Physical Meteorological Observatory in Davos (PMOD/WRC)
J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
Before the Covid debacle very many people would have found the Globalist objective of depopulation by elites unthinkable or implausible. We are in the good times, right? However the evidence is clear, historically and contemporaneously, that low value population units are regularly exploited and removed as some part of a package deal involving acquisition of power and wealth. Slavery for example reached heights hitherto unknown during the Egyptian and Roman empires. Sanitised versions of the events in the Colosseum in Rome and the 200+ other Colosseums around the empire would have us believe that chivalrous gladiatorial competitions were the central and perhaps only events, but the live animal trade from Africa would suggest that unwanted low value units were disposed of in huge numbers in these public interest spectacles.
Fast-forward through the minor ice ages to the Napoleonic era where the French low value units bore the eternal punishment for their king’s merciless treatment of the Templars on Friday 13th of October 1307. The Emperor Napoleon oversaw deaths of his troops in the hundreds of thousands, climaxing in the famous Russian winter debacle of 1812, the same year that, in a brilliant example of co-ordination, the British took the opportunity to attack the USA and burn their Capitol, in particular to remove the Bill of Rights 13th amendment and eventually install a new Bill of Rights including everything from the 13th amendment onwards. Imagine the apprehension of the British elites, that the colonials might eventually go from independence to outright hostility.
Meanwhile, for the crime of the century Napoleon was according to historians sent to the very remote Island of St. Helena where, for all we truly know, he may have been transferred to Tahiti for the duration.
The Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71 involved the death of close to a million low value units, including French by military overreach and Germanics by smallpox.
Thanks to industrialisation, the Great War saw event deaths scaled up to around 20 million.
Stage Two of the Great War, known as World War II, added another 80 million or thereabouts, including massacre events such as Warsaw, Dresden and Tokyo and other minor engineered wars, a total of probably well over 100 million for the first half of the 20th Century. Of the European royals, Prince George died in a mysterious plane crash, in a Scottish fog. Reportedly, the lone survivor of the crash was silenced by authorities, adding to the intrigue surrounding the event. The previous Great War had taken a considerably greater toll on princes, probably at least a dozen of mostly Germans, especially during the early part, than World War II. Nowadays, World War III is thought of as inevitable. Death toll for princes might be expected to be nil as they have lost their enthusiasm for pitched battle, since industrialisation.
The original US Bill of Rights 13th Amendment prevented the titled, such as princes and esquires (members of the BAR), from holding office in the USA.
Referring to the graph below we can see the colder climate was enough to regulate populations between around 1300AD and 1800AD. Consider that these types of graph may be partly or wholly describing rate of change, so in non-mathematical terms it is like describing the changed angle of the rudder on a boat, which takes some longer time to affect the actual direction of the actual boat.
The PMOD/WRC (refer headline photo) in the secluded and somewhat cloudy valley of Davos, has been measuring the sun’s radiation since 1907. A handy hour’s drive from Zurich for a super-villain, two hours for ordinary people. It seems that by 1907 the bankers had realised there was a connection between climate cycles and economic cycles, and wanted to know more. In fact there is a profoundly strong connection, and looking back through the fossil records we see at least in geologically recent times the earth has spent more time in ice-age conditions than in warm periods. During the current period, let’s say from “the flood”, we have been enjoying rare levels of warm temperatures without which our comfortable and self-indulgent lifestyles could not be sustained.
Sunspot 11-year cycles were originally measured using pinhole camera devices
Continuous major ice-age and warm period cycles of pre-history
The 1.5 degrees story scares the children but looks even more useless when you see major solar cycles vary by at least ten degrees, and could shift at any time from warming trend to cooling trend, depending on the solar plasma and unknown conditions inside the sun.
Inspecting the above graph and considering where we are at the moment, we are in a warm period, closer to the top than the bottom. We are already warmer than the peak prior to -400. We are at the possible top of a mini-spike. The sum of all these indicates we are more likely to be going down quickly rather than up significantly. However the time scale is so huge that most likely nothing will happen, not even 1.5 degrees, and it certainly wonβt happen because of Carbon Dioxide, which is plant food.
It is stated even by the Global Warming proponents that Carbon Dioxide is dissolved in the sea, and this is enhanced because the heavier gases sink to the bottom of the atmosphere, which is at sea level. It is then claimed by the proponents that the sea will fill up with Carbon Dioxide which will acidify the sea, however, the Carbon Dioxide is what essential carbon based life forms like phytoplankton come from. They canβt just emerge out of water and salt alone. Like any other plant they are composed mostly of hydrogen (from the water) and carbon (from the air).
The plankton is eaten by everything right up to blue whales so there is not much chance of the sea filling up with Carbon Dioxide as claimed. In a natural homeostasis, perhaps the sea would fill up with blue whales. If the Carbon Dioxide was stopped, there would be fewer creatures living in the sea, including commercialised fish stocks. Carbon Dioxide is essential to terrestrial life, the nonsense put about by Globalists headquartered in Davos and Geneva continues to astonish. Many of their proposals are accepted despite being utterly absurd.
The graph below shows the reduced Carbon Dioxide during ice-ages, when the frozen poles extended much closer to the equator, in fact glacial remains are even found in Queensland. Anyone with concerns about a looming ice-age should therefore head straight for Far North Queensland.
Ice ages going back nearly a million years, and Carbon Dioxide lag
Consider that graphs are actually not lines but a connected series of points so the sharp rises up and down could be showing a line of convenience between two points while most of the actual temperature change could potentially be very quick, in worst-case scenario perhaps as little as a single year. Notice that the time spent above the “present day temperature” is typically brief and typically ends unpredictably and suddenly.
The most recent ice age period may be considered as having finally ended at the time of the biblical flood, allowing that the scale and date of the flood is a subjective thing, since the stories around it are basically fabulous and most likely simply attributed to the historical or biblical figure of Noah, as enhancements. One theory is that an ice-wall broke in the Caspian Sea, which used to be much larger.
Thus, in the view of the Global elites, we low value units need steady and regular culling as well as a convenient off-switch because we could possibly be plunged into another ice-age at any time, and we are using up valuable energy resources at a rate that is impossible to justify. From this we can also see why nuclear power is deemed to be urgent and essential.
In the meantime, an extravagant waste of resources continues, and one excellent example amongst many is the Australian packaging mogul Anthony Pratt, who like his father speaks of cardboard boxes, while producing plastic of every conceivable design, such that Australians now have a large yellow rubbish bin for all their attractive single-use packaging, the added cost of which must resemble another GST tax, this one paid to Pratt Industries.
Current RBA Governor squeezed between Pratt and Keating with ex-con and financier Michael Milken (Pic ex AFR)
Cardboard box king Pratt, Trump and advice giver Keating who invoices $25,000/month in addition to parliamentary pension:
God save us all from Keating’s advice, as we enter the recession we had to have Mk II, this time with no assets left to dispose of.
With Pratt, we can clearly see a broader race to the bottom with competitive revenue extraction being the primary driver of business economics and little more than lip service for the environmental issues. Of course the military, medical and motoring industries are at the top of the discretionary spending lists of governments.
Evidently, Mr. Murdoch is still backing βClimate Changeβ over environment because Chris Ullmanβs long-winded and somewhat stale documentary βEnergy Revolutionβ for Sky News contains only one gem, that is the pricing arrangements of the Australian National Grid.
He reveals the national (east coast) grid energy requirement is bidded for every five minutes, the cheapest sources bidding first, followed by more expensive sources, until the quota is filled, then all the suppliers all get paid the equivalent of the most expensive source.
Quite a deal.
In the imaginations of the designers, this feeds capital to the most efficient, and so encourages them to produce more. Itβs unclear what the coal-fired stations are doing with this windfall, apart from returning dividends to their local and now international investors, since they were sold off by our politicians, and are now being regulated out of existence.
In any case, stripped of their former productive jobs and taxed to the hilt by successive governments, some Australians are having trouble contributing to this ambitious, world-leading climate scheme, while the Australian Labor Partyβs favourite country, China, piles on unlimited coal-fired stations and gas terminals, which is where Australiaβs bountiful gas has going, for many years now. The latest tranche has reportedly been given away for free:
Why are Australians being punished with high electricity prices?
Itβs because they are lazy and have it too easy, but also because they are partly self-funding with rooftop solar panels, that they are being used as a Globalist test laboratory for renewable energy. The scare campaign continues, that Carbon Dioxide, at a rate of 0.04% of the atmosphere, heats up more violently under the solar photons than other molecules and can therefore heat up the entire atmosphere and also the sea. 0.04% equates to about 1/2300 and the mass of Carbon Dioxide in relation to the sea is claimed to be 5 billion tonnes, about the same rate as is dissolved in the air, while the mass of the ocean is approximately 1.4 Γ 10^18 tonnes which is well over a billion cubic kilometres, with a cubic km equal to 1000x1000x1000 tonnes.
If you fill a bucket with 2300 drops of cold water and then add a drop of boiling water every day, what happens? The answer is nothing. The mass of planet Earth is so huge it will absorb this type of theoretical addition until the ice age comes.
To conclude the story of the 13th amendment and the princes and esquires of England, it turns out that Abraham Lincoln was a member of the BAR and therefore an esquire so should have been disqualified for office, but as seems to happen very often, the lawmakers are above their own laws so this requirement was ignored, except by South Carolina, which led the split away from the north. Lincoln was apparently persuaded to put the USA under a corporate entity to preserve its integrity and the intent was to remove this entity after the civil war (death toll around 700,000), however Lincoln was assassinated before this reversion could happen. Of course wars are engineered for a multiplicity of reasons but freeing the slaves was not one of them. History was rewritten along with the 13th amendment and DuPont Industries made a fortune selling black powder to both sides during the war.
Besides the DuPonts, other famous Americans of French descent include:
both with military connections.
Napoleon I, the Italian from Corsica, wearing a Maltese Cross as supreme commander of the French army, an early world record holder in mass death.
Excellent graphs.
I noted in Jimmy Dore’s video, Bill Gates says trees don’t capture carbon.
Send him this article
This is a nice one:
“If you fill a bucket with 2300 drops of cold water and then add a drop of boiling water every day, what happens? The answer is nothing.”
Don’t miss this excellent hidden hand weirdo between Trump and Melania
A few seconds after 4:09:40
Who is this guy ?
Come on Plodgers and other experts, who is this guy ???
Here is the miscreant in all his glory, watch his hand movement in the first 3 seconds
Plodgers has really disappointed this time
One month in and already turkey of the year
What a shifty bastard
You can see the cameraman is sharp enough to line him right up
βello,βello, βello, what we got βere:
Nothing that the Lion King hasnβt already got sorted ?
“In October during his presidential campaign, former real estate developer Trump said that war-torn Gaza could be ‘better than Monaco’ if it was ‘rebuilt the right way.’
Trump’s son-in-law and former White House employee Jared Kushner suggested in February that Israel empty Gaza of civilians to unlock the potential of its ‘waterfront property.’ ”
More attempted infiltration of Trump’s cabinet :
Eighty-five years after the Independence of the US, seven southern nation States of America walked out of the Second Session of the thirty-sixth Congress on March 27, 1861. In so doing, the Constitutional due process quorum necessary for Congress to vote was lost and Congress was adjourned sine die, or “without day.” This meant that there was no lawful quorum to set a specific day and time to reconvene which, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, dissolved Congress. This dissolution automatically took place because there are no provisions within the Constitution allowing the passage of any Congressional vote without a quorum of the States.
Lincoln’s second Executive Order of April 1861 called Congress back into session days later, but not under the lawful authority, or lawful due process, of the Constitution. Solely in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the US Military, Lincoln called Congress into session under authority of Martial Law. Since April of 1861, “Congress” has not met based on lawful due process. The current “Congress” is a legal fiction based on nothing more meritorious than βYeah, so what are you going to do about it?β Having a monopoly on the currency, βlaw,β and what
passes for βgovernment,β and most of the worldβs firepower, the motto of the Powers That Be is: βWeβve got what it takes to take what youβve got.β
Trump’s new data centre partner, Oracle’s Larry Eliison, on great AI applications for surveillance data……the digital panopticon has arrived
(55) 1984 on X: βI donβt think people understand the amount of data that @larryellison controls. This should concern you considering he advocates for regime change to circumvent law and thinks that the NSA spying on you is βessentialβ Did I mention heβs jewish? https://t.co/5b1Lpw8BqZβ / X
“We will have superVision (sic): AI will monitor the video and report it to the appropriate authorities”
“Our (body) cameras are always on…..the truth is we don’t really turn it off: we record it so no-one can see it without a court order…..AI is constantly monitoring the video….we are constantly recording and reporting everything that is going on”
He also wants your DNA info so AI can sequence your genome and predict what is likely to happen to you (pre-crime for medicine)………
(60) Polly St George: Documenting Bread & Circuses on X: βLarry Ellison, who just did the huge AI data center deal with Trump today, explains what he wants to use the data for. Listen .. it sounds like they want to track peopleβs BIOLOGY from cradle to grave? With what? Doctor reports? Sounds to me like this goes much deeper. https://t.co/etFn4thDa2β / X
Did I mention that Softbank (the other partner of the data centre project) has an ex-Mossad head (Yossi Cohen) running their operation in Israel and is closely linked to Israeli tech companies such as CyberReason (a US/Israeli cybersecurity firm) tied to Israeli intelligence unit 8200?
Sounds like the dream team for freedom……..a techno-military takeover in the making!
After the lunacy of the Aussie’s voluntarily giving up their firearms, then the crazy COVID overreaches, and now this, I must conclude that Aussie’s really are that stupid.
Yep, they are. In both cases I tried to tell Aussies what was happening and in both cases not only did they ignore my factual information, they attacked me for telling them the truth. – Stupid is as stupid does…
the Bill of Rights 13th amendment was added in 1865, so how could the purpose of the British invasion of 1812 have been to remove it?
I see it now, “The original US Bill of Rights 13th Amendment prevented the titled, such as princes and esquires (members of the BAR), from holding office in the USA.”
The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were also signed by, oath swearing, British Accredited Registry (Crown) members. So perhaps instead of being on display at the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom the documents would better serve the land of the free by being rolled up and hung in a cubicle inside a restroom at the Rotunda.
If that suggestion is on the nose with voters perhaps the documents could be attached to the symbols of fasces that grace the front wall of the US Congress.
Interesting that the son/inheritor of an admitted and fined cartel operator is hobnobbing with the treasurer whose banana republic took out daddy’s insurance business when said treasurer jacked up interest rates during Australia’s golden age of business.
Had the Club of Rome’s 1991 handbook ‘The First Global Revolution’ in which it declared ‘new enemies must be identified’ and highlighted ‘the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine’ as fitting enemies before concluding: ‘the real enemy then is humanity itself’, Australia’s genius entrepreneurs of the time would have known to get with the PPP scams (nee Boot schemes) where tax payers would cover any losses while leaving them to pocket the profits of the new scams, net of tribute.
I am criticised for stating some are stupid and trying to kick βariseβ off the couchβ¦ even though I have explained what a rugby coach, with a losing team says at half time to get a team motivated and win. He even balls out the idiot who stuffed a scoring chance.
Seems that some precious here are really not relevant anyway.
For those who want to care about Australia go, as referenced also yesterday, to real Mary – WTPN SITUATION UPDATE ON 25/1 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com PPN.
Then go to about 50 mins for a WEF whistle blower describing in affect craziness. Then Ben turns turns up.
THIS Klaus S is a THE SERIOUS POINT: we have trained WEFers in our parliaments. The KS boasted way back as to how many ministers were his WEFers in the Canadian Ministry.
I refer to my comment This morning at the end of the comments in the last GS article and repeat here.
IN EFFECT, NOTING the report of the whistle blower from WEFβ¦. CONSIDER WHAT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ORGANISATION THREATENING Australia right now?
SO DO NOT BE BANNED OR WE WILL BE DAMNEDβ¦β¦ it is everyoneβs job to ban together. Stuff lame BS excuses.
Why is the WEF not, considering its leadership goals and modus ;, DEEMED TO BE A TERRORIST OPERATION?
11.39 AM
Just a simple bit of evidence is the WEFβs WHO mass injection purposes.
It wants you DEAD β¦.. BY THE MILLIONS, even BILLIONSπ»
They are going for the record MASS killing gold medal, be it an interesting marathon with their wet down by supporters with water bottles on the route and an entertained mass media clapping, silently.
Tell me of any terrorist organisation that has a more effective plan with so many CRIMINAL AND/OR GULLIBLE adherents
2.00 PM
Trumpβs Project Stargate Is mRNA Poisoning to Address the COVID Vaccine Poisoning
Dr. Jack Kruse: Deep Politics, Trump, Bitcoin, & Becoming a Decentralized Savage
Bitcoin will destroy the Globalists.
The Covid bioweapon-the simplest way to control people is to make them sick.
RFK Jr – the anti warp speed operation guy.
The true enemy of the people is the DOF and Pentagon.
A 10 year plan yo take down the MIC
Importance of light,water and magnetism.
Decentralized medicine.
Never miss a sunrise…..
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Jack Kruse
53,791 views 9 Nov 2023 Tetragrammaton
Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. Jack Kruse join Tetragrammaton to talk about water pollution, corruption vs. capitalism, spirituality, running for office, the privatization of natural resources, the death of Robertβs uncle John F. Kennedy, the history of SV-40, the medical industrial complex, the Monsanto trial, the chronic disease epidemic, and some of the things Robert would do as President.
Trump Calls for Exit of WHO and Launches Global Vaccine Regime Administered by AI
I have watched this show for many years and there was never any doubt in my mind as to what was going on behind the βDon and Elonβ show. I refuse to believe that all our professional truth tellers did not know what the βgolden ageβ of our savior Trump was really about. My dear friends, we have been royally trumped.
Dear Sandra,
We βCULTISTSβ (as you have implied way back) club researchers may only watch and observe.
It may be observed and not speculated, as to where we would be NOW if after 2016 we had been βHilaryiedβ by the globalist plans.
That they had before November 1963.
Now you put it all on Trump, but have you thought who put Trump up and for what. I take it that you are not that observant. Sorry but I have been on all tho before you even appeared hereβ¦.. as with most others. Even pre Joeβs βPLODGERINGβ. π€ͺ
(And desperate attempted banning)
8.00 PM
You are a very quarrelsome old man, nobody is complaining about your regular advertisements for another website, it is astonishing that you are complaining about others, please cease and desist ( 4th request )
Love it :
βOld Manβ
Got that rightβ¦. 78 years, how are you travelling?
Where is the complaint?
Referring to the record is not a complaintβ¦β¦.. what you are doing; carry onβ¦β¦ trade in your shovel now for a long handle shovel.
I note your comment 3.05 am at the end referring to a 2021 article β¦ weird!?
I agree with you one thing, my comment about 9:11 am disappeared
Can you tell me who is the hidden hand weirdo in the video I posted at the top ?
Other conversations are a waste of time, this is what’s relevant
Democrats still banging on about wokeist hairsplitting what a mess
Same video but with editing and a narrator interrupting you will have to fast forward over
Well, how to occupy a cooking duty.
Only for those who can manage:
Bon epeteβ
Gibson seems mean on his Hilary (sacrifice) tapes.
If anyone cannot take it there are a selection of other reports. The Jack0- 107 discussion is interestingβ¦
Elspeth, there is some bible stuff about Mosesβ staff gobbling up Pharos puppeteers snakes. Probably symbolic for today.π€·ββοΈππ
6.44 Pm
If not, you have not been OBSERVING!:
Please explain β¦ π€·ββοΈ WHY NOT!?
8.07 PM π€·ββοΈπ€ͺ
Robert Inlakesh reports on the wave of Israeli attacks in the West Bank this week following Trumpβs lifting of settler sanctions and the role of U.S. donors in enabling messianic-settler extremism.
On his first day in office, Donald Trump lifted all sanctions previously placed on Israeli settlers in the West Bank, a political move that coincided with a series of violent attacks by Israeli settlers targeting Palestinians that same night.
While the president has publicly committed to combating violent extremism, extremist settler groups continue to finance their activities through American charities
You did not answer.
8.49 PM
The World Is Not Enough
Emperor Trump Does Davos & Other Fairy Tales
What do you call 3,000 globalist vampires jammed into a small village in the Swiss Alps?
A window of opportunity.
Oh well , I take it by your βfactβ-ual comment on another bit of theft that you have. not listened to real Mary or will not admit it.
So, for the record I refer you to the latest from Real Mary- 26/1 WTPN SITUATION UPDATE at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Gibson rates early and so does Bosi in the last segment
Pity it has been banned by someππ
No matter, the blankies will soon be pulled asunder from sleepy heads with a day to face.
10.42 PM
Amazing more than 4 years since the publisher made this great initiative
and the last comment seems just as pertinent today:
I canβt believe what Iβm reading December 9, 2021 at 3:39 pm
Omg you people are all insane
Clarification for commenter Ned
I referenced this as an interesting time-capsule but the flourish at the end sums up the whole situation.
We still have mask-wearing “normies” who no doubt think the likes of Gumshoe readers are insane.
Proof: Watch this astonishing performance from ClimateChangeβ’, MaD Bill and MadInjection mongers the ABC (1 min)
Tell us again Kim about;
Building 7. Predicted by the BBC regarding a brilliant BBC 20 minute prophecy for about the 5.20 PM freefal on 911π
Borrow the BBCβs Crystal ball.
Iraq weapons of mass destruction and killing millions.
How much more money are you after with bankerβs interest, for all your bananas in pyjamas collapsing into the ABC salad down your credibility stairs?
3.24 PM
AI creativity is probably impossible