by Dee McLachlan
Where does one begin with this sorry saga of “child stealers”?
Readers should be familiar with the concept of the mainstream media (MSM) reporting the exact opposite of what is actually happening. When governments, authorities and/or the MSM point a finger at someone, they are often deflecting culpability from themselves.
And so it is in this case. Dr William Russell Pridgeon and others (Patrick O’Dea, a protective mother and some grandparents) have been called child snatchers. But it is the very people investigating and prosecuting this case that are in fact assisting and protecting the real child snatchers.
Let me try unpack a case of “child stealing.”
The case begins with a desperate mother, and how, several years ago, she tried everything to protect her two children. They had disclosed sexual abuse to her and also to a number of mandatory reporters (e.g., teachers). But however hard this protective mum and her professional supporters tried to get authorities to comply with the rule of law and investigate, she hit a brick wall.
I understand her situation, as I have been assisting more than one protective parent who are in almost identical straits.
Her two children were ordered to live with her ex-partner, and over a two year period the mum realised they were being sexually abused — repeatedly. (One can only wonder why the judge ignored all the evidence and returned the kids to their father.)
On the Run
With not a single person in authority willing to assist, the mum one day removed them from school and “went on the run.” Anyway, that is how the authorities and the mainstream media reported it. In fact, she was rescuing her children, and the law allows that. Section 70NAE of Australia’s Family Law Act 1975 clearly provides for a:
“reasonable excuse for contravening an order; (4) A person is taken to have had a reasonable excuse for contravening a parenting order [putting the kid in a different home that the one on the order] … if [the person] (a) believed on reasonable grounds that the actions constituting the contravention were necessary to protect the health or safety of a person (including the respondent or the child)…” [Emphasis added]
The mother was acting within the law, protecting her children and herself. They went with her more than willingly, and I’ve heard her describe how seriously malnourished they were, and how, over time, they slowly began to heal from the infections and rectal bleeding.
She should have been provided every avenue and support to pursue s70NAE lawfully and to be heard in an equitable court. She had applied the law, whether she was at that moment aware of it or not. From her past dealings with the police and the Courts, she gauged, probably correctly, that she would stand no chance against the might of those in authority who had been protecting the children’s abuser. I can assure you the “system” is rigged.
Social Media
Some people writing on social media have attempted to diminish the disclosures by the children, but having personally read some of the documentation, one has to wrap one’s head around how so many mandatory reports (about 40) from over a dozen professionals had been cast aside. It beggars belief that authorities could disregard the children’s disclosures so brazenly.
It is crystal clear that certain persons in authority will go to extreme lengths – and even risk their careers — to keep “certain” child sex offenders safe from prosecution. (The corrupted powers above them must be extremely persuasive, or maybe they risk their careers if they don’t comply.) Because they have ignored this evidence, after being begged to intercede, they are also culpable, and now have a vested interest in suppressing the case.
The late Professor Freda Briggs, AO, had got involved early on and tried to assist this mum. The professor was Australia’s pre-eminent authority on child sexual abuse, and she provided clarity with regard to the subject, and had contacted Dr Pridgeon to assist (this before the mum picked up her kids).
Dr Russell Pridgeon
The doctor had graduated in 1980 from the University of Cape Town and had been a highly respected medical practitioner for 39 years. He had a practice in Grafton, NSW, and had become involved in Child Protection when trying to protect a child in his care. The child had also been ordered into unwanted contact with his father by the Family Court, despite the kid’s detailed and consistent disclosures of sexual abuse. This had enraged the doctor, who then founded the Australian Anti-paedophile Party (in conjunction with Patrick O’Dea) — this to contest the 2016 double dissolution elections, with the specific aim of exposing the criminal conduct that goes on in the Family Courts.

When Professor Briggs asked him, as a doctor, to help, he found he could not ethically refuse.
A doctor has a much greater duty of care (i.e., Hippocratic Oath), and thus, Dr Pridgeon was forced to make an extremely difficult choice. He writes,
“I submit that my actions in protecting these children, were in the best and highest traditions of the Medical Profession, and as a moral man, I had no other choice …Nothing in my many years of medical practice had prepared me for the grief and horror of my conversations with [the mother] at this time.”
The Queensland Government and the “Trick”
Dr Pridgeon also wrote many letters to Diane Farmer, the Child Protection Minister for Queensland, but these went unanswered. Supporters of the mother wrote to the prime minister, the Attorney-general, and the Queensland Child Protection, but all failed to intervene and assist the children.
A complaint to the Crime and Misconduct Commission by Professor Briggs found that the Townsville police “conducted an inadequate and poor quality investigation with poor quality interviews.” There was never any attempt to reinvestigate the abuse, or challenge the Police assertion that the abuse was “unsubstantiated”.
This “trick” of non-investigation protects the abuser and enables the Court to say there has been no abuse. Also, when they are ordered back to the abuser, the children become isolated from protection and vulnerable to more abuse. The investigative agencies totally betrayed the children’s plight and their hard-given disclosures. Furthermore, the protective parent then gets accused either of malicious coaching or emotional abuse. The outcome: the removal of the children from the one person protecting them. Is this not insane?
Mother Arrested

After a few years this mother and her kids were “found” in 2018, and she was arrested.
Dr Pridgeon’s letters to the Qld Ministers of Child Safety and Police, and the Federal Attorney General on 30 June 2018 would have been passed on to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), as state border-crossing was involved. However, the AFP declined to act for another 5 1/2 months.
The rest is history. We reported on Dr Pridgeon, O’Dea and others at the time they were arrested in October 2018. The AFP had swung into action, with highly publicised arrests of the defendants in this case, and with every possible media in attendance, they swooped in. The doctor and O’Dea were jailed for four days.
Clever Timing
The timing of his arrest could not have been more perfect for the AFP. Dr Pridgeon was due to defend a defamation case a few days later — and it was an opportunity for him to expose the sexual abuse of a child. This would have exposed in open court what was concealed in the secret Family Court system. So the arrest of Pridgeon resulted in the silencing of sexual abuse in another case, and also led to the medical board immediately removing the doctor’s license to practice without any basis of fact.
Mainstream Media
The AFP obviously colluded with the mainstream media and orchestrated a nationwide smear campaign against the doctor and the other protectors. The press made out that the doctor was a king pin in a national and international child kidnapping ring, involving 1-200 children, and involving 30-40 child kidnappers – and that he, the doctor, was funding this with proceeds of crime.
It beggars belief to imagine the extraordinary lengths to which certain officials, and the media went to protect certain sexual abusers. These classic tactics of Character Assassination were used in a highly effective manner, with the usual misinformation, smearing, and public shaming via the pressitute media throughout Australia.
Who Is the Criminal?
One has to remember that it is not a crime in this country to protect children from harm, especially such terrible harm as child sexual abuse.
However, it is a crime to fail to protect children from harm (s286 QLD Criminal Code). And I guess in a normal equitable society, this mum would have been able to enact 70NAE lawfully – without hindrance, and let that be tested in an honest courtroom. In this case, though, the authorities chose instead to create a new legal precedent — breaking new legal ground — by criminalising the actions of protectors.
People in authority became abusers as they further enabled the ongoing harm of these children.
I have now worked out the carefully structured modus operandi operating within the loopholes of the law and between state and federal courts, and the suppression of evidence. Surely, the judges and magistrates know what’s going on?
With regard to charges against the doctor for example, the Stalking, Child Stealing, Conspiracy to defeat justice, and Dealing in proceeds of crime are so off the mark that any proper court would throw them out. The charge sheet only reflects 3 children. Who are the other countless kids that were “stolen”? The stalking charge was bogus. Not only had Pridgeon never threatened or even contacted the alleged victim, he was 300km away when the offence was supposed to have occurred. The CDPP (Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions) had sustained these charges for almost a year, in order to maintain onerous bail conditions, including a GPS ankle tracker on the doctor.
And then there’s the stealing charge. The Commonwealth Prosecutor is trying to lead charges that are state based, with the State prosecutor being AWOL. And how come child stealing charges were leveled at a grandmother when she had lawful custody of her grandson? Well, these charges were dropped, as were the Child Stealing charges against the protective mother. A mother cannot ‘steal’ her own children. Yet, even though the prosecution now acknowledge these children were not stolen, the doctor remains charged with 3 counts of Child Stealing.
This is clearly malicious.
The AFP’s Conundrum
Now interestingly, when the AFP raided Pridgeon, O’Dea and the others, computers were seized. On those computer was evidence regarding the mandatory reports, letters to the QLD Child Protection Minister, etc. All this suddenly became exculpatory evidence. The moment they seized the evidence, an obligation fell on prosecutors to consider the material on those computers.
The CDPP are presently fighting tooth and nail to prevent the evidence of the childrens’ abuse being brought before the court. But the prosecutor is obliged by law to present all exculpatory evidence — whether it exonerates or incriminates the defendants. It appears that those accusing Pridgeon and O’Dea for “Conspiracy to defeat justice” are now the very perpetrators of that crime. They are caught in a conundrum. If they reveal the exculpatory evidence as they are supposed to, then authorities would be obliged to investigate the very persons the AFP officer are protecting.
That said, the worst part in all this is how authorities abandoned the children. And one has to ask: what is the purpose of this Australian Federal Police charade – a charade fully sanctioned and supported by all of the mainstream media in protecting a protection racket?
To kill a snake cut off the head
A timely article from Caitlin Johnstone, an amazing writer and well worth following [she doesn’t get everything right, but who does?). She often puts her thoughts in lyrical form as in this case …
For example (I just select these lines because of a conversation I was having privately):
“You shrieked “terrorism” and “antisemitism” when Palestinians rose up against genocide and apartheid.
You called child rape in the Church a conspiracy theory and piously held out your tongue for your cracker.
“You babbled about bad hygiene and Vladimir Putin when they arrested the journalist for exposing war crimes.
You babbled about humanitarian intervention when your government was arming ISIS and Al Qaeda.”
Caitlin writes:
You sided with the powerful over the weak.
You sided with victimizers over those being victimized.
You sided with the abusers over the abused.
You are the abuser.
You are the rapist.
Dear Persons, I had just posted the notice on the previous article. Today is May 30 in Oz and at noon in each capital city you can go and make stink.
If Adelaide it is Rundle Mall, if Melbourne, the Botanic Gardens (a rather big place, I don’t know at which tree.). Etc. The event occurs at NOON, local time.
Nice photo of Freda. I must remember to write to the coroner.
Good article, Dee. Says it all.
“With regard to charges against the doctor for example, the Stalking, Child Stealing, Conspiracy to defeat justice, and Dealing in proceeds of crime are so off the mark that any proper court would throw them out”
That is correct, Dee. It is a sign of a very improper court that they are continuing the case.
They will live to regret it. Maybe they are already regretting it, but don’t know what to do. I have a suggestion — drop the case. Start by dropping the Conspiracy to Defeat Justice as it is so embarrassing.
Dee, I don’t understand the “dealing in proceeds.” Russell’s petrol bill alone would have been a cost. Still, if “freedom is slavery” and “war is peace”. I guess the cost of petrol can be “dealing in the proceeds of crime.” I mean, why not.
If one is dealing with the courts, paying legal teams, could one argue that as the prosecution are part of a crime — are all persons (benefiting) dealing in proceeds of crime
This Coronavirus psy-op may be the undoing of the criminals. Most people are too busy in their lives to pay attention to what is going on. Now they have that time on their hands. There has been a huge upsurge in people reading Gumshoes.
Further, they are loosing jobs, homes, education, food – when people loose everything, they loose it! That’s when the tyranny removes its’ mask and the violent oppression begins.
Once it starts, it won’t end until – it’s over…
Keep an eye out for new faces in the comments, and make them welcome! That would help Gumshoe a great deal. The current vibe is that of a group of “regulars” who basically only converse with one-another, and tend to ignore posts from outside their group, regardless of topic.
It is not inconceivable that the Commonwealth Public Prosecutor is working on behalf of criminals, when you think that Damien Bugg, the criminal lawyer behind the jailing of the innocent Martin Bryant, once occupied that high position.
True Mal, after 21 years in the legal profession, I don’t trust the legal system in the least.
Rigged like a schooner in a storm. However, many people should be made to walk the plank
I have noticed that there are more lampposts than judges.
Like I said the day before yesterday, there are 2 phenomenon that define a counterfeit service:
1) It doesn’t have the capacity to deliver the respective goods
2) it’s ultimately bound to deliver the reverse
Freemasonry is the ring that binds/bonds the connected from adolescence to retirement. It is entrenched here. Until secret occults are banished, from hidden corridors, justice will remain just ice.
Naively, we turn to authorities expecting some help. For any one that has experienced the courts protocols, we know how that corrupt establishment functions. It fleeces the victims and rewards the abusers. The lifestyles of those dealing law and order are always causing chaos, their income depends on it. We need free open courts, where a jury of common people decide. As it is, judges barristers and solicitors share the spoils of injustice, with victims losing everything.
Freemasonry is kabala.
“judges barristers and solicitors share the spoils of injustice”
Very succinct
I agree and go further, justice is a fraud, this is not a coincidence, it is part of the theatre of power, as is accounting, pharmacy, media etc
Joe , in between my rants I try to engage other ‘ newbies ‘ to the site but there’s obviously more we could all do .
For the record , I encourage all Newbies to engage with what I have to say (whether in disagreement or otherwise) .
Don’t worry – I won’t go into attack dog mode ( I reserve that for one particular disinformation agent employed by the Shin Bet ( or whatever cabal affiliated organisation he’s affiliated with ) .
@UNTRUTH VEGGIE……..attack dog,ho ho, more like a chihuahua with no house training.
as regards the cabal, you are a right libertarian disinfo agent for fossil fuel corporations, that much is clear. peter schiff and ron paul, give me a break.
who pays you, the koch bros. with their coal interests or is it more aust. natgas or coal interests?
arrhenius, of whom you have never heard, worked out what effect co2 was having on global temps. already the century before last, the rest as they say is physics incl. black body radiation.
TV, just forgive the ‘bitchy’ comments of Duns. She appears to have a hormone imbalance, kinda like being on the ‘rag’ all the time.
Terry , like you , I can feel the momentum building .
I really hope that we can build towards a critical threshold of committed activists that will expose & unravel the cabal .
I just read a document related to the contents of this article. If I could publish that document, it would SHOCK the readers. The public would not handle it. I feel I have been mild / soft in the above content. It way underestimates the atrocity played out. The abuse that these kids were subjected — cannot be absorbed. I now understand why the doctor wrote/said “Nothing in my many years of medical practice had prepared me for the grief and horror of my conversations with [the mother] at this time.”
I am so annoyed ….. I lost a long screaming match so I will try again. SHORT VERSION
The public would not handle it”.
Indeed, the public have no concept of evil.
In short, the public must start with;
It must be obvious that the above questions have not been raised.
Ned – well done! That comment should get the sinophiles among us finally thinking about their championing of a certain country.
Hey Dun Scrotum , Chihuahua here .
Good to have you back . I thought we lost you the other day after my ‘Too-Hard-To-Answer ‘ question the other day that sent you scurrying away like a cockroach .
@UNTRUTH VEGGIE:::::notwithstanding the reprobate schulze’s attribution of femaleness to me as above (did you get clementine ford’s permission first for your misogyny, watch your back ?), kindly address me as dub, that is, double, scrotum and not dun.
the cognitive dissonance of tribalism never ceases to amaze me. i mean, all the james corbetts and ron pauls and untruth veggies are so accurate in analysing whatever their ideology prohibits and so delusional in failing to analyse what they hold dear.
and the homoglobalist, clintonite mass immigration, neo-lysenko-ist vegans are just the reverse, ie there is no nature only nurture, there are no races but there is racism, free speech is a nazi trick, etc.
So what’s been happening with the Pridgeon case in the last 12 months ?
I can’t find any info at all
Maybe they don’t want to get it court, because then it will be “out”
The last thing that anyone with any sort of investment in the System would want is any sort of expose re the extent of the respective holes, failures and corruption so it’s fairly obvious the case was just the consequence of some stupid cop’s boo-boo.
I also think the success rate of Court Order defiance is probably a good 90% and that said territory is destined to remain uncharted.
Dee, please delete comments sent at 5:42, 6:41, 7:08, and 8:27. You and I work too hard at presenting real issues to see this website go downhill.
The parties were warned.
I am circumspect about deleting comments, as comments in themselves have a purpose of exposing the nature of the commentator and their credibility may then be determined and ignored.
The enemy pops up now and then and it is handy to know what the enemy thinks and their agendas exposed.
That is why I read the msm press…….. with a free cup of tea that costs less than the msm press collection, free at the table.
A warning may be regarded as sufficient…… Dee went through all this with the 911 ‘musketeers’ years ago, they then gave up in disgrace, having being exposed as charlatans and their campaign of lies exposed.
I do not choose to contribute to this website at this time–anyone who wants to contact me please do so through my email address available through Dee.
Would you let them win and we lose?
Airlines seem to be expecting permanent slowdown. Delta and others offer buy-outs to employees (except pilots whose union is negotiating with management). NY Times today:
“Going into the crisis, American had 130,000 employees and Delta had 90,000; about 40,000 workers at each have taken voluntary leave or early retirement. Most airline jobs are protected into the fall as a condition of the CARES Act, which provided $50 billion to passenger airlines, half of it earmarked to pay employees through September.”
I have also heard some of the heinous facts of this particular case and I agree that Dee has been very tactful. She could be far more scathing of the disgusting manner in which ‘authorities’ have refused to protect these children.
But I am glad of your restraint Dee. In fact I commend you. What you have written here covers the most important elements in the most informative style.
It seems that TV has attracted a persistent nibbler. As a person who has been harassed in a similar manner I would like to say that the persistence is not achieving anything so perhaps it is time to give it a break?
I have had a series of nibblers at my toes for over a decade and they have not prevented me from speaking out. If anything they have fuelled my disclosures. I have the greatest respect for Dee and Mary and these personal attacks between commenters are an irritating distraction from the truth.
Finally – hello Joe! Welcome – I hope you find these discussions as informative as I do.
I have learnt so much from Gumshoe. I have learnt so much from Diane DeVere – I hope you will be back Di. Until then I will keep in touch via email.
as the apparent nibbler of truth veggie, rachels suggestion that i be given a break i.e. presumably banned is suaveness worthy of a sapol rep.
my objection to the widespread agw denialism evident at gumshoe has nothing to do with any sra trolls who may have been attempting to deny the truth of what rachel says over the years.
it is regrettable that she sees fit to draw such an invidious comparison.
Sweetie, it means anthropogenic global warming. Gumshoe takes a position on climate change:
johnstones four-letterwordism in that so-called poem on her website cited by dee is on a par with her brand-new capitulation to modern capitalist identity politics in her article on whiteness
with allies like johnstone, who needs enemies.
do she and other self-flagellating whites, – dee may know some from rsa?- imagine that come the people of colour-lesbian-muslim-feminist revolution much hallucinated on the aust.internet they themselves as whites will be left unattended to by the new bosses?
still, she seems to have sold her article to the russian channel, rt, which is where it also appears at present.
I picked some relevant lines from “a” poem for the purposes of the above. I don’t want to distract from the article above, but will say she did babble on in her ‘whiteness’ article. Deep State want US in disruption.
Back to the point of this article as Ned points out is to make our appointed leaders accountable. E.g.,
I was just singing “John Brown’s body, when I noticed how well the title of Dee’s article today — “To prosecute those who protect kids, the AFP breaks the law” — reflects a remark about the Harpers Ferry incident to free the slaves. Here tis:
“They hung him for a traitor, they themselves the traitor crew …”
Hey, try this at 1.20. “he captured Harper’s Ferry with his NINETEEN MEN SO TRUE, and frightened ol Virginny till she trembled thru and thru….”
Rachel , AGW = Anthropogenic Global Warming .
Anthropogenic = Man made ( which is what Dun , Dun is alleging – even though the hard facts say otherwise ) .
Now Rachel , I can promise you that the persistent nibbling does not worry me in the least .
Actually , a heated exchange can result in my producing reams of fact-checked evidence to back my assertions which may be of interest to some readers – as opposed to pseudoscience from non-entities that Dun , Dun comes up with .
Anyway Rachel , I value greatly what you have to say on the matter & I do hope that Diane de Vere’s departure is not due to anything I’ve said or done.
If it is , my sincere apologies Diane & I hope you’re back soon .
Your contributions are too valuable to be absent from Gumshoe for any length of time .
i like the use of the phrase fact checked, fact checked like twitter and facebook and other mendacious globalist organs do it.
in this case, the fake untruth veggie facts are those as backed by by us coal interests, there being at least 3 full-length books published in usa to my knowledge evidencing the money trail.
now if the topic were anything but agw, gumshoers would be all over that money trail but we hear merely the deafening silence of those longing for pre-crony-capitalist 1920s small town private enterprise a la james corbett,
except that jd rockefeller precedes that too,but why spoil a comforting ideology.
not to mention that the same pr firm has been employed to agw denialism that was used in the 1960s for cigarette cancer denialism.
but maybe untruth veggie has been a lifelong smoker too, and cancer hasnt got him yet.
note that in spite of being provided with admittedly simple science articles to suit his simple soul, veggie always refuses to address what they say.
WAIT for the article on global warming / global cooling to keep chattering on this, please.
DO YOU HOLD AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP? If yes, then Cherri Bonney wants you to watch this chit chat about Covid. It is strictly for compadres. If you are not Australian get out of the kitchen.
NB: Instead of saying “I don’t want people moving around the world” Bill Gate’s says “YOU don’t want” ! (4:17 min)
Reliance on such god-fatherly patter would have to be THE hallmark of personal insecurity
1st time I’ve heard mention of the possibility referenced at 12:20, which, given the plastic-in-the baby-milk scandal and related unpleasantries is pretty interesting
I tried to send the video link to myself twice and it has not turned up.
So I also sent the link to the usual three. Plese advise separately by e=mail if it arrives.
Ned, is this the link you mentioned –
Appears so.
I tried twice to send the whole gs link to the article to myself.
Neither has arrived yet.
did you get the message. seems Dee has not.
We have a top heavy management sector overloaded by professionals. The machines have replaced the artisans and trades, which was knowledge passed on through all generations. We have lost that grounded connection and our now witnessing the consequences of pseudo science in evilution.
The drinking of children’s blood is unimaginable, for people with hearts.
Vampires are not a myth, they have us all in lockdown.
Do not forget the hollywood gang of psychos.
Nor the Human Embryonic Kidney replacing MSG. hek297 mmm
Dun , Dun there you go again frothing at the mouth .
No doubt a knee-jerk reaction to the humiliation you copped the other day , witnessed by all the GS readers , as you scurried away from the simple question I posed .
Ran off like a coward because , you had no answer , consulted your AGW propaganda sheets & saw that you couldn’t respond to that simplest of questions .
Typical uninformed fanatic that you are .
Mary , I went to the Anti-Vax rally in Sydney today ( thanks for giving me the heads up as to time / location the other day ) .
You’ll be pleased to know that there were more than a few Anti-5G placards in the mix . A nice day for non-violent civil disobedience.
We did a 2km or so lap of that part of the city & went past the NSW parliament in Macquarie St .
Before that, as we were adjacent to the Domain , I could see the entirety of the crowd in the march & it was several hundred metres long at a minimum . A good turnout indeed .
Lots of coppers there & I noticed four from the mounted patrol on horseback as well .
One female copper ( a 3 striper ) , shouted out something about ‘ groups of ten ‘ & social distancing .
Everyone in my vicinity that heard this woman took no heed of the advice & just carried on walking in concentrated close contact format as we were before .
For almost the entirety of the march a helicopter with a red belly hovered over us .
The metaphorical analogy was not lost on me – symbolic of the venomous red belly black snake which the surveillance state now represents .
After the chopper departed , & we were back in Hyde Park listening to some speakers , a drone hovered directly above the crowd – not more than 7 – 8 metres above our heads.
No doubt filming participants in the crowd & cataloguing the data for future facial recognition purposes .
The drones were probably ‘panty sniffers’ wondering if your spouse (?) has anything interesting hidden in her panty draw at home.
I have witnessed from court proceedings what they look for, to snigger at, on search warrants.
Sorry Tony Ryan, your underpants draw does not really even rate a sniff. I do not opine on what they may discover in your socks draw.
Also at the rally , lots of flyers were being handed out .
The first paragraph below courtesy of a flyer from the 5G people ( to be sung to the tune of ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ by Pink Floyd ) :
We don’t need no Radiation ,
We don’t need no melted brains ,
5G towers need to go now ,
It’s time you leave us all alone , HEY TELCOS ! Leave us all alone !
Thanks for that video Dalia . Very interesting indeed .