(L) JFK, TIME Magazine (R) JFK, Jr, November, 2024, Photo: Robin Whited
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I was extremely pleased — and that’s putting it mildly — to meet up with JFK, Jr in Arizona last week. I made some videos which we can publish later. Today I just want to compose a timeline. It is based on common knowledge (such as birthdays) plus info given to me by John recently, and some from his recollections as stated in his book, Stolen Identity (2023).
Timeline of President John F[Fitzgerald] Kennedy
Born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1917 to parents Joseph P Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Saw London when his father was US Ambassador to UK, 1937-1940.
Graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1940, then joined Navy.
Elected to US House of Reps for Massachusetts 11th District in 1947, became a Senator in 1953.
Married Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953; Daughter Caroline born 1957.
Won the general election in November 1960 against Nixon, Inaugurated January 20, 1961.
Fathered two sons, John Jr, b November 25, 1960, Patrick Bouvier, b August 1963 (died age 2 days, in 1963).
Assassinated in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The assassin remains at large, unidentified.
Timeline of John F Kennedy Jr
Born November 25, 1960, two months later moved into White House.
On his third birthday, November 25, 1963, saluted his father’s casket.
Around age 5 in 1965, went to live near Fresno California with Quigley family, was given the legal name od David Keith Quigley, then was “bought” by a man code-named Wayne.
Suffered in the MK-Ultra program for many years.
Sometimes stayed with mother Jackie in New York City and attended the Upper East Side school St David’s after 1968.
Also in St David’s was his “replacement” with the same name. That person, who was born in 1961, graduated from Brown University in 1983 and started a magazine called “George.”
That person was very likely the biological child of Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis (though each of those was married to someone else at the time, so it could not be announced).
That person, who replaced the real John F Kennedy, Jr, married Carolyn Bessette in 1997. In 1999 he died in a plane crash off Martha’s Vineyard, with his wife and her sister, Lauren.
The real John Jr became a construction worker and a truck driver, barely making ends meet, and enduring several attempts on his life.
In 1968 when his mom, Jackie married Onassis, he lived, off and on, at Greece’s Skorpios Island. He was fond of his stepfather Ari and his step-siblings Alexander and Christina.
The Spate of (Secret) Deaths, Especially in 1975
John claims to have seen his whole family and step-family murdered. He was too young to see his dad die in Dallas, but he saw his step-brother Alexander die by gunshot in Jan 1973 at age 24. Unbeknownst to the public, both Jackie and Ari had moved to Arizona, near John Jr, in the 1970s. John Jr saw both of them within minutes after their death — Ari by axe (in 1975), Jackie (months later) by bullets.
The alleged death of Jackie in 1994, from cancer, was really the death of her Replacement. In facts, according to her son, Jackie had, for years, had one or more body doubles. He sometimes saw both together! He attended the wedding of Ari and Jackie in Greece in 1968 but believes the person playing the bride, and the person playing Caroline (the age 11), were body doubles. He also believes that the real Caroline was murdered in 1975 under the name “Martha Moxley.”
My [Mary Maxwell] Opinion
I am 100% satisfied that the John Jr whom I met in Kingman AZ last week is the real deal. This has nothing to do with a Q-ANON claim about a John Jr and nothing to do with other rumors that the (tall, dark-haired) John Jr survived the plane crash, and is in hiding with plans to make a comeback.
What a fantasy life we all live, putting up with whatever nonsense the media tell us. John Jr is now making waves on tik-tok, so it seems Social Media really is a force. I more or less expect to be killed for being John’s supporter, but if the story gets out voluminously, it should be a whole crew of others who fear death.
If there’s one thing I find hard to believe, it’s that the guy I met last week, for three days, is such a gentleman after all the trauma and disappointment he has had to put up with. He is now lucky to have an intelligent and insightful girlfriend, Robin. And wouldn’t it be great if some of the politicians decide to bite the truth bullet — AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Please, God, may we live to see it!
__ Mary W Maxwell’s website is www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com. See her revised book, “The Human Mind and Sandy Hook’s Unreality.”
I’m always curious about the part where he is sent to the Quigleys to be abused and MKultra’d .
Where was Mom or Teddy ? No one knew or could help ? Or Wayne ? Or even Ari ? Nonebody could do anything to help him at all ?
Or did they try to with the Arizona move ? Enough of Quigley’s story does seem to check out that he is more likely than not who he says he is .
” And I don’t know why !” as Robin Leach was parodied for saying on Saturday Night Live a fortnight ago about the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous .
How bored would you have to be to swallow such total unmitigated woo-woo ?
But remember, she doesn’t believe in space aliens!
I am so sorry to write this.
But in short, here we go again with Mary Maxwell.
Continually there are signs that Mary has chosen not to deal with significant matters raised by many for about three years….. at least!
I am not going to summarise them.
Mary will not appear to deal logically, indeed in any way and she is not alone with matters that have developed for most to examine and recognise.
For those who are able to consider more, then listen to Real Nary at :
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. Today.
I have a fish to cook, but just go to the second half…. Note Rogan , evil Disney and Jaco.
So sorry Mary M, but ‘your world’ and that of many others is to be soon ‘ psychologically’ ripped apart.
I have tried.
God bless.
Time: 6.29 pm.
“Continually there are signs that Mary has chosen not to deal with significant matters raised by many for about three years….. at least!
I am not going to summarise them.***
Mary will not appear to deal logically, indeed in any way and she is not alone with matters that have developed for most to examine and recognise.”
***Oh, come on, Ned. Just “list” 2 or 3.
I started off whilst sitting on the first job for the morning and it was too long. Boston and and and.and and…….
But bugger it, If you do not know, then you go research it all.
So I deleted it all, do it yourself. If not, add that to the list and recall my attempts with direct private contact with information and no response.
Has anybody disproven anything ?
This interview gets a bit telling starting around the 4:00 mark .
It’s not too likely the sandy haired boy who saluted his father’s coffin grew up.to be the jet black haired man we thought we knew .
“Has anybody disproven anything ?”
Fair summation of the back-to-front nature of the current World System/the abandonment of the Rule of Law
At the relevant age I was white hair blonde.
Took me 70’+ years to get back to that
‘I was extremely pleased — and that’s putting it mildly — to meet up with JFK, Jr in Arizona last week.’
I’m shocked and dubious at the same time
can you support that with.. that little something
Maybe she has Simon the little something
The throw away line
“ suffered the mk program for many years years” is a big little something
Lots of deaths 1975 was that the year MKUltra was exposed in Us -Senate Committee Kennedy- a Kennedy ??
Recently Rachel Vaughan has tracked her bloodline to the Kennedy’s I have tracked mine to the “Royal Family”aka Transylvania?? Mob Dracula
MPD DID DDNOS poly fragmentation of the mind amnesiac barriers mass manipulation of the mind clones doppeldangers augmentation Petrie dish experiments breeding programs not forgetting Candace Owen interview about Kamala Harris Mother’s experiments on monkeys which was transferred to children in Montreal.
Perhaps that’s why she along with David Icke was banned from Australia recently.
Btw yesterdays press club Caroline Kennedy or her clone was very informative – yes part of the MKUltra Master Plan
We are all part of their evil Tavistock agenda
Bless you Simon know you can handle my segwaying and downloading brother
This bod strikes me as being a much better story teller:
Someone’s idea of ramping up self-esteem I guess
He looks more like Prince William , who is actually a Rothschild . Quigley looks like the Prince too . The real Harry is out there somewhere also , or did I hear he was assassinated ?
Does this guy have any sort of proof , other than what Grandma said ? Quigley has offered some compelling evidence of his claims . His stories are in line with what we are learning about the elites behavior .
If they are all liars should we throw them in gaol or jail ?
Poring over wannabe stars when there’s work to be done sure speaks volumes
Insulting comment to me Elspeth are truth tellers survivors of horrendous experiments wannabe stars
The victims of MKUltra experimentation were societal nobodies – for obvious reasons. Anyone with any connections to the well-known, particularly the prestigious well-known, would have, very obviously, been given an assiduous miss
You’d be well advised to take a good hard look at who’s ACTUALLY insulting who
Thank you, Diane.
I speak with authority re the “psyops” – Tavistock Institute Agenda –psychological warfare, cyber warfare, technological warfare and spiritual warfare.
“You’d be well advised to take a good hard look at who’s ACTUALLY insulting who”
You clearly speak with some authority in your instruction to me. I ask from where does your authority come?
If you disagree with the point I made, the onus is on you to explain exactly why
There have been some odd photos of Jackie but I couldn’t say if things went much further than that. Maybe RFK will tell us on his “if you are seeing this I am dead” video. There was an interesting photo of Princess Kate Middleton the other day looking utterly subjugated, what is it they don’t like about being a breeding mare
We delve into the ballistics of “no blood on his hand”, Trump genealogy from Swissyland, prehistory wiped off Wikipedia, mysterious SecretService Director,
Freemason hand signals galore and golf meetings.
Great video for examples of ‘confirmation bias’.
So far as cover-ups and societal manipulation goes there’s a plethora of material that’s a good deal more credible/compelling than the star-struck routine e. g:
From 2:25 “when you say ‘suspicious’, what would be the motivation for discontinuing that kind of excavation other than the fear of destroying things”
“I don’t want to be a conspiracy theorist but there is an issue here. I’ve noticed that it isn’t just
attacks on me that that certain archaeologists are making, it’s also attacks on other specialists.
For example, Danny Hillman who is the geologist who brought to the world’s attention the mystery of Gung Padang in Indonesia, which appeared in the first episode of season 1 of ancient apocalypse – uh the possibility that this site is more than 7,000 years old, that we’re looking at a pyramidal structure that that has had several phases of work done on it, and that the earliest phases go back deep into the last ice age. He managed to publish a peer-reviewed paper on this but unfortunately he’d appeared on my show. That led to a ganging up of archaeologists and complaints were made to the peer review journal that published it, and finally they retracted his paper without any good reasons. I’ve I’ve got a major article by Danny on my website explaining what what happened
It’s like ‘we don’t want too much attention brought to this, let’s crush it, let’s crush it right now. An enormous amount of attacks are being made on his hypothesis. Rather than considering it as an
interesting explanation for the cataclysms at the end of the Ice Age, a lot of a lot of people are just focused on trying to destroy it in in every way possible.I can’t help wondering maybe there’s some truth, deep truth, that there was a cataclysm, that there was an ancient apocalypse, something really horrific that happened. Maybe it’s a cyclical disaster, maybe it’s coming round again. That would lead any government to want to avoid panic, to suppress, to cover up these these issues”
In my view his timeline is a bit wacko but he’s well and truly on the right track
Fear of losing control is unmistakably the font of every governmental issue of the hour albeit the fact that said emotion is never consciously “owned” as such. It’s not exactly hard to figure out that making distractionary claims is one of the best ways of accommodating said issue
Y’all seem not to have read the previous GumshoeNews articles I wrote about “Junior”. (Write “quigley” into the search engine.) Let me tell you, JFK Jr is a strong man. You don’t often meet strong men, do you? I have now interviewed him face-to-face three times, and he never tripped under my questioning.
Anyway, listen to the first minute of this video where web host Jesse Hall describes the trouble he had getting this episode online [Thank you for persisting, Jesse Hall]:
I can be contacted at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
It’s so long, all Americana, I’m only halfway through
@ about 1:13:00 “… I want people to realise – we’re screwed”
Joe , what are u referring to? Mine is a short read. (x3)
As a small child, they got me to read morality tales to shut me up, I didn’t realize until now this was from Mark Twain, the plot is a very short read
I listened to the interview. The aircraft he supposedly was in had the TAIL blown off. There was a charge placed in the luggage compartment that set at altitude and then detonated when the plane descended. The plane did not float, it impacted and sank.
All he has to do is have a DNA test, good objective evidence, and then everybody will know the truth. Heck, if ‘Pocahontas’ Warren can do, so can he.
He was a truck driver for 27 years. When I hitch-hiked across the States I had lots of rides with truck drivers. You wouldn’t believe some of the bullshit stories they told me. It was like they had all that time sitting behind the wheel to dream up an alternative life to the one they were living. I remember one guy who claimed he had a German Tri-wing from WWI that he had painted up like the Red Barron, yadda, yadda. Then I told him I was a combat pilot and he got quiet.
I notice all the drivers are right on board with the conspiracy theories these days, fake ClimateChange, banksters stealing everything etc. I first noticed a couple of years ago, they would start telling me stuff and I would expand on it
? The guy is saying he was switched out aged about 3 and the “selected” JohnJohn went on to the aircraft incident along with other selections. He goes on to say the replaced RFK told him to buzz off or similar. He said Trump was replaced 1989 (?) It seems everyone got replaced at least once as the “mafia” death with the Kennedy bloodline who got too greedy and trampled on everyone else’s vested interests. What unites is the same as what divides, a lust for power and money. If you’re not right there on the golf course you won’t hear much.
From the amount of chinese whispers and outright lies there is no telling where anything is.
Disclaimer: If the spell checker changed chinese to Chinese and mafia to Mafia I am not liable for an offence under the future MaD bill. As I wrote before I am not qualified in English and I do not know the meaning of words.
“a lust for power and money”
Which is evidently all that’s needed to create a best-seller:
The World System in a nutshell !
Don’t see how people think this part of world corruption doesn’t matter .
One must know one’s enemies if one is going to dismantle them and try to stop such systems from restarting again .
It’s ok to murder and torture children just because they are of elite lineage ?
We shouldn’t get wise to tactics of the mafia ?
You go girl !
The American people would be horrified if they knew the kinds of things going on at the top as described by Quigley .
There are still an awful lot of people that need to be awakened to the realities of the world they live in .
Just because a Kennedy name is attached to an expose doesn’t suddenly turn it into tabloid trash .
Q followers forget one of his frequent phrases he liked to use was something like ” Their biggest fear is you might wake up .”
There is an element of risk in this for Mr Quigley and Ms Maxwell in bringing this story out into the open , and we thank you for your bravery .
Will be praying for your safety and urge you both to be in touch with John 3:3 lest the unthinkable should happen .
Am reading a very detailed account of hell right now from someone who claimed Jesus took her there 10 nights in a row to give us a hard look of what happens to those that reject Him and the never ending horrors that await them .
There are very special punishments dished out to the witches and warlocks and those that thought serving Satan was such a rush .
Those people ruining our world now aren’t getting away with anything . They will be dealt with in the worst possible ways .
Everyone needs to get a dot every I and cross every T attitude about avoiding this place .
Here is my friend Anastasia Sprout. It’s 9 minutes long but you could start at the halfway point. It is about recovering from MK-Ultra.
I had thought all the Gumshoe regulars were well aware of the extreme aspect of mind control by torture, so was surprised by Ned’s commets above. When I was interviewing JFK, Jr last week, he mentioned that he was told to drive a four-inch nail into [I think he said plywood].
So was he supposed to do this with a hammer? No, with his forehead.
Ms Sprout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaLgT-XSqu0&t=586s
Stop the ‘surprise’ BS, I am well aware of the Mk ultra evil. Decades ago I probably was the first to refer to Kay Briggs. I certainly take note of Dianne’s information.
How are you going with the satanic episodes with child sacrifices (horrendous murders) to collect ardrenochrome to drink to assist as an anti-aging elixir for the Hollywood set, in particular.
Do not forget who Barry is and wonder about who is playing your President.
If you want to know who fathered who, get on the G5 email list and look back on about three years of facts…… from the files!
When you get with reality Mary, I might bother to recognise you. In the meantime I regard your epistles as a sad distraction to bait idiots.
Ever heard of Derek Johnson and the continuity of government provisions really running your military and who your CC is?
You noting Trump’s appointments?
Bugger it , all the best.
Just read Dianne below!
Try taking note.
Test:Reply is in the system
12.03 pm
Oops: KAY Griggs.!
12.07 pm
just popped into my feed– timely re Adelaide Australia
“A Satanic Ritual on Halloween: Memories of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor”
11.18.24 | Recalled and Written by Adelaide SRA and Incest Survivor, Jessica Kaitlin
NOV 18
I will also repost the two links I posted on last article which got no response
very important time line of historical evidence here in Australia– that supports the testimonies of survivors —
Australian Peacemakers– ah yes Focus on Australia
Tum te dum dum
Possibly a body double for Trumo here
What McDonalds marketing team creates during downtime
Or in desperation !!!
Is Ricky Gervais also one of the red hats ???
Or am I falling into base Pantheism
Sorry but this David Keith Quigley story has scam written all over it.The story makes no sense and the practice of resorting to ear lobes and doubles is wearing thin.
And what is the relevance of a small child’s hair colour?
This fellow is making good money selling his book but has a go fund me page to raise money for a DNA test.Please!
Funny how the so called substitute bares such a strong resemblance to JFK.
This discussion IMO is a time wasting distraction when world events are threating our very existence.
Well Mary, there is another fish that has not taken your bait.
Now remind yourself of the 285,000 ( maybe 385?) children that have disappeared during a set time, as mentioned in one of your congressional committee’s questions to your fbi fellow in your own backyard.
Yep, have you anything that is really serious to occupy yourself these days?
PS my mum and dad were Adam and Eve? So I have been told!
Things are really weird at this site
3.25 pm
Yeah Sandra, after that big storm that flattened everything, I’ve reconsidered how I am going to put in a much larger ‘three sisters garden’ that will weather the coming big storms. I’ve got it figured out now and where to get the materials for free. I’m not trying to make a bunch of money from having excess food, I’m looking at me and my neighbors actual physical survival. – I’m going to be OK, but there are a lot of people that are WAY behind the curve.
Protect yourself, nobody else will…
All the layers of realities and lies are too much for me to pass much judgement on
Someone somewhere recommended this Hollywood production, I got as far as the trailer
the bards, they know how to play the some in all of us
based on a true reply
Scott Ritter : Biden Suddenly Relevant as He Begins WWIII.
Scott Ritter says it how it is.
This is a revolution by Trump.
Tulsi Gabard as DNI was appointed to brief Trump every morning about the reality of the world he lives in.
Many picks were appointed to satisfy donors, for example Miriam Adelson re Marco Rubeo.
This site is weird.
A minute ago here at GS, I saw Joe’s reference to a film trailer.
His comment is not here at the moment, after I went and did a search for the book:
Your soul’s plan by Robert Schwartz .
I had to remind myself of the author.
Well, this comment might disappear to?
Time to press reply or whatever is 321
Bloody weird.
Joes film reference turned up,now it’s gone and my comments have not appeared.
I went and searched.
“I SEE DEAD PEOPLE’ AND FOUND THE 1999 Bruce Willis film; The Sixth Sense’.
Next I suppose I will find Terry Ss Gibraltar Rock’ AS A ISLAND💁🤷♂️🙀
Maybe Col Klink is on the Turks?
Time 3.35 pm
Now for some real entertainment with a real Mary at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com TRUMP to deport illegals!
WTPN SITUATION JUST FOR THE 3.30 opening. The poor mass media lying snowflakes want to lick Don’s shoes because they realise that they are stuffed.
AAAWH SONE mercy please? No way!
4.19 pm
Sorry: time 4.44
This is a reply to my comment citing WTPN AND THE OPENING THAT HAS NOT TURNED up YET at time of commencement of this comment.
Attention Mary Maxwell LLB.
You might wish to use some of your time listening to the first 13 mins to the manner Kaitlyn Hunter is being anllegedly being treated and make a few calls on the numbers provided after ten minutes.
Now there is a report that might actually save a few lives in your country.
Dee and Dianne might brief you on familiarities found in Australia, if you deign to do something.
Time 4.14+-
Forget it Mary, go find something else to pursue and forget the kids.
Sorry to disturb you and your normie friends.
Anyone wanting to see my three books on child-trafficking in Oz, just go to the top of the Gumshoe homepage and click on Books. The three are 1. “Reunion: Judging the Family Court”; 2. “Deliverance: Pizzagate and a Royal Commission Reveal Socety’s Hidden Rulers”; and 3. “Society Is the Authority: Law and the Russell Pridgeon Case.”
(On two other Australian topics, see “Inquest: Siege in Sydney”; and “Get Up, Australia, Get Up.” All are free pdfs, of course.)
So it is peculiar that “Ned” (real name not supplied) says in the above column: “When you get with reality Mary, I might bother to recognise you. In the meantime I regard your epistles as a sad distraction to bait idiots.”
Why in the world would I create “a sad distraction to bait idiots”? Editor Dee, isn’t it obvious to you after 11 years that I do not waste time? Please offer a word here to undo the put-downs that Ned is so energetically engaging in. Thank you.
Also, would you please answer this question: “If there is a good chance that the JFK Jr story is accurate, should a journalist cover it, or refrain, based on its being unproven”?
Allow an inconsequential bogan to intercede: commenter Ned is riled up because you have not responded to his Boston Marathon photo from a long time ago. The rest is snowball effect. Being an observer I have no opinion.
Joe, Ned is fully aware that I have been to the US Supreme Court twice, of which the first time (as an amicus) was strictly in regard to the backpack.
He isn’t “riled.” But thank you for interceding.
No I am not and all you had to do if you were in court is produce all the photographs of the likely ? culprits in uniform that you failed to provide to your gs adherents despite my entreaty at least thrice.
Full stop!
I share this– lessons for us all
Well it is not the ABC🔥
Remember how media watch vilified one of them ( Rachel?) And a few press reports on Rachel’s story.
Maybe it was Fiona Barnet….. long time memory may be my problem💁🤪
IMHO there are gatekeepers who now control the GS agenda
Here is someone who has done his homework–yes focus on Australia
Ritual abuse is something else to pedophilia
Explains Bosi’s statements and intentions.
Explains why they are sidelining him.
Explains our sick society.
Explains the corruption.
Explains our own national Epstein Island..
As for possible gatekeepers.
One has to let them expose themselves and identifying the likely candidates has required many tests over many years.
Longest c//e I have ever carried out. Took much longer than seven minutes.
In Full: Candace Owens vs Australian Media
The censorship from fake news M$M and crooked ALP just gets more and more desperate. Andrew Blot is from one of those societies I forget which one. Can people please stop voting for crooked politicians such as the front bench of both sides, taking orders from the governors who take their orders from … the Today show ??? (CBS)
MM traversed the US to go and meet allegedly the real JFK jr. Now imagine if this suddenly went mainstream and the real John got his DNA checked and matched. Now that would be just another bombshell in the mix