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Trump and Rogan


Comment by DM

Is this the game changer?

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Clif High predicted this meeting in 2009 with the remote viewers. “New Clif High: Trump Stunning Intel! Trump/Rogan Interview to Change Humanity!Β 



    • From 26:30 on the Rogan-Trump chat:
      TRUMP β€œI do things that don’t necessarily make me so popular, I just do what’s right.
      Look at Iran: we would never have had the attack on Israel at all; Iran was broke. I told China ‘if you buy from Iran you can’t do business in the United States.’ We were going to go cold turkey with China some people think that would have been a good idea. I just said ‘if you buy any oil one barrel of oil from Iran you’re not doing business with us. So Iran went broke. They had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas’ ”

    • Elon Muck pushing his ID barrow re voter fraud and others on “replacement theory”. We got lots of replacements in Western Australia, the old people and useless eaters all scheduled to drop off the perch sometime between now and Xmas 2025. Population here went up to 3 million the other day, mostly imports. 20 years ago was only 2 million.

  1. It’s not government of the people for the people, it’s government of and for a hidden oligarchy of thieves and murderers loaded on all bases with bs and new clear (nuclear).

    • Elspeth, I think the process of language analysis along with remote viewing is they are giving us “indicators” … like markers along a journey. I think of it like a road trip. You have a map of where you are going (in the future), and you can say for sure that there will be certain road signs and you can predict there will be 60Km and 90km signs… but they are kind of telling us that they see a dead kangaroo. (So maybe when you hit the Kangaroo in the night you can say they joined the dots… but the language model would possibly predict that for a long night drive in Australia anyway — because it comes up/ people talk about that).

      So I don’t think they are “absurd predictions” — they are simply “future markers” that may (or may not) have significance if they are elevated enough (which they found years ago). The most famous and despised politician on the planet talking to the most popular podcaster is a marker. Will it do anything/change anything?

      It’s the same as Alex Jones predicting planes flying into the twin towers months before (a sort of channeling that just “came to him”).

      When I was filming a documentary in a South Africa game reserve we filmed a scene with a Sangoma. The leopards we were filming had gone missing for days and so we thought it would be an interesting angle. The tracker just thought this was what you do when things go missing. So we went, and the Sangoma threw the bones and chanted like hell for half an hour. He then declared… “You drive up this road. You will will find an upside down tortoise in the road, and near that you will find the leopard and her cubs in a tree.”

      The tracker was about 40 years old and said he had seen tortoises on their back but never on the road (track), I was pretty skeptical as a filmmaker. Anyway we set off… we found the upside tortoise, and the leopards were in a tree nearby. It’s in the 1987 documentary SILENT HUNTER.

      • Well, quote,”Alex Jones predicting planes flying into the twin towers” didn’t β€œchange humanity” either. What took place on 11 September 2001 might have bought some pre-existing political issues to the fore, but simply predicting something doesn’t change human nature

      • Natural people have tricks like this, they are more interesting than Klaus Swab’s little technocracy gizmoes

      • Maybe so with 911, but not sure that’s right. I think there would have been instances in recent times where the “prediction” — or the anticipation and exposure of a possible event altered the course when a false flag was not implemented.

  2. Well E B, you had your go, stuff, we are not stupid
    I am up to trek hour 50 mins with eight to go.
    TRUMP IS COOL EXCEOT FOR THE BOXING STUFF SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE . I was listening whilst driving from the country, now back to it with a Toney’s.
    Well I only have seven minutes to go.

    EVERYONE NOTE AT ABOUT 1 (2?) 45 he refers to the jfk file and;
    Wait for it

  3. Bigger, censored
    Just go to about 1.45 hours for JFK and
    Where? Try BIn.
    A few of our usual normies here have a problem.

    • Oh, they were too slow againπŸ€ͺπŸ’πŸ§ŒπŸ§ŒπŸ§ŒπŸ§ŒπŸ§ŒπŸ§Œ
      Enjoy MM, JB, there may be a THOR around yet?

      • The ear wound at 1:20:30 if memory serves.
        Curiously Trump said after the ear shooting he didn’t play golf. Then Rogan reminded him there was another assassin lurking next to the golf course.
        As for UFO’s I think everyone knows all about them, why does the media keep presenting this as if it were new, we saw one when we were still school age, a very good example, point is, it is hardly anything new and barely controversial, it is just not spoken of as one of many odd taboos we have.

        • Joe,
          T said he did not remember playing golf after the ear incident.
          Have you considered that the T on the course at that time was the double. So real T ducked and said he did not remember the game.
          Joe it is. β€˜D Day’ game. πŸ’πŸ€ͺ

          • Has Clif High fine tuned his event date to the day after the election ? Or election day ?

          • Really Joe,
            How the F do we know.
            Let us know when you do.
            IT IS A GAME. No cheating or ripping out the last page, you have a brain, enjoy it’s resources.

          • Clif High said there would be an event 3x or 10x the impact of 9-11 and it is scheduled sometime around the election date so I just wonder if he fine tuned it yet so I can buy toilet paper

          • Joe,
            You are becoming increasingly trite and boring with inane queries.
            HAVE YOU EVER BOTHERED TO LISTEN, examine and consider High with Dick Allgire, their information and the basis thereof?
            Kindly do not attempt to exhibit your ignorance to me again.
            I put you in the EB and MM basket.
            All the best.

          • You probably messed up the spell checking AI compulsive meddling app and it put your entry in the too hard basket.

          • I always leave Plodgers alone until he comes along to insult me with his ad-hominem rubbish, thankfully he is busy cooking his crow pies now which he intends to feed to anyone but especially me as soon as we arrive in Trumptopia. What a bore quarrelling is.
            I can’t listen to hours of Clif High talking about Ethereal grumpy old bald men in the materium just to try to pick up one remark about the forthcoming major event

          • As you wish, you have been promoted.
            From the basket to the shredder……. May my roses appreciate your contributions and thrive amongst your thorns.

          • I will do the reverse brer rabbit: the shredder is a great compliment, the juiciest stuff goes in the shredder

  4. o there you are, no white flag, even for an Irish moment

    shout out to the blow bogan and seems a bucketful Berri. dont get me wrong your all exquisite

  5. Now want some proof that our mass media are fakes?
    Tomorrow’s Sunday papers will demonstrate it to you tomorrow with their opinions and editsπŸ’πŸ™€πŸ€ͺ
    I will be up early.

  6. Clive Palmer has funded class actions in the Queensland Supreme Court for 300 cops and paramedics who were force-mandate-coerced to be injected with Bill Gates’ “experimental” muck, which from all accounts does not function even as described ie it doesn’t even work, they get covid anyway. Inject cops because of replacement theory, the imported cops being mercenaries.

    • Well that was quick, the ALP got trounced, and KAP lost seats too as people seem to have thrown their will behind removing the woke dopes of the ALP. This is a good omen for Western Australia which goes to the polls around the same time as Elbow, early next year.
      I think the leadership of the potential 2025 blue party in WA should be less ridiculous than the full potential ridiculousness of either major party as shown in recent years, we can only hope and petition as hard as possible, that we might not be forcibly injected by UN mercenaries.

    • Good call only 4 seconds wasted. Well Islam has the circular references and look how many will defend Islam to the death.

  7. How would the 6 eye government get to stir wars in Ukraine Gaza Lebanon Iran and elsewhere if we the people were asked to pay more tax to finance them?
    It just wouldn’t happen. That’s why politickians since 1914 have allowed central banksters to fleece our mass majority, whilst taking over the world, lending money to governments and people.

    The inflation we are dealing with now is actually taxation in disguise for all types of projects desired by them. It’s astounding what our government does, not needed by we the people, murdering innocents keeping their system in force.

    Only Christianity can break them with Jesus teaching us all about the Kingdom to come beginning with the Our Father Prayer upon awakening every day.

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