Home Australia The World Moves On, Yet Australia Clings to a Dangerous Past

The World Moves On, Yet Australia Clings to a Dangerous Past


By James O’Neill*

There are many definitions of stupid, but acting against one’s interests, on either a personal or national level, must rank as among the more significant. It is certainly among the most of contemporary relevance. It is no better personified than in the current extraordinary anti-China campaign being waged by politicians of all the major parties and their adherents in the media. One hesitates to call them “analysts” because the contemporary examples of Australian journalism are anything but analytical. This applies with particular force in contemporary commentary, both political and journalistic, on China.

A brief view of history provides some perspective. China was the most important nation in the world for millennia. This was not only because of its population which has always been a significant factor in world demographics. Today, the population of the People’s Republic of China represents approximately one in five of all humans on the planet. To this has to be added the tens of millions of people of Chinese heritage scattered all around the planet, including Australia with more than 1,200,000 (2016 census) citizens and residents of Chinese ethnicity. Senator Abetz of Tasmania seriously miscalculated the negative effect of his demand that MPs of Chinese ethnicity undergo loyalty tests.

The Chinese themselves refer to the “100 years of humiliation” by which they mean the period from the mid 19th to the mid 20th centuries when they were subjected to ravages of European imperialism. Those ravages took many forms, including the fact that in 1900 1:7 Chinese adults were addicted to heroin. Completely missing in contemporary teeth-gnashing by the British over their “loss” of Hong Kong is the fact that the British were the main source of that heroin, grown then, as now, in one of their main objectives of imperialism, Afghanistan.

Today, the United States has replaced the British in controlling the Afghan heroin trade with about 75% of the annual production exported by the CIA. In this venture they are assisted by their Australian colleagues, a fact that never appears in the Australian mainstream media. Perhaps one should not be too harsh on the Australian mainstream media. After all, it took them a decade to report on the allegations of Australian troops murdering Afghanistan civilians.

Apart from the immensely lucrative heroin trade, the Americans are still in Afghanistan 18 years after their illegal invasion, for other reasons. They are likely to remain there, despite Trump’s periodic claims about getting out because Afghanistan, apart from its lucrative heroin exports, also shares borders with a number of other countries on the United States hit list. China is only one of these, but the Americans are also eyeing the other “stans” as part of the anti-China campaign.

The latest United States ploy aimed against China is promoting the so-called Group of Four, the nations of Japan, India and Australia in addition to the United States itself as the foundation of a form of Asian NATO. China is the obvious target, in the same way, Russia is the main target of the original NATO, the members of which now extend all the way to Russia’s borders.

One reaction to this relentless pressure has been ever closer ties between China and Russia, together with the building of multiple economic and geopolitical frameworks to counter the relentless pressure of the United States and its allies. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, is but one of those counter groupings, and recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. The Belt and Road Initiative now has more than 150 members.

Australia is now discovering that its relentless adherence to the American anti-China campaign carries its own price tag. This year has seen the restriction of several Australian exports to China by the Chinese government. They will not be the last. Which brings one back to the original point made at the start of this commentary. What rational country goes out of its way to offend its largest trading partner (by a very big margin) which is also the largest source (until this year) of both foreign students and foreign tourists?

The ability to find alternative markets is not as easy as some glib political promises would suggest. The current Covid crisis makes the successful search for alternative markets exponentially more difficult. The political reaction has been exactly what one could have foreshadowed: a combination of denial; vague promises about remedying the situation; and an even more vain hope that the United States will somehow rescue Australia from this predicament.

This is almost a perfect definition of reality denial. It overlooks a number of (for the Australian government) inconvenient facts. First and foremost is a vain clinging to the belief that the United States will somehow come to the rescue. Those optimists ignore a number of salient facts, including the extraordinary vulnerability of the United States economy and its capacity to escape economic reality, of which the latest United States government financial deficit (up more than $2 trillion this year alone) is but one example.

A second reality that western commentators relentlessly ignore or deny, is that Russian and Chinese military technology is vastly superior to anything the United States and its allies can bring to bear. The positive side of that development is that the United States is unlikely to launch any direct shooting war against either Russia or China as it would invite a total and devastating response. The negative element is that it encourages the United States and its allies, such as Australia, to engage in political and civil disruption in countries on the Russian and Chinese borders. There have been multiple instances of that this year alone.

All of this posturing, sabotage, internal disruption activities and multiple other quasi-military activity has an impact. It will undoubtedly continue to be a source of irritation and destabilisation to the targeted countries. It cannot, however, reverse the overwhelming nature of world geopolitical trends. China is and has been for at least a decade, the world’s largest economy as measured in parity purchasing power. Ignore the largely meaningless, for international comparative purposes, of gross domestic product.

The Belt and Road Initiative is but one of a number of major economic programs that are transforming the world. It is succeeding and expanding despite relentless Western propaganda that it is all part of some cunning Chinese plot to enslave the signatories in debt bondage. For real examples of that one has to look no further than the United States dominated International Monetary Fund and World Bank, two prime vehicles for ensuring debt slavery and national bondage.

Australia has had the opportunity to take a different and independent path, reflecting the enhancement of its true national interests. Judging from the commentary from both politicians of all political persuasions, and the mainstream media, that opportunity will not be taken. The Australian people will be the true losers from this inability to see the world as it really is, rather than through the spectrum of a banal Western grouping who desperately want to defeat the march of history.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



      • This material is more about CovID-safe™ and not so much about the reset (unless you say Great Reset=NWO2021) except that they say we will be on UBI (universal basic income) and pretty much put in pens, I’m sure this is all planned but first they will have to patiently weed out all the dissenters which might take a while. I guess the cops have all been promised a pay rise, they seem to enjoy getting in tortoise formation and driving the water cannon truck around. They should be mindful that the wind might change.
        But anyway, the great reset supposedly starting January, is I imagine more of a step on the way, a financial swindle based on masses of QE and negative interest rates to load nations and vulnerable individuals up with more debt.
        These plans obviously run for decades and the infrastructure has only started going in.
        Who is going to get ripped off after January and by how much, is what I’m curious about.
        The other stuff is dependent to a large extent on whether Trump can deliver the American Dream or not.

    • Are there really as many idiots in the world, that have come up with these insane ideas of how to run a world’s population, employment and industry. To think these morons have taken over our planet, (if we allow them to) with the brain power they don’t seem to have. I take it that most of them have a university education. Doesn’t say much for universities these days, does it? Even worse, many of them are the same age group as myself or a little younger.

      Is being insane or being a sociopath an excuse for being so evil?

      • They have taken over the country with ease and very little push back and we have allowed them to do it. It is a concerted trans-global conspiracy with lots of people in positions of power from the politicians, to the police, the military, the communist oligarchs, the communist UN, WHO, NATO, the Vatican, the vaccine cabal, corporations etc.

  1. The “Fourth Estate” has been hijacked decades ago and what we are getting is a corporate-government propaganda apparatus tool for their perpetual sinister and nefarious agendas for their World of Disorder, Chaos and Death. That is why there are so many different platforms that have been developed and are being developed because of the suppression of facts of evidence and heavy censorship or just plain blackouts of issues no being discussed or mentioned.

  2. Not on topic,
    Maybe a No Mask Party should be started to replace the Liebore coalition. Seeing the larrikin spirit, in most Sydney siders not wearing masks on the streets, there is still hope in commonsense.

    • Its a great idea but historically the evidence thus shows that Australians are not going to push back. They are going to be obedient with the Control-Containment-Complicity unlawful agenda

      • One of the best videos to explain why the Covert-19 and the associated lockdowns and mask wearing!
        Stand up now or live on your knees forever!

        Connecting the Dots: Why They’re Doing This

        • Here’s a companion video to go with the ‘Plandemic’ video. It is an older video that explains the concept of Peak Oil and the ramifications to today’s society. I mentioned the concepts in a previous post of why the PTB have timed the transition to the ‘post peak oil’ stage of humanity to be the ‘new normal’.

          They knew it was coming, they just set themselves up for the transition rather than have complete chaos. It also allows people to understand why the ‘global warming’/CO2 hoax was run and the emphasis on ‘carbon credits’/taxes was pushed – they wanted to have control of the remaining fossil fuels.


  3. James, speaking only from a logical perspective, this does not make sense:

    “[China] is succeeding and expanding despite relentless Western propaganda that it is all part of some cunning Chinese plot to enslave the signatories in debt bondage. For real examples of that one has to look no further than the United States dominated International Monetary Fund and World Bank, two prime vehicles for ensuring debt slavery and national bondage.”

    If “the US-dominated IMF plays the game of enslaving, why not the China-dominated Belt likewise?

    Also, what is your source for the figure of 75% CIA share of the Afghan croperoo.

    I had assumed it was 100%.

    • Mary, it is exceeding simple why China will NOT go down the path of the U.S dominated IMF / World Bank in enslaving countries.

      First of all, the Anglo-Zionist empire’s modus operandi has always been about Exploitation / Enslavement / Subjugation.

      Rather than active intervention through military misadventures that slaughter populations wholesale (as per Britain in the 19th century), they did this post WWII by giving African and Sth American nations (predominantly) loans to create ‘projects’ that would make them appear civilised – like the west.

      ie: for tall buildings to house public servants, lavish parliamentary buildings, wide boulevards to be utilised for the fancy cars (also bought with borrowed money) to be driven by the select few elites that ran the government.

      Basically ‘Friviolous Feel Good’ projects that would not generate sufficient return (or any return) to pay off the loan.

      (For a loan to be paid off, it must be for a purpose that INCREASES the capacity of that particular industry that generates more exports by way of investment in capital machinery etc – as opposed to ‘consumer goods’ which feel good in the short term but don’t aid productive capacity.

      This is by design from the Anglo-Zionist Empire.
      Often they would encourage borrowings for projects that entailed that money went to western multi-national contractors because said 3rd world country did not have the expertise or the skilled artisan/intellectual wherewithal to employ their own people for the better paying jobs.

      Worse than that, said borrowed funds went mostly to corrupt U.S favoured leaders of military juntas that later found its way to Swiss bank accounts after said individuals were deposed and they skipped the country.

      Of course, the CRUSHING DEBT BURDEN remained as said country had one military coup after another and said new leader followed the template of the previous leader and ran off with the money.

      In return, to pay off said crushing debt burden, the Anglo-Zionist empire took over control of that one industry or industries (eg: gold, copper, uranium mining etc), that would’ve been sufficient to ensure some degree of prosperity for that nation’s people.

      The Chinese Belt and Road is different.

      The Chinese went to these countries, NOT because they’re altruistic and magnanimous but because said countries have MINERAL RESOURCES that are deemed strategic.

      China knows they can’t rely on places like Australia to always be there for them.
      (In fact, recent events have proven that Australia will PROSTRATE itself to the U.S hegemon and cut off supplies to China should the Yanks decree this).

      Case in Point: We all know that Japan went into conquest mode in WWII in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbour attack and was threatening Australia with conquest.

      Of course Australia was only threatened because Japan knew that we’d side with the Anglo-Zionist empire and cut of crucial iron ore supplies and other needed resources.

      For the same reason, the Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia), because this was the ONLY major oil producing country in the region and Japan had no other source of oil after the Anglo-Zionist oil embargo was imposed on them.

      Anyway, China went to these countries in recent years as part of the BRI initiative and did WIN-WIN deals with them by building ports and infrastructure, the type of investments that would ENHANCE the exporting capacity of said country and could thus pay China back for its upfront investment.

      In many cases there were no loans made to said country.
      As a gesture of good will China invested huge sums FIRST and the return came later.

      As one country after another could see DEMONSTRABLE improvements in their terms of trade, demonstrable increases in per capita GDP, demonstrable increases in the health outcomes of broad swathes of the people (not just the ruling elite), this influenced yet more countries to sign onto the BRI.

      BOTTOM LINE : The Anglo-Zionist empire have always conducted WIN-LOSE trade deals with all and sundry 3rd world nation. (ie: Usury Cartel of Bankers in the Anglo empire WIN big, while the 3rd world countries lose badly).

      That is a failed strategy as one impoverished nation after another is testament to and the hatred towards the U.S and all things American causes what the CIA call ‘blow-back’ as anti-U.S terrorists are spawned left and right.

      China has seen that this template is a FAILURE and is pursuing the ‘Jeffersonian Solution’ (ie: the solution that that U.S adopted for the first 100 or so years after the creation of the Republic – the thing that made America a great nation).

      The Jeffersonian Solution of course being : Trade and peaceful relations with all and NO foreign entanglements.

      And that Mary, is why China is WINNING and will continue its upward trajectory while the U.S sinks into the morass.

  4. “China was the most important nation in the world for millennia.”

    Actually there was no nation called China before the Reds took over

  5. James, I have a slightly different view on all this. I think the present surface chatter with Australia looking like they have an anti-China campaign will be of no concern to the CCP (Comm Chinese Party).

    I believe the Chinese CCP leaders before and after them work in long-term visions (decades); whereas the Western world is dictated partly by election cycles. This with regard to what we see on the surface. (Though the new world order plans have been long planned) I think the power structures (US military, intelligence etc) have been resources grabbing for decades via wars, corporate take-over etc — whereas the Chinese power structures are patient, and strategic. I believe they have had their eye on Australia as a “resource” for a very long time, and have patiently been positioning themselves to this end. I see the present politics as a blip. They would like to control resources, as do many powers.

    But what I think might be going on, is that they are hoping for a Biden election, as he will be or already is compromised by the CCP.

    As you say, the Australians are the losers by the present situation — but I believe by the mainstream media not being truthful (as you have said so many times) we don’t know how to engage; we don’t know how to remain sovereign because every thing is hidden from us.

    I make a distinction in this comment between the Chinese people and the CCP.

    • Dee, how are China going to grab those resources of ours without a fight ?
      (A fight that will cost them many factors more in blood and treasure than said resources are worth).

      Let me quantify that for you.

      The U.S invaded Iraq in 2003 and that war has bankrupted them – estimated to have cost upwards of $ 5 trillion so far and counting.

      Australia, with a much larger GDP than Iraq ever had, with a brains trust (we have several tertiary institutions that are ranked in the top 50), that could be set on a ‘total war footing’ if an invasion was anticipated and a crack military that punches above its weight, would cost the invading hegemon many more trillions than the U.S blew on Iraq.

      BOTTOM LINE : Yes, if totally committing its full military capacity, the great hegemons would defeat Australia.

      BUT, by employing a simple Cost-Benefit Analysis calculation, it would be FAR CHEAPER to trade with said country and buy their resources at the prevailing market price (knowing all the while that much of said expenditure from China on Australian resources will find its way back to China as we purchase their products in return and thus further perpetuate the virtuous cycle that enriches BOTH countries), knowing this China OR Russia or ANY nation with any common sense will NEVER attempt to invade us.

      Dee, you can take that to the bank.

      The U.S template of invading countries / regime change / political destabilisation and assassination has proved an ABJECT FAILURE.

      China knows this and will trade its way (along with Russia), to the status of unrivalled World Hegemons in the decades to come.

    • Unlike the US, China has never in its history been a regime change colonialist.

      October 27, 2020

      This comment was chosen by moderator SA from the post “Weekly China Newsbrief and Sitrep”.Comment by Ahino Wolf Sushanti

      “I’m from Malaysia. China has traded with Malaysia for 2000 years. In those years, they had been the world’s biggest powers many times. Never once they sent troops to take our land. Admiral Zhenghe came to Malacca five times, in gigantic fleets, and a flagship eight times the size of Christopher Columbus’ flagship, Santa Maria. He could have seized Malacca easily, but he did not. In 1511, the Portuguese came. In 1642, the Dutch came. In the 18th century the British came. We were colonised by each, one after another………………….”


          • When any regime within any territory is supplanted by another, previous foreign policies cease to be of any consequence

          • It’s called Invasion and occupation at the whim of the victorious invaders for their own purposes as the populous has not paid attention or been vigilant to protect their country and family

        • On the contrary Berry, it has EVERYTHING to do with it.

          Berry, your paranoid beliefs about China are not rooted in fact.
          What PROOF do you have that China is heading in a nefarious direction ?
          The proof that EVERY country that has signed on to the BRI has made MASSIVE LEAPS in increased standards of living is there for all to see.

      • That China has an illustrious history is undisputed. However, in all its’ 6000 year history, there never has been a thing called the Chinese Communist Party. Organ harvesting is a CCP invention. Social Credit Score & mass surveillance is a modern CCP invention. Don’t make the mistake of conflating China and its’ people with the CCP.

        • US Organ Harvesting in “Not Yet Dead” patients – Alliance …


          US Organ Harvesting in “Not Yet Dead” patients March 17, 2007 The Washington Post reports that “a new trend” in organic harvesting is underway within minutes of cardiac arrest. This government sanctioned program euphemistically called, “donation after cardiac death” (DCD) accelerates the organ “donation” process.

        • The China – Jesuit partnership.

          “Jesuit = Jews in suit. This is another cunning jewish attempt to deflect their culpable dastardly crime behind imposing China under horrific communist rule and pointing their sly dirty finger “It’s the Jesuits” just like they want us to believe “It’s the Freemasons” in other instances of their crimes against humanity. Their bloodstained fingerprints are directly or indirectly implicated in just about at every turn of mankind’s misfortune throughout all of known historical events. Incredible to grasp this truth but see the clues behind all verifiable recent historical events of significance to see how telling it is.

          Please see this document for proof that jews were behind placing the psychopath mass torturer murderer Mao in China to kill off more than 60 million Chinese for necessary communist social restructuring there.


          • Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population.

            Only through thorough understanding of the ideology from which this collectivism originates, and those who dominate and propagate it, can the rest of the world hope to escape the same fate. Communism — Socialism was originated by Jews and has been dominated by them from the beginning.

            There is no moral, philosophical or ethical conflict whatsoever between Judaism and Marxist collectivism as they exist in actual practice. Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by a Jew, Karl Marx, himself of Rabbinical descent. Every Jewish source today boasts of his rabbinical ancestry, and his “keen dialectical ability” (as presumably manifested by his abstruse, hairsplitting, Das Kapital) being due to his Talmudic inheritance.

            Marx did not actually originate anything, but merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption. The Socialist” system he conceived merely brings about a practical means for a state dominated and controlled through a Jewish minority to rule by absolute dictatorship over everything and everyone, a concept which has been carried out very successfully in those countries of the World brought thus far under Marxist dictatorship.

            Socialism is indeed merely the clover held in front of the cow’s nose to get her into the barn under the milking machine. It is a mechanism whereby a “human” can lead a whole non-human herd into the Jewish controlled barn.

            The next time when some Christian dupe tells you: “Socialism is not Jewish!,” for one thing, pull out the pamphlet “Jew and Non-Jew,” put out by the Reform Jewish “Union of American Hebrew Congregations” and their “Central Conference of American Rabbis” and read:

            Socialism was originated by Jews; and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation.” (page 30) (The Commission on Information about Judaism, Merchants Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, Exhibit I, page 71)

            In a publication of the Jewish Publication Society of America, “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” it is stated that, “We find a strong Jewish participation throughout the socialistic movement which, from its inception up to the present day. has been largely dominated by Jewish influence. (See Exhibit I page 71)

            Says the 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia: “Jews have been prominently identified with the Socialist movement from its very inception.” (See Exhibit J, page 72)

            The leaders of the 1917 Russian revolution were mostly Jews. (See Exhibit K, page 73)

            Read on –


          • ……………..But after the birth of Christ there remained no more trustworthy reckoning of kindred to the Jews. For Christ was the end of generations; He took it and gave it to us. [The Book of Adam and Eve, S.C. Malan]

            John 20:28
            “And Thomas answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God”.

            Matthew 7:16
            “You shall know them by their fruits…” Jesus in the New Testament is called “the First Fruits [1 Corinthians 15:23]. During His Passover Supper, Jesus referred to the New Covenant [Hebrews 8:6 – 13]. A few days before He had told the chief priests and Pharisees, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof ” [Matthew 21:43] and “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” [Matthew 23:38]. Christ was the Mediator of our New Covenant,which came into force at His death [Hebrews 9:15 – 17].

            “And Peter opening his mouth said, On truth I perceive that God is not a receiver of faces, but in every nation the one fearing Him and working righteousness is acceptable to him.” Acts 10:33-35

            Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

            PROTOCOL No. 3

            To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.

            Jeremiah 8:17

            “For behold, I will send serpents among you, Vipers which cannot be charmed, And they shall bite you,” says the Lord.

            Matthew 23:33

            Speaking to the scribes and pharisees – 33 Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hades?

  6. https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/27/laptop-from-hell-2-the-swamp-being-revealed/

    So far Hunter Bidens laptops have revealed BGY and 3 F

    Widespread corruption in Ukraine
    Widespread corruption in China
    Chinese Spy Programmes
    Corruption appears to involve selling the US out for personal financial gain
    Hunter’s a drug addict
    Hunter drives on drugs
    Hunter’s a sex addict
    Hunter films himself and especially his penis a great deal
    Hunter films himself during sex
    Hunter smokes crack during sex
    Hunter has a 9 inch erect penis
    Hunter was masturbated by a woman using her feet
    Hunter slept with a variety of women, filming himself and them including Malia Obama
    It appears Hunter films himself via computer and/or music device as well as via his mobile phone /cellphone, sometimes on a selfie stick. It is unclear to me at present whether some of this this is Chinese CCP surveillance, or Hunters own surveillance, of which he shares some with the CCP.

  7. from David Rockefeller, Memoirs (2002):

    Before leaving Beijing I had the chance to meet and talk with Premier Zhao Ziyang, and I liked him immensely…. He was comfortable talking about economic matters and candid about the difficulties that China faced in making its transition to a more market-oriented economy. In talking with him I felt a sense of compatibility I had never experienced with other Chinese leaders.

    He had Zhou Enlai’s urbanity and cosmopolitan interest in the rest of the world. Rong Yiren gave a splendid banquet for Peggy and me… They lived in a beautiful old house … and Rong told us about his family’s long and interesting history. Later, after we returned to New York, Rong sent me an unusual reclining wooden chair that I had admired in his house.

    These two gestures of friendship were unique to my experience in China and ones I would have expected from a senior official in the old Imperial China, but not from the representative of a Communist government.


    • Zio-maniacs should have a serious think about memes such as “all wars are bankers wars” which in my guess were most likely generated/promoted by Rockerfella Foundation or other media fronts of the MIC, as far as I can see, “all wars are MIC wars” (Rockerfellas, Bushs etc have a big stake in the MIC). Sorry to have to state the bleeding obvious.
      As for the CCP, we had the boom, the boom is over, we are left with a pile of plastic wrappers and broken junk, the CCP military is overrated, they have no legit claim on Taiwan, or the Philippines western sea, or Tibet. Russia won’t confederate with China. Western “USSR” is basically a Swedish colony going back 1000 years.

  8. “If a government can hide what it’s doing it can get away with anything it wants.”

    “You are the front lines of the most important battle in history and it is the battle to save democracy and freedom and human liberty and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us simultaneously, in every nation in the world, of the rights that every human being is born with.”

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  9. “If a government can hide what it’s doing it can get away with anything it wants.”

    “You are the front lines of the most important battle in history and it is the battle to save democracy, and freedom, and human liberty, and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us simultaneously, in every nation in the world, of the rights that every human being is born with.”

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    • Yes James, the world moves on….. toward planned NWO communism.
      Perhaps you should ensure that you acquaint yourself with Hunter Biden’s laptop content and how China is trying to destroy the US Using US democrat traitors.
      Then what, we be next?
      What about our children’s freedom. Oh, just like China with its social credit score,
      Behave, comply or starve.
      Sounds like Stalin’s persecution/starving ( 20 million plus) of Christians in the Ukraine, that China is doing right now.
      Yep, sell our country and beg for their products.
      Do you really think that China does not envy us and wants Australia? Have you forgotten what the Japanese would have ultimately wanted?
      Ever been to Darwin and studied the Japanese attacks, they dropped more bombs there than upon Pearl Harbour …. and they did not even own Darwin Port at the time.
      James, beware of stealth. No worries, I am sure they won’t tread on Uluru.

      • James, want tO appreciate anecdotal family reports.
        Babysitting, who would have thought?
        Many Chinese families have baby sitters
        Guess why the family has REGULAR visits from ; ‘aunties’
        In short, Aunty ensures that the children are brought up as good commies, infiltrate schools and even spy on the parents to behave. Even placing bugs.
        Wake up James, the invasion is underway. Otherwise why have Aunty? ( that is not just ABC, but also using 5th column sympathisers)
        I am serious, some Chinese families in Australia have no choice, be good otherwise …… rels in China.
        This is organised ….. even on the North shore in Sydney.
        Fuck, wake up.

    • Democracy has been gone a long time ago. They just keep repeating it but its gone and has been for decades. I is a myth and fiction. The Westminster system is not democratic and neither is the fraudulent voting system. People are living in the past and unless there is a push back it is going to et a whole lot worse for all of us. We are in a Fascist Surveillance-Communist-Corporation Regime. The skeleton is left but democracy is finished


      Albert Langer fights democracy http://magnacarta.moadoph.gov.au/story/albert-langer/

      The title should be AL fights for democracy! The electorate should be able to stop where we choose not where the AEC or political parties say! That is not only un-democratic it is anti-democratic!

      Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide


      • Criss,
        Yes there is infinite mystery viewing the night sky, not visible if living in a city.
        Two worlds now, the fake and the real, the choice slavery or freedom.

  10. A brief response to some of the relevant questions and comments.
    Mary @10.47 am According to the UNDA (never quoted in the Australian media) the Taliban take 5% of the drug product to help finance their activities; 20% goes to local war lords and the remaining 75%is exported by the CIA to finance their world wide off the books activities.
    Dee @ 10.56am. Look at China’s real history. They came to Australia before the Europeans (and much else worldwide) but decided to return home. They even burnt their 1000 fleet ships. Today they have one foreign military base. The US by comparison, has about 800. Their system of government has changed. Their views have not. If push did come to shove I would rather live in a Chinese dominated society that a US one.
    Ned @ 5.32pm. Your paranoia is showing my friend. Look at real history, not the BS served up by our media.

    • Perhaps James, you might be alert enough to specify one point I made on the subject that comes from our msm media.
      Presumptions are dangerous and misleading of the readers.

      • Ho ho CCP for all
        You can just look at the Rohingas getting pushed off the real estate the Chinese want for one-belt-road. I don’t say they Rohingas had any special title over it. I don’t say anything one way or another, I’m just saying the manner and speed with which they were pushed off. Tibet also is very disappointing, I was thinking to go up there on the new Chinese fast train about 10 years ago but this won’t be happening, probably ever.
        You can see the effects of communism in places like Laos, it’s rubbish.
        The Chinese people have adapted by having extremely strong family ties. Cultures such as the west where family ties have been in large part destroyed, would not fare well under communism.

  11. Off Topic
    Does anyone have any contacts of people, groups or associations who are fighting 5G from any and all states and territories? Thanks

  12. Off Topic
    Does anyone know how we can find all of the ‘frequencies’ used that are approved? The military has to pay the servers for these types of frequencies used which are many. These frequencies are not just for the use of our mobiles.

    • Apparently this book by a Captain (has a red cover) has all the frequencies and what they are used for. Searching for the author and the name.

  13. Goodness me, race realism never seems to be a part of James’ columns, or anyone else’s, these days. The Racism card beats everyone down. If only people knew how to defeat it.

    “WE WANT the Chinese to leave and the old colonial rulers to return. They exploited our natural resources too, but at least they took good care of us. They built schools, taught us their language and brought us the British civilisation…at least Western capitalism has a human face; the Chinese are only out to exploit us.”

    -Michael Chilufya Sata, 5th persident of Zambia.

    Remember no country that lies on the border of China actually trusts China, chief amongst them, India. They, perhaps out of anyone, will emerge a superpower out of the next world war, as China and the US will not be a real power after any war against each other.
    Russia would be happy to be able to ditch China, if only we could reunite with our brothers in what used to be the USSR.

    All China will be is another proxy frankenstein monster power, just like the US was in the 20th century. Until they too, will be infected with political correctness attacking their family structure, racism, antihomophobia (etc), just like has been done in western societies.
    The only question is whether the Chinese will be smart enough to deal with it.

    Really wish we could bandy all of the political class of each nation together and send them into somewhere they would burn into a cinder.

    • You know Justin, seeing as countless countries are literally scrambling to join the BRI, after seeing the quantum leaps in improved outcomes for those that have been part of it for some years now, there exists one particularly envious hegemon out there that will resort to any underhanded tactic to undermine the BRI’s success.

      (Hint: This envious and depraved hegemon is the most corrupt and genocidal country in human history).

      Now Justin, don’t you think that maybe, just MAYBE, Zambia’s President is being, to put it mildly, disingenuous in saying those disparaging things about China ?
      (Particularly so if he was remunerated handsomely to come up with some criticism of China).

      Hmmm, just a thought.

  14. China uses facial recognition in public toilets:

    A collegue once said that society can be judged by the cleanliness of its public toilets – a sardonic riff on Russian literary icon Fodor Sostoyevsky’s similar sentiment about the treatment of prisoners – but, China’s new facial recognition scanners in public toilets show that this concept may be more prophetic that you think. The new face scanners in Zhangzhou’s High-tech zone are part of Xi Jinping’s ‘Toilet Revolution’, which hopes to use personal identification to limit the toilet paper and the mess in China’s public toilets. According to Tech in Asia, a successful ID check provides 90cm of toilet paper (wow! how generous!), but you’ll have to stick to a strict time limit to avoid an alarm sounding.

    -APC (Australian Personal Computing) February 2019, page 114

    Sorry, I don’t need micro-managing like this. This is the kind of bullshit that occurs when you have social creditting, which is what is happening in China.
    Better get aquainted with Hunter Biden’s laptop, James.
    The CCP was happy to provide Hunter Biden with chinese children for his pleasure so I don’t need anyone lecturing me about China being better than any other corrupt power out there.
    Note this is targetted towards political power, not the average citizen of any country.

    • BTW Justin, I’m aware of all the rumours out there of Hunter Biden (H.B) having done this and that (some of which may well be true), but has it occurred to you that with the U.S election being only a few days away that perhaps, just PERHAPS, those with a vested interest in seeing a Trump victory are making things up about H.B, in the hopes that some of the mud-slinging may impugn Creepy Joe ?

      eg: ‘The CCP was happy to provide Hunter Biden with chinese children for his pleasure’.

      Do you have proof of this Justin ?

      And, if H.B’s scandalous lap top escapades were to show him molesting young Asian children, does that necessarily imply that the CCP supplied them – as the rumour mongers are no doubt alleging ?

      • Inside the link below are sex pictures of Hunter Biden and his escapades. Internet sleuths are saying that Beau Biden’s wife are among those pictured. We will leave it up to you to decide.

        Additionally, other pictures (not posted here yet) are said to be of Hallie’s daughter. We have not confirmed this yet. If you see evidence of pedophilia, please post in the comment box or send to us directly.

        You will have to open the links to see the material. So disgusting we won’t post it on the page directly.

        Who is in the photo with Hunter Biden?
        Here’s more. These leaks prove Hunter’s laptop to be real and the financial corruption and drug use of Joe Biden held in them is also real.

        Drop 1: Breaking News! Hunter Biden’s Sex Tapes, The CCP’s “BGY” Infiltration in the U.S., Evil Alliance to Dominate the World

        Video of Hunter getting a foot job while smoking crack

        Drop 2: Breaking News! Watch out! Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden is actually…

        Picture of Hunter with woman

        Drop: 3 Exclusive debut! Image of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden taking drugs and weighing drugs exposed!

        Photos of over 4 grams of crack on a scale. No Hunter. But image details match other Hunter photos

        Drop 4: Hunter Biden’s Pornography leaked

        Hunter genitals pictured in mirror
        Drop 5: Shocking! Sex Tape of Hunter Biden and a Female Disclosed!

        Hunter selfie in bed with naked woman. Some say that the unredacted face of the woman is Beau Biden’s wife, Hallie.

        Drop 6: Breaking! Hunter Biden’s naked photo in the bathroom leaked!

        Hunter naked in the bathroom a woman

        Drop 7: Breaking! Photo of Hunter Biden Online Naked Chatting with………

        Hunter sending penis pictures and placing candy on his genitals.

        Drop 8: Breaking! More of Hunter Biden Dirty Pics Leaked!

        Lots more genital pictures; Hunter with woman in tub; Hunter with a different woman

        Drop 9: Drugs, sex, corruption, money, a house of cards beyond the house of cards!

        Genital measuring, crack on the scale, mirror selfie, sex with black woman, drug purity test

        Drop 10: Update! More Hunter Biden’s Sex & Drug Photos Released!

        Couch, stripper pole woman, Hunter’s back tattoo, more sex with woman.

        Lots of other Hunter porn pics have leaked earlier. They appear to be real but are not from the OP source:

        Pic 2 – Pic 3 – Pic 9 – Pic 11

  15. Tucker Carlson interviews Tony Bubulinski (hope I spelt that wright)
    whole episode devoted. air date 10/27/20 (american date)
    Meanwhile another presenter on Fox business compares Rudy Guiliani to Christopher Steele (the 3 year russian hoax) boy Rudy got mad, demanding an apology.
    Can’t see Tucker surviving on Fox for too long.

  16. “It is illegal (and unethical) in the workplace to allow an employee to work in a mask without first doing a medical evaluation to make sure that that employee can medically tolerate it. OSHA knows that mask-wearing is very taxing to the cardio-pulmonary system.” – Tammy Clark, whistle-blowing expert from OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

    It is vitally important for all business owners to understand the true science of the lack of effectiveness (even worse than useless) and also the dangers of prolonged mask-wearing for anybody, even among their apparently healthy employees.

    Before business-owners go along with the edicts that are coming from Big Pharma and Big Government “experts” (most or all of whom have ulterior motives for the eventual institution of Big Pharma’s forced vaccinations of more than one of their fast-tracked, experimental vaccines, none of which will have been adequately tested for either long-term safety or short- or long-term efficacy.

    Please watch this (and many of the other) important “The High Wire video with Del Bigtree”

    — Gary G. Kohls, MD, Duluth, MN


  17. Dark Web – The Australian Connection & New Arrests. CONTENT WARNING!!!

    The names of the politicians, judges, police, high profile people must be exposed

  18. Cash ban campaign shows we can win fight to stop ‘bail-in’

    One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts said in a 27 October appearance on a special live webcast of Martin North’s Digital Finance Analytics program, “The Fight Against Deposit Bail-in”, that the success of the campaign against the government’s $10,000 cash ban shows how voters can shape policy. The same approach, of large numbers of citizens flooding their MPs and Senators with calls and emails, can succeed in getting the Senate to pass his bill to protect bank deposits from “bail-in”—being confiscated to prop up a failing bank.

    “The cash ban was phenomenal, wasn’t it?”, Senator Roberts said to Martin North and Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick. “What you did was phenomenal. You organised so many people to put in submissions, because you spread the word. … What you did there is you ignited a grass roots movement. But you also had us in the Senate doing that work and galvanising the cross bench and potentially the Labor Party, and it looks like the institutions are still backing it, but the government may be wavering.”

    The campaign against the cash ban shifted the Labor Party and sparked a backbench revolt in the Liberal Party; consequently, the government has gone very quiet on its cash ban bill. If enough Australian citizens contact their MPs and Senators in the next month, before the 30 November Senate debate on Senator Roberts’ Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020, we can similarly succeed in forcing a shift, especially in the Labor Party, and win enough support to pass the bill that explicitly protects deposits from bail-in.

    ‘Adequate’ for whom?

    Earlier in the day on 27 October, Senator Roberts in Senate Estimates questioned both the Reserve bank and the bank regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), on his bail-in bill. Both the RBA and APRA repeated their position that Australian deposits are already protected, and won’t be bailed in. As usual, however, they cited supposed protections that have nothing to do with bail-in.

    RBA Deputy Governor Guy Debelle repeatedly said deposits are protected by the principle of “depositor preference” and the $250,000 Financial Claims Scheme (FCS). This is a lame answer that proves he is not used to having to answer tough questions in Parliament. Under current Australian law, depositor preference and the FCS only apply after a bank fails and is wound up, whereas bail-in is a special policy that is imposed at the point a bank is in danger of failing, in order to avert a collapse that may trigger a chain-reaction banking crisis. The international authorities who cooked up the bail-in policy use this broader concern for the stability of the whole financial system to justify seizing deposits in the failing bank—the deposits in one bank are sacrificed to protect the rest of the banking system.

    Senator Roberts then grilled APRA, opening with a sharp question about its claim that any directive to bail in deposits would be found to be “invalid”. He asked: “Who would find it invalid?” APRA Chairman Wayne Byres replied: “It could be challenged by anyone who wished to take it before the courts.” To underscore the point that this is no real protection for depositors, Senator Roberts said: “So that’s my understanding too, that only a court can find an APRA direction invalid. Can I confirm that it is your position that if a bail-in occurs, those depositors who have lost some or all of their money must take their bank to court, at their own expense, millions of dollars in legal expenses, to seek an order declaring the bail-in invalid?”

    All Wayne Byres could say in reply is that the question was premised on a bail-in happening, and “our whole purpose is to protect depositors, not to bail them in”. However, as the Citizens Party and others have repeatedly demonstrated, APRA’s “whole purpose” is not protecting depositors; rather, it has a twin mandate of protecting depositors and financial system stability. Sometimes the second conflicts with the first, in which case financial stability trumps depositor protection.

    Finally, Senator Roberts asked: “Our bill simply clarifies you do not have bail-in powers, which is what you are telling me here today. Why are you opposing our bill when it does nothing more than clear up what the law is saying you say it is?” After specifying that APRA does have bail-in powers, but claiming they are only for certain capital instruments, and not deposits, Byres explained: “Well the view we put in our submissions was that it was not necessary because we thought the current law was adequate.”

    The question is: adequate for whom? It may be adequate for the regulator and the banks, but it isn’t adequate for the depositors, who want the explicit protection provided by Senator Roberts’ bill. So Senator Roberts pressed again: “It doesn’t change anything for you”, he said to Byres. “It complies with what you just stated—so I can’t understand why you would oppose it. It makes two minor changes that are in line with what you’re saying.” Byres said again, “As we said in our submissions, we didn’t think it was necessary.”

    The most significant thing about Byres answer is that he didn’t, and couldn’t, say Senator Roberts’ bill has a downside that could cause other problems. The worst he could say was that it is unnecessary. In that view, he can speak for himself. To millions of depositors across Australia, a bill that would have no other effect than to insert an explicit protection for deposits from any bail-in is absolutely necessary.

    Call your MP and Senators straight away and demand they vote for the Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020. Click here to find contact details for your MP and Senators.

    Click here to sign the petition: Hands off our bank deposits—stop ‘bail-in’!

  19. Australia getting burned by its anti-China policies – Ken Moak – Asia Times


    “Australia has discovered that being a self-appointed US “deputy sheriff” comes with a high price.

    China is Oz’s largest trade partner, and its biggest source of international students and tourists, after all.”

    [Unfortunately it is almost impossible to find a good writer that has not fallen for and feed into the COVID alternative reality hoax.]

    “Mishandling of the pandemic has resulted in second or third waves of the outbreak, forcing governments to impose stringent lockdown measures such as shutting down businesses for longer periods.” [!!!]

    “Against this backdrop, Australia should not be surprised at being burned, because its anti-China politicians, pundits and media played with fire. It is time for “adults” in Australia to push back against the anti-China crowd that is the main culprit responsible for burning the country.”

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