Home Corona Turboprop Plane Crash Kills 8 Turbo Cancer Doctors

Turboprop Plane Crash Kills 8 Turbo Cancer Doctors

Plane crash in Brazil

Introduction by DM

8 doctors among 62 killed in Brazil’s horrifying plane crash (PBS)

“Arianne Risso worked every day to help her patients battle cancer. That made it all the more heart wrenching when her life — along with that of seven other doctors — ended abruptly after a plane tumbled from the sky in Brazil. She boarded the ill-fated flight Friday in the city of Cascavel, in Parana state, bound for Sao Paulo’s Guarulhos international airport. It crashed in the city of Vinhedo, and footage of the ATR 72 twin-engine turboprop plunging while in a flat spin horrified people across Brazil…. “They were people used to saving lives, and now they lost theirs in such tragic circumstances,” Parana Gov. Ratinho Júnior told journalists in Vinhedo on Friday,.”

On Whatreallyhappened.com:

“Eight out of the 68 people who died board the plane that mysteriously dropped out of the sky in Brazil last week were turbo cancer doctors who were traveling to a major vaccine conference to warn the public about a “bombshell” discovery they had just made. The doctors were reportedly aboard the ATR-72 turboprop plane that crashed in a residential area near Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Friday.

“They were cancer doctors en route to SBTMO 2024, a cancer and vaccine conference. They have been investigating the global surge in turbo cancers in the run-up to the plane crash. There were originally supposed to be 15 cancer doctors aboard the same flight, but seven of them changed their itineraries to take an earlier flight that same day. Those seven survived while the other eight perished along with everyone else on the flight.

“It apparently took a while to identify the name of the conference at which these cancer doctors were scheduled to attend. According to “Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives” (@dom_lucre) on X, the media “didn’t make it easy” to figure out where these cancer doctors were headed, which begs the question, why?”

The People’s Voice video:



  1. So many DEAD medical researchers, since covid invaded, trying to save lives.
    Do our politicians think we are ALL STUPID?

  2. This can only have been done as a warning otherwise why did they do it so conspicuously over the city and not over some mountain range.
    “Resistance is futile”.
    ALL OVER the Australian news yesterday, the schoolkids are giving up, they have no energy to study let alone resist, huge numbers are failing the education system as the drag queens and pronouns and other stoopid stuff invades. They are psychologically defeated before they even leave state custody ( skool ).
    Call the number on your screen if you feel depressed, to go on our database.
    If you don’t care, just keep using “paywave”.
    Or, have a listen to Whitney Webb a few minutes starting from 9:30

  3. I’m waiting for the ‘black box’ information. I want to know how an aircraft that is flying along normally goes into a ‘flat spin’. It just doesn’t happen, if you stall, the nose will drop (sometimes you’re inverted). Yes, you can spin around multiple times (done it), but the nose is down and you can fly out of it. – This seems like some gross mechanical issue like one engine going in reverse and the other full forward. In which case, chop the throttles and try and regain control. – Let’s see the black box info.

  4. Today’s edition of the Daily Rag – er – Mail, has some doctor blaming ultra – processed food as being the cause of the turbo cancer epidemic.

    However, many commentors on that site are not accepting that piece of BS.

    According to a YouTuber who also identifies as a Pilot, he outlines the flight of that aircraft prior to the ‘flatspin’ occurring, that shows the aircraft was climbing rapidly one minute, then rapidly descending another minute while changing heading several times – seems there was a battle for control of the airplane by those in charge of it, and for several minutes, prior to it crashing.

  5. Terrence, from what you have reported it seems the pilot was wrestling with those on the ground for control of his aircraft. We can guess who those on the ground were. Possibly CIA connections?

    • I’m not a pilot, Aussiemal. My accumulated knowledge of aircraft (another hobby) of all kinds, and how they fly, suggests to me, that foul play is involved in the downing of that aircraft.

      If the investigation team come up with a ‘damaged’ or somehow ‘disconnected’, Black Box, that was ‘inoperable’ at the time of crash, then that would then put the cause of a terminal ‘flat spin’ beyond becoming arrived at, especially as to the failing of ALL inbuilt safety measures within that aircraft, and in place to safeguard against what has obviously occurred, then only one conclusion as to the loss of so many lives, and a recent model of aircraft, fitted out with ALL up to date inbuilt safety measures, must surely have to be arrived at.

      This latest crash wouldn’t be the first time that the ‘indestructible’ Black Box’ has proven to be useless for evidentiary purposes.

  6. Another historic plane crash with repercussions💁 McKaine.
    For all those naysayers questioning executions.
    I have commented that McKaine and others was been dealt with.
    For only those who can DISCERN and face truth, try this, merely summarising what ‘we informed’ already know. EVER HEARD OF ‘Q’?
    Anyway I sent this link to another earlier and he messaged with the comment that he just wants proof. Sorry mate, have you listened to all of it?
    It is trite to suggest that if there has been one such execution, there is the precedent for others having been carried out.
    ‘At before itsnews.com – people powered news.
    START AT 1 30 minutes.

    In addition up to that timeline there is so much presidential history to demonstrate why the world is now in a mess. Pity that our MSM fake lying phoney globalist killers have not told us. JUST THINK OF HOW MANY HAVE BEEN KILLED BECAUSE OF THE MASS MEDUA LIARS🥲🥲🙈

    Oh well: “EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY’, even with a last meal of ice cream?⚖️⚖️💁🤪🤷‍♂️

    Someone might check, I have forgotten after 1am this morning – is it the 26th August for the dog day?
    Mary; you would be able to tell us with some music video?

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