by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This article proposes that toff child-killers get “sectioned” to a special clinic, Toffs’ Clinic.
“Toff” is a British slang word for the upper class. The etymology has something to do with eating toffee that sticks to the teeth and makes a person talk funny. The Aussie vocabulary has a fairly close equivalent – plummy (you talk like you have a plum in your mouth). Americans don’t have a snarky word for the upper class as they pretend there is no upper class.
I stumbled on the word toff when sleuthing the Dunblane massacre. Or should I say re-sleuthing it as I have long since written a review of Sandra Uttley’s great book, Dunblane Unburied.
There is an article by Tim Minogue entitled “Savile isn’t the only obnoxious paedophile being covered up by the system.” (Referring, of course, to Jimmy Savile, born 1926, died 2011). It is at dunblaneexposed.info.
“Exposed” is hardly the word for it. Minogue tracked down everybody you want to know in relation to the Dunblane massacre. It is astonishing that these people are not in jail.
But, then, they are toffs.
I will now recount what Minogue found, but since he learned some of it from Glenn Harrison the housemaster at a boarding school in Dunblane, I will first tell it through Harrison’s notes.
The Housemaster’s Tale
From 1989 to 1991 Glenn Harrison was a Housemaster at a military school in Scotland, the Queen Victoria School — QVS –run for children of overseas British soldiers. This is not the school where 16 children and their teacher Gwen Major were gunned down in the gym on March 13, 1996.
At QVS, Housemaster Harrison saw bullying and suspected sexual abuse, especially as the boys were sometimes taken away for weekends. Eventually he tried every which way to use the proper system – police, government, judiciary, royalty – to get help for the kids, but he kept hitting a brick wall. What does that tell you?
Recall how Denis ‘Dinny’ Ryan, a police detective from Mildura, VIC, told the Australian Royal Commission that he could not get his fellow cops to deal with the matter of sexual abuse of kids by a priest. From his story, we could deduce that cops must be in on it. But Glenn Harrison contacted many officials of the Queen Victoria School, and above, and – in my opinion – proved that “they are all in it.” Toffs, that is.
The school he worked at is in Dunblane. That is, in Central Scotland – halfway between Glasgow and Edinburgh. So how is it that Harrison knows something about the massacre? Recall that a lone gunman, Thomas Hamilton, copped the full blame. He “turned the gun on himself,” and laid his corpse down there on the gymnasium floor for all to see.
Glenn Harrison’s connection to that event is that when Thomas Hamilton, was identified (posthumously) on TV, Harrison recognized him immediately.
Not only had Hamilton come wandering around the dormitories at QVS, he had been reported on by this Housemaster, in an effort to get him kicked out. This was around 1990. You would think a housemaster making such a complaint would be listened to, right? But all his letters went unanswered or were handled dismissively.
Had To Leave
In June, 1991, he decided to resign. His contract required that he give one term’s notice, so he would depart in January.
On December 11, he undertook to write to the parents of his 57 boys and warn them of the danger of bullying and abuse at the school. This responsible behavior on the part of the housemaster led to someone throwing a stone at his window. Frightened, he went to the police. While he was not home another batch of police broke down his door at QVS with a sledgehammer and stole some of his papers.
I feel as though I shouldn’t say “stole.” After all, the police have a duty to enter a premises and check on something don’t they? Maybe we should say they “seized the goods for inspection,” or something like that.
Nah, let’s call a spade a spade. The point of using a sledgehammer was surely to scare him, and the point of taking his papers, which they never gave back, was to deprive him of the evidence that was in those papers — for example, copies of his correspondence, pre-Internet, with this or that Minister.
Although I’d never heard of the Housemaster’s travails, I have, in June, 2018, discovered the website dunblaneexposed.com. Let me now summarize the article Tim Minogue posted there.
Tim Minogue’s Chronicling of the Matter
To begin, he learned that the Housemaster has taken many steps. Glenn Harrison, after getting nowhere, in-house, with complaints to the staff hierarchy, vidited the Central Scotland Police at Stirling. Those police rebudffed him by saying that the Queen Victoria School was under the Ministry of Defense, and “the Official Secrets Act.” The Housemaster then tried the Regional Council Social Works, again with no luck.
Once he was situated in a new job, at Baltasound, Harrison wrote more letters, this time to the Secretary of State of Scotland and to the Duke of Edinburgh in his role of patron of the Queen Victoria School. Nothing came of it.
I should have mentioned that a key complaint had to do with the fact that people using the name “Friends of the QVS” would take the boys away for weekends. Harrison and his wife lived near the front gate so they could see flashy cars driving up on Friday night to get the boys. He says the boys would return looking stressed but with a lot of money.
Australian Deja Vu
Many of the “friends” were recognizable to Harrison as they were famous people – a veritable Who’s Who of Society. By the way, Fiona Barnett said that when she witnessed a baby-murder of that kind in the Great Hall of the University of Sydney, the audience consisted of Sydney’s “high society.” Note: I do NOT claim that any baby-sacrifices occurred at QVS.
In Mildura, VIC, Detective Ryan discovered that one of his colleague-cops worked for ASIO (Australia’s intelligence agency). I ask: do ASIO members realize whom they actually work for? I think the Dunblane story, especially the coverup, shows that many police and covert agents are working directly for the toffs.
For whom did the CIA perform the unbelievable sins of MK-Ultra? CIA, director Allen Dulles, had previously been in the OSS. The letters O-S-S are supposed to stand for Office of Strategic Services, but its nickname was “Oh So Social”. In other words, members of America’s upper class were all supporting that organization (headed by Bill Donovan).
Something about Masons
British journalist Tim Minogue had, prior to the Dunblane mass murder, attempted to get legislation requiring members of the Freemasons to declare their membership if they were a parliamentarian or a judge. This seems to me a good idea.
I recommended similar in my 2011 book, Prosecution for Treason. When President George W Bush was asked about his fraternity, Skull and Bones, he said he was not allowed to discuss it. That’s OK, thanks to First Amendment rights. A Bonesman, like any other American, can be as silent as he wishes. But if he won’t discuss his conflicting loyalties, a law should prevent him being elected. No talkie, no White Housie.
Since word had got around regarding Minogue’s displeasure about Masonic influence, the Housemaster knew of him and wrote to him. After they met, Minogue went to the trouble of checking that Glenn Harrison had indeed taken the steps he claimed above. Yes they did, so Minogue got involved.
I want to make a point here about the way in which Minogue was treated, for his efforts. He is a proper journalist who went about his inquiries politely and “by the book.” But he found that the police had started an investigation on him. When he asked why this was happening he was told that it was because Lord Robertson (one of the persons he wrote to) was a public figure and therefore deserving of police protection.
Steps Minogue Took
In Minogue’s own words here are the (Gumshoe-like) steps he took:
“[I wrote] to those legally responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the pupils in a private boarding school, the board of governors, which in this case of Queen Victoria School were Her Majesty’s Commissioners. The head commissioner is an ex-officio post held by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
“I wrote to my MP, the late Rachel Squire and asked her to ask the then Secretary of State, Mrs Helen Liddell (Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke), if she was aware of any group such as the ‘Friends of QVS.’ [I said] that The Housemaster had given me credible anecdotal evidence of child abuse and claimed that Hamilton was one of a group known as the ‘Friends of QVS.’
“My MP would not take on my concerns and suggested I contact the Secretary of State directly. I replied to my MP stressing the seriousness of the allegations made by The Housemaster and copied the letter to the then Secretary of State, Mrs Helen Liddell. By a return e-mail I was told by Mrs Liddell that this had nothing to do with her, as the matters I had raised “are devolved to the Scottish Parliament” and my letter had been forwarded to my MSP Scott Barrie!
“I responded to the Secretary of State’s ‘palming-off’ of my enquiry to my Member of Scottish Parliament by pointing out that she could not shirk her responsibilities as a Chief of Her Majesty’s Commissioners, which were invested in her by Royal Warrant, and in any case her claim that these matters were now devolved could not be considered as devolved matters, as they related to events that pre-dated devolution.
“A reply to my letter was eventually sent to me by the Head of Home & Social Division of the Scotland Office who stated that the Secretary of State’s role at QVS was ‘purely formal’ and I should write to the Chief Executive/Headmaster of QVS.”
The Three Questions
Minogue did not get any satisfaction, and found those officials to be unaware that Hansard (i.e., official record of Parliament’s business) had contained information about the Housemaster’s complaints. So Minogue widened his search, this time writing to the headmaster of the school for the years 1989-1991 and all the commissioners at that time (like a board of trustees).
He also write to Lord Cullen (ahem) and Lord Robertson (ahem, ahem) whom the Housemaster had repeatedly said were visitors to the school. His first letter politely asked only if they knew of a group called “The Friends of the QVS.” No, no one knew. So then he sent a letter with three questions:
- Did they know anything of Thomas Hamilton’s presence and influence at the school,
- or of a group called “Friends of QVS,” who would take boys away for weekends (imagine the headmaster not knowing that!) and
- Did they know of the allegations of bullying and abuse?
Following that, Minogue simply used the Internet to search the Dunblane Inquiry and found that three persons had said under oath that they knew of a Hamilton connection to the school:
Grace Jones Ogilvie, a neighbour of Hamilton, said she knew of him taking his boys’ clubs camping at Loch Lomond and at the QVS. Ian Steven Boal said that his friend Hamilton had got him a job at a QVS summer camp. Robert Mark Ure who lived across the street from Hamilton said his estranged wife had been at the firing range at QVS with her friend Hamilton.
Did Minogue get anywhere with the Ombudsman? No because the police are one of the exclusions from the list of offices that ombudsmen can investigate.
Minogue did find in Hansard, dated 1993, that the Chief Inspector of Schools had carried out an inspection, and that information about the matter had appeared in Scottish newspapers in 1992 – only the matter of bullying, not abuse, and nothing about the letter Harrison had sent to parents.
Lord Burton
Most interestingly, Minogue was contacted by Lord Burton – the man who whistle blew that the massacre was Mason-related. I quote Minogue again (from the same article at dunblaneexposed.info):
“Lord Burton knew of my contact with The Housemaster and we had an exchange of views. I found him to be a pleasant, and I believe a decent man, but he was over-keen to protect his organisation and blamed the Speculative Society clique in the judiciary, and the police for a cover up ‘at the highest level’ of the Dunblane tragedy. He told me that a Scots Tory Law Lord and member of the Speculative Society had pounded his fist on his desk in the House of Lords to emphasise that he [Burton] should let the matter [of the Dunblane massacre] drop.” [Emphasis added]
Getting the downlow about the QVS from Minogue’s article has been quite a shock. My late adored husband George grew up near Dunblane and graduated Edinburgh. All the folks I’ve met through him are morally solid. I thought Scots had cornered the market on decency – and that, like Bobbie Burns, they scoffed at toffs.
Tim Minogue has now published a list of the Speculative Society’s members. Whew! Many judges. What do they think they are doing? All guilty of obstruction of justice regarding a serious crime. As Sandra Uttley Scott had found in the early days of investigating, Lord Cullen had slapped a 100 year Closure order on the evidence.
William Scott, a concerned citizen of Dunblane, did his best to track down the fact that there was no statute authorizing such a lengthy sealing of records. Can you imagine.
Wait a minute. Why did Lord Cullen and his mates cover up the massacre? In order to keep pedophilia hush hush? Well yes, but it’s much worse than that. I speculate (pardon the pun) that the massacre was group-planned. Some people thought it good to send sixteen darling children to their graves.

Cullen, a law lord, “made his name” by running the Lockerbie case. He also ran a 5-year investigation of the North Sea oil spill known as Piper Alpha. I’ll bet both were fraudulent.
I see that Lord Robertson has sued The Sunday Herald over the fact that a commenter indicated Robertson was responsible for the Dunblane massacre. It didn’t get a court judgement as the newspaper paid an out of court settlement 25K pounds.
The Guardian wrote: “The case in 2004 forced internet publishers to re-double their efforts to ensure internet users posting on their message boards do not libel people.” Nonsense. Citizens must look around for murderers and they need to debate it.
By the way, Robertson was a Labor MP. In 1999, having been UK Defense Secretary for 2 years, was made a peer. The he became NATO secretary general from 1999 to 2001. Hmm.
Heraldscotland.com, in June, 1996, reported that when Robertson’s son Malcolm, age 10, received a reprimand in 1983 from Thomas Hamilton for his non-attendance at club, the Dad looked into it and found Hamilton bizarre and said he ran the club like Hitler youth.
After retiring from government Robertson went to work for a defense contractor.
Toffs Did It
I believe that Thomas Hamilton was not the killer. He had no reason to cause his own death like that. Someone else did everything and threw Hamilton’s body onto the gym floor. You can see the trickiness of the case at various websites, and in Uttley’s book.
I say the persons who do the cover-up are the guilty parties. Some of them are guilty of the actual murder and others of the many steps taken to suppress evidence.
As we say in the trade: contra spoliatorum, omnia presumuntur. “Against the one who destroys evidence, all things can be presumed.”
In fact, denying that there is such a group as “friends of the QVS” is a clear sign of guilt that the friends do bad things. If they are doing good, wouldn’t they want to boast about it? Or at least take a modest bow?
It’s Clinic Time
Can we please stop saying that various patsy-terrorists are nuts and use basic diagnostic skills to see who is really sick?
I don’t have much hope of getting upper-class child-killers into Broadmoor (or in America, Bellevue, or in Adelaide, Glenside). But they could be forcibly sent to a clinic. This is called “sectioning” after a section of the law that allows the freedom of nut-job to be curtailed, legally.
For the Dunblane massacre miscreants, pick one of the islands off the coast of Scotland and set up a new clinic. Toffs’ Clinic.
— Mary W Maxwell has recently received threats and does not give a hoot. “Everything is in place and nothing can stop her now.”
Systematic abuse is all part of establishments need for perversion, whilst we take time to look at the latest revelations it diverts our attention to the greater harm of the establishments ongoing represive ideology that becomes a normal process that we all have to endure without end, the destruction of our planet and violence against people in terms of physical and mental torture.
Since when did locking up the “baddies” stop anyone from doing anything?
The issue, as I see it, is that you’re either a resister or an enabler.
If you’re prepared to acknowledge the pitfalls of an atomistic culture you’re simply not going to be putting your kids into anything resembling a conventional ”school”. Problem solved.
Me spouse went to Falkirk High School.
So how did the Creep set in ?
Here’s a few clues:
Dealing with WA’s Education Department woke me up to the fact the World System is wholly dependent on the blood of children. By the time most kids reach high-school they’ve already been sucked dry.
Deeply disturbing when nobody will listen
Deeply disturbing? So what’s being disturbed exactly? Some misconceived idea about government functionality ?
On my 1st run-in with the DEPARTMENT I contacted a number of “home-ed support persons”. Only one of them turned out to be the real McCoy, quote, “what you’ve got to remember is that these people are NOT your friends” . I’ll never forget those words.
What you’ve got to remember is that these people are not nice or kind or reasonable or sane. Once confronted you can rest assured that all hell will break loose.
Google Holly Greig. The same Dunblane names keep popping up. The way that the authorities have been doing cartwheels to shut down the Holly Greig story tells you that there is something seriously wrong with the official story.
Th medicare co-payment at the Toffs’ Clinic is a hundred grand a day, OK?
I wonder if he’s any good at lawn bowls.
You see the clinic building in the picture? Dee made it out of lego.
Wouldn’t it be interesting to interview some of the boys from the school? To get some confirmation of what was occurring on their “weekends away”?
Consider this, Richard. When housemaster sent his letter to parents, some of them ratted on him (I’m guessing.). Those parents may have wanted their boy to have a weekend away, so to speak.
Still, if any of them want to talk with the assistant editor of Gumshoe, here I am, Lord.
Anyone who can get through this video without crying, please report to the nurse.
[…] of the Wood Royal Commission, the Fitzgerald Commission, or – if you recall Gumshoe’s recent article on Dunblane – the way of the Cullen Inquiry. It did not do fancy […]
[…] Mafia was reported here last week. A story of Masonic control of Scottish police was written up here in a spoof entitled “Toffs’ Clinic: A Place Where Dunblane Child-Killers Can Go for […]
[…] I remind of my theory of Dunblane and the Queen Victoria […]
[…] you following me? I labeled my article “Toff’s Clinic: A Place Where Dunblane Killers Can Go for […]
[…] to mention the role of Prince Andrew, son of Australia’s monarch. Don’t forget the Toffs of Dunblane. Don’t forget the sealed-up Inquiries of Cullen, Woods, and […]
[…] seem to have had some involvement — in 1999 he became Sec’y General of NATO! See my article on […]
[…] the Sec’y General of NATO, Willy Claes, a Belgian who served from 1994-1995, you may remember my 2018 article on the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, in which I accuse Britain’s Lord George Robertson of […]