Kash Patel confirmed (btimesonline.com)
Comment by DM
The internet search engines have still not caught up with the changing political landscape — that Trump has scorched the nonsense propaganda. Some of my family are still being driven by the mindset of, say, the ABC — and argue that Trump and his side kick, Elon, are on a path of self enrichment.
I think the world is still trying to catch up with the warp speed changes being implemented by the Trump administration. So, for outside readers, this is a rundown briefing of Trump’s first month.
And now for the COMEDY STAND UP show. The camera focuses on the gaggle of media as Trump reads out the social security benefits going to the millions of Americans over the age of 120 years old… even 200 years old. I love the way how this unbelievable corruption is being absorbed by the media. Most of them seem to be unresponsive to this revelation except for a young woman and one man who seem to get the idea that Trump is rolling out a satirical stand up comedy routine.
Steve Bannon explains the MAGA journey (at CPAC 2025)
“The internet search engines have still not caught up”
Because they’re still being commandeered by illegals who aren’t sufficiently versed in English?
U Tube transcripts also speak volumes; an average third-grader could do better
Or is it that I just belong to another era?
The relationship between spiritual cowardice and intellectual laziness also shouted out in, quote:
“A BBC doco on Gaza narrated by a child whose father is a Hamas minister”
“I think the cameraman or videographer praised the October 7th attack is that right ?”
“Yeah. The BBC used two cameraman in Gaza one of whom saluted the 7th of October atrocities.
I found that out because I wanted to discover the truth. The BBC didn’t look because they don’t care This is all really about a naivety and an arrogance”
“Everything we see we see because Hamas has allowed us to see it. I mean if you take for example, on October the 7th we saw the atrocities because the terrorists and the journalist live streamed the footage proudly. We even saw some of them phone home to Mommy and Daddy to boast about how many Jews they killed. Since that date there’s been thousands of journalists and cameramen in Gaza, thousands of them. How many of them have sent images of the tunnels?
How many of them have done scoops of the hostages? or Hamas Fighters ?
The only thing we see is what Hamas wants us to see see”
“This is all really about a naivety and an arrogance”
Well any government that’s committed to creating a false sense of national security/maintaining a delusion of internal peace & prosperity is obviously bound to be hamstrung by both
More “naivety and an arrogance”spelled out in it’s immigration policy:
“An Afghan who had been convicted of indecent exposure was granted refugee status back in 2020, not in spite of being a sex offender, but because he is a sex offender. His ‘sexually disinhibited behaviour’, and the fact he ‘continues to act inappropriately towards females’, the court agreed, might expose him to ‘ill-treatment’ back in Afghanistan.
A Nigerian woman, who tried and failed to claim asylum eight times, succeeded on her ninth attempt – all thanks to her decision to join a terror group. In December last year, the presiding judge even acknowledged that the claimant was not a sincere supporter of the Indigenous People of Biafra, a proscribed terrorist organisation in Nigeria, but had joined up solely ‘in order to create an asylum claim’ to help her stay in the UK.
A Zimbabwean paedophile was due to be deported in 2021, but a judge blocked the proceedings, fearing that his ‘criminal record for child sex offences’, among other things, would leave him likely to face ‘substantial hostility’ from the authorities in Zimbabwe.”
Heaps of headline reports that are not found with our fake ABC et.al., at
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – stories.
8.12 timeline down on The Ukraine lies is a hoot.
Abbott and Dutton recent comments clearly indicate that they do not realise the 2014 colour revolution run by Nuland (hear the recorded phone calls in other reports) and Johnson’s direction to Z to tear up the peace agreement with P.
Have our idiot politicians ever heard of the Minsk agreements💁🙀🤪
They have been helping kill hundreds of thousands and apparently have not finished.
The court jester.
Elon Musk CHAINSAW disaster interview at CPAC
Three buses explode in Israel’s Bat Yam in suspected ‘terrorist’ attack
The three explosions took place on empty buses in separate car parks in the city, which lies south of Tel Aviv. Details are few and far between at the moment, but the police added that they were looking for suspects, and believe that the incidents could be part of a “nationalist” operation.
Empty parking lots,no victims.Smells like a FF to justify the ongoing attack on the West Bank with already 40,000 Palestinians “displaced”.
Today Hamas dug up and paraded the coffins carrying the bodies of Jewish babies and their mother. How did the poor oppressed lovely Palestinians react ? They cheered, they celebrated the fact that Hamas murdered Jewish babies. They came out to line the streets, to watch those coffins go by and celebrate”
According to stories they all got along before the Zionist interventions of the 20th century.
“Why Israel Created Hamas”
For “Israel” read “Zionists”
” Although many of the Arabs who now call themselves ‘Palestinians’ and their apologists assert that their brutality is a response to the supposed oppression of the State of Israel, Schwartz demonstrates in her admirably detailed book, ‘Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine that Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict’, that some Arabs have been making war on Jews and committing atrocities against Jews in Israel since the 1920s when the Arabs greatly outnumbered the Jews, the British ruled there by mandate of the League of Nations, and the Jews of Mandate Palestine were politically powerless, unable to oppress anyone.”
“the Jews of Mandate Palestine were politically powerless, unable to oppress anyone.”
And it’s common knowledge that Hitler tried to take advantage of the situation:
And as everyone knows, the very same courting strategy has more recently been employed by other Euro & Euro affiliated leaders
Of course friction started in the 1920’s after the British took down the Ottomans, that’s why I said “20th century”, the Arabs know what’s going on but they could not take on Britain, they were too fragmented themselves would be one reason
No, “friction” took off in the 9th century A. D.
“According to Islam, the ancient Jews were turned into animals for transgressing the word of God.[11] This divine punishment is mentioned in the most important sources of Islamic religious law, in both the Koran’s recounting of the divine revelation, and in the extremely reliable Hadiths (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) compiled by the leading ninth-century sages Muslim and Al-Bukhari,[12] which mention also mice, lizards, and other animals in the same context.
The divine punishment of Jews is mentioned in three Koranic verses: “… They are those whom Allah has cast aside and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made some as apes and swine…” (5:60); “…You have surely known the end of those from amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, in consequence of which we condemned them: Be ye like apes, despised” (2:65);[13] and “when, instead of amending, they became more persistent in the pursuit of that which they were forbidden, we condemned them: Be ye as apes, despised” (7:166).[14]
Arab literature (Adab) also discussed Jews’ transformation into animals. In his 9th century treatise The Book of Animals, the greatest of these authors, Al-Jahiz,[15] mentions that it is generally thought that the cheetah, eel, white ant, mouse, and lizard were originally Jews. He mentions the tradition telling how a sage saw a man eating a lizard and said to him: “Know that you have eaten one of the sheikhs of the sons of Israel.” He does not mention why they were changed into animals, but does say that proof of this is that “the lizard’s foot resembles the human hand.”[16]
You are the one bringing up the 1920’s, you are just being quarrelsome. Well these people 1000 years ago eating lizards in the desert have their stories and legends.
My wish is you would read the Apocrypha more, since it was banned and scrapped it must be good. It is slightly outside of my purview at the moment but I’m sure you have lots of time for such stuff.
YOUR response to the bus bombing vid,quote:
“they all got along before the Zionist interventions of the 20th century.”
Perhaps you’d care to explain exactly what said butt ignorant remark has got to do with the Apocrypha
A text that, BTW, has ALWAYS been included in the Roman Catholic bible
A text that was bypassed by the reformers purely and simply because it was being used as escapism from the issue of salvation
Just like the five dancing Israelis on 911 as people fell to their deaths and 3,000 were massacred in the towers.
Pity about Edna Cintron standing at a plane entrance signalling for help.
How many were buried in a coffin?
Have we forgotten the USS LIBERTY IN 1967 and others?
12.59 PM
So you think that accusing Israel of stuff that took place decades ago is going to save you from where Islam’s headed?
The relationship between spiritual cowardice and intellectual laziness in a nut shell
70% of over 100,000 Palestinians murdered in Gaza were women and children.
Where are the tears shed for them?
All of them were given the opportunity of vacating the place
None of them were abducted and held hostage
Actually a forensic examination has revealed that the two babes in question were strangled no later than 23 Nov’23 – no doubt because they were perpetually crying, which, quote:
“is not surprising because we’ve seen all too many times how Islamists treat those they abduct whether it’s ISIS chaining people together with explosive necklaces and blowing them up, blowing them up in a locked car, lowering caged people into water to drown them. The Yazidi sex slave who was freed from Gaza just a few months ago, said that she had been forced to eat baby flesh.”
“All of them were given the opportunity of vacating the place”
and go where?
Move from Northern Gaza, go south and get bombed,told to evacuate to the north and get bombed.
Have you not seen the total devastation of the Gaza strip and now the cleansing of the West Bank with 40,000 Palestinians displaced from THEIR homes.
You can’t reason with someone who is just fanatically barracking for one side. All you can probably do is call on the referee, in this case Jesus.
“None of them were abducted and held hostage”
Gaza has been recognised as outdoor prison for decades. The Palestinians “abducted” from Gaza and the West Bank and left languishing and tortured under inhumane conditions in prisons number in the thousands.
Apart from a couple of the hostages the majority have been in excellent condition and praising their treatment in captivity.As opposed to the Palestinian “prisoners” many needing to be transported to hospital on release.
So much for Jobo’s piggy-in-the-middle folly
Your problem is you want to stay in a sort of medieval era instead of moving on. You should study the life of Jesus instead of celebrating massacres. What’s missing in your analysis is Christian principles. You probably bang on about the old testament this or that quote but you don’t have the spirit in you. You are back in time with Ba’al, Moloch, Nero and all that stuff, getting revenge etc. Now they have the red calves the timer is running and eventually the place will be blown to the shithouse, probably Rome too, and we will have nothing to show for it all. Rome is still the greatest city in the world so it’s disappointing that people can’t aspire to anything more than one-eyed hate and vindictiveness.
Basically, you people are maniacs, infected with a mania.
I have even told you about “why Israel created Hamas” a number of times and you choose to ignore everything. I may as well be addressing a block of wood.
The reality check being that, the situation on and since 7/10/23 goes entirely to the fact that the bulk of Israeli’s are atheo/agnostic “secularists” just like yourself, ditto the leadership.
Fools who think they’re just like any other oh-so-tolerant mob (REF: Derek Prince remark below)
Which mob is in denial as to exactly where such pig-headed stupidity is headed
In denial to the extent of concocting silly stories
Pointless to continue, pointless to have even entered the debate, nothing new here
“three or five bombs that were planted on buses with a timer seem to have gone off prematurely. Some people are saying ‘this is a miracle: it could have been much much worse'”
“Hamas is claiming responsibility, one of the explosives had Arabic on it that said ‘revenge of the people'”
The tit for tat goes on until everyone is thoroughly nauseated, in this case the locals involved all Semites or claiming to be, eventually realise they have more in common, they work this out at an interpersonal level, not an empire level. In the “civilised world” the kids have worked out it’s easier to just not breed so they are switching to gay-ism. The family farm is out, you have to be in an urban setting to look at the phone all day, house prices driven up by the banks, religion is nearly dead, result is birthrate drops, now the ones taking the urban land are the dreaded immigrants, brought to you by … the government. Hmm, notice anything there ?
So why is there virtually no media coverage of this?
Nor of snipers killing little children?
9.31 PM
I hadn’t watch a Dr. Steven Greer video in years, so I caught up with this recent video. It’s long (3 hours), but he’s hoping for some progress with the new administration. A lot of the interview is dealing with the secret space program, like how to get some control of it, releasing ZPT and the like.
I had heard the ETs were getting a bit frustrated with the fire monkeys on Earth, but I didn’t know that information came from intercepted communications of the ETs. I had never heard of his NDE before, which began to open his eyes. There were a few other bits that were new to me, but a lot of it covered old ground. If you are new to Greer, then this is a good video to bring you up to speed.
There is no choice for the new administration but to cut costs, the cash flow is coming to an end, the BIS system is scheduled to take over at the end of this decade.
Trump is trying to increase his numbers at the mid-terms. The Democrats are being demolished as part of a One-Party-State program, run by the usual strategists. Will Trump hand over to JD Vance and Peter Thiele at the CBDCs implementation ?
Let’s have a nice big picture of MM’s guy with the Kennedy-looking eyes, for a reality check. Who even knows why Onassis had a high security island. What do the Bush’s get up to in their spare time these days, apart from falling off bicycles on their ranch. Are the W. Bush kids still on drugs ?
Fox News Jesse Waters has exposed MSNBC shill Rachel Maddow’s false reporting that Trump’s government made $400 million deal with Elon Musk’s Tesla .
Biden actually made that deal.
“And now for the COMEDY STAND UP show.”
I have my own conspiracy theory about Trump, though probably not that original.
The previous administrations (including Trump’s one) were supposed to stuff up America in order for T. to be a hero and fix it all. America needs to “work” in order to bring about the oppressive globalist regime already planned, and we are supposed to relax and get used to the daily sweeping changes, knowing that the “hero” is in charge. We wake up in the morning to find out that we are all slaves.
Spot on.
The clown show kabuki theatre rolls on.
Not sure if I agree.
I think we are already “farm” creatures. Already long exploited. I think the cabal was planning a very dark WEF-type global order future.
I think we were saved from a very very dark future. I don’t think it was the (their) plan to get Trump back in. My gut says that doesn’t make sense. You’d have the media switch to Trump (earlier) which they still have not. They would not jeopardize their plan by a twist of the head to avoid a bullet.
Okay, that said… I don’t say I our future is going to be pretty. AI was always coming… so was all the tech. This is going to offer a very different and challenging future but I’d say never as dark as was originally planned.
I’m more in favour of thinking this a GALACTICAL battle.
Well, I said it was a conspiracy theory. Wouldn’t it be great to have a conspiracy theory that does not come true for a change?
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – banned people powered news.
6.16 PM
39 mins-44.
How can the ignorant even comment if they do not do their research💁.
Heaps more articles at banned:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people banned power.
Then tomorrow scroll the banned headlines at:
7.22 PM
Aha – extreme provocations from combative blog terrorist probably on the plonk. BIN has been banned for being dicky in the technical sense.
Peter Dutton has asked that the public advise ASIO of persons with tendencies.
Bit defensive and desperate💁🤪
Now a step further!-‘plonk’ demonstrates it completely,
No reference to material.
Carry on🤷♂️
9.42 AM
Do not forget your other ‘DICKEY’ problems with rumormillnews.com and Michael Rivero’s site:
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com that you included in your Dickey ban but is recommended to others for a stroll amongst the headlines each day.
Amazing how a stroll clears the air of lying and misinformation idiots.
9.53 AM
I presented a lengthy article for you re your your duty to report persons with certain tendencies and your problems determining who should be reported.
It ended with, beware reporting those with tendencies to research the truth, ‘xxxx’ might think you are taking the Mickey. And you could be deemed a person with tendencies and be of interest!🙀⛓️
Thanks for the entertainment!
Personally I also feel over familiar with some of the speculative material. No doubt you are finding a few interesting things amongst the dross, perhaps at some point you could tell us about them without simply directing us to dicky news aggregation sites, especially BIN which is the dickiest. Those guys go on for hours about nothing in particular.
And ‘persons with tendencies’.?
Not to be interpreted.
If you can wait Peter Dutton will no doubt create a hot-line so you can dob yourself in. 💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Hey Mr turtle censor where is my comment at about 1059?
Seems that a few other posts have been deleted especially re 496 and 432 hrs a few days ago.
Why won’t Arab countries stand up for Gaza?
This video predates the video above.
How Israel killed the captives whose bodies Hamas released
Dear readers who seek knowledge and reports not found on our ABC et.al.
I know it is one of Joe’s banned sites as with BIN and rumor mill news.
( note our fun up a bit)
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com stories
See there a huge number of news topics referenced and linked and Joe would expect me to give some references.
But give me a break, what would I know about what readers are interested in?
Perhaps Joseph can go through them and put up his interests🙀🤪🤷♂️
If you are a person with some genuine ‘tendencies’, I.e.:
For truth,
For knowledge,
For some clues,
For exposing lies.
For your safety rd vax injection statistical reports,
For dirt on Musk, Trump…… in particular. There you go antitrumpers. Just skip over the rest.
For Ukraine shenanigans.
For Israel and Iran sabre rattling with a bit of war.
For Hamas mixing up Israeli hostage bodies,
And so much more. Think DOGE on PREVIOUS DAYS.
Try it and find out what our media propaganda and government is hiding from you and some here, of other tendencies.
That is, if you are a person of interest to xxx and be reported as having tendencies for truth, reported by some hunting hounds in the forest controlled by the hunters.
12.49 PM
I be watching Mr Post turtle.
Good turtle!
The space aliens are hanging around because this is the dawn time of DNA experiments, they have gone through a time warp and now they are abducting people and cutting them open to find out how to reverse engineer themselves back to these times, for scientific research. Space aliens were also hanging around a few thousand years ago probably whenever Europeans were altered with blue eyes and fair hair. Bill Gates and co want to be part of this creation of a new species, as rebel freemason David Bowie said 50 years ago in his song “You gotta make way for the homo-superior”, and told us kids about all the freak stuff merging into normal reality. Since Mein Trumpf 2.0 I see an increased frequency of extreme left wing fashion protesters with creative modes of self expression via fashion experiments, they want to establish themselves permanently as a part of the mainstream, along with all the disabled the government wants to see our and about, this is the opposite to Victorian times when everyone was institutionalised, from the homeless to anyone vaguely non-productive and out of line, the 21st century has been scripted thus, they just brought it on a bit early with the psychedelics and “free love” of the hippie era.
If the hippies did not protest and instead went full chauvinist with brass band marching, flag waving etc we may have followed a different path to the same end, which is DNA experimentation
My comment DITTO RE BIN
There are about 23 articles presently at BIN.
Big choice.
I picked the one about T finding out things about uncle Klaus.
Opinion piece re Klaus v Elon differences.
Your future you decide who you would prefer.
Joe might find something to interest him and widen his box.
1.39 pm 432 time💁
Sue Greenwald intelligently interviews John Kennedy Jr, about whom I have written the book “The Historian’s Tale.” (for sale at lulu.com for $19.63 USD; I don’t know the AUD price.
Most pity comment of the page
Droopy eyes with bags (pic)
FRICKIN spell checker changed pithy to pity it’s very sneaky. I look on settings, they have many settings but no OFF !!!
Well as for Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, I always had a picture of a rectangle with a question mark in it. But describing the whole deal as a heist of the Kennedy $$$ makes sense, I still don’t see why the impostor JFK Jr would have died in a plane crash. Anyway, everyone gets off Scot Free by getting old and dying.
You may hope⚖️
Just settle the issue with a DNA test.
RFK too busy at the moment
Want to fix up some DNA problems.
Try 432 htz.
Could be that is why previous citations on 496 and 432 htz were pulled over the last week.
Works on the harmonic vibrations they say.
Sounds like one’s own med bed facility.
That would give the pharmas a very bad vibration.🙀💁there are other wavelengths fo purpose.
Unless it has been experienced it is that some have never ‘BIN’ there.
Pity, if they ever had and realised, they would not be so miserable and stupid.
Americans SHAME Musk and Trump GOP bank robbers
Clif High has mentioned that the era of free energy (ZPT) is coming. Here’s a video from Africa that illustrates that time may have arrived.
The R-SOLES who have been covering up this for their own profit and control agenda should be ‘strung up’ by their feet.
We know who they are and in due course theywill be, including the greenie energy brigade, fake bribed pollies and the globalist mass media.
Tesla knew how to create earthquakes and the r-Soles have been using the technology with HASRP TO CONTROL THE WEATHER. That is on record. Ask Premier what’s it who gifted Packer with a bumper sling – oops, I mean skiing season up near Thredbo.
Where is Bowen, ABC AND CO?
Some basic searches disclose all.
Our politicians and mass media must know and if so, they are criminals.
As for the normies, you lot belong in the stocks for at least 48 hours stretched along stupid’s boulevard forced to watch ABC TV.
7.41 PM
Trump Takes on Washington || Peter Zeihan
Not that it matters, but Joe wants some reports.
Try this from a Jewish journalist on Israel’s dark secret. ZIONISTS ARE ANTISEMITIC IS HER opinion. Which means that some Christian’s are ‘unwittingly’? antisemitic🙀. SUCKED IN!
At banned rumormillnews.com 21/2 at 18.01.40
3.44 PM
Obama’s fake birth certificate (5 min)
Commenter: Wake me up when he’s been CHARGED
Fascinating response!
But trumped by Sandra 5 mins later below🤪
6.23 PM
from David Icke
Also for Joe at:
Headline re Diddy and Epstein (MOSSAD) list held by Pam Bondi. Mainly msm news reports, their lawyers have scarpered⚖️🐀🙀🤪
Cash is on the job! May be of interest for other readers?
Now for real Mary with her news snippets not on the ABC🙀 at her WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FOR TODAY.
3.52 Pm
The USAID-CIA connection and Congress grifting
INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern : Weekly Wrap
Jewish Journalist EXPOSES Israel’s DARK SECRET
Interesting as to what turns up at Joe’s banned rumour news – reading room.
Elspeth, perhaps you could get aboard and see the real world 💁🙀🤪
10.02 PM
Ed Dowd
Trump, AI, & DOGE: The Coming Economic Collapse
I am up to about 35 mins with Real Mary and contact lost.
But for your own sakes wake up from about 13 mins re ‘where’s the gold Elon explains consequence if you spend 30 seconds to care.
Then from about 15 mins and a large number of news snippets.
Oh well, go find what’s going on from your ABC, SBS AND GLOBALIST MASS MEDIA.
I do not care if you do not know.
A customer was questioning some poor floor worker from wherever and giving a bit.
I examined the carton (1 doz) and two eggs were broken.
What have we come to when a desperate normie did not take what is available. Just imagine the panic as Gates and the WEF fulfill their planned famine targets.🙀🙀
I took the carton went to management and did a deal- 4 dollars instead of 8.59 for a dozen.
At home drained the broken shells and an omelet is planned.
We are surrounded by idiots who just will not be able to cope.
Because they do not do spend a effort to research.
So listen to real Mary and see what is going on under stupid noses and get ready.
No gold at Fort of ‘ knocks’? Then the US INCORPORATED IS BANKRUPT. If not already. Musk explained the consequences. A LOT OF FUN TERRY💁🤪🙀
6.17 PN
SBS has a new lead on Beaumont children– for Ned
“This Christian form of Zionism wants Jews to go back to Israel so we can provoke the end times – armageddon. All Jews except a lucky 400 who accept Christ as their Lord and savior burn for all eternity.”
Christians recognize Jesus as the rightful king of Israel, born in the line of David.
Does a king not have the right to decide where His kingdom is to be?
“My kingdom is not of this world” John 18:36
Does a king not have the right to decide who is to be citizens in His own kingdom? Eph. 2:19
Zionism is the worst kind of idolatry that Christians could possibly have chosen. If only they had just built a golden calf.
Meant to be a reply to Sandra at 5:12pm.
“My theme this morning is the uniqueness of Israel. That’s something that upsets people today.
We live in what I would call a humanistic egalitarian culture where they are obliterating the differences between everything and everybody. There’s no difference between man or woman, no difference between races; we’re all alike. That’s nonsense. To be different is not to be inferior but if you’re different and you don’t recognize the difference, you’re making trouble for yourself.”
Exposition of Ezekiel 36 from 43 minutes
FROM 49:50
“Ezekiel 36 Verse 25:
‘Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean.
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.’
Notice that they are to return in what God calls filthiness. It’s very important to see that because a lot of Christians have taught, yes, the Jews will return but only after they’ve acknowledged Jesus as their Messiah.
That’s a nice thought but it isn’t God’s thought. God said, “I’m going to bring them back first, then I’m going to deal with them there.”
Eziekiel was a contemporary prophet of his own time. He spoke to the captives at Babylon of a miraculous return to Israel that happened a long time ago. He had no reason to speak to them of another group of people going there in 1948, and it would not have given them hope if he did. Proof of this is in the concluding chapters of the book of Eziekiel. He speaks in glowing terms of the rebuilding of the temple and restoration of the sacrifice, with the blessing of God. God does not bless such things in this time, because Jesus is the final sacrifice for sin, and the temple is His body, made of His people.
Once again, a very weak effort by fake Israel to infuse their political agenda into scripture. Jesus is not only the king of true Israel, but He is true Israel. He has turned His face from Jerusalem and said “Behold your house is left unto you desolate” Mat. 23:38, and His kingdom is not of this world.
“In the latter years you(Gog) will enter a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate.
They had been brought out from the nations, and all now dwell securely.
You and all your troops, and many peoples with you will go up, advancing like a thunderstorm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.
This is what the Lord GOD says: On that day, thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will devise an evil plan.
You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will come against a quiet people who dwell securely, all of them living without walls or bars or gates— in order to seize the spoil and carry off the plunder, to turn a hand against the desolate places now inhabited and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and possessions and who live at the center of the land.”
EZEKIEL: 8 – 12
NB: it says “brought out from the nations” – “a people gathered from the nations” plural, not “bought out/gathered from Babylon”.
There’s no historical record of any such “gathering” taking place before 1948
There’s no historical record of any of the other advents described in the rest of the same chapter:
The “fake Israel” claim is simply the hallmark of self-righteousness; an inability to fathom what “chosen” actually entails
Sorry, the quote is from EZEKIEL: 38
The Christian understanding is that we have permission from Jesus to call God our Father. The Father has asked to be called “the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” Mat 22:32. Jesus and the apostles teach that “If ye be Christs, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal. 4:29). So Christians who regard themselves to be children of Jacob (God named Jacob “Israel”) have massive self righteousness issues? How about the ones who regard themselves to be children of Jacob’s grandfather Abraham? Or even God? Well either we are self righteous, or God has exalted us a lot. Could you not consider that it might be the righteousness of Christ to the undeserving?
My “fake Israel” accusation must be put in context.
There are political and military and humanitarian claims. There are also the claims of other religions. I use the word “fake” only in regards to Bible based Christianity. In this context we could call a “Christian” congregation that does not believe in Jesus fake. Under the kingship of Jesus, the true king of true Israel, an Israel that does not believe in Him is also fake. All who Jesus chose as citizens in His kingdom believe in Him. If there is a chosen people who do not believe, the question is raised: Who did the choosing?
What you appear to be missing is that most bods that make up church congregations are the biggest fakers ever and that the world would otherwise be a very different place.
Conversely most Israelis are quite candid about not embracing the cross but the small percentage of Messianic ones that do are actually sincere
Well Jesus did not come for the righteous, but to bring the sinners to repentance. Best to stay in communication with the fakers, and be ready to admit that you are one of them. Imaginary “Messianic” friends will never give the same comfort. The treasure is always on the other side of our pride.
No argument on my part that the railroading of Ezekiel 38 is based on maintaining a faux sense of comfort and security
Two more prophecies that demolish the respective “replacement” credo
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”
ISAIAH 11:11- 12
“Though I sow them among the nations, they will remember Me in distant lands; they and their children will live and return.
I will bring them back from Egypt and gather them from Assyria. I will bring them to Gilead
ZECHARIAH 19: 9 – 10
If the idea that Jesus is the true king of true Israel is just a “replacement credo” what would be the point of all those Jews believing in Him?
There’s no reference to a “true Israel” anywhere in the bible; there’s only one Israel, otherwise known as “the tribe of Judah”:
‘Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals.
And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”
But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or look inside it.
And I began to weep bitterly, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside it.
Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
NB: One of the elders says “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David” not “the Lion of the substitute Judah ”
As previously forewarned,gentiles who’re crucified/resurrected with the Lion are grafted branches(“You do not support the root but the root supports you”)
Grafted branches are naturally wholly dependent on the “Root of David/ tribe of Judah” for sustenance; destined to otherwise just shrivel up and die
The Bible refers to an “Israel of God” Gal. 6:16, and it includes Gentile believers. The rest of your reply confirms what I have said. The root of Abraham and Jacob bears the tree that the Gentiles were grafted in to, and if natural born Jews are grafted in that is further confirmation that the tree is the Israel of God. Who do you think has the authority to define the Jews? The Rabbis? I think it is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, ie not Trump. We do not know where the survivors of old Israel hid after 70ad, or who they married. We know that children of Christian and Judaistic families often don’t continue in their parents religion. They are just as likely now to be among the Arabs as the so called “Jews”. Consider Rom. 2:29 “he is a Jew which is one inwardly”, and compare to Rev.3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie”. Jesus alone, the king of the Jews, has authority to define who His Jews are. You wrongly compare the followers of Zionism to Joshua and Moses, and you wrongly compare the locals of the land to the tribes of Canaan. By doing so show much hostility to innocents and present God as a respecter of persons and an unjust judge, which He certainly is not. If Isaiah is really predicting a future mass revival it will look very different to the puppet show that you people have in mind.
The bible doesn’t say anything about “natural born Jews” being “grafted in”. Jews, by definition, are heirs who’ve either accepted or rejected their assigned role.
Rom. 11:23 “For God is able to graft them in again”. Man was created in the image of God and hell was not created originally for man, but for Satan and his angels. We all either accept or reject our assigned role.
SBS – Lead on missing Beaumont children
also ch 9 and Abc
Those in attendance at the site on Saturday included SA MP Frank Pangallo, forensic archaeologist Professor Maciej Henneberg, retired major crime detective Bill Hayes and Stuart Mullins, one of the authors of a 2013 novel on the Beaumont cold case.
It was there that Mr Pangallo revealed a familial connection between the Beaumonts and a key suspect in the cold case, businessman and Castalloy site owner Harry Phipps.
Mr Pangallo said he was told by a person close to the Beaumont family last week that following the siblings’ disappearance, Phipps’ niece was married to a cousin of the children’s father, Jim, as reported by The Advertiser.
“That hasn’t been previously known and it’s another link in this case that shows Mr Phipps could have known the Beaumont kids and the family,” Mr Pangallo said.
posted earlier but it didn’t come up mmm
posts keep getting posted then removed
Rachel Vaughan’s testimony highlights the 1966 “Disappearance of the Beaumont Children” case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It also raises serious concerns regarding the Mullighan Report, (a 600-page Royal Commission report of sex abuse against Australia’s children in state care over four decades) where the names of perpetrators were supressed, and the truth locked away by the South Australian government for 80 years.
Rachel has put her life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. Her testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 1st August, 2018.
28,767 views Nov 21, 2018 #TrueCrime #BeaumontChildren
Andrew McIntyre’s testimony highlights the 1966 “Disappearance of the Beaumont Children” case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It corroborates his Sister’s testimony, Rachel Vaughan, who also gave her testimony to the ITNJ on August 1st, 2018. Andrew and his siblings have put their life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. His testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 6th August, 2018.
#BeaumontChildren #TrueCrime #CrimeTestimony
28,767 views Nov 21, 2018 #TrueCrime #BeaumontChildren
Andrew McIntyre’s testimony highlights the 1966 “Disappearance of the Beaumont Children” case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It corroborates his Sister’s testimony, Rachel Vaughan, who also gave her testimony to the ITNJ on August 1st, 2018. Andrew and his siblings have put their life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. His testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 6th August, 2018.
#BeaumontChildren #TrueCrime #CrimeTestimony
If only Atlas could grip the world and shake off the vermin💁
But maybe ‘God’ will and judge and deal with them in the spirit reality, appropriately.
I recall a film about 40 years ago with Sidney Poitier. And there is a scene ( the only one I recall) where he observes in effect; the world is like an apple crawling with maggots trying to leap off …. Into space/planet/time?
I think he meant that the universe did not want the maggots.
We know who they are, just take a bite and see them….. they are very fat and crawling everywhere inside and recognisable.
8.04 PM.
Searched many/most of his films but could not identify it by the story lines. Strange!
Then again, maybe not🙀
Bugger, strike 40 years ago and replace with 54 years.
Time goes fast.
Anyway, interesting ‘supernatural’ strange character, living upon and observing life on this planet.
Someone was telling us something🤷♂️
Mr Thor?🤪
8.51 PM
Be patient, covers Brother John observations.
This is a smogasboard of fun at Bin.
First up, Ben Fulford Q and A on 21/2. Pick your avatar in 9 mins.
Underneath that video on ALIENS AND DRONES ON FOX for discussion. Referring to military report from last September.
Love it. What? Do you think, I am a couch lizard watching tv and drinking plonk?
By the way Joe, Dan Murphy’s $3.99 Chardonnay is not ‘plonk’ and a glass went well with roast chicken offcuts and salad for dinner.
9.55 PM
Its obvious, and shocking at the same time. I can not impart the simple disgusting truth even to the ones that know me by blood or deed. I can not give up, nor will I, I came here knowing and I will not leave that behind. On paper we have lost everything but thats not news. We are still standing is all I know, and its nice to not stand alone among this sickness.
“LONDON, ENGLAND Issued by: ITNJ Board of Trustees DATE: September 7, 2018
Chosen for her particular bloodline, high cognitive abilities and physical prowess, Fiona was a perfect subject for MK ULTRA mind control programming, which allegedly took place in numerous universities and under-ground facilities both in Australia and abroad. Other nightmarish crimes allegedly perpetrated upon her throughout her childhood include ritual abuse, torture, the witness of torture and murder, being dressed as
a teddy bear whilst hunted for sport at the annual camp at ‘The Bohemian Grove.’
Fiona Barnett’s testimony provides a very clear and detailed picture of global child trafficking, which, she explains, “is run as a single coordinated operation through the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian Intelligence Services.”
In her testimony, she interweaves her personal account with a vast research-knowledge of the history, practices and interconnection between intel-agency child trafficking, Luciferianism, ritual abuse, and MK ULTRA mind control,all of which she witnessed and suffered at the hands of.
Fiona was eventually able to escape the cult and has since made numerous attempts to have her perpetrators brought to justice. In 2013 she testified before the Child Abuse Royal Commission about her experiences as a victim of an international child sex trafficking ring. Her story has been publicly derided and she has been prevented from leading any semblance of a normal life.
Her testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 7th July, 2018, before Chief Justice, Dr. John Walsh of Brannagh, His Grace Bishop Riah Abu El Assal (Jerusalem), ITNJ Commissioner-Criminologist Carine Hutsebaut, and ITNJ Trustees Reverend
Dr. Nancy Ash and Connie Broussard”
Video of Testimony not found
But can be found here
Against All Hope Ministries
I posted 3 INTJ testimonials Rachel Andrew Fiona and they magically come and go
Like Ned experiences
After 2018 there was a big take over
No truth no justice the ITNJ was infiltrated and so was – I believe gumshoe news
The msm rewriting history the big lie a secret history an a treasonous agenda
xx from my muse for my fellow traveller
Milpirri the winds of change
That’s very interesting Diane.I have been listening to Leonard recently and reminiscing of the time I saw him in concert in Wollongong in 2013 whilst thinking of the “good old days” I grew up in post war.
I only watched this video yesterday and thought I would post it.
LEONARD COHEN A FINAL INTERVIEW September 2016 David Remnick from The New Yorker
“How Leonard Cohen’s wartime performances for the IDF saved his career:
Leonard Cohen clearly left his musical and spiritual mark in Israel 50 years ago and, unwittingly, saved his career in the process. Not a bad return all around.”
In the Spotlight- Matti Friedman on Leonard Cohen
Acclaimed Canadian-Israeli author Matti Friedman joins Abigail Pogrebin to discuss Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai, his book that tells the little-known story of Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Interesting commentary at 26:00-His song Lover Lover Lover was written for the Egyptian soldiers and Israeli soldiers in that order.
I am sure if alive today he would be horrified by the Gaza genocide.
A notion that’s averse to what the “Palestinian Chronicle”had to say:
This article November 11 2016 at the time of his death predates the current Gaza genocide(an excuse of a war) and I would hope Leonard like many other Jews would condemn it.
You would no doubt hope a lot of things that are utterly belied by the very team you’re perpetually promoting
From 2023 statistics it seems that you are supporting 0.2% of the world’s population in your team.
Of that 0.2% it would be interesting as to the percentage that care about your views and claims. Not to forget the rest of the world.
3.27 PM
Here commenter berry admits it is simply a team sport where you back one side and rail against the other side. A perspective of the totally artificial, as if cartoon video games. Totally removed from Christianity which supposedly underpins the majority and supposedly leads to social cohesion and the advantages of that. Ignorant of the precepts of Jesus which I though she was once a fan of. Well how should I know.
Ashton Forbes
We’re getting the answers for MH370
Rashid Khalidi: October 7th Revisited | Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, & The Nakba
OK , I know most with Joe will not listen to Real Mary – WRPN – situation update on 22/ 2 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – banned people powered news.
So the invitation is just for the record, so that we will not have to put up with the whingers later.
But I mention the opening for a couple of minutes on DOGE Getting worse.
I take it that you all know when FORT ‘NICK NOCK’! Was last audited. What if it is empty? Ask MUSK what is the consequences….. early up, he tells you🙀🤷♂️🔥
On that point ABLENESS; , do we have any gold, I saw truckloads going off down Phillip St from the foreign Bank in Martin Place ‘sold’? by Howard.
so where is it now? I heard; IN LONDON – OF COURSE, where else!?
5.52 PM
Well one cannot fixing stupid and those who do not watch and listen are stupid
Note all the injection stuff from about one hour with Kennedy firing on all 12 cylinders and Bosi turns up about 1.11.
Those who do not watch and learn, go get some more boosters, you are of no further use on this planet.
I have some chicken bits and pieces to finish off.
6.41 PM
They are all following all over the world, even Perth Hills they have a chainsaw weilder a la Harvey Milei. Everything copied in LockStep as designed.
Gene Decode; ‘ blowing the lid off…. Fort f’All ……at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – banned people powered news.
Try and catch up!…. From the Durham report and the slush stuff that Gillard and Rudd contributed to.
9.07 PM
Durham himself came on with a big whinge, a few months ago, saying he could not do anything because all the legislation was a spaghetti, he was a total disappointment.
Lesson from the Jan-6 Shaman (Tucker Carlson extract)
Does Israel have a future? with Ilan Pappé
“The Israeli Jewish public consistently supported the genocide in Gaza by large margins, according to opinion polls. But in recent months things started to shift. An overwhelming majority now say they support the ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal that went into effect in January.
Earlier this month, the Israel Democracy Institute published a poll which found that 66 percent of Israeli Jews agree that “Israel should proceed to the second stage, which includes a complete end to fighting, withdrawal from Gaza and the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of all the hostages.”
And another poll, published by the Lazar institute at the end of January, found that only four percent of Israelis believe that the goals of the war in Gaza were met.
We are joined by historian Ilan Pappé, who will share his insights into the state of Israeli politics and society in the context of broader geopolitical developments.”