Home Trump Trumps Understands the Real Enemy is Within

Trumps Understands the Real Enemy is Within


by G5

Trump is economically destroying America by ‘talking it up’. The ploy of the bullshit salesman, believing that it baffles brains.

The ‘Stability’ promised by Wilson’s Fed and the IRS 16th Amendment, produced what?

Truman’s essential CIA, produced what? The incessant and nauseous continuum of: Invasions, Regime Changes, instigated and fueled Civil Wars, pilfering and plundering, and leaving one destroyed, soft target nation state after another, produced what?

There was never any empire to attain. Empire is not annexation, attachment, or devastation and subjugation. And when these grave errors return what they will, a continuum of plundering under puppet regimes, will not balance the costs of the initial errors and self-entrapment attritions — especially when the grand theories are devastated by unrevised or palatable reality.

America pumps Iraqi and Libyan Crude — after murdering some two and half million people and further devastating Europe with some five million additional refugees.

Some USD 5 trillion equivalent was looted from Iraq — in portable and transferable assets (the standard modus of the serial crime. Ukraine was liberated of its freedoms and assets in 2014). Yet a financial hole of well over USD 3 trillion was delivered back to The Domestic American Economy.

The blinds have been drawn at the White House. It became obvious in February 2017 with The President Moon of South Korea Meeting. Trump was not listening, and preferred the advice of American Intel, whose then agenda was to embarrass him.

Trump was led up the path of missiles fired at Japan, North Korean nuclear weapons ambitions, humanitarian crimes, and the American invented stereotype dictator syndrome with MSM tutoring the herds.

When Trump then began believing and reading American Intel scripts, that would almost instantly turn to gross stupidities, he stopped.

Trump had and has many advisors acting in his and America’s best interests. He was made aware that he was not a puppet public servant, but a citizen elected by The People to represent them.

(Sourced from Zerohedge.com)

It took many months for him to correctly realise that THE REAL ENEMY is WITHIN.

He had to understand that the entire American Foreign Policy was functioning on a foundation of a myriad of deceptions. That the American public service, and indeed the three Constitutional branches, were embedded with corruption.

A lesser character would have gone golfing. He correctly began a covert war with Deep State — to which he had only previously referred. Based on his personal experiences, and those of others, of which he became aware.

As in other First World States, government is unable to withstand light. He was well advised to divide and conquer The Enemy Within. Let them run their investigations and farces to the ends of nowhere and then accuse them. Have those who would close ranks, fight and expose each other. There are none with strength of character. Investigate them. They provide all their own damning evidence of corruption and deception.

Standing behind him, are all the People wronged by government actors. They far outweigh the numbers of public servants and their believers. Far beyond the throw away of ‘Just doing their job’ and the inanity of Power Base and a Civilized Lawful Society. Otherwise astonishing outcomes have evolved from Congressional and Committee hearings over the past year alone.

But America needs to maintain its posture and control the pushback and account settlement for the last century that could very easily be triggered beyond any ability to control. The military forces would themselves divide. Those unable to comprehend this reality can remain in their meaningless voids. An issue about which, the moron, celebrity and social agenda warriors could never comprehend.

Of all the presidents since Washington and Lincoln, Trump could move a Civil War in America. What is said of him, done to him, and the frustrations and obstructions presented to him are those against the People themselves. A fact that has been totally misunderstood. The war of the People against Government.

Trump and the People stand post outside the barricades of The Enemy Within, as the Enemy now begins to throw out the sacrifices of their own. They have nowhere to run and can no longer feign the deception.

Trump is now fully aware of the truths underpinning America, and what has been done, enslaving its People; who have been incessantly deceived for over a century. But Trump is a builder, not a settler of accounts. As such, his morality is well beyond that of his detractors and the dross of The Enemy Within, and even The Usual Suspects.

The de rigueur blur of fake narratives have reached the useable citation stage. The main method of the fake Daisy Chain Reference Wall that is never checked correctly for its foundations. The intellectualized discernment of one reference against another, is actually a musical chairs game.

It tends to revert back to ‘official’ interpretations and prognostications. Omphaloskepsis at its finest.

Changes in world history are of the moment. Invasion is not cajoling by limited force expeditionary adventurisms, postured invitation, the legitimate liberation of anyone or anything, or the protection of interests.

The great aggressor deceived itself to oblivion. Does it have the moral tenacity to step back from what it has caused, and reclothe itself?

As much as it is challenged — the reality is that a parallel can be drawn between Trump, Putin, and Xi. A new historic age turned in 2017.

In a century of the best minds, the best economy, and the greatest potential; the economic value (not the ubiquitous nonsense accounting value), delivered the USD to the purchasing ability of three cents.

Inflation is LOSS of Purchasing Power. Its attempted ‘balance’ with credit lines, is the two-edged sword. The imperative is correct and sustainable Income Streams, not Credit Lines.

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce from the beginning of this era is ‘Owned’ by Group Rothschild and The City, through Goldmans. As was Garry Cohn, as Director of The National Economic Council.

Cohn was slated for Jerome Powell’s job as Fed Chairman. Trump thought he controlled The Fed. He was still an apprentice. When The President makes a decision on behalf of The Fed — as a Chairman appointment — he is given a list from which to choose. The list contains one name only.

Cohn went back to Goldmans, and Jerome Powell became Chairman [of the Fed] on ‘Trump’s choice’ [sic].

Donald Trump announces Jerome Powell (L) as his choice for the next chair of the Federal Reserve (photo – Courthouse News)

Yellen was a puppet. Inspector General for the Federal Reserve Elizabeth Coleman has no idea whatsoever. Both their great accreditations amount to a hill of frogshit. Coleman did not know that The Fed couldn’t give a continental with regard to a published balance sheet showing a USD 9 trillion hole etc.

[Hearings May 2009]

It makes Rumsfeld’s missing Pentagon trillions, look like kindyroom. Which it is.



    • Elisabeth Coleman’s “answers” are exactly what we have come to expect from the secretocracy and their lackeys. If ‘Liz was not protected by gender bias the “questioning” might have been more aggressive.

  1. Yellen was the “steady hand” of credibility. Her demeanour of a quietly confident expert, nicely acted. I can’t think I ever heard her talk, at those estimates. How can there be missing money, why not just forensically deconstruct the transactions. Match against tax records and grants, require records from the corporte suppliers with penalties for inaccuracies. NSA records will be retrieved on any companies found in non compliance. Then individuals will be seen, hello donald. Thats right, never going to happen. Trillions of claims waiting in the wings, and all we get is the under study with stage fright. Better they not heard.

  2. Simon is right. Follow the money trail, if there are no receipts, chase up whoever signed the cheques or released the credit via computer. This money cannot just simply disappear. If I have a bank account that has had funds taken, there is a withdrawal document of some description, be it a paper document or a plastic card. Somebody has to be able to be traced to the transaction.

    If these auditors, (which is what she is, although she denies it) can’t do their job with the huge staff that they have, then they should be sacked and or charged with fraud.

    • Come on Mary, please… There are currently 40,490 sealed indictments in 8 months. Why not just arrest Hillary, Podesta and the rest???.

      The young bull says to the old bull- “let’s race down there and screw a cow or two. The Old Bull says to the Young Bull. No let’s WALK SLOWLY down there and screw the lot of them.”

      Trump is an OLD BULL.

  3. The litmus test of Trump’s integrity, geopolitical nous, and intelligence, will be if he does not hinder Lobrador in reducing poverty, repressing criminal cartels, removing corrupt police and army chiefs, expanding locally-owned manufacturing, and raising protective tariffs and thereby penalising the US corporations that have been screwing the people of Mexico for a century.

    If he does not do this, then I am right in my assertion that he is a typical real estate salesperson inasmuch as he is focused only on money, power, and prestige. But, as also fits that profile, he respects market research, which told him that if he wants to be reelected he must keep his promise to restore tariffs and thereby protect manufacturing and jobs.

    That he is still controlled by AIPAC tells me he is devoid of integrity anyway..

    • Correction… Obrador. The new Mexican President has battled for eight years for the opportunity to help his people. As elsewhere in the world, the White House, CIA and Pentagon will already be planning his assassination or otherwise demise.

      If this does not happen we may begin to believe that perhaps Trump has an agenda which most of us would support.

      For the record… I ain’t holdin’ my breath.

      • Tony,

        With huge respect, I believe you will be pleasantly surprised. And it’s good that you aren’t holding your breath. Some things take a bit longer than any of us would prefer. I for one would wish this was over, but it must run its course, for legal reasons.

        It’s complicated. Treason, investigations, filing criminal indictments and securing convictions always is.

        • We need to have a definition of what Obrador will “help” his people to do.

          If he will “help his people” to be detached from right order (a modicum of civilisation) then you can bet that he already has the backing of the supranational manipulators. If he is a patriot with genuine concern for the welfare and national security of his people then he will be ripe for a regime change invasion to devastate what’s left of his (perhaps resurgent) country.

        • Phil with respect too, your analogy in above is accurate for all stakeholders, I’m sure not your intention. Its good to discuss this now because hopefully it will head soon.
          If you wiki us treason history, has different outcomes for different things. I urge you to look, for me, there is a pattern.(good guys getting it in the neck). As I have communictated previously, I hope to be wrong, I need lots of proof now, before I’ll let my guard down, hope you understand.

        • The only immutable principle in politics is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Johannes Acton); and following from that… there are no great leaders, only bad men, and they write the histories (also Acton).

  4. A girl named Petunia just handed me this on the street:


    We’re here to help.

    You don’t need to ask why there is a need for help, do you?

    Why us? Because we are still alive and because there is strength in numbers. And strength in solidarity even if only one-to-one.

    Society’s situation has gone completely out of control. It would be queer not to try to stop the harm that is being done.

    The list of troubles is long but hopefully people will be able to be persuaded to pitch in and think of changing the status quo.

    That will mean everyone will immediately lose the security of the old ways, but is that way holding any security for any of us? No.

    Let’s call for people to realize that we are all human and that there have been times when sharing was effective and even pleasant. So it can be so again!

    Every individual needs food and water and protection from the elements. That is not an easy thing to provide nowadays, when sources of water are not close by, few people grow their own food and many do not own a dwelling.

    What is needed beyond food and water? The means of getting food and water! It’s a complicated task!

    The human qualities involved in solving such problems are: intelligence, endurance, and caring for persons other than strictly oneself. God gave us the emotions to handle that.

    We’ve become used to money as the medium for all exchanges, but money is “in trouble” right now. It seems we lived on a pipedream for a century or more and will have face a big adjustment.

    Could be better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick, though.

    (Oops, there, I gave away who Petunia is.)

    • It just goes to show that having no idea what is going on need not be an impediment to helping one’s neighbour. Good for Petunia.

      • Great article, very brave. I don’t know anything either. You might have thought of it but just not written, don’t forget a multi-vector intruder “reason”, overlaps can hide and obscure. The infant babies food, usaully round-up found in it. Pesticide herbside-gut flora(plant).
        The bottle for all, dummies, inside tins etc mostly toxic endocryne disrupters. Cumulative, random exposure subtly giving different signs within the symptoms. Environment of course(whole subject). Toxisity is measured for these and vax referancing to a healty young male man 25ish. So by weight by volume, even the low toxicity goes 8x ish, women generally lighter also get the bias.In a no mothers milk situation,and if you can control those things above, I don’t believe will cause a noticeble difference to a breasfed (nice if they can get the first couple of days on, clean mothers milk) if not just a tighter environment control. the bonding of course can be key to difficult situations. A difficult thing to acheive of course. I’m quiet certain of this Tony, yet I know nothing, I had to reach out with a good thing after your needed piece brother. I’m more doom n gloom, especially on this subject, but I scare the punters.

    • I came up with no name bearing a gift of wine.Ullyses? damn, feels like I am about to exposed as a fool, now I could be self segwaying but..
      ron hoeing(law trained and then some) is calling on icac to investigate alleged close door meetings with some council. But the irony of him being outside the closed cabinet and closed commitees(citation needed), is smirk worthy(ridicule), wants in from the cold? turnbull must have been away when b heffenen gave that, i think last speech, adult woman alleged to be shagging adult men comment shocks him. Pity we can not comment on some very odd outcomes in criminal cases, but the eminents do not like ridicule but i am concerned those old mirkins may have been made in the mercury days.

      • should read shadow cabinet , with them flipping policy so frequently, it can be hard to keep up. Last I heard we can still discuss our honourable mp’s, and I have no problem because they are certified, some knights no less, with these closed doors decisions, and its nice to know the outer ones are ready to step in and are up to speed. Beautiful to watch lockstep, so professional.

    • Thanks Timothy, it has a lot of truth. I noticed your butler comment. I did just take a refesher course(4 hours self inflicted). Found all these, memory inaccuracies. Bill of rights, are just amendments to the us constitution. (please tell me if I’m still wrong). Con job to help the terrible constitution that needed a gun to put to the declaration peoples heads. False flagging and fraud needed as well. I consider anything after the declaration and maybe the articles of confederacy, null n void, because of the implementation methods. Why I struggle with the law, the finer nuances, because it opaque at best, has all the hallmarks of secret society, seems to be a major obstructor, proclaims to be the sovereign. Whilst mostly manned by good people working in cells. Australia has a different sovereign, no rights without continued authorisation , same outcome.

      Gaz I’m just perplexed, plenty of decent people, few small groups, but the talk is of , specific identities and large known groups but always with good stated reason, seemly working against decently(clinton for example). Collision of thought are guaranteed, I would like to know what astounds you, I’m all for real decency, and wish no miscarriage.

    • To quote the conclusion of the link supplied by Timothy, above:

      “The whole system is essentially corrupt and corrupting of those that have anything to do with it. Of course no national politician can present such a view and if they did, would not last very long. Fear is an utterly essential ingredient in this dirty business and if it doesn’t exist, has to be created. This is essentially what ‘terrorism’ is ALL about.”

      Fear can be more subtly contrived than threats of violence etc. by a more passive kind of moral and intellectual slavery self imposed as “political correctness”, esoteric “insights”, don’t rock the boat, don’t bite the hand that feeds, etc. Indeed, anyone that might have the temerity to challenge or criticise the accepted “norms” or status quo can be derided and dismissed as a “troll”, “white ant”, “conspiracy theorist”, “reactionary”, “religious fanatic”, “mediaeval”, “Neanderthal” or a plethora of other “deplorables” or “undesirables” without any coherent reason.

      The system of perversity thrives on conflict. The more division within the underlying ideological paradigm the better for the haters of God and Man. What can not be tolerated is a reasonable challenge to the underlying paradigm of Naturalism.

      Don Trump is just another lackey of the secretocracy exploiting the righteous (but shallow) aspirations of an hedonistic populace to screw them with their own ambitions.

      • I’m being quite, and I am, I have found some your comments sometimes harsh and short, leaving me not grasping your intent. I don’t perceive you as a white anter troll. I can assure you I am not, but to say so is pointless(bothers both of us,I’m rarely affected by others opinion but take no offence). I have little to no doubt about your above inferences. I have to assume your just trying help. I’ll just have to wait. I find the above truths with just caveman logic and pattern observation. Whats your method, glad you put a theory out for testing. Do you have any ideas, where a path forward might lie, this area is not explored enough. I’ve put out half baked ones(for solution focus), my theories are baked.
        I’ll only comment on old threads, if needed, I will read though, no point giving up.

        • [quote Simon]
          I have found some your comments sometimes harsh and short, leaving me not grasping your intent. [/quote]

          And I am on my best behaviour. I am not a paid stooge or apologist for the “establishment” even though when I had become notorious for not “toeing the party line” I received many anonymous emails offering “David, $3000 for your opinion!” I scrapped them all because I determined that I could have an opinion without any “inducements”.

          Just “harsh and short”? You don’t know the half of it! I am very restrained because most people have no comprehension of the fundamental issues.

          • I totally understand the frustration, I’d know a lot of it, I’ve been around. I don’t communicate well, in this medium, face to face usually good unless I bring the subject up. I would only get $300 to shut up.
            Anyway however you cut this up, it seems to work, hoping you had a method learnable. I get the party line I think, notorious for being contrary for the sake of it, but contrary because of the facts of the consensus.

    • Sorry Dee, I’ve tried to turn the other cheek, count to ten etc. I am human, flawed, with a little self-awarenees, that I to use against my own prejustice. This may on the surface seem trolly, but I need to finish my view. But I intend to jolt. I understand, should you wish to purge it. This has to be open, I do not like closed doors, except for private person to person communications(I am still mortified), these are off limits like other private things. To be private today needs a lot of art, for the genuine. You are exceptional for providing this platform warts n all. Its a captains call, for me you are the captain here(not that I won’t mutiny, but I can not imagine the circumstance that could happen).
      I grew up in rarefied air, heavily indoctrinated, I have a military mindset because of this, even as a 8 year old I could not abide their ways. I have never taken a oath, changing the words, even at that age. I took on other dark injected points of view that mid tier elite have. I am in no way different or perfect, even good by the yardstick of that group. I would change religions, if that malarky should come back to the table. I have learned to pick my battles, because of this mindset and experiences. War is a art(I hope you know what this means). All art like ourselves can be both good and bad, the artiest drives that. The few individuals that have crossed my lines, don’t know this, so can not explain the karma or bad luck they might have had. I do try to match my response to my loss, and mostly people walk, through my pragmatic nature. Some people have the art of war and don’t know it, can cause the target to be overly penalised. I can appear hard and calloused, but I’m really sensitive that extends to an ability, to read intent. It does not extend to my loved ones, only others and is not reliable in itself. I have other arts that are conciously pursued.
      The people, you know, the poor, the incarcerated, the $10 dollar an hour people can be confronting to a rare air breather. There is a handful of hardcore predators among these groups that will definitely confront a outsider, the other other 99per cent are victims of a unnecessary process, in fact a evil unhuman force. The victims are also artists, and have skills the rare air breathers need. Rare air breathers do not wish to acknowledge this, I guess to profit through a unfair exchange. Examples – construction – heavy lifting – light lifting – human services of support and help – all the crp jobs, the dangerous – hope you get my drift. And war, this art often shows extraordinary individual ability as well as the made up stuff for propaganda. You will not often find rare air breathers near the action, almost all their stories are bull. When was the last time a elite was even hurt put to the test. UK queen mother with the people in their hour of need, princes bravely defending ships with their helicopter skills, just like one the boys. Some buildings like a miracle, left standing amongst the devastation. By coincidence bad luck always follows the victors home. This honed art capable of forcing capitulation is, tempered, defused by a offered future and other methods. Insane individuals can vertically integrate. Can be seen, Alexander the great, this shows, my favourite for easy view is a guy called Dr Gallen from ancient rome, if you can wrap your head around that, it shows a bit of the inner working.
      I’m no lefty righty bleeding heart or anything else. I was disappointed in the illegal immigration view here, because while you hear really dreadful things from some oppressed,its mostly repeater work and is funny to witness a multi-culture group by feature,diverse, unable to see the irony , the history self evident, and talked here. I’ll not comment further(new contributions). as I said but the Indian genicide is just so evil, it should jolt more. They were constantly lied to face to face, made deals, contracts, took the equal position. They did not realize what they were dealing with, but right to the end showed greatness, their art taken as well as a self future(for a time hopefully), striped, vilified abused, belittled and worse, you all know. Australia is no different, but I’m going to aim at America today.
      Storytelling is an art. We all love stories, and some people are gifted like a musician. I am not good at either of these things, never will be, but better than yesterday. I would travel back through time to hear a lard/laird(the ones the romans feared for their art). Art is good and bad, and it can be hard to distinguish between the too. Part of my self imposed temper is based on my mistakes of the past, I can only try. Example – The Malcolm Frasier story, great a wake up, maybe it is, but its grey, I can’t tell for sure, but I err on safety because I respect the honesty of views displayed here. Wiki this guy, if he’s genuine, is the most naive specimen ever, I could trash him endlessly and anyone else, because we are all flawed, if your not, you must be a opposite and equal reaction that can not be perceived. Hands up anyone not flawed. The question with Malcolm(notice the capital convention), is did, he really wake up a bit or elite bagman. Mary is a good storyteller and wants to use this art for good. Consciously, and unconsciously to my yardstick and I place her firmly in the good.
      I only have my sensitivity as a guide, and its saying that, I am not equal to it. And in storytelling I am not. Mary is not the only one here, and definitely out there, we all do it to varying degrees, aware, unaware.I think the good in this room far out weighs our collective foibles. I’m miffed at Mary because because she could not be straight with me or even bother to explain her issue. I have a lot of respect for Mary, still do, but it kinda felt like my early years. I’m way matured now and have operated in a vast range of communities. I even lived in a tent for 6 months on a beach at 17 just to get away. It was fantastic, brings nature close, the comforts forgotten, as long as the weather is temperate.
      Law is not an art. Law is a big problem for non rareified air breathers and everyone else. Of course there is a place for law, but only at people to people levels to help point out the equal. I think some here may have taken exception to this view, can not tell for sure. Extreme law, welding a gods hand, is perverse, I can not believe anyone wants it. Never been out of style in America except a year or two. The good king/queen/people, is far superior, but still ugly and where you going to find a good one. The bad king/queen/people, still better than the sham monarchs as there is now and say “the us constitution”. If you swear allegiance to it except under duress and take any of it onboard, you have self separated, which is your choice to make. Given the wording, anyone else is a trade enemy, therefore enemy. It explains a lot of things here usa , has done does, I don’t see the collective usa as a friend. The constitution here gives me no remedy same as usa gives me no standing, it just enables. It helps to be at the sharp end, though rare air breathers have mechanisms to jolt too. The law requires allegiance,
      the higher the more, all kinda accolades. Good money 600 and hour just for a runabout, just to say folio. The thesbian actor ones at the top, I have know idea what kinda money that they get or even what they do or say, PR only, as pre3scribed by law. They are only glimpsed through grey high end gossip They must be cracking through the folios.
      Americans would be enemy combatants, if we had the same constitution. If it wasn’t you it would be some one else. So when you say how how bad something is, its as simple as that. I was hoping for a coober pedy story, what nothing, all good? I don’t buy it. You might genuinely. I have to assume that though. If i was a troll on the Indian story, I’d go yaddayadda, same here bro, o and dry rot can appear to be white-ant. The repeated Indian type stories do have jolt potential, I would use it at this site too, I use it outside here, lame as it is. You surely can’t think the laws and the way they are going are going to get anyone out but timothy learies types and the occasional bone for the crowd. A genuine bone hound, is a valid reaction and admirable action, the secret society of law would watch them for sure, “what you can’t prove that”. No I can not, for myself I don’t need to. Well be a bone hound then, to risky, I might like the air. The evidence is certainly there, full circle, no admissible evidence, shameful of you to ask. chching – I would need extra for indulgences.
      Thanku, I am vented.

      • Yair, right, Simon. Your “stream-of-consciousness” stuff may well have some conformity with contemporary opinions but I, for one, cannot reconcile them with the science of logic.

  5. Mary,

    Gumshoe will never be free of trolls and white-anters. They serve a valuable purpose in that they are a barometer for accuracy in target acquisition.

    How many trolls do you think cat videos or porn sites attract?

    But start waking people up and challenging the official narrative, expect plenty. You get the most flak when you are over the target.

    So, trolls welcome here! It confirms and reinforces our convictions.

    • [quote= Phil] So, trolls welcome here! It confirms and reinforces our convictions.[/quote]

      Quite so! If you can dismiss what might be an argument or criticism with a label like “troll” or “deplorable” etc. then your ideological convictions are presumed to be validated without requiring any reasonable justification. Everything is presumed to be just a matter of political to-and-fro of opinions without any basis in immutable principles of nature and purpose.

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