Introduction by DM
Do you remember all those years ago the talk about detainment camps, fields of large coffins and talk of guillotines. Well it’s back — but not hearsay. The US government has tenders out to build these camps in 50 states … for dissidents.
One can only imagine what the grand plan was and is. “Let’s get a dementia patient in, flood the US with aliens, collapse the Republic and dispense with the American patriots.”
Redacted: Clayton Morris interviews former customs and border protection, supervisor JJ Carrell. JJ shares his unbelievable findings. (Pre-order J.J.’s new documentary Treason right here: https://thisistreason.com)
Exposing the Agenda
(Pascal Najadi’s father founded the WEF with Schwab.)

Pascal Najadi’s documentary gives us the other side of the coin on the agenda and the WEF. He is asking the Swiss Government to restore neutrality to their government, and is also calling on those behind the WEF, GAVI, WHO, Big Pharma, Big Tech and Bill Gates to be arrested. Let’s begin with the history lesson.
Maybe the detainment camps can be used for Gates and his gang.
A ha.
What I was forecasting in my comments toward the end of the last article.
The Pascal address is a must at least.
Now are the dots connecting for a few normies?
Heaps more to land quietly on your front porch as you cope with unrapping what has arrived so far. IF YOU HAVE BOTHERED.
Your parcel from afar is in transit.
Held up momentarily in the Persian Gulf.
Pascal Najadi must be a comedian, his father was part of the WEF but Pascal has not told us where the money is coming from to replace the flows from CBDCs and existing arrangements with UN etc. The financial inflows must be mind-bogglingly magnificent, like the US treasury in scale, how to pull these leeches off the teat, certainly not by appealing to reasonableness.
If they were reasonable they would realise a normal life is OK, do not need Lear jets and Maseratis, do not even need adrenochrome hits, if they were reasonable. They are destroying the environment themselves with their “industries”, while blaming the populations who serve them.
You did not finish.
Pascal’s father was with the WEF with Klaus and in banking and his father but departed ways with Klaus.
I mentioned that in comments foreshadowing this article.
Pascal has stated same many many times.
Yes quite a comedian, perhaps he is just bored and wants a stir?
His father is not relevant to the funding I am considering, these Swiss elites are making a bundle and Pascal is appealing to their lawfulness, honesty and reasonableness ??? As if the bloodlines got where they did by practicing virtues, Pascal must be a comedian or a nut, even a noose and a long drop would not straighten most of these people out
Why is he whistle blowing with warning and solution?
We’re all whistle blowing, the more the better
Then best not to pinch their pea💁
Who are the immigrants and their purpose?
I note ten years ago gossip about 30,000 plus guillotines available in the US.
Coffins plus guillotines plus foreigners plus attempted injection genocide plus anti America criminals plus the history of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol-Pot = 💀💀💀💀💀?????? To solve the housing problem.
Add, why are military males doing, occupying 25 hotels in London under a two year contract.
Great video, seems like my G666gle browser is attacking it halfway through as happened yesterday with another video from the same site
Daily Mail also on the case
Looks like Clif High may have been on target, things starting to erupt mid-June.
Other internet oracles have been going on and on with predictions that started years ago and got extended and extended but now we have some real rats jumping ship it’s a start, these rats need the thumbscrews applied to tell us who was funding them, who bought them, who was feeding them their lines
I just see code
Hey it came up
What is the purpose of millions of males being allowed in and paid?
A decade ago there was a lot of talk about fema camps and 30,OOo guilotines brought in from China.
Of course at about that time the plastic coffins turned up in a.paddock with photographs.
There was also the pictures of special real carriages fitted with restraints.
Also railway sidings heading to ‘camps’.
Plus advertisements for FEMA camps, then unoccupied.
Of course we know about the tunnels, e,g. walmarts etc.
Then the architecture was pictured …. Watch towers.
25 hotels in London are housing trained male fighters on two year contracts.
(Ref CW)
So some additions: depopulation plus world government, anti- Christian, (FBI CAMPAIGN) plus attempted injections, plus millions of males entering the US plus same being housed and paid by the Globalist UN plus release of home criminals plus rampart crime wave, plus camps, plus advertisements for camp administrators and guards plus guillotines, plus coffins, plus local gathering hubs ( need food got to the Walmart (recently refurbished at the time) plus operators willing to run the guillotines, plus railway sidings built to camps plus double decker carriages with victim manacles welded in ( stored on many sidings) plus precadents ( Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot et.al.) plus reported child ‘sacrifice’ equals …….. we are in the shit💀💀💀💀💀💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️🙈🙈🙈
UNLES: 👩❤️💋👨🙏👩❤️💋👨🙏👩❤️💋👨🙏👩❤️💋👨🙏👩❤️💋👨🙏💁
Stand by for those 34 satanic buildings and dams, to meet their destruction, as part of the show.
Sleepy Joe’s off to Camp David for TEN days – I wonder how many normies that act of cowardice will wake up?
I have been watching developments when I woke up to the 911 mass murders and the Middle East invasions and been on guard for over 20 years.
As for the 34 establishments, I do not know, only hope that they clear out the historic art first.
I have paid plenty for it with 20 years of sniggering and vilification my way.
Ned in Australia it started before 9/11, don’t forget Port Arthur. Even before that, the murder of Harold Holt, the Hilton Hotel bombing and carried on since with the Lindt Cafe murders and possibly the Train Family murders with the co-lateral killings of two cops and a neighbour. Now the intentional murders and injuries to thousands of Aussies. But we ordinary Australians don’t know what we are talking about, do we?
I think ‘34 buildings’ is extreme.
A few private edifices should be sufficient, but not public buildings.
How about some military factories … with a warning
We do not want the Tartarian (?) Exercise repeated when history was wiped from the conscientious to be rallied to hide and implemented with another version of history.
Who would want to blow up the pyramids or our Opera House to make a point?
Only fools who want to re-write history? Bloody suspicious!
Well, if they do, they are idiots. and suspicious and have lost me.
I am aware of Stonehenge being a prime target, some ‘medieval’ Castles, Three Gorges Dam, Buckingham Palace, The White House, Sydney Opera House – I wonder about that one – but not the others I have put up.
Rods of God will apparently be used in that exercise.
It takes guts and a powerful conviction, Ned, for anyone to be at putting out what they have learned as warnings for others.
As in the days of Noah.
“Russia could WIPE the U.S. East Coast off the map” Fmr. Marine Scott Ritter |
Russia could do the lot but then Russia would get it all back from submarines etc
Sit back and enjoy the Show – It’s just a movie, Joe.
That’s what they’re saying in Gaza too, “I’m alright Jack”
So, Joe, you are actually in Gaza to see all the action as it occurs?
Tell me how you know, not believe, that what you see put up by others, is actually true?
If anyone on this site should be part of, ‘I’m alright, Jack’, it is you, especially when pressed on the questions about what you are doing to assist in bringing down the Deep State!
This has to be a scare event fpanic.
It is not on the ABC, SBS, fake mass media or in nine network financial reports.
See you at the house auctions,,,, bring pre ww11 silver coins. I have plenty in the ANZ and it can return some.
We, who are in own own homes, are all about to lose BIGLY on housing value.
My brother in-law has been a financial advisor for over three decades. I was having a beer with him about two weeks ago and asked him his opinion on the current financial markets – he is completely oblivious to what is about to erupt – and has been for some time that I just cannot fathom.
You may want to have those silver coins – of which I too have many – easily available.
Gerald Celente straight talking.
Dictator Dan getting a mention.
Epstein and Ghizlene had all the videos and we don’t know what happened to either of them or their collection, all the minions are there, if all the minions end up in the slammer we get a reprieve but that’s a long way from extracting all the vermin from the castles, there is still a long way to run after high level public minions are dealt with
The undoing of the climate narrative.
Well well