by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Have I got news for Australia!
The concept of “medical kidnap” is already known in the US. But the concept of harassment for harassment’s sake, by a department of Child Protection is not spoken of much. You will recall the book by Keith Harmon Snow, In the Worst Interests of the Child about a shocking case in Connecticut. There the pediatrician was in on the theft of the child, as was the lawyer who was later rewarded with a judgeship.
And of course, there was Georgia’s state senator, Nancy Schaefer, and North Carolina’s Don Rufty, as spokespersons for the cause of rescuing stolen children. But now there is a case, of which I shall attend the hearing in Boston a few hours from now, that combines medical kidnap and DCF harassment. (DCF=Department of Families and Children, Massachusetts.)
Yipee! I know I should not say it’s great, as the event has been no doubt terrible for the family involved. But what is so pleasing is that the DCF really screwed up. Instead of picking on a low-profile family — preferably one with some besmirchment — they picked Rabbi Green. Oh my. His family is outstanding, qua family. He and his wife have seven children.
Please read this excerpt from Janet Aldrich who writes for Boston Broadside:
“I met Rabbi Green covering patriotic events the last few years. This year I was graciously invited to attend Rosh Hashana with the family. I witnessed such a harmony of love and patience like I have never seen. His children are respectful and charming – interacting with the Community attending Services.
“We agree on the hot item vaccines but I had no idea this family was being harassed or ridiculed publicly for their strong beliefs. As I stated previously the patience of this couple with a large family was outstanding.
“It was a wonderful happening to me to be there at all and I would challenge anyone who would belittle the integrity of faith these wonderful humans have to raise G-dly children in such a corrupt time in history. Shalom to them forever.”
I am now quoting from an article by Joan Quinn Eastman, entitled “Political & Religious Persecution Targets The Esteemed Rabbi Green”:
“Rabbi Green has assisted with thousands of religious exemptions for those who share the belief that no one should be forced to take any sort of injection against their will. The Rabbi is known for his courageous commentary and impassioned speeches on freedom and the rights that come with it– rights that are protected by the Constitution.
“At the same time that the department’s harassment began, Facebook suddenly shut down the Rabbi’s page, in what appears to be a coordinated attempt to silence him. He and his family have faith that they will be shielded from DCF’s unlawful retaliatory measures.”
Eastman also quotes Carol Langley, a nurse of Brockton:
“The children are happy, healthy and bright. They are clearly loved, cherished and well cared for. An organization intended to protect children should never be allowed to be weaponized or utilized in a retaliatory manner, due to a parent’s publicly stated belief.
And now I quote from attorney Roman Brik at Staten Island New York:
“This is nothing short of outrageous persecution of an outspoken Jew and Rabbi, a towering figure in the medical freedom community….Ms Karen Delarda [of DCF] has recently been incessantly harassing Rabbi and Rebbitzin Green with patently unfounded and blatantly unlawful demands to enter and snoop around their house and interrogate their minor children.”
Here are the groups that I expect to benefit from the Green example:
— all persons seeking medical freedom
— all Jews (Trust me, persecution is in the works.)
— all persons whose Facebook has been shut down, like Rabbi Green’s for sharing information with the public (I can’t believe I’m saying that!)
— all parents who have seen the court take their child — for purposes of “trafficking”
— all US citizens who do not know that the Fourth Amendment says “You can’t enter my home without a warrant. Period.”
— all cops and caseworkers who don’t want to grab kids unlawfully
When I get to the hearing today, I will give the family or the lawyer a copy of my 2018 book, Reunion: Judging the Family Court, to show them what Aussie mums endure on a regular basis. This must stop! And it will stop!
Thank you, O crazed DFC Massachusetts for going on a toot you can never sustain. Thank you, rotten mafia, for shooting yourself in the foot. Thank you, O good babies of the Green family for living up to your parents’ example of righteousness!
Yay! Shalom!
Here is Rabbi Michoel Green’s own statement on YouTube:
Their case reminds me of rural parents in Victoria — they have 10 children. They were at a protest rally. A week later they got a visit from the “Department” (of family services/child protection). It didn’t take long before all 10 children were gone, even the baby and a disabled daughter. There were several complaints about this strictly religious couple, including (derogatory) notes that they were reading their bibles. The department said one of the reasons the kids weren’t going home was their rural home wasn’t on town water. I thijnk some of the kids were returned… but there’s nothing like breaking a beehive apart to steal the honey… The “departments” across the country are good at smoking bees (the smoke hides the misfeasance of the theft).
New Visitors, please go see an article about the stealing of 5 autistic children from one family. Also see the important comments under it. Thanks.
A very interesting post above –yes comments are interesting Mary- pre you know what—The Tavistock Masterplan–Mass minds control and cyber warfare. Agenda 21 now well into Agenda 30 when it is predicted 8 out of 10 boys will be on the autism spectrum and 1 in 2 adults will experience mental health issues in their life time.
Interview with Fiona Jan 2022
16 mins-on the 5th Aug 2021 Joey Watson ABC
National Broadcaster spoke of MKULTRA experiments at University of Sydney in 1960–both in print and on radio.
Hidden history–The first time in 60 years hearing about MK in Australia.
Around 45 mins relevant to this article
Fiona puts things in some historical context since the early 70’s. Very interesting for me as I hold the historical context for the previous 50 years.
Professor Christopher Exley, a lauded biologist, the world’s pre-eminent expert on aluminium and a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology — a recognition few scientists achieve — last year lost research funding for his longstanding work on aluminium toxicity in diseases like Alzheimer’s and autism, and its role as an adjuvant in vaccines…………..”
Today, we ingest aluminium through processed foods, drink it in water, and cook in aluminium pots and pans (many pans are now made of anodised aluminium). It is found in baby formula, cosmetics and is a key ingredient in many vaccines………………………”
Tyranny knows no bounds. Except for their own kind.
The Jerusalem Post – Israel News
Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?
The individual does not necessarily represent the pack, but when the individual achieves fame or notoriety, he or she is immediately associated for good and for bad by friend and foe with the country or faith into which he or she was born. This is particularly so in the case of Jews, who, after all is said and done, represent a minuscule percentage of the world’s population. Nonetheless, it is amazing how many accomplished individuals there have been, in any number of fields, whose biographical details, as published by Wikipedia, include mention of the fact that he or she was born into a Jewish family. There are far fewer references to someone being born Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Episcopalian, Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, Mormon, etc., although given their political clout, there is increasing mention of Evangelicals.
Getting back to singling out Jews, one can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus………………..”
Corona virus is a generic term for colds and flu
No one will ever devise a method to prevent colds and flu.
I cured my colds and I used to get them twice a year, I cured them for about 10 years and now they are back but very very mild compared to before and my experience of Sars-Cov-2 bio-weapon ( I think they call it ) was also very mild. But just taking plenty of D ZInc and curcumin / quercetin is good. People have been raving about turmeric for about ten years now, the curcumin seems to come from that, and the enzymes are in Indian dahl which is lentils which are dried peas. Suggest eating plenty of lentil dahl and spinach instead of noodles and white rice. Most Indian restaurants are ok and sell all this stuff.
pdf of my Reunion book. The other day I leafed thru it to see if it needed updating. Unfortunatly not. All the courts and CPS agencies are still behaving as they did in 2019. By the way, there is a grop in Maine where the leader (for many mothers) portrays the problem as one of judges taking the part of dads over mums. I feel sure that is NOT what’s going on:
[…] Source […]
Every so often they bite off a bit more than they can chew, but rest assured, come Monday morn it’ll be chomp chomp as usual. It’d be interesting to know a few more details about the Green’s success; did they employ the Gideon’s army technique ? I still use said model re everything
Bit more info here:
A pertinent reminder that as all so-called “private” schools in Aus rely on government funding they can hardly be called “independent”
Matthew 23:7-11
A literal translation from the Greek –
(7) and the greetings in the markets, and to be called by men , Rabbi, Rabbi.
(8) But do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your leader, the Christ, and you are all brothers.
(9) And do not call any one father on earth, for one is your Father, the (one) in Heaven.
(10) Nor be called leaders, for One is your leader, Christ
(11) But the greater of you shall be your servant.
So why be coy about the context?
Are you saying that the bod in question, quote, “binds heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lays them on men’s shoulders; but he himself will not move them with one of his fingers”?
I beg to differ
“rabbi” is, of course simply Hebrew for teacher, and the balance of the NT makes no bones about the value of said role:
“What does “He ascended” mean, except that He also descended to the lower parts of the earth?
He who descended is the very One who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things.
And it was HE who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and SOME TO BE PASTORS AND TEACHERS,
to equip the saints for works of ministry and to build up the body of Christ,
until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ.”
See Moultons Greek Lexicon for definition. Leader or teacher is appropriate. Romans 13 applies.
So R. Michoel Green is using the “Covid” scam to sell Talmudism. He, perhaps inadvertently, just fails to mention the Messianic Judaic Supremacy inherent in the Babylonian Talmud and the “Noahide Laws” that are designed to impose and enforce Talmudic Judaism on all the recalcitrant “cattle”.
Do you realise, Mme berry that, according to the Talmud, you are an “idolater” deserving only decapitation… not even a cow to be milked… unless, of course, you are a Sabbatean who gets a free pass to pretend to be anything at all as long as it augments Talmudic Messianism.
Perhaps you should make sure that your Frankist membership card is up to date if you don’t want to fall foul of the Messianic thought police.
I have a vague recollection that Jesus made some comment about “whited sepulchres full of dead men’s bones” and something about “you travel over sea and land making proselytes” to incorporate them into the “den of vipers” and all that.
“vague recollection” pretty much sums up your entire modus operandi
How genuine followers of Christ deal with Judaism:
How the Master Himself will deal with those “who say they are followers and are not”:
“Now you will see what I will do with those people who belong to Satan’s group. They claim to be God’s people, but they are liars. I will make them come and kneel down at your feet. Then they will know that I love you. “
REVELATION 3: 9 (Contemporary English Version)
Mary. promise I will re-read Reunion this weekend –well at least Appendix items–ahh not enough time in the day.
Appendix Q. Fiona Barnett Explains How Trafficking Is Luciferian. At Humansarefree.org. June 12, 2019-246-
Appendix R. Andrew Wakefield’s Book, Waging War on the Autistic Child – Parents Accuse of Munchausen-252-254
nb page numbers are a bit different to the Index
Also refer to Gabbi Choong interviews: Focus on Australia and Odyssey to Verity as further resources-and of course Dee’s videos
nb page numbers are a bit different to the Index
It seems our authorities nowadays can do anything they like to us.
Has the policeman got the right to stop this woman?
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to that exchange.
Legal is defined as”the “undoing of God’s law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893).
James 4:12 “There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another.”
Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”
A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. That which is empty cannot be measured or counted.
Phrase: positive law
Source Language: Latin
the laws that are enacted by Men and Women through proper authority in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum for the government of a society. As Positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law
Legal is defined as”the “undoing of God’s law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893).
James 4:12 “There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another.”
Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”
A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. That which is empty cannot be measured or counted.
Evil is inevitable –
There can only be one lawgiver –
Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2
A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –
“Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained (by me) are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”
Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
“…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil.
Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”
Divine Law –
the law that defines the Divine in accordance with Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum and clearly demonstrates the spirit, mind, purpose and instruction of the Divine Creator including the operation of the Volition and Will of the Divine Creator through existence. Therefore all valid Law may be said to be derived from Divine Law. The highest law of all Law is therefore Divine Law, then Natural Law, then Cognitive Law, then Positive Law
Amazing piece of bluff by the cops, now how does this bear on state child theft ?
We are operating under two jurisdictions, the futuristic mercantile (corporate) law and the old common law, with the New World Order expectation that we will all be corporate entities from birth and thus eventually make the shift to total corporate law.
At that point perhaps the King will default to Geneva and all the traditional offices will become unfunded, replaced by the corporate version.
If an individual (formerly described as “one”) is not registered at birth one presumably may not attend school and therefore one will not be required to take multiple injections from an age far below any age of informed consent.
The key is to stay out of public hospital and then state school.
Word: majuscule
Century: 18th
DA Name: majuscule
Era: C.E.
Source Language: English
From 18th Century English as legal term meaning “a capital letter”. More commonly known as UPPER CASE. From Latin magnus = “large, great, important” and vulgar Latin culus = “anus, arse”. The meaning of the word literally translates as “great arse” indicating a general contempt by the authors of early LAW DICTIONARIES to those who do not recognise UPPER CASE legal fictions as having superiority over lower case names under ROMAN LAW.
An artificial person is considered dead in the eyes of the law and thereby can be defined as a corpse. Hence, the word corporation/corps/”corpse”. You can also find the word corps in the term “marine corps”. In law, all military personnel are considered dead and thereby have no natural rights, which is why government superiors order them around like dogs and make them wear dog tags.
Would you be surprised to know that you are traded as collateral on the New York Stock Exchange by way of your birth certificate?
Your birth documentation should be straightforward and transparent, however it soon becomes the most complex and secretive paper trail imaginable.
This alone suggests a long history of corruption.
This 15 page PDF document details the history and particulars of birth certificates, the ‘Strawman’, Uniform Commercial Code, Maritime Law, ‘Human Resources’ and the shadowy globalist organisations that have their influence over everyone on the planet.
Finally, there are step by step instructions showing how you can look up your own bonds as traded on the New York Stock Exchange by way of your birth certificate.
This is important factual information that affects everyone. Please take the time to download and read it. If you feel that this work could be of benefit to others then we would encourage you to share this URL.
Hu-man or Human???
Hu is one of the twelve gods of the Egyptian solar cult
The Egyptian god Hu was one of the minor gods in some respects, but he was one of the most important gods for those serious about Egyptian deities. Hu is the power of the spoken word. He personifies the authority of utterance.
One legend has it that the creator and Sun God, Re (Ra), evolved from the primeval waters of Egypt. Once alive, Re created the air (Shu) and the moisture (Tefnut). Next, the earth god, Geb and the sky goddess, Nut were created. Mortal men and women were created from the tears of Re. Re then drew blood from his own penis and created the gods Hu and Sia. These two gods represented the creative power of the gods.
Hu and Sia were partners. Sia was the personification of Divine Knowledge/Omniscience, the mind of the gods. Hu was the personification of Divine Utterance, the voice of authority. During Ancient times, Heka, the personification of Divine Power accompanied these two gods. Together, the three gods (Trinity) were very important to the rulers of Ancient Egypt. Along with the falcon-headed Sun God, they rode the Sunboat across the sky in order to create and sustain all life. (Note the “Trinity” of Hu, Sia & Heka)
The act of the Sunboat traveling across the sky signifies that with each sunrise the world was created anew. Having traveled through the Underworld of night and making it past all the dangers therein, the Sunboat once again rises to confirm that life is created new each day.
The sunboat was the glyph on the pyramid capstone, later modified to become an eye
Psalm 118:22-26 New King James Version (NKJV) 22 The stone which the builders rejected. Has become the chief cornerstone. 23 [ a]This was the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. 24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Very interesting for someone like myself, with zero training/studies in the subject of Law! Therefore I would have shown the officer my drivers license and happily done an alcohol test if asked for.
By chance I stumbled across this one from the UK,
As you heard in your first video the driver had somehow voided their citizenship and had become a non-“person”, also a car not ever registered is not a “motor vehicle”, it’s all a bit like strata title or “terra nullius” in fact where aborigines were non-citizens and had various traditional lands as some still do. You would have to be determined to do all this and when you want to go through immigration and get a cheap flight to Singapore and a visa-on-arrival I don’t know how you would go about something like that.
So we sign onto the New World Order for convenience.
Registration – Regi = King. “Are you the owner of this vehicle?” No, the government owns it.
“You will own nothing and be happy”
I think someone said a natural car is called an automobile in the USA and the dealer will try to include “on-road” or “drive away” costs, that is when it is put under mercantile law.
But it’s different here, we are not a free country and our common law is crumbling away at the speed of legislation.
Corporations (pollce have ABNs) can only deal with other corporations – the all capital name on your drivers license gives you corporate status if you use it to represent the flesh and blood living you.
Corporations have signatures. Flesh and blood living people have autographs.
I always cross out “signature” and over write “autograph”
I know what you mean when you say that you lunched with a lovely family, generous and not jew(chehe). Never read that Snow book but calling yourself a Rabbi is a target magnet for both good and not so good reason’s. Like any armour of God, so gets the hall pass(to date).
So David Icke has been banned from the Netherlands. Ya gotta read this letter, the ‘authorities’ are really starting to run scared. Of course, there are people that have never heard of Icke in the Netherlands, so this is going to perk up their interest. Talk about free advertising…
Wordy, wink,
Nov 3, 2022
V number:
Yavol, harrari
Very punny, and Klaus rhymes with raus.
This reptiles=jews thing is a new one on me but I see the reptiles also drink babies blood as the “jews” supposedly did a few hundred years ago. Very convenient for the Ashkenazim who get to ban all sorts of anti-“semitic” behaviour but don’t take any of the heat. Funny how the Dutch government takes such an interest in reptiles and is in fear of a David Icke hologram causing Dutch citizens to maybe burn down injection centres. The Benelux area has a more turbulent history than might be imagined but the remnants of empire, things like “Royal Dutch Shell” testify to their successes. The royals in general are good at pretending they are poor, this is so they can get living expenses from their governments. They have to hide everything, even David Icke has to be hidden from the public.
Don’t be daft, Joeken, for several hundred years those charged with the governance of a realm were threatened with what eventually happened to various Monarchs in Europe… like Czar Nicholas and family. The rest, like the Pommy ones, readily gave the Kingdom to Shilock on the promise that they would be granted impunity, status, and privilege for as long as they didn’t question the plutocracy and ideology that owned them.
Daft ?
pretty rich coming from someone who’s unabashedly immersed in medieval superstition
It would be an extensive debate so I have to put the correct perspective on it, do I understand correctly that you are some type of committed Catholic ?
That puts you at a significant disadvantage in terms of historical argument.
The “Pommy ones” are actually German infiltrators, as you know. Royalty is naturally very competitive, they are competing on every level, out breeding each other, investing, destroying waves of commoners against each other, smashing each other’s cities but never their own HQ’s.
In light of this there is an inevitability in communism, it would have appeared eventually probably sooner, but then the unintended consequence is that the new rulers turn out to be even worse than the old ones.
As far as Rotschilds go, I think they would be looking primarily toward a return on investment, and some of the deals would be complex indeed and probably quite surprising if we ever heard of them, which we never will. An advantage they have is that they have always been multinational whereas kings are bound to their kingdoms. When you live in a place you have to be more accountable. That’s another reason why we need to resist the Swabian takeover and control from Geneva. Even though our red-blue gang of communists and real estate agents have sold us down the river, they are still more accountable than rule by Swabians.
For further education I refer you to GIUREH, look it up on spewtube. When undertaking study it is most important to start off with a good foundation.
Funny how Shakespeare idealised Italians with his most famous work “R&J” but fingered “the jew” Shylock in his other piece “MoV”. As one of the greatest thought-leaders of history his influence would have been highly significant and valuable to certain individuals of the time.
“When you live in a place you have to be more accountable”
Which is why keeping tabs on what your local government is up to is obviously going to be more productive than meditating on what Swab & Co. are bragging about, ditto your family friendly GP. This is a pretty sound template for dealing with the latter:
“Dear Dr. ____,
Thank you for recent correspondence in which you eagerly invited me to receive the COVID-19 Dose 1 vaccine at your clinic.
You wrote: “COVID-19 vaccination is safe, effective, and is our path to controlling the pandemic.”
Kindly provide documentation (that I may share with my lawyer) certifying that you take full fiscal responsibility for any injury resulting from your “safe” vaccination.
If you cannot take any actual responsibility for its safety, I’ll disregard your invitation and will caution my entire community to do the same.
Moreover, I will advise them that you are parroting specious rhetoric that this injection is “safe and effective” but are unwilling to back up your claims. We’ll all realize that by refusing to accept liability for a product which YOU are actively promoting, you’re effectively conceding that it is neither “safe” nor “effective.”
Lastly, your enthusiasm to expose me to a product that you cannot even vouch for will indicate that you do not truly care about my health as your individual patient, but rather that your loyalties lie with state policies and your own profit margin that’s apparently dependent on the number of “covid-vaccine” doses you administer.
Your lack of response to this letter will expose you as a politically-motivated businessman who marches in lockstep with government, and who cares little about the individual health of his patients, rather than the kind and caring family doctor you always purported to be.”
By banning those having a positive influence on society the United States of Israel is actually giving them more publicity –
Pakistan coup regime bans Imran Khan, dissidents killed, as US eyes China ties, Israel normalization
More attention needs to be given to the fact that a good chunk of the recent “excess death” count goes to the collateral damage of the covid shutdowns: