Home Trump Trump vs Biden OR Freedom vs Tyranny?

Trump vs Biden OR Freedom vs Tyranny?


Editor’s Note: Three videos to provide entertainment and comments for the day.

Many suggest that a vote for Biden is a vote for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and for Big-Tech to move into the White House — and with that the end of free and democratic speech.

Tucker on the mainstream media.

Chris Uhlmann is a good example of what Tucker describes.

Uhlmann calls President Trump as “making the world a more dangerous place” in his devoid-of-facts opinion video “Why the world needs a Biden win.”

Interesting that Uhlmann ignores the fact that past administrations were the war-mongering administrations, and that Trump has more or less stopped the war agenda.

This video is about Nigel Farage calling Trump “the bravest person I know”





  1. Confucius said

    “To Govern –

    To govern simply by statute and to maintain order by means of penalties is to
    render the people evasive and devoid of a sense of shame”.

    What the original source is, I haven’t a clue.

  2. I tried to get with the program, but I appear not to have one electoral vote.
    Whats wrong with people, anywho I refuse to accept defeat.

  3. As a former Yank, I am curious about what happens in the American elections. However, it is more curiosity than any OMG! moment.

    I thought Trump would win based upon the various rallies I saw, the Democrats had difficulty drawing a crowd. It looks like the ‘progressive, left wing element of society’ may have convinced enough Yanks that Kamala (not Biden) is to be the future President of the U.S.

    Fork me, I suppose it is for the best. The sooner the U.S. collapses, the sooner the rest of the world can get on with their lives.

    Never under estimate the stupidity of the 80% when it comes to the Pareto Principle. LOL!

  4. My moneys on the Federal reserve again….alas it seems the only folks not suffering Stockholm syndrome may very well live in Stockholm

  5. By the way, strange header title for this article. ie: Freedom Vs Tyranny.

    I would’ve thought a more accurate description would be :

    Tyranny Vs Slightly-More-Tyranny.

    • First two minutes only 🙂 :

      I am really not following the show – they have engineered enough doubt and intrigue with missing votes, blank votes, dead people voting and broken voting machines to keep us all in suspense …

      • As I see it, Julius, the main problem for an armed populace is that ordinary, decent, people don’t like to kill other people; particularly their own kith and kin. I’m pretty sure that if I had the head of one of my remote neighbours’ rioting, pillaging, sons or daughters in my sights I would be appalled, and if I felt compelled to shoot them to protect those in my care I would be retching.

        It’s only a bit different when facing a foreign invader; they can be “dehumanised” as an existential threat to father nation and mother culture. But it’s harder to wage war on your neighbour: it goes against the grain: it goes against the obvious Commandment to “honour your father” (nation) “and mother” (culture). “Civil war” is an awful thing that defies explanation other than the result of occult deception.

        However, all the known “revolutions” in recorded history are carried out by conscienceless brigands who are promised wanton indulgence and indemnity from accountability… mostly also including monetary and status inducements. All sycophants of the “New World Order” are abject slaves of moral and intellectual perversity in one way or another.

        No “revolution” in recent history hasn’t been orchestrated by “big money” and ego-maniacal dupes installing anarchy as a prelude to despotism and tyranny. Funny that the result of moral and intellectual anarchy is always political tyranny.

  6. Mary,
    Wake me on Saturday morning and tell me who is the alleged winne, if the riots have commenced and location of the battle paddocks.

  7. Interesting that in Arizona, a state that always goes to the GOP, that Biden has a handy lead.

    If Trump loses Arizona (as appears likely), he’s in deep doo doo.

    Anyway, as I write this, Trump leads 212-209 in the electoral votes but even so, I’m prepared to call a Biden victory.

    I heard that Trump put out a tweet a little while ago along the lines of : ‘They’re stealing the election’.

    Trump is a worried man.

  8. Just in : 79 % of the vote counted in Arizona and Biden leads by 52% to 46%.

    I think Trump’s goose is cooked there.

    So, even if Trump holds the battleground states, if he loses a couple of states that he didn’t anticipate (eg: Nth Carolina, Wisconsin and Georgia where the GOP lead is marginal), then he’ll be knee deep in it.

    In fact, as I speak, the GOP leads in Wisconsin by 4 %.

    My Prediction : Trump will LOSE Wisconsin – as the mail-in vote is anticipated to be a BLUE SURGE.

    So Trumpers, it’s looking bleak.

      • Mary, just calling it as I see it.

        Just listening to the live coverage and the commentator says there’s no way he can call Nth Carolina tonight.

        As I write this, Trump leads by a few % in N.C.

        Well, I am calling N.C will be a Biden win. And if that transpires, Trump is done.

        If the Dems take Georgia too (formerly GOP heartland), then Biden will not only win, but will win with a handy margin.

      • “Pleeeeese, God, not Kamala.” – Crikey, wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake of the collapse of the American Empire.

        Centuries from now people will be going, WTF were they thinking?

  9. Gumshoe readers may be aware that I despise both candidates with a passion and have no dog in this race.

    That said, I just watched the former ABC journo (now with Channel 9) Chris Uhlmann’s video above, and I have to say, this takes the cake for depths of bias and one-sided reporting.

    I have NEVER, in all my days, seen such a lopsided hit piece on one particular candidate prior to an election.

    That was the most disgraceful thing I’ve ever seen – even the pro-Democrat U.S mainstream media would never have stooped to those depths and lack of even a smidgen of objectivity.

    Of course, what Uhlmann had to say is no more than a reflection of the ideology of his employers (the Nine Network – which also owns The Sydney Morning Herald / The Age).

    Basically, it reflects a move to the hard left.

    • Hard left?
      Bugger the left. Ever considered the totalitarian corporate federal reserve currency bankers control commie freaks going for the NWO totalitarian system. The left are just used village idiots.

  10. Indeed Diane – this is all theatre.

    The actors are reading their lines, the tension builds towards a climax, but the finale was decided a long time ago in the shadowy halls of power.

  11. 25 years ago today, Israeli P.M Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Likud Party affiliated extremist.

    Rabin was negotiating a just peace with the Palestinians that would’ve seen a cessation of expansion of Israeli settlements and theft of Palestinian land.

    This could not be tolerated by the Likud Party (Netanyahu’s team) fanatics and his Rothschild/Usury cartel of bankers sponsors

    Today, Trump is being assassinated.

    He should’ve hit the ground running and done the bulk of the swamp draining in his first 2 years in office (when the GOP had control of both houses and could’ve legislated anything it pleased) – but he just didn’t have the guts.

    Now he’s in the dust bin of history.

  12. PROTOCOL No. 10


    In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.
    By that time we shall be in a position to disregard forms in carrying through matters for which our impersonal puppet will be responsible. What do we care if the ranks of those striving for power should be thinned, if there should arise a deadlock from the impossibility of finding presidents, a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? …
    In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that some blind slave of ours – the majority of the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.
    It is easy to understand them in these conditions the key of the shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any longer direct the force of legislation………….

    • Spot on Criss X.

      We [The Zio-cabal] Name Presidents.

      That’s all anyone needs to know about today’s Dog and Pony show.

    • I think I get what you’re saying that the president be controlled by the people. Too late possibly Criss X for the “key of the shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any longer direct the force of legislation” The people have been brain-drained for the last 70 years by Operation Mockingbird and everything that morphed after. I don’t think people in general (and in unison) can logically make head or tail of what is going on or what has been done to them. And agree TV, whether it is the Zio-cabal; but I expand: the techno-cabal; the CCP-cabal; the medical-cabal and ESPECIALLY the MEDIA-CABAL, the plans is to fry brains; fry critical thinking and have fodder. I think the Zio-view is now a very narrow one. I’d say many cabals competing for a seat at the alter. But who do the cabals REALLY answer to?

      • Fair enough Dee. The Zionists worked with the Chinese in getting a nuclear capability in the mid-60’s so the CCP cabal are very much still in cahoots with them to the present day.

        As to who the cabals really answer to, you need only FOLLOW THE MONEY.

        There is one cabal that ALREADY has a greater financial wherewithal than ALL the other cabals combined (with blue sky in between).

        And that’s not even factoring in their ownership of the Federal Reserve / ECB / Bank of England etc (where they can digitally create trillions more to dole out amongst themselves).

        No prizes for guessing which cabal I’m referring to.

  13. I just watched the video accompanying the article above where Nigel Farage praises Trump.

    Now, let me just say, I like Nigel Farage and have been following him for many years.

    But, when Farage says Trump has been ‘bringing Israel together with Arab nations’, that is one DOOOZY of a porky pie.

    That fact that the leaders of the UAE have been bought off to sign some toilet-tissue-pact with Israel, doesn’t amount to a hill of excrement.

    As for Farage’s comment that Trump is the ‘bravest and most resilient politician he’s ever met’, I suggest Farage get around more and break his one room solitary Covid lockdown, because evidently he’s met next to no one.

    • TV, you gotta give Trump some form of bravery medal — knowing what happened to JFK and those that went against the establishment. Maybe his alliance is the only reason he’s alive. Just thinking aloud.

      • My *theory Dee, is that if the “establishment” didnt want Trump there in the first place.. he wouldve been “JFK-ed” way before now…

        theres no elections in the USA.. only selections.
        He is there because he works for them.

        *backed by zero qualifications

        • Fair D, I know what you mean, and I think that is the case in some way. But what does not make sense is that the mainstream media would have eased up on him; even supported him. But the MSM have done everything to bury Trump.

          I am inclined to think that a faction pulled a popular “character” to overturn the DC / NWO suspects and establishment. A typical power struggle.

          Have you ever in human history had leaders or kings or rulers ever be coordinated and happy to work together and be equal to the other all-powerful?
          That doesn’t make sense to me. I think the factions of power; the families; to all powerful must be in constant struggle like the mafia over their turf. Then they try coordinate their power at davos and bilderberg. Their objective is the same and are forced to work together.

          They have to accommodate the new techno-crats and USE them. I go along with the theory that there must be a constant struggle for power. Like the Italian and banking mafia were in control of Washington in early 1900s, JFK was a move by the banking and the Zio mafia to move the other mafia out. (Calling them mafia for ease of a name). Now the CCP along with the techno and medical mafia and a new banking mafia faction… are competing with some of the old guard — but not happy about a person that wants to give people a voice.

          I do think this election is about humanity somewhat staying human. I think in the future we will look back and see that Trump catching Cov2 and his quick recover is/was a turning point for humanity.

          If Biden wins, prepare to roll up your sleeves and be impregnated.

          • Thanks for that Dee.. love your work as always.
            I agree.. MSM is well against trump.
            but that alone doesnt make Trump right in my unqualified opinion…

            as far as impregnation goes.. trump seems to be as big of a supporter of a covid vax.. as bill gates… all the while decrying the power of big pharma? – to me.. so much hypocrisy with that man.. kinda.. if cant dazzle them with brilliance – baffle them with bullshit kinda guy..
            /me shrugs shoulders

            no matter if Biden or Trump wins..
            I feel *we will be the losers regardless

            so long as https://gumshoenews.com is here tomorrow.. next week.. next year..
            I dont care what happens 🙂

            *non-establishment folk.

          • Trump pro-vax is all about scared sheeple perception and choosing his battles. You want to be a small target sometimes. His real position was, is and would be free choice.

      • Dee
        Correct! The Q was just another psyop. The Deep State will get in who they want as they always do. The CRF have a high record of selecting Presidents. Jst look at the images of the pyramids (the globailst elites and the same old names and characters) with who is on the top and the politicians are on the lower level. We the People are on the ground level or should I say basement level 3 floors down…In politics its trickery, conniving, lying, scheming, dishonesty and now we are at a new level of satanic involvement with Agenda 21/2030, toxic and contaminated vaccines with nano-chips, HAARP, Doppler radar and chemtrails. The RESET is code for slavery.

        • She has the right idea and is on track!
          Anna Khait
          Sep 11
          Trump isn’t my Christian moral leader, Jesus is. God always uses imperfect people for His perfect will because no one is perfect besides CHRIST. God can use anyone and He does

          • So you might not get the leader you want
            But you sure will get the one you need

            Same principle applies across the board

          • Certainly not in the world of crooked dirty politics and big money it simply does not apply. They are bought and paid for or corrupted and blackmailed in todays world

          • There’s never been a government on the face of the earth that wasn’t corrupt in some respect
            Everyone needs to wake up to the fact that ALL systems ultimately fail
            But most people won’t heed the call until they’re pretty uncomfortable

          • Jeremiah 17:5 “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD.

      • Dee, I get where you’re coming from when you raise the bravery medal and Trump.
        Admittedly, I have no idea what level of threats and intimidation he and his family have been subjected to behind closed doors and more than likely I would’ve buckled under in his position.

        That said, I never ran for President.

        If you can’t stand the heat, get out of that White House kitchen.
        If you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do the the right thing, the COURAGEOUS thing, then you have NO BUSINESS CONTESTING FOR POTUS in the first place.

        For all his faults, people like Nixon took on the cabal when he signed the SALT 1 treaty (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) with the Soviets and went to China and re-established trade and diplomatic relations – definitely not part of the cabal dictated script (which would’ve preferred to keep China as the bogeyman in perpetuity as a pretext to keep boosting military expenditure and keep the gullible masses in fear of the ‘Reds’).

        Reagan did likewise with Gorbachev on nuclear weapons reductions.

        As for what JFK achieved in his 2 years and 10 months in office, there are not enough hours in the day to itemise them all.

        And this from Jimmy Carter :

        Carter said, that under his tenure : ‘ We never dropped a bomb, we never fired a missile’.

        THAT, fellow Gumshoe readers, is the TRUE MARK of a successful Presidency.

        Bottom Line : Running for U.S President is not like running to be top dog at the school P & C association.

        COURAGE and FEARLESSNESS is a prerequisite.

        JFK had it in spades.

        Trump’s Presidency will be remembered for the countless squandered opportunities.

        Four years of over-promising and nothing of substance to show for it.

  14. speaking of JFK
    “David L. Wolper’s documentary film “THE MAKING OF THE PRESIDENT 1960″, narrated by Martin Gabel, gives viewers a close-up look at the inner workings of the 1960 campaign for President of the United States, a hard-fought struggle which was won (just barely) by Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy. ”

  15. I remember a time when living in orstraylya.. no one gave two hoots about what was going on in amerika..

    now.. its non stop wall to wall coverage by all media including independent and social… ( i know today is sorta special ) – but this coverage isnt limited to just this day.

    I also remember when reporters would, when refering to the POTUS, would say, the American President, did such and such…

    now.. they just say President ( so-and-so ) – as if they are OUR president!

    maybe they are.. seems having our nose so firmly jammed up their anal orifice… its but a logical conclusion.

    I agree with TV when he says he despises both candidates equally.. but if Trump loses… then hopefully we will return to a world where not every news bulletin revolves around the latest looney tweet of some reality TV show hasbeen…

    he had his chance.. he shouldve locked her up and drained the swamp… if sleazy joe is the next potus… its trumps fault

    • The Democrats like Labor in Australia do it faster and things come to a climax much sooner, following which we may get some much needed rest.

  16. Electoral College thoroughly undemocratic: American professor

    “The electoral college, which is partly rooted in slavery, is a thoroughly undemocratic institution and makes a mockery of democracy in America,” Robert C. Smith, a professor of political science at San Francisco State University, tells the Tehran Times.

    Despite its long history of denying people the right to vote based on race and gender, today America portrays itself as the world’s leading democracy.

    Americans voted on Tuesday for the presidential election. The incumbent president, Donald Trump from the Republican Party, faced Democratic rival vice president Joe Biden.

    But it seems that the elections would not run smoothly this time given the potential threat to the smooth running of the vote.

    Some Americans believe that antiquated and outdated constitutional institutions like the Electoral College can undermine the voices of ordinary people.

    In the 2016 presidential election, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton garnered more national votes; however, she lost to Trump due to Electoral College.

    Professor Smith believes that such an electoral system should have been abolished before.

    “It should have long ago been abolished, but it takes an amendment to the Constitution which it makes virtually impossible to abolish, given the supermajorities required in Congress and the states,” Smith says, adding, “It may, along with the unrepresentative Senate, pose a major threat to the legitimacy of the democracy and a system crisis in America.” …………….


  17. I have this habit of watching “news” listening to radio and being on computer-maybe watching a video—“multitasking” ?? it calms my over active mind :-))
    apart from Noticing Amanda Vanstone and Malcolm Turnbull contributing to election report ??!! Later in the abc news–someone –a man -said –now America is in chaos da da da–then “China will need to establish its own power base in a strategic part of the world”–this got through to the Keeper and I wrote it down. The great south land is very strategically placed and full of resources and Melbourne has been practicing for gulags—
    Part of the script ??!!

  18. Watching elections past four decades, have concluded simply, that nation leaders do not have much influence on the long term agenda. They come for a term or two, or in Oz a year or two, with Josh and Scott bucking recent trends past decade here. There is an organisation worldwide controlling all selections. Don’t know if they use pens or pencils over there, even though on-line voting everywhere is fraud. Do they bother counting the votes? In Oz result is known a few hours after booths close in recent times. Do they dump them in recycling bins, who knows? The hidden international kabals make the law. Unseen unheard like the brainwashed mass, but with opposite influence that is total control. Crown slavemasonry and communism are one, bsl4 and private reserve bank franchises in most nations fact. Trump is a developer/mason nationalist backing local input. Biden is international slave trade on steroids via ccp cyber surveillance one belt and road world dystopian kleptocracy. This is the most important selection this century, decided by artificial alogarithymns instead of people. Hope I’m totally wrong and they use pens with people actually counting the votes, who knows?

    • I can imagine warehouses full of paid students ticking and filling in tens of thousands of mail-in ballots, and those boxes shuttled into counting centres. Wonder if that happened? I’d say millions could have been filled in by student “filler-iners” for $30/h. Say 50 ballots per hour for 100 hours. Take a 1000 students to fake 5 million votes and would only cost $3M plus bonuses. Is that all? Is my math right? Easier to jig the algorithms.

      • Dee,
        Who would have thought that computers inverted, like a mirror reflection, would hold lives in the balance. To be or not to be.
        I feel for our youth, we’re all getting on but, they deserve better than feudal slavery in this beast dragon system.

        • It is not only going to be the youth it will be us shortly as well unless there is a committed push-back which seems highly unlikely. History has shown that Australia is the only Commonwealth country not to defend its own country to become ‘independent’ and sovereign as all the other countries have done in the past.. It reveals the harsh reality that Australians are not patriot and it is jingoism in its place.

  19. Worth considering that without the MSM orchestrated scamdemic and all the brainwashing of the last 4 years, Trump would have delivered a massive landslide to all 3 houses, in which case his “supposed controllers” would have totally controlled the entire federal government legally including the supreme court.
    Which by very simple logic should put to bed the idea that Trump is controlled.

    • We got a preview a few days ago of what Joe’s like engaged in informal banter, when he rang up and chatted with Jimmy Dore :

  20. The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

    The Globalization of NATO

    Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order

    Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

    The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century

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