defensive industries, we can easily become self sufficient. In fact a proper defense capability means SELF SUFFICIENCY, no one can defend themselves efficiently, if they need to rely on the good graces of someone else who would only assist in such cases, if there was something for them to gain by doing so.
      Australia, has by placing it’self at the feet of the biggest criminal organisation on the planet, the U.S. of A. placed a massive target right on our own back, which will without a shred of doubt, be utilised to send us all a message of our stupidity by bowing down to these criminals in the U.S. of A. My sincere hope, is that Canberra is also targeted, now that would be doing us all a favor.

      • I don’t see it that way, how can 25 million people keep up with US/Russia/China/India.
        Look what happened when Telstra tried to do an online yellow pages, it was a mess and then it got wiped out by google. Can’t even do a database! Car industry dead because of high AUD and Lib/Lab collusion. Based on foreign tech anyway. Can’t even build a fast train, just talk for decades, while China lays 1000’s of kms of track. Face it, this place is thought of as a quarry.
        US is criminal but no more criminal than any other big empire, they’re all bad.

        • The U.S (with the Apartheid Israeli state hot on its heels) is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more criminal than any other empire in the history of the world.

          The evidence to support that assertion is overwhelming.

          That fact that you dispute that Rabbi ‘dsw’ is ample proof that you’re an apologist for the Anglo-Zionist empire.

          • Quite a silly comment considering all the nasty things which have happened throughout history, including unwritten prehistory, readers take note of Veggie’s sweeping statements which simply have no basis in rational thought (and usually come back to the neo-nazi fixation).

        • Let’s look at the facts my Rabbi friend :

          One: Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos massacred by U.S forces at the turn of the 20th century as America attempts to colonise a former Spanish possession.

          Two: Incendiary bombing of overwhelmingly civilian populations in German and Japanese cities in WWII (many of which had NO military strategic value), kills and mutilates millions.

          Three: Japan is ready to sign surrender documents and end hostilities early in 1945.

          But, the U.S is not done genociding civilians.
          March 1945: US Army Air Force does a 1000 plus bomber raid on Tokyo using incendiary bombs – six figure death toll is GREATER than deaths from either atomic bomb.

          THEN, with the Japanese pleading for peace, Truman drops two atomic bombs for good measure.

          Four : U.S bombs and flattens EVERY structure of significance in Nth Korea and strafes civilians indiscriminately killing upwards of 20 % of the population by many estimates (overwhelmingly these are civilians).

          As if that’s not enough of an abject lesson in depravity, they then infect said starving, shivering civilians with Bubonic Plague.

          Five: U.S kills upwards of two million Vietnamese – over 90 % are civilians by many estimates.

          For good measure, they spray many gigalitres of Agent Orange over Vietnam – ensuring the equivalent of the Thalidomide event (multiplied by 1000) as child birth deformities continue to the present day.

          Six: In the aftermath of 9/11, U.S initiates pointless wars on behalf of Israel – resulting in (according to Paul Craig Roberts), the killing, maiming, orphaning, displacement and dispossession of tens of millions of brown skinned people.

          These are overwhelmingly civilians, poor villagers that never threatened the U.S and wouldn’t have the capacity to do so even if they wanted to.

          In the 2004 troop surge in Fallujah Iraq, General Mad Dog Mattis leads a ruthless campaign utilising untold quantities of Depleted uranium (DU) munitions.

          End Result: Fallujah has the highest rate of birth abnormalities ever recorded in human history – many factors higher than documented anywhere on the planet.

          These are just some of the atrocities committed by the U.S in the last 100 years or so – I could’ve added all those they’ve contributed to in Sth America and Africa through CIA funded coups on behalf of U.S corporations etc.(USMC General Smedley Butler spills the beans on many of these).

          The Disinformation Spreader Worldwide (‘dsw’) calls these sweeping statements.

          The other Gumshoe readers who’ve actually read some history know these to be well documented FACTS.

          Rabbi ‘dsw’ will somehow try to spin my exposure of U.S war crimes on Nth Koreans / Vietnamese / Iraqi’s as somehow being a ‘ Nazi-fixation’.

          Don’t ask me how he’ll do it – his twisted mind will somehow find a way to justify it.

          Rabbi ‘dsw’, you’ve been caught out time and again propagating your Orwellian world views – where rational and fact checked statements are ‘irrational’ in your mind.

          Give it up. With every day that passes, you’re becoming more of an embarrassment on this forum.

          • I didn’t deny anything, you’re a total fraud, the only thing different about your rant above and any others, you have made a real effort not to include Zio-anything. Next you can go and look up Roman empire, Spanish empire, Japanese empire, any empire you want, they were all nasty. Give some serious thought to boiling yourself, Holier-than-thou Veggie.

          • OK, you’ve brought up these other empires.

            Give the Gumshoe readers some qualitative and quantitative FACTS about said atrocities committed by these empires.

            I did ancient history at school and I’m well aware of events like the Battle of Cannae in 216 BC (50,000 Roman soldiers slaughtered by Hannibal’s army – a record for soldiers killed in a single day, not surpassed until well into the 20th century).

            I’m also aware of cities razed to the ground in biblical times with all male inhabitants above a certain age slaughtered and women and children taken as slaves.

            But, even accounting for the lower Earth population then it is still not on par with the depravity of the U.S over the last 100 years or so.

            You might like to quote the internal massacres conducted by modern regimes ( tens of millions dead in the Cultural Revolution in China and millions in the 1930’s from Stalinist purges and famines), but as far as murderous foreign misadventures and deliberate genocides conducted by one hegemon against another country, there is no comparable equivalent to the depths that the U.S has stooped to.

            Also, (Re: Spanish conquest of central and Sth America), as bad as it was, a much greater percentage of the indigenous peoples survived in those regions than the proportion of plains Indians and other indigenous tribes that were massacred by the U.S cavalry and white settlers.

            So much for the inalienable right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

          • Truth Vigilante… A nice broadside of historical reality there. But why do you bother?

            There are none so blind as those who wish not to see.

            There are few situations more depressing than witnessing an intellect being stoned by troglodites.

          • Tony, I ask myself why I bother from time to time.

            But I persist because the historically well informed like yourself are few and as, little by little, those like Rabbi ‘dsw’ are exposed as disseminators of historical falsehoods (as readers go off do their own due diligence), it will serve as a firsthand lesson in being able to recognise sayanim like our Rabbi friend and the manner in which they troll the comments sections on the internet.

  9. This article amounts to a series of unmitigated bloopers

    For starters “tragedy” means a grave detriment or loss caused by an unforeseeable/non-humanley contrived event: In other words the heading is an oxymoron

    The U.S. didn’t “engineer a Ukrainian coup in 2014”;the Dems simply made a half-baked attempt to bury a major blunder:

    The Country currently known as “China” didn’t exist “1000 years” ago: dynasties that occupied the same patch of dirt prior to 1949 are irrelevant to the current global situation.

    The “enormous destructive advantages…..objective assessments of relative military power” claim isn’t substantiated by any actual data

    There’s no acknowledgement that the bombing of Pearl Harbour was a false flag:

    For heavens sake, get it right!

  10. Should be interesting at the White House today

    America is undergoing a Bolshevik Revolution. Facebook will muzzle anyone who publishes the winner on election night. Whoever wins, it will be contested. No doubt polling stations will be patrolled by partisan groups leaning on those who might vote counter, Obama and Odinga style.
    And it just gets worse from there. Look for Caputo…

    “A Harris administration together with Joe Biden ” (Kamala Harris)

    Newt Gingrich not permitted to say the name George Soros on Fox. The ‘deer caught in the headlight’ look on co-host Phillipa and the pregnant pause.
    “Overwhelmingly elected with George Soros’ money they are a major cause of what we are seeing cause they keep putting the violent criminals back on the street
    “I’m not sure we need to bring George Soros into this”
    (pregnant pause)
    “He paid for it, why can’t we discuss that millions of dollars elected these people”
    “I agree with Phillipa he deosn’t need to be part of this conversation”
    (another pregnent pause) NG: “Ok…It’s verboten (ie forbidden)”
    Fox News….. (20/9/16)

    “Tens Of Thousands” Received China Mystery Seeds In The Mail, And Many Planted Them
    This is now happening in Australia, ty for link xx

    CDC Director Redfield: Facemasks are the important powerful health tool we have i might even go so far …more guaranteed than when I take a vaccine

    • “… no politician can be elected into office without AIPAC’s support. No president can take the White House without affirming unbreakable allegiance to Israel, and attendance at the annual AIPAC meeting is mandatory. Once in office every member of Congress is expected to act, vote and defend the state of Israel on almost every issue, or face the consequences.”

      In fact, when it comes to matters relating to the Middle East and Israel, MJ Rosenberg, a former AIPAC employee, revealed: “AIPAC writes the legislation (or letters, resolutions, etc) which are then handed over to legislators to drop in the hopper, gather cosponsors, and get it passed or sent.“…………


  11. ‘no politician can be elected into office without AIPAC’s support’.

    Indeed Criss X.

    Yet somehow, there are some who still believe that Trump slipped through the cracks and became POTUS without AIPAC’s stamp of approval.

  12. Gates Depopulation
    “In 2015 Bill Gates said we needed to start preparing for pandemics as if preparing for war. In 2018, Bill Gates said a deadly new disease is coming, and it might not even be a flu but something we’ve never seen before.31 Earlier that same year, Melinda Gates said the biggest global risk s/he could imagine is a bioterrorist attack.
    As suggested by Gates in the video clip above, modern warfare is more likely to involve germs than bombs.”


    • Technocratic oligarch Bill Gates is now saying that it could take multiple vaccines to stop the ongoing Chinavirus pandemic.

      (Eugenist) Bill Gates said on Wednesday that it will likely take multiple vaccine dosages for individuals to fully immunize themselves from COVID-19. He believes this means that up to 7 billion dosages of the vaccines would need to be administered nationwide.

      “None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose,” Gates said. “That was the hope at the very beginning.”

      Gates has fronted $300 million through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help bankroll a COVID-19 vaccine. He says that globalism will be integral in the development of a workable vaccine to stop the coronavirus.

      “If what you’re trying to do is block all the transmission, then you need to get 70-80% coverage on a global basis. So it’s unbelievably big numbers,” he said.

      Gates says that we should just blindly accept the word of federal bureaucrats, who are often paid off by Big Pharma, when they say that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

      “The FDA, not being pressured, will look hard at that,” Gates said of potential side effects for the vaccine. “The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this — if they stick with that — is very very appropriate.”

      Gates has blamed President Trump throughout the crisis because he did not shut everything down and rip up the Constitution because of COVID-19 mass hysteria.

      “By almost every measure, the U.S. is one of the worst,” Gates said. “We opened up with cases increasing. Serious mistakes were made.”


      • I hope Gates fans understand that his oral polio vacine has paralysed or otherwise injured more than 500,000 children so far, especially in Asia and Africa. But as a eugenics advocate, Bill, and his Dad, in partenership with the Rockefellers, have long planned “to rid the planet of inferiors”.

        Gates and Fauci plan to introduce extraneous RNA into the Covid-19 vaccine which, they believe, will rapidly whittle the population down to respectable levels.

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