Home World Politics Turkey’s Erdogan Playing the Geopolitical Chessgame

Turkey’s Erdogan Playing the Geopolitical Chessgame

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, current President of Turkey.

[Editor’s note: Much of this from G5 is in ‘shorthand’ and took me a bit of additional research to gain context. We place it here for the record — unchanged as sent.]

by G5

There have been several attempts; particularly since 2014, to push the US into a direct hot war. Initially with Russia. Then with China. A scenario for the benefit of many. Except those of the millions of fodder; who are devastated, injured, and die.

During The Clinton Era; The Kursk Incident; being rammed by The USS Toledo and The USS Memphis in The Russian Barents Sea; had the de Jure US President overrule the de Facto and a rogue USN element; to agree to a coordinated statement for populist consumption. When the realities of that Unprovoked Act of War were made clear.

A subsequent attempt to demonstrate a non-existent Stealth Technology by the US, in The USS Virginia Incident; again saw the US in need of counseling. Further confirmed in The USS San Jacinto Incident.

During the Obama Era; the absurdity of the US attempt to annex Crimea to the US Proxy Occupation of Ukraine; saw a response that only left Obama with the ridiculous pout and foot stomp of a meaningless sanctions serenade.

Globalist puppet Obama delivering the US with one more War of Attrition in Ukraine.

The geo-strategic logic was lost. Was the US to commence a war on Russia’s doorstep at US instigation? Beyond the winter; there were many lessons delivered by both Napoleon and Hitler. Was the lead comic of the White House Sitcom Era, gifted beyond that which was known?

Apart from the prior Murmansk and Hainan Island force downs, the KaL-007 Incident, the U2 and Satellite Affairs; the Obama attempted USN P8 Surveillance and attempted freighter rammings; to commandeer the regional sea lanes (which prior delivered Pearl Harbor) brought the Operational Pause of the Seventh Fleet.

It was hardly a secret that the US had no military might beyond the bluster.

Trump having effectively withdrawn the US from its many proxy fronts, and the Globalist Agenda in its final and very visible throes, with tutored unrest in many nations, backed on to a politicized pandemic; left Turkey to demise at its own hand.

Elevating the self-caused disaster of Turkey to become a leading focal point on the international totalitarian Globalist stage; but a dramatic failure none the less.

Turkey and Erdogan

Every nation currently eviscerating itself in the West; in the blame lateralizing agenda of that which the proponents have virtually no idea, lost in delusions of ideological stupidity; will eventually fail in the dawn of the Conservative Era.

Since Erdogan became President in that pivotal year on 28 August 2014; the spectre of the final breakdown of the Ottoman Empire has predictably loomed large. Islam, Israel, Armenia, and Russia, all having claim.

Erdogan has caused immediate enemies of; Russia, Syria, Kurdistan, and the US. While at the same time enhancing his personal claims in the massive corruptions, that he has instituted.

He holds over a hundred thousand political prisoners, while having caused the killing of many times that number.

Yet the narratives from Globalist Media remains mute. As it does on the realities of some three hundred thousand alleged as missing in Ukraine under the puppet Poroshenko.

Turkey is a member of NATO (The North Atlantic ‘Terrorist’ Organization) and hidden Proxy in many conflicts.

If the US became visibly active in support of Erdogan, it would face Kurdistan; a hidden US Proxy. Apart from condoning his actions. If it acted against Erdogan, it would theoretically face NATO; a theoretical US allied force.

The US correctly standing aside, allows Turkey to play in its own mire, as it has done for centuries.

The present complication involves The Erdogan Factor, which variably demands Turkey be left to a democratic solution — with his massive corruption to be internally determined.

Intel Intercepts have now further confirmed Humint [Human intelligence gathered from human sources] and Sigint [intelligence-gathering by interception of signals].

Erdogan speaking to his son continually refers in code to the cash funds he and his cohorts have defrauded from the Turkish Government. His son is part of the domestic and foreign equation.

When his political opponent Gulen realized the massive corruptions instituted by Erdogan, with the murders and mass gaolings; he went into exhile to Philadelphia. From there he managed to block the private funding that was being diverted by Erdogan.

In response in 2017, Erdogan denaturalized Gulan and declared him to be the leader of a terrorist organization.

It remains for Imamoglu leading a domestic democratic party, to remove Erdogan before Erdogan destroys Turkey for his personal interests, those of his cohorts, and his EU Globalist Handlers.

Turkey is an issue for increased proxy elements, if the light is not seen. Neither the US nor Russia can act openly at this time, with peoples being led by ideological insanities. A restructuring of Turkey would have a cost of over a million lives.

As Poroshenko cringe victimized himself and the Ukrainian People against Russia, Erdogan has played the same game.

He complained that Russia was overshooting Turkey from the Caspian Sea to Syria. Russia adjusted its flight paths. He had an SU shot down in agreed non-aggressive airspace. As with The Kursk Incident, Russia did not respond beyond the diplomatic.

He organized a religious psychopath Altintas to murder Russian Ambassador Karlov.  Both died and three others were injured in the events that transpired. Political Shooters never reach a trial. Even if they survive.

Erdogan blamed Gulen for the murder. And Russia stood aside as with The Kursk Incident. Silence is neither acquiescence, nor a sign of weakness. As with Ukraine; internal politically founded insanities should be addressed at the lower end of the spectrum, or millions will die.

But his greatest insane attempt at provocation would be his banning of the Russian Navy passing from the Black Sea. Needless to say, nothing eventuated, as The Turkish Military; with or without NATO in toe; determined it to be an unwise adventure to fire on The Russian Navy



  1. It’s all stabilised in Russia’s favour, they have Turkey in the pincers now that Trump has given them Syria. The Russians don’t have all that much, why upset them, they need a sea-road out to the Mediterranean, likewise the Baltic. Places like Turkey with all the ancient minorities hating each other, are probably better off de-federating before they are taken advantage of, as with Jugoslavia.
    Probably get more tourists too, look at Croatia, they are swamped.

  2. Erdogan has been caught with both hands in the Globalist cookie jar!

    What has occurred since Erdogan’s successful dictatorship take over of Turkey, and the Globalist path that Erdogan placed Turkey on as the major provider for all of Europe’s mass ‘immigrants’?

    The formation of the Visegrad Four,(Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia in 2015) plus the election of Donald J. Trump and the interruption of the human trafficking by the Italian foreign minister, Salvini.

    The Visegrad Four and Trump have reversed the direction of Turkey’s ascendancy, as it was deigned to be under the Globalists who wanted Europe flooded with non- Europeans to the point of destroying what was left of European culture.Through decades of Marxist programming that was designed to filter out the national culture of the various nations within the European Union, so as to break the resistance of the European individual to become more compliant to their own cultural destruction, which was to be brought about by Edrogan’s control of running unlimited numbers of non-European immigrants into Europe.

    And being paid billions of Euros to do so!

    bg has put what has occurred in a nutshell, but there is so much more to explore. One needs to understand the WHY Erdogan would do what he has done, not only to his own country, but to the Europe that is now just awakening from the fog that has shrouded them to the reality of what has been going on against them for decades.

    • Hi Nemesis, I approve of the comment, just want to correct the Visegrad Four – the last member is not Slovenia, but Slovakia. Slovenia was previously a part of Yugoslavia, Slovakia was the Eastern part of Czechoslovakia – now Czech Republic and Slovakia. Ivan

  3. Mention of Fethullah Gülen brings this to mind.

    Who is Graham Fuller? – James Corbett

    This links in with the recent article on Boston bombings via Graham Fuller’s association with [his son-in-law] Uncle Ruslan.

    At 3:41 “He [Graham Fuller] has been quoted as saying the policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against her adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Russians. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.”

    [re the latter connection – think Xinjiang – as well as Myanmar]

    Fuller’s association with [“CIA darling”] Fethullah Gülen is discussed at 4:00

    As James Corbett reports, Fuller is also connected with the Iran-contra-affair.

  4. “Political Shooters never reach a trial. Even if they survive.”

    Brings back memories of Port Arthur. The accused Martin Bryant was supposed to die by fire, as he was not armed, and the authorities knew that. They could not have him shot in cold blood with the MSM looking on. However the real killer, Benjamin Overbeeke, only survived a short time once his name was released over the internet. He suddenly had a fatal “accident”.

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