by Dee McLachlan
For decades, many people and pilots have reported very quick and fast moving unidentified objects. In the past, the US government has officially called all these sightings a conspiracy. But now they have gone mainstream, disclosing a secret Pentagon project — the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) .
The New York Times broke the story, writing:
“Sightings of aircraft moving at high speeds with no visible signs of propulsion. Objects hovering over the sea without any apparent means of lift. Military operators exchanging nervous messages as they try to make sense of what they are recording…
“Between 2007 and 2012, the United States government spent $22 million of its annual $600 billion defense budget on the so-called Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. This is the first time the Government has admitted the existence of such operations. According to Pentagon spokesperson Laura Ochoa, the programs were terminated because “there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding.”
The NYT broke the story. This newspaper refused to debate the miraculous collapse of Building 7 — but is happy to disclose the Pentagon’s UFO project.
So Why This Story Now?
One obvious possibility is that President Trump is forcing some transparency. I was sent an email that said, “there is ‘sh*t storm’ in Washington DC over this” — and that “disclosure” is now US policy.
Several Gumshoe readers/contributors suspect this is only a teaser, and that we should expect much more to come. What is surprising is that the media are reporting it without fuss and fanfare.
UFOs have been investigated over the decades — and there were secret projects, like Project Blue Book, that were investigating sightings.

This Pentagon study was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, who has been interested in space phenomena for a long time. The Nevada Democrat was the Senate majority leader at the time.
To quote Ralf Blumenthal on MSNBC (Independent):
“They have some material from these objects that is being studied, so that scientists can try to figure out what accounts for their amazing properties… It’s some sort of compound they [the DoD] do not recognise.”
Recently released footage…
“shows an encounter between an apparent object, roughly the size of a commercial plane, and two Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets, from the aircraft carrier Nimitz. Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight were on a routine training mission 100 miles out into the Pacific when they were asked to investigate the object.
“…the object was about 40ft long, had no plumes, wings or rotors, and outpaced their F-18s. It was big enough to churn the sea 50ft below it [Commander David Fravor said]”
Pentagon spokesperson Laura Ochoa said,
“The AATIP ended in the 2012 timeframe… It was determined that there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding and it was in the best interest of the DoD to make a change…”
Really? The Pentagon will throw money at anything that might provide a technical or military advantage. They have a budget of $600 Billion. Would they not be interested in something that outpaced their F-18s?
A final thought. Are they preparing us for an alien false flag event?
Alien False Flag
A false flag alien invasion would be the perfect event to bring humanity under a one world government — for their protection. I’ll quote Carol Rosin. She worked with Dr Wernher Von Braun (the aerospace engineer, and space architect) in 1974. Rosin said Von Braun told her,
“First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy… then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow… then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern… The next enemy was asteroids…
“And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card… the last card is the alien card. ‘And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.”
I’m with Wernher von Braun.
The is a huge tppic for those interested to research the last 70 years that a few of us have been watching …….. and waiting! So it is just too much to comment upon here.
Seems that waiting may be rewarded. But Trump might not let it pan out as devised?
Another sooth sayer to note on the alien false flag is baptist pastor Lyndsey Williams.
He has not been around for a couple of years. I think he was one who has forecast ‘project blue beam’ which will be a real hoot if they try it.
One has to be very amused!
And by the way, a message to all those miserable naysayers, villifiers, stupid, the gullible and the ignorant.
Get a napkin, wipe the egg from your miserable faces and spit out the poor crow’s feathers.
Get ready for the next reality show like 911.
Now I feel a lot better.
Merry Christmas.
“Really? The Pentagon will throw money at anything that might provide a technical or military advantage. They have a budget of $600 Billion. Would they not be interested in something that outpaced their F-18s?”
Of course they are VERY interested in a technical or military advantage.
From the information I’ve read, solid state electronics (transistor) was back-engineered from the Roswell crash. The stories about ‘Area 51’ and the unusual sightings have been around for years. Then there is the ‘Secret Space Program’ information that has been leaking out.
I don’t know what to think about it at this point. The way the MSM is now discussing the issue is extraordinary compared to the cover-up over the years. There has been a considerable effort by numerous people to get ‘disclosure’ over the years, Dr. Steven Greer’s ‘Disclosure Project’ being one of them. Why now in such a matter-of-fact manner by the controlled media? I don’t trust the MSM, what is going on?
If there is a ‘sh!t storm’ in Washington over this disclosure, who are the actors that are causing the conflict? Maybe it is those involved with all the ‘black budget’ research, or the ‘Secret Space Program’, or could it be the Zionists?
It is going to be difficult to keep pushing the ‘chosen people’ nonsense when people realize that there are other civilizations that have such incredible abilities. ‘The Promised Land’?? oh, come on…
I await for the next installment in this new paradigm.
Leviticus 20:24
But I said to you, “You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey.” I am the Lord your God, who has set you apart from the nations.
Amos 3:14
“Certainly when I punish Israel for their covenant transgressions, I will destroy Bethel’s altars.”
Take-a you pick.
What I have trouble comprehending is how many athiests suport/believe “the chosen’ nonsense.
Ahh, the grand buffet that is religion.
Speaking of milk and honey (… and wine)
The stream of wine, the sparkling rills
That run with milk, and honey-dew
That from the hollow trunk distils;
And I may sing thy consort's crown,
New set in heaven, and Pentheus' hall
With ruthless ruin thundering down,
And proud Lycurgus' funeral.
Thou turn'st the rivers, thou the sea;
Thou, on far summits, moist with wine,
Thy Bacchants' tresses harmlessly
Dost knot with living serpent-twine.
Thou, when the giants, threatening wrack,
Were clambering up Jove's citadel,
Didst hurl o'erweening Rhoetus back,
In tooth and claw a lion fell.
Ode to Bacchus (2.19), Quintus Horatius Flaccus [Horace] (65–8 BCE)
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Camping
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. As they lay down for the night, the fire dwindling nearby, Holmes said: “Watson, look up and tell me what you see”.
Watson said “I see a fantastic panorama of countless of stars”.
Holmes: “And what does that tell you?”
Watson: “Astronomically, it suggests to me that if there are billions of other galaxies that have roughly similar stellar population densities as represented by my view, that, potentially, trillions of planets may be associated with such a galactic and, therefore, stellar population. Allowing for similar chemical distribution throughout the cosmos it may be reasonably implied that life-and possibly intelligent life-may well fill the universe.
Also, being a believer, theologically, it tells me that the vastness of space may be yet another suggestion of the greatness of God and that we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, the blackness of the sky and the crispness of the stellar images tells me that there is low humidity and stable air and therefore we are most likely to enjoy a beautiful day tomorrow.
Why? – What does it tell you, Mr. Holmes?”
Holmes: “Someone stole our tent”.
I agree with Watson when he says there is quite a good possibility we are not alone.
however, what sort of intelligent life would even bother with idiots like us humans?
are there really lizard people walking among us? are they really in cahoots with our government – or those that control our government, in order to enslave us? why would they need our governments co operation? why not just enslave us? if they can travel here, from galaxies far away, taking over the earth should be a breeze.
If it was the desire of these extra terrestrials to reveal themselves, im sure they could just do it..
if the government wants us to believe, they have been tracking some sort of alien activity, on our behalf, if they want us to believe, that they believe there really are visitors from outer space – and that we need to unite under a world government in order to defeat them..
id just say, if any aliens are coming here with bad intentions, then their technology far exceeds ours, and we would have absolutely no defence against anything they wanted to do to us, and they would have done it by now. Or if they were the benevolent sort, then they would have fixed all our problems by now.
if the government is telling us now, that there are aliens planning an all out invasion, Im likely to believe the government just wants to steal our tent!
Problem with Human Invasions:
It’s not a matter of choosing between Leviticus 20(a particular covenant relating to temporal circumstances circa 1445 BC) and a prophecy put together around 750 BC:
It’s a matter of understanding that the Country currently called “Israel” is a counterfeit of the original:
Yes , the greater majority of Jews are really good honest peace loving people . They respect all races and religions for our diverse but common faith in One Heavenly Father who creates everything .
But just as we are led by psychophats , hell bent on destruction , so are all other races .
The enemy is not humanity , but only a very small number who have sold out to the evil lies and deceptions . Unfortunately these fallen ones are ruling everywhere today .
No matter what colour we are all brothers and sisters . Peace and “love God and everyone with all your heart and soul .”
It was meant to be a distraction from oppressive Trump tax cuts, stock-market highs, unemployment lows, swamp-draining and general MAGA. However this whole “disclosure” movement smells of psy-op.
There is other weird stuff in the “UFO” space. There’s chem-trails and trumpet noises coming out of the sky. Independent research found “inter-dimensional’ events at Skinwalker Ranch US.There’s the weird rituals disguised as experiments at CERN (with Shiva the World Destroyer as mascot) which even Steven Hawking admits might destroy the universe. And then there’s the Vatican’s astro-telescope named “Lucifer” (yes Lucifer) at Mount Graham AZ, where the Appaches say there is an ancient cross-dimensional “star-gate”.
And notice that “Ancient-Alien” and “Panspermia” memes are completely replacing evolution in popular culture (multiple NatGeo programs- Prometheus movie).
The NWO psychopaths are clearly buttering us up for a “Project Blue Beam” type event whereby super-intelligent aliens arrive here and demand a world government and world religion (already planned by the UN). But in truth these “UFO”s are not little green men from other planets but supernatural entities from other dimensions. They were described in Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch as the Nephilim. They created giants and other genetic freaks by copulating with human women, who God intended to wipe out with Noah’s flood.
Some speculate that Satan is using the NWO psychopaths to empower these supernatural entities disguised as aliens and to ultimately bring the Anti-Christ to power as described in the Book of Revelation. Makes more sense to me than the bullshit we get from MSM.
And apparently they are back.
Why do you think Antarctica was such a big tourist destination for heads of ClA, Vatican, head of Russian Orthodox church, hell even John Kerry went there.
To give a 20min speech.
We are probably at best, even with the tinfoil redlining, knowing about 20% of what is really going on and we can’t prove a thing.
If my memory serves me correctly, I do believe there is a quatrain in Nostradamus predictions, making a similar prediction. I find it odd, that such a prediction made years ago should all of a sudden coincide with events which are unfolding right in front of our eyes. Apparently we are in for much tribulations and many more LIES which will send us down the road to more bloodshed and destruction with the false messiah being proclaimed and his right hand man, an alien ???? W.T.F.
yes beware the false rapture.
War of Worlds.
H G Wells.
And the fallout.
Beta test.
Have a good Xmas everyone…
They do throw this crap around around as a distraction from time to time. Hard to tell these days which distraction it is.
Latest off MSM –
Are we the only living planet in the infinite universe ?
Another reporter, Jon Rappoport has the same question – why now? Good article…
Well if they’re planning an Operation Bluebeam-style false false flag, fake alien invasion, I hope it’s a professional job. Hell, they’ve nicked $21++ trillion, so they can afford to make a good job of it.
Get the popcorn and expect our blue-pilled neighbours to totally be freaked out.
Could the timing have anything to do with Trump’s recent Exec Order from a couple of days ago??
“Serious human rights abuses” = child sex trafficking and pedophilia?? Probably! Whose gone missing lately from corporate, media, politics? Spending more time with the family??
Sure beats MSM Bullshit.
Merry Christmas from The Donald.
My mind immediately goes to a certain “space alien” scenario that turned my life around 37 years ago.
It stands to reason that the more sophisticated bods driving the NWO would have had some sort of demonic visitation.
All I can say is, may the terror be sufficient to turn them from their folly.
C’mon, now you’ve got us really curious Berry.
Spill the beans about your space alien story.
At the time I’d been dabbling in various spiritual power games commonly known as “the occult”
I was alone bar the company of a very quiet well trained dog. Three figures in metalic type armour appeared. Somehow or other I knew that, for want of a better description, they’d come to wire up my brain/enslave my soul. I knew that they weren’t just a figment of some sort of dream/vision because the dog went BERSERK………..funny how animals can always sense a hostile presence.
It was a pivotal wake-up call: “If your sight is set on something other than creating a better world you’ll ultimately lose your autonomy”
Jon Rappoport has another good article on this issue. He brings up some good arguments of why we shouldn’t let the ‘Official’ story become the narrative.