Home Australia Tucker in Canberra on Assange and the Oz Media

Tucker in Canberra on Assange and the Oz Media


Note from DM

Tucker questions why Australia allowed a citizen who was never charged to rot in jail in rundown London.

The reason I’ve posted this video, is how an AAP media journalist asks the dumbest questions and makes the dumbest assumptions. (43.20) It exposes our brainwashed propagandized Media (“castrated robots”). Worth a watch.



  1. Oh well I will get to Tucker later.
    In the meantime our Pelicans paddling in Lake Burley Griffin should at least do their jobs and listen to the last 25 minutes of Mary’s situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
    And take NOTE of the JUDGE NAPOLITANO INTERVIEW (PM BETTER SEND MORE of OUR BASH-RANGERS, maybe Ned Kelly might do a better job behind the wheel than a pelican)

    For the poor normies best take note of Wilcox in the last minute….. your government will not be able to be able to provide a omelette for your children’s breakfast. (It’s their bird flu now, you know!)

    • a very good watch

      thanks very much Diane

      if comparison can be made to the global soap box given to J Assange v David Hicks.. ?

      one glorified, one demonised by msm – both a threat to usa? the world?

      assault on JA is an assault on journalism. whistle blowers – its a blatant threat

      but i do feel JA to be, perhaps an unwitting, gate keeper .. > mk ultra ! family )

      just part of the propaganda..

      otherwise this story would not be all over global media right now JA would be suicided long time ago and there would be no story.. and anything of relevance online would be equally disappeared

      thats just my unqualified gut feeling

    • Very dubious accounting me thinks by Adelaide Unveiled (with 281 subscribers)
      Tenuous connection re Julian as a member of the Hamilton-Byrne cult.
      Julian Assange: ‘We just kept moving’
      In further exclusive extracts from his unauthorised autobiography, Assange describes a childhood on the run, his memories of school and his experience in Wandsworth prison
      Friday 23 September 2011 08:15 BST
      “My mother changed her name. We worked out that Leif must have had contacts within the social security administration – that was how The Family is thought to have worked – so it seemed best to change the names that would be held inside the government computer system. But he was quite a gifted talker and would get friends to supply him with information about our whereabouts and he would always catch up. It was a private investigator who eventually came and told us about his close relationship with the Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult. We were living in Fern Tree Gully, and I was now 16 years old. We’d come to the end of the road. Also, I was feeling almost a man myself and was ready to front-up to him. Masculinity and its discontents could be addressed here, but let’s just say I knew I could waste him and he appeared to know it, too. He was lurking round the bounds of the house and I walked over and told him to fuck off. It was the first and the last time, and something in the way I said it ensured that we would never see him again”

  2. I expect every ‘journalist’ in Australia will watch that interview. Tucker’s remarks about Oz journalism are so ‘on target’ that it should make every one of the useless/corrupt/stupid Australian journalists squirm with self realization – he’s talking about ME!.

  3. When does a bird sing? – Q.

    Obviously, the answer would be, when it is free.

    So, which little birdy has recently been given his freedom?

    Imagine Carlson interviewing Assange in a completely open forum without any restrictions?

    Imagine how many fence sitters and still rudderless slightly awake folk, could benefit from the information coming out of that interview.

    Coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences?

    Trust the Plan – Q

  4. Debunking The Smear That Assange Recklessly Published Unredacted Documents
    h ttps://caityjohnstone.medium.com/debunking-the-smear-that-assange…
    Davis details how The Guardian, the New York Times, and Der Spiegel journalists were putting Assange under extreme pressure to go to press before Assange had finished redacting names from the documents. None of the outlets offered any resources or support to help redact them, and Assange had to pull an all-nighter himself and personally cleanse the logs of over 10,000 names before going live.

    WikiLeaks founder Assange ‘put lives at risk’ by disclosing names in …
    h ttps://www.computerweekly.com/news/252479067/WikiLeaks-founder…
    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange ‘put lives of US informants at risk’ by publishing unredacted documents, lawyers for the US argued at the first day of a week-long extradition hearing.

    WikiLeaks’ Redaction Process and the Unredacted Cables
    h ttps://assangedefense.org/hearing-coverage/wikileaks-redaction…
    The government alleges that Assange published recklessly, without regard for the informants and sources named in the documents. Key testimony. John Goetz on WikiLeaks’ “very rigorous redaction process” (day 7) Assange’s harm-minimization withheld 15,000 documents; Iraq War Logs: WikiLeaks redacted more than the U.S. gov’t

    Julian Assange put lives at risk by publishing secrets – US
    h ttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68361208
    21 February. Reuters. A supporter of Julian Assange outside court on Wednesday. Julian Assange “put lives at risk” by releasing classified US documents and should be extradited to face justice, a …

    Julian Assange held back 15,000 documents to prevent harm to US …
    h ttps://www.computerweekly.com/news/252489133/Julian-Assange-held…
    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held back 15,000 documents from publication at the request of the US government, a court heard today. John Goetz, senior editor of investigations at NDR in Germany …

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