by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In his recent, mind-boggling essay on the CIA as a monolith, G5 said:
“Life was not meant to be easy. Which is why we have Rational and Critical Thought.”
OK, so life’s not easy. It is possible that in the early 20th century there were still many folks around the world whose lives were untouched by this big Secret Group. But it is a shocking fact that this organization has captured all or most of us now. In daily life in the US and Australia we can feel the pressure and we are expecting “worser and worser.”
Is critical thought of any value here? Of course it is. Humans conquered many problems in the past, usually by means of rational intelligence, and also by various emotional instincts.
Among the things we conquer – or have made some attempt to conquer – is the simple issue of the behaviour of the powerful.
In 1752 Scottish thinker Davis Hume wrote this:
“Almost all the governments, which exist at present, or of which there remains any record in story, have been founded originally, either on usurpation or conquest, or both, without any pretense of a fair consent, or voluntary subjection of the people. When an artful and bold man is placed at the head of an army or faction, it is often easy for him, by employing, sometimes violence, sometimes false pretenses, to establish his dominion over a people a hundred times more numerous than his partizans.”
At this point, Hume’s comment should be considered Gospel. Indeed, no thinker would argue against it. Granted, there are plenty of citizens who want to walk on the light side or the sweet side and say that such human behavior is not of great significance, but they have not studied today’s ins and outs. If they did, I’m sure they would soon side with David Hume.
So, then, how to tackle this terrible issue? The first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that the many thousands of high-tier agents of the Monolith ought to look around and realize that they are destroying their own nest, their own habitat. They, too, need to eat, and they need to have water coursing through the city pipes. I mean they’re not planning to dig wells and draw water for their family, are they?
Just think how comparable is their “state of denial” to the state of denial of the citizens they are abusing. Pretty funny. For any human-nature trait that they laugh at in us, there must be classic examples of them exhibiting the same trait.
One of those traits – it’s the one that leads to gambling addiction – is the human instinct to judge one’s prospects for success at a too-high rate. A sociobiologist would theorize that this trait evolved in good Darwinian fashion, as a way to make us forge ahead. If we were all cock-eyed pessimists nothing would get done.
Do Something
But come on, you guys in the “CIA” (the nomenclature doesn’t matter, OK?), you don’t have to be so obedient, so obsequious, so friggin’ unimaginative. Sure you got roped into the organization without fully knowing what it was, or what you would end up being party to, but by now you have some idea.
If you don’t like it, do something. My mother would say “Don’t send good money after bad.” For Pete’s sake, don’t plod along towards your own destruction.
In G5’s article there is a claim that President Trump is under house arrest. I assume that’s a metaphor as he isn’t exactly wearing shackles. Trump’s inability – despite his being a billionaire – to do what he wants is an object lesson for us all.
I guess Trump could tweet “Help, please help! I’m going to be killed!” One wishes previous presidents had done that. But it’s never too late. As my friend Kimberlee Davis famously said “It’s not over till God says it’s over.” She actually said that before her brother Troy Davis was judicially murdered by Supreme Court approved lethal injection
Should we conclude that God gave the green light for Troy’s execution? Or for the manmade earthquake in Haiti? Or for the deliberate infecting of a million kids in China with autism? Or for the fact that children are not taught the 3 R’s anymore, Etc, Etc? I don’t think so; I think it’s in our hands. I mean your hands.
“We the people” – that is peeps not in the high-tier, or any tier, of the Firm, need to get together. Hume said this about the aforementioned powerful leader:

“He allows no such open communication, that his enemies can know, with certainty, their number or force. He gives them no leisure to assemble together in a body to oppose him. Even all those, who are the instruments of his usurpation, may wish his fall; but their ignorance of each other’s intention keeps them in awe, and is the sole cause of his security. By such arts as these, many governments have been established….”
All right already so soon, Hume, we got it, we got it! It’s the year 2017 and anyone who is not doing a Rip Van Winkle has observed that the powerful try to keep us from communicating with one another. We even ken how “our iggorance of each other’s wish to get the hell out of this situation renders Big Boy able to sell his security gadgets to us.” (Paraphrase.)
Bewdy, at least that much is under our belt now – no small achievement. Ol’ smartypants me was still in the dark as recently as 2004. Now I can think!
Play Kissy Face with the Powerful or At Least with the Top Tier
Who’s the top tier? Since I do not know I will quote 5 authors:
John C Coleman says there is a Committee of 300. Tavistock is a big implementer of the Committee’s wishes. Coleman’s book is The Conspirator’s Hierarchy (1996). He says he got his information while working in Angola and read a few cables.
Ronald Bernard says he was in the Illuminati more or less as a businessman. He says there were 8,000 in the top tier like him. He says he only withdrew at the point where he was asked to “sacrifice” a baby. See him on Youtube in Dutch with subtitles in Englsih.
Al Martin, who runs the financial website AlMartinRaw.com, wrote The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider. He knows the dirt of CIA importation of drugs to the US, which for a short time Maxine Waters in Congress tried to expose. He, Al Martin, performed frauds and says Geo W’s talent was insurance fraud.
Those three men are agents and do not speak from the perspective of the mind-controlled, but Brice Taylor and Wendy Hoffmn do. Both of them think they have met the persons above the high-tier agents. (Note: I place Kissinger in the high-tier slaves category.)
Remember I mean the phrase “high tier” to mean high-level slaves to someone even higher.
Brice Taylor says, in Thanks for the Memories (1995), that she used to be hoisted on rope-ladders to a yacht where 6 powerful men gave instructions to her to deliver to president-types. This may have caused her to go underground for the last 10 years (or under ground, as the case may be). I take her seriously. She had hands-on experience with, inter alia, Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy. Nuf said.
Wendy Hoffman was able to get her books published in UK by Karnak Press: both Enslaved Queen and White Witch in a Black Robe. The latter is held by 109 libraries, mostly in universities. Although she minces words a bit, anyone can see that she is talking about Vatican City and Buckingham Palace. This book is strictly about Satanism, not about Iran-Contra type carrying on.
Don’t go to your grave without absorbing what Wendy Hoffman has to say. I was given hope by her book, on the basis that the top dogs are so weirded-out by their pathetic Satan worship that it should be easy to wreck their lil’ ol’ house of cards. (I mean talk about ideological vulnerability, they’ve got it by the truckload!)
The Cherri’s and Cheryls of Our Generation
Throughout Australia, people are beginning to see that they are responsible for the cruel incarceration of Martin Bryant, a patsy who took the rap for a “CIA”-run massacre 21 years ago. Throughout North America, people are beginning to hear of the plight of Jahar Tsarneav in a Supermax prison where he could easily be tortured lest he spill beans about the Marathon.

As far as I can tell, it is women such as Cherri Bonney in regard to Bryant, and Cheryl Dean in regard to Tsarnaev, who have got the ball rolling for the (possible) liberation of the prisoners. They take the traditional position of a caring female individual and yell “There is no reason to put up with this.”
That in itself is a force in the world. If the caring women grab someone by the ears in the street and say “Why are you complicit in this cruelty?” many folks will join the march. Note: I do NOT support the idea that “love” works by itself. Right now there be a huge amount of love in the hearts of women, but it would take coordination for it to have an effect on public policy.
Be What You Are
I wish intelligent folk would do whatever is in their talent to do. Form little clubs. Set up a tent on the lawn and call it the Tent of ______ (whatever you like). Pen a letter to some non-official person. Make a poignant cry for help — or even for mercy.
When I say “try kissy face,” I am aware that the members of the Organization who happen to be sociopaths can never respond. They cannot hear a moral appeal, or if they hear it they think it’s funny. They are natural outlaws and probably a judicious deployment of “Caput great lupinem” would go a long way with them.
Gumshoe editor Dee McLachlan has been doing what she feels is her mission – she opposes the lies of the MSM. That is her specialty. Reading court transcripts is not her specialty. You gotta do what you can.
Just imagine if everyone, or even 5% of the population, got on the case by doing their portion. Just imagine if persons with vision would stop being too shy to enunciate ways on which we might begin to get out of our mess.
Postscript: In a comment to G5’s article, Diane DeVere said that Reverse Kabbalah-the shadow dark side is used in ”training” programs in satanic cults [and] yes it is related to CIA and Military Intelligence training.” That led me to find this
Amazon review of Alison Miller’s book ($32, used) Healing the Unimaginable:
“The accounts of ritual abuse survivors corroborate one another making it very clear not just that there is one very well organized underground criminal organization responsible, but why they do what they do, how they do it, and how they have gotten away with it for so long. The strange claims of survivors, from alien abductions to demon possession, no longer serve to discredit survivors, as they were meant to. Now such a memory would strengthen a survivor’s credibility. These tricks have clearly been exposed as an intentional means of discrediting a survivor’s account if they started to remember the horrific abuse. Healing the Unimaginable validates and explains the reality of ritual abuse. I recommend this book to everyone except survivors, and to survivors, I recommend you refuse to work with any therapist who will not buy this book.”
–Mary W Maxwell thinks the mind control programs of the powerful are the key to it all. Please visit her at www.maxwellforsenate.com
You go, Cherri, Olga, Wendy, Vanessa, Carleen, Lindy, and others
You go, Cheryl, Josee, Mairu, Elena, Lynn, Maret, and others
You’re gonna do it. You’re gonna DO IT.
Absolute, spot on article Mary. I’ve been asking people this question now for many years, and to date, have never ever received an adequate reply.
With all the talk of war and Nuking countries, it never ceases to amaze me, that the same folks seem to be under the impression the fallout from such events will stay in the countries they have anihiliated. They ignore atmosphere, winds and air currents, rain and rivers washing contaminants into rivers and then the ocean WORLD WIDE eventually bring back to the aggressors, the very stuff they have dropped on others. It was proven during the shock and awe campaign, this contaminant reach Scotland of all places with two weeks. How about Fukushima contaminant floating in the Atlantic coming down the coast of America, or the after effects of the Drilling disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico, the contaminant from these events is STILL, today, hard at work contaminating everything it touches, and DOES enter the food chain, and the drinking water cycle that we all, (even the folks that order these events) rely on for our survival ? It’s rather revealing, that the MSM has very little of the after effects of these events that still pose a very great danger to mankind’s survival.
What will these people then breath/eat/drink ? They cannot isolate themselves from the outcome for the rest of their lives, so they too, will succumb in the end.
So, the whole issue then states, “WHAT’S THE POINT OF IT ALL” ?
What goes around, comes around.
Wow, Eddy. That’s a compendium. I think the drilling disaster in Gulf of Mexico was planned. We read at the time that photographers were not allowed to take pictures of the oil slick.
Australia is the most successful in becoming a controlled well indoctrinated cultures, many reasons as to why this is so such as being a continent far from the centers of an intellectual activity, any one who dares venture into discussing politics with a Australian, will become isolated.
Fear within the Australian psyche is paramount, to controlling them, they require constant consumption being sex, drugs the beach and so on, this hedonistic culture is ideal for its control by institutes of the mind such as Tavistock, it is ideal as a experimental system now firmly a success as a model for control.
I recall many decades ago that the Australian public are just ‘laboratary rats’. (my summary)
Corporates tested their new product market in Australia as being a useful isolated laboratary.
Small population, thus limited advertising etc., separated by geography, useless msm, western culture…anglo saxon at the time, measuring reactions and testing marketing methodology and anything else useful……. like; how to control public perceptions in a gullible and controlled environment.
Nice to live in a laboratory; they have fed us well whilst we are usefull rats under house arrest in our cage.
Hate to think how we will survive when they have finished with us…..well they nearly have, we cannot produce a light bulb, a tv, a radio, a motor vehicle, a axe that can strike, a spanner or a nut to undo, a shoe for our feet, a cardigan to keep us warm, even poor Uncle Toby has succumbed to the Nestle water thieves. ….. how about about a list at gumshoe to demonstrate the Don Willisee, betrayal of Australia at Lima in 1975 with the UN Lima declaration betraying Australia and our workers?
Yes, we are just lab rats for implementing the UN new world fascist/commie order placed under house arrest by the corporate fascists and banker gaolers.
Our pollies and msm are turning the keys to our house to keep our children in.
stupid internet
Does not take a scentilla of imagination to identify the banker rats in Canberra and the msm with a controlled ABC.
You there Malcolm?
Shall I dare to suggest that the mass murders at Port Arthour was just part ot their laboratry experiement on we, the caged Laboratory rats to condition us.
No, just have another bite of our blue pill cheese and be happy in your çage…….. shut up!
I am under moderation.
Apols moderator, for some reason my email address had some editions at the end, probably due to a wayward rh little finger that pressed a button.
I Pads are so sensitive!
And moderating is slow.
Ned, Eddy, and Don:
When I mentioned in my recent Boston article that Michele McPhee had written in Newsweek about the affidavit Aunt Maret sent to court (re Jahar), someone suggested that her purpose was to say that Maret’s allegations were “bizarre.”
Now that I see the NYPOST reporting shamelessly about the latest Ursula Haverbeck arrest (Oct 17, 2017), I guess it’s true about McPhee. They think they can say outrageous things as the Party Line is widely accepted. Here is a snip:
“Denying the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were slaughtered, is a crime in Germany because it constitutes incitement of racial hatred. The crime is punishable by up to five years in prison. Haverbeck is a notorious extremist who was once chairwoman of a far-right training center that was shuttered in 2008 for spreading Nazi propaganda.”
For the record: Ursula, who will be 90 next year, is devoted to truth and has noted that we can’t have science without truth.
She will win, I think. Ring your bookie and see what the odds are.
Six million. The magic, immutable number. No science allowed in case the answers make someone feel bad. Feelings are all that matters now dontchaknow? Facts be racis’, or anti-semitic, or homophobic, or something else that hasn’t been thought of yet.
“Troopers responded to Sen Rand Paul’s residence Friday afternoon regarding an alleged assault, according to the Kentucky State Police.
“’ Upon their arrival, it was determined that Rene Boucher had intentionally assaulted Paul causing a minor injury,’ the KSP said in a statement.
“The troopers obtained a warrant for Boucher’s arrest and subsequently charged him with 4th degree assault under Kentucky law. The 59-year old man is being held at the Warren County Regional Jail. Bond was set at $5,000”
“The senator is fine.”.
Typo above. I intended “Caput GERAT lupinem” — not caput “great” lupinem.