by G5
Trump walked out of the London NATO 70th — as Putin walked out of the Brisbane G20. Neither had needs for where they were.
Trump is not a fan of NATO — the useless one trillion a year boy scout brigade. The agreement is that each member state pays in 2% of their GDP, and only the US does. But also under prior US Administrations, it became the norm that the US makes up the difference of what NATO postures it needs.
Remember now that the US officially feeds the Pentagon some seven hundred billion dollars a year (the corporate tax rate, about which I have previously written). And Russia has built the world’s strongest military machine on some ten percent of the US Appropriation.
Even allowing for the black hole, waste and Industrial Complex relationship, the Pentagon had ‘Lost’ some three trillion dollars, as advised by Rumsfeld, the day before 9/11.
The Pentagon having a unique accounting system whereby the initial appropriation is divided into different accounting sectors, where neither the personnel nor the computer systems talk to each other. The building section that was bombed on 9/11 housed the Office of Naval Intelligence, which had been tasked with attempting to trace the subdivided Pentagon Budgets.
Subsequent to that event, the Trump Administration attempted to rationalize the Pentagon Accounting System and audit it — for the first time in its history. The attempted audit failed.
Trump, needing the US Military as the US Foreign Self-Defence and Domestic Constitutional Defence Mechanisms, withdrew from an audit to a position of encouraging the Pentagon to mend its ways — which will never occur.
And apart from the leach that would occur into the Military-Industrial Complex — which is best left at this time. Apart from slowly cutting back on that drain. Gross Overpayments for Fit for Use and Planned Obsolescent, is not how that relationship should function. Albeit that US Military Junk is blackmailed off to sycophant nations for foreign income.
The money paid by the US into NATO was used for the massive fraud of military purchases within the EU. Not directly with US based entities. In an attempt to alleviate that situation, Trump advised the member states that the US would no longer hand over cash or credits to NATO, but would supply it with US manufactured materiel to the equivalent value.
Three of the ground force supplies of these shipments (2017-2018) were moved by NATO to caches in Ukraine. Apart from the Bucharest Agreement, and the fact that NATO was supposed to be disbanded with the Warsaw Pact Forces. Does NATO plan an invasion of Russia perhaps?
Back to reality: the true history of NATO is being kept tight in Intel reports, for the time being. It has behaved very badly in many engagements since its inception.
The three caches of US materiel that NATO moved to Ukraine were all destroyed by Russian missile strikes.
Russia dramatically understates its military assets, as the US dramatically overstates its (US) assets. It’s in the nature. Recall on the evening that Russia reabsorbed Crimea from the attempted Obama annexation (the Mackinder CFR Zbig Kagan Heartland Theory).
Guns were pointed, but not a shot was fired. US military and their Ukraine cohorts were variously arrested in their barracks, or told to pack off back to Ukraine. Did you wonder why no force opposed that action? Sanctions are political flatulence at the best. It’s the throwing of stones from outside the fence as they run away. Recall the last insult by the US, French and UK Navies, to their evictions form Syria by Russia. They parked off the coast of Syria and threw in a barrage of dud missiles to a brown nose salute from Syrian and Russian forces.
Russia moved 500,000 troops to the Belarus Border, 200,000 to the Russian Border, and the long road from Russia to Crimea was jammed. If there was any point from 1945 to the present that The Bear might have been stirred, that was it.
The US, NATO, and all the proxies in the region froze — it being a well-known standing joke that the life of NATO is about one hour, at Russia’s discretion. Russia has all its resources available and can use theatre missiles to march back to Berlin totally unchallenged. The US would never strike from the Mediterranean, and never from its domestic platforms. Its fortifications in Germany are no more than posture and useless.
Russia withdrew and left a demarcation through East and West Ukraine. The US was once again fighting a war of self-defeating attrition which it caused – a sinkhole of some five trillion dollars since the Tymoshenko era. For no real purpose.
Alleged national prestige, pretending to annoy Russia, allowing characters as the Bidens, the Kerrys and the Clintons to steal resources (prior as I detailed, the Rockefellers looted all the banks and moveable assets, flown by the USAF to their Fed Reserve of New York and their Chase Bank consortium), to allow Monsanto and Soros fronts to pretend they are growing crops, or for Democratic and Humanitarian reasons in the US’s lunchtime.
After the US regime change of the removal of the democratically elected Yanukovych and Turchynov, replaced by US Puppets Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, it was only a matter of time before the US Mafia Cartel were removed. Zelensky presented himself in a general election.
Poroshenko — seeing the hand of Russian and White Hat (Trump) US Intel all around, and being isolated by Trump in the WH, with no prospect of a further coup — donned his idiotic battle fatigues (like the true moron that he is) and postured yet another False Flag of the Russians are Coming.
The Kerch Strait Incident. No domestic Ukraine, US State Dept., Dem manipulations, or Soros or NATO proxy tractions. NATO was the prime genocidal arm of the alleged 2014 people’s revolution. NATO also being the genocidal activist in HRC’s Balkans Wars, blamed on the defending Serbs. Milosevich murdered as was Epstein. Recall the terminal mental case, HRC “Landing Under Fire”.
When Trump blocked the intervention of his remaining hawks — apart from the devastating USS Donald Cook, USS Virginia, USS Porter, and USS Ross Incidents — Porky started screeching that the NATO Navy would sail to the rescue of his ill-gotten political premiership.
Sure: The NATO rubber duckies were going to confront most of the within range and immediate Russian Navy, with most of the Russian Airforce and theatre missiles, on their doorstep. The second time since 2014, that NATO was facing rapid extinction, with NO ONE interested or able to save it.
Yatsenyuk had already run to Canada. Porky would remain as a poor dejected who did his best for his Ukraine. He is posted to also run to Canada. I am advised that Trump has refused him asylum.
“The Kerch Strait Incident. No domestic Ukraine, US State Dept., Dem manipulations, or Soros or NATO proxy tractions. NATO was the prime genocidal arm of the alleged 2014 people’s revolution. NATO also being the genocidal activist in HRC’s Balkans Wars, blamed on the defending Serbs. Milosevich murdered as was Epstein. Recall the terminal mental case, HRC ‘Landing Under Fire’.”
I’d like to hear more about that, but Gumshoe does not have the staff to cover it.
Why are the Balkan wars attributed to Hillary? I thought they were Bill’s and W’s. The death of Milosevic at The Hague tells you all you need to know about The Hague, dunn’t it?
Why are the Balkan wars attributed to Hillary?
Why Is the genocide in Myanmar attributed to Aung San Kyi .
“I stand before you to awaken the conscience of the world and arouse the voice of the international community,” Abubacarr Marie Tambadou, the Gambia’s attorney general and justice minister, said as he opened his country’s case against Myanmar at the international court of justice (ICJ) in The Hague. “In the words of Edmund Burke: ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
As Nicola Gobo said she was groomed for the role -early.
And notably, Milosevic was exonerated once the mission was accomplished and the narrative destined for the proverbial memory hole. So what was the W Clinton-led destruction of Yugoslavia all about them?
A few selected articles …
The Hague clears Slobodan Milosevic over Bosnia … by Alexander Mercouris (The Duran)
Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves on – by Neil Clark (RT Question More)
Why Slobodan Milošević Was Demonized By The West: Incredibly Accurate Predictions From 2001 (Russia Insider)
See the quoted tweet by “Quintus Curtius” – “We found out 20 years later that they were lying about Milosevic . They’re doing the same lying about Assad now.“
… so naturally they want to criminalise “anti-NATOism”
The beurocracy was in Belgrade. After 50 years of domination and privledge, the thought of losing that power was the main reason for tha party members spitting the dummy and forcing the army to murder its own citizens. Naturally, the federal army disintegrated and the conscripted soldiers fled back to regions of origin.
That red army was replaced by mercenaries loyal to Milosevic’s plan for Great Serbia.
The population of the Federal Republic was mainly rural, that is living in hamlets 5 to 10 k’s apart on average. What they did was bomb with artillery from a distance, if residents didn’t leave, then soldiers would come to rape pillage and murder those who hadn’t fled.
The irony being, when the six regions became independent nations, many in the new beurocracies were communists with their children who had been groomed for power.
(Communism is international infiltrating all nationalities) Like here the politicians come and go, every four years or so, but the deep state is entrenched and that is the main reason why these new countries are not doing well.
Many Serb communists emigrated here to be given security jobs due to crown loyalist connections. Their experience needed in a new era of wars, mass immigration and terrorism.
The Serbs were defending what? Sure they got bombed by NATO, but up till then there was no war in their state. At no time did the others attempt to invade Serbia, on the contrary, it was their mercenaries doing the raping and pillaging that goes with acquisition (Tuzla Srebenica).
Anyway, that was last century. Today we have black hand Serb paramilitary police parading Sydney Airport, with machine guns protecting us. Drive up to Edgecliff station from the Cross and you will see a red flag with yellow star on top of building, no Aussie flag visible. We have always been a colony of the crown and now we have been handed to CCP .
The communist party of Serbia were the defacto rulers of Yugoslavia.
The deep state hidden hand brotherhood of unity, for connected only.
The ordinary folks of Serbia and Britain nave nothing to do with their elites machinations.
Similar to our experience with chemtrails and fires, that have been burning continuously for over a hundred days here.
Very marked chemtrails over Adelaide yesterday I have been told. In a big X.
Have we convinced Mary on the element/chemical interaction trails. Adelaide has been a forerunner on the x for well over a decade. I’ve seen them everywhere even the middle areas of Oz.
Did you know Malcohm Turnbull is a weather changing fan. He used/may still have, unverified, controling share allocation in “rain machines” in the Hills.
Subject causes a lot of disconnect and can be moved into the planet x bin, but is with us daily now.
Chem trails in an x over Adelaide? X marks the spot. Five Adelaide men were charged with child exploitation material yesterday. One was from Somerton Park – that’s close to my former home in Edwardstown.
I’m also wanting more info on HRC’s involvement in the Balkan wars. Were they also recipients of the contaminated blood from the Arkansas blood scandal? I’m amazed that Japan, Canada and other recipients of that HIV, HEP B and HEP C laden blood haven’t created more of a fuss. It was all overseen by Bill Clinton. And we know who pulls his strings. Was it all organised by each country to ‘weed out’ the ‘weak’? Eugenics in a plasma pack. Curious that so many haemophiliacs were ‘eradicated’ through that system. That’s a genetic issue often associated with in breeding – a common activity amongst elites. They’re killing off some of their own.
G5 writes that : ‘ the Trump administration tried to rationalise the Pentagon Accounting System & audit it. The attempted audit failed ‘ .
Hmmm …. how convenient for Trump that the audit failed.
I mean, he’s ONLY the POTUS &, as the rule book says : ‘ Once an audit fails, for whatever reason , you can NEVER conduct another audit and / or fire (by executive order if need be) the entities that were allegedly impeding the process & hire GENUINE & COMMITTED people to see through the process to its final conclusion ‘ .
Now, I have written less than flattering comments about Trump before in GumShoe so many if you may have dismissed my rants as being due to Trump Derangement Syndrome or that I'm coming from the extreme-left , pinko , socialist/Marxist Hillary/Chuck Schumer/Adam Schiff worshipping groupies .
Nothing could be further from the truth. For the record , I’m a free market, small government anarcho-capitalist Libertarian ( who’s staunchly anti-crony capitalism ).
I was semi-euphoric when Trump won the 2016 election & I liked many of the things candidate Trump had to say . eg: that he’d talk to Putin & sort out their differences diplomatically , that he would withdraw US forces from these pointless wars , that he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary & the Clinton Foundation & (my favourite) that he’d re-investigate 9/11 & tell the ignorant masses who really did it ( to name just a few ).
But, he hasn't fulfilled ANY of his major pledges . NOT one .
It is obvious to me that Trump is following a script handed to him by his Zio-masters & it is abundantly clear that this script contains NOTHING about auditing the Pentagon Accounting System or anything else that would remotely lead to the unravelling of the Deep State.
G5 also speaks of ‘ white hat (Trump ) US intel all around ‘.
Isn’t that an oxymoron ? Either you’re white hat US intel or you’re affiliated with Trump .
Which is it ?
Anyway, one particular individual (refer below ) has a possible explanation for this .
Thanks pinko, how do you audit missing funds. Unsunsetting recently of the patriot act should be enough. Guess we watch it play out awhiles.
President Trump to Sign Executive Order Combating Anti-Semitism
“The new executive order will enshrine the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of anti-Semitism into Title VI, officials said.”
Just sharing this latest interview with the President Bashar al-Assad of Syria for ongoing general interest.
Around 11:00 – I wasn’t surprised to hear that the pope is fully on board with the “Assad must go” narrative – as soon as any terrorist stronghold is threatened (re Idlib), only THEN is it suddenly a humanitarian issue.
Rai news 24 Interview with President al-Assad – Syrianarabnewsagency
For historical reference, (if you can stomach the duplicity of Charlie Rose)
Assad Pre War interview 2006, consistent as ever – TyrannyUnmasked
Simon, I’m not an auditor so I’m not familiar with all the avenues available .
But, as a layman, I would suggest that you ‘ follow the money trail ‘ .
Step 1 : Ascertain the last verifiable places for the money .
Then, seeing as we live in the digital age & that the BULK of said missing trillions would have been transferred DIGITALLY ( as opposed to wads of cash in large money bags as per the 19th century ), determine which actual account it was transferred to.
One could THEN investigate what said recipient of the money did with it & determine WHO signed off each time ( assuming money was channelled thereafter DIGITALLY to 3rd & 4th party accounts ) .
Over & out from ….. ‘ pinko ‘ .
Sorry if that came across as against your contribution, whilst not a anti Trumpet, my main point really was:
If Trump was “as advertised” , he would have let the “patriot act” sunset. All he had to do was nothing or veto should another Ringo appear.
The “paperwork” for the missing dollars, destroyed apparently by really bad luck of the towers, 1 and two, building 7, and the surgical strike on the pentagon.
No worries Simon – no offence taken & I’m in total agreement with you as far as Trump being not as advertised for not allowing the sunsetting of the Patriot Act (among other things ) .
That said, my comments in GumShoe are opinions which may or may not be totally accurate (none of us are omniscient ) , so I welcome constructive criticism from the knowledgeable GumShoe readers so that productive debate can be fostered.