Home Law Unholy Alliance and Law Fare

Unholy Alliance and Law Fare


Comment by DM.

A fascinating account on Political Law Fare.

Dr. Jordan Peterson and Tammy Peterson sit down in-person with journalist and activist Tommy Robinson. They discuss why he was recently detained in Calgary, the lawfare being waged against him and the film he is attempting to screen, the story behind the film, why he became an activist, the brutality of the UK grooming gangs, and the cowardice of the government that is actively enabling it — plus the collaboration of the media to just report the “narrative”.



  1. Dee, regarding the Jan 6 release (which hasn’t actually happened yet) . It boils down to SCOTUS hving said that some of the inmates, who were charged under 18 USC 1512 with “obstructing a proceeding [of Congress]” should have their conviction overturned, as 1512 had been too widely interpreted.

    “Obstruction” made me think of Blackstone, so I searched Gumshoe for “Blackstone.” and up came a 2023 article aboout the unfair convictions of Jahar Tsarnaev and Russell Pridgeon.

    So I’d like to announce a fight (Friller in Manila) between section 1512 and 1519 of USCode 18. Section 1519 is pure Blackstone:

    “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States … or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

    Dee, in the Comments that day, you said you had filed a report with AFP regarding the hiding of evidence, by cops, in child abuse cases. Please now publish the reply the AFP (Australian Federal Police) sent you.

    If they did not replly, toss it into the bag for a Friller in Manila.

    • You don’t need to tune into “Q” to figure out that:

      Islam is an empire
      Empires, by definition, have an insatiable appetite for expansionism
      Empires, by definition, are diametrically opposed to nationhood

      You don’t need to tune into “Q” to know that:
      * citizen disarmament is the quickest & most effective way of destroying nationhood
      * the U. N.is an oxymoron(that when nations are united they cease to be nations)

      Whatever’s in plain view can hardly be attributed to some sort of secret society

      Great fun lots covered.
      Pick a candidate for president. Hilary was raised and Willie has a lot of fun with it and others. As for ‘it’; the old 75 year old or one of the new editions? He studies faces and has a file🍿
      The journos should take note, CNN ONLY SURVIVES WITH NARCO MONEY🙀😱🤪
      The whole thing is crazy and he opines it is being set up for a walkover by T.
      Much more, great entertainment.
      The economic stuff is trillions of joke, even he thinks the US will go BRICS with T.
      Love what he thinks of silver ~ 50 US …. All those solar panels I LOVE SUNSHINE AND GREENIES🤪🤪

        • About two months back I bought a hundred 1 oz Britannia ‘Charlies’ each averaging at $41-42.00, today they want $56.00. Had to swap some bars.
          But I do have a pair of 1946 threepence earrings. …… I am having trouble to grow the rats tail to match.
          (King Charles 111, I am speculating that he will not be around for long)

          • Going on some of the ‘hairdo’s’ I witness on an almost daily basis, a rats tail would hardly raise an eyebrow with me. 🙂

            I bought my coins at 47 dollars an ounce – come the stock market and Bank crash, I believe the sky is the limit for gold and silver.

            Once the old guard is gone, true prices for precious metals will become all too obvious.

            My own sources tell me that Chucky kicked the bucket some months ago – ‘they’ are apparently saving the ‘news’ until it suits their dark agenda.

    • The Supreme Court is guilty of betraying the United States Constitution since 1871, when the District of Columbia Act, was passed by President Grant.

      Yet, according to America Intelligence Media, the recent reversal of the Chevron Deference Act, a reversal that will not only benefit the U.S., but the entire planet, is somehow a treacherous act?

      If the headline fits the content, then there is not a lot of intelligence being demonstrated by the American Intelligence Media, or you, Sandra, for putting up what should be so obviously, a deep state attack.

        • That’s pretty interesting about the Treaty of Paris.
          Also they go as deep as the Rotschilds bringing over the mercenaries of Hesse ( 30,000 as I heard somewhere ) to fight against Washington’s rebels, and they say the British Royals own a large part of Jerusalem but they do not go as far as to say what I believe, the Rotschilds are messengers and the shareholders of the Rotschilds are the old royal houses of Europe especially the former German kingdoms now hiding behind the Unification of Germany and using their agents in other kingdoms especially Britain ie Windsors et al. If Mein Trumpf has enough hold over the US to get the vote, to get the “temporary residents” deregistered from voting, to get the “2000 mules” type of material on TV, to maintain control of the treasury and army, to defy the royals, in conjunction with Putin and others, it will be a marvel, but I think all the ancient prophesies are more pessimistic. My most probable guess is a half baked outcome equally disappointing to all sides, but we live in hope.

          • and more….

            Julian Assange-12:20
            Who’s really running Joe Biden?-10:40
            The centre of the web-The British Pilgrim Society

  2. The 1st 30 minutes of Tommy Robinson’s account alone is a perfect template of what happens when “peace” at all cost(reprobate government control)supersedes righteousness
    A genuine expose that doesn’t exactly bode with falling prey to more of the very same Islamist manipulation (the “evil Israel” “Redacted” routine)

    • ‘Tommy Robinson’ has been through a lot, and has personally lost much in his fight against the establishment.

      He is a true British Patriot.

    • Commenter berry,
      Holy Israel including prophesies are being used as a Trojan horse for Zion which is in essence a land grab by Europe, Holy Israel and Jerusalem is just a few historic sites and the hinterlands are subject to military expansion by Crusaders, who seem to want pretty much everything from the Nile all the way to Pyongyang. They use the prophesies as their playbook, it gives them authenticity and makes sense to them, especially if the Crusaders remain outside the fallout zone. I suggest you clearly differentiate Holy Israel from the military-political objectives, even though the ancient prophesies bundles it all together, there are different factions at play within Israel, some of which are driven by Satanists if not actual Satan.

      • My comment was purely in relation to how Islam has managed too get a significant foothold in the West
        But as I said on the previous page, the attack on Israel was obviously made possible by the very same sort of wheeling and dealing.
        Which obviously goes to being, in biblical lingo, spiritually dead, a condition symbolised by the“dry bones’ prophecy recorded in Ezekiel 37:

        As I’ve said before, I don’t share your “crusader” theory; the eastern half of the Roman Empire was overcome by the Ottoman Islamists in 1453, the control of the Levant remains central to the respective theology, and at this point in time no other religion is growing anywhere near as fast

        • The Ottomans were destroyed during ww1 – by the Crusaders.
          But don’t imagine I am supporting Islam, I’m neutral on it, some of them have legit grievances and why not, others are half asleep.

          • From10:51:
            “there are people in in very influential positions in the U.S State Department who are very loyal to Turkish regional ambitions in the Middle East for their own personal
            gain. This is a significant problem and we have, if you’ve tracked with FAI at all for the last number of years, We’ve been very critical of both the Obama administration and now the Trump administration for their empowering and their tolerance of Turkish expansionistic ambitions in the Middle East that for all intents and purposes is Jihad the United States turning a blind eye to this and allowing this is going to come at a very high price.
            So I hope, as we go through this, that whether or not you’re a believer, that as a global consciousness we start waking up to the reality that the future is going to be dealing,
            on a global stage, is going to be dealing with the rise of the Turkish Caliphate and that’s very bad news for the nations of the earth. As part of this is coming from a biblical standpoint there’s a degree of inevitability because biblical prophecy tells us that there will be a last days Confederacy, a last days Caliphate rising in the Middle East aimed at the eradication of the Jewish State.”

            “very bad news for the nations of the earth” – a warning that was contemporaneous to this alert:

            “Erdogan urges Biden to reverse calling mass killings of Armenians a genocide

            Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan urged U.S. President Joe Biden to swiftly reverse his declaration that the 1915 massacres of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide, an action he said was upsetting and diminished bilateral ties.”

          • The direction of the world has always made itself known in plain sight; looking toward encrypted codes & secret societies is just a distraction

        • E.B. I have no idea if you, in you knowledge of Islam, realize, that nearly 90% of Muslims are illiterate – they can’t even read the Quran – and just like the middle ages within Christendom, they are kept that way to keep them ignorant.

          But things are about to change, especially for the Muslim.

          • “just like the middle ages within Christendom, they are kept that way to keep them ignorant.”

            Difference being that the good news was kept under wraps like so within “Christendom”
            Whereas the bad news is kept under wraps within Islam

            Notwithstanding this phenomena:

  3. Having listened to most of the top video here’s my comment, on the Petersen’s daughter:
    ” … in August 2017, she made a radical change. She now eats nothing but beef—for all her meals. The only other additions are salt for seasoning, and water. On her official website, Peterson wrote: “I’ve been eating like this since December of 2017″.

    Well anyway, imagine the UK Crusaders declare jihad on various Muslim places, then import all the refugees to import carpets and carry dustbins, they are obviously expecting trouble, who is the real enemy here, clue, they are all inbred

      • No one ‘converts’ to Islam, rather, they submit – the meaning of the word Islam from direct Arabic translation is, submit.

        Inshallah – the will of Allah.

        The permissible practise of Taqqiya, and the threat of the conquering sword, has roped in millions over the centuries, for Islam.

        And we all know who the Father of Lies is.

  4. Anatomy of Money and the State
    Thoughts on Rothbard’s classic “What Has Government Done to Our Money?”
    JUL 10, 2024
    ” A couple of weeks ago, a slim brown paper-wrapped package arrived in my rural postbox. Clearly, a small paperback had been sent to me unsolicited by the Mises Institute. Title? “What Has Government Done to Our Money?” by the genius Austrian school economist Murray N. Rothbard. You can download a PDF of the book here, or merely fill out a form (Domestic US here, International here), and the Mises will ship you a free copy.”
    138 page PDF DOWNLOAD

  5. The new EU el Presidente, Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, paid a recent visit to Vladimir Putin – I wonder what was discussed?

    Too, why so many Evergreen ships losing control and smashing into things that bring them to a complete stop? Why is it, whenever that occurs, that the military are in position to board those ships to rescue the children imprisoned within them?

    Did you know that Hilary Clinton’s code name, was Evergreen?

    All that and more, over at Mary’s place. Mary is only too willing to provide you with even more info if you wish to tune in, at WTPN Situation Update, at beforeitsnews.com.

    Remember – ignorance is not bliss!

    • T.O.
      They just will not spend the time on the NOW!
      OH well, you have probably heard Mary’s latest situation update today at beforeitsnews.com that many are not able to consider and discern.
      Fear is crippling, but the title is “ …. Get ready for a bumpy ride……”
      Dear normies, at least listen from 50 mins to the end . There is stuff to consider re the sky event🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🙀🤪 plus harp running CLIMATE CHANGE. ( earlier) poor climate idiots, many are born each dsy.
      Interesting at about 58 mins Charlie is mentioned…. Now some might realise why put up about about 4,000 on some Charlies ( ref in reply to you up a bit) now they are about $5,500💁🤪 to buy. For my hundred🤪)
      Somewhere in the report is more on Orban, (Hungarian PM; for the uninformed useless) you may have missed…. He refers to the 2015-16 Soros publications to destroy Europe with migrants.
      Bit hard to deny when Soros stated his plans….. by corrupting EU politicians.
      Our poor dimwit uninformed Normies probably have no idea what our government will be following. The teal, the greenies and controlled ALBANEASIES will do the same. Now who controls our traitors💁🙀😱
      There is more fun from Mary from the start. But our household normies will not take the time to care for our future…… if form is any guide.
      WELL T.O, we just have to plod on for our kids and grandchildren, very few will, they are distracted.

      • I have noted that you must have listened to most at least. The Evergreen in the trapped in the Suez canal was probably missed by our home normies …. At the time I followed all of it, particularly the signal of the manourver tracked out by the ship before the ship entered the canal. Cannot demonstrate, MM WOULD BE Scandalised.🙀🙀🙀

        • Well the link is below.
          Who is going to watch it.
          Just for the record , who is going to state that they have listened to it all, for prosperity… for their grandchildren to know what their ancestors did to awaken the world to assist their futures.

          • I had a conversation with my wife yesterday while putting together another piece of rolling stock to accompany my ever expanding model railway empire.

            Her question to me, as I was fiddling with some very small parts that the eyes had difficulty in focusing on, was, “Why didn’t you become an engineer?”

            I somehow knew when Trump got elected what my role was going to be in the coming years, although, I didn’t think the battle would take as long as it has. I knew why my ‘education ‘ and position within the ‘university of life’, was for me to gain the knowledge I now possess as to the ways of this world. I became a jack of all trades, but master of none, so that the experience gained from all my previous occupations in life – I began my working life at age 12 as a paperboy – gained for me the information via much research and book reading, that is necessary in understanding what we now all face today.

            All of my five children have the information that I have, although, some are reluctant to believe the ‘old man’. But, at least I have been able to warn them all – and that counts as part of my being a jack of all trades knowing I have fulfilled some of role in life in this world.

            When I gave my wife that answer, not verbatim by the way, but close enough to what I have written here – she is now beginning to comprehend her own role in this so very necessary war.

            Those silver coins, a nice little earner there, Ned! Hang onto those ‘Charlies’ because their value will go through the roof!

            I have 190 one ounce silver coins put away for some time in the future

          • T.o. 🤪
            Ever changed the tyres ob a Marklin model steam engine?
            How about all the circuit for the lighting for the layout🙀🙈

          • Ned – you must run those loco’s often to be changing metal tyres?

            I can get by with simple circuitry. It gets way beyond my ability with multi-colored spaghetti going everywhere.

  6. Sandy Hook-Alex Jones and Jim Fetzer-exposing the judicial system with summary judgement fiasco-29:00.
    Patent corruption -Facebook infringed the Leader Technology Patent -Michael McKibben’s company leading to a loss of trillions of dollars.
    Admiralty law exposed.Pence and J6 and much more.

    For those interested in the ongoing control of America by the British Pilgrims Society.

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