Editor’s note; It could not be more obvious, but Trudeau seems trapped… like a deer in the headlights or a fox in a bear trap. Maybe Elizabeth Hart could send him one of her excellent letters. He seems to have lost all logic and reason. The question: who is his puppeteer? He’s definitely not working for Canadians.
Trudeau is claiming the convoy is disrupting supply chains and “hurting businesses”. The convoy only converged on Ottowa on the 29th of January 2020 — less than 2 weeks ago. He’s forgotten the many many months of lockdowns and mandates that destroyed businesses and society.
Wikipedia writes that “The city of Toronto, Ontario is considered to have the longest continuous COVID-19 lockdown of any major city in the world.” Mmmm, I thought Melbourne got the gold medal in the lockdown department (under another puppet).
The video below needs no comment.
POS You closed the Cities down
did not cry about it FOR 2 YEARS
only when workers are FED UP AND BLOCK TRAFFIC .NOW you are mad at Truckers
WOW, you can watch this on YouTube — but the AFP have blocked it from disp;aying on Gumshoe +++https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu4xfSFCzbA
Canada cops are bailing out
Australian cops could learn from this
Hey cops, why not be on the right side of history
Arrest Grek Hunt and LOCK HIM UP
CANADA IN REVOLT (3 min) Trucks and Patriots
i feel bad not being there.. ( see if this ine is blocked? ) – Canberra, well… yesterday now.
uploaded 45 mins ago.. Canberra
ASIO guy on MSM TV says China tried to interfere in an Australian election.
Some other guy says something else about communists or whatever.
Next thing Dutton comes on with 1+1=3 it was the ALP
Suddenly Elbow is on defending the crooked communo-fascist ALP sellouts.
Brains trust Bill Shorten retreats to the shadows !!! Stymied. This will take time to counter.
Ummm … errrr,
The story, “China did not penetrate the ALP” – – – – – AS IF !!! They even penetrated Andrew ROBb.
There is mileage in this, a lot of mileage, Klaus Swab’s communists are breathing down all our necks. The endgame is full 100% anal swab penetration and gulag communism.
HIT THE COMMIES AND HIT THEM HARD. Smash crooked unions, smash ABCTV, Health Dept, AMA, TGA, smash it all into rubble and dust and start again. Or better yet, don’t.
Nurses are walking out because overstressed and ripped off by thieving governments.
Crooked Health Departments need to be carpet bombed out of existence.
Now they are pushing MedicalCannabis™ after years of bans they want you to take it.
Over in England Royal Princess Kate is writing kids’ books for Kids’ Mental Health Week.
Sounds like this is another push to foist drugs onto juvenile apartment prisoners.
Meanwhile in Canberra the “Religious Freedom” bill has collapsed in controversy. Most people probably wouldn’t know what it is all about but I can guess. They want to medically “transition” kids from gender M to F &/or vice versa because of their mental health, the operations and ongoing treatments will cost hundreds of thousands. Spare parts to be imported from inter-hospital morgue departments, also internationally from China, Israel, Mexico, war zones etc. A thriving industry.
Who is behind this Globalised Feast of Moloch ? The usual culprits, they have been at it for over a century and it keeps getting worse.
If you’re sick just keep eating white bread, sugar and milk. Hand over all your money to the MedicalSystem™ and stock up on Panadols. Whatever youdo, make sure to keep eating the maximum Panadols, then when you are HospitalSystemReady™, dial 000.
The commie/nazi/fascists who still believe they are still in control, all around the West, are being bombarded with Truth, and their backs are now being forced to the wall. Much more Truth will be forthcoming as the dripping out of Truth turns into a flood, a flood that even the staunchest anti-protester will not be able do deflect.
As the Truth comes out about the fake pandemic and fake bug, the wave of anger now steadily building into a crescendo of righteousness, will explode onto those who thought they had their New World Order in the bag.
The catalyst for the flood of Truth will be Trump’s Truth Media to start up around the end of this month.
Nothing can stop what is coming. Q.
Paywall article in the German DWN. Paris police busy preparing for the Convoy. At the same time Fuellmich is preparing for witness statements in the Hague. (Me: ? US mix of soldiers readying to cross Russian border from Ukraine?)
DWN Express German economic news 02/11/2022 16:08 ( 11Feb2022)
“Convoy of Freedom” against Corona mandates is approaching Paris
The authorities have banned all gatherings for/of the Convoy of Freedom. The police in Paris are arming themselves with clearing vehicles, excavators, cranes and water cannons.
The Ontario Premier says he is going to kidnap all the truckers and steal their money, he says everyone must obey the crooked, lying, traitorous government.
The globalists can’t back down, it is an all or nothing move for their control. Of course, their minions will continue to do as they’re told, which as we see is to act more tyrannical. Here we go again, throughout history it is a repeating story and it always ends up the same way – VIOLENCE.
It won’t be the people that draw first blood, but they damn well will clean out the trash in the end. It’s gonna get ugly, protect yourself, nobody else will.
Well said Terry
Make that in SPADES
In Sydney suburbia, past three elections, we have been ushered to the ballot boxes by ccp in plain clothes. They administer all councils as well as being the majority of surgeons over operating tables. NSW University is 90% ccp students, and has been for two or three decades. This dystopian kleptocracy is global dictatorship enforced by digital identity (papers please) credit score system!
Oz is krown kabal komunizm, seeing it as anything else is bs.
The Joe O’Biden administration is now claiming that Russia will stage a false flag attack coming from Ukraina, so it’s time to see what Paul Craig Roberts has had to say about it:
“The Donbass republics, the flashpoint for military confrontation, have already begged the Kremlin to reabsorb them into Russia, their home country. The Kremlin could erase the flashpoint by reabsorbing the Donbass Russians and reminding the West to “get off our doorstep before you are driven off.” But the Kremlin doesn’t want Donbass any more than it wants Ukraine. The Kremlin came up with the Minsk Agreement, because the Kremlin wants to keep the Donbass Russians in Ukraine for the same reason that the Soviet government put them there–to water down the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and prevent a train wreck. The Kremlin does not want the responsibility for Ukraine, and the Kremlin doesn’t want to give Western propagandists support for their claim that Putin wants to restore the Soviet empire. The only reason Russia would invade Ukraine would be to forestall US missile bases being located there.”
“It is time for Russia to get on with its partnership with China, setting up a new payments system and a new reserve currency and developing the Asian trade relations to which both countries have committed. It is inexplicable why Russia and China got themselves entangled in Washington’s financial tentacles. It is difficult to believe that Putin and XI are as gullible as the average American. It is long past time for both countries to jettison the neoliberal economics that holds both countries back. As Michael Hudson and I have made clear, there is no validity to neoliberal economics. Russia should use its exports of energy to Europe to strengthen the ruble by billing in rubles. Why should Russia strengthen the Euro and dollar by billing in those currencies?”
More recently Russia has reportedly accepted bitcoin as dual currency, following El Salvador and a handful of US states ( including Arizona which is the fault line for everything ).
Looking at this story, CBS ( which also controls Australian channels 9 & 10 ) has been banging the drum since at least April last year about the Russian military buildup but both the satellite photos are of places well over 100 miles from the border and probably existed as military bases for a long time. The fake news keeps showing us file photos of tanks rolling around. There is no map, no data, just talking heads repeating things other talking heads have been told to say. There is no news on the news, it’s 100% propaganda. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong anymore because we are just being fed lies by “our own” side.
A bit of Russia news:
Thats the trick of it W3 – infiltrate the enemy, take on their identity, lay in your own deceptive control / theft agenda alongside their established social structures.
Bleed them dry. Divide and Conquer – Every single social structure we have has been infiltrated.
Don’t EVER believe they are “our own side”. – They are the worst enemy you/we have.
Update from John O’Looney Following His Hospitalization [VIDEO]
ER Editor: The last we heard about Milton Keynes funeral director John O’Looney, he had been taken to hospital ill. A drama ensued whereby he was literally rescued from the hospital by connected sources from within North America and the UK. He talks about these precise circumstances at the outset of the video. We’ve made a few notes below. See John O’Looney VIDEO for more.
Died WITH or FROM?
An excerpt from the above:
“The key element here is consent: many of these elderly were simply not dying. Some elderly were recovering or coping with their illnesses in the carehomes. (Visitors were not let in because they could act as witnesses.) Meanwhile, they were dying. Family members would call to find out how their relatives were doing only to be told they had died that day. Nurses had been instructed to give a particular dose of Midazolam, an end of life drug (60 mg), which is a lethal dose in fact, and known to be so. Who’s been giving these injections? An incredible amount of Midazolam was used during this time. There is a paper trail on this. He’s been contacted by dozens of people abroad with the same testimony. It’s global; our governments are puppets to the same end, to get needles in arms.”
Trudeau’s Puppet Master? … since you mentioned it …
• Stephen Bronfman: Justin Trudeau’s Handler
• Trudeau: Just Another Soros Puppet – 2017
• The Jew who controls Canada’s Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau: Mind-Controlled Illuminati Poster Child? – Henry Makow