Home Awakening Trish Fotheringham’s Knowledge of Dissociation Will Help Us Right Now

Trish Fotheringham’s Knowledge of Dissociation Will Help Us Right Now



Editor’s Note: Mary did an excellent interview with Trish almost a decade ago. The information on ‘dissociation’ is so well explained, and has never been more relevant.

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

In 2012 I interviewed my pal, Trish, who was visiting Australia from Canada.

I saved the tape for a long time and then lost it.  Today I found it again.  She explains (largely from her experience as being a “subject” of Mind Control) how it comes to pass that we are wicked today. Trish died in 2020.

It’s a 29-minute interview. I consider it absolutely pertinent. Please watch and please comment.





  1. With all respect to mm, I seriously suggest that the here, now and tomorrow is what we have to face NOW.
    Listen to the latest from MARY AT SITUATION UPDATE AND CONSIDER.
    It is getting worse, banks are bloody closing.. then what?
    Go to beforeitshews.con people powered news.
    This whole thing has been going on too long, either the biggest scam or it is real.
    Matter for ewes to wake up or be not prepared and if not prepared… best of luck.
    MM are you prepared?,
    If not bad luck!💁😂

    • Mary is off with the fairies Ned. Mary is so disconnected with what is playing all around her, that she is willing to indict Trump -if you can get your head around that one! – you’re wasting your time.

      • Yes, I have been battling for years.
        MM has never included in her serial Boston murders stuff ALL THE photographic evidence at WRH PROVING THAT THE FELLOWS IN THE BLACK TOPS AND KHAKI PANTS DID BOSTON.
        I could not, but WONDER, why not? She is a lawyer⚖️🤷🙀🙈

          • Here ya’s go, Boys.


            Ned, if u want to save J’s life, you can send your Craft item to SCOTUS. Nationality no bar. And since you are a prosecutor it would have extra punch.


            PS When you say that the evidence PROVES that the fellows in the black top “did” the bombing, what is yr definite of Proof?

            I suppose those guys did do it. As you know, I filed a civil RICO suit against them. See Maxwell v FBI et al.

            Do you say you’ve been batting MM for years? Ned, I have never been aware of your doing that.

            Dee, have you been aware of it?

          • Mary, give me a break, I have told you MANY TIMES TO REFER TO MIKE RIVERO AND THE BLOODY PHOTOS.
            RIVERO’s article is headed ‘ ALL ALL THE THE PROOF PROOF YOU YOU WANT WANT.
            Never repeat what you say to me ever again.
            It is all in the pastor comments over many articles you have done on the Boston murders.
            I requested that you contact Rivero for ALL the photos,
            Did you? If so did you get them, if you obtained them why did you not refer to the photos of one of them with the backpack matching the one of the exploded back pack and the person leaving without the back pack.
            You have seriously tested my patience and so far as credibility is concerned on this matter, so far as I am concerned, you have reduced it to zero by your comment above.
            By chance Mary, did you ever think that the killing was similar to a usual MOSSAD operation?

          • By the way Mary, I do not recall you ever examining or commenting on the 5 dancing Israelis celebrating the mass murders whilst watching the attack on the twin towers and being there; ‘ ….we were just there to document the event’ as one of them stated in a interview on day time TV in Israel.

          • And Mary,
            I have recollected that I gave up on you when, from memory you eventually logged 2-3 ? Photos of the chaps, but not one with then back pack or the remains of the backpack and pointing out that THE one with the back pack, as they departed, did not have the back pack.
            As I say I gave you away then and am now satisfied with my opinion being confirmed,
            One has to be very patient when testing whilst conducting a long cross examination for a credibility determination.
            You might now realise Mary, that in my comments way back, I left out the bit about the exploded back pack matching the carried back pack. Now you know why💁🏼🤷⚖️

  2. Same applies to all those naysayers who should have been pricking their own bubbles containing them and considered over the last FIVE YEARS and breathed some real oxygen …AT LEAST.
    As child, did you not be able to join the numbers and see the elephant?
    No, well go back to kindergarten.

    • SG anon in his latest update of what we can expect, has highlighted, a passage from Isaiah – regarding a possible supernova event – and that ‘Q’ has been hinting at over the past few years as a leading event into the ‘Ten Days of Darkness’, which is yet to occur – and for all of us to experience.

      Mary is like so many whom I have come to know as those folk who are not prepared to look at every thing that they are meant to be learning about – my wife included.

      Big shocks coming for all, including moi, who does not profess to know everything, but is ever so willing to learn.

  3. It is a slave masonic crown that controls via the BSWL4 serum labs managed here by CSIRO’s Doherty Institute. Serco camps and security the extended corps. The CBDC creatures still at the till, since 1913, pushing all wars since then with peace in our times BS. As they rule with iron fists and jackboots of slavery, new kids in town are cashed up CCP driving Bentley SUV’s, demolishing Sydney building towers to the moon.
    Money lenders won’t have it any other way with build back better replacement.
    Nomenklatura here entrenched since the wall came down, goons and stooges skooled in communism for global enslavement, in administration here on all bases loaded. The labs are global, head orifice Oxford skolars. That’s how it is ‘round here. I give up playing the same old tune, still waiting for Don to play his trumpet. Is he a Freemason poo-bah too?

    • Even Mein Trumpf has given up waiting for himself and is now waiting for Nov 2024 when Americans will obviously get a better deal even if Trump is hostage to BigPharma, Zion and whatever else. Nobody should expect too much from one person, as with Elon Musk and the others, they are not there as a result of their own incredible exceptionalism, they are presenters.

  4. Attention naysayers and lazy normies.
    At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Especially for those who have never heard of ex Aussie Colonel Ricardo Bosi.
    Now put him with Charlie Ward and CONSIDER … SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED.
    ‘Charlie Ward & Ricardo Bosi:the worldwide flight across the globe’
    Note the good stuff… examined by Bosi flowing down the tree during our recent strains.
    Arrests and Vatican gold … with the shipping of more referred to in first 20 mins.
    Now I am up to Bosi on Trump explained by Churchill💁😎🤡 the bodyguard of lies….. have some of you ever realised? So T is pictured with undesirables! Every criminal lawyer at times is seen with a criminal ⚖️💁
    Fast for 72 hours 🙏💁

    • If anyone can manage 4.17 mins, try Dr Halper-Hayes at
      Beforeit’snews.com – people powered news CONFIRMING AGAIN,
      Now watch 0r again, the last five minutes for the report by ex, Colonel (Oz) Ricardo Bosi and Charlie Ward referred to above.
      If these reports are genuine, then is anything referenced here more important?
      Matter for naysayers and normies not to worry about……unless ….. (as previously stated, there will be a knock at (many?) doors.

    • Today’s situation update by Mary and note CW at 19 mins
      Do not bother to listen?
      Well I do not care, matter for you if you cannot discern the warnings and they eventuate, well , deal wth it and do not wine here.
      A bit on Bosi is later referenced.
      Stock up on Prozac … could be a good trade and in demand.

    • WELL,
      FINISH MARY WITH A REPORT FROM BEN FULFORD⚖️🙀💁🏼⛓️💀 it might seem.
      Just ignore it and go listen to the ABloodyC, SillyBS, our corporate media and controlled traitor politicians with their normie adherents.
      Elspeth, there are a few crumbs for you from Ben.

  5. Its a really fascinating trait, “disassociation”.
    Sometimes I think we associate here to protect our fragile eggshell minds, from that.

    All the splits in society(cultural and chemical) have disassociated in a broader but less than MK brute force(subtle now). A lot of the comments/posts(not all) to this presentation including my own, kinda show this.


    RE the claim in the link posted by Terry Shulze on the previous page, the claim that a Dr. Yusan was snuffed around May 2020 on the basis of a covid vaccine patent application he had filed 3 months earlier.

    “The Chinese military” named at 3 minutes into this chat:

    • Well the first half is ok so far, probably should be listened to by the likes of “Terence Odgers” if Odgers would like to open his mind, dig deeper, eat crow sandwiches and so forth.

      • After 45:00 the Israel “Hannibal Doctrine”, the Israel helicopter gunships bombing heaps of their own citizens in preference to having them kidnapped, it’s like a video game, they are all getting blown into little chunks and droplets heaps worse than the Julian Assange video

    • Sandra,
      I do not know how far you have dug into ‘the plan’, however that does not matter.
      FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND I REFER YOU TO RUMORMILLNEWS.COM reading room and the linked report on 30/11/23 at 05,50.42 titled:
      CONCERN Janet Ossebaard is missing and is feared to have COMMITTED SUICIDE’
      You may not have heard of her, so you can follow the link from RMN for more information.
      At that link; https://the republicans voice.com ……..
      Others might grab a shovel and scroll down to the report on the missing Janet.
      Down in that report is a 13 min video on The Plan and Q.
      NOTE FROM THE 8 Min mark. If you can manage less than SEVEN MINUTES.
      I take it Sandra, that you are much aware of the Q drops from October 2017, researched it for the necessary years and formed the opinion you express…. Be it based on Quayle. As I mention, that does not matter, opinions often do not reflect a reality.
      For the rest, at least listen and try shovelling, you may actually get some idea where we are at.
      Of course all readers have noted the 4 minute reference that I have mentioned from the Janet Halper-Hain report re tribunals under way.
      HAVEN’t you?! Thereby have some further interest in considering and examining the Q phenomena and understand it as fundamental in a MILITARY PLAN.
      If not, no problem, it is under way anyway and those not part of it are irrelevant as to their opinions.
      But if accomplished will take it anyway.

      • Sorry, it was during an interrupted night.
        Should be: Janet Halper-Hayes, not Haines.
        Also, add Bosi reports on arrests….. as previously referred to …. For thosevwith a shovel.

  7. Former magistrate type wants Michelle Rowland Minister for Censorship to shut down “sovereign citizen” websites, warning source: crooked ABC-TV
    A fairly smug looking individual
    Claims 4 cops visiting “Tara” were ambushed
    Argumentative lady at Byrons Bay neutralises cop
    (take out the XXXX)

  8. Ned, I am in Maui right now, and could visit Rivero if you would please email me his telephone number.

    As far as I know there is nothing to prevent him from sending an additional amicus. Mine definitely included the color of the backpacks, in fact that was the main point.

    Our counsel thought it was a matter of law that the FBI presented two contradictory pieces of evidence. That is the gist. My amicus went all the way to the US supreme court (very expensive) but was ignored.

    Have you now seen my letter to Justice Thomas? He wrote in his ruling (which returned Jahar to Death Row), that Jahar never challenged guilt. Yes he did. He always pleaded NOT guilty, despite threats of being “dealt with” in jail. Kind of a tight spot to be in.

    • No, I have not read your letter to Justice Thomas ….. did you include all the photographs from the Rivero article at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com?
      Anyway too late, if I recall correctly the judge in that case allegedly had a private meeting with the jury/panel ? and his counsel told/inferred to the jury that he was guilty.
      Funny system up there in the US OF INJUSTICE and apparently incompetent …………..
      But that is your system, just look at the fbi not investigating the alleged Biden crimes, including Hunter’s laptop……
      If there is a plan underway, they have a lot of rope to put on order.

      • Mary, I referred in a comment up a bit, the report of a stroll through a Nuremberg grave yard…. Did you take the video tour?
        I wonder why I bother.

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