by Dee McLachlan
It was all the news last November, 2020… “Qantas will ban travellers who don’t have the COVID vaccine” as reported by the ABC:
“Does a government have to pass a law to make something compulsory, or can businesses make it a must-have anyway? The world is about to find out, after Qantas CEO Alan Joyce declared international travellers must have a COVID-19 vaccine to get on a flight…”
So will people be able to access their favourite goods and services if they don’t get the vaccine? And Smartcompany added:
“Qantas’ no-vaccine-no-fly mandate is absolutely legal — and not the first of its kind.”
I have just spoken to Mary Maxwell, she would like to thank Joyce and Qantas for not allowing her on a plane, “I don’t want to be sitting a cabin full of shedders for 14 hours.”
It works both ways, Alan.
The Gold Coast Hair Dresser
We have heard that clinics treating pregnant women across the US are refusing entry to vaccinated persons. Now a Gold Coast hairdresser is refusing vaccinated customers.
“A Gold Coast hairdressing salon has announced it will not take bookings from vaccinated customers due to ‘unknown health effects of the mRNA vaccine’.
“The Khemia HI Vibe Frequency salon made the announcement in a Facebook post, saying the decision was made ‘for the Health and safety of our Staff and Clients… The unknown health effects of the mRNA vaccine are not covered by our public liability insurance,’ the salon wrote on Facebook. The salon has asked anyone who has had a COVID vaccination to notify them before making a booking.
“The business owner, Yazmina Jade Adler, said in an Instagram video she’d been inundated with requests for new bookings after making the announcement…”
As Phoebe Loomes added: “When you’re in your truth and your follow your heart incredible things will unfold,” she Yazmina.
These are some comments below the salon’s Facebook post:
David Clark Legally you can not discriminate against anyone so good luck with that, happily i have had my first shot and look forward to me second one. Will you also try and stop someone who has the flu shot. [What about Qantas then?]
Hayley Thompson David Clark Good Luck with the 2nd shot!
Kay Lloyd David Clark lol yeah right !!! Government does it now with immunising our kids!! Refusing family assistance to anyone who hasn’t had a flu shot! Havnt you heard No jab no pay
Julie-anne Adams David Clark so it’s ok to discriminate against those who choose not too? No jab, no job, no travel etc? Come on??
Lolly Smith Julie-anne Adams these idiots don’t have any brain cells. Save your energy. LOL
Peter Arabatzis David Clark see how you feel in 10 years time. Shell McCurdy Peter Arabatzis i give him 2-3 years max
Simon Marchant …If she’s so scared of vaccinated people causing issues for her or her business – then how is she going to go living…there won’t be many places she can go where she won’t come across vaccinated people – shops, other businesses, hospitals, chemists…the list goes on… I stand by that she’s after attention for the salon
Sta Riz Well a prestige school in the USA that is very pricey just let go of its vacinated staff members due to fears the students could become ill from the vacinated staff. Those parents of those children are very wealthy people and done their research and do not want an experimental vacine nor what it sheds. To bad. No one can work their who has been vacinated.
Mark Jones David Clark Dave please don’t get the second shot , please do your own research DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT!!!!
Yes, it works with ways. To my amazement, many colleges in the US are refusing to let unvaxxed students return next September.
On the other hand, my lady tailor says she declines to make any bridesmaid’s dresses this year as it takes too much close proximity (for her) to do all the measuring and pinnings.
As for Quaint-arse, I am still sore at John Howard for selling it. However, Dee, I don’t think Qantas sought permission from government to exclude the likes of me — I think government told Qantas to do it.
Another thought: Wow this sure is polarizing. Now they have citizens hating or fearing their close neighbors.
Final thought: I am just as wary of the claim that vaxxers are shedding as I am of all else. Yes I know some of it is reliable, e.g. the efficacy of Ivermectin, but there is so much alarmism going on, maybe the only goal is to get everybody alarmed.
“but there is so much alarmism going on, maybe the only goal is to get everybody alarmed”.
“The god of Confusion”
** Vulcan, in the classical Pantheon, had not commonly so high a place, but in Egypt Hephaistos, or Vulcan, was called “Father of the gods.” (AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS)
Hephaistos is the name of the ringleader in the first rebellion, as “The Scatterer abroad,” as Bel is the name of the same individual as the “Confounder of tongues.” Here, then, the reader may see the real origin of Vulcan’s Hammer, which is just another name for the club of Janus or Chaos, “The god of Confusion”; and to this, as breaking the earth in pieces, there is a covert allusion in Jeremiah 50:23, where Babylon, as identified with its primeval god, is thus apostrophised: “How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken”!
The hammer and the sickle pictures communism.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
In the Judaic Talmud tradition the mother decides religious identity
Deified Cush was revered as several gods of ancient mythology. Canaanites worshiped him as Bel or Baal, and he was their most important God. Baal worship was an abomination to God and a major factor provoking His judgment on the Canaanites and Israelites.
The harvesting sickle –
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” ~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
Revelation 14:14-20
The harvesting of the grain is complete when Jesus swings His sickle over the earth
God’s judgment will be complete
Without alarmism and passivity a certain orbit would dissolve
One is bound to beget the other and the only way to break said circuit is to deal with every situation strictly on the basis of what legal boundaries are being violated(the disease) and quit wasting energy on batting at the symptoms( the manifestation thereof)
What is the problem here?
If some say, go away you are not vaccinated, then as a Aussie fare go, why cannot some say, go away you have been vaccinated.
What is the issue?
I had to pick up a very old friend from a medical rehab place recently. There was a sign outside the front door dictating that; no entry without a FLU (whatever that is) injection.
So I broadcast from a opened front door that I was to pick up my friend for a outing…..no way would I enter the foyer to be in the presence of a receptionist in a neighbouring room off the foyer.
So I cannot ever visit him inside.
Oh well, if that is what they dictate, leave me out, they have their in-house rules, so be it.
Be interesting when our Houses of Parliament try and apply the same rules to enter their houses to debate the dictatorial legislation to make all this law.
At least the electorate will be able to identify the globalist control freak stupids from the democratic sane at the next election.
Divide and conquer; conquer meaning the invaders steal everything. Man vs woman, race vs another race, religion vs another religion, young vs old, class vs another class, in fascion vs out of fascion, &c &c, and now we have quaxxinated vs normal. However, the quaxxinated are PROTECTED from their imaginary fears by their own quaxxination. So they should go freely everywhere and with confidence to their next doctor’s appointment when seeking treatments for side-effects.
She’s got it right, with regards the potential danger. Doctors & Scientists have warned of these issues, that “Have been actually happening”.
Young lady, engaged to be married in South Australia, came in contact with her Grandma, right after her grandma received one of the covid vakksines, and within 2 days, her Uterus was bleeding profusely, the doctors could not stop the bleeding, & has been destroyed.
She’s now Infertile for life, thanks to the shedding, or transmission of “whatever it is” from the vaccinated..
It’s Sad because many “Doctors and Scientists”, have came out and warned about the fertility danger, but keep getting silenced (One of them was the Head of Pfizer vaccine company),
We are seeing crimes against humanity that the damage will begin to pile up like a high speed train wreck in time. It’s horrific.
The have unleashed hell upon the human species.
It is like a machine marching on – Been watching the latest hand maidens tale–Gilead–spot on—they cancelled an episode last week getting too close for comfort.
below a personal indulgence– there is comfort in memories whether real or imagined
This was sent to me today by a very close but now “distant” friend–who knows I am under attack from the machine— just reaching out a hand to keep the connection
this was my reply
Here’s a video, simple to understand and profound. It is the deaths before and after vaccination in a country. – It destroys the “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE” sales pitch about the vaccines.
A little excerpt from your article:
“In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. (Note– “Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.”)
The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.”
Some may recall the alleged bio-engineering was in relation to the ability of the spike protein to easily snap off
To understand the dire consequences of mass vaccination during this pandemic I refer you to the website of Geert Vanden Bossche.
Complan 8888 US MilitaryZombie Plan and the Animal Zombie Infection Plan (Prions) This was posted by Logic Before Authority Channel Kevin Woodman
Gordon French – My Brother Got the Jab and Died
Many of us share Gordon’s predicament: seeing friends and family ignore our warnings and get vaccinated.
Not only are various politicians sold out, they said going against BigPharma is death for your career. Still there are a few good ones around like Craig Kelly who put the country first.
Conclusion from Geert Vanden Bossche article on his website.
Whether ‘home-made’ or ‘foreign’, vaccine-resistant variants are highly likely to cause more (severe) disease in vaccinated as compared to non-vaccinated subjects. This is because the latter may still dispose upon a fully functional arsenal of CoV-nonspecific Abs provided they are seronegative for CoV-derived S protein. As a result, vaccinees will soon constitute the predominant source of Sars-CoV-2 infection and cause a dramatic surge in viral infectious pressure. As pre-symptomatic vaccinees will increasingly serve as a reservoir for Sars-CoV-2 infection, non-vaccinated persons should refrain from mixing with vaccinees.
Complan 8888 US Military Zombie Plan and the Animal Zombie Infection Plan (prions) This was posted by Logic Before Authority Channel Kevin Woodman
QLD – 6 months gaol for doctors advising patients to use Ivermectin
Passing Law to do Nothing –
No Treatment for anyone ill with the Flu ( Covid Flu ? )
join the gap
https://www.bit chute.com/video/7K73Yvber9k7/
There needs to be a inquiry into WHY the government would make such a law that goes against medical science. The people need to find out who was behind it. Of course, the government may be the last entity you could trust for an honest inquiry. The trail of evidence must be out there, so where does it lead?
The TGA, a government agency funded by BigPharma
To be specific ‘live’ vaccines shed this mRNA ‘transmits’ as m stands for messenger molecule. It is not a vaccine its a EXPERIMENTAL IRREVERSIBLE GENETIC MODIFICATION INJECTION that has not been approved.
At 7.56 there is this link. Important to read what the ‘Con’…necticut officials said,
More found on the totalitarian’s agenda at wrh.com….just 1.48 mins.
They said if you got quaxxine injured you can’t sue the quaxxine manufacturer but you can sue your employer if your employer required you to get quaxxinated as a condition of employment ie it is work related
************* Alex Jones is in on the Connecticut scam and explains the documents.
About the third video at the site.
Another point made in a separate video at the site is; WHAT ABOUT GETTING BLOOD TANSFUSIONS FROM THE VACCINATED? ‘Shivers doctor where is that blood from, any idea.’
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bloody hell, spend 25 seconds on what the Red Cross is thinking on plasma transfusions from the vaccinated.
wow that tells us something
Another link from wrh.com.
watch the short video scaling vaccinations in numerous countries with the DEAD?
From another blogg, on Thailand and BURMA
Looks like Thailand will be needing some World Bank SDRs (credit) at super low interest rates, about 0.1% introductory offer. Just keep the scamdemic going as long as you can, sort out those slums, prisons, wet markets, small businesses etc. Stay in denial about all the normal treatments for this bio-engineered flu variant and stick everyone with needles also available on Word Bank SDR credit. If you want to be friends with Klaus Schwab, but if you don’t, watch out, he will undermine your government and economy by other means.
Which is what’s happening in Myanmar. Since the coup, vaccination and testing have dropped off a cliff, along with enforcement or these ridiculous “disease Control” measures. A few brainwashed paid protestors aside, a lot of people have stopped wearing muzzles. The ethnic militias don’t wear them at all. So from the scamdemic to protests, riots and all out conflict they go.
Which is happening because Myanmar’s government has said “up yours” to Klaus Schwab. Soros is angry too, hence all the flash mobs. What’s doubly suspicious are the mobs that formed the same day the coup was announced. If the sentiment reflected was the genuine feelings of the Burmese, they wouldn’t be able to organize such protests so quickly. It didn’t happen in Thailand in 2006 or 2014, so this points to all this being pre-planned. The Burmese economy is being deliberately destroyed as punishment.
7.42 at WRH.
Linked to Natural News from WRH.
More from WRH selections.
Match with the report from the ‘CON’-necticut government in my comment a bit above.
Now we can see what the Connecticut government is doing……….. Your choice, you health care workers take your chances.
Wonder if the can get life insurance and what the premium would be?
Last from WRH 15.18 that I could be bothered with but in the US, might provide some thoughts on the insurance question above.
So some may wish to check their medical and life insurance policies for here in Australia before taking the covid injection.
BTW, Princess Michael of Kent is reported at WRH to be suffering blood clots. (above the WRH link herein.)
Unchained Melody The Righteous Brothers 1965 The Andy William’s Show Kevin Woodman
is this what you want, Kevin?
Behind the COVID curtain.
Good to see a small business owner showing some common sense to save her thinking customers. Hope more take notice. I wonder what steps the criminal politicians will take against this brave lady. They can hardly say “she has no right” to take this action. They never harassed Qantas for their announcement.
I wonder, here in Australia; the vaccines seem to be having problems with distribution. Are our government pelicans realising that the simple fridge magnet has blown their agenda?
Just so funny, yes John Winston Howard may have been right with his fridge magnets; “BE ALERT BUT NOT ALARMED”. Life is really seriously funny at times.
Latest x22report 2482 ‘b’.
All fun at rumble.
Just a few minutes from the 39 min mark demonstrating the injection site measuring EMF.
The commentator merely opines that people are waking up.
Now how is the fake mass media going to handle these exposures? Well they cannot unless the shock jokes admit that they are fraudsters and liars……….you too political pelicans. You lot are facing S&%T as the people realise that you are not of the people. You are deceitful lying frauds.
“Vaccination is a no brainer”
Resonating with Mr Hughes …
• The pandemic virus that doesn’t exist – Jon Rappoport
ABC TV presstitutes are running a non-stop advertorial propaganda campaign for mass quaxxination, it is spine-chilling how they come up with a few weirdo experts and just keep pushing the BigPharma line. The more they push the less chance they have that I will become their customer, for anything. In the background now they are prattling about quaxxine brand name popularity. The best way to optimum health is ignore everything BigPharma tells you, and seriously consider doing the opposite.
This may be of interest to some:
The eugenicists in Britain’s NHS are worried that not enough suckers are volunteering to have the toxic experimental jab for COVID19 stuck in their arms that they are resorting to a desperate new marketing plan, as shown in this new video.