by Dee McLachlan
I feel compelled to respond to the mainstream media coverage and logic of the Freedom rallies that transpired across the country yesterday. The backlash was predictable and the anti-vax message was on cue. The core message being: do not question why your government is using you as a medical guinea pig and forcing an experimental gene therapy on you.
Melbourne’s Herald Sun headline this morning: Lockdown Lunatics? Well, let us review the definition of lunatic: a person existing with a severely disordered mind. I guess one could say that a lunatic would be devoid of logic and critical thinking too. So let me continue:
It’s a Global One-off Human EXPERIMENT
Is it logical to rush towards medical intervention and a new technology (mRNA injectables) that has (i) never been tested on humans before, and (ii) were designed in hours or just days, (iii) where trials in animals failed with the animals dying, and (iv) have not been through normal years of testing and trials, etc? And yet, despite this, the narrative insists that all 7 billion-plus humans on (e.g., an entire species) be subjected to this “experimental gene-therapy”? That is insanity.
To further interrogate the injectables, why are we not allowed to question what is being injected? It is like a cuckoo scientist in his Frankenstein lab concocting a problem that does not require a solution. There are already countless options to boost one’s immune system and therapeutically treat what is called Covid-19.
Imagine a scenario where we were told — the planet’s water supply has been poisoned by an asteroid, and from now it is mandatory to add a toxin to counteract the poison. Well, these jabs are instructing your body to manufacture spike proteins.

“Stupidity” and Statistics
The term stupidity comes from the Latin verb stupere; for being numb and is related to stupor; as a pejorative for misdeeds due to absence of mental capacity; slow of mind, or lacking the (congenital) capacity for reasoning…
So let’s go to some reasoning.
According to the official government data ( as of 3pm on 22 July 2021, a total of 32,427 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Australia, including 915 deaths, and approximately 1,700 active cases. More than 23,484,500 tests have been conducted nationally and of those tests 0.1% have been positive.
COVID-19 cases were reported across all ages:
- The median age of all cases is 37 years (range: 0 to 106 years).
- The median age of death is 86 years (range: 27 to 106 years).
Okay… 86 years old. But hang on, consider what the Australian Institute of Health reports:
“Life expectancy is the most commonly used measure to describe population health and reflects the overall mortality level of a population…. Australia enjoys one of the highest life expectancies in the world, at 82.8 years in 2018 for males and females at birth combined—ranked seventh among 37 OECD countries.”
What? The average age of Covid deaths is 3 to 4 YEARS OLDER than the age of life expectancy.
And now we have reporters like James Campbell ( writing “Kids Need The Jab Or We’re Staying Shut”… Really?
Are political reporters like James Campbell for example (the author of the above article) lacking the capacity for reasoning to consider that kids should not be injected with this EXPERIMENTAL vax — because the average age of a Covid death is 3 to 4 years beyond life expectancy? And remember: these deaths could have been drastically reduced if the government had pushed life-saving therapeutics. Possibly 84% could have been saved.
Has Campbell researched any of the scientists or doctors opposing this view?
Consider something else. There has only been ONE Covid death this year (2021), and strategically positioned below the “Outbreak of Stupidity” headline is this article (and these are only statistics for the state of Victoria):

We are heading towards vaccination passports and a two-tiered society — those allowed rights and those that will be denied liberty. All this is on the basis that vaccines are SAFE.
The Australian Governments Department of Health website is this message:
“COVID-19 vaccines … Having a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine available for everyone in Australia will help protect you, your family, and your community from coronavirus.”
In recent days I have had several calls of vaccine injury scares. A friend of mine’s daughter, a nurse in her 20s, was rushed to hospital with an emergency for some heart scare — seemingly caused after the vaccination. I read in a Messenger post that paramedics in QLD were saying many or most of their cases were related to the vaccines. I don’t know if this is true, but we have at least some stats to go by.
The “SAFE” vaccine message seems to be in conflict with another government website.
Reported Side Effects for COVID-19 Vaccines
“Gathering reports of adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) is just the first step in determining whether or not the effect is related to the vaccine and whether a significant safety issue is involved.” (TGA)
On the TGA website they report this:
“To 6 June 2021, the TGA has received 272 reports of death following vaccination for COVID-19 vaccines. [then the qualifying statements] By chance, some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly….” [and] “…our review of cases and analysis of reporting patterns does not suggest that the vaccine caused these deaths.”
And from the Openvaers site:
This video (from Hugo) is about the 5,522 people that died in Scotland within 28 days after getting the jab. The report that confirmed “Public Health Scotland have revealed that 5,522 people have died within twenty-eight days of having a Covid-19 vaccine within the past 6 months in Scotland alone.
The Blame Game
Divide and Conquer.
The “stupidity” of those protestors will, as a Channel 7 reporter said, “… the irony that this potential super-spreader on Freedom day would only serve to increase their term of imprisonment.”:
The unvaccinated will be blamed for the outbreaks; including children.
Where is all this leading?
The big question: why have therapeutics been suppressed or banned?
These include: Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments; Low-dose interferons such as Paximune; peptide T; Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor; Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways; Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine); Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver; Walk barefoot in nature when you can to reduces blood viscosity (as per this study); Optimize your vitamin D levels; Infrared Sauna therapy, and many other drugs that have proved effective.
So, who are they who sit at the top of pyramid perpetrating this medical fraud?
Those who want you dead
XX here is the answer –
Sean Hross has given a complete
OR go back to
and look for the vid which W3 posted.
Yes, that is a part of the story which as usual invokes Godwins Law.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom.
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
John 8:44-45
44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning (Cain), and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Not Godwin’s law at all
Well he spouted some B.S. about Hitler
I shed Type I, like a spike protein antidote.
You get plenty of praise Dee, still not enough of course, and thats just me.
Onward we go, k, like there is a choice.
Yes Houston we have a problem, and … can’t see a problem with either
“Logic and Critical Thinking?”
I have a punch line here, but you inputs peeps
Logic is not a synonym for reason. Logic is the “scientific method” or the rules designed to constrain reason to reality. It is the rules that are intended to ensure that reasoning is coherent and consistent.
GK Chesterton once quipped something like: Insanity is not the lack of reason; indeed a madman can use reason very convincingly to argue from a false or invalid premise to an absurd conclusion. His madness is not from a lack of reason but from the detachment if his reason from reality.
I invite serious minds to consider the very simple proposition here:
Thanks oldavid – good point and great link.
Hanlon’s razor also comes to mind …
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
There are a number of variations and possible sources.
But applying the scientific method to the situation we are in, I would propose that the opposite applies because given that the Covoodoo hoax cannot be explained by stupidity, it must therefore be explained by malice.
Having said that, there is a huge layer of useful idiots to which the Hanlon razor does indeed apply.
A few days ago an NRL player was fined $35,000 plus other sanctions including a two week suspension for a ‘biosecurity breach’.
Some clown on a sports radio channel this morning (Ray – something) was blurting out what a disgrace this was – he should have got $100,000 and ten weeks and – and … !! He has betrayed his kids, his wife, his friends, his teammates, his club … and on and on. This is no longer a question of sport – this is question of morality … BLAH BLAH!!! For f*ck’s sake!
So you see, the ignorance knows no depths and the willing executioners are plentiful, just like in Soviet Russia in the 1920s and 1930s (and beyond) – as cowardly +/- ignorant friends turn on friends and family members turn on family members with a cognitively disassociated passion to prove themselves as not being ‘enemies of the people/state’.
Thank you Dee for all your efforts in keeping the time capsule real.
Now excuse me – I think someone just got a medal in mask wearing and knuckle touching.
Yair, well, I tend to think that ole Hanlon’s Razor was rooly, rooly blunt. Perhaps his missus had been using it to trim bricks for her garden ornaments.
An old bloke told me many years ago that if the pollies were only stupid they should get it right about 50% of the time.
I, therefore, propose Odd’s Razor that says “never ascribe to stupidity what is clearly benefiting malice.”
So, prior to his conversion, was Paul the Apostle acting on stupidity or malice?
What turned him around?
Why did he later advise that the truth isn’t automatically open to everyone
That it’s something that’s only within the reach of those who love/desire it
That everyone else automatically winds up de-luded, ie ensnared by some humanistic game or other:
“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”
Whatever the case there’s no question as to who’s in charge of the bigger picture
I think that there can be no doubt about Who’s in charge of the big picture but, according to recorded history, He is not at all intimidated by egomaniacs… He lets them go to destroy themselves in their search for gods promising that there can be a reality manufactured by ambition and convenience.
And years ago our Australian Broadcasting Commission knocked back Dee.
So the ABC remains defunct and fake.
“May 31, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.
“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.”
“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend.
Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.”
“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”
Excellent article. One of the best researched articles in the last 18 months on the subject of CovIdiots. Please keep it up.
Regardless of your stance – whether you have access to pine needle tea or not, or if elections are ‘stealable’ – this should surely stir your emotions, assuming you’re human:
Blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed, eh. Johnny boy, with his 20.29, was clearly not talking about those with eyes to see when he came up with that piece of agitprop. Perhaps he had been on the Keneh Bosum and had forgotten what he wrote a few pars before. It could be no wonder why he and his mates wrote about a clothing optional paradise with needle teeth snakes with toxic apples. Not that they could see it but, man, it seemed so real they could believe it.
The first 2 minutes of this scrapbook clip could be extended to half an hour, lots of dirt there, such as “Hey Ellen why does your set look like Epstein’s Pedo Island” and that little weirdo David Spade (from B-grade comedy shows) saying “It’s all riding on Tom Hanks”, Well it’s made pretty clear why Robert DeNiro hates Trump. It all flashes by very quickly.
(“Hey Epstein why does your Pedo Island look like an Egyptian thing ?” “I don’t know, go ask Swissy !!!”)
And the Australian Broadcasting Commission knocked back Dee years ago.
Then again so did the Australian Wankers award fakes. But no need she would not to be in the same room with a crowd on spivs.
25 min…
60 min
Covid Cures
Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc cure for covid.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine nebuliser cure for covid.
Budesonide inhaler cure for covid. (Pharamacy Direct 1300 934 785)
I was not aware of th Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine Nebuliser treatments. Any more info?
Forgot Ivermectin and Zinc tablets
All very well to praise Dee. How about prai$sing her. How about right now, today.
hope this works
Pfizer struck A⚡️CDC
Quite funny if you know some hardcore bogans to forward to
Dear Fellow Lockdown Lunatics, Jon Rapport wrote this today at his site
As the drama called Human Life on Planet Earth advances in the 21st century, we are seeing an escalation of lower-brain emotional responses to events. And this is according to plan.
I want to emphasize the underlying propaganda message. It’s very important to understand that message:
“As more and more people are unable and unwilling to employ logic and rationality, those qualities diminish in importance, and you should abandon them because…they don’t serve you. They aren’t useful.”
You can see where this would lead. More and more people would surrender to their own stimulus-response mechanisms, and the overall level of chaos would increase and expand.
There is no situation in which you should abandon your own ability to employ reason and rationality, no matter what other people are doing. Their surrender should not become an excuse for you deserting your own power on any level.
The two most formidable individual powers are logic and imagination.
Logic is essentially grounding and stabilizing. It allows you to analyze any situation or cluster of information and see through to its validity or invalidity, beyond deception.
Imagination takes you soaring. It allows you to see your greatest vision for your life—and therefore act toward its fulfillment.
Others around you may be succumbing to their own misperceptions and lack of energizing spirit—but that doesn’t mean you have to.
And as an aside, if you decide you want to help those you care about and lift them up, try doing it without logic and imagination and see how far you get.
Excellent Mary – just one point of order …
Imagination is how we got ourselves into this mess
Sometimes you need a little reading downtime. I found this short read/listen a (topical) gem
• Coffee House of Surat by Lev Nikolayevich (Leo) Tolstoy
Listen along here for example …
Bit of a thinker was Leo.
Life does not come from non-life. This is a scientific fact.
Where does life come from and where does it go?
Acts 6 Acts 8 Acts 7:49 ‘Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool.
I Am The Light Of The World. Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12
Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
God is good.
When will the half pied wokers do the research on some history regarding everything that’s happening start with the “Georgia Guidestones” and the UN/NWO agenda 21-30 depopulation ffs
Georgia guidestones is some Rockerfella thing, the usual hubris we expect from them.
It all goes so much deeper.
Vatican = Confederation Helvetica (Swissy eg CHF = swiss franc) = Vatika underworld godess of Etruscans (pre-Roman Italians)
The Swiss guard is down there protecting very rich vatican city, one of Swissy’s many satellites.
Collecting money from the deceased peasants, and the poor faithful. Mwa-ha-haaa.
When they say “All wars are bankers wars” they distract with jews. The loot is with Swissy !!! Certain jews are obedient servants worming their way into favour, no shortage there.
Was the incredible scale of world war part 1 & 2 a revenge for the jews undermining the pharaohs and the “Germanic” tribes coming down and destroying Rome ?
Israel was probably a clever package deal that was sealed, in the aftermath.
This guy has been right inside “the beast” so forget all the history books, they will inundate the reader with irrelevant detail, concealing the basic facts:- where did the money go ? ? ?Swissyland !!! They tell you it was “not much” and it was “lost” etc. They say “it’s in London !!!” Oh really. All those Hollywood movies, say it is under the Bank of England or whatever.
Swissyland is just beautiful skiing with Prince Charles and “edelweiss”. Alpenhorns !!! Swiss watch !!! Yodelling !!! (They understand all this in Norway, copying Norway style).
You can just look on the map, there is Swissyland, up the mountain, surrounded by the EC but not part of EC, surrounded by NATO but not member of NATO (extra special super cheap deal), they confiscate your passport to transit through, the citizens are all armed US style.
Where is the globalist HQ, is it London, NY, Frankfurt, Vatican City, Jerusalem, no, they are all branch offices. Who is Swissy ? Some say there is 300 of them. 300 what, dynasties ? In Swiss cantons, Luxembourg and scattered around various places.
The Georgia guidestones calculation of 500 million is probably based on an actual roll someone has worked out.
The useless eaters wouldn’t stand much of a chance against 500 million, not because of the numbers, but because they are so useless !!!
White House admits US gov’t works with Facebook to censor free-speech
The vaxxxes are made in bio weapons factories, intentionally built for luciferace eugenics agenda, that’s all people need to realise. With generations of screen 📺 programming, more difficult than it seems.
CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because it Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu
Thomas Edison is credited with saying:- Only 5% of people really THINK: 10% of people only THINK they THINK: the other 85% of people would rather DIE than THINK. … How true it is. The result of this ‘frame if mind’ is that 95% of people have NEVER thought deeply about the meaning of life and God’s place in our lives. I cannot possibly convey to you in this limited space, what I have learned in 35+ years of research into this matter, however I will attach the text of the latest message that prophet Christina Gallagher recently posted on her website;
Message from Jesus to Christina Gallagher
2021, July 16th
My little one, I desire you tell the people of the world what I reveal to you.
People of the world, I have called you My people but you have disowned Me. So many people fail to listen or care and will not respond to My call and that of My Mother for all these many years. So many live by the flesh and the world – therefore, you will also die by the flesh and the world.
You foolish man, how you will suffer through the man of perdition. He is at your doors. You have opened your life to him. Antichrist is devouring you in multiple ways. The take-over of the world is with you and you fail to see!
I have offered you so much protection but you rejected all I offered you. You rejected Me who is Life and you followed death. My existence was far from your hearts.
For the remnant I have given safety in My Sacred Heart: I have given them the safety of life in Me. The ‘wise virgins’ responded.
You people will be hunted down by the dogs of death who have your downfall ready. You will be forced to partake of the overflowing chalice. You refused life, now you will partake of death at the hands of the man of death.
Those of the remnant will be blessed who will have the Petal which has the outpouring of My Heart and that of My Immaculate Mother’s Heart. My Mother’s picture with the Roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it.
People of the world, how I have pleaded with you to open your eyes and hearts but to no avail. Those who could have been of benefit to draw people into the awareness of My messages preferred their self status of the world.
The Houses of Protection which My Mother pleaded with you to put in place were left without workers: so often only those who wanted self-gain entered. Not all, but many hearts were closed.
I pleaded for the House in New York but there was so much conflict and disbelief – all having their say but without the grace I offered through My Mother’s Heart. Now you will see the parable of ‘the foolish virgins’ being fulfilled in your world.
Control of you is imminent. It will be enforced upon you. Death will be your reward because you did not listen.
My Church will be destroyed. The shepherds have permitted the man of perdition to take all that is Mine but when all seems lost I will come and bring forth My Immaculate Mother to rescue the remnant.
Remember the gifts and the places of refuge I have offered you – that will be all you will have, for those of you who survive. I am before every heart but I will not be permitted to enter.
I will rescue those of the remnant who have open hearts and wear on their person the Precious Petal I have offered in the unity of My Heart and My Immaculate Mother’s Heart. There is no safety except through My Life.
Those of the world who were living in darkness rejected My greatest gifts and even the gift of their earthly life. Their refusal has left them in permanent darkness – because of their rebuke of Me, their Lord God who gave them such.
To the remnant I say, My truth shall be with you through the littlest of My messengers whom so many of you scorned for so many years.
Make your peace with My prophets while you have time because for many death and destruction are before you as the man of death approaches. Take heart that you can turn and listen and receive the truth that is offered to you.
Arm yourself with the gifts offered before it is too late. It is already too late for many. How My Heart sorrows for the lack of people to come into the vineyard of My Work – to respond to the call of My Word in My Mother’s Houses. They are empty – just like you, My people, all worshipping the world and the flesh, but, My people, I am Jesus, Son of God who has called you and I also called you through My Mother’s Heart but to little or no avail, but for the small remnant that responded, blessed are those that heard and responded to Me who is Life.
You have but little time left now to respond to My Mercy and put the things of your darkened world away from you. Pray for mercy.
I bless you all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
P.S. There are several other prophets conveying such warnings to mankind at the present. We are presently in the vestibule that opens into the Apocalypse. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Behold a pale horse
Will we have to wear a yellow star
I had been thinking we need to move onto the journalists after all the politicians have been dispatched, but now I think the journalists are more dangerous, and should be dealt with first.
Dee, I do not know how to download can you assist with a different method?
Logic follows: Covid “vaccination” offers Zero protection
NSW; 141 new Covid cases, all are vaxxed!!
Channel 7 News, 25Jul2021: Man with dark rimmed glasses reads: “New South Wales has recorded 141 new COVID-19 cases”…He finishes with: “OF THE 141: ONE HAD 1 JAB, 140 HAD THEIR TWO JABS”!!!
Enjoy it while it lasts, the censorship will kick in as soon as the directive has been prepared
Someone suggested he mis read his notes bc all the other news sources are saying the opposite? Guess it doesn’t matter anyway.
Want a test IN LOGIC?
Want to realise that the mass media, their shock jokes, the ABC and the politicians are LYING. THEY ARE CONTROLLED!!!!!! Great report with many subjects.
Note references to all the world’s demonstrations, The precipice is being reached …. Just start from the beginning.
Mary might turn teary at the baseball match at 6 minutes.
Particularly listen from about the 21 minute mark………… The CDC is withdrawing the fraudulent PCR Test.
The Chinese now have the DNA of much of the world TO devise a racial Virus ?????
Guess who has bought out a testing company. Why? Must be some money highway planned.
To think a professional retired ‘friend’, ex teacher, journo and press person for a minister and University says it is all crazy and does not wish to be associated with the greatest :sting’ in history!!
Oh well, matter for her. Matter for Mr. Ryan, matter for those who cannot think LOGICALLY and cannot identify the dots if the dots were snowflakes in a blizzard..
error 404? BS Maybe I stuffed the link, try this:
IT works, so sorry I stuffed up the original attempt.
By the way, if someone can debunk Lindall there is 5m US to collect…………… beats the silly prizes from radio 2GB. Have a go at the 5m 2GB, you are going to need it,
Well we already knew that our mass media is crook and fake.
Sourced from rumormillnews,com
Yep mass media we now have it on record.
MSM, ABC and shock shonks, tell THE PUBLIC about Professor Borody, hydroxychloroquine, invermectin and zinc as a alternative effective and CHEAP treatment for covid
Ban the MSM and all their advertisers,,,,,,, they are injuring thousands with their lies and misinformation dictated to our politicians by the corporate control freaks.
RE above:
This is the RMN source.
Hey MR BARCLAY CRAWFORD would you kindly inform your puppets to report on the second report at RMN re Your great Mr. Fauci, perhaps you could assist the public to be informed so that the public may consider their options?;read=177814
Dear Puppets; take note…. do some due diligence and read the report on Fauci
Try as recommended, pages 7 and 8.
I have two very good news inputs.
My cleaner Cathy who I reported a couple of weeks ago went missing after telling me she had to have the jab, after which she had a racing heart and increasing blood pressure has reappeared, so the worst has not happened yet. She had to have three weeks off work and hospital has confirmed a damaged heart. I informed her of Charles Hoffe’s information and the D-dimer blood test to verify for tiny blood clots as well as Dr Hoffe’s site.
Second story. Last night at Australia One Party meeting was informed that the Freedom car rally was very successful in W.A., with 2,000 vehicles counted through the gate. I did not attend this rally.
Please people DO NOT keep referring to Covid, it does not exist The problem is the flu which is coronavirus 2. Covid implies Covid-19.
“Covid-19™” is the name for a globalist program, that’s why it should be called up with the ™ logo. The quaxxines are not vaccines and most agree they should be called (mRNA) injections. The Chief Medical Officer has infiltrated the Dept of Health and tells the responsible, elected minister what to think, say and do. Check out his resume. He knows everything about flu epidemics !!! Except how to cure them.
No idea but from what I can surmise from the scene is that a lawyers is reporting to a police counter a report he has of 70 police officers revolting re mandatory vaccine and a bit more.
just a few minutes,
One officer is bamed.
If anyone has police officers that they know, perhaps send this and seek info.
Yes police need to walk off this job and they know it.
Just tell them “go and catch a drug pusher – oh, hang on, you ARE a drug pusher”
same report but a clearer video.
File: Twitter and the NSW authorities and mass media will attempt to CENSOR and twitter ban it?;read=177877
Well done Ned and Dee. Thank goodness there are some decent law abiding police officers out there. Now they need to arrest the treasonous politicians. There is at least one Prime Minister and a Premier in each state along with the Health Ministers and Chief Health Officer of Commonwealth and of each state that fit the description of traitor.
Really good news with the police in NSW. The police have to deal with political BS, lies and manipulation all the time. Because they are at the coal face of crime day after day, they get a ‘nose’ for BS. There’s good cops and bad cops, however if they are good cops, they now know that they and their families are going to be sacrificed to the Kabal’s interests.
This could be a turning point in the Covid narrative in NSW.
For further information and MYSTERY and QUESTIONS.
Thai style lockdown
From a blog commenter, complaining about the government:
“What about the poorest in the land – what are you doing for them Tu? I’ll tell you – bloody nothing you parasite! The only thing that seems to benefit the poor is the 50-50 scheme for buying food and essentials, my family benefit from that as they are struggling beyond my capacity to help them although I give them a third of my little pension we struggle on 2/3, so for them it is very hard. But they are rich compared to those living in shacks with no income or food and armed soldiers guarding their barbed-wire compounds – like in our village! A practice akin to the Nazi camps in Auschwitz! Disgusting”
German Civilians Under Allied Occupation
Given the extraordinarily harsh conditions imposed upon them by the Allies, at least 9.3 million and possibly as many as 13.7 million Germans needlessly died as a result.
Canadian historian James Bacque’s new book, Crimes and Mercies, is a sequel to his 1989 work Other Losses. While the latter focused on the fate of millions of German POWs at the end of the Second World War, more than a million of whom the Allies deliberately left to die of a synergistic combination of disease, exposure, and starvation, his current book focuses largely on the grim, post-war fate of 60 million German civilians.
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