by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Something that is frightening these days, perhaps especially to oldies, is the loss of celebration of truth. It used to be a biggie. In fact, it was a biggie when the Bible was being written.
Consider Ephesians 4:25 (New Testament):
“Wherefore put away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”
or Psalm 85:11 (Old Testament):
“Truth shall spring forth from the earth.”
There is no question that the Internet has made it possible for millions of people to get clued in about lies that are being told. Most people outside America think that 9-11 was an inside job, and within America the percentage of skeptics of the official story has probably passed 51%.
Still, many people upon hearing the truth seem to block it out. And the mainstream media is shameless when it comes to repeating “facts” that are not facts. Thus we end up with a divided population. The two sides do not debate each other, but joke among themselves about the foolishness of the other group.
I sense that there is no end in sight as to “resolving” any of the big issues. Sadly, there’s little hope of a court adjudicating them. So in this series I will use other approaches to phrasing the issues in a way that could cultivate some unity.
Today I am going to ask folks to “tick the box” next to any item they agree with on the following list. Each statement says only what you would wish for and does not require knowing anything about particular controversies, much less “voting” on them. Here goes. Tick if you would wish for these things:
The I-Would-Wish List
- I would wish for national elections that are not rigged.
- I would wish that no one be allowed to put harmful material into the atmosphere without first getting our permission.
- I would wish that judgeships not be bought or sold.
- I would wish that no whistleblower ever gets bumped off.
- I would wish that no torture be used in any prison in our nation.
- I would wish that war not be considered until great measures of diplomacy be undertaken.
- I would wish that no educators ever try to dumb-down the population.
- I would wish that natural resources not be so depleted as to deprive future generations of them.
- I would wish that no genetic modification of seeds take place without our first finding out what experienced farmers think about this. (GMO foods)
- I would wish that the law remain our friend and not be weaponized to hurt people.
- I would wish that candidates for office be required to say if they are, or are not, members of any Secret Society.
- I would wish that no child be sexually abused or trafficked.
- I would wish that no government be allowed to blow up a building before the people in it have a chance to escape.
- I would wish for a culture in which the family is not denigrated.
- I would wish that our nation continue to be governed by rule of law, and not give way to rule by power.
A Second Round of Ticking
Of course, I expect everyone to tick all 15, or nearly all 15, boxes. We all would wish for those things.
Then I’d ask the person to mark “the second set of boxes” (the boxes are imaginary; I lack the skill to produce them). Here they should give a tick if they think the described item has ever occurred.
So one would tick #3 if one believes that someone, somewhere bought a judgeship. (As in “How much is that bench going for this year?”)
One would tick #11 if they think some politicians are members of a secret society. (As in Yale’s Order of Skull and Bones whose two members, John Kerry and George W Bush, presented Americans with a choice in the 2004 elections: Take one or the other.) To be picky, the person could say that the question only asks if one would like politicians to be required to ‘fess up; it does not say that this has ever happened. So, if they think it never happened, they would not tick the second “box,” OK?
In the question about governments blowing up buildings, was I necessarily referring to the World Trade Center in 2001? No, I could have been thinking of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1996. Or both. A person should leave #13’s second box unticked if he/she is satisfied that Muslim hijackers did 9-11 and Timothy McVeigh did OKC.
Trickery at the Ranch
Now recall that I am innocently, sincerely trying to find a way for us to get over being divided. It is my theory that most of the people who laugh at, or snarl at, conspiracy theories are frightened. They do know that bad things are happening. They have heard that children are being sexually abused (17,000 of them said so to Australia’s Royal Commission.) They do know, or have vaguely heard, that GMO foods are taking over a lot of farmland.
They wish this were not the case — as indicated by the first round of box-ticking. Similar to the conspiracy theorists, the anti-conspiracy theorists are distressed by what is happening. But they are revulsed at the thought of blaming the authorities. Even in such a simple example as #1 “I would wish for national elections that are not rigged,” they go ballistic if someone says the 2020 election was rigged.
I admit I am being tricky — trying to get a non-conspiracy theorist to commit to the first set of boxes, thus revealing that we all stand on the same preferences. Yes, trickery is my game today as I have been unable to think of other ways to get through to persons whose fears have tipped them over into irrationality.
Worrying about Christmas Dinner
Consider this: one of people’s undefined fears today is the loss of family unity over the vaccination mandates. Who could not feel distressed when one sees memos going around on “How To Deal at the Christmas Table with Your In-Laws Who Reject Vaccination?”
Surely there was never a Christmas before, over which such issues of family agreement were aired. (They say father and son had to fight against each other in the Civil War — I don’t mean it has reached anything like that kind of violence. Still, it’s a felt tragedy for a mother whose kids have become wary of her….)
In Boston, I’ve been invited to a Thanksgiving “alternative turkey fest” this week for persons whose family would be made uncomfortable by, say, mask-demeanors, at the table. The invitees are almost surely sad that their relatives won’t listen to them. They sense that they are being categorized as whacky, or worse: “the source of the trouble.”
Again, I speculate that this is a function of fear. Our gang at Gumshoe News, Melbourne, has been sounding the warning since March 2020 against deceptive laws regarding Covid (and all its works and all its pomps). Do we regret it? Hell, no — we are plagued with guilt at not having come on stronger with our warnings!
So how could we have done better? Maybe by trying to address the fear angle. Anyway, this Part 1 of a series on Truth and Fear is a gentle effort to gain some ground with “the opposition.” For us compatriots to be driven into opposing camps is wicked and stupid.
Ah, I just googled for “Thesaurus, stupid” to try to get a better word. I see that Roget has been taken over by Never mind. Collins Dictionary offers these synonyms for “stupidity, the noun,” divided into three categories:
— In the sense of foolishness (example: the foolishness of dangerously squabbling politicians). Synonyms: stupidity, irresponsibility, recklessness, idiocy, weakness, absurdity, silliness, inanity, folly, bêtise (rare).
— In the sense of idiocy (example: the idiocy of subsidies for activities which damage the environment). Synonyms: insanity, lunacy, tomfoolery, inanity, imbecility, senselessness, abject stupidity, asininity.
— In the sense of daftness (no example was given by Collins, so I offer “the daftness of us having Christmas family break-ups that are based on fear”). Synonyms: nonsense, madness, craziness, tomfoolery, malarkey, fatuity, dottiness (slang, British), witlessness, brainlessness.
Come on, Everybody, don’t be dotty.
Tha above article was penned before I saw the June Mills video. It is the best political statement I have ever seen. Why? Because she is angry and does not soften her angry words.
I repeat my Comment from the other day (under the “Holofernes” article): The dragging of any Australian from his or her home (even without forcible injection) is a crime. THE FACT THAT IT IS BEING COMMITTED BY SOLDIERS OR COPS, AND IS UNDER AN OFFICIAL ORDER, doe not decriminalize it. If anything, it doubles the crime.
(To clarify: a cop may drag someone from home and put shackles on him, etc, if that person is being arrested as a criminal, not for quarantine. For quarantine he can be told to stay in his own home. This concentration camp fandangle is outrageous.)
I hope Ms Mills of the NT will seek a restraining order from the court. Don’t worry that courts are closed on weekends — no court is ever closed. They have emergency numbers. They MUST respond to a person with an emergency plea for protection. Ms Mils says she is petrified. What more do you want?
Again I say, please don’t diminsh this horrible crime by saying it is a human rights issue or an indigenous issue. No. I think it is even too distracting to treat it as genocide. It is what it is, kidnapping and assault. PERHAPS IT IS also TREASON AND TERRORISM, but again that is hard for people to focus on. Anyone can focus on kidnap.
This activity in remote communities — or in the heart of Sydney — must stop. It is your, your, your duty to stop it. Express your anger. Don’t let soldiers (aussi or indonesian visitors) do it.
It is inexcusable. It is compeletely unacceptable. Ms Mills is right to say the pretext given for it is bullshit. Don’t be fooled by words, e.g. “for our health.”
We are a community. We help one another. The NT folks deserve our help and our urgent attention. They are being picked on. None of us would be able to stand up alone against an armed soldier (or 2 or 14), would we?
Use the law. Also, plead with the soldiers to not follow illegal orders. If they do so, THEY are to blame — in this case for kidnap.
What’s-His-Face Gunner needs to be sectioned and put under guardianship, not allowed to “govern.” Think about it. From whence does he derive his power to kidnap?
From whence does Biden in US derive his power to mandate injections? From nowhere. He does not have any such power. We all know that. He needs to be stopped. I am in court trying to stop him. (First Circuit, Boston). I pled my case as a request for restraining order for myself personally, as that is the way to get “standing.” I think Ms Mills should try to get the injunction for herself, not for “Binjari peole” — as a way to get standing in the court. But I am not sure. Someone, please help her.
“she is angry and does not soften her angry words.”
My mind immediately goes to the best advice re dealing with errant children I ever came across, quote, “SOUNDING angry can be very effective, BEING angry is always disastrous.”
Ask anyone who’s had any physical-combat training/experience: Being systematic & dispassionate is critical;allowing one’s actions to be propelled by adrenaline is a BIG mistake.
As reactive anger and righteous anger are two completely different conditions they should really be identified accordingly
The dual meaning of “fear” and the multiple meanings of “love” can also be confusing and cause a significant amount of misunderstanding
Mary, Thankyou for this. It’s important though we all keep what’s happening here in perspective. Meaning: Appalling as things are, if it can happen here to this extent and so quickly, it can do so anywhere. In some cases it most surely is.
There’s another facet to all this which is important I think. Being the honorary Aussie you are (even if you’ve now defected), you’d no doubt be familiar with that old Aussie saying “She’ll be right mate!” Well that’s mos def out the window now. Then again, every Western country had I’m sure its own version of “she’ll be right mate!” Perhaps the Covid Thing has finally woken us up, shaken us out of our dangerous complacency and our even more dangerous compliance. I truly hope so. This is what these miscreants included in their calculus when they concocted this gambit from the off. This is what they expected if they hoped to succeed in pulling this heist off and make a clean getaway. We — all of us everywhere, Americans, Aussies, Kiwis, Canucks, Pommies, Krauts, Frogs, whoever — need to turn that complacency into righteous action and the ready compliance into steadfast rebellion. Some of us are, but we can always use more reinforcements.
And I’m not just ‘spruiking’ a return to the Old Normal. Let’s be honest, the “Old Normal” — the ‘ancien regime’ as historians refer to it — left a hell of a lot to be desired if we now allow ourselves some space and time to reflect on it. I’m talking about a whole new political, economic, and social paradigm, a civil construct or truly democratic design that does what it says on the box, maybe of the kind that has never before existed. We need to push back so far and so hard these misanthropes will think twice and then some before they ever try this on us ever again. If we don’t, a serfdom far worse than the original might conjure in our minds beckons. One where as Aldous Huxley defined it back in the day, we will learn to ‘love’ the servitude that comes with it!
One thing is for certain. We cannot let this be the time we finally learn—too late—that the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history. And the lesson must be a lasting one, if we don’t want the next generations having to face this sort of thing ever again. You know, history tripping over itself.
On that note, you might appreciate the following. I was at the Perth rally with my nearest n’ dearest last Saturday. One of them, my beautiful 10YO granddaughter asked me what it was all about? I said ‘sweetheart, we’re here to stand up to the bullies and call out the liars’. She got that! At this point it was all she needed to know! She doesn’t like bullies! Or liars! Full stop! It’s a day she’ll remember I expect.
Hope you’re as well as can be expected. 😎🙏👍❤️GM.
I think this is the same lady (but hesitant, as I goofed on the Tina Arena connection last week):
“most of the people who laugh at, or snarl at, conspiracy theories are frightened”
But so is everyone with half a lick of sense who ascribes to the same.
The issue, as I see it, is how you deal with said emotion
Because it isn’t, of itself, a problem – which is how the deniers act per suppressing it.
The balance of the population is made up of two groups:
1) Those who advertise it by getting demonstrably fizzed up/upset
2) Those who don’t repress, but don’t allow it to determine the way in which they respond to the Source either
I figure the ratios are probably roughly the same as those recorded re the Gideon’s army scenario
For those wanting to see an Elder with standing 5min in.Watch the whole thing if you can, it reminds me of journalism.
Her exhortation is excellent
But I can’t help but wonder: is the “awake” percentage of those being addressed any greater than that of the rest of the Country?
NB: She’s addressing the attacked not the attackers
21:25 of said link
June Mills is one of the Mills Sisters, four singing daughters of Cathy Mills, who I knew many decades ago.
I have asked June to join a Freedom Concert to inspire courage and committment to rescue the terrorised population of rural NT. I will add my Fender to their voices and muso friends.
No Fear, open your Bibles and read Psalm 91 you will be comforted and stronger than any of the so called authorities of the day. with love.
In this post-modern, secular world it is part of the ethical architecture that “truth” is relative, and many “truths” can co-exist on equal footing.
The problem with this is that the notion of truth and all secular ethics are built on the Judeo-Christian system of ethics which comes from God. In a properly secular, atheistic society, there should be no ethics. Why should there be any ethics if we all just came into existence by accident under Darwinian conditions? It should be a “dog-eat-dog” existence.
However, the reason why even secular, atheistic people BELIEVE we should be governed by notions of right or wrong, truth or falsehood, is that “God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.” (Romans 2:15.)
Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively new:
“There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other.” (National Jewish Information Service, 6412 W. Olympic Blvd. L.A. CA).
A trap the majority of our pastors fall into, as well.
Not disputing your comment just adding a principle:
You can tell kids anything and they will believe it.
The younger they are when they are told the longer time they have to reinforce it.
Well Rabbi Moshe needs to read the Book of Hebrews doesn’t he?
Orthodox Jews are loath to acknowledge that Christianity is a progression/fulfillment of what they themselves adhere to.
But the truth is progressively seeping out regardless:
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
John 8:33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”
The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.
Gabbi Choong–
Focus on Australia with Gabbi Choong (012)… Biggest protests in Australia and SunKidz SoulSchool
from 27 minutes–40 minutes very relevant
“don’t for one secondd think our guys were not mkiltr’d-you bet they were”
“you can’t hide the truth for ever”
“don’t for one second think our guys were not mkiltr’d-you bet they were”…Right on Diane!…and we will never forget that First nation’s people were/are still being neo- mk-naomi’d too….from the murderous and forked-tongued (Royal Society members) Cook and Banks’ smallpox-infected blanket ‘gifts’ in 1770…to the forced vaccinations in the NT in the 70s when 1 in 2 kids died after they were rounded up by the military in military vehicles….right through to the death-clot shots as we speak.
Thanks Diane – that was actually well worth listening to, even though sadly they fall into that common deadly trap of being brainwashed (MKUltrad) about the history of WWII.
It brought a few quotes to mind …
• “The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“
• […]
• “You can hide memories, but you can’t erase history.“
– Haruki Murakami in “Colourless Tsukuru Tazake”
• “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until […] only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.
• Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
– Sefton Delmer, Jewish British/Australian chief of ‘Black propaganda’
• “Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run.”
• “The truth is always stronger than the lie.”
• “We would never make propaganda so far from the truth.”
• “This is a struggle between light and dark, between truth and falsehood, between true humanity and inhuman barbarism.”
• “The truth cannot be stopped by lies or force. It will get through.”
• “a truth is no less valid because it is expressed daily.”
– Goebbels (various speeches)
I have my own saying …
• If it is not true then it is not history
• And if it is not history then it is a myth (i.e. bullshit)
[…] Source […]
Comment submitted to Natural News by mothman777 in response to the above article;
“………..Karl Marx published the following words that clearly echo those of the Zohar in Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung NZR, January 1849;
“The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust”.
Yet it seems that some writers and influencers are deliberately covering up the real truth, deliberately directing the attention of everyone well away from the real perpetrators, the controlling wealthy Jewish elite, who themselves are most surely acting only on the behalf of, and with the support of all those within their tribe who maintain the genocidal anti-Gentile death cult beliefs expounded in the Jewish scriptures as part of the tribal plan to secure world domination by the Jews over all others; this is the real ‘Great Reset’.
The words of Karl Marx are very clearly an exhortation to all Jews to fulfill the edicts of the Jewish scriptures to physically exterminate all Gentiles under the guise of instituting communism to ’emancipate’ the workers of the world, which is of course merely the political expression on the physical plane of Judaism. Marx of course stated that his financial system could never operate successfully except by the use of slavery, a statement which BLM members might be well-advised to question their Jewish leaders about, or maybe they are happy to continue as their slaves still.
If writers who clearly wish to appear like they are actually protesting about COVID being a bioweapon cannot then call it like it is and actually be forthright enough to name who is responsible, that being the parasitic Jewish death cult tribe, then they too are not merely naive as the facts are clearly all on the table, rather, they are instead actually very clearly complicit in the genocide by masking those responsible, by diverting attention away from them, and thus not enabling the real victims to direct their attentions appropriately, as those writers will merely have Gentiles blaming other Gentiles and ultimately far worse will follow, allowing the real culprits to continue as always, seemingly blameless in the controlled mass media that they own, and protected by the ever-recycled ritual Talmudic lie of the 6 million……….”
On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.
Summary: Secret Societies always have two types of truths, one for the masses and one reserved for the initiates.Is COVID meant to be read in Hebrew? Does it mean possession by an evil spirit?
If Covid-19 does exist it is covert and not overt amongst the many crowns in the Corona range.
COVID-19: “It means possession by an evil spirit,” Hebrew divoc/dybukk
19 stands for slaughter in the kabbalah.
On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.
How TV has embraced dybbuks, golems and other Jewish lore
By Esther D. Kustanowitz | May 21, 2021
From IMOParty facebook:
“Informed Medical Options Party – IMOP was live — in Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Yesterday at 1:32 PM ·
AN OPEN LETTER TO Annastacia Palaszczuk MP
My name is Silvia Mogorovich and I am the Federal Candidate for Leichhardt for the Informed Medical Options Party, and I am writing this letter to say SHAME ON YOU.
A group of 50 Cairns locals came down to the Smithfield Bypass Opening today and not only did you NOT front up, your team sent us on wild goose chases, set up decoy gazebos and did all you could to hide from your constituents. WE ARE QUEENSLANDERS TOO and this project was built thanks to our taxes. You were elected to represent ALL of us, but it is becoming increasingly clear that you and the other Labor MP’s do not want to listen to us!
We are not dangerous!
All we have are our voices and our signs, but you could not even drive past us, you could not acknowledge us. A small group of peaceful people wearing thongs! I don’t think you were scared of us, I think you were embarrassed. I think you were purposefully deceptive, and these are not qualities that I can accept in any leader, let alone our State Premier.
You also disrespected the Tjabukai and Yirrganydji people, the original people of this area. You invited them to do a Welcome to Country, a sacred and ancient ceremony, but we know that this was NOT out of respect, but for optics, as you did not wait to be Welcomed to Country, you cut the ribbon before it had even begun!
I am also calling out our local Labor MP’s Michael Healy MP and Craig Crawford, and your federal Candidate Elida Faith – Labor for Leichhardt for NOT representing their constituents. WE SAW YOU. We saw you turn your backs on the people you claim to represent, and we will not forget.
We waited patiently and peacefully for 2 hours while you evaded us, more concerned about cutting a ribbon than acknowledging us.
You can write your press releases, you can pressure businesses to discriminate, but you will NOT segregate our community. All you are doing is uniting and galvanising us.
You continue to show your true colours. And to be completely honest, I was not expecting anything more from you. You have failed as a leader, you do not represent Queenslanders, you have shown with your actions that you only support those who support you, and that is NOT a leader, that is a DICTATOR.
I call on you to resign immediately as you have failed to fulfil your duties. A major part of your role as Premier is to listen to, and represent ALL of us. Your words call us to unite, but your actions seek to divide.
SIGNED A disappointed and disillusioned Queenslander.”
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
John 8:33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”
The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.
How do you interpret the push for vaccination in Israel today?
Also, how do you interpret the top-notch power-wielding of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), which is about as Yankee-blood as you can get?
And, by the way, is anybody interested in helping June Mills?
NT aboriginies may have temporarily dodged at least one bullet because of publicity, they are well known globally and of interest so their plight has made it around the world. Meanwhile Solomon Islands citizens are burning government buildings, the lying MSM fake news narrative is that they are disenchanted with global alignments and distribution of income etc., funny they should choose to riot and burn everything now JUST ONE MONTH AFTER RECEIVING 100,000 BLOOD CLOTS INJECTIONS FROM AUSTRALIA WHO IS NOW SENDING IN THE ARMY !!! OK I’m calling the fake news out on this, their talking heads have nothing but shit coming out of their mouths. What a coincidence they are being coerced into the blood clots injections and start burning the city for some economic parity excuse at the same time. The thing about the fake news is not that it’s stupid, not that it’s corrupt, it’s that the blanket coverage is able to put about a total deception and they are so confident they think they can get away with it. Have a quick look:
Population is nearly 700,000 and Australia is providing a million doses of blood clots.
Absolutely disgusting. The islanders have made their own decision their health is fine without any experimental treatment. And now the government and Australian army collude to enforce, to back up the obviously corrupt government, if they were not corrupt nobody would be burning the PM’s house and government and police buildings. They are cooking up an anti-Chinese narrative because a Chinese building got burned. No mention at all of 1 million injections. Our fake MSM news is just sickening. How do these presenters, producers and managers live with themselves. Absolutely gutless. What’s wrong with you people ??? You are beyond fucked, you are absolute scum.
Solomons and Guadalupe citizens under attack from their own government
South Africa being done over with bogus variant story
Darwin first nations people being cleared
The propaganda machine grinds on 24/7 globally
Botswana concentration camps paid for by Biden 6 months ago
4 fully va666inated foreign nationals brought “variant omicron” into Botswana
The best help June Mills or anyone else could get re warding off the Attackers would be to have a careful read of Chapters 6 – 8 of the book of Judges because the overarching message is that a handful of dinki-di resisters is far more likely to succeed than a horde made up of those who’ve merely been guilt-tripped into showing up(always the bulk of any such group) and those who’re simply not 100% alert to the moment
How do you interpret the push for vaccination in Israel today?
God is still, very obviously, using said nation as a template for the rest of mankind
“And I saw, and behold the sinews, and the flesh came up upon them: and the skin was stretched out over them, but there was no spirit in them.”
EZEKIEL 37:8 (Douay-Rheims Bible – Catholic translation of the Latin Vulgate)
7:20 on this exposition:
Lady from Slovenia has revealed there are three types of vaccines (maybe more) placebo, mRNA , mRNA with poisons added. There are many good Jews opposed to Zionism, probably with ‘low social credit scores’. Doesn’t matter what colour, truth transcends all creeds and races. Recall a butcher/developer telling me, “I wouldn’t even pay my own mother, so why should I pay you?” In business they pay the bare minimum, for hard work, some don’t pay at all. The rot seems entrenched coming from ‘Dicken’s’ UK. Coming to Oz, the land of plenty in ’66, could never figure why people from Britain were all tenants over there? My father came here, because the communists confiscated his house. Even under communism, people had private property with land deeds. Under Crown and robber baron jackboots, the serfs are denied land and now worse.
Nothing new here, same order, that is why freemasonry is crown communist zionism.
Head orfice Melbourne, Dan just a player getting bags of silver, secret government that has always ruled entrenched.
“Spectacular court decision from Cole County, Missouri. The language and scope are what makes it so spectacular. The judge ruled that Covid restrictions and mandates violate the separation of powers and the equal protection of the law. The bureaucracy in question had no comment and Secretary of State has no plans to challenge the decision, so it stays, and it will surely influence other courts around the country ” Could possibly apply in Oz too if we can find judge with similar cojones…..
Great find, includes:
“A local health agency director is constitutionally prohibited from exercising discretion to issue generally applicable rules prohibiting or requiring certain conduct and disciplinary consequences for violations of the director’s unilaterally created rules. Yet, this has been happening across the state for over 18 months, thanks to unconstitutional language buried in state Regulations.”
Does Australia have constitutional provisions to prohibit dodgy laws being created, somehow I doubt it but in all probability we will follow the US anyway.
CDC Workers Find Mysterious Smallpox Vials in Pennsylvania Storage Freezer. (Conspiracy Cafe Blog) Kevin Woodman
Dust off Colin Powell, no need to thaw(never too soon with these Prince Philip types) and send him to UN to save us all, again.
Wakey up dumbos.
The next pandemic is here with the South African variant.
The scam has to be updated and we need a NEW VACCINE (BOOSTER) episode 2637 exposes the updated scam.
Please do not laugh, the globalist controllers with their traitorous politicians and mass media are fair dinkum in their continuing effort to murder you.
WAKE UP OR JUST LIE DOWN AND DIE. Fools will not be missed.
LEAKED document: CHINA unleashed COVID
Superhero Mum Creating Life-Saving Coronavirus Vaccine | This Morning
Whaaat , i thought the Turning test “concluded”. Keep up peeps
That’s the sum of it.
The unmasked unarmed and the masked loaded.
The Covid Orchestra, Board of Trustees: names and faces of those who are killing us for the first time hidden behind the familiar the front groups for these hidden people.
A big scandal erupted in Slovenia yesterday, and today all of Slovenia is talking about vaccinations. The head nurse of the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, who takes care of receiving the vials and manages everything, quit her job, went out in front of the cameras and took out the vials of vaccines. She showed people the codes on the bottles, each containing 1, 2 or 3 digits of the code, and then explained the meaning of those digits.
Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is the classic bottle of RNA. Number 3 is the RNA core that contains an oncology gene associated with an adenovirus that promotes cancer. For these bottles, the number 3 indicates that people who received them within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer. She says that she personally witnessed the injection of all politicians and tycoons, and they all received the number 1 injection. Take a look yourself if you speak Slovenian!
November 22, 2021 — Here is a fundamental collection of the many Federal crimes and US Constitution Amendments the Covid measures, the CDC, NIAID, the US “government,” and others have violated, spoken clearly and well by Dr. David Martin. This is the ammunition you use to load your truth gun.
Secured Services Co.’s Truth Compendium for Conscious Living, a tool you can use to wake up friends and family to the true ways of the world and the reality about Covid-19. And please do so before they make the mistake of being the guinea pigs for the “unproven,” “unapproved,” “untested,” “fast-tracked,” “warp speed” DNA-changing experimental gene therapy being called a “vaccine” for an unproven disease caused by a virus that has not been isolated or purified (proven to exist)
• Poll: Majority of US Wants to Invade China – Nathan Rich
He gets one major point hopelessly wrong (but then he is of the tribe after all). Nevertheless, another great video.
And Nathan has recently created his latest episode of his EPIC CHINA history playlist. Once again, he will not mention certain names connected with the British East India Company or the role of the Sassoon opium trading dynasty, but an episode in this terrific series which continues to provide historical context.
• Chinese History: 20,291 Opium Chests Destroyed (1839)
If the lie is large enough most people will belive is.
The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World
Secrets and lies.
Secret Covenants