Home Australia Two Dees – Child Protection Racket Interview

Two Dees – Child Protection Racket Interview


I was interviewed by a wonderful and empathetic podcaster/youtuber “Be Free with Dee” (Duriye). We discussed my book and a few other topics. Her channel is worthy of support.



  1. The wokeness continues unabated.
    The Albanese Labor Government, with the help of the Greens, and Senators Pocock and Tyrell, has just voted down my proposed legislation to acknowledge the biological reality of men and women and protect the rights of both sexes.
    They did so without allowing any debate and without proper regard for normal parliamentary process.
    Shameful, but as I warned this morning, not unexpected.
    The Greens talk about hatred, but now, through their words today, their hatred of biological women is on display for all to see.
    And shame on the Labor Party, because it has become a party too afraid to allow debate or acknowledge reality. If you cannot acknowledge reality, how can you govern a country?
    Sex Discrimination Amendment (Acknowledging Biological Reality) Bill 2024
    Labor and Greens Prove They Don’t Want to Acknowledge Biological Reality or Protect Women’s Rights

    • That is about all we can expect from a bunch of criminal self-interested, so called, ‘parliamentarians’.

      Do you still believe that your vote still counts?

  2. Great interview pulling all the Gumshoe threads together, some of these traffickers may be hypnotised by experts but most probably hypnotised using scraps of paper with numbers printed on them

  3. 12th Sept’ at 6.24:
    Mike Rivero at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
    Posts Dee’s interview the subject of this article.
    Well Australia, the world is now learning of Australia’s CHILD PROTECTION RACKET.
    One day the ABC and SBS will know as well.
    Are our politicians, governments and Australians proud?
    What about you lot in the mass media?

    • OOPS 6.34🙀
      And how can any of our politicians be regarded with respect when criticising or visiting other countries. We cannot even protect our children and respect family, good mums and dads.
      You are a shameful disgusting lot.
      YOU LOT TO! Where are our bar associations and law societies?

  4. Today’s situation update with Mary under the Judy Byington promo report with T and two children that should fulfil Joe’s expectations of providing some timelines for important information that deserves abeyance.
    At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Start from the beginning and end at the end.
    The clone brigade is a DOLLY OF A SHOW.
    Otherwise, I could not give a stuff if no one bothers…I have fulfilled Joe’s requirement. The reference is on record.

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